Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 12, 1903, Image 6

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C. J. Howard
lUrtort C. Y. Ilrown
. Business Mg'r.
KnlmJat the ilofflc t Cntuge Orot,
Orsron Bseotxt CUh mill multer.
Rubtetlpllon price t.BOt In dne.
ActTrtllng Itntf itim'o known nnon
Till rATBK If kept on fll t K. C. Drake.'!
Ailftrt'ilns: Arener, MsntlM Merehtnti Kx
)inr,8n Krnciwo, CalllornU. where con
lrcn lor mlvtrllitnl ran b mnl (or II.
Friday, Junk ta, 1903.
The Nuccct owes an apology to
its readers. Last week it said
something about the county court
eommcncinir the construction of a
new wooden bridee across the
Coast lfork, in this city. When
you come to town this week or
later, we shall not b atuo you if,
when vou view the bridce, you
deliberately accuse this paper of
lying to you about tuc bridge. 1 lie
fact of the matter is we did lie,
not willfully, but through a mis
understanding. Hence this apology
with the view of getting ourselves
straightened out in the estimation
of the readers of the Nugget. At
the time the paper stated that a new
bridge was being built, we were
informed that the county court had
ordered a new bridge and that it
would be finished without delay.
The fact of the matter is it is the
old weatherbeaten, unsafe, ram
sackle bridge rebuilt with the old
cover torn away, so that the good
people of this section of Lane
county could say it was mi open
bridge. The people of this vicinity
leel that of all the dirty, mean con
temptible insults that was ever
heaped upon a community, the)
present county court of Lanecounty i
lias takcu the premium m tuc mat
ter of fixing upon the people of
this section of the county, this old
wornout wooden structure, the
looks of which causes us t refrain
from calling a "bridge," out of
respect for several very respectable
bridces which have been erected in
other sections of the county. The
members of the county court just
hording of a few dumb dollars.
Now that there is still a disposition
on the part of a selfish number of
school electors to restrict cuuea
tionnl facilities to a six months
term annually it behooves every
liberal minded voter to go to the
polls on Monday next and see to it
by his ballot that our public school
is kept open for the full nine
months term.
Occasionally one hears some one
speak disparagingly of their town
or of their neighbors. Did it ever
occur to one. who is thus inclined,
that no town nor neighborhood
holds a string upon one? Is it not
a fact that if something has hap
pened in our private afTairs that
causes us to be a little sore at some
locality or at some one, that we
can ect up and rack out? If the
people are down on you to the ex
tent that it is noticeable to you, it
is a pretty good sign that there is
something wrong with you, and the
sooner you give yourself a thor
ough inspection and find out what
is the matter with you, the better
will be your future chances. When
you hear a man cursing the town in
which he lives and the people with
whom he comes in daily contact,
you are certainly listening to a
man who is almighty unpopular
and whom you should regard with
Thus far nothing has been said
regarding a Fourth of July celebra
tiou. If we are to celebrate the
matter should be taken up at once.
.i win
lifforts being made by O. V. Iturd to
Secure aid in the matter of In.
fluenclng Congress in making Im
O. W. Hurd, one of the leading
merchants of Florence, was in Ku
jrene this week in the interest of
before election look with longing the Siuslaw Harbor, and according
eves and count noses in all serious- to the Guard is authority for the
ness in this community. It is not
' necessary for them to do so a year
from now. This end of the county
has had the worst of it since the
tection of old man Kincaid to the
county judgeship. He is such a
penurious, narrow-minded old chap,
that he cannot overlook anything,
and simply because this end of the
county happened to be the home of
a candidate for county judge, and
because that candidate was liber
ally supported at home, the old
man down there, who at his age
should be content at home in the
"slippered pantaloon", in place of
"I am on a trip just now inter
esting the commercial bodies of
Portland and Eugene ill-using their
influence with our congressional
delegation at Washington to secure
government aid for the Siuslaw
Harbor. I iutend also to go to
San Francisco for the same pur
pose. "We are not laying claim to gov
ernment aid without reason. We
have a magnificent country over
there, as ever-one knows. For in
stances the lumber industry. The
new mill being erected by the Hurd
A Splendid Section of Country Some
Fine Ranches In Uldence A mag
nificent Stock Country.
M. r!..t'IIUH('ll.
"Conformity Vermin TrniiHfornm
tlon" Ih Mm mibject ot thu Methodist
Church puHtoriicxtKuiuliiy mornliiR.
Thu Woodiunu hold forth In the
ovenliiK, l'rof. llnwley, of Anient,
will go their address.
burdening the taxpayei, has had j Lumber aud .Navigation Company,
his knife- out for Cottage Grove,
and now he heaps insult upon in
jury by cobbling over the old
bridge. From an economic view it
is a failure from start to finish.
Surrounding the bridge are many
wooden buildings, and once fire
which is near completion, will cut
50,000 feet daily; the Florence
Lumber Company mill's has a
capacity of 20,000 feet; the Siuslaw
Lumber Company, which recently
enlarged and improved their prop
erty, is getting out 60,000 feet
breaks out this old wooden bridge ( daily; M. K. Saubert & Company
will go too. There is one conso- at Acme, are adding 25 000 feet
lation. It is so old and rotten,
even now, in its alleged newness,
that it will not last long. The
sooner it falls down the better.
We have always desired an un
covered bridge here. Under the
present condition, it would be to
our interest as a fairly progressive
and' energetic community to pe
tition the "Honorable County
Court" to cover it up as soon as
possible, that we may keep it from
public -view.
It will not cost the "economic"
aud "honorable" body much
money to put the old cover backon.
It is a rotten mess, perpetrated by
as bum a county court as ever held
The attention of each and every
one of our citizens who have the
welfare of this growing city at
heart is called to the school election
to be held at the school house on
Monday next at 2 o'clock for the
election of a school director. At
first sight this does not look like
an important matter. It is under
stood that there is a movement on
foot to limit the next school year
to a six mouths term. It hardly
seems possible that, after the bitter
experience this town went through
one year ago. there should be any
considerable following of narrow
minded people here, but such is the
stern fact. It seems almost incred
ible that for the sake of a few
paltry dollars in the taxation
enough votes could be had to
block the wheels of education, hut
such will be the case if the more
enterprising and broader minded
citizens of this common wealth fail
to take the interest in this school
election which will command their
presence there. Nine months of
school is little enough. There ore
now over 410 pupils in atteudence
and the next school year will in
crease that number, for additions
nre made with every family that
conies here to locate and new
comers are being addtd to this
community at a rapid rate. One
of the very first requirements the
heads of families coming among
UhjiiiMst upon is ample school facili
t' - When the schools were close'!
11;. t put this city in a
ruotit unenviable light and many
would-be settlers gave us ( lie go by
and cast their lot in other towns
where education was above the
every day to this output, llns
makes a total of 155,000 feet of
lumber cut daily on the harbor.
"In addition to this we have two
salmon canneries, creameries, the
finest apples in the world, potatoes
by the thousand of bushels, and
other farm produce ready for the
markets which cannot be reached
without a sufficient ship service.
"It is to the interests of both
Poitland and San Francisco to see
that we have better harbor con
veniences. We do all our shipping
business at present with San Fran
cisco, but if a greater depth is
obtained on the bar, no doubt Port
land will put on a line of vessels
which will call at Florence, thereby J
securing a part of our trade for 1
that city. At present the depth of
water on the bar varies from 10 to j
12 feet, but we ought to have 16 1
or 18 feet, which can be secured'
with proper jetty work.
"Eugene being the County seat
of Lane, would also reap great
benefit from being the inland city,
the main station connecting the
country beyond with the sea.
SHIPS TO BR built. .
"I am going to build two ships
each with capacity of 35,000 feet of
lumber," continued Mr. Hurd.
"This will be done next year. An
other ship that I know of will also
be built."
The Siuslaw river is Lane
county's outlet to the sea. It is a
beautiful river, and runs through
one of lbs most fertile valleys in
Oregon. The people who- have
cast their lot in Western Lane
pollute ntp a sttirilv. entornrisinc I
and progressive class. Salmon
canneries and sawmills have been
erected along the river, and for
years to come immense bodies of
the finest growth of Oregon fir will
seek an outlet to the markets of the
world through the mouth of the
Siuslaw. The harbor is deserving
of the serious consideration of the
Oregon delegation.
A reporter had occasion to visit
Mosby creek valley this week. The
creek is one of the prettiest in the
state, aud is an ideal trout stream.
While the valley is not very wide,
still there are many good ranches.
It is a splendid stock country, and
the soil is very productive.
J. I). Parmer, has n splendid
ranch about fourteen miles up the
creek. Mr. Parmer has lived thctc
ten years, having commenced at
the cry beginning, split the lum
ber for his home out of the trees,
grubbed his land as he used it, and
now has a splendid field under cul
tivntiou. His stand of oats this
year cannot be surpassed in Lane
county. He raises all of the garden
stuff required by the family and
supplies many campers during the
season. Mr. Parmer has a bunch
of young stock growing into twenty
dollars gold pieces while he sleeps,
and he feels, and is, and has n
right to be. as independent as a
hog on ice. He has commenced at
the beginning and cleared up a
good ranch. He looks about him
and sees the result of his handiwork.
He views with contentment his
growing herds. He breathes the
pure mountain air, and can look
upon the puuey, scraggy, sallow
office hireling, who once or twice
in the year ventures into the
country for a day or two, with im
S. K. Lewis is opening up a fine
ranch ad joining Mr. Parmer. He
has already erected a snug house,
cleared up a good "truck" patch,
slashed a flue meadow, and has
some grass started.
The Walt llaker ranch is one
mile above Mr. Parmer, and there
you will find the genial Walt as
large as in real lift. . At present
Mr. and Mrs. Raker are camping
out while alt is putting in all
kinds of good time erecting a cotn-
jfortable dwelling, which they ex
pect to occupy this week. Mr.
Baker has a good ranch and has
only recentlv removed there from
this city, having become tired of
town, and will now engage in the
stock business.
One of the important enterprises
on Mosby creek is the Cottage
Grove Lumber Co's mill, about five
miles out. The company is hardly 1
a year old, yet some very impor-:
taut and substantial improvements'
have been made. At present tlielJJ
mill has n capacitv of about 10,000
feet. The dam has been rebuilt
and at present the company d-ij
pends entirely upon water power,
but steam will be added later this ,
season. Several residences have ' JJ
been erected for the families of those 1
employed at the mill, besides a 1
large cook and bunk house. The i JS
company owns some splendid tim-'J
ber, and has many thousand feet of
prime lumber in the yard. "
To buy ono team work horaea
nbout twelve hundred pounds each.
Two Jerey cows In milk.
Two hundred mid fifty ewon. Mall
card stutlUK what price and wheiv
ciin bo soon also breed of sluvp to
It. M. IIawi.kv, Wlldwood, Ore.
WANTKO Olrl for genera! house
work four In family. Inquire nt
this oillco.
Xnw lli'ii.niNii.
V. S. Murttn has 11 forco of men at
work this week on his property on
iimln streot. near thodeimt. Thoold
hulldltiK halTlicen torn down, nil ex
cept the fouiHlnuloii and the tloor,
and Mr. Martin will Immediately
build 11 two story frame building.
The lower tloor will Ih tlnlslicd up In
to ix store or restaurant, and the up
per rooms to rent.
Mr. Joseph l'omlnville. of Stillwater,
Minn., alter having spent over $2,000
with tlio best doctors for stoimeh
trouble, without relief, was advised by
his druggist, Mr. Alex Iticlinnl, to try n
bottle of Chamberlain's. Stomach niul
Mvor Tablets He did so. and is 11 well
man today. If troubled with indigestion,
bad tasto'in the mouth, lack of appetite
or constipation give these Tablets n
trial, and you me certain to lie more
than pleased with the result. For sale
at 25 cents per box by llcnsou Drug Co
Cbc JNficest JNfcckwcar !
The appearance of your neck lias much to do with
the appearance of your whole outfit. One of these
Fashionable Ties will prove of value in your make
up. The shade aud the shape to suit ideas. No'
doubt about the lit of the Collars we sell.
No doubt about the Wear or Satisfaction of any
of our Furnishings.
Pacilic Timber Co's Store
I'nder Odd Fellow's Hall, Cottage Grove, Ore.
Men's. Koy's,
and Youth's
Men's Fine Shoes
I keep nil the best shoes and
at prices to suit the pur
chasers. It you want bar
gains in S HO IiS. see me.
I put patches on ladies' fine
shoes, without sewing . The
patches don't show. I will
repair free all shoes purchas
ed from me that rip.
Is The
The day has gone by when a merchant can
place out-of-date dress goods befutc his customers
in Cottage Glove. The women of ilic (vrcseut
keep well up on the stylus and the trade demands
11 better class of goods thnii in olden times.
. Ke.iliiing these facts we arc now carrying n
Heavier Stock of rubrics
than at any other former season. It has become
the custom of lute years for outside concerns to
secure your names and (lood you with citculars
importuning you to buy or get their samples.
Now we ask you to secure their samples, bring
them in and be convinced tluit it is to your
interest to buy at home
Grocery Store
is the place to
vour groceries.
To have piod health, thebodv should
be kept in a laxative condition, and the
bowels moved atleiist micwu that
all -thu poisonous wastes arecxpeiled dul
ly, .nr. ii.i.. minimi. n. mhiiiM. ,
Wichita, Kansas, writes. '! have used
Herhinc to regulate the liver anl Isiuels
for the past ten v-.irs. and found it a re
liable remedy." -Vk- hi New Km I)rii
Everything is clean,
new, fresh and of first
grade cptnlity.
I Real 6state and JWines
Mining Stock, Timber Claims, Assaying
Bargains in ranches and city.
Muiing property in Bohemia,
for all kinds of mining stock.
Call on us if looking for timber.
Bring Your Ore to Be Assayed
R G-
Tills Is the mouth of
fees In Oregon.
beautiful ro
"I have been troubled for some time
wilU indiueation and Hour atumucli,"
y Sin. Sarah W.CuitU, of Lee, Maw.,
''and have betn takinn ('liumbeilaiii'n
Ktomacli mid l.iverTaliletn which lave
helped me very uiueli so Unit now I ran
eat many tliinga that la-fore I eould not."
If you have any trouble with your -tu-1
niaeli why nut tak" these Tablets and Kt .
well? 1'ur sale bv Itensun Hing I'o,
of any tool Ih iiIwii.vh 11 iIshIi-uIiIo
oiio, lint of equal Importance In the
power of lX'titluliiK thin quality ho iih requlro too froUuut Hlmrpeu
liur. Ity making your purclmwH of
1 lie (iriillii & Veiitch Co. you nhvn.vH
m-olvi" your luoiiey'H worth In the
heat quality of tooln mid cutlery of
properly tempered Hteel that Is Hiiro
to hold nil edKe.
Lurch's Store
Great Carnival Sale!
We have in our store some odds and ends of several lines which are occupying
space we will need for a large line of goods which will commence Lo arrive just
before Carnival, find to move the stuff out here are some prices:
Ladies Underskirts, formerly $1 to $1 oO, now - - Gfie
Ladies Summer Vests 12e
Ladies Union Suits line
Ladies Hose, ,'t pair - L'oc
Old Ladies Comfort Shoes, lornierly $ I 2."), now - - $100
Blankets, full size, per pair Otic
We want to make a killing in our stock of Crash Hats, so have marked 'em
down 20 per cent. We still have ft few pairs left of the L'oc Ladies Shoes. We
have just receivccLa nice line of Boy's Sailor Waist Suits, Canvas find Tennis
If you are not now our customer come in and gel acquainted. We certainly
will try to make it an object to you to come again.
When you see it in our Ail its so
Welch & Woods
The Leaders in Low Trices and Hustlers for Business.
Sealem Is u wry dark led
Uniy Htundx II) bands high is
5 year old, n eight liOO
Sea'em was aired by C.ilif
ornla .liiii, dum was Norm. 01.
California Jim was sired by a
full blooded imported KiikIisIi
Sldre; dam was 1 '1 Slilie, l-L'
Trench Canadian, 'lerins: Seu
sou fi-UO payable at en. I of
semon; Insurance tO.OO pay
able when mare Ih known to bo
in foal.
Mares, void or I railed aie
considered In foal, Care taken
to prevent accidents,, but ro
Hpouslblo for none that may
occur. Will make the. season
of 100.1 aa follows! Kridays anil
Saturday In Cottafo (Jrovo nl
I toll Caiuy'fl barn; Monday
at Drain, Wednesdays, aud
TlmriMlayH at J. M. McDoIo'h
farm four miles soulli of Cot
Uku drove.
J, M. McDiii.e.
Blueprint niupH of any towimhlp
In JtoMuluir;, OroKon Lund DMi'let,
hIiowIiiu fill vacant lauds for fiOctH,
ouch, If you want any Information
from tho V. S. hand Oillco, addreHH,
Tltlo (luiiraiilee iVs hoiiu Co., ltoo
btil'K. Ore.
I KBsVj Jim Dumps' young wife while yet i
H Some biscuits made with greateat pride, ffl
jBWBfij-V 'l Jim looked with fear upon the food, M
Stt!--J ) I But to a bride one can't be rude.
I mfi yf " Let's eat' Force' firit, dear, 'tla my
1 j JSsjSg"""""""' It saved tils life of Sunny Jim."
66 "M
Tin Ccrul M
when in doubt, f
I Alt "Sonny Jims" How. flB
fl "Jn our liomeholil 'Forco' Is. a fa- 2m7Si fl W
W miliar and welcome as 'Hunny Jim,' and gK I At H '
fl that's saying good deal, for wo aro all IV7 -7 s I B
m 'Buniiy Jims' now. xBbsBi Wi 1 1 '
Woiuv pl'o.ld uf the liiu nl pi. i. in.
wi'hcII. They mo Chlckurlnw. Klin-,
llllll, WCnor, WUIVIl, vic, l reiur
niul ninny others). Won't they look
uniiil to .vnuV
Itnnl.ln MiimIc ll.iiise, Kimono.
1'i'iiwm Unix Company for pun
A pncliiiKO of ladlcH' underwear
wan left at in,, uttlre aliout two
niniitliN On ner can havo uanio
by cnllliiK anil Idem dyinn kikkIh niul
payluu for thix notice.