Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 05, 1903, Image 1

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nkat job rniNTinai S
Devoted to the MiiiliiH, I.iiiiiIh rliiK and Fnrmlng InuroMsof thin Connniiint), to Cowl On'-eminent. ami If nulling for a Grub Stake
0. 1 X.
NO. 19
HciumicH Steel Lajlng-Ulght of Way
til the Wnr choline Will lie Cleared nn
Soon nit I'limllilo,
Ill the illlnl llfli t-liiinl hole Hnltir
iln.v between tln Drain Noriuul mul
Cotliiltojll'iivo tint lutli'i' won 11
decided victory Inking , every Ural
jiliuc Mil vi.' 1111 tlu liaiiinii'i' throw,
which wan won by Harphatn, of
Drulii, illxl iiln i' SS foul 2 Inrlii'H. Mar
tin ol ('nttnKii dtoM', hIiiiiiIiI have
won mi i'iim.v lli'Nt (ruin lliiriiiitii
mul woiilil huvo 1I11111' ho tint for mi
Injured iiiiimcIi' In in Hide.
TllU week the OieiHi & .South- 'I'hu meet vun clean and nmippy
(Miterii commenced the laying (if tlii'oiililiimi. The loo yd. iImhIi wuh
Mcl 011 the main truck nflcr .icv- "very pretty event 11111I tin- two
orul weckt lny oil owing; to hit vin; winners, Humm anil Hill, liotli hIiow
concentrated the company's work-1 speed mul only need uiiofhcr jcur in
lug force on the jjrnvel tnius.' It miiko good rl n toiM. Tim mile run
Is cxiccted thai the conimny will ' W,IM 'M(' nexti-veni undshlvln mul m.
beside to coiililelr the main truck trouhlo- In winning ulih (irlllln a
to the Red hrliluc hy July 1. ' clone second, Mouri', tin- Drain entry.
Commencing this week Thins-1 wii linl a imy 17 yearn 0I1I yui lie
day Manager I' hut Installed ' mude 11 ciedllile hIiowIiik anil ran all
11 double daily KiHsciiKcr service ,
running- from tilts city to the end! The hroud Jump wnn runy fur 1. l
of the line. 1 taking all thtw placet.
The itentu shovel nml etew which Kmerlck surprised all liy tunning
han been doine; Mich effective vvoik 1,111 shot nearly forty feet lie In
nt the Hake Stewart gravel pit, left surely a winner,
for Portlmnl Monday. It will be Moon showed spied In the 220 h it
.some little time before another could not hold out.
shovel is installed, but such nr- Harms woiilil have inaili) much
rnnKcmcnts will be made ill ninplc better time had he not loHt one of IiIh
time to complete the ballasting I shoes,
nlotig; the entire line before fall. I I'hu IiIkIi Jump wan one of the nle
The company tcccivcd ten corff .event of. the meet. Knox the
loads of rails, spikes nnd fish plates ' veteran Jumper, was it 11 easy winner, '
this week. but Mnrtla was a clono second nail i
The Corvallls Hastern engine I" i ureal Jumper as well in vanlter. ;
mul ten Hats which were used in Knox did well on tho iIIhciih mull
the distribution of K'uvcl was n
turned early this week.
The IiIk dam qbovc the Ware
house is Hearing completion, ainl
tin. Hammond Manufacturing Co ,
of I'oillaud, sunt up a force of ten
men this week which is now em
ployed ou the flume to be laved
from the dam to the power house,
n distance ol some 5000 lect.
The electric plant was shipicd
by the Wcstcnhouse people on
May 32 nnd is expected to 111 rive
in Portland in a few days. It is
also .announced that the air com
pressor drills for the Oregon Se
curities Co. have been shipped.
Little news is obtainable front '
the mines this week. The boys,
are apparently too busy to think of
newspaper reports.
It is said that in opening up the,
Helena (rom the Champion Mile.
Suicrinlciulcnt Mathews has struck
some exceedingly rich ore.
Al Churchill has completed lii
new cabin on the "llig; Ifour"
group 011 Hairvlew creek, nnd will
.soon commence development work. ,
News from the Mu-ick is to the
effect that they ate still driving in
good ore '
Frank Hughes left for llohemia
this week mid w II commence de
velopment work 011 the Star mine'
immediately. 1
Win. Griffith, who with Win. j
Reed owns the Hroadway, adjacent 1
to the Champion, arrived here,
Wednesday and has gone into the
bills and will commence develop
ment work on the llroodwny this
defeated the bltf lliirpham. The wind
prevented a belter record.
lliirniH run away from lliirplimn
ami .Moon In the low luirdlcM.
Tin- prettli-Ht run wuh Is'twocu Hill
nt I'. (J. ami dipt, .liilnium of Drain,
In the III) yd. .lohiiHim led half the
way when tie was puei liv HIM In
one of thu pruttlcHt nprluts which
continued to I lie Inpe.
I'lli' polc-uuilt wax a line exhibi
tion. Harpluim fell out at s feet 0,
when the bar wan rained to near 10
fool and Knox on llrnt trial nailed
oe i- It like a bird an did alnn HaraiH.
.Martin ami Fluerty. No team In the
ntiilu han Mich a hunch of vaultern.
Sheik wan picked to win thu 800
yard run hill wan badly out of eon.
illlloii but mailu an excellent run
taking; nccoiid phut (or .lolumiui. of
Drain at the lne.
I'lie meet win a nuccenn and every
lliliiK went ou nicely. Two ol Cot
Ihko 'IrovoV muii were called down
li.i Hie Jildircn for getting ou the
track where they did not lieliinr.
Until July 1st, 1903
Come and see me. Mv Stock is
Closing Out At Cost
Window Shades Crockery
Mattings Glassware, Tubs
Carpets and Washboards
Our Kntire Une of These .;oods Will He CIommI Out Al Cost For
Cash. Here is an Opportunity For Good Uargains.
Eakin $ Bristow.
five Cot-
C. W. Knapp, of Lancaster,
cousin, after an nbsence of
years, returned last week to
tage Grove and revisited the scene
of his early struggles in Ilolicmia
District. Mr. Knapp owns three
Arrangements are completed for
the sixth . ii i ii 1 1 reunion of the:
I. ine C ii nt v- Veterans' Association
to convene in liiiijeiie, Jut:? 16. 17 '
and 18. The program is as follows: 1
Receiving, registering and locat
ing visitors. A reception com-1
niittee from the local post will be ,
at nil trains to receive mid welcome
visiting comrades
Tuesday evening, n reception
will be given jointly by J. W.
Geary Post and Corps and the
ladies of the G. A. R. at the Post
rooms, to visiting comrades and
families. Address of welcome by
the mayor of the city and response
by the Association.
Street parade at ion. 111. Vet-
NenrHlie imlin,,, himUuno
mul Bciiitie ,.iiiin yield In tlienenetrntiiiK
iiiiiiieniu ,.l lliilliinl n bnow Liniment. 1 Imvo InniiKUritteil a Kemilne clou-
..,r ,n,- ...tiiciii-rvei, nun iKine.nnii 1 iiik out nine ol piauon, onrann anil
Mng niMorUsI Into I lie blood, lm heal- all munlc kooiIh now In ntock.
Ililj properties nreeoaveytsl lot-very part 1 I'rlcen are lont nlsht of in thin wile. mid effect hoiiib uomk-rfiil , The uoodn llllint o and ko lit once,
cures. Mr l. I-. lin,re.Ai;ent Illiinils Thin inemin a bl navlai- to plmio
Central K ilUny, Miliiii, Tenn . Btati'9: bnyem ami mieli opportiinltleHdonot
I huvf 11-.-I ItHlliinl'M Snow Liniment occur often In one'n lifetime,
fur rhi'iiiii.tlin, hnekm-he. etc. , in my, A line of :!() different makes of
fitini y. Ii to 11 npleniliil rcin.i y. Vo plmtnn. Incliidlm: the very liest on
could nut do Hilliniit it." 2m.-. 50e mid : I'lirlh In whi't from. Snhl I'ltlier fur
1.00 at Now Kr.i Dniit Store.
eanlbor luntallment.
1 I- A. ItA.NKIN. .'-21-Ore.
Tenun eany.
th St., KllKelie,
well developed claims near the foot erans of oil wars arc cordially tit
of Hardscrabble hill nnd the old ' vitcd to participate. Fall in coma-stamp
mill thereon. Although ! rndes and let us moke this the
engaged iu merchautile pursuits in I'lggcst parade in our history. At
the cast he has kept ever in touch 12:30 f"-'e l"ch will be served iu
with llohemia and hnd his property banquet room by J. W. Geary
there improved every year, having Po ssisted by the W. R. C. and
now over 300 feet of tunnels, much Indies of the G. A. R.
surface work and n fine ledge of ore A camp fire will be held tn
showing up. Overtures have been j Parker's Opera House to which all
made him for the nurclinse of his veterans of any war with their
monertv and he is here to consum- families, members of the W. R. C.
mate the deal. He nt one time had
n working bond 011 the Vesuvius
jiroperty. which who last year sold
for u good round sum. Mr. Knapp
goes from here to Alberta iu the
Northwest Territory to look at
some mining property he is there
interested iu nud will then return
to his home iu Wisconsin. He
notes the ninny changes for the
betterment of Ilohcmin District and
Is more than ever satisfied that the
camp is destined to be one of the
greatest if not the best on the Pa
cific slope.
R. are
A voting content will ho held for
thu selection of 11 queen of tho Mid
Mimmer Carnival to bo held .luno 21,
23. 20, mid 27. Voting In this content
will- IickIu Saturday, Juno 0, mid
clone lit (I p. in. Juno 17. Thono wish
Iiik to vote will make, their own
Bcclcctlon ot candidates ami cunt
their votes accordingly. Voting
tlckotH or Imllotn will bo placed on
Halo at all thu butlnenH Iioiihch whoro
they may lu procured nt 1 cent each.
Voting places iitSklllmnn & lloniou'g
Krocery on thu west mIiIo ami Now
Kra Drue Store on the east nldo. Tho
yomiK Indy HclecUnl tin (lueen of this
carnival will bo prenuutod with
royal ioIich miltnlilo (or tho occanlou
and ladies of the G. A.
At 0 o'clock a. in., business
meeting at Post room. Klection of
officers and other business. Ad
journment. The committee most earnestly
invites nnd urges nil ex-soldiers,
sailors nud marines of any war to
be present at this reunion. Take a
three day? holiday and cotuo pre
pared to have a goqd time. This
is not b Grand Army affair, so do
not let your lack of membership in
that organization prevent you from
coming. W. II. Lincoln, Pres.
A. Ymrington, E,
Secretary. Frank Rhisnkr,
S. W. Taylor,
A. C. Jknninos,
S. R Williams,
Tlieeleclliin in over mid the ImllotH
all counted The count In an followH:
W. 1'. Klmiiiv, (I: Hinder Hermann, 5;
J. V. liiRle. 1; A. U. Itciunen, 23; total
.17. Them are about 100 le;al votem
la thin precinct.
A few yearn aj;o t linen were no
hard tho votem couniilercd It unelenn
to vote. Now tiinen are uooil and
they coiinhler It itnelcnn to vote. It
xccuin HtnuiKi' that men will HH'iid ho
much time iiIiuhIiik olllcern, klckiiiK
about hard tiinen, bad lawn, etc, and
then have no time to attend prim
urlt'H and Kviif-ral electionn. It would
bo a ko iiI nchenie to either wake up
orelnoqult klcklue;.
Your corn-npouileitt In puziled to
know Jiint what there In about Lon
don that U ho attraetlvu to Ueorue
Powell. It In certainly not tlii' health
KivliiK effect of the Springn for
lleorno Hccnm to enjoy good health.
However ho In connlderably Inter
ented nbout nomethlng.
There han been neverul druintuers
In London recently and they all
teem well pleaned with tho outlook
for Oregon .Mineral Sprlngn.
A kooiI crowd han been at the
SprliiKH for neveral dayn, among;
whom were .Mr. ami .Mm. May and
dmiKhter, ot Idaho, and Mm. 12. A.
Cottlo and daughter, of CoUiiko
Mr, Sutherland will go to Portland
thin week on IniHlnenn.
Something new and effective. The
Ralent and lient luirKlar alarm on
earth, for mile by Frank HIiuIh nt
tho Imperliil hotel. A Mimple mny
ik neon at tno ?iiiKKet omce.
For Sale
Located 11 n the West Side. It is
Xeat, Cleun mul Airy Throughout,
having 21 Bedroom, lnrKoOllice, l'nrlor,
Dining H00111, Kitchen mid Family
UonniH. The hoiire ill lw sold ut a
Great ISuraiit
with lit beds, good range, tables nnd
dlgiipp, mul limy lie miulo one of the best
paying propositions in tho city.
Address, V. 0. ItOUKN, Cottage
drove, Oregon. 6-29-8 tp
To Imvogood health, thu body should
bo kept In n laxative condition, ami tho
bowels moved nt least oncon day. so that
nil tho poisonous wastoa are expelled dai
ly. Mr. d. h. Kdwnrds, 142 N. Main St.,
Wlchitn, Kansas, writes. "1 have used
Herblnoto regulato tho llvor anil bowels
for the past ton years, and, found It n re
llablu rotiiody." 50o ut New Krn Drug
(From tho Sentinel debo, Mont.)
In tho lirst npuniiig of Oklnhonio to
settlers In 18811, the editor of this paper
wnsmiiong Hie niiiiiy seekers after for
tune who in.iiti) the nil rueoonollno day
in April, Diiiiiighisliiivelingaboiitiiiiil
afterwards his ciiinpiiig upon his clai 3.
huoiiuoiuitui'0.1 much bad water, which ,
together with tho suveio heat, gave Id 111
u very sovtue diarrhoea which it seemed
idinost iinpui's bio to check, and along III
June thociist' lieeamu so bud ho expected
to ill". One day one of his neighbors
brought hliu 0110 small buttle of Chain.
lierlmu's Colic, Cholera and Dim rhoou
Henieily as a last hope, A big doso was
given him while h wns rolllng.abouton
tho ground in great agony, aim in u few
minutes tho doso was repented. Tho
good effect o tho 111 dicltio was soon no
ticed and within an hour the patient wua
taking tils firrt sound sleep fora fortnight,
That 0110 little bottlo worked a coin pie to
euro, mid ho cannot help but fool grate
ful, Tho season for bowel disorder sbeing
at hand suggests this Item, For sale by
Benson Drug Co,
Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an nntl
soptlo liniment, nnd when applied to cuts,
bruises and burns, causes them to heal
witnoui maturation mm much moro
quickly than by the usual treatment
For sale by Benson Drug Co,
United States Land OlUce,
Uosobiirg, Oiegon.Muy, 23, 1003.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with tho provisions of tho act of
Congress of Juno 3, 1S7S, entitled VAn
act fur the sale of timber lauds In the
Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada,
anil Washington Ten llorv," as extended
toaiiliio riiiiue i.anu Biaies uy nci 01
August -I, 1892,
Oeomo W. Kinlev.
of Iron Ul ver.Co. of Bay Held State of Wis
consin lias this dav tiled in thisotTicehls
sworn statement No. 1)253 for the pur
chase nfthoS NK 1-4, NK 1-4 NKl-4,
being lot I. of Section No'J Township 2.1
South, ef H. .1 W. and will oiler proof to
show tliatthn land sought is more valu
able forits timber or slonotlian (orngrl
eulttiriil purposes, and to estahllsli his
chdin to said land before J. J. Walton
US Commissioner at Kiigene. Ore., on
Tuesday tne25th day of August 1903. '
lie names as witnesses ;
Frank I, von, A. 11. Lvon, J . Boimnis,
drove, all of Lane Comity, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly tho nbnve-descril'ed lands am re
quested to lllo their claims tn this ofTice
on or before said 215th day of Aug. 1903,
J. T. BiuuuKs, ItegTster.
Onr line of ready made ladies waists, wrapper, in fnct everything,
that is In ladies ready made garments, is by far the best we ever had.
Our line of waists for up to date style and price and assortment i 11.. I
excelled south of Portland. I'rlee From ROc to $tt.B1h
We have some excellent values in ready made skirt.-, a line of ight
gray home spun, extra good values. We Imught these at a bargain,
and give a bargain when we sell them at $S.BO easily worth fS.H0
Dark grays, good material, f.i.BO to.fili.OO. Black Silk fill.".",
It is time now to buy
clothing for the children
we undoubtedly have the
largest and best assortment
of values in boys clothing
in the country. We still
have some of the flov stock
left that we are selling way
below the manufacturer's
price. $1.50 to $10 00
We have an excellent line
of men's socks, fancy and
plain colors. Weare always
looking out for the latest
things in the market. Car
fancy striped and dron
stich are beauties, no store
keeps a better assortment
than we do.
Common gray mixed
10c to 15c
Cashemers 25c to 30c
Price From
20c to J 5c
Unit the majority of people are quick to see and take advantage of a good thine
lien thev see it, is di monstrated by the way our shoes are selling. Concentration
hi .he bn lines of shoes is what people want. Our shoesare always the same.a good
t ine.', is good enough, scatteration and new things are very expensive. Those Vvho
'nv h'MM from us are our customeri always.
Hamilton Brown's Shoes, Men's $2.00 to $4.00 Ladies' $1.75 to $3.50.
Leaders in Merchandising.
A mooting of tho citizens will bo
held nt Martln'n Hull Friday evening
tor tho purpose ol dUcuaalni; the
ouentlon ol inldHUiiimor carnival to
lie hold June 24, 25, 20, 27. Every
bodv cordially Invited to attend thn
If taken within the next
ten dayn the 4lucivh!llrmicli
that I have been offering; for
$0)0.00, can lie bought fur
$500.00, only part of which
muat lie ciinli. Thin place la
a bargain at tiiat price and
will btliiK neveral hundred
dollam more than that be
fore the nuiiimcr In over.
It In located about threo
and oiie-hulf inllenHoutlM'ant
of the city, near Long &
DliiKlutui'rt l.uKUlng; camp,
and clone to a kooiI road.
There. In a fairly Kood hotmo
nnd noiiio outhtilldhiKH on
thu place, ulnn 1111 orchard,
jcoodfencen, nprlnjrN, etc etc.
There In en . iikIi naw timber
anil wood on ittomiiruthnu
pay for It.
If you wtnh to purchane
a place ul thin kind, call ou
or aildrvnn,
I.kk W, llKNItV,
CottaK" drove.
Extraordinary Values
It In never too Into to do good, but
It Is somotliucH too Into to get the
best selection In thu latent denting
mid Btyles ot lad ten' lints, for thu
reason Unit hoiiio other lady has
taken mlvmitiiKO of the opportunity,
and purcluiHeil tho "very one" you
wanted. Therefore, coinu us early as
possible mul mako your nelcctlon of
your Biirlmr lint at tho Fashion
I Millinery Store, Minn Mary Barteln,
GIess Eod b &
Look at these prices, then cull and examine
the goods ;
50-piece fancy decorated full gold
dinner set $9 05
44-piece semi-porcelain dinner set .". o 44
4-ptece glass set 40
4-piece glass set, flint JG5
4-piece " " engraved 1 00
4-ptece " " gold enamel 2L 85
Ask to See our Open Stock Assortment
and Stoneware