Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 12, 1903, Image 7

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It ll highly Imforliiiit thul theno nr
uniii should properly iorfurin Ihttlr
When tlicv tlmi't. wliiil liitiiioii an nt
i no siiio ll in uiick, wliiil yellowing f
I i Ui hi, l. Vi 'L 1 i , .( i ' ,
ml blot.:!.,., ii.i.l Ion, ol vontiSi: . toll
urn mury,
A gieul nUnriitlvo nnil toiilc
Hood's Sarsaparilla
(liven Ihi Mii nrgnnii vigor mill Innii fur
tha proper purforiiiiuiro of tlmlr funo
tlonii, nnil eiiren all their onllniiry all
liientn. Ti lie It.
Ilicurilon .S'camtr T. J. I'nllcr (lot Into
Service June 27.
Thnna who nro planning tliolr Titra
tion tliln year will ha Inloriutrd In
knowing that tha populnr uxnir, Ion
(miner, I. J l'ollor qtiuen ol river
boats goos Into nervlea Juna 27, and
that iil.a will leave Portland, during
tha neiiHou, every day from Tuondny un
til Hatiirday liivliulvo. To ten tha
heautlra of thn picturesque and mighty
Columbia from tho ilecka of tha I'otler I Hclioolinanler Now, Jonea, give ma
la ft treat imvvr to ho forgotten. Tor a aentvnre, and then wa will mm If w
apeed and Krnea nothliiK in river or ran rhiimto It to tha Imperativo form,
lako rarvlrn in tha entire Went equals J 1'upll -The homo drawe tha wagon,
tills lde. wheeled beauty. I'lva lioura Hchoolmsstor Now put It in the lin
from Portland and on frrni Astoria, pcratlve.
Ihrouith thn fauioiia llrhli g watera of
tha Columbia, pint icoren of salmon
trapa and nata and na many white
ringed Huh Imiita, lands tho pntst'itgers
at Ilwaco, wliorn clono ronnrctlon la
made for Ixach polnta with trains of
tho llwaeo Hallway A Navigation Com
pany, wiiosn rnra a'nnd on tha wharf
awaiting the steamer. Tha beach la 27
nines long, iwo nuniirati yarua wnio at
low tide, and no hard that carriage
wheels xarculy leavo a mark. It la an
ideal plaro for driving, riding, wheal-
Inn or walking, anil tliu surf bathing Is
unsurpassable. Tha ex.t'lli-nt hotel
and hoarding homos provide good ac
r mm illations at prices ranging from
one dollar to three dollars per day.
llie round trip rule Irom l'ortlaml to
Aalorla la (2. CO; to Orenn lloach
points, t l.OO, good until October 1Mb.
On r-aturdaya, duriiiK July and Aug
ust, round trip tlckuta are sold to beach
polnta at fS.&U, giod for return passage
leaving tliu lioacli tha following tiunday
The Oiegou Ilaitroad A Navigation
Company, has Just Issued a now sum
mer book, (Ireu for tho asking) whlrh
telle all about tho di'llghiful resorts of
the valley of tho Co unihla river. This
can m obtained from any agent of tlii
Oregon Itallrond A Navigation Com
pany or by writing A. I.. Craig, gen
eral passenger agent, I'ottland, Oregon.
Wanted to Kcallxe.
Three year-old Julia wanted to
wrltu Hants. Clans to bring her a
"shot gun." When asked what she
wanted it for she said:
"I want to shoot one of papa'a caltlo
and get tha money out of it, for papa
taya thcro la money In caltlo "
In Uood Company.
"Isn't It a shame, Abe?" asked his
father. "You aru tho eecond year in
one class."
".Shsmul" said Abo; "my teacher is
twolro jojrs already In the rame claia,
and nobody thinks It's a rhamel"
No Danger.
"Do you think thoro is any danger of
Amorlra being dominated by Kuroe?"
"Nr air," answorod Air. Mtikton
with extraordinary oiuphasls; "not ao
long ua eminent Europeans continue to
marry American girls."
A Had Start.
- "1 guess," raid the naturally weary
young man, "I waa meant to bo a mil
ilonaira, but etarted on a lino whvie
they don't glvu transfers.
The Innocent
The world to-day is full of Innocent sudercrs from that most loathsome
disease, Contagious Ulood 1'oison. People know in a general way that it is
a bad disease, but if all its horrors could be brought before them they
would shun it as they do the leprosy. Not only the person who contracts it
suffers, but the awful taint is transmitted to children, and the fearful sores
and eruptions, weak eyes, Catarrh, and other evidences of poisoned blood
show these little innocents arc .suffering the awful consequences of some
body's sin. So highly contagious is this form of blood poison that one may
be contaminated by handling the clothing or other articles in use by a
person afflicted witft this miserable disease. There is danger even in drink
ing from the same vessel or eating out of the same tableware, as many pure
and innocent men and women have found to their sorrow. The virus of
Contagious Wood Poison is bo
first little sore appears the whole
tainted with the poison, and the
skin Is soon covered with a red rasli, ulcers break out In the mouth and
throat, swellings appear In tho groins, the hair aud eyebrows fall out,
and unless the ravages of the disease are cjiccked at this stage, more
violent nnd dangerous symptoms appear in the form of deep and offensive
sores, copper colored splotches, terrible pains in bones and muscles, and
general breaking down of the system.
S. S. S. is a specific for Contagious Blood Poison and the only remedy
that antidotes this peculiar virus and makes a radical and complete cure of
the disease. Mercury and Potash hold it in check so long as the system is
under their influence, but when the medicine is left off the poison breaks out
again as bad or worse than ever. Dcsidcs, the use of these minerals bring
on Rheumatism nnd stomach troubles of the worst kind, aud frequently pro
duce 'bleeding nnd spongiuess of the gums and decay of the teeth. S. S. S.
cures Blood Poison ill all stages and even reaches down to hereditary taints
can be taken without any Injurious effects to health, aud nn experience of
nearly fifty years proves beyond doubt that it cures Contagious Blood Poison
completely nnd permanently. Write for our "Home Treatment Book,"
which describes fully the different stages aud symptoms of the disease.
Youthful Hunk President.
Wndo II. Nvkuh of (Irimivlllo, Ml.,
who wad oliictod prcuMmit ol tha I' I rut
National bank In that city Inxt nek,
siiwwdlng liln father, th lata Major
I Jhiiiiih K. N ikiu, In probably tha young-
" "'" prvnltleiit In tltu UliltoU Hlntn,
ll""'w" ol'''
Very Taking.
"Do ml ii 1 1 tern tulcu In tills town?"
Impilm! tho advanco ngonl of tha Col
ossal Muck-Cork troiipu.
"Wall, tha last tlmt were hero ill I,"
responded tha Innkeeper dourly. Thay
took everything, oven to tlio soap out
of their rooms."
Too fluch Realism for the Manager.
"!!o yon hail to rloro tha show?"
"Yus," answered tha inannKar with
the plaid vest.
"What waa tha trouhlo?"
"Too much crawi for realism. Thoro
waa a couiitarfnltliiK rrnno, nod tha art-
, "r aald thay rouldn't go through with
It iinleri they rould ea what money
looked Hka onca In awhlla."
1'upll Geo npl Chuuia.
Cause (or Rejoicing.
llli Dous your wife play the planoT
Dli No.
Mi Does she play any musical In
DIx Nono whatever.
'Tliat'a eood. You otitfht to bo nrond
ol lior accomplishments."
A Musical Hero.
I.lttle Danlol waa visiting at hi
grandfather In llie country for a few
days, and on gclng to the barn to see
tho animals ha heard cows lowing an
said to his grandpa:
"Hear the cowa horning."
"That is not what tiny are doing,
said grandpa. "They are lowing. .
"Oh," said little Dan "I though
llicy woro blowing tlielr horns."
Not Concerned.
"Why don't you try to hand an hon
ored name down to posterity?"
"I don't know," answered Fenator
Horghum. "Maybe I don't look far
enough ahead. Ho long aa my slgna-
lure ib Honored al tlio bunk 1 can t fee
that my crfdit wilh posterity makes
much difference." Washington Star
Not So Had Off.
"I hear your fattier la ill," raid a
nalgliDor to 3-year-old Nettle. "What
has ha got?"
"Hint's dot a doctor," replied the
little miss.
A Sad Tallure.
"So your club broko up for lack of
"Yea, we found out wa couldn't pay
exiiensea with nothing but a fund of
liumor. I'blladelpiiia Hulletln.
Healthfully Occupied.
WLen Wesley was aliout three
old, a friend who had not ecou him for
some time greetod In in with:
"Wall, Wesley, what have you been
doing since I taw you last?"
"Keen grow In'," was the rather it it
eicted answer.
All Traltora Have a Show.
It waa nearly a year ago that an am
bitioua American author wrote a novel
tho object of which was to vindicate
Aaron ilurr, and now it Is seriously
proposed to erect a monument in tha
elty of New York In honor of llencdl
Arnold. If things go on in this way
Judas Iscariot may Imvo a show alter
all. Army and Navy Journal.
ana removes an traces oi me poison ana
saves the victim from the pitiable conse
quences of this monster scourge. As long
as a drop of the virus is left in the blood
it is liable to break out, and there is danger
of transmitting the disease to others.
S. S. S. is euaranteed purely vegetable and
Iluue Airlr III Urn Until and Tonail to
1 the I'lilHiiplnra,
Tlio largest steel floating dry dock
In the world, to Hunt tho largest battle
hlpit, nnd one that la to be towed 1,1.
XHJ miles to the Philippine Islands will
be built for fhu government by tho
Maryland Hteel Company. Tha dock
Is to be MX) feet long and of extra
strength mid weight, weighing 10.000
Ions prliielpally to enable It to stand
n voyage half way round the world,
1'hu dock will cost fU'JI.OOU nnd will
lie twenty-seven months In building.
The builders nro to deliver tha great
tructtlru on the Atlautlc coat and the
navy department will taka up tha gi
gantic task of getting the dock to Its
When the Maryland Hteel Company
undertook to deliver the Algiers dock
nt Now Orleans four tug boats took
the dock down the I'atnpico, yet tho
headway waa Just perceptible, snya
tliu llnlllmore American. Tho dock
put to aen in tow of it steamship and
two sea tugs, making only four knots
nn hour. It waa said Hint the tow
1,111 wns f-2r,.0O0 nnd that JMJ.OOO In
surance on the dock wns paid for the
voyuge. Tha dock will have to bo
lowed across tho Atlautlc ocean,
through the Mediterranean sea, down
tho Hucz Cunnl and lied sen, across
tho Indian ocean and up the China
sea to Manila. If four knots an hour
la mndo It will reiulro 101 daya for
tho voyage If no stops nro made, which
will be Impossible, owing to the towing
ships having to recoal or wait for
good weather. The tow will be the larg
est nnd longest In history.
Tho Algiers dock lifts lC.OOO tons,
Is MX) feet long, weighs 0.805 tons and
cost 110,000. The new Manila dock
la to lift from 111.000 lo 18,000 tons, Is
to be GOO feet long, but will weigh 10,
000 tons and will cost 11.121,000. It
will consist of three pontoons that
will form the flooring of the dock and
two side wulls, all of steel. In the
Algiers dock these live sections are
bolted together aud are separable, but
In the new dock the sections will bo
made permanent. Tho dock la to bo
a self-docking one, the largest pontoon
lielug the middle one.
In order to dock this section tho
smaller outer pontoons will he sunk
under the middle pontoon and then
pumped out, raising the larger section.
Tho aclf-docklng system of the Ma
ulla dock will be different from that
of tho Alglera dock.
Tho dock must lift battleships two
feet out of tho water a situation that
Increases the stability of the ship fir
ten or twenty times. To sink the dock
to receive a Jlilp water Is admitted to
compartments In tho hull through
liout twenty valves admitting a vol
ume of water as large as a man s
body, occupying about nn hour's time.
The Algiers dock has lifted the bat
tlcshlp Illinois In one hour and fifty
seven minutes. The dock will ba con
structed In an excavation near the
beach and when It Is ready to he
launched the atrip of land holding
hack tho Patapsco will be cut away,
the wntcr admitted, when the big
structure will float
New York Focletjr tVomnn Kxptnda
111,050 for Head Decoration.
It la enough lo make even the moat
extravagant daughter of Eve exclaim
to learn that a New York society
woman recently paid $1,C50 for a sin
gle hat, snya the Philadelphia Ledger.
Tho hat was ordered from a Fifth
avenue milliner who had managed to
secure the cream of society's custom.
The price originally named fur It to
the Intending purchaser was $1,800,
but It wiib found that leas material
waa required than Ilrst anticipated,
and $lfjO was deducted from tho esti
mate. four Itusslnn snblc skins, absolutely
(lawless nnd of the Quest quality pro
curable, were used In making. The
Inrgiat of the skint, nil of which were
of the costly east Siberia quality,
measured fourteen Inches In length,
nud the fur wns of a rich dark brown,
tine In texture nnd very glossy.
The hat frame was a big flare, rolled
lightly on the left side Great skill
wns required In covering It with the
fur In the most nrtktlc manner and
without the nld of scissors. There wns
no trimming whatever except In the
sable tails, which were utilized to the
best advantage.
When the hour for trying on the hnt
was nt hand considerable trepidation
was felt by the hend milliner. If the
customer did not like It, the mntter
would tnkc on n serious aspect, nnd If
It had to be remodeled much trouble
would result. Hut nil fenra proved
groundless. The purchnser expressed
unqualified approval of the effect and
the entire Btaff of saleswomen agreed
with hrr In thinking It vastly becom
ing. It afforded her exquisite satis
faction to be nssured that the style
wns nn exclusive one, and that there
never would bo tho slightest danger
of seeing n duplicate in this or any
ther country. She handed in her check
for $1,050 with the nonchalant air of
one who pays for u glass of soda.
A Mntter or Spelling.
Justice Morgan J. O'llrlen, while on
his way to his seat at tho dinner given
by the Society of tho Friendly Sous
St, Patrick, spied among the guests
Abo" (J ruber. Mo looked at the llttlo
lnwyer for n second nnd then Bald,
with evident amazement:
"Why, Abo,' whnt are you doing
here? This Is a gathering of Irishmen,
cons of Krln."
"So am I," ald Qnibcr, "I am a
son of Krln, only our people spell It
differently A-o-r-o-n." Now Yorls
An ICxampla of Good. Luck.
"Do you believe In luck?"
"Sometimes. Sco that fat woman
with tho red hat over there?"
Twenty-two yenrs ago she refused
to marry mo." Cleveland Plain dealer.
Her Ability,
"doing on tho stago? Yes, hut can
alio act?"
Well, I should say so, she com
pletely captivated tho Jury when she
wns testifying In her divorce case."
Philadelphia Hulletln.
Nothing can keep some men from
doing fool tricks. Tho writer of this
Is one of tbvin.
Airs. P. Wright, of Oclwcln,
Iowa, is another one of the
million women who have been
restored to health by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
A You n ? Now Yorlc f.itdy Tells
of it Wonderful Ciirui
" My trouhlo was with the ornrleai
I am tall, nn l'tho doctor aald I grew
Ukj fast for my strength. 1 autTcrcd
drendfully from Inflammation ami
doctored continually, but got no heip.
I Buffered from terrible drugging fcen
aatlons with tho most awful pa Inn Ion
dot n In thoaldonnd pains In tho back,
and tho most agonizing headaches.
No ouo knows what I endured. Often
I was slclc to tho atomncb, and every
llttlo while I would Im too sick to
to work, for three or four daya i I work
in a large store, nnd I kunpono ataud
log on my feet all day made mo worse.
"At tho auggeatlon of a friend of
my mnthcra I began to take IVllrt
K. IMnkluim'H Vegtttahln tiiin-
Iioiltld, and It la simply wonderful,
felt better after tho flrit two or three
doses ; It seemed as though a weight
waa taken off my shoulders; I con
tinued Its uao until now I can truth
fully any I am entirely cured. Young
girls who are always paying doctor's
bills without getting any'hrlpas I did,
ought to take your medicine. It
coats ao much leas, and it la sure to
cure them. Yours truly, Adelaide
I'niill.. 174 St. Ann's Ave., N'ew York
City." ISO00 teiftlt It etlflnal cf alxxt lilttt
proving clnulntmti cannot 6 product.
Oetter for a Worn in Than Riches, Dress
or Intellect.
Did you ever notice that, when any
one dcicrlbes a pretty girl, he general
ly begins by saying she has a beautiful
let of white teeth?
Well, that is natural, because a fine
set of teeth is the most conspicuons
characteristic of the fare. A winning
tmile, adorned by evoo, brilliant teeth,
carries a woman farther than riches
dress or Intellect.
And, on tho contrary, think a mom
ent of tho shock you get when you to -a
vioman, or a man, with a yellow re
volting fot ot teeth, or great holes in
tho mouth where good teeth ought to be.
Dr. w. A. Wise, the famous dentist
of tho Failing building, Portland, Ore
gon, said to the reporters yesterday
that it was beyond his comprehension
whr any one In the Northwest now
should ni elect the teeth for a day long
er, llie ulg ccst oi dental wora in tbe
past has been reduced. The expeneo
now, at such largo and modern equip
ped otnceg aa wuo Brothers , Is ex
tremely moderate no more formidable
than getting repairs made to any article
of regular wear In toe lioucenold. And
the pain has been banished. There is
no pain. For your own comfort, go and
have your teeth put In order. For your
looks' cako, don't neglect your teeth
any lengor. If your teeth are worn
out, have a new set fitted; or, if a few
ot tho old ones are gone, have them re
placed, and begin to enjoy life n?ain
i our friends will like you better, and
you will like yourself be. tor. Do it
False pretensea.
'Why does he always begin with the
statement, "To make a long story
'Oh, that's lust to encourage you to
believe bo's going to do It."
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A Sure Investment.
Patience Did he invest in any ol
these get rich quick concerns?
Patrice Oh, yes; ho married money.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
it Pac-Slmlle Wrapper Dtlotr.
Tory small asd aa easy
to take aa amgaiv
FOR DinillESS.
.-. , usuitlixn MusTmvisiwnmi. 1
JoTJSk, I Purely Vesretablevw
Over one million dollars in pensions secured
by ua for our clients during the six years lasl
past. Over 20 years successful experteno). l'er
sona! and prompt attention to all claims en.
trusted to us. II your attorney has been dls
barred you can appoint us toactltiyourclalms
Tors tlxed by law and contingent upon sut-cess.
Taber & Whitman Co., SU-10 Warder llldg.
Washington, 1, u.
tS WMlIlt All Hit (AILS.
ignbyrup. Tastes Good. I
noia nrariiRiiii
uAi. LIU)
i mSSinriF
I'ntlrnti In Ilentlat' Chair Often Act
Uuecrljr Under It.
"Aa I entered the dentist's office,"
nld a woman the other day, "I saw
ii man sitting hi a chair rocking vio
lently and with a wild look of misery
written on every feature. Next him
sat a demure looking trained nurse.
After a few minutes, during which we
nil three sat and pilled each other,
the dentist entered, dressed for out
doors, and be beckoned the man. Tha
unfortunate wretch responded and
then we knew. Tho doctor never
draws teeth himself, but tnkes aucb
patients aa have need of that gentle
art to a brother dentist, who In bla
turn makes a specialty of drawing,
always administering gas for It.
"Thu nurse turned to me with a
smile. "I wonder what he will do
when he comes out of It?" she said.
meaning the nnnesthetlc.
" 'Why, what do you mean?' I naked.
"'Don't you know'' she answered.
'My patients always say or do some
thing Billy either when tln-y take It or
when they come out of It.'
"I was Interested at once and begged
her to tell me some Instances.
"Why. let me see." aald abe. To
begin with, women alwaya yield to
the Influence of an anaesthetic more
easily thin men do, possibly because
they are not so strong-willed. Any
way, women make better patients.
They are less trouble and so afraid
of pain or even of death.
" 'In almost every cnae I have had
tbe women rather welcome chloroform,
although almost all of them fight ether,
and I don't blame them. After the
Drat whiff a woman will almost Invar!
ably make love to tbe doctor, calling
him all tbe sweet things ahe ever knew
nnd demanding bla affection In re
turn. Then ahe quleta down and tbe
operation begins. When coming out of
It If ahe la a particularly aweet and re
fined woman ahe will use tbe most
villainous language and carry on gen
erally In a manner calculated to ahock
a new nurae almost out of her senses.
" 'Now, on the other hand,' ahe con
tinued, 'the woman who ordinarily
uses Itllllugsgate (and there are quite
,t few) will babble of childhood's daya,
ingela' facea and peaceful green fields.
I'uU seema strange, but It Is never
theless true. Of course, we seldom
;cll them what they have been saying
or doing. It wouldn't do ' sue
broke oft. 'Ah, here cornea the dentist
and his patient. See how wild he looks.
You just ask the doctor what be did.
See If It wasn't funny.'
"The doctor came In. ushered his
patient Into the operating room, spoke
a few words to the nurBe and followed
bis patient.
" 'I came for something to relieve
my patient,' sba said to me In explana
tion. 'She bad a violent toothache.'
'The doctor returned with a small
package, which he bunded to tbe nurse.
He then spoke to me. saying tnat ne
would be ready In a few minutes.
When I turned I found the nurse bad
"Usually I am not In a hurry to get
Into a dentist's chair, but. being a
woman aud a curious one at that, was
anxious to bear what that man bad
ald or done when under the Influence
of the anaesthetic.
"Did you notice that man?" asked
the dentist aa be carefully filled my
mouth with cotton. I tried to look na
intelligent ns my gaping mouth would
let me. 'lie lias lust tnken gas to nave
a nerve killed and taken out,' coutluutd
the doctor. 'When he waa returning to
eonfclousnesa he pulled a great roll of
bills out of bis pocket and Insisted
unon throwing them all over the place.
giving them to everybody he met In the
halls and acting generally na a mil
lionaire philanthropist gone mad. After
he had quieted down a little he told
me confidentially that he experienced
the Quest Jag be had ever bad In his
life. And tbe funny part of that re
mark la that neither 1 nor anybody
else that knows tbe man has ever
known or heard of bis taking a drop
of liquor. In fact, he bna always as
serted that It wns strictly against bis
principles to touch liquor In any form.
This Is surely n funny business.'
And shaking his bend mournfully.
continued the woman, occordlng to the
New York Times, "the doctor proceed
ed to make things lively for me."
McQueery "You're not so attentive
to Miss Itoxlcy as I tbougut you would
Hunter "No. You see er she told
me ahe didn't go In for social pleas
ures since her father had fulled."
McQucery "Poor old manl lie Is
falling dreadfully. Quite a physical
Hunter "Gee whiz! la that what
aho meant?" Philadelphia Ledger.
A llrmlnder.
Judge They say that when a man
faces a sudden dnngcr all the events
of his past life pass over.
Pudge That sot Well, let us go out
In my automobile.
"Well, the sudden danger may bring
before your mind tlio fact that you
borrowed $50 from me several years
ago and you've forgot to pay It."
Baltimore Herald.
Cannot Eacape.
"Do you think tbe person who com
mitted the crlmo will be punished?"
"Empathlcally, yes," said the police
"But you haven't discovered him
"No. But we'll keep saying we sus
pect somebody and thoreby keep him
suffering tbe terrors of a guilty con
science." Washington Star.
Appropriately Named.
Fumer "Uce whlil What sort of a
cigar Is this?"
Qlvvcr "Oh! I bought It for a nick
el. I don't just recall the brand, but
I think It was named after some bum
Fumer "Ah! No wonder It won't
draw." Philadelphia Tress.
Tho average mau never wishes he
were a woman, but he uduilts a little
envy of her wbe-ii he begins to get
Why Inqlulre of a man when you
meet him, "How are you?" He won't
tell you, If there Is anything wrong.
A good many of the men hired to
help are simply In the way.
I have used vour llsir Vlonr
for five years and am greatly
pleated will) It. It certainly re
stores the original color to cray
hair. It keeps my hair soft. "Mrs.
Helen Kilkenny, New Portland, Me.
Aycr's Hair Vigor lias
been restoring color to
gray hair for hftv years,
and It never fails to do
this work, cither.
You can rely upon it
for stopping your hair
from falling, for keeping
your scalp clean, and for
making your hair grow.
tl.M a twill!. All Jnnlill.
It yoor dragf-ln cannot sipply you
send us one dolur and mo will express
von a bottlo.
Ila sure and at re tha name
ot yoar nearest einreiMomre, Addreas,
A Ferocious Hquatcr.
A small boy was asked by tho teacher
what tbo equator was. !
Ha thought a moment and replied: 1
"The equator is an imaginary lion
running around tbe earth." ,
jt)rmn'nnr Curat o flit nmtmtnm
aVftalf tint ' illftAf I If kllaa'inrul Nam
Awtortr, Bq4 Tor Fit K II 9 i.00 triad botU tod treU.
. pB.&U.KuxauLU.aiArcbSUrtitJ4ivtalAr
Only a Difference In Degree.
One mcnlng four-year-old Hex raid
In bis qua nt, quiet nay: "The fool
telleth all his mind; tbe wise man
keepetb It In till alterwatd.' Mother
' don't aeo anv dlffcrcnrR rwtwewn 'm-
uon i aeo any oinerence rjeiwcen em;
the wise man Just Knits awhile."
mere la more calami in inn aertlon of the
country loan an oiner air-raaet pur together.
and until tbe last few yeara waa supposed to ba
Incurable, hor a great many yeara
nounced It a local dlaeaie. and Dm
tora pro-
rescrlbed local
remcllef, and by constantly falling to cure
wltb local treatment, pronounced It Incurable.
Pclence has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactored by F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio,
lalbeonlyconstltntlonal cure on the market,
It la taken Internally In do-es from lOdrnrato '
a teaflooonful. It acta directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. Tbey offer
one hundred dollars for any rase It falls to
cure. Bend lor circulars and testimonials. Ad
dress, r. 1. Cll KSEY 4 CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by riniiritliK, 75c.
H all's family Mils are the best.
In the Imperative.
While the boys of a classroom were
bavin a grammar Ie-ton, the teacher
"John give me a passive verb."
"Whoa I" answered John.
"Now make it active," said tbe
"Back up," replied John.
Plso'S Cure fs a rernedr for coneha. colds
and consumption. Try It. Frice25centj,
at druggists.
Poor Hubby.
Husband Where do yon want to go
on a vacation?
Wife Oh, anywhere that's expens
ive or restlcsB. Life.
mirk on itorei which enable you to cook in
Will Not Write RtmlnLsccncca.
Senator Frye once refused to write
his reminiscences for a maeazine. de
claring himeelf opposed to the telling
by public men ol "tales ont ol school."
The old, urrariible Tlrtuo cf
St. Jacobs Oil
makes It the klnc cure foe
Price, 25c and fiOc
very liotii.
NoExpense wnen
A Money Earner
First and Stark Sis.
nacnson maouihoiy oo.
(Hucremort to Jntm I'imlsi
Tool of Morrlaon Strut. IVitlanJ, Orrtvn
With us for Pw Mill and 8hlnl Mm Ma
chlnary, Wlml Mill anil Horn mm pi, tela.
I'rcsm Ptpsrat in, regular trlc Iai, now too,
Bpflni wsaonslW. llugur ihattiUW.
You ran Isriely Inermio the vleM o.
juur t-run ut ii.inr our ipvriai if rum
mo it
lor price
13 On all Packet Seeds
For orders of f 1 .00 or more
J (TMnlf. not Include M ireili or
X tariMii mils In quantity.)
X If In th.mri.lrrUt fur special ntt
Z prlct. '
185 Trent Strtet, Portlmut. Ore, i
Write for
Fsr 4 rfo Nreonrar Sal
Ulephone MfiinJ9f
Lazy Liver
'! hare been troubled at great deal
with torpid liter, which producea conatlpa
tlon. I round CASCA to ba all nu eltm
'S"Vmid ""red auch relief the drat trial,
that I ourchaaed another aumtir and com.
pletely cured. I shall only be too f lad to reo-
ommend Caicareu wherjerer the opportunity
la preaented." J. A. Sunn.
"M auquenaana atb., i-auaaeipma, ra.
Pleasant. Palatable, rotenu Taste Good. De
Good. Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Crlpe, 10c, XM.&Oe.
Bi.Hfa ,m4T r,ur, cau.r.. a1 ir..i. . m
Un.Tn.RnR Soldanden.rinteedby anarog-
ss ixsssisi isaxstii see 9
i Everywhere. Write now.
Automobiles, $500 ep.
Ii BARKES Birrdu. $20 mi spwuds.
6end for catalogues.
Portland, Oregon.
Spotaas Taconu Scattk
Interested In Barries?
Sometiir; GomforUblc ami Durable?
Are at the head of their class for
Comfort Euy RUlnr
Appearance Doribllity
Ak for oar lllustratrd pamphlets.
Mailed tree.
t 200-206 first St., PORTLAND, OR.
Also Spokane, Boise.
P. N. U.
No 24-1903.
TT.'IIEN wilting- toadeertlaera please
IT mention tbla paper.
Thought Us Dead?
We're Very Much Alive.
S. D. Headache and Liver Cure Still Do
ing; Its Oreat Work. S. B. Cough Syrup.
Everybody Takes It. Everybody Likes It.
coo Be sum
o second
Con Be stopped
in a second
A soney sow
Ever Reouy
310 Market Street 136 So. Los Angeles SL