NLY A FARMER'S DAUGHTER. MRS. FOR R US TJiR, AttTtttttTt'irttftf"fTttfttt7ttf1fft,rfTTifTtt,ft:ft'ff-ttlt u ' -UnnllimwW I her under those very beeches, ami talked i.i 'T? , ' 1 Wl'1" ""'r i l fascinating (mini P Willi IIiisIIuk, lis J on Imuiv. ii u.l "fli-r mllnr lo lilm when addressing women, lunch wit luhl ii uiiiiin t 111 I llii nix. mill a,i .1 i i .i .i i,.. i.. ii I'll'", They had met more than net, tlm adventure In I ho wood l" nun ii ;ii mi' r miliums, aim And sho llii'ii went Into Hi,, stable to look ill lliu ,,.,,,, , Jiumtm. Ami micli Iiiiiih'ii, inn! Well, nf- ,. , lor vrc liml loft , atiililu nml dialled a Mil lin unified lliu rhcatutila round, nml Mil hliiilcil In i'omiii over lieu'. Iluiv those horse ,11, 1 fret, nml ,rn n , niul lear! inn no (uok it iu coolly im possible, nml soothed nml iiili'li'il I In ni, until they went nit lllio lambs. They continued vwy iiili't fur nlioul ii inllo, tvlii'ii ho luino to ii full) where n girl Willi alumllng, and llion they shied iiihl ri'nri',1 iitfiiln, iititll I I lioiiK'lit Hit' would have upacl n In lliu tl licit. Illlt Hustings mid not n lilt disconcerted; Iio Iiclil the reins with inn, hniid, nml wltli lliu oilier dink lift Ilia Inn t ili itlrl in If li liml been nil empress. Hho wm ao grateful, nml hiul such bm-ly cjoal I Wim anxious to know ln alio could be, ntnl asked him. (lucsa, I'hi, wliu It win," "Mow should I know'" answered lit sister, pettishly, "lluw provoking joii nri-l" "Well, llion, It was our cousin, Alia I'yri'i nml I can loll juu aim la nothing til l naliiiini'il nr. either. I i'iuil,l ,-, bow iniicli liu admired hor, mnl wna Just going lo Ivll lilm of our connection with Iiit wlifii lliu chestnuts liolti',1, ii ii,l. Iy lliu llmu lio not llit'in In Ii a ii1 mtiiln, It liml guliu out of my inlml, However, the inniriiiiillon III keep till another IIiiio, "Ilcgliiiihl," pried his sister, wlillo to tlm lip with rage, "joii will not ilnru lo It'll lilm Hint low-born girl l related lo in v juu will nut dure?" "llcifliiahl knowa liollor (linn In il,i mil- thing no foolUli," nti,rriiiti',l .Mra, Chain- piuu. "lint In cast, you alioulil Iw tempi fil lu ilo ao," alio added, turning In ht-r wm, "remember tluit not n tllliu of Hint llvu liiimri-il io,in,la I promised yon for your mat season's dcbla shall pas into your nanus,' "Olit very well, lliul'a enough," re spondcd Itcgluaht, sulkily. "Hut I rnn It'll joii uno tlihiK, l'lo-l believe he's tre mendously rut with that ulrl, nml Unit )n-' gone on nflfr Iiit now." And having tillcriHl llila remark wltli the ninlnlilo lult'lillun of annoying lila sla ter, lio proceeded to quit lliu room. "I think Ilcglnahl get wore uubciira Mo every dny," exclaimed I'lorn, nil Kfllr. '"rwrulyono la not jioncrnlly n very nurt'onlilu ni!o In n youinj man," rt'inarkt-il lior luuihi r. Anil ao tin- fiilca ronaplriil to ktt-p n crrt't from Crrol llnitlus), wliltii, na It InriitMl out, wna vrry linp'orlniil lio ahoiihl know. Ho rnlltnl nt llurat Mnnnr llio ilny nf tor Ki'itliiiilil liinrlio.1 with Mm, mnl nt Ci'Pttil Jlra. Chniiiiilon'a Invltnllou lo atny iitnl illut'. ".Mm. Cliniiiplon," ln aulil, na tlioy ant loitrllitT In Iho driiuliiK mom, "I nm eo I'llt In t'k' n fnvor of J oil mnl .Mlia Clinm- pion. "I am aiiru wc almll In, hut ton happy to Kruiit It, If It la In our poniT," ahu ro ttiriml, inllltn;. "I Ihluk of ulvliiK n hull nt (lio Court." Mr. Ilnatluga fonllnuiHl. "mnl liofor.. I lamic my Invltnlloiia I ivmit to aocuri- lliu nml lio liml nlwnya atoppi',1 lo api-nk In Iiit. Alul Iho prorlotia ilnj, na hn Jin it lioon altiliiK roniliui! In llio itnrilon, hn liml honril tlm (irniiclliu hnofa, nml, look I llC up, liml ai'i'ii li I ill pull lip hla firry I'lioalliula. whll'h liml frlKlllPUKil IllT " nil hour hofiiro In tho Inno, nml, llirowlnif Iho ri'lna to Iho Kriiuin, Jump ilown ami I'liliT llio lllllo itntr. Ilkcii rri, nnd , ,n't tfrild of1' that, for you ha. ... weu m klml In your Wnyn to mo, wliliti you wuuliln't linvn lii'i'll If you limlli't iiii-mit ii a I ilhl." "How ilnru you any I know whnl you mount or Knvo yon oiicoiirnnoiiiom!" ahu rtillillnoil. immliilmloly, "llt'cniiau you illill" lio rt'turnort, with touipor. "If you illilu't Mioiin nuylhliiK hy your amlloa, nml trloka, nn,J wnya, you inuat l,o na fnlau na flr." "I'iioiixIi of thial" crloil U'lnlfrcl, Imp,. rlomly, "uuiloratnuil, unco for nil, Hint I lioviT liml mnl iiovit ahnll linrc, Iho to inolrat fot'lliiK of lovo for you; mnl If joii wlali lliu lo I'liliTtniii tho allKlitmt ri'Knnl for you, you will nutor nxnln nilopt amli n loiin lo iiiii na you hnru ilonu to ,loy." "Ho," lio nnlil, In nu luanlcnl tono, "joii roulil do nil tor well to Tom I'Vnnor, tint fiiruior, uiilll your lino now lotor on in 4 nloim; hut you uiuat turn IiIkIi nuJ uilithiy ill root 1 you'tu lii't'ii ai'i'ii with n Lumlnn dm I'll. Hut I ran it'll you mm tliltiK, Mlaa U'lnlfroil," ho uihlod, with an In- aillllliK ulr that wna iniluacrllinhlo, "llaat IMPHOVE THE NEGRO'S CONDIIION. lr r.i-fritlltnl Ororer CltrtUnd. It la fnolUh for 111 ( Idlml our eyca 10 tun rnct that more Hlioulil ! ilono to linjirori.' tho condition of our ni'-fro Iioiiulallon. And It nliould tie cnllrely lilnln to nil of 11a that the nooner thli la undorlakpn llio winner will a aerlona duly ho dlwlinw'd and Iho moro aurely will wo Kimrd ouraolvi-a Hnlnat future troulilc nml ilatiKi-r. If wo are' to be alio cried, atninplni: hor foot; "lunro thli ilaco Imuii'illflti'ly, nml noror proaiiino 10 on (or It mtiilnl" nml aim tiirnoil Into Iho Iioiko mid ahut Iho door. Thrn nils ran up lo hor room mid, throwing InTaolf 011 Wlnlfrcd'a lionrt heat fnt a ho aw LliiT knooa hy hor hojihlo, alio aohhod and Mr. I (natlncn comlni: up the krarden 10- frlt-d piinalonnlcly, wnrd hor. At Inat ah roo and wont to hor piano, "I havo rnmo to mil on Mr. I'yro 1 Hhu ant tliero mull It urow ipilto dark, ho nl homo?" lirrhl iinkod. ulniclnic low, nwrot aotiKa lo heraujf, un- "No," ropllnil Wlulfri'd; "lip tins hoon III at Inat Iho cloud wna chnapd' away out alnro two o'olook, nml I do not 01- from hor faro, mid lirljtht Ihouiilita Jw port lilm 11 lit II lliu ovi'iiliiK." Kim lo hrliiK amlloa In Jco of tonra. "I nm aorry," I'rrol hnd miaworod, look- "Ho inuat enro a lllllo fur mo," alio Inir III Iiit faci', aa lio nlwnya did now; llioiiulit, "or ho would not have hold my "hut If you will nlloir 1110 to mnke hla hnml ao loux, nnd lookod Into my fato alncnrn to ilny an cicliao for railing aa ho did." iiKUln, I ahnll not ri'irrot It too much." Hit thounlita wrro auildonly interrupt- "('in I anr miylhlui; lo lilm for you?' I 0,1 hy a rim; at Iho boll, nuJ alio pauaod ankiil Winifred. In her playing. ' "I nm nfrnld not," Mr. Unatlng aald, "Homo hooka for Mlaa I'yro, with Mr. aiulllnit; "It la on a nuoatlon nf a now Haatlnga' loinplliiifiita," aald a man'a mollioil of fanning, which I foar la too voice, to the aorvant who anaworod tho Inat nitfl tnl ,.,a.n.i ... i 1 n Iix.m ,ln ,., .I..,.", ,..l .ultl. I vnu,,i ui fJUIUtUti lllllllW farmo ' I , ugl t.Ta " I " CMtv,:,-Af"' "- "' 'f they nro to be more "You lnwlu.1, ,n'on-.,lrlted coward!" c""""H1t,lyI '"""' " l''""f. u-'fl nml aafe tnombora . . ,"un i- umgiit to no aoniotning more man 10 now tvoou and draw wnlor. The wny muat bo optiiMl for Iht'in to eningo In aompllilns bftlnr tlian menial aervlce, and their Inli-reata inuat be aroilncd to rewnrila of Intelligent oociipa,tl(iii and careful thrift. I lii'llevo that the exigency can only be adequately met iiiroHjin tne inMnmiemniiiy of well Ulijwd manual train ing am! ImluMrlnl aohoola, eoniluetnl elthor Independently or In connection with ordinary educational Institution. I nm convinced Hint good cltlzonahlp. un orderly, contented life and a proper conception of civic virtue and obligations lire alinoM certain lo grow out of a fair chance to earn an lioneat. hopeful livelihood nnd a natlafjcd acnac of secure protection u ml conalderate trentinint. nbatruao for 1110 to dlaciiaa with you. Illlt door. I nm Interrupting your reading la your book very t'ligroaalug I ' Ami na ho apnke ho glanced nt Iho cover of tho bunk nml ohwrved with aomo aiirprlau Hint It wna an old I'ronch roiiinnre. "Will you lot 1110 aond ynu nonie book When It wan closed again ahe J 11 in nod up mid railed) "i:iiabeth!" "Yea, mlaa." "(live them to 010, and bring tho lamp. pleaao." And alio began with eager ilrllght to o rend?" I'rrol naked, gciitlr. "I mnku etnmliw tho hiindaouioly bound roliiuioa. a point of collecting nil Hie beat worka, It wna a hnppy errnliig; hor now occll- liotli foreign and llngllah, unrit would pallou chaaod all unplonaniit iiii-inorlea bo aiioh n filenauro to 1110 to think aomo I nWay, olid when alio wont lo tcd alio had 0110 hcaiilea myaelf would tako nn In- oven forgottru tho t'llatenoo of Mr. I t-U' tereat lu rending thein,' "Oh, how kind ynu nro!" ox, Inline,! Winifred, engorly. bltuhlng with delight: "It would bo auch a trent to hnvo ume- thing new to rend." "Whnt ahnll It bo?" naked Mr. Hnat Inga "hNtory. nnvtla, pm-try, or theol ogy T When you read Tcnnyaoil, look for my favorite poem, 'Ornono; I am aure ynu will agree with 1110 In admiring Hint. !u ynu aoini'tlniea Indulge In romance. aim liyroY' "Sometime. Inugliiil Winifred. "Do j 011 1 '"lea," aald l.rrol, "I muat Iiload guil ty, although I nm long pjiat tho nee whin Hint youthful folhlo la perinUll,le. Hut when I am nlonu I like to alt and look Hut the next day poor Winifred wa plunged into tho deptha of sadiieaa again, for Mr. Ilaallnga paaaeil, liendlng orer Ills aoiblle to tn lie to hor stately eoiHln. aud had never onco tiirnod to look for her. tlo be continued.) THE PASSPOnT IN RUSSIA. Yon Canimt Move About the Country miltnnl tne Document. The (ruin kIouh down an It crows WORK Of THE TWENTIETH CENTURV. nr OmtM 3. Jur'mn. rrstlJenl ol Ltltnl Sfntord ValverHty. The twetitlitli century will be strenuoun, com plcx nml democratic. Streiiuoiia It tnunt be, na wo can all ace. Our cenlury linn a boat of thing to do-bohl thlngK, noble tilings, tedious things, dllllcult thlnga. enduring thlJiga. Moro Hum any of the otliern, the twentieth century will be democratic. The grenteflt din eovery 01 tne niueieenin century waa that of the reality or externa! things. That of Hie twen tieth century will lie thin axiom In geometry: "The ainiigiiiem nne is 1110 soonest distance between two poliita." If something needs doing, do It; the more plain ly, directly, honestly, the better. Democracy does not menu equality Just the reverse of this. It means Individual responsibility, equality be fore the law, of course, equality of opportunity, but no other tiiualltr Knve Hint won In- fnlil.r,,! uar,.i ,ri... Hoclnl system Hint bids men rise must also let them fall' ir they cannot mnntnln themselves. To become the right man menus the dismissal of the wrong. The weak, the Incompetent, tho untrained, the dlssl. pnted llnd no growing welcome In the cenrury which Is coming. It, will have no tilace for the unskilled laborer A bucket of water anil a bnsket of coal will do all that tho unskilled laliorer can do If we have skilled, men for theli direction. The unskilled laborer Is no product of democ- racy." lie exists 111 spite of democracy. statute colncldo with equity. This condition educated lawyers cum brine about. In politics the demand for serious aervlce mutt grow. Aa we havo to do with wlso men nnd clean men, states men Instead of vote manipulators, we ahnll feel moro and more Hie need for them. Wo shall demand not only men who can lend In action, but men who can prevent unwiso action. Often the policy which seems most attractive to tho majority Is full of danger for tho future. Wo need men who can face popular opinion and If need bo to faco it down. Tho need of tho teacher will not groty less as tho ccn tury goes on. Tho history of tho future Is written In the schools of to-day, and the reform which gives 11s better scnoois is the greatest of reforms. Free should the achol ar be free and brave, nnd to such an these the twen iiein century will bring the reward of the scholar. The twentieth century will mark an epoch In the his tory of religion. Home say Idly that religion Is losing; her 110111 iu mese strenuous days. Hut she la not 8he Is simply changing her grip. The religion of this century will be more practlcnl. moro real. It will deal with th days of tho week as well as with the Sabbath. It will be as potent In the markets of trade as In the walls of a cathedral, for man's religion Is his working hypothesis of life, not of life In some future world, but of life right here to-uay. me only day we havo In which to build a life. STRIKES HELP WORKINCMAN'S CONDITION. BISHOP rOTTEIL to those over whom they have control. Br DliHop Patfr, ot new York. I believe In strikes, shocking as the statement may seem. I believe In the conservative value of the organizations from which tho strikes come. The ccn dltlon of the working man was never improved unul In reply to the demands of a labor organization Itself or by the interposition of persons not Interested as capitalists or laborers. The real value of the labor organization Is that It aiipears to be the only method by which the great Interests which serve themselves best by exacting most can be obliged to yield some consideration at n beautiful Inn.laoapc. until my very 'tnltvart men uniformed In the Ilusalnn power or tlalon la absorbed In thought; '''' nun wearing tne peculiarly Hus- mnl, I like lo go back centuries, nnd live 'Inn top boots. The polite conductor In the past ngca. that from their wide tomes to the compartment and bids you dlatnnro from us seem guidon. Do you eet tlm iLissnort reudv. After n r,.i ever rnnoy joti woui.l like to nave been mllilltcw of wnltlng. durlnir which 1111 Iho frontier, and creepi gently up to I, "l Iu,urn wm not P'enuers before the platform of the llrsl station on Huh- ' 7 . c'"-,- "om neptl of a Judge Hliin soil. Kuril vely peeping out of,,' , " , "a" '"wyors must be the window, ynu behold 11 number of I, ,a'j;K,v,r"- e sword has given place to the green ..v- uciiuiiu ui niu inoiuiLui century win be that the DEMOCRACY OE THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Br Jtcob bould Schurmtn. Preildent ot Cornell Valrerillr. State schools are, so far as mental training and the acquisition of knowledge go, vastly su perior to either church schools or private schools. I'rlvato and church schools tend to breed caste nnd division among the children of the com munity. The public school, on the other hand, Is the mirror of the republic. In the public schools of a town you have the purest democ racy In" the world. When we look at hard facts. we see that It Is folly to blame the schools for defects of blood, lapses of virtue nnd blight of character, which neither our laws nor our policy requires the schools to combat You must blame the church, you must blame the offenders, you must blame yourselves, when your children become the victims of Intemperance, vice or Impiety. promlsu of jour preaoiu-o 11 nil co-opera- "A bull nt Iho Court; that will bo rhiirmJiig!" exclaimed Miss Chniupl with uiiusunl miliiintliiii. "Ilnt-helura nl ways give such charming pnitlen; besides, whll'h, It will frill Ify my tuug-felt dealro lu go dVor your liuuse." "If J oil reully have liny curloally to see my iluiiinln, I trust you will not wait fur Hie ball. Why nut iblo over this nfior lioun before dlniiar? Your brother. I hnru no dmibt, will accompany us." Ml a Chnuiiiloii looked nt her mother In n dutiful iiiterrugnllvo inniiiior, nnd .Mrs. Uluimplun replied Immediately: "Certainly, my love, If yun persuade Iteglnalil. You look 11 little pale a rldo will no all the good lu the world." Keglnnld being agreeable, tho horses were ordered round, and Alias Champion lolt 1110 room to equip, "Apropos uf Hie ball," aald I'rrol. "I am expecting nu iiillux uf visitors to the Court, nml I shall bog of yuur charily to come mid help me lo eulerlnlii H10111. Kir Clay Inn nml l.ndy Irnco Knrquhnr are coming rur a fortnight, until their plncu at l.mlon 11lo Is rendj-, and she lins promised In play hostess for thu 00 eiisloii. I.udy St. Kgo nml her daughters will como up from Hertfordshire." Mr, mid Mrs. Itlvers, l.ady Marlon Alton nml her niece, nnd several bachelor friends, so I shall need sumo assistance In my novel' part of host." "When Is tho ball to tako place?" In quired Mrs. Chaniplun. "I hardly think I nm Justified lu digni fying my gathering by the naiiio of a ball; but I menu to Invito every one round for twelve tulles; nnd as this Is such a very quiet tlino of tho year, I do not ap prehend iiiniiy disappointments. Indeed, I only lutein! giving leu days' notice." "That will bo qultu enough," Mrs Champion agreed; "no uno thinks of giv ing parties lu Hie country at this time of year, aud 11 bull will bo qultu n boon to tho young people. I prophesy your entertainment will bo a great success," "I hope so," said Mr. Hastings. "I as sure you I shall spare 110 pains to maku everything go off well," Flora on niu In nt this Juncture, looking very hnndsonio In her perfectly fitting habit, and they nil walked out of tho window lo Iho horses, which were wait ing nt the door, Ho placed her In tho saddle, mounted himself, and bidding nu lovnlr to Mrs, Chaniplun, they started lor llielr ride, Iteglnalil usurped the greater part of tho conversation on the way, much to his sister's annoyance, but sho had no Intention or betraying any Ill-humor be fore Mr, Hastings, When tliey arrived nt Hanoi! Court they dismounted, sent tho horses to the stables, mid proceeded to explore tho house. Miss Champion not unly expressed herself, but tvns In real ity, delighted with uverylhlug she saw. Flora was rather silent as alio rodo homo. SI10 was thinking how pleasant It would bo to lio tho wife of n man llku Drrol Hustings, and tho mistress ot n plncu like Hiizcll Court. Ho was speak ing to her In low, earnest tones; ami as ho passed tho Kiirm did not turn to look for Winifred, And Winifred, sitting under her fnvorllo clump of beeches, book In hum!, looked wllh wistful eyes lifter Iliem; and when ho had passed out of sight, without once tinning to look one uf tho celebrities of Hie olden limes? I should like to have been Alexander, mid eomiiiereil tho world: nr n U-onhliis, dy ing gloriously In battle; an undaunted hero, like Alelblndes; nn emperor, like Cncsiir: a Mark Antony, beloved by 11 ly Is not diminished, 1111 olllcer In smart gray-blue uniform comes along, ntlended by n soldier wllh a wallet IIu drinnnds the precious document, nnd, noting lis foreign origin, casts upon lis Cleopatra: or 11 I.iiiincolot, If you might possessor n keen, searching glance. hate been flutiievere." Then he looks for the ull-lmporlniit visa His voice had dropped while he was nr Indorsement of the Itusslau olllcliil speaking, and as he uttered the last son- tc'ico In .1 low, thrilling whisper, his ejes sought hers wllh a passionate ex- pri'aslnn nf admiration. Winifred colored deeply, nnd the tone uf her voice wna haughty ns sho mndo ansner, looking fnr away Into Hie woods: ' I would not have Ix'cn Cnlncvcro to In the country of issue; and on finding It he pusses coldly on without u word. All this Is very formal mid Impressive; you Jcel ns n prisoner feels when the chain oC evidence Is tightening around him; your thoughts wander buck to tho past, nnd you wonder whether any In iho imhlcst l.nuurclut who ever brenthed. discretion of your Insignificant youth liml 1 neon ciioson ny such a godlike may not now be brought uii In tost I Ktiigiit ns mug .ruiiir, l mink 1 eoubl mnnv 11,-iilnst lira. nave appr t mieii mm loo wen to requllo Tlll. ut,0,t ere is taken In tae stndv 1 hLilulenllmi nt "I beg your pnrduu. I ought to havo .."" . . . 1 . .,,, vrt' Itllliulllll llllltlt lltlV.l llle lineu,u,, romomhereii; nut rur iho moment I did . . ............... nut think uf her falseness. I only reel- uvl'r I'Ti'iKuer entering or leaving the peeled that shu wns bountiful and charm ing. I'rrol hud never onco taken his eyes off Inlfred s face while he had boon apeak- country must have It. too. Whether na tive or alien, you cnmiot move about thu country without the document; when you arrive In n town It must bo lug. And as ho watched hor, he thought submitted to the local police; when you that of all the women ho had out knuvtn, leave Hint town the police must Indorse nine had such n sweet grace of womanll- tuc passport with their sanction to the o- ., u. e. ..u n suiiueuiy 10 journey. The system gives the nulhorl- 1. I . ; 1., 1 . mi - , ' '-' '1" ''"''I over the people; "ranlou ny Iniriiihin, M ss l'yre; II . , ... . , hut.-,0,1 vn.. oloen, u i ,, '" wls0 18 tlie stranger who compiles And I'rrol Hastings hold out his hand t'"ri'f""y fTJ' I'nrt of the formal- to her. She nut her own liml, Ilo Int., It. ii.v.-t-iiiiiiiiers journal, and ho clasped It for 11 moment with a strong, passionate clasp, looking Into hor eyes the while wllh a look that brought the blood rushing to her face. Then ho turned slowly, and went back to his phaeton, her eyes looking dreamlly Inlo the distance. Her reverie was di verted by seeing n young farmer. Mr. Turn Keniier, sauntering leisurely down the ruad, hilling oil thu tops of the grass ilclously with Ills stick. Hho had seen III 111 pass before, when she was talking with Mr. Hastings, and his presence mi- DREADS FIRST INHALATION. I if.-cti INSECT TRAP FOR NIGHT USE. Au Incipcmlte Method for Kllllne Insects Thut Kir. The Oovernmcnt Ilurcnu of Statistics Is authority for n statement containing figures reaching Into the hundreds o millions of dollars as indicating the ex peudlture applied directly to fighting the Insects mid worms which damage the cotton, wheat, corn nnd oilier crops which form' such n substantial part of our revenues. A large portion of this nmount. no doubt, goes for the Intro duct Ion of new Ideas which have been devised to aid lu the work of destroy ing these pests, and perhaps this latest FLA SI E ATTRACTS TESTS. trap, tho Invention of a Kcutuckhm will receive 11 share of attention and serve Its purpose In many a field. The Inventor takes nilvnntage of tho well- known propensity of Insects to fly to ward a II erli t. the llnnie In this IncinnA I being mounted within a metallic ens , lug, to which entrance Is gained for hor, bIio hid her faco lu Jior hands and crlod bitterly. ' OH.U'TOlf III. Poor Winifred! It wns only the dn bef? Hint IOrrol Hustings had sat with A Cigarette Victim Detcrlhei Cult ir,l hjr Hie Habit. "Soinelliiie.s I wonder If all clgaretto i,i,t in .m,.i, . smokers have the 8iiiiiesyiiiptoms usj through four fuunels polutltis In differ myself," said a rather robust young Cut dlrectlotis. Once within the hood, man, according to the Philadelphia the Insect soou falls to the reservoir iifcorii. 1 pin 011 1110 lighting or iny beneath, wherein a quantity of lusoctl. first clgnrctle to as Into un hour In tho clde bus been placed to complete the tiny ns possible; often It Is evening bo- destruction of those which escnne tho mi oil her. Ilo cmno deliberately In ut r"! 1 jt'K" to smoke. And this I do actual contact with the Hnme. Slen t ho garden gale, nnd walked up to where I because I dread the ilaj-'s first lulinln- Hon Is also made of the fumes rising she snt. Hon. Kor Unit Introductory whiff, go-, from tho liquid nnd Impregnating the "(ioo.l afternoon. .Miss I'yro," ho said, lug down Into my lungs, gives me tin atmosphere around (he flame to over- putting out ins great coarse Hand to her. instant ami unbearable sensation of un- happiness and of weakness almost of collapse. Soon It pases nwiiy, but It Is horrible while It lasts, nnd tiny after tiny It must be em! 11 red before I get properly, so to speak, Into my smoking harness, Another thing I surfer from Is a cold I suppose I limy come In now yuu nro illseiigagedY Winifred wns compelled to glvo lilm her hand, sorely as It chafed her that his course, heavy touch should brush off the tender clasp or .Mr. Hastings II t lie lin gers. Certainly you may como lu," sho an come the Insects aud cause them to fall Into the liquid. MEXICAN ARMY. Will eoon Number !200,000 l'cr ectly Kqtttpped Soldiers. Mexico, which next to the United Slates, Is thu most orderly aud stable swered, coldly; "you might havo done so perspiration of the palms of my hands, I ot n (ho Vluercn republic Is pur- .teo' P",n'!,c'ow- I not pui- 11 turn, sign that 1 nm exceeding myBu poiu-y ot military expansion llculnrly engaged." temperate allowance of eight clgnret es ,..,.,,0, ..J.,,, liitolv to develnn n biubiv "Oh! you did seo 1110, then? I thought daily. pUilch teems like! to let elop n highly you were too much occupied wltli your lino now friend to look at me," Winifred was beginning to got angry; this man had never presumed to use such a tono to her before. "Do you want to seo my father?" 6ho asKt'ii anruptiy. "At times I give up smoking for 11 week or two. My appetite then be tomes Immense. I can eat 11 squaro meal every three hours, and lu one week, without smoking, I have often gained ns much as eight iwumls. My "No, I don't; I loft lilm not an hour spirits, too, get very high when I don't ago hi tho turnip Held I want to seo smoke. I want to tako lots of exercise. 5'u"' and I feel extremely lumpy and hums- (Hi, very well," remarked Winifred; trlous. Hut It Is Imposslblu for me to "Illlt llllKIUll l, ..... I .... n ...... ...l.. I ... . give up cigarettes altogether, though I but please let 1110 know at oueo what you want of me, It Is tluio to go lu ami seo about Iho ten," "Oh, you wereu't. In such n hurry Just now, when you hnd thut puppy of a Hastings here," said Mr, Kenuor, wrath- tiny hnvo 110 iluubt Hint I bey do mo n great ileal of biirui. Hciraliu- llilim Now. Stranger (In Pacific const photograph Winifred roso llko a young Juno, with nailery) Why have you got this eiior- such 1111 Imperial ulr of uuiaxed Indlguu tlou that her companion quulled. .Mr. I't'unei'," she Buhl "have yuu any Idea of what you nro talking about?" 'took here, .Miss W In fred " uttered Keniier, with great earnestness "It's no uso 1110 meaning this lust month. 1'vo loved you fur tills year buck. And so to-dny, In tho turnip field, I spoko lu Mr, I.yio, and hu said ho had no objection, provided juu outtvi, ,1,111 KlVlIt I-IHIIOSIIIOHS IIS no ..... ... 10 your pretending not to understand ,,, ,. . , e, because yuu cuu't hare mistaken toy lrlliune. Hums stuffed llsli hanging here? Photographer That Is for tho use of persons who wish to send to their ft lends In tho (Cast a picture nf tho J.IO-pouml sea bass they have Just Ith a hook and Hue. Chicago flnlely Is not a proof that tho heart Is at e.ise, for often hriho midst of laughter ''ho heart Is sail. -Do dcullc I etllclent system of national defense. It Is the desire of President Diaz that within two years the .Mexican govern ment shall be able on short notice to mobilize an army of UOO.OOO thor oughly trained and perfectly equipped soldiers. To make this result possl bio more than 300,000 boys and young men nro now receiving regular dally military Instiuctlou In 11,000 public schools of Mexico, and tho army will bo recruited from their number. This program ror tne creation or a greater Mexican army Is supplemented with plans for a larger naval estab lishment, two vessels for which are now under construction nt tho Cres cent shipyard, lillzabetlitown, N. J. In this development of her military re sources Mexico Is following the natur al policy of enlightened nations. It Is believed In some quarters that the In tegrity of Mexican Institutions will bo severely tested when President Diaz retires from office, and that n strong government, Including an effec tive military establishment, will bo WfviK' i urotcct tho republic against THREE MEN WHO HAVE MADE THEMSELVES WEALTHY AT FARMING IN THE SOUTHWEST. THE "PORE WAn. Why Vaiiioils Cofrrapoudsnt Wasfleft 1 1 nit Mick of It. ) Tho Into Julian Italph, ono of llio best known reporters nnd war eorr ipomlents, began his career as n copy nobler In n printing olllee, thence pass, td Into the olllce of n wenkly news paper as a printer's apprentice, nml af terward formed a connection wllh the New York Hun. Of his expwleiice as 1 war correspondent, Mr. Italph wrote. In .May, llsju: Haltered externally, illsurdrred n ilde, unable lo dlgoat rood ror weeks, nursing bruises and ailments a half dozen ot once, I look upon this war as having Ill-repaid tne for llw kindly and Jubilant tone In which 1 havs dealt with It And oh, how sick of It ( ami How deadly, unutterably sick I am of Itl Tho long months of sand diet and hard faring under Methiien took from me a stomach which an ostrich would hnvo envied, and exchanged for It a second-hand, worn-out apparatus which turns upsldo down at the ap proach of any food except dilute! milk. A piece of Iloer shell which bit mo on the chest made me faint and weary for many days, and then a novel method of ntlghtlng from a Capo cart Into a trench, with tho cart 011 top of me, left mo one-legged for five weeks, after which I found myself with a low-class, no-account limb, In which I have no confidence. . Upon my recovering this Inferior and makeshift otlier leg, my horse shot me Into a wire fence, which tore both arms Into shreds, painted one thigh like an omelet nnd tho other llko n South African sunset, and left me an Internal fracture which I must keep as a perpetual souvenir of what wo are all beginning to speak of as tho boro war." Try to Imagine tho spirits of a man who finds himself thus gradually changing Into nn exhibit for a medi cal musuem, and you begin to obtnln a glimpse of tho fatigue with which I now view this war. TRAGEDY Of A TROUT STREAM. I 4lrir4- & ONE of the most successful millionaire farmers In the West Is David Itaukln, of Tarkio, SIo., who has made Jl.000,000 In farming, and who actually owns the largest farm In the world. Itanktn has 23,000 acres under his personal supervision, all of which Is under cultivation. He Dcgan farming with a colt which his father gave blm when a lad. He traded the colt for a pair of oxen and with them tilled eighty acres of ix-meu lauu, uiiui ne uau accumuiateu enough to buy a small tract. He had ueen living in Illinois, but thought better of Missouri as a farming country. So for fS an acre he bought great tracts of ground, adding to bis fields ns the income of the other fields would permit, until he had surrounded himself In thirty years with 23.000 acres, all of which Is sown to crops ""I,)'' " employs juu men on tne rarm. He has 700 teams, nnd In good seasons he makes ?100,000 clear money. He buys 8,000 to 10,000 head of steers every year and feeds them. He keeps these cattle, not in pastures, but in clean stables and lots, where they are fed from the products of his t.iui uuiii no is reauy to snip 10 tne markets. Tako tho Forsha ranch, In Kansas, for Instance, where another system Is carried on cutlrelj-. Mr. Forsha Is n believer In the raising of alfalfa and be has IS.000 acres sown to that. He also raises and feeds cattle for the " "ever raises cereals. lie has a mill on his ranch, and ha u, nmui truui otner rnrmers, mages It Into flour, but he raises little wheat himself. He makes -from flO to ?100 net profit an acre from the airalfa, aud the fields In the fall and winter furnish pasture 'for his herds Forsha began- ranching and farming In Kansas only a few years ago To-' iTflV lift la IfuWll ansrAfnl l . .1 - .1 l mn ovivtMi iiuiimuu iiiuiitfuuu uo nurs. John Stewart began farming In Kansas without a dollar. He was work Ing in a real estate olllce ns a salesman. He hone-hi- 1 , rights to deser ted quarter sections for a mere pittance. A boom came and in three years he was worth 58.000. Then he went to Sumner Conntr Kansas, aud begau ranching nnd raising wheat To-day Sumner Countv produces 8.000,000 bushels of wheat annually, nnd Holds the world's rert lu quantity for Its size. Stewart bought additional land every year there was a drouth, thereby getting It at a reduction. He has made a large tortus 111 lean tuuu tiurty years. serious Internal disorder. It Is pos sibly with a view of providing for such nn emergency that the present movement for a largo nnd trustworthy army has been Instituted. Army and Navy Journal. A Farmer's Daughter: What She Can Do. Iu a paper read before the thirteenth annual convention of the Indiana State Dairy Association, Miss lvdltb Parsons, student lu Purduo University, gave an Interesting account of her experi ence lu dairying. Miss Parsons began with the three or four cows kent to supply their own family, and Is now selling the product of between fifteen and twenty cows at a profitable price, ccuuse of Its uniform excellence and regularity of supply. After recounting her dlfllcultles lu getting a good herd, she said: "After you decide to begin dairying, the ques tion arises: Who shall care for the milk and the butter? Shalt it be the farmer and his sons who toll In the fluid all day, or shall It be the tired mother and' wife who shall do this work, thinking It one of her many dntles, Instead of a source of pleasure to her? No! "Iu my opinion, It should be the farmer's daughter who should come forward and saj-, I am young and know that I would enjoy taking full charge of tho dairy work How proud I will feel to think that I am making gilt-edged butter. "Many mothers persist In saying that the work In n dairy Is too hard for their daughters nnd would soon become a drudgery lo them, but I believe moth ers of this opinion forget that any work, no matter how hard, If entered Into with tho soul aud willing hands, ceases to bo drudgery aud becomes an art. "Tho dark side to dairying for the fnrm.r'a ,ln , ... . .. . day business that can not be put Into nexperlenced hands, without getting things out of balance, and thnt -i.m!! 1 ays off must be few. But a girl who wet anu judgment enough to get the best results from a Jersey cow, Is well qualified to win by persuasive , "u I,,vf s"e may covet -co , woutu sny to tho farmer's uuuKuiers, SICK t0 tne farni k some profession that can be practiced on the farm, whether It be dairying i.uu.u, rinsing, aon't for a single moment let the tempter havo posses slou of you, but think of your health and of those little gold mines on the furm and remember that with health l Happiness nnd with happiness wpntfl, I,lfo Subscriptions. A. Century subscriber recently vm, to the publishers Inquiring what the charge would be for a life subscription to the Century for a man 33 years of age. Tho question was submitted tn ono of the large llfo Insurance compan ies, who reported that by tho American experience table of mortality, assuming u.oucy iu euru turee per cent annual In terest, a man 33 years of age should pay ?S1.G4 for a llfo subscription tn th Century. The publishers do not think it is worm wniie to open a department tor lice subscriptions, hut It Is Interest ing to know that a man of 33 can look forward to the probablo enjoyment of over eighty dollars worth of futuro Ceutury Magazines. ' High Freight ltates. It costs almost twice as much to scud boxed goods from New York to San Francisco by rail direct as It does 1 Tla Loudon, tho Suez Canal, Hongkong aud Yokohama by steamer. Miss Flyrt Oh, yes, I've had nine proposals since I saw you last. Miss Newltt Indeed! And did you finally reward his perseverance by accepting him? Philadelphia Catholic Standard, Fresh men usually tell stale stories. A big, brown, and white bird came sailing up the trout stream, his long wings stretched far out to right, and left. He flew slowly, for he was look ing for something something that ho wanted very much. He was doing the family marketing. Up In the top of a big plneMree, a mile awnj-, his wife was sitting on a nest full of eggs, and It was both his duty and his pleasure to find a supper for her. Suddenly he topped short. He bad caught sight of the thing for which he was search ing a dusky, shadowy shape with an outline like that of a submarine tor pedo boat, lying moveless In the clear water. For Just au Instant he seemed to hang poised In the air, but It wns only long enough to change the direc tion of bis motion; then down he went with a rush and a swoop. The brook trout saw him coming and tried to dart away, but It was too late. With a mighty splash the osprey struck the stream and went clear under and out of sight, while the water boiled and surged over him. He could not see for the commotion about him, but him aim bad been true, and his out stretched feet touched a slippery, slimy, wriggling body that was Just beginning to gather headway. Quicker than a wink his toes closed about It and his sharp talons sank deep Into the trout's flesh. Then up he came rising out of the stream like some fabled monster of old, and shak ing the water from his feathers In a shower of flying drops. Every thread of muscle In bis wings and breast was working with all Its might to lift that heavy trout Up went tho bird's great pinions till they were straight abovo him; then down they came, lashing tho air like whips. Up again and down, up and down, up and down," harder nnd faster nnd fiercer; and little" by little he and bis victim rose above tho stream, till at last they were clear of the tree tops. Then straight nwaj to the nest In the old pine, where tho wife was waiting to make them both welcome. Leslie's Monthly, Dog Was Disgusted. The amateur hunter had very llttlo to say about his experiences. Finally some ono turned on him for a story of bis hunting trips. 'Nothlug to tell," he murmuretl. Hut an experienced sportsman, who had many valuable hunting dogs, volun teered .to tell the other man's story. ' lou sec, he borrowed one of my dogs," be said, "nnd he was eager for the game he was going to get He said be bad never shot very much, but his father was a good shot before him. loaned blm the dog. After nn hour's time the animal came back homo and llttlo later our. friend hero followed, and he was very wrathy. '"Whats the matter with j-our dog?' be demanded. 'Nice sort of n creature with which to go liuutlng. What did he come back home for?1 'Did you shoot several Hints nnd miss good game which the dog had stirred up for you?' I asked. "lie was frank enough to say that such was the case. " 'Well.' I said, 'that was the trouble. My dog won't stand for thut sort of thing.' " And tho amateur hunter humbly bowed his head, says the Now York Times, while tho laugh went round. Army Lleutcimuts. There are now some 2,000 lieuten ants in the army, less than SOU of horn are graduates of Wont Point. Most of the lieutenants have been ap pointed since the war with Spnlu. Hlx hundred of them were officers of tin volunteer army, -100 havo boan pr mut ed from the ranks for merit and CCO havo been drawn directly'" from civil life. Few of theso men, therefore, havo a technical military education. Splnozil, Spinoza's favorite amusement wns ti set spiders to lighting, aid b. tv-m'd luugh Immoderately ut beholding tii, ir ferocious struggles. When men complain too tun ' tit monotony, look out fur a cyclone to break It,