Devoted lo the Mining, Lumbering nnd forming ItmrenUof tliltf Community, to Good Government, and (uniting for a Grub Stake. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, igo3. VOL. V NO. 20 Mines aod Mini jki I i y2- Dovotod fo Bbhcmlt. Nor3 t.rA I ttbms of tfarxortt.! inrpyor to Minim,. w'rj TliiiHliin.ti.iiiilnini In Iii front tl"' ''nHt H ,n' number carload of1 rimm t i l U w T I "'"I'I'I'HT.v wi.h M.-t nicked (it Hit.' Chnniplotl thW week. 1 Hiiiithern I'lullh pot hen tolmtor. KMru. 11. ii iiiillii nmi Alex. Hiinn. warded over tlit On-iron mill Motith have-gono to tliohlllsfortlieHUniiiier. .I'liHtern 11 in 1 1 to t In end of ciitiMtruc. . I linn anil then hauled into llolieinln Conl inliiiTM nt tin Murk I .nun Col-' dtHtilt-t . Thin machinery I from tin llery, Mlrllchl. Kiwhtud, IiuvoImimiou l.e,viier vorkn nt Deliver, Colorado, atrlkit lor 112 w'iekK. I anil coiiHlatM of three nlrciiiMptt-NHurH mill t- 1 1 1 1 1 It 1 drill iliintM willed are W. r, lily, of Kelxo. WiihIi. arrived t K. um., on tho iri-rty ol the Or In Cottage lrov thlx week mull rgon NoeurltleM Cnnipiiny. Duo of now In Holiemlii Initio Inlerrxt of them flue plant Is to lie liiHtulled nt tits mining iroNrtleH. ! the Mu-lek, one nt theUiitmploiiiiud ... .1 1 . ..ii.. . one nt the Helena No, 1. Tliemotlve Itmloliili mi.l llerlM-rl (Mm , if ,,tm.,.r rcy ,riiKlit lloimoii, were In tlio elt v tlitH week. fr, ,, iIk WW.Iiorw power plimt They ri'p(rtinerytliliiir li)okliiooil ,luw. , cllrHl. of eoiiHtructlon on 111 llli'ir Heciinn 01 uir iiimrici. Wnllor Cochran went Into Ho Jiomtii on Wodnemlny morning over tlioO.A H. K. roitil Ho will Join tho force nt Hie Crystal Coimollilnteil. McrU-rt llgh came ilown from Kukoui ami took pintHitgn on the (). & 8. K. Tuesday morning for llo lieinln. He will look nflor the Noon day affair nnd nlao visit the North. Fnlrvlow property. new mill Ih ItiHtiillcd. From the Itest lliforiiiiitlon obtainable the Star CiiiiMiillilnttil will iiuiku a record on the right Mlihiof Hie ledger when the proK'r time comes. Mr. Trygittut, who hat lieen hand ling Hie l-yner drill for Huveral 1 tl 1 1 1 1 1 1 h nt the l.eltny projierty came out from llohemlii thin week mid Hiiydthiit 11 criiKMciit In now being run from the main tunnel liVl feet In lo tap Hid tlilnl parallel ledge on the north. TIiIh emsveut Ih now In 40 feet ami Iimh encountered many hi ringers of hruvy gnlenn mid cop o r lending Inward on slititct. It la expirliil to Ntrlke the third ledge In alioiit :m feet. All Indlriitloim now point til the near enciiuuter of n large lioily of ore. The drill and air plant on IliU proin-rty are working to the entire siitlHtnctlnn of the man iigcnicnl and the future look bright for the I-elto.v. .1 ol)M llolland took the O. & S. K. mute hiMt .Monday morning for his hold over Job with the On-gou Se curltleH Company on the new wagon road up the Champion canyon. John came down from llolieinln Home ten days ulna- feeling under the weather mid hud n Hprained ankle. He Intended to Homier return to the cooling Hliaderi of the canyon but found It very dllllcult to break away from IiIh little grandson "I'etu", to whom he Ih very much attached. That boy "I'etu". Ih a .11 in dandy. T. M. Doyle of Vaneouviir, who re-j centiy purvniiHeu tno.iooiiiirneitpro Iterty at tho Ited llrldgooiiltow river and placed lieu Pitcher In charge of It, Iiiih been liack iigulti to look over IiIh purchase, nnd wos so pleased with tho outlook thiitliohaHtiownciUlred poHKeHHlou oftwoother proertleaon Sharp's creek. Mo goes buck to bin homo, nt Vancouver hh a llvlmr, talk ing mid walking advertisement for the abundant reROiirces ol thin sec tion. It Ih not unlikely that he will later on clow) out IiIh lioldliigM on tho Columbia rlvorand transfer IiIh bane of future nctlvltyto thin point. I). (I. (lover Ih It from llohemln t IiIh week. He Iiiih liven running u 200 foot crosscut In the Itlvernlde In an Hoclatlon with Alticrt .lulker. and reportH a line showing of ore. .Mr. (lover Buys the entire Horwhoiiven country Ih looking Hue. Tlie.Mtneral King owned by Alliert Zlntker In miikliiK a good hIiowIuk. Ho alno nays the Calapoola property, owned bv Kniri'iio nartloH Ih looklmr uood. Jlr. (lover Ih now eiiKiwd In running l'Vauk HriiHH creek IuhUh'Idw IIiocoii- liueiicooi that HtiTiun wnn tin watern ofChnmplourreek. ThlMlNouly a fore. runner of tho machinery that the Or. etfon Hecurltli'H Company lutendntoi iiihiiiii on iim nno iioiuiiikh in none mla. Thcmt drllln will doaway with much of the nlov hand work and make rapid proKrcH In drepdnvelop. mrut. l'Vauk Illinium left tor llohemln on .Moiiilay morning. Ho him nrcepted lii. iul. ..iltilmr umutplfitMtifl. Mr. lU-aifan returned to Hot a ,.t ,,( Uio Htar CoiiMolldated on on WiilnoH.lay morning He will jullrl Cnvk. Kr n few ilayn be probalily do coiiNtdcrable coiitrnct will put HiIiikh In Hhnpo for the re work on tho Mnyllower mid (loldru .eiitlon of a fom of men. Much ili llpiM?rKroupH thin Hummer. velopment work will U done on ... . ., Hint property tliU Hummer mid a K.8. Holderman, ionnm, on the , Knimtmitlal wagon road will new road from tho aiyhotiH. up ,M. mM, (1wl te Cl,y,, n,0ut Champion canyon, arrlvitl In town f0r,nw , ,wt tho wtago road. Wislnonilay, looking for men togo to v lll Htamp mill ban liven contracted work. Mr. Holderman U ileHlroiiH fnr Mui . w iM-ing built Infill ofBecurlufc fKV l,"'u' eago for liiHtalluient on the Star , , proHTty, but It linn now been de- rmnk WllllaiiK. altera few dnyn, ,.,u.(. ,,, to , )t ,,,, ,mtll Iluxl lay off In town, roturned to llolieinla -prlug and In the menu time to on WediHwIay niornlng. I rank Iiiih. ,r,IK(H.,lU. ,1,.,-olopiiieiit and get mini vnrv Una rlaluiH In that ciiinii I i.i,,,, i ,.,,i.,,.i i lit I ui yii It it and ho Intend doing much develop-' iUr, fM.Ht n-HiiltH will follow when the mellt woru oil tlieui nil miiiiiner. I). J. V. MacU'iiimii came out from llohemla on VeduiH.lay. He ha for Home tlmo Ihvii employed by the Oregon Swurltlen Coliipauy. lie goen on n vlnlt to Vancouver. II. (. torn nliort tlmo and will then re turn to Holiemla. KdJeakH came out from llolieinln TurHday evening on IiuhIiii'hh run nected with hi mining profH-rtleH Ed Ih exteiiHlvely IntereHieil In wv ernl parU of tho dUtrlel. He ba JilHt made n horm'bm-k tour over much of tho camp nmi llmU the out look Inileod bright. Mm Hayii the huow Iiiim entirely gone except In a low imthen hern niid.thero where the drift" were deep, John (Irnbor went Into llohemlii onTuendny innrnlng to look after hlH milling IiiUtomU tlien. Since Johnny Hold hi IntereHt In tho Vc hiivIiih IiihI year he ha waiiilen'd over much of the world. Including a vlnlt to IiIh parent nt tho old home In Switxerland. but bo couldn't long koopawav from tho haiintH when tho glittering instill poop out from tbooverliiHtlng rockn. John Uiirrnn, ouo of the owner of tho (Irlxuly property, went Into the enmp bwt Saturday and returned TuoHilny evening. Mr. Curran In' more than plconed wltli tho outlook atthodrlxxly. Ho win iropared to find tho proimrty in good nhniio mid Ihiiow more than over liuprcHcl with tho future outlook for the property. A hooii a arrnngcmeiiHt enn Ik miido oxtennlvo develnpmciit work will golorwArd on tho Orlxily. Work Ih Hteadlly IK-Ing drlvou In the lower tuniiol of the .Mountain Mon claim of tho I'ryntal CoiihoII dated Company'M property. Thl tunnel I now In IM) foet and hIiowh a solid ledgo of II foet of oxtdlxad ore of good value. Work I to bo con tinued on thl level tor 11)00 feet. A AiiliHtantlal wagon road Ih Hoon to liohullt from tho proinrty down the Fnlrvlow canyon to connect with tho now road now nearly completed up the Champion canyon. Jack J amen lit out for tho no homla hill on Tuefiday morning, Ho Iiiih accepted a poHltlou with tho CrjHtal Conolldatod Company mid for tho next fow montliH will burn tho head of a drill on tho .Mountain Lion claim. Jack Ih a thor ough miner, n goiilul companion nnu on all round good fellow, and 111 I WILL MAKE ON Soecia Prices hi HEAVY HAEMSS Until July 1st, 1903 Conic and see me. My Stock is complete. FRED GALE, sifl ASIM.KNUM) HKMKDV Neiiriilxit'piiliiii.rlieiiiiiutUni.liiiiiliai-o and MCiatltf pain ylvlil In tlie Mnetrutlng Influence ol ll Hit rtl'n Sium- Liniment. It I.eiielrnt-K tutlienerve anil tuiie,aiiil llii iilwurbed Into the blXMl,slta hcal init proHTtle arerouveyed tocvery pjrt of the IkxIv nmi rffei't mine wonderful cures. Mr D. I'. MiHire, Agent Illlnoiit Central KuIWhv, Milan, Tena . ntnlin: "1 have ti-ed lliillunl'i Snow Liniment for rhrriiiiitlnii, bnekarhe. etc. , in my family. It in u Hilendid reinei v. We could not do without it." '-'.V, fok- mid l.OOitt New Kra Druis Store. NOTICU. O BUILD A NCW ORtCK BUILDING 1 have Innugunitcil a genuine cloa- , lug out wile ol plauot;.r:ntiH nnu ' all mtmlc good now In utock. I'rlcen are loHtHlght of In thl sale. The goods must go and go nt once. Thl menu a big Having to iilnno buyer and kiicIi opportiiultleHdonot occur often In one"H lifetime. A line ot .'SO different mnkes of plniioH, Including the very lieHt on earth to select from. Sold either for ciihIi or liiHtalluient. Terms easy. T. A. IUnkin, S2-S4-7tli St., Kugene, , On-. Depnrtiiieut of the Interior, i: nlted StatcH Land Otllce, lUiHohurg. Ore.. Apr., 25, 100.1. Notice Ih hereby given that the ap proved plat of Hiirver of Townahlp -'I South, Itauge 4 KnHt. TowiiHhlp ' South, Itauge 5 KiiHt. , TowuhIiIi South, 1 tango :t KiiHt. , TowiiHhlp "-M, South, Itango 4 Hunt. I have lieen received from theSurveyor Oeucral for Oivgonaud on , . ThiirHilayMa LN, 100:1, at clock I n. in. the Malil platH will lie tiled In t IiIh ; olllce, and the laud embraced there in, being In the I'iihciiiIo 1'oreHt Ito-1 nerve, will Ih open to entry on and j utter Hiild date, only to'.eraoiiHhow-: lug Hottloment tliereon prior to I September '.'4th, ISiKl. tho date of tho executive order Netting upart nald land aa a forest reserve. J. T. IlmixiKH, Iteglritor. J II. Uootii, Itecelver. BURQLAR ALARM. Something new and effective. Tho 1 aafcat ami tx'Ht burglar alarm on ' earth, for anle by Trunk Hinds at the Imperial hotel. A wimple niny be Heen at the Nugget olllce. ..... I... ... ....!. l. .....1 .1... I... .. tti ,lila iipniu,rlv mill him Wlieruver liu II IH in no lilfiLn uir III" , I " ,.. .-. ... torcHt of IiIh omployerH IiIh own. ' already cut neveral Hplendld Htrlng tboreforo ho Ih alwayH In demand ern and oxpectn to cut a line ledgo In when bo want to go on hlft. the next4U feet. DIVIDK ITUMS, The baseball players bere have organized a first and second nine and intend to practice nil of their spare time. They will probably meet the I.oraue nine here next Sunday and see which nine can play the best. Reuben Tucker, George Tramel, Albert Mackey and Richard Tnpp attended a dance at the home of Joe Willettf. on Stlk creek Saturday night They report a very en joyable time. Mr. Hucket has finished his new bam, thus Improving the looks and increasing tho value of his farm. Miss Floy Lee visited Mr. and Mrs, Will McCoy of Sluslaw creek, the last of the week. School closes a week from next Friday, after having a good term under the direction of our able teacher, h. M. Tucker. Mr. Huff and family, of Cottage Grove, have moved here for a short time, while hauling wood on a contract. WANTKD SKVUItAI. INHUSTItl. ouh iHTHon In each tate to travel for Iioiiho eHtnbllNlieil eleven year and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agent for hiic ccHHful and prolltable line. Perma nent engagement. Weekly cash Hillary of ?1S and all traveling vx liense and hotel bill advanced In ciihIi each week. Kxncrleucc not eHentlnl. Mention reference and en. close Holf-iiildroHHed envelope. THE NATIONAL, :l Dearborn St., Chicago. For Sale Cottage Grove Hotel Located on the West Side. It is Neat, Clean and Airy Throughout, huvlng 21 Iletlroom9, laritoOfllce, Parlor, Dining Koom, Kitchen and Family Rooms. The house will be sold nt a Great Karain with It Ueila, good range, tables and ill alien, anil may be mailo one of the best paving propositions in tho city. Address, W. C. II0RKN, Cottage 0 rove, Oregon. 5-29-8 tp FOR CARNIVAL QUEEN. TO ALL THE LADIES. The lenn, tho fat Tho Htnut, tl.o tall (lod lilens their soul Wo lovo them. And llko toHCo them pleased iih they are nrt to Ih If they ubo any of tho toilet article from tho New Kra Drugstore. NOTICE. Tho Nugget take this opportunity to notify Its HiibHcrlber that here after thOHO who wish tho Nugget and tho Weekly Oregoulaii will Ik ox pectcd to pay $2.50 for tho two import). TIiIh raise Is ntccHsnrv on account ot a rahui on tho Oregontan John Hooker yesterday nt the reg nlar June term of tho county court through Ida lawyer, I.. Illlyeu, brought suit ngnlnst tho county for $250. Ho wns awarded $150 but it will not Ixi ncceptod. The suit was over tho accident which happened to his team May 13 while crossing a brldgo spanning a small canyon near Panther. They fell through tho rot ten timbers and one wns killed, the other maimed so that It Is unfit for nun future work. The above Is ta ken from the Springfield News and cites another Incident of tho county court's economical bridge coiuul tons. HIS LAST HOPK HKALIZKI). From the Sentinel Gebo, Mont.) In tho first nneuitii; of Oklahomo settlers In 188!), the editor of this paper was niiiong tun many seoKt-rs alter lor tttiio who made the hig race one (1 no day In April. During his traveling about unit afterwards his camping upon his clal.a. heeneoiintereil much bud water, which , together with the severe heat, gave him a very serero diarrhoea which it seemed almost iuiposs bio to check, and along In June the ease became so bad ho expected to die. One day one of his neighbors brought him one. email bottle of Cham berlain's Collu, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemcdv as a lust hope, A big dose was given III m while lie was rolling abouton the ground in great agony, and In a few minutes tho dose was repeated. The good effect ol them dlclno wnasoon no ticed ami within an hour tho patient was taking Ilia first sound sleep font fortnight. That one little bottle worked a complete euro, and bo cannot help but feel grate ful. Tho eoasoii for bowel dlsordersbolng at hand xuggests this item. For sale by Benson Drug Co. A voting contest will Ik held for the Helectlon of a queen of the Mid summer 1'nrulvnl to bt held Juno 21, 25, 20, and 27. Voting in this contest (will begin Saturday. Juno C, and to i close tit l p. in. June 17. Thoso wish ing to vote win nniKe incir own Bcclectlon of cnndldutcs mid cast their votes accordingly. Votlug tickets or ballots will bo placed on sale at all the business houses where they may be procured at 1 cent each. Voting place atSklllman & Benson's grocery on tho west side and New Ura Drug Store on tho east side. The young lady selected as Queen of this carnival will be presented with royal robes suitable for the occasion free. CUTS, BRUISES AND BURNS QUICKLY MEALED. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an anti eptiolliilmeut,and when applied to cuts, bruises and burim, causes them to heal without maturation and much more quickly than by the usual treatment. For sale by Benson Drug Co, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, Roseburg, Ore.. May. 10, 1003. Notice is hereby glvon that the following-named settler has filed notice of Ids intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made befoie J. J. Walton, U. 8. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on June 29, 1003, vlt: Isaac L. Brown en Ida II. E. No. 8902, for the NWf NE. Hyp NE NEJ4 NW )8eo20tp 20SR Me names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Joseph Landrith, Manly Crow, L. M. Tompkins, William Crow, ol Lorane, Oregon, . ' J. T.BRmaxs, Register. vmimimjmiaumjmmmmmm Closing Out At Cost Window Shades Crockery Mattings Glassware, Tubs Carpets and Washboards Our Kutire Line of These Goods Will Be Closed Out At Cost For Cash. Here is an Opportunity For Good Bargains. Eakin & Bristow. HirTTfflTiil'liii'i' 'I 111 Wf LADIES' GOODS. Our line ol ready made ladies waists, wrappers, in fact ererything that is In ladies ready made garments. Is by far the best we erer had. Our line of waists for up to date style and price and assortment is not excelled south of Portland. 1'rtce From SOe to $0.50. We have some excellent values in ready made skirts, a line of light gray home spun, extra good values. We bought these at a bargain, and give a bargain when we sell them at $2.50 easily worth 13.60 Dark grays, good material, $.t.SO to $5.00. Black Silk $11.2R Children's ' Clothing- It is time now to buy clothing for the children. We undoubtedly have the largest and best assortment of values in boys clothing in the country. We still have some of the Roy stock left that we are selling way below the manufacturer's price. $1.50 to $10 00 " Men's Hosiery We have an excellent Una of men's socks, fancy and plain colors. We are always looking out for the latest things in the market. Our fancy striped and drop stich are beauties, no store keeps a better assortment than we do. Con. mon gray mixed 10c to 15c Cashemers 25c to 30c Price From 20c to 35c Hint the majority of people are quick to see and take advantage of a good thinir when they fee it, is di monstrated by the way our shoes are selling. Concentration in tho be.-t lines of shoesiswhat people want. Our shoesare always the same.a rood thins, in good enough, scatteration and new things are verv expensive. Those who iiuv ilues from us are our customers always. Hamilton Brown's Shoes, Men's S2.00 to S4.00 Ladles' $1.75 to $3 50 GAKMAIf, HEMESWAT CO. Lenders in Merchniiclisin&r - fiswww rYoTroTroTnrvsTroTroeTPj FORTY ACKH RANCH FOR SALE. If taken within the next ten tln.vH tht4l)nctvhllli'nncli that 1 have Iteen offering for JGO0.00, can Ih bought for $.100.00. only part ot which inUHt Ih riudi. TIiIh place Ih n bargain nt that price mid will IiiIiik several hundred dollnrx mon than that lie lore the Hummer Ih over. It Ih located nbotlt three and ono-half miles Houth-east of tho city, near Ions & UlnKlinm'H LoKKing cnnip, nnd clout to n Rood road. There Is n fairly good house nnd Home oil t linllillnvrs on the place, uIho an orchard, Koocl feuceii, Hprliiss, etc. etc. There Ih enough saw timber nnd wood on It to more than pay lor It. If you wish to purchase a place of this kind, call on or address, W, Mknhv, Cottage Drove. CsjUUJUUpjUUUUU S f Extraordinary Values -IX- It Is never too late todo good, but It la sometimes too Into to get the best selections In tho latest designs und styles ot Indies' hats, for the reason that oonie other lady has takeu advantage of tho opportunity, nnd purchased the "very one" you wanted. Therefore, come its early as possible nmi make your selection of your spring lint nt the Fashion Millinery Store, Miss Mnry Unrteln, proprietress. Glass and . . Queensware Look at these prices, then call and examine the goods: 50-piece fancy decorated full gold dinner set $9F05 44-piece semi-porcelain dinner set 4-piece glass set , j40 4-piece glass set, flint 65 4-piece " " engraved jl 00 4-piece " " gold enamel jjX 85 Ask to See our Open Stock Assortment and Stoneware 1 1 otiBiaaeaBaoBOBeaMHeiaiaBaiaieBaoBaBoaa