Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 29, 1903, Image 7

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Tired Feeling
la n Common Bprlna Troublo.
It'll n slfrn (lint Ilia blood In deficient
In vitality, Just n liiilo ami ollior
eniitloiia nro algm Unit tliu blood
li iitipttrn.
It's n wnnilnif, too, which only the
linziiiilnui full to herd.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
and Pills
Jtomovo It, itlvo now llfo, new cour
age, tliiMiKlh nnil uiilinnlluti.
Tliey cli'imao tlio blood ami clear llio
Accept no tiihatltuto.
' "I foil llrrU nil I ho llmo and cculd r.ot
ilccii. Atlor tnklnu lluoil'a Bnraajiarlllit
lilln I cotilil tlrt'ii null anil tli llrtxl
imiIIuk liail linno. Tlili crrat nicilL Ilia liai
alio curril ma of acrofula." Miia. 0. II.
ItixiT. (llluiil, Ciimi,
Hooil'a Snrsnpnrltln promises to
euro anil koopa tho promlao.
Keeping In Practice.
Tlio Wneliluittnn's lilrllidny mnnkcol
lull wiik In full kuIiik. Tho hour for
iiinimik'im liml nrrlvrd.
"Wlicru In llooriio WnnhliiRtoii?"
tiknl tho Npnnlnh lmiilaltor ot Ixmln
(nil to.
"rim hint I mw ol him," nilil I.ouln,
"liirwiia In tho Lnffet cillllliK ilonn tho
vlellilu aiiiily ol chuiry liuiiixo.
' A Quanjary.
"Innos la In a bad fix mentally."
... iml'n ma lroiiiln7"
.'lo can't decldo whothcr It la better
't '"ii liln boiiI 1'itraIiiK tho ley pavo- j
""'"'nr loan hla 1 1 (n trying to whip tho
limn l(mt tr9 nBM., n tliom iijrnlnnt
,Vlnd." li.iltlinoro Now.
Just the samosierer
eontlnuss to be the sure cure of
22 Neuralgia
Price.. 35o.
No .Substitute.
I.lttln Klliulotli naa Impatiently de
lualidliiK pleco ol bread nml bill ter.
llor mother waa btiay nml an Id:
"llnvo patience, Klisabutli!" To
which Klltaboth replleil:
"I don't want pntinnco; I want bread
and butter." I.lttlo Cluonlclo.
Tine Outlook.
"What'n tho outlook for n nowapn
imr In thla town?"
"Finest In tho world. IMltor'a up
In n tree, an' aeoa over tho whole coun
try." -
A Work-Weary Suicide.
John McCartney, n lfl-ycnr-old, work
weary lad, enido)od by a dairyman,
IIvIiik In Ilnltlmore, iliot and killed
liltntell In hla employer's home. Thla
nolo wna found on a bureau: "I am to!
die like n dos would, but I nm butter
oil dead. I do nothing but work
Ilrltltli Manufacturers' Left.
Tlio 1 Irniinchatii I'oet calls tlio allon
nun nl llrlllali iiiuiiiltiirtiiriira In tlin faet l
on ol uru'rn iiianuiacturera to tno lai 1 1
mat ronirucia iiivoiviiik
tlio Bum of
tori. 000, 000 have boon obtained by
American Interoata during tho laat few
week a for tho construction of electrical
traction ayeteina In Kngland, Ituaala
and Holland.
I.lnieo Tlicro'a nothing I llko hot
ter than hard work.
Morris There's nothing you llko
bettor when t-omcone olno la doing It.
I.lnieo Thai 'a underatood. I hope
you didn't think I waa eucli n fool an
to llko to do hard work uiyaelf, or any
oilier kind, for that matter.
Nothing ia a souice of so much trouble as nn old core or ulcer, particu
larly when located upon tlio lower cxlrcmitic where the circulation is weak
nna Eiupcisu. a RauRrcnous catnip tticcr upon tne leg is n triglittul siglit,
nud as the poison burrows deeper and deeper into the tissue beneath and the
sore continues to spread, one can almost see the flesh melting away and feel
the strength going out with the sickening discharges. Great running sorc3
nnd deep offensive ulcers often develop from a simple boil, swollen gland,
bruise or pimple, and area threatening danger always, because, while all
Btich sorc3 arc not cancerous, a great ninny are, and this should make you
suspicious ol all chronic, slow-hcnling ulcers nnd sores, particularly if can
ccr runs in your family. Face sores are common nnd cause the greatest
annoyance uccause tncy arc so per
sistent and unsightly and detract so
much from one's personal appearance.
Middle aged and old people and
those whose blood is coutnminntcd and
tainted with the germs and poison of
malaria or some previous sickness, arc
the chief sufferers from chtonlc sores
and ulcers. While the blood remains iu
an unhealthy, polluted condition heal
ing is impossible, and the sore will
continue to grow and 6prcad iu spite of
washes and salves or any superficial or
surface trcatuieut, for the core is but
the outward sign of some constitu
tional disorder, a bad condition of
the blood and system which local
remedies cannot cure. A blood purifier
nml tnnlr- in wlinfc vnn need. Some
thing to cleanse the blood, lestore its lost properties, quicken the circula
tion nnd Invigorate the constitution, nud S. S. S. is just sucli a remedy.
S. S. S. reaches these old chronic sores through the blood. It goes to
tho very root of the trouble and counteracts and removes from the blood' all
the impurities nud poisons, and gradually builds up the entire system and
strengthens the sluggish circulation, nud when the blood has been purified
purifier nud tonic combined and a safe and permanent cure for chronic sores
and ulcers. If you have n slow-healing sore of any kind, external or internal,
write us about it, and our physicians will advise you without charge. Book
pa "The Blood and Its Diseases " free,
lilt Ufa bl Happiness.
Mrs, Hiipeck fioiidliiK Irun noVI)))
"And ao lliey wero murrlod and livid
lumpily inor nfler." Now what do
J on ihlnk ol Hun?
Mr. I'.npei k 1 Ihlnk they miiathavs
nccilteil a tllvnrcn rljilit away,
Jnwalinrp (lcorno I eiipponi after yor
rolled around In do atreet an' not full
n( mild do Imly In iln wayalde (oltiir.o
tlioulil yar bad been Intoxicated.
Uluilor (Jliarley Not at nil. I told
her 1 had beun rldln' In a rneln' ntito
mobllv. I'citlnenl Inquiry.
Illsji's (amokliiK)) Thin la soinotlilnir.
llko a ultrar, old luun
Dlltua (Kottlnir h whlfl) Vei or
aometliliiK llko ouo. What la It, any.
wo) 7
Hie Mean Man.
"Nnvnr hoard of audi mi ungrateful
"In what way7"
"Why, I hoard ho waa freozliiK and 1
had n hitihol ol coal dumped on hla
"What then?"
"Woll, ho bad tho nervo to ray aa
Ioiik na 1 had miiarod up hla aldewalk
bo bopod I Mould aund aumeono around
lo clean It,"
Scientific Pact.
I'rtxl Do yon know uiiytlilnK about
Jim Do 17 My dear boy. 1'vo mndu
It a llfo almly.
Fred Willi wlint renlt7 '
Jou Woll, 1'vo micri'udvd In rmlur
I i'i K "iy iK'ioruiKo ol It to n aclonco.
ro Dash About Hint.
Jonon I Inm 1 1 ton In n pretty kock! ex-
ninplo ol what a bualneaa roan onlit to
Ilronn In somo ways, yoi, hut then
hun ao torrlbly dollluriito. Why, I'vo
known him to gpend ton minutes over
lain noomhiy lunch llostonTrunacrlpt.
and 50o.
Will Sometimes Happen.
"Von wouldn't boliuvo itjieutennnt,
but only yeaterday n lieutenint lay at
my feet."
"Ob, yea! I.loutenaiita aoinetimea
atumblel" rilei;endo lllautter.
Juitlflable Hatred.
"Why ilwi Mra. Dlnamore hato Mr.
Tompleton ho iclonlled7" nfkwl llo
jak. "llo onco alluded to her na n well
preserved woman, nnd aotno ono ie
pea led It to her," replied Tuindlk.
Detroit Heo I'reaa.
tlv local anrtllcetlnn,. ee Iher rannot reach tho
ilUttnl i.riton nl tbn ear. 1 here la onlr one
way lo cure in aiueaa, ami inai n ir couiiuu,
iliiiial rpmiHlir. Draftifia la rauie.1 br an ln
llamrtl cnnUlllou ol the murouilla laoltbe
(i.,,,i ntiiiaaariiiiikUiiifMinn.i imiver
I rri hrarniir, ana wikii it ia vnureir cioaoa
tl.'uliii'-a li ih iff till, ami unlets tlielunamma
tlon can be tnViMl mil ami Ihu iuIms renlnttil to
llsniiriual louililloii, liearltiK wiiibueairoyel
Ii.ret er: nine ranes out t Iro are caused bl
eaurrb.whbb It liotblmr but an liillameil
couilltlimol the innci.neeiirracea.
Wewillalro line llumireu pouare lor any
"" lieaiiiteairaiiieil by catarrb) that can
nol 1t rurpi hy caiarrb Cure, beud lor
Mniilir. (rr.
K. J. CIIKNKV i CO., Toledo, a
Hold by riruciilita, lie
tlall'a family 1'llla are the beat.
Orent Show.
Krnlo Ma Ik) I wna engaged four
tlmea down nt tlio beneb Inat minitnor.
Hlio s.ild It waa a regular circus.
IMith Sort ol it four ring affair, I
(letting at the Cauics.
Mrs. Miigglna How did you break
your huaband ol aweariiig7
Mra. llngglna-I had tho tclepbono
titkou out and gavo tlio alarm clock
nnny. riilladulphia iiccord.
A Constant Drain
Upon tho System.
dontlomon About tan raara aero a
email aoro camo on each of mj ankles.
Sow cot Into tba plaooa and they be
came ariro, eating tiloere, and I aut
Cored liiionaoly for nearly ton yoara,
I had apont more than $500.00 try
lnu to Ret woll vrhen I chanced to
aeo 0, u. I), advortlaadtln a Momrihla
papor. I bosun to tnko it and waa
oared, liy limbs havo never been
ore or erven rua any pain at nil
alnoe. I havo rocoraiuanded B. O. B.
to a lire at many people, and am new
elviuB it to ray nlno-yoar-old eon for
Koaomo. Durlntr J117 lnnr alohneaa X
was llvinc nnar JIUinplile, Tonn., hut
bane olnoo roinoved to Kaneaa Oltr,
and am not? rosldtua at No. Oil
Kait UUtoonth Street.
Mrs. B. A, HARRIS.
Kanaaa City, Mo,
nnu tue system piirgcu oi uu moruiu,
unhealthy matter the healing process
begins, and the ulcer or sore is soon
entirely gone.
S. S. S. contains no mineral or poison
ous drugs of any description, but is guar
nnteed a nurclv verrctable remedy, n blood
John lliirna of Gettysburg.
Ilnru yuu livaril the aturr (hat gosiip:
Ot llurna of Uettyeburg? No 7 All
llrlcf la lliu Klorr that hero rarna,
llrlefer la Hie itory of poor John llurna
llo wna the fellow who won renown'
Tlio only man who didn't back down
When the rebels rode through hla oatlre
Hut held his own In the flicht nest da,
V hen nil hla townsfolk ran away.
That wna In July, all! y-lliri'C,
Tlio riTy day that Oflirral Ia,
I'lower of Houlliprn chivalry,
lla'llrd niul beaten, backward reeled
From 0 stubborn Meade and a barren
1 might tell jou how, but the day before,
John Hums alooil at hla cottage door,
l.oukliik' down Ihit Tillage atri-el.
Where, In the ahade of hla peaceful Tlue(
He hi'iird tlio low of his gathered klne,
And fell their breath with lucerne sweet
Or I might say, when the auuset burned
The old farm gable, f,0 thought It turned
Tho milk, that fell Iu a babbling flood
llilo the milk pall, red aa blood,
Ur how he fancied the hum of beea
Worn bullets buazlug among the trees,
Hut all aucb fanciful thoughti as theao
ere strange to a practical man like
Who minded only bis own concerns,
Troubled no more by fancies One
Than one of hla calm eyed, long-tailed
Quite old fashioned and matter-of-fact,
Hlow to argue, but quick to act.
that was the reaaou, as some folks ssj,
He fought ao well on that terrible day.
And It was terrible. On the right
Itaged for hours lbs besdy Ogbt,
riiuiuleri'd the battery's double bass
Dlirtcult music for men to face:
While on the left where now the grarca
I udulale like the Imug warei
That all that day unceasing swept
li to the pits the rebels kept
Ituund shot plowed the upland gladea,
Hum 11 wllb bullets, reaped with blades
Hbsttered fences here sud there
Toaicd their splinters In Hie air:
The rery trees were stripped and bare;
llio barus that once held yellow grain
Were heaped with harrest of the alula
'lhu cattle bellowed on the plain.
'the turkeys screamed with might and
And brooding barn-fowl left their rest
With atrangv sheila burning In each nest.
Just where the tide of battle turua,
Krvct and lonely itood old John Hum
How do you think the man waa dressed?
He wore an ancient long but! rest.
Yellow as eaffroti but hla best;
And, buttoned orer his manly breast
Was a bright-blue coat, with a rolling
And Isrge gill buttons site of a dollar
Wllb tails that the country-folk called
He wore a broad brimmed, bell crowued
White as tho locks on which It sat.
Never had such a sight beeu seen
Tor furty years on the tillage green
Hlnco old John Hums was a country
And went to the "quillings" long ago.
Close al hl el bone all that day
Veterans of lue I'tulniula,
Sunburnt and bearded, charged away
And striplings, downy of lip and chin
Clerks that the Homo Guard mustered
Glanced, aa they passed, al the hat he
Then at the rifle his right hand bore;
And hailed him, from out their youthful
With scraps of a slangy repertoire:
"How ore you. While Hat'" "Put her
through." '
"Your head's level," and "llully for
j 011!"
Called hi 111 "Daddy"; begged he'd din
eloie The name of the tailor who made bis
And what wna the rnlue he set nn those;
While llurna, unmindful of jeer and scoff.
Stood there picking the rebels off
With hla long brown rlUe, aud bell crown
And the awallow talis they were laugh
ing at.
Twas but for a moment, for that re
spect Which clothes all courage their rolcei
(becked, .
And Burnetliing the wildest could under
Spako In the old'a strong right band;
And hla corded throat, aud the lurking
Of hla eyebrowa under hla old bell-crown;
t'util, aa they gnicd, there crept an awe
Through the ranks III whispers, and some
men saw
In the antique vestments and long white
Tho l'ast of the Nation In battle there;
And sonic of the soldiers slnco declare
That the gleam of his old whlto hat afar,
I.Ike the cresttd plume of the bravo Na
varre. That day wna the orlflainme of war.
tio raged tho battle. You know the
rerti -
How the rebels, beaten and backward
Itroke at the final chargo nnd ran.
At which John Iturna a practical man
Shouldered hla rille, unbent his brows.
Aud then went back to hla beea and cows.
This Is the story or old John Hums.
Thla la the moral the reader learna:
Iu flghtlug the battle, the question's
You'll show a hat that's white, or a
Uret Hnrte.
raud Dnke Alexis No Loutrer Herd
of the Itueelati Navy.
Tlio Clrnnd Duko Alexis, who has
been compelled by a severe Illness to
retire from his position ns liend of tho
Russian nnvy, la
tho undo of the
Czar nud one of the
three living broth
ers of the lato Em
peror Alexander
III. Tho grand
duko la C3 years
old nnd has bad a
t 0 m p e b t u o u s
enrcer. Several
years afro, during
hla brother's relgu,
ho was dismissed In dtsgraco from bis
post, but uioro recently be was ro-
utored to full favor. S'Tornl yours ngo
bu paid a visit to the United States,
The larger tho town, the older the
women are beforo they quit dancing.
Tell us of n town iu which the women
ijult at -10, and we can tell you bow
largo tbo town Is.
(Jreat us yon are, your friends wll'
luvfb UK'rrlly after your funeral.
Mrs. Laura L. Barnes, VVnfJl-
inxloii, D. C, Ladies Auxiliary lo
HlirilClflr 1'ne.t Nn 4 ft A I?
uiinisiuc 1 osi, no. i, w. a. k.,
rCCOmniCnUS Lydia U. I'lnkliam S
Vegetable Compound.
" I n diseases that corao to women only,
nn a rule, tbo doctor Is called In, some
times several doctors, but still matters
I'd from bad to worse ; but I have
novcr known of a cane of femalo weak
ness which was not helped when
T.yillii I'. I'lnkliiim's Vepetublo
Compound waa used faithfully. For
young Jwotnen who aro subject to
headaches, backache, Irregular or pain
t nl periods, nud nervous attacks due to
tho severe strain on the system by
nome organic trouble, and for women
of advanced years In tbo most trying
tlmo of life, it hcrvca to correct every
troublo and restore a healthy action of
all organs of the body.
Compound Is a household reliance
In my borne, and I would not bo with
out It. In all my experience with thla
medicine, which covers years, I have
found nothing to equal It and al
ways recommend It." Mns. Liuns L.
lUmvrs, C07 Second St., N. K., Wash
ington, D. C. 16000 forfait If vlltml if
arret Utttr prcplitj gtnlrtntu tannitb ptoiutta.
Such testimony should be nc
ccptcd by nil women ns convinc
ing evltlonco Unit I.ydlu 12.
J'lnklium'H Vegetable Compound
nfnntls without n peer ns u rem
nly for all tlio distressing HI ol
Valuable Collection of Stamps.
A collection ol stamps formed by P.
Owon Wlieo er o t in 1-ondnn I'b ate c
society v,ns sold by auction recently
for 15,676.
If Vou Want Vour Lover to Lote Vou,
Have Qood Teeth.
There are a good many people In
love, and lovo leads to kisses. At
leaat, II it does not immediately lead
to Lis os, It is usual that fond perrons
wlillo conversing tit near each other.
At sucb-n time, thev can ace whether
each has a nice, white set ol teeth or
r.ot. And It is more than likely that
if either has neglected his, or her,
teeth, the roaultiiig offensive broath
villi bo noticeable to the other peieon.
Tho question is: Are fine, white.
perfect teeth admirable and attractive?
W ill they tend to enhance your charms
In the eyea of your lover? Will yellow
teeth, or the pungent odors that exude
Lfrom uncleanod or decaying teeth, have
tho opposite eHect upon one who otner-
wlto might be fond of yo. 7
Alkie entirely from tbo fact that it Is
moro comfortable and practically help
ful to have perfect teeth and keep them
in good order, you should not forget
that the tery persons whom you woulJ
vtish most to like vou may be atroojly
repelled by a neglected or foul condi
tion ol your teeth.
Tlieto considerations srj eminently
rontlble things (or people to consider.
Tbey are suggested by a recent talk
witn Dr. V. A. Viieo, ot the famous
dental firm, Who Brothers, Failing
building, Portland, Oregon. This firm
s probably the most up-to-date concern
n the Northwost. They put teeth in
order without causing any pain, and
their prices are extremely moderate.
The moral of this story is that levers
should not neglect their teeth. There
are probably 60,000 bad-tootbod lovers
within 50 miles of Portland, all of
whom should go immediately to Wise
Brothers and get fixed np for proper
John Burroughs has an article on
Tbo Ways of Nature" in the forth
coming Juno Century, which contains
high praise for Kipling's wiork In nat
ural history. Ho says that we are
never at a Iohs how to take Kipling In
tho "Junglo Books;" and of the story
ol "Tho White Peal." Mr. Burroughs
says that ho could not detect ono. de
parture from the facts ot tho life his
tory of the cent so far as it is known.
The Life of Prajcr. I
Prayer is tbo abiding background
In tho life of tho Christian. nam's
Little Liver Pills.
(Aunt Donr Signature of
St facsimile Wrapper Dslosr.
Ysffr snail anil as easy
to tabs as sagon
Masai .
ran iieadache.
ran biuoushess,
Purely TeretsJbl vfrKSg)
imuauuauisawja "
luhus nrune ui hoc ritp.
I BOf t Cough ttimp. TMtuQood, UM
16. noia or arum in.
It It Redntlve Effect Upari
Horace Hating- of It.
There la R.apcclcs of grnas, fillpa
rnseyl, growing In llio mountains of
New Mexlcn and In mime of the neigh
boring rel,na, that hna llio remarkablo
effect of putting to sleep every borae
that enta It. Until recently there bare
been only vngui and unauthentic ac
counts of II. Hut nt n recent meeting
I of the Wnahlngton Hlologlcnl Hoclety,
I Vernon Halley, nn official of the lllolo
Iglenl Survey, described the effects of
I thla graaa on the hnraes of Hie explor
ing arty of which be had charge laat
I TIiav V. n rl ,.,mw1 In Iha Onwimanl.
Mountalna In New .Mexico, nt an altl-
tua of iul w thousand feet.
irai sonw mu Jil otra iiam" "
,0 Kra on B erfl,. tua, lind nn obuml.
BnCe ot green blades and tall heada full
of ripe a coil s, when a paaalng ranch
I man warned tbem that It waa "sleepy
graaa," nnd added, "If they get a good
feed of that graaa you will not get out
of here for a week." After the horsei
had grazed about balf an hour tbo
warning waa heeded, and the bora en
were picketed In another apot.
1 The next morning all the horses were
drowsy, nnd one was sound asleep,
standing wllb legs braced and ears
and lower Hp drooping In a moat un
usual and grotesque fashion. He hod
nlmoat to be dragged to camp, and
would not eat bla oats or drink water.
He preferred to alecp. AU the bones
were sleepy for about three days, but
no III effects followed, except profuse
sweating while traveling and a little
loss of flesh from preferring to sleep
Instead of eating full rntlons.
I The range horses are said never to
eat aleepy graaa, and those that are
brought Into the region where It grows
and turned looae eat of It only once.
Horses that were thought to have
strayed and were lost for daya havo
been finally found aaleep In the bushes
near camp. Cattle are said either not
to be affected by eating this grass or
to refuae to cat It. The exact facts are
not known. It la possible that when
more la known about this sleepy grass.
1 n extract may be made from It which
I "" " " a wuuuie.
A gifted monkey In a London menag.
erle died recently. He answered to
laB uame 01 "Bu nno WBS J"
old. His life wss Insured for a large
sum and the manager of the menag
erie aaaerta that tbe signature for bis
life policy bore Esau's own auto
graph, which his trainer. Captain Del
nscler. bad taught blm to write. Esau.
Indeed had bla own banking account,
bis earnings, amounting to some thou
sands a year, being credited In bis
own name. Checks drawn against this
sum were signed by Esau.
a woman or i-aisiey, Scotland, re
cently stumbled at nlgbt Into a stream
wblcb was In flood and was swept Into
the sewer through which the stream
flows before Joining tbe Hirer Cart.
While pasalng through the sewer she
caught a projecting ledge and climbed
upon It. The place waa swarming
with rats. She bad tbe greatest diffi
culty In keeping tbem off and much of
her clothing was torn or gnawed
away. After she bad been In this po
sition for eight hours tbe stream rose
and she wss swept off the ledge Into
the Illver Cart, where she clung to
the bank and was rescued the next
Tbe national museum at Washing
ton has a remarkable collection of
rats, which was presented by Major
Edgar A. Mearna of tbe medical de
partment of tbe army. In this collec
tion are specimens et water rats,
mountain rats, field rats, tree rats,
sblp rats, factory rats, cave rats and
plain every-day rats. There are trop
ical rats, arctic rats, rats from Su
matra, rats from tbe Philippines, edl
bio rats from China, rats from tho
East Indies and muskrats;also skunks,
chipmunks, squirrels, mink, raccoons,
opossums and hundreds of varieties of
mice. Including Held mice and wood
Two Very Stylish Walats.
No. 1 shows a stylish elbow sleero
shirt waist of white brllllantlnc. Tbe
J round yoke Is made with a deep bias
fold droplug like a tuck over the
shoulders and gathered seam of the
bodice. The deep bias folds run about
j the bust and about tbe belt and give j
a chic, bouffant effect which Is par
ticularly becoming to slender figures.!
No. 2 shows a pretty and simple
mode for figured lawns or batiste. '
I White cuffs nnd collar add to tbe ef
fectiveness of the waist.
Ilia Money's Worth.
"Ycstcrdny, when I gave you a dime,
you called me 'colonel;' now that I give
you a dollar, It's plain 'mister.' How
Is tbntJ"
"Well, you see, boas, 'kunnel' Is so
common dat I thought IM sorter distin
guish you set you ter 0110 side, In a
row all ter yo'so'f." Atlanta Constitu
tion. 1
Study or Textiles.
North Carolina cud Mississippi hare
C,nn D.l,rtla frtr tliu utililv ,.S ,v,ll
It Isn't what a man is that nmkes
hlui bappy. It's wbut be thinks he Is.
11 r, vnf Av,,' ft,.. riAA
torsi In my bouse (or a great many
years. It is the best medicine In
the world for coutlis and colds."
J. C. Williams, Allies, N.Y.
All serious lung
troubles begin with a
tickling in the throat.
You can stop this at first
in a single night with
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral.
Use it also for bronchitis,
consumption, hard colds,
and for coughs of all kinds.
Tarn iliit 1 2k.. itc. SI. All Irttiltts.
Conialt roar doetor. It he atTS take It,
tben do aa he Myi. If he tell yen not
to lake 11. then don't take II. He knows.
Leave It wna him. we are wiuinc.
j. o. Attn co., Lowell. :
Usually the Cafe.
"Do yon believe that position affects
one's sleep? ' asked the Mt. Auburn
"Certainly," replied the Norwood
philosopher. "I never knew a man
who had a position on the police force
to te troubled with Insomnia."
Altesrsloak torthlstrsdemsrk: "TneKlean,
Kool, Kitchen Kind." The atnves without
smcke. ashes or heat. Mske comfortable cook
Ins. Subordinate.
Mr. Brrnne Coyne Ah, sweetest
one, may I be youi captain and guide
your bark down tbe sea of life?
Mrs. Bcrrymore (a widow) No, but
you can be my second mate.
CITI2 f.nnan.oaf ourwt 50 At. er n.rrOD.DMf
sllv aft.rflr.t..'.n..nrt,r Klin.'.r)rtNem
2e.tonr. ".odfor I'lll!HS J.Onirllbotll.ndtrcU.
lee. Ia.R.U.Kuaa.LM. uiarcbSL.riilUd.liUa,rs
On Their Dignity.
He I kind o' think I've ceen you
before. Ain't you a shop girl at Bar
gen'a? She Sir! I'm a eoijslady!
He That so? I'm an elevator gen
tleman at the tame place. Philadel
phia Press.
For coughs and colds there is no better
medicine than Piso'a Cure for Consump
tion. Price 25 cents.
A Butterfly Farm.
Near Scarborough, England, a farm
exists for rearing moths and butterflies
Hall an aero of land has been plant
ed with trees and shrubs for the pur
poce. In their season tbe stock of cater
pillars is twenty thourand. From
thirty to forty thousand preferred in
sects are kept in rotervo, to that but
tetflies and moths can be supplied irre
spective of tbe time of the year.
I kar beea minx CjlcSUrTSaiid.,
a mild aod effective lazall.e tber are Blmplr won
derful, sir deocbtcr aod 1 were bothered wltb
alck .tom.cb aod our breatb was eery bad. After
taklne a few doee. of Cau-areu we ba.e Improved
WODd.rf 11II7. Ther are a sraat help la tbe tamllr."
WirnrtiiafA n.rki-
llTr Bltleoboase 8L.ClbClaDSU.Chlo.
Pleittnt. P&laubio. Fount. Taita Good. Ho
Qood. Merer 81 eke a. We&keo. or Gripe. Kc. Sic. SDe.
HUr mt4j (mu;, fhktf- Btr.i, Trh, III
yn-Tft-flAn Sold and rrirsnted br all drat
KUIUaUAb irtiuto iVuUToeaocoUao.1.
KUSE& PRDMCE, Wholesalers, 87Fitst St., PottlanJ. Or
TkaDp;Ue) ..n-.l prtnii fltBataf tkb4UH )
laaka mf lk.r Tha.l nr lka
14 U vsiit tmt i.ra, vkl.h M.a kiirrlljs
is I at s d 'V
ii una. f v. v. jm.
t4 immmTA.
a . - UlllTVsiK. i tttt i i7 T n I IT II i if J.y -w
c:- in hi t -if i r vy fin m . . . ati-irs it
cosi el operation
very iicm.
no Expense wnen
A Honey Earne.
First and Stark Sis.
Mors Suprtm.
The Dlbto stands more supreme? at
this hour than eror before Her. W.
A. llartlett.
ncicnsoN maohinejiy go.
(HurreMors to John pools)
rout et Morrltoit Street, PertltnJ, Oreieit
With us for Sssr Mill and Shlnl Mill Ms.
rhlnerjr wind Mill ami Kalns Tump, Kle.
tream Petsrstor, resulsr rtlre l, now ISO.
Pprln wajoni W. Hugajr snails 1.W.
Over ens million dolUra In penikms secured
by us for eur ellenla ilutlna the six jests I ail
Iel Over JO years aiieeM7ul sxirlei . Per
;onsl and prompt attention to all ctalais en
nulled to us. II your sllorneji has been die.
bsrreil you can spjolnt ui tosellnrourelslins.
fees Used by law ami contingent upon suecene,
Taber A Whitman Co., HMD Warder Ublf.,
Washlnfon, t), 1' '
Yon can largely tneream the yield ot
your crop by lulus our special Isrtllli
ers. Vt rite (or prices.
3 On all Packet Seeds
4 I-'or orders of f 1.00 or moro
T (This doe. not Include srais seeds or J
T garden eeed. In quantity.) 1
T 11 In tha market write (or special net 2
X prices.
US front Street, Portland. Oro. j
iiis $S &&&i$S!MG3&Gtii$
I Everywhere. Write now. g
Automobiles, ISOO op,
k BA RITES Elcrcki. 120 sad esvlrfl.
end for catalogues.
Portland, Oregon.
Spofcaec Ticoma Seattle
Jfcjr rtotireortaTSVj.l
Telephone Main l$t H
aurffii rterffinnrsit a
Tor the Cure ol atl Diseases and a One DolUr
Book Pree.
We will mall free to any person liMlng a die
ease, our tenth annual edit ton, .t Gateway
to Health and Wealth, realty a one dollar book.
i ream on new waysio gei ne&un ana weaim. lorniulas for the cure of many diseases,
how to nurse and care for the sick, bow to pro
Ion r rid as;e and lire Hi) years, wrinkle rem oy
er and complexion beau tiller worth Its weight
I 1n pold, many raluable miscellaneous receipts
, for housewife, fa rne-.buslntsi and professional
I men, valuable miscellaneous information, trade
' secrets and money making? schemes, a real bot
anlcal wonder.eucyrlopeala and home doctor
I book, valtiaH-9 to all that want health and
I wealth. Hend your addreta today and the ad
i dreMoftwo or more jnot.s that Hate- con-
ajmpiion, raiirrn, riicimaiism, nerTous aia
curt, eczema, plies, liver, kidney, bladder,
KTarel, heart disease, lame back or sldei.worn'
Laid' heads, asthma, chronic old scris, salt
rfceum or blood disorders, or any other disease,
and the bock n 111 be mailed to you and them
free on receipt of ten cents to pay postage. Ad
The CiliforaU EoUnteil Kdicloe Co.. Inc..
tws North Atvarado BL, Los Adi1s, Cat.
P. N. U.
No. 22-190J.
WHEN wil tin tr to advertiser plM
mention tlulj paper.
Boys' and Youths'
Jack Knife Shoes j
Ask your dealer for the Jick 3
ivntie onoc. every ooy eels a 1
.tv.t tvir- :,u i x A
javb.i kuui w its sua JAir Ui A
uiocs. ixH wearing saocs ivazor
steel knives. j
1 UU Jli'. II 1 Ih I J
Alcohol, I IluStrated I
Opium, JSf
R Tobacco
I Using a
i $3.and S3.2 Shoes KRiSS
xou can save irom j.uu to vo.uu yearly
uy -neHTiiiR , im uuuiai uou ur au nuoea.
are Just as cood In every war as those that
hare be V i costlne yon from iJW to 15.00.
Immense sale or w. L. Douglas shoes prorea
1 by re till shoe dealers everywhere,
he geuutne hare name and price
timpeil on the bottom. Take no
substitute. I'att Color Eytlettuttd,
W. L. DouL-laa 84 Clllt Kriire
Une cuunot bo equal ltul
at any price
W. I Doub-Ias makes and mail more men's
Ooodyear welt (hsD(i-awsd procesa) ahoaa
E 5,000 RfiWSrd Si lSufh ihlluSlm3i
aot UtebeainoyetMaMAaiertcaQttsiUbeia
man mnr o'nvr msvnuiaciurar id uhwmiu,
con Be stoned in
q Second
con Be stopped
in q second
A Money sever
Ever IW
310 Uarktl Street 138 So. Los Isgelis SL