Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 12, 1903, Image 8

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    J. E. YOUNG
ofScs n Wain strut, VTsst Mas
CorrAott Grovh, Ork.
Httorntv and Gounselor-ai'lato
rf lal stlsntlon tlttn to Ik Uw el Minn.
Flrtt National Hank Building.
Mtorneyat-Law o o o
i oar on Main ttrwt I
Cottaok Grovk, Orb.
Attorney nt Law,
.1. fl. JOHNSON tod F. .G EBV
trsslal kltcmion tmn io Minim, ivrrvnuw
and Mtreantlls Uw.
DOM om Oanaan A lltmtnwar'i Hoi.
mmrt mention paid to Mini nt BusIdms
Cottage Grove, Ork.
oo to.
For Fashionable Drtssmaling
main street
Cottaok Grovk, Ore.
Common Rough Lumber
Kspalrlnt at rKnibl f ort.
All wolk nimlHil llrst-elasa.
Tt'atcfcts.Cleeks and Jswstry at Utrit IHws
Malnitmt, l"tlirm.
KtiMtscc Tkont So. SM 0 Phon V.
Eji. lit, Rest ui Tlirtit i SpeciiltT.
OSes hours from 9 to 11 a m from t to 5 p ra.
Fandaj from liloSpse.
OBc In iiadsen liulldinf. Main ilml,
Kihkxi: Ohkcox.
Pt Eqa4pr! anar oOct la tk tai. San
Km bj mad mdn rrP altrt wwi.
C IcaU Bad ea era Sn4 B to ttlj
Teidi(dmB4s t& mt MluM atck
t4iclimlaMI. 1-ifm apfMnilen
The first National Bank j
OF 1
Cottage Grovk, Ork. i
Paid j j Capital, $25,000.00 j
Money to loan on approved security. ,
Exchanges toM, available anr lace1
n theUnited States i
Datwis Burrow,
HuiUTEtm, 1
Caitiff. '
New outfit and up-to-date meth-j
ds assaying, or complete analysis
of ores.
Clorinatioti, cyanide and working
tests made. All work done io du
plicate, and correct returns guar
anteed. Mail orders promptly at
tended to.
visit DR. JORDAN'S osht
la U Wcl4.
f- -itt mtnmittm, t CM C$z J
Ar4rCxlr MOssr.
1 ekMtwU7
VM. ivauW4N7Ma
cuu JDROJLi-rcmn oisusts
ftvm ih acta ti outkts.)
r., tat MtlM4siaiUtUC4U3
'V. 1
rM, f imi cn.l.f )-4)r. Ik IXi 4
rliwniwtd KU tr-l-. 1 lbA U k. kvr.
Mtjr ftlfiMil HuAJss.t .ttL kI MrKAMi t
Ml IM Writ ttMWsi 1 k SV lavlf aYa-J
i .."Villi iimninrmlntrirnis
WUI" - .ws-t4UYr. i
Hit NaT II Mb Italian ankk. a, 1
J U. Jtardaa'a .kui ' ,
f trcnvius iiftii.u.kmtT,(
f nH".as..KssJrcrajta
so. jexsit a oCvitii idk(eut.s.
Irson Drop Comp.ny tor rr
" 1 T
You will find every description and sixc and at
prices that will please and convince you of the
excellent values wc offer. Yc also entry a com-
plctc line ot new ana second nana
A new line of Graniteware and Tinware in
fact everything to be found in an up-to-date store.
Come in and sec the Palo Alto Metal Polish and
Oil Harness Dressing.
Una Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
June 4, IPCS.
Notice it hereby given that the fol
i i ...... . . i ..til.. )t.H flltsl notice ol
hU intention to makeflnalcammutatlon
proof in tupporl ol His ciaitu, mo inii
Mill proof will be nude before J. J.
Vlton, 17, 8. Oom'r, t Eugene, Ore
gon, on July 18, 1003. lit : George
Krotl. on hit II. E. No. 0.793for the
W . 8E V, S , SW V Sec 3S lwp. M
8Ri4 W.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove hit continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, vlt :
c..n..l l-f.nnmi (partes (OMlllMl.
ol Eugene, Oregon, A.S. Walker. Steve
Mareou, ol lrane.urrgon.
J. T. Briixies, Register.
The Benson Drug To. mrtkca n
specialty of filling prescriptions. It
Is no guess work with this house.
Every prescription tilled I Kimrnn
teed to be letter perfect Just as it
Is written. To Rive your doctor n
fnlr show nnd to Insure your siwdy
recovery. It is highly essential thnt
your prescription be properly com
pounded. Try Benson Drue I o.
The annual memotial services
will be held at the M. K. church on
Sunday Eve, June 14, 1903- Al1
members of the order are requested
to be present. The public ts cor
dially invited to attend. Address
will be delivered by Prof. Hawley
of Willamette University.
Bv Ordkr Ok Com.
We would like to nk, through the
columus of your paper. It there Is
nny erson who has used Green's
August Flower for the cure of Indl
Rostlon. Dysjviwla, nnd Liver
Troubles that hns not been cured
nnd we also menn their results, such
n sour stomach, fermentation ot
food, habitual costlveness, nervous
dyspepsia. Iiendachcs, despondent
feelliiRs, sleeplessness In fact, nny
trouble connectetl with the stomach
or liver? This medicine has Ik-oii
sold for many years tu nil civilised
couutries. and we wish to corre
spond with you nnd tend you one of
our books free of cost. If you never
tried AURUst Flower, try n 25 cent .
Itottle tlrst. We haw never known
of Its fnlliDR. If so. somethlnR more
serious is the matter with with you.
The 35 cent site has Just been intro
duced this year. Iteculnr site ..
wnts. AtnlldniRglsts.
Woodbury, N. J. (Sarmnn Jc Hem
enwny Co.
United States Land Office.
Boteburg, Ore., Apr. 36, IPOS.
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provision of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory,''a extended
to all the Public Land Slates by act of
August 4. ISM,
of Jasper, Co of Lane, State of
Ore., has this day riled in this office
her sworn statement No. 60IS for the
rmrchate of the SW X of SW of Sec
No. 14 Tu20 S R I W, and will offer proof
to show tnat the land sought is more valu
able for itt tiralier or stone than for
agrieultura purposes, and to establish
her claim tf said land before J J Wal
ton, U S CoairaifSKWier at Eugene. Ore.,
on Saturdav. the 11th, day of July.
She aassss as wites :
Hsnrr Tiltoo, John A Hills, Dave
Mathews, ol Jaws. Lane CV, Ore., V R
Parker, of Zioo, Lane Co.. Ore.
Anvaad all rsot claiming advemr
It the above-deseriY-ed lands are ie
qsMd t file their stainM ia this office
on orbsfere sakl 11th dar ot July. 1MB.
J. T. Bainars. Rmster.
.S;ioHiNr, Val. Duluth,
AfitiMriijioff, CAfcuyo,
Day Coaches . PaUee asd Toaritl
Sleepers , Dining ami Ihsfiet,
SnokiBg Library Can.
Dijl!t Trip UriUi tkl Cutdi ui
mvf Menlilai.
For tall partieulars. Rates, Folders I
J etc. eall on or aJdrv
i II. DICKSON. C. T. A. 1
12a 3d St., Portland Ore.
A. B, C, DKNNISTON., 6. W. P. A.
tU Hut now, SeaMk Was.
If ou want nrvi-cla. artUtk
P;iK lr ; l?lhemi Nu"et
'w-''wwwww wr I10W A UATTLUSHir IS HUIL.I.
This Is not gentle word but
when you think how liable you nre
not to purennse tno oniy rerawij um
vermiHy known nnd n remedy thnt
hns Imd tho Inrgvst snle of nny inedl
cine in the world since ISfS for the
cure nnd treatment of Consumption
nnd Thront nnd Lung troubles with
out loalnR its Rrent popularity nil
tlinu. vmn. vnn will be thankful wc
called" your'nttentlou to Uoachee'a
Dermnn syrup, i nero nre o uwur
nnllimrv couirh remedies made by
druggists and others thnt nre eheiip
nnd Rood for light coldsperhnps, but
for severe Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup
nud especially tor Consumption,
Where there is dttllcult expectoration
nml rnuchtnirdurlnir the nights nnd
mornlnRs, there Is nothing like Her
man Syrup. The 2.1 cent she hntjust
been introduced this yenr. Regular
site 73 cents. At nlldnigglats. imr-
mnn & Hemenwny Co.
that is made in
If you feel tagged out.listlessand lack
inn rnrgv, von are jrhaps suffering
frum Ihe-ielAliUting effects of summer
weather. These symptoms indicate that
a tonic is needed that will create a heal
thy appetite, makedigvslian perfect, reg
ulate the bowels and impait natural ac
tivity t the liver This, llrrbine will
do; it is atonic, laxative ami restorative.
H.J. Fnwml, I'ropr. Grand View Ho
tel.Cheney, Kan. , w rites : "I have need
HerlHt e for the last 12 rears, and nothing
.in earth ran beat it. It wat recommend
ed to rue by Dr. Newton. Newton. Kan."
faV at New' Era Drug Store.
Is everywhere reeo-zniied astheonerem
edv that ran always be depended upon
and that is pleasant to take. It is espe
cially valnab forsummei diarrhoea in
children and is undoubtedly the means
of saving the lives of a sreat many chil
dren each year. For sale by Benson
Drug Co.
Union Pacific
Time ScHtrci.ia
from Fortland
Chicifo- Salt Lake, Denver, !
PortiaBd Ft. Worth, Omaha, .4 M p.m.
9:34a.m.. Kaasaa City, St.
viallsM- Imis,Ciiirag and '
isgtott. 1 nast
iogt4a. Sah I-ake, DetiTer, "
Ft. Worth, ObmIm. I100a.n
Kaasas dlr, Su .
loii,Chwafo sa.1,
St. Paol
Fast Mail
Walla Walla, Lew
itloa , bpokase. I7-Ma.n
w aitoee, i-bhbmb, i
1 MiBBeapolis , Ht. 1
.ukaue. Paal, Dalnth, Mil- 1
, wawk, Chieago A
70 Hours
Tfcket east via all rail, or boat and
frail viaFvrttand.
, .AUsaUiBgdatMMib
' S p. au. , jet to ebaBge, 4 p. m.
j Per San Fraoeiseo
Ball every tiv days. ;,
xSa4'yj CtMx Rivit
S p. sa. ! .
5laurlayiTo Asisria awa Way
10 y. m. LawsllBas.
A. L. CRAIG, Urm. Paaxiner AgeaU
IVtland. Otex
fH i?'fi" '. . !iM)Aisita
.( 21 MA
, 4 B. St.
(New York Herald.)
Even tliouch the typical battle
ship of today is bigger and faster
than those laid down a lew years
ago, still it remains tn essentials
the veritable floating fomess the
battleship has always been intended
to be. The general type passes,
while in process of construction,
through three distinct stages
Buoyancy or floating ability, has
to be provided for during the fitst
stages of construction, and this is
secured by means of a complete
cigar-shaped hull, with the main
characteristics of the wlmleuack
freight steamers, most frequently
seen on the creat lakes. This
floating hull, in the Virginia class
to which belong the Rhode
Island and New Jersey is 435 feet
long. If the ship .vere launched
at this turtle back stage and were
properly ballasted, the edges of the
protective deck would be nwaslt
from stem to stern.
After the completion of the hull
the next step is to build oil the
floating foundation a steel fortress ,
strong enough to resist the en-
traucc if shots and to furnish shel- When he and his bride were be
ter for the gun crews. The pro- ing driven to the station after the
tectivc deck itself, designed to i
guard the vital machinery of the
ship and to serve as the bomb proof
ot the the fort, is made ol tougn
nickel steel one nud a half inches
thick where it lies flat and three
inches thick on the slopes. The
outer line or deleuse, Mtrroututing
the hull from stem to stern, Is n What tbe sensations of the bride
waterline belt of steel armor eight croom were is not revealed, but it
feet deep, which rises from the '
cugc 01 (lie pruicviivc hcik m
of the protective deck to
point several feet above the normal
level of the waer. Amidships this 1
lv.1t i Incline tllif-1? nt itt I
, , -" 11 .1 1.1.
lower edge, and eleven inches thick ,
at its upper edge: at the bow and
.lorti ei narc tn ft 1111 1 Inrtlt Hiirlr
- " - -
..C5 , .our
1 he chief purpose ol this armor
belt is to protect the buoyancy uy
preventing the entrance ol suois
which striking and perlorattug near
the waterline, either above or be-
low, might permit water to rush in.
It also affords additional security
to the magazines, machinery and
boilers. Though this tnaixmutn
thickness of eleven inches might
seem impenetrable, absolute de
pendence is not pUced upon it. He
hind the armor plates is first a
backing of heavy teak planks, and
next, in a steel compartment under
the teak, is an obduratitig coffer-
dam filled with corn pith, which
swells enormously when wet, so as
to stop automatically any leak
made by a hostile shot. If, how
ever, a shot should pass through
these defenses it must still pene
trate a wall of coal protecting the
machinery space amidships. In
the last emergency it must be de
flected from the vilals of the ves
sel by striking the slope of he pro
tective deck.
Amidships from the protective1
deck rises an armortd citadel, or
redoubt, which is joined on its
sides to the upper edge of the water
, line belt. Tbe citadel is 245 leet Prenz, son of a New York million
1 long and is as wide as the ship aire, came to an ignominious con-
that is, seventy-six feet and has a elusion. The humorist had ar-
uniform thickness of six inches ot
the toughest steel. At its forward
and after ends this citadel is united
by a six-inch steel wall or bulk-
head to the barbette or steel cylin-
der which furnishes a protection
for the foundation and turning ma-
chinery of the 12-inch gun turrets.
The walls of the redoubt, which
rise to the level of the upper or
main deck, are pierced on either
side for six so-caliber six-inch guns.
1 Tbe space within is partitioned off
j by splinter bulkheads, while amid-
5U1D5. CIICDUIDKUl:i luc siuc nsiu,
I are placed the eight-inch gun bar-
. Dettes, protected ny six incncs 01 practical joking.
' steel. Just abaft tbe forward new married couple who re
twelve, inch barbette rises a large cently started on their honeymoon
tube armored with six inches of from a north country station, were
steel, which protects the wires and tj,e victims of nn amusing, if annoy
voice pipes leading to a conning jn, joke. They had secured a
' tower, that is itself protected by compartment, which was guarded
i nine inches of steel armor. from the intrusion of the profane
These principal defenses, weigh- by a bold label marked engaged",
ing upward ol 7,000.000 pounds, and thus secure, settled down to
are to be regarded as the second enjoy tbeir soli lude ia peace,
part of the construction, and are Conceive their amazement and
clearly shown in the main lines of indignation, therefore, when, at
I the drawing, which gives a top the very first station the train
nf the redoubL The armor
i protection proper is indicated by
dotted lines, although lhe heavily
1 armored turrets might have been
included as a part of the tort just
described. The forward and after
barbettes support two turrets, the
unner nlaeed on tbe lower so as to
revolve with it. The lower mounts nam bridegroom put his head out
j a pair of twelve-inch and the upper of the w indow and asked the mean
!a pair of eight-inch guns. The ing of the demonstration. 'Mean-
armor of the twelve-tncu turrets is
ten inches and the port shutters are
eleven inches thick. Altogether, a
vessel of this class will carry sixty-
six guns. The main battery will
comprise four twelve-inch breech-
loading rifles and eight eight-inch,
and twelve six-inch guns, the lat-
ter of the ranid fire type: the sec-
ondary battery includes twelve
three-inch rapid fire guns, twelve
three pounder rapid fire guns,
eifht one nounders and two three-
inch field, two machine and six
automatic guns. The total broad -
side of these batteries weighs 5,600
poandj. notoriously inconstant in uis auec-
Tfae third stage of the construe- lions, and on the eve of his wed
:t,t it,, nrdinarv dinr day he was waylaid on his
u. iu.w... - --j
steel saperstracture of tbe snip, me
freeboard at bow and stera. With-
out the superstructure, and while
stable a ksb ptatform and pre-
s-mtin-lhe luxiaam of defetiMvc
protection, tie bull would be
awash in any sort of seaway, aod
would lack accommodations for the
ship's complement ol over 700 offi
cers and men. 11 tit with the plan
cartlcd out as Indicated, the vessel
will become a seagoing crnlt, with
ample quarters and store rooms
in short, with liabitahility nnd sea
keeping qualities inferior only to
these of the five splendid 16,000
ton battleships nuthotizetl by congress.
Why bridal couples should ap
peal so peculiarly to the practical
Joker's sense of humor is one of the
mysteries which baffle explanation,
but it is a fact that weddings ate
becoming more nud mote the arena
in which the practical humorist
loves to exercise his arts, and it is
to be feared there is oftcti more
cruelty than humor in his joking
The sou of a I'iltsburg millionaire
had won n rather uiieviublc noto
riety by jests of this kind, and
when, a lew mouths ago, his turu
came to lead a bride to the altar,
his victims decided to pay off old
scores with interest
And this
is how they did it:
- cercmony they were seized and
placed in a larce wire caee. which
was drawn on a wagon through the
principal streets for tbe entertain
meut of thousands of spectators,
who had been attracted by the on
uouueement of a circus procession
with "a cage mad bridal couple.
Is probable that his own days of
piHciic.11 juiug tunic tu an cuu
the cage
. ....
A small Hungarian village was
,Mt mon,h the 0, R rmantic
, , h, h fa d ,
1 .
Gretna Green and runaway matches.
,t wns ,hc we,Uling day 0f lhe
daughter of a well-to-do farmer,
who hiul t,, compelled by her
rathet l0 givc hcr uand t0 n rich
suj,0I and tP discard her own baud
soule lover.
At the appointed hour a carriage
arrived at tbe bride's house to take
her to tbe church. She entered
the carriage ami the bridegroom
wns about to follow, when the
driver, who was masked, revealed
himself, whipped up the horses and
drove off. He was I'elrovics, the
rejected lover. Not a trace of the
Tiinaiviiv miit ile rm.ltl he fnm.fl. al
j though the carr iage was returned
and the wedding least was con
sumed by tbe guests of the discou
solidated bridegroom.
In a recent and more amusing
case a jilted lover also personated
tbe coachman and 011 the return
journey from the church drove the
bridal couple into the very middle
oi a large and deep pond, leaving
them to extricate themselves as
well as they could, to the amuse
ment of a crowd of onlookers who
bad been admitted into the secret.
I A practical joke, designed by his
friends for the benefit of Mr. Curler
ranccd that a carriage should be
filled with confetti, rice, old slip-
pers and white ribbon, and should
follow the young couple to their
hotel, whete they were to be inun-
dated by these emblems of roatri-
mpnial bliss during tbeir bridal
The bridegroom, however, who
had been forewarned of this little
conspiracy, took the precaution to
i,ir. half a dozen sturdv men. who
stopped the carriage, dragged out
its surprising occupants and gave
mem a SOUUU lUIUMHIli: ur IVH 01
illustrating one of tbe risks of
stODoed at, their carnage was
quickly surrounded by a gapping,
laughing crowd, whose comments
were distinctly embarrassing, and
who sent tnemon on tneir journey
with a ringing cheer,
When the scene was repeated at
the next stopping place the indig-
tng;' sata one 01 tne crowa, way,
look there" pointing to the label
on the carriage window and there
sure enough, was quite sufficient
explanation, for the bridegroom
read in glaring letters the word
"Married," where the simple an-
nouneement "Engaged" should
have been. The latter legend no
doubt bad been affixed by a practt-
cal joker just before the bridal
couple commenced their journey.
There was little that was humor -
ous in the joke played on a bride- j
' groom in a village near Lyons last
year. The bridegroom had becnj
- , t i.i, r
way nomc -u n "
the morrow by three of fats jilted
lady lovers, armea wmi moui snC.
Before the interview came to an end
they hd administered such' a
"strikiog" proof ot their regard
that an hour later their recreant
lnver was iotiiid still Insensible and
coveted with bruises by Ihc road
side. ... ...
Even more Hrlm. If less pninlui,
wii n loke practiced on a bridal
couple some time ago In the west
country, just as me ceremony
was on the point of beginning in
church a mourning conch drew tip
at the door and a ptoccsslou 01 linn
a dozen men, all in deep mourning,
(lied up the aisle and took seats in
n pew immediately behind the wed
ding guests. The) followed the
service with dejected mien ami
simulated tears, and at its conclu
sion as solemnly filed out again and
drove off.
The mourners consisted of two
rejected lovers of the bride and
four of their friends, who had
chosen this singular method of con
veying their love nnd grief and,
incidentally, of paying off old scores.
United HUtei Und Office,
Ihwolmrg Ore., Apr. l!2, UHH.
Notice la hereby iitvcu that In com
iiliance with tliu pruvlsltins of tho act of
Tongreuof Jtino.1, 1878 entitled "An
ct for tli salo of timber lands in the
Slates of Ctdlfortila. Omtoii. Nevsda nnd
Washington Territory, as extended tu
all the Public Ijttid Hlatvs bv act of Air
gust. 182,
ol Harrlslinrv. Co. ol Ijuio. Hlato ol Ore.
lias this Mi v 1 nil u this nmcv herawnrn
statement No. 4lv6for the purchasoof the
8 1. NW 1-4. NK M NW1-4 andNW 1-4
NE 1-4 of Sec No. 13 In Township
30 8.. Ratine No. 3 West, and will
offur nroof to show that tbn land soucht
Is more vulimniu lor us iimuer or none
than for agricultural purixires, and to
establish her claim to said land before
G E Sklnwoith. U 8 Commissioner at
Junction City Oregon, on the Oth of
July HXVI.
8lie names as witnesses:
llerut Lokeu, of llarrisburg, Ore., Al
bvrt J Ward, of Vlda Ore., llunit Gil
bcrtsou.of Hnrrlsburg, Ore., C L Han
sen. of Junction City. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the aboviMleiajrllied lands are re
quested to file their claims in thiiolflce
on or tx'tore sain 11111 nay 01 -iiuy, iiam.
j. i. iihiikiks. itrgisier.
United Stales Uml Olllce.
Roscburg, Oregon, May 30, IIKK1.
Notice is hereby uivvn (lint in mm
iiliance with tin provisions ol the act of
Congress if June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for tlio salo of timber lands in the
States of California. Orivon. Nevada
and Washington Territory, as eiteniliil
tn all the Public Liml States by act ol
August 4, I Mrs,
ol Collage Drove. Co. ol Ijtne, Slate-of
Ore., has this day tiled III tills ntlii-c her
swum statement NoA33'.lfirtliii juireliiii'e
ofthuSE X yE U of Section No 3.'
tli 31 booth, of Range !l W. and will offer
piool to show that the land sought is
more Miluuli e fur its linilrr or -lone
than tor Hurleultuial hiiriHises, mid to
establish her elaim to siiul lauil In'foii
J. J. Walton. I'. S. Ciiiiimissioiier
at Eugene, Oregon, on Tuesila)' the
18th ilay ol Aug., UHti.
She names as witnesses.
Nathaniel V. While. William Hum 11
James N Wallace, Clonics l I'iihi-II, ol
Collage lirme, I jilie Co., Ole.
Au nnd nil perrons claiming adieise
I y I lit- nlsirc-ilcscrilMil Itinils bio le
iueslel t tile llirlr i-lmina in llii- nllire
on 01 More said 18th day of Aug.. Ul.
.1. T. IIuiik.ks. Itegister.
UniU-d States Und Oiru-e,
Roroburg, Ore , Apr. 30, IWU.
Notice is hereby given that In compli
ance with tlie provisions ol the act in
Congress of Jnno 3, 1878, entitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber l.nnils In the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory.,' as extended
to all the Public IjiihI Slates liv set ot
August . I8W3,
of Cittage Grove, Co. ol Ijiiic, Slate ol
Oregon has this dav tiled 111 this otliee
his sw orn statement o. WSl , for I lie put
chase of the west half of the west bull ol
See No 30 Tp 33S,otRangi;l Wandwlll
otrer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for lis tlmlx-r or stouu
than for agricultural purises and to es
tablish bis claim to sulil laud before
the Register and lleeeiier of this ofllce
at Roscburg, Oregon, on Mouihiv the
24th day ol Aug.. UHX1.
He names as w Itnesses :
Frank II Phillips, Frank D. Wheeler,
Joseph E Young, John D Palmer, of
Collage ti rove, Ore.
Any and all in-rsous claiming adverse
ly the above-described hinds are re
il'uestcd to file their claims in this olHco
on or before said 34th day ol Aug., ltMl.
J.T. iluiiKiKs. Itegister.
United States IjiiiiI Olilco,
Roselmrg, Oregon, May, 28, IIXM.
Notice is heiehy given that in couirll
ance wild the provisions of the net ol
Congress of JuneJI. ls's, entitlwl "An
act for the sale of tlinlxT lands In thu
States of California, Oregon, Ncvudu.
and Washington Territory, as extended
to all the Public mw States by net of
August 4, 1883,
lieorge W. Ripley,
of Iron Itiver,Co.of Ilay Held Statu of Wis
consin has this dav tiled in this office his
sworn statement No. A3A3 for the pur
chase of the S t. NK 1-4, NE1-4 NE1-4,
beinir lot I. of Section No 3 Township 3.'!
Sooth, of R. 3 W. ami will oiler proof to
show that the land sought is more valu
able forits tiuiU-r or stonethnn foriigrl
cultural inrie. and to establish Ills
claim 10 mkI laml before J. J. Walton
US Commissioner at Eugene, Ore., on
Tuesday tne 36th day of August, I1HVI.
He name as witnesses:
Frank Lyon, A. II. Lyon, J . Ileunnis,
of London, E. E. Johnson, of Cottage
Grove, all of I.ane County, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the aboTc-descritcd, lands are re
quested to file their claims In this olllce
on or before said 3Sth day of Aug, ItKVI,
J.T. Uripoes. Register.
j AnythhiK and everything In the
stationery line nt the Eagle II110K
I Store, 1 door west of pnstotlleo.
i. 1. aJ-ton
l- cvi-
s. r. km
Notary 1'ubllo
"Walton fe Ness
rtt4i t Hai a4 rsal roaru, Walk In
0. 8. Ua4 0hr. SBUI a44 al tt
Unlie.1 Stales UndOlTlcn,
ltosolmrg, Ore., Apr, 4, lfKXI.
Notice Is heroby given that In eonipll
itnco with the provisions of tho act ol
Congress o( Juno ,1, 1878, utlth'd "An
Act (or Iho sals of TlmUr Lands in Ilia
Staler, of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Witililngtuii Territory," as ex
tended to all Iho l'ulillo 1,11ml Stales by
net ot August 4, 1C03,
of Kugniie, Co, ol 1-antJ, State olOrn.
gun bus this day Mini In this olflco her
sworn slidement No. 18(13, for Iho pur
chase, nl tint HW 1-4 Huu III l'p 111 H of R
ft W mill will offer pionl in show that
laud sought Is iiiuro valuable for Us
timber or atuno than fur itirrlcuttural
purposes, nnd to establish her claim to
sulillaud befiuu Marie l, Ware, U.S.
Commissioner at Eugene, Iane Co. Ore.
gun, on luenlay Hie "Snl ilay ol June,
Shu nnmcH as witnesses 1
Frank Davis, of Ixiranr, Ijtnu Co,,
Oie., Andrew J. Smith, of Eugene,
Iauu Co., Ore., Charles Simpson, of
Ixirune. Orinon. Clair Litckvy. of
Eugene, 1-anuCo., Ore.
Any ami an persons claiming an-
versulv the aixivo-ncscrtiicd lamia am re-
questnl to Ilia their claims In Ihlt ofllce
on or tK'iorn ittii .-;iniiiay 01 Jiinn, usii,
J. T. liaitKiaa iteginer.
Unlteil States I .and Office,
Roselmrg. Oregon, May II, ItXKI.
Not lie is hereby ulven that ill oolonll-
ancuwlth the provisions of tho act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "All
act for the sain of timber lands In the
Slates ol California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washlnutoii Territory." as extended
floatl the Public Land Stales by act of
August -l, mre,
of Eugene. County of I-ans, Stale
of Oregon, list this day Med In thltoUcs
hit sworn statement No, 0137, lor lbs
purchase of the Loll 4, fi, 0 and 13
of Sea 3, Tp 22 South, of It 2 W. and
will offer proof lo show that the land
sought is morn valuable for Itt limber
or stone than tor agricultural purposes,
and to establish hit claim to said land
before J, J. Walton, U. H. Commis
sioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Satur
day, the Itt day of August, 1003.
(lo names as witnesses ;
John D. Palmer, of Cottage (.rove,
I jine County, Oregon; Jerry Daimnon,
of Cottage (trove. Lane Co,, Oregon, Ma
rion Davis, Sam Lcuis.ol Cottage drove,
l.mie Co., Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly thu alKiviwlescrllNM lands are re
quested to II 1 11 their claims In this o files
on or liefore said 1st day of August, 1903,
J. T. Ukiimus. Register.
United Stales Und Oftlee,
Itosohurg, Oregon. May 2. ItHlH.
Notice is hereby given that (11 com
iiliuncu with the provisions of the act nf
Congress ol June 3, 1878, "An
act lor the salo of timber lands In the
Stales ol California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory, as extended to
nil the Public l.aud Slates by act of Au
gust 4, 18112,
ol Kugene, Co uf Ijtnc, State of Ore.,
has this day tiled In this ofllce his sworn
statement No. fJo" fur the purchasoof the
N's N , Mug l.ots 1, 2, !l and 4 of Sea
No 2, in Tp 21 South. ol Rangeft W. and
u ill oirer piool lo show that the land
sought is more vnluablii fur its timber or
stiiiiethaii for agricultural puroses, and
to establish his claim to said land before
J. J. Walton, U 8 Commissioner at
Eugene, Oregon, on Saturday the I lib
Inv of July, HKU.
Ilo names as witnesses :
lieorge N. Mclean, of Waltervllle,
l.nne Co., Oie., Eil To bey, George M.
Miller, Nal 11 m T. Wilson, of Eugene,
lame C it , Oie.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the ubovo'descrilied lanils am re
piesteil to lllu their claims In this ofllce
on or before said lUth day of July, 1903.
J.T. Ilaiixua. Itegister.
United Slates Uml Oniee,
Roseburg Ore., Mar. II, 11)08.
Notice, is hereby given that In com
pliance, with the provisions of the act of
Congress of Juno H. 1878 entitled "An
net lor thu salo of timber lands In the
Slates of California. Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory." as extended
toall the Public Iind Slab's by act of
August 4, 1892.
ol Coltngu Grove, Co. of I-nnc, Stale
of Ore., has this day tiled in this
ofllce his sworn statement No. 4.103, (or
thu purchase. o( the N NE ii of
Section No. 34, Township 21 South, of
Riingu.l West nnd will offer proof to
show thnt tho land sought is mora
valuable for Its timber or stfiie than or
agricultural purposes, and 10 establish
hit claim to snhl land before the Reg
ister und Receiver of this oillco at Rose
burg, Oregon, on Thursday the 23nirfar
of July, 1003.
Ho names as witnesses:
A L Woodard, William Kluibel, 1). 0.
Iliiughman. J Q A Young, of Cottage
drove, Ore.
Any and nil persons claiming u.l verso
ly the iihovc-dcscrilicd lands are re
iicstcd lo IIJu their claims in this office
on or before raid 2Jrd day of July,, 1U03.
J. T. llmiHua, Itegister.
United States Uiml olTice,
Roseburg, Ore., Apr. II, 1003.
Notice Is heieliy given that in 00111
liliancn with the provisions of thu act of
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
Act for the sate of Timber Unds In the
Suites of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," ns extruded
to all (ho Public Land States by net of
August 4, 182.
ol I-omlon, Co, of lame, State ot Ore.
has this day tiled In this office his sworn
italvment No. 4010, for the purchase nf
the BW J4 8W 1-4, lat 4 of Bit) No. SO,
Township 22 South, ol Range 3 Wett
and will ollir proof to show that tho
hind sought Is nice valuable (or its
timber or tt nn than for agricultural
puriioser, and to establish Ida claim to
said tiind the Itegister and Receiver of
lids olflco nt Roseburg, Oregon
on Friday the Slit day of August, 1003.
lie iinmva as witnesses!
John Powell, of Collage drove, Lans
Co., Oro,, John Ovrrhnlscr, Itwrenro
Moxlov, William Lively, of Umdon,
une Co., Ore.
Any nnd nil poisons claiming ad
versely tho nhove.dcscrllHMl lands are
tcoucated lo lllu their claims in this
ofllco on or beforo said 21st day of Aug..
1003, '
J.T. Untrots, Register.
ChnmU'rlaln's Stomach and Liver
Tablets aro just what you need when you
have no appetite, feel dull niter eating
and nnkn up with n imd lasto in your
inoiith. Thev will Improve youi appetite,
eh hum.' and Invgorale your stoniaeh nnd
give you a relish for your food. For salo
by lleuson Drug Co,