Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 29, 1903, Image 3

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    Tin: Oi'HiiA IIiii'hi:.
Mi'HufM, Nichols & HniosI. Hie new
IH'Olllll't IMM of tllll tlTll house. IIiIm
h'ihiK coiniiiontrd work on the re
fitting of I ho huiiii. Owing In tit
tiiln ilnli'M 'lliul inn niuir u IiiiiiiI,
only lempnriii'y work will bo iIoiki
nt I hi' ihvhi'iiI 1 1 inc. I,uh;i' on tln
Mingo will In- widened anil (hive
llrCMSlllg NIOlllM will li liulll In till'
rear of lln nIiikc Ah huiiii mm pics-'
'"it iIiiIi'h will pei'inll. mill nlh i iir
'iiUi'iiii'iitH I'll II In' iniiilc tin' Interim'
I ln building Will ho 'iiniili'li'l,v I'm irflllltt'V llllt Itl lllfl ClHI,'
r!iiilr put. In pini'i' of tin t ili I lii Mfllj
hi'iuh, nun huiiii' new scenery iiihi niii'ii.
Thu r.liiimru for tlm bolter will In1
ivci'IvimI with iili'iiHiirn by tlm theatre
KUI'I'H (II .( llltllKC llrilVf, 11111111 H II
Kiliii'iintii' Hint till' public will In'
greeted by bolter ill t ntct Iiiiim under
tlm new iiiHiiitifi'iiu'iit.
Monday You Vom
it to mi off year for election, mill
for HiIh U'usoii tlic dale of election
of coiigTCHnniin in not us definitely
net In life minds of tlic people its it
wilild lie in years when a complete
ticket Im in the field. Ncvcrllicles
it Hhoiild lie renicmhcrcd Hint the
election of eoiiuresHinaii in one of
the moHt impoitiint in the long list
of olliccro. To Oregon it means
miieli. To every repnlilicnn who
whiles te sec the iitnte retnin its in
llllenee .villi the piesent iidininis
trution it ineiuis tnncli. Theiefnic
it in the duly of every voter to fix
next Mondiiy, June I, well in mind
mid turn out uml do his duty nt the
TlIK 1 1 KA l.'I'll IIIII.NK, I'IKIhIO.
'''Im enterprising Mrm of Morgan ,V
llri'limil are building iipiiu Intuitu
tlon In our iiiIiIhI Unit Im well worthy
nf favorable uii'iitloii. uml which bids
fair to IhH'onii' one of considerable
liuporlnueo to our little city It the
present Increasing business eoiitluiicH
iih heretofore. They nroiiiniinfuct tir
ing from native Oregon frullMii groat
liealtli drink Hint outrivals any hiiiIii
drink on Hie market foriloiiHantneHH
of tiiHle anil which Iiiih the medicinal
iiialltleH no I'Hneutlal to the Ntoinneh
for good digestion. Phoseo I now
Is'lugsold In Oregon. Washington.
California, Idaho anil Moutaiia ami
words of iiralne with Increased ami
new orders ccniio from ovorv town In
which It Im Introduced. l!vor,vliii'l.
wanlH I'hoMi'o. "Drink I'liowo ami
live 10) years".
Diiain Noiimai. Commi:m i:sii:nt.
The Nugget acknowledges receipt
of an Invitation to atteml the com
meiiccmenl exercises of the (Vntral
Oregon Hlate Normal School at
Drain on June 7. S, It ami III ami will
try lo accept Maine. The Central Ore
gou Slate Normal Im one of t In very
pniKriMHlve IiimI It lit Iiiiim of IheMtale
ami whoMe graduates are roeched al
the Hlate unlverHlty always with
iirite for their ability ami IIIUi'm
for the work they milMtilo. 'I'tn r.
gram consists of uiiihIc, Hpeeche.
recltatloiiM, cIukh oralloiiH ami Held
HiiurtH, all of which. Judging from
tile talent Usually dlspln.M'il at those
liiNlltntloiiH ol learning, will Im of
ureal lutcrcHt ami will 1m worth at
tending. Wmnii.No An.mminciimi.'.m'.
CanlH air out for the wedding ol
Mr. W. Almoml llemenway, of IIiIh
city and Mis Ora Kllinln-tli He i I
daughter of .Mr. ami .Mrs. i. IHi.l.
Dr. I.owu oculo-optlcluu Hiigciio
Iiiiuii'Iihii bargains at lliinldii's .Mitt
Hlt'Htore, Kiigone,
Attorney Medley and wife were
down to Kugeiio Mai unlay.
Try Home of Uiomi' cliolco perfuiui'M
at iiciiHon nrng co,
Prank Whipple was In Kugono on
llll Mil" I Sill II' '
"" it, (it
Dun i fui'um Hie hull gnino next
Saturday afternoon
Are von looking for toilet artleli'H'
Drop Into IIcuhoii Drug C'o'm hIoiv.
Ice creani and Hiift ilrlukH a sped
ally at the Wave Ice ('ream Parlors
We make our own Ice cream ami
oaiidleHal the Wave Ice Cream Pur-
llll'H, ,
lllalr Im recovering from an
of iiicimIch the ineiiHley
It. H. Walker of Walker Station
wiih apleiiHiiiit callerat the Itoliemla
Nugget ollice .Moinluy.
llookM, inngiuliios, novels, nil klmlM
at P.uglo Hook Store, I flour went of
Jack .lauicM mid Al l.lvolv came In
from lloliemla Thursday, returning
See tliiiMe liatM al the 1'nxlilim mil
lliiery Mtore. MIhm Mary llarlelM, pro
prletri'MM. Sfciiie one of those grand bargains
at Itankln'M Hlore, Kugouo, hefore
they are all gone.
I'oMtolllce IiiHpectoi' lliit tier wiih In
the elly IIiIm week ami liuiile a trip to
l.omlon anil tlhickhutte olllceM,
Cvery article umler the miiii usually
earrleil by drugstores eau he hail at
Hie lleiiMon lirntf Co.'ii.vctte Veatt'h Im very low anil
Im gradually growing weaker nuk
ing It impoNHiiiie lor linn to iiihi
much longer.
Itiul Crow ami lcm Ward, of l.o
raue. wwre traiiHactliiL, liiiHliirHH In
our elly Wcilni'Milny.
Ilest L'ahliiettit I'hoton Sl.2.1 ucr
ilox lor a Htiort timu only at Minimi-
(ell m (iallery oppoHiie .mumoiiic mill
went Hide.
Al JoliiiMoti and C. .1. .IoIiiihoii
klHlted the Hiawatha Kroiip In Ho
Ic'iula IIiIm neck ami reuort tin
proH'rly I00M111; Hue.
Slreuiilh ami vluor
food, duly dlCH(cd.
ivii'ly-to-Merve wheal
food, iiiIiIh 110 liiirdeu.
come of uooil
and hurley
tlllt HIIHtalllM,
Jlev. .I0I111 DaWHon will hold
KiiUcopal m'I'vIcch In the .MmmoiiIc
hall Sumla.v uitirnliii; at 11 a. in.
i:eryliuil.v cordlall. Invited.
Wli.'ii 1 11 pIviKinl pliyoic try
( ' 1 . in -r :tt 1 11 " S'o ii i'ii uml l.i vcr
l.iltli'ii). I'n.'v in,, v.i'y id Ink 11 mi l
ili'.i.ilit In ilffi'l. l-er tuli) liy ltuiiun
I'tllilT Ui.
Some of CottiiKe tli'ove'H popular
.vuiiiitf men are eoinplaliiluK of niiu
liiii ued iieckM. when the fact of It Im
it In the other fellow, the moon, that
Im cuiihIiikiiII the trouble
I'. I'. .Ioiich. of Demi wood, S. !.,
arrived III Cottage drove thin week.
Mr. .Ioiicm Im a mliihiK cnuliiccr ami
iiiiicilulMt, and will probably Iden
nlt lilniNfl! with Itoliemla DlMtrlct.
of rieiiHaut Mill, to t il.e pl.t e l 1 1.,-. 'c,,,e lieautlful hatn at the I'iihIiIoii
Iiiiuiu uf the lirldii'H panuitn, .luue 1 1, j inllliuery Htore, are i;olu fiiHt. Vou
1IMK). Mr. Ileinenway In the w i ' hIiuiiIiI avail yoiirHcIf of the prlvllltie
Mr. ami Mm. .Iiiiiich llemeuwa ( of hivIiu llietu and tnakhu; your ne-
tlili city, tlie junior nit-uiucr 01 ui'-! leciluu nt once.
Keucraf inerc'liainllHe llrm of ilarimiii.
lleuieiiway Co. He In a voiiiik man
of line charaeler of hIitIIiii; ablflly
ami worth. MIhm Head Im a lady of
known merit throughout thlNMi'tluii
of Oregon. I'artlcillarly Im mIic well
known In Ihmeuu anil Cottni'tirovc.
beliiK promlui'Ut hi relluloiiM ami
teniH'rauco work.
A iir l.miiTH.
Oakland Ih llxurhiK on an electric
llk'ht plant, and expwtH to have at
leant II arc IIkIiIh of LDO) candle
power. TIiIm would Ik- a iiraml
thliur for (TottiiKe drove. Imimlne
the beautiful hcciu. If h1 are HkIH
wereiiHedlii Cottami drove, placed
whVre moHtly nmled ulonir Mnlu
Htns'l ami on the Went Hide. People
piiHMiiiK throiiKh the city at. nlKht on
the paHHciiKer traliiH would be won
derfully IniprcHMcd with the uppeai'
unceaud their wonder would llinlev
pri'HMlou In wordH of pralHe for the
euterprlHliiK little town. What think
d A. WiiKtier, of CorvalllM, who
Iimh hiru theKitcHt of UiwIh Hartley,
waHHcen by a Nutwt man Friday
iiioruliiK. Mr. WitKiiei' wiih aKreo
ably pleiiMed with lloliemla. He Ih
iiIho moMt iiKi ts'iibly pleaHOit with Mr.
Hermuuu'M proMpeetn, He HtateM
that l.lnn county, which Iiiih iiIwh.vh
been ilemncratte, IiIiIh fair t(f go to
Ilcnimnu. Miicolu Ih almoHt uiianl
moiiH lor Hermann. In llcntou Her
mann will uuln over 1 1 Im former vote,
nud will ho elected by the lament
majority ever Klven a CoiiKreHHtnan
In the llrst illHtrlct of HiIh State.
S. I'. Stiiam Siioviu..
The Southern l'acllle Iiiih 11 Hteain
Hhovel hiMtalled near Divide and the
compuny'M gravel train Ih IiuuIIiik
ImuieiiHe IoihIh of dirt Into theyiirdM
In this city. The new Hiding on.
theeiiHt Hide of the track between
the mnlu track and I.uni; IIIiik
haiu'H hiiwiuIII Ih IioIiik' ruined and
bnihiNto:! to the level of the main
line. It Ih huIiI that the (lecoiii
liosed Kt-aulle will bo placed over tint
KrounilH iih hooii iih tho pivHcnt. worU
Ih completed.
There will ho a luiHket hocIuI at the
Opera Iioiiho on tho evening of May
:ni, Decoration Dav. A Hplenilhl inn.
Hint I proKram will be rendered. A
phonograph record will be taken bv
theC. M. A Imml and reproduced. All
the ladlcH are Invited and reipieHted
to eoiuo and brim? biiHketH which
will be Hold to the hlKhCHt hlddei'.
The adtnlHHlon Ih free.
Tut: 1''iiih'1' I'iionk.
TI10 lli'Ht phono over the I.orano
and ('ottago drovo line wan received
at tho NitKKot olllcofrom 1'OHtiuiiHler
liinian hint Monday afternoon. Tho
words lluitcaino wcro: "Tho IIiioIh
llidHhcd," It Ih a Hplemlld enlornrlHu
and wIiowh the wldeawako condition
of tho Iorauo pcoplo. Tho NujfKot
extemlH coiiKi'atuliitloiiH to the pro
inotci'H of tho lino upon Uh complo
tlon, Stric'kkn With Pakai.yhis.
A telephone messaRe was received
nt this office Wednesday that Mrs.
S. J. Schneider of I.ornuc was
stricken with paralysis Tuesday.
At last accounts she was resting
easy and some hopes of her recovery
was entertained.
W. W .InckMon, of C ilurado
SprluuH. Ih vlHttliiK bin nlHter, Mrn
1. .1. Miller of Hum city, and Scott
.InckMon, of l.orane. Mrn. JackHoa
npeakH pleaHiiully of Oivkoii.
Iliiu't delay the Itanklii cIuhIiik
out Hale of uiiihIc kiioiIh at IIiiKene
will huiiii be over and you will bo
kicking yourMclf for not Hccurlm; one
of the Iik bai'KiiliiM offered.
Mrn. Dumcwooil, who ban cIohi'iI a
very HiicceHMfiil term of ncIiooI In
I'lrvlew dlMtrlct bewail a three
uiouIIi'h term at the SIiIcIiIm hcIiooI
hoiiKcMouduy hiMt.
.Ion. 1'rliiKle, the pliutuniiilicr,
took a view of the .lodera Wood
men delegation from the camp at
HiIh place, which muile Home ami
poMMllily 1,01-ane howl hint WedtieM
day nlnlit.
i:. W. II elm id and Win Dennett
took the overland Saturday night
for Yoncollu, uml from there drove
ten iiiIIch out to .Mr. YettH Htock
ranch, Yoturnlni; Sunday after a very
pleiiHaiit vNlt.
Mrn. Win, I'ei'inau, whohiiMbivn at
tho Hide of her husband w 10 Iiiih been
In the hospital al Portland for hoi no
weekH, ivtitrued homo the early part
of thin week. She reports Mr. I'or
imiti much liuproved and expei'tH
liltu home by the hint of the week.
The Intent thhiK la photographic
noveltleH will be found at the teat by
thoM. K, church. Kverybody Invited
to call and examine the work and see
Home ot the latent, dalntlcMt In plat
inum effects. A. II. CrtiHon, l'ropt
C. W. Itradford, Mki-. Artist. r-i2 -
Aceordhig to tho Insurance PresH
$717,100 of Insurance was dlHtrlhuted
ttiroiiKliout tho State of Oiegon dur
ing the year llXtt. Of this hiiii
WITi went to I'ortliiuil. The largest
sum paid to one lieuellclar.v wan
$10,1100 on Solomon Hli'sch.
Yon line medicines, don't voir?
Then you hnve proscriptions tilled,
don't vou? Well, thou, you want
them tilled at a reliable house, don't
vou? Did It over occur to vou thnt
ileiiHon Drug Co. Is that kind of a
house. You try It and hoc Hint's
Itnlph Whipple returned lust Sutur.
day from a iiusluess trip to San
Krnnclsco. Mr. Whipple iuiH aliiui
iloned IiIh sawmill project at New
port. When ho becuino more thor
oughly acquainted with the truecon
(llllon otthlngH ho uiiido up IiIh inlntl
that thu Inducements were not huIII
clent to Justify tho outlay.
A party of live men and their
fiimlllcM arrived overland Wednesday
from I'eudletou ami are renting
temporary homes while they look
around tor farms. All of them In
tend locating here and are very well
pleased with tho prospects and con
sider this tho best place they luivo
hcon. We are gli'd to havo such 011
urgotlc men come among us.
Iron sulphides suspected of con
taining gold may be tested by giv
ing the material a thorough roasting
and subsequent grinding in a mor
tar with water. The gold may then
be generally seen on panning, but
even tills test Is not positive, as the
gold maybe present, but too fine to
be seen.
tit jM-'I Jb Alji tU jllji: i- J- 'If mV. 'l i- fU i mVi jl'-tli
'VST'vme X-Iarclwo,re Co.
Carry 11 complete lints tif llnrdwiire, I'lnware, Htovo.
Itiinges, Farm Implements and .Mining Huiiplles, Includ
Inif (Hunt J'owiler (U).'h I'owdcr, Caps and Fuho.
Cn,ll and moo tho now "luon" IllcyclcH.I
"The Charter Oak Hardware Store."
Wynne Hardware Co., I'roprlclors.
($rau& 3Vrmij of tle
Coiisolldtiiiou or me ord tnwl Smith I'osis.
That which has loutf been desired by the majority of the
old soldiers in and about Cottage Grove, a consolidation ol the
two fJrnud Army I'osts into one united body, was most happily
consummated last Saturday afternoon. Steps in this direction
have been under consideration by each of the former posts lor
several weeks and by a unanimous vote of each, it was decided
to relinquish the old charters and apply for a new one under
which all the veterans in this vicinity could come together in
harmonious action and unity of purpose Last Saturday nearly
the entire membership of tlicio former Posts met at their
hall and formed Appomatx Post. Such a spirit ol good com
radeship prevailed that there was but little rivalry for official
positions in the new organization, and in a most expeditious
manner nud nearly all by unanimous consent, the following
olliccrs were selected for the coming year: Commander, G.
W. McReynolds; senior vice commander. I. J. Taylor; junior
vice commander, William Harrison; adjutant, O. D. Wheeler;
officer-of the day, O. II. Willard; quartermaster, William
Dickey; chaplain, W.J. Gardner; post surgeon, H. U job;
officer of the guard. Samuel II. Gcttings.
Tins move on the part of the old veterans is certainly in
the right direction and for the best interests of all. 'The in
firmities of age and frequent deaths are ever thinning the
ranks of active members and the stated meetings of both of the
old Posts were often convened with but a base quorum, while
in the future with a membership of about thirty, there will
always be enough gathered togetiier to keep alive a spirited
interest in the work and cement more closely the ties of true
comradeship that should and docs bind the old boys that stood
shoulder to shoulder nearly forty years ago, when each did his
best in defense of the nation and for the honor of the flag.
Last Sunday all of the veterans of the Civil war in and
about this city assembled at the G. A. R hall and marched in
a body to the Christian church to listen to a memorial sermon
by the Rev. V E. Hilliugtun. The church had been previously
decorated with bunting, flags and evergreens for the occasion
and was filled witli its members, friends and relatives of the
old soldiers. The three front rows of seats were reserved for
the veterans, who for an hour listened to the eloquent, patri
otic nud kindly words of Rev. llillingtou, the pathetic and
heartfelt prayer of Comrade Gardner, and the inspiring and
sweet singing of the choir. Rev. Iiillington, though a young
man anil having to gtther the data for hi discourse from his
tory, displayed a thorough knowledge of his subject, and the
easnest and sympathetic manner of his delivery touched the
hearts of the old soldiers and endeared him to then. He
truthfully said that he might never again b; permitted to ad
dress all those warriors, for another year would most likely
find the rinks tinned bv the reaper Death, as the -diver
threads are upon the heads oT all and the infirmities of age
will in a few short years witness the passing of that noble
band of veterans who, at their country's call forty years ago
defended the honor of the flag and did their duty for the
preservation of the nation.
Saturday is Decoration D.ty, nude a national holiday
through the instrumentality of the Grand Army of the Re
public. While the day is esieulially a day for the Grand Army,
and will be so considered for a number of years to come, still
it is a day forusall and should, if it does not. appeal to every
being who has shed tears on the graves of the dead. What
grander tribute can we pay to those we love and 'tnulate than
that of laying a wreath of flowers above their sleeping forms?
It is often that little attention is given Decoration Day by
the masses of the people. The common excuse offered is "too
much business". What a lameexcuse that is, especially com
ing Irom a man intelligent enough to do business!
We wonder if that man will ever find time to die? Ah,
let it not be said that we are too busy too hoe out the weeds
nud plant a flower over the graves ot those we loved in life.
Weowe much to the Grand Army of the Republic. Through
that organization we nre given this sweet day a day when,
we must admit, we have tenderer thoughts for each other,
than on another day a day that swells the heart, that floods
the eyes witli tears, not only tears of sorrow but of joy and
peace. Joy nud peace because the troubles of thoss we love are
ended, borrow, yea, tears of sorrow, that we bear the otce
nnd see the loving form 110 more. Remember when you go to
that "white city" yonder, that you must not be selfish or hide
bound. Pay your gentle tribute to your dead, and then look
about you and find if possible a grave forgotten then make
it green nud bright ami fragrant with the freshness ot a floral
offering. Then you'll be happy. You will have a right to
sa "witli all my faults I have at least one redeeming virtue."
Don't stop there. Don't forget the graves of the "soldier
dead". Cover those graves with flowers; for today we owe
our all to them. Without flattery, collectively, not indi
vidually, they did that for us that we would do for those only
now breathing nature's breath. Should we grow old in war
and then struggle on to the end of life in civil garb, would it
not be gratilving to us to know thnt our dead comrades were
remembered for their loyalty by our sons and sons of sons?
Ah, what gratitude that is to the old soldier living. Re
member that all the money paid in pensous never could com
pensate the sutTering endured by one lone soldier, in prison
vile or on the bloody battle field. The older soldier has asked
nothing from the government not, deserved. Remember the
man who has served his country in the ranks of war is under
110 obligations to his government for so doing. The greatest
gift within the power of all to bestow upon him is gratitude.
Gratitude! The priceless gift within the power of rich and
poor to give, alike.
I lie many Improvements helnK made
In the lieautlful Little Vitiligo evi
dence nf the Spirits of Progress.
I Spring is bere-So arc we
Wm. (larmau was a (lianli Pukh
visitor HiIh week.
Frank McKarland Ih again able to
bo upon the streets.
W. 11. llerg was out Wednesday
local Inn some eastern men on Umber
claims this week.
McClellnn's Is tho only place In
town where you nan buy a box of
Aidou Chocohites mid lion lions,
l'lirnlHhlng goods, shoes, rlbhoiiH,
laces ami embroideries, lowest price
nt N K. Hindi's.
Almoml Heiuenway
visitor Sunday.
was a Kuiiono
Don't forget to drop In at Me.
Clellan's for lee civain.
Kor most beautiful flowers, chiffon
and scarfs at lowest prices. .Mrs. N,
K. ISIsen.
You get your money's worth If
you buy your millinery nt .Mrs, N. U,
J. M. OriiiHliy. of Kansas, Is visit
lug bin brothei'-hi-law, .las, Sears of
this city.
Leading Grocers of Cottage Grove.
Rverythlng new, fresh ami clean. Where tho majority trades,
evidently tho prices tiro right, lllvo us a trial, am wo shall
enileiivor to jdeiiso you. Produce specialty. Phono 411,
A Nugget reporter had tho good
fortune to make a visit to Lornm
with that notorious gang, the M. W.
A. and If we were to tell one I111U
what liapiiened to tho foresaid re
porter the M. W. A. wouldn't get
iiiany more members In this district,
but as the boys made apologies ami
promised to beluve hereafter we will
not tell It at least not now. How
over it may bo truthfully said that
the old fool gout they have out there
Iiiih absolutely 110 inaunrrH and
couldn't iH-liave If ho had to.
The Cottago Drove crowd number
ing 23 left Wednesday afternoon by
Htngo ami arrived In l-ornne at OiV).
Pound I. P. Innmn and M. I). .Stone
In readiness to receive them. on lie
half of the town and a big heavy
weight team of M. W. A'h.uIho wait
ing for the uninitiated.
Mrs. I. P. Inmuii and Mrs. C, H
Con ant had a very h 11 nipt 11-
ous founts prepared In the ball uml
It Ih nefdk'HH to Hiiy that the (?)
hungry men did their Isxtito devour
It but they were not ciml to the
occasion. Thu cakes, pies, fruits,
menu and vegetables that made the
missive tables groan with their
weight, were furnished by the ladles
of Lorune ami vicinity and If what
we ato Is a fair nun pie of their cook
ing we would like to board In l.orane
for about 11! or 14 years. After hup
IHiT through the courtesy of manager
Stone the boys were taken for a
view of the creamery, saw mill and
other Improvements. The creamery
Is 0110 ot the ls?st arranged and most
convenient in the state of Oregon.
The machinery Is strictly llrst cIuhh
and of the most modern pattern ob
tainable on the American market.
The arrangements whereby the build
ing throughout will be kept perfectly
clean are so nicely constructed
tliut 11 microbe would have a tussle
to Had lodging room for even 10
secouds, la fact it would lie Impossi
ble. And butter made at the cream
ery will leave there as pure as a sun
beam, and as palatable as the feasts of
yo gods of olden times The cream
cry Is furnished with 1111 eight horse
power boiler and u six horse power'
engine, with a complete hot uml
cold water syatem and steum pipe
urrangeuieut. They Have a 200-gaI-1
lou cream tank ami a lUO-gallou
churn and will be alii - to turn out a
largo amount of butter. This cream-1
ery will be a great source of revenue
to the farmers la the lieautlful valley
Hiirromiding I.urane, and from the
good fat cattle to be seen froni,t!ie
public road It would seem that little
trouble would be experienced In
getting cream to keep the creamery
running every day.
Lorune has a large two-story
school house and the Intellectual
standing of the community nriy lie
Judged by the fact that they main
tain 11 nine months term of school
which fact alone would testify that
from this point of view Lorune is not
The little town has two beautiful
church buildings In which services
are held regularly, both well at
tended and with largo memberships.
They are tho .Methodist and Christian.
Sunday school Is held each Sunday
iind exceedingly well attended. There
Is in Lornue a hall, tho upper story
of which Is used for fraternal so
cieties, neatly and nrtlctically ar
ranged ami one, of which many
larger towns wouldjustly feel proud
anil well prehaps the hall Isn't at
fault for what they do. The lower
story of tho hulldliigis UHedforenter
talnmeutu and public gatherings and
serves the purpose of an opera house
and Is occupied quite often by the
enterprising citizens.
The sawmill at l.orane owned ami
operated bv tirlggs & to. Is 11 neat
and very attractive little mill with a
capacity of 10,000 to 15,000 feet of
finished lumber per day ami Is run at
Us full capacity every day to supply,
at present, the local ilemuml among
tho Lorune farmers who oro doing a
large amount of building ami Im
proving. A largo body of as lino
timber as can bo found on the Sius
hiw is tributary to this mill and the
capacity will bo Increased as soon as
possible, The little mill at present
gives employment to quite a number
ot men.
The Nuggot reporter has 110 Idea
how many stoics are la the little
city for ho was ushered Into the
presence ot tho most Itoyal High of
tho M. W. A. lodge before ho got to
this part of the town and doesn't re
member anything that happened
from that time on, however, .Mr 1. P.
lnniun has nil up-to-date stock of
general inerchiiudlso mid If he Is not
making money It Is because ho Is
selling goods too cheap for ho cer
tainly has enough customers, Mr.
Iiimau Is a man of which Lornue mid
vicinity may Justly feel proud. His
to his enterprise ami Initiative effort
that Lorano Is Indebted for many of
her attractive features, and the vi
cinity has all the appearance ot thrift
In every direction.
It Is with regret that Jills article Is
brought to so sudden a close, as one
could easily write a half day 011 the
natural attractions and many re
sources of this famous little district
trlctso well known -throughout tho
county, but space forbids n. more ex
tended article. It shall ho tho pleas
ure of Honolulu Nugget at some fu
ture time, not far distant, to give a
thorough wrltoup of tho Lornue dis
trict as it is.
Tho M. W. A. lodge at Lorano Is In
a nourishing condition ami Is adding
many now members, promising to bo
one 01 tno leading camps 01 tunc ira
temlty em long.
S With Sprny Pumps and Sprny Compound.
Hoes, ItakeH and Cultivators.
: Ollver'H Htccl and Chilled Plow.
.... .... tl'lHh liros. Wngotw.
leto Lino of Hardware, HtovoH and Tinware.
E: Mining Supplies our Specialty.
i nper & vanoenn i
Has tliCjI'VcsIicst Unc
of Groceries in Cottage Grove. Not a cap nor
J package of goods on the shelves but that is as fresh
as is obtainable on the market. Quality guaranteed
Oar Prices Are the Lowest anil Satisfaction Is (ioaranfecd
I Photograph Gallery
New back
grounds and
Best Lenses
Fifteen years experience, eight years in Portland 5j
3 Nothing but trst-class work. All Work guar- 2
f anteed. Lowest prices. Call and examincwork. 2
E: Opposite Masonle Hill. West SiJc, Cottage Grove. 3
W. S. Chrisman & Ely Bangs
The Fashion Stables
Bohemia and Llack Butte Stages.
First Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Proprietors of
...The Miners Supply House...
Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.
General Mercliandise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition
.;. :f: :': :!: :: n: :': :: :: :: 1 1 i tW
I J, l lay's Furniture Co, I
tiunrniitcc'3 to nave you money on every tiling .to
furnish iv homo Including
Stoves, Ranges, CavDets and Mattings.
New Line of Wall Paper.
Big Clearance Sale now on for 30 days;
10 per Cent Discount on everything.
The lemi, tho fat
Thu Htout, tl.o tall
(Joil l)les their souls
We love them.
Anil like to neo them pleased uh
thev ure ure to bo If they iiso mir of
tho toilet nrtlcles from the .New
The Nugget taken this opportunity
a .1... tliut. hem.
l(j liuiuv n niiM...'- ,
after thoso who wish thoNuggot ami
tlio weeHiy wrogoiiiiui
pecteil to pay for the two
papers. '1'hls ralsu Is mcessarv on
account of a rulso on the Oivgoulan
Threo net ilbublo buggy harness or
will trailo for liny or grain.
Ouimdmax & lUxns,
Department of tho Interior,
United States Lund Ollice,
Itoseliurg, Oro., Apr., 25, 1D0;I.
Notice Is hereby given that the ap
proved plat of siirvor of
Township ') Month, Itango 4 UnHt.
Township S3 (South, lluugo B IJiiHt.
Township 24 South, Itango !l Kant.
Township 21, South, Itango 4 Must,
have been received from tlieSurveyor
(leiieral for Oregon ami on
Thursday , '.May 28,' 11)03, at j'clock
u. in.
the miMTplutH will bo filed In this
olllco, and the laud embraced there
in, being In thu Cascade Korest Ho
Hcrvo, will bo open to entry on mid
alter quid date, only to porsonssliiiw
lug settlement tliereou prior to
September 2tth, lSl):i, tho date of the
executive order setting apart i"ild
laud aa a forest roscrvo.
J. T. lliiinoKH, Itegloter.
i J. II. HooTii, Itccelvcr.JJ