Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 29, 1903, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
nowuiD brown, robi.
Cammbeiulr RsvUw ol tlx Import
ant ttntdt Week,
I'ruMitW In CecHUas Tain, Mart
Likely U Preve Utereetlaf.
Mark Twain Is seriously 111.
Tho Union Pacific has announced
peace wun mo uoncr iuukcib.
Tho town of Altman, near Cripple
Crook, was almost entirely destroyed
by Arc.
Emperor Francis Joseph will not In
tervene to prevent runner uhjuumicu
In Crotla.
Hoar-Admiral Barclay has been or
dered form lloston to tho Puget Sound
navy yard.
Flro In n grand stand at Cambrldo,
Mnss., hemmed In the crowd and they
had a close call for their lives.
Tho cup defender Reliance has
proven herself a much better boat
than cither the Columbia or tho Con
stitution. Hannah opposes tho endorsement
of Roosevelt by Ohio because he fears
It would Injure his chances for re
election. A power factory nt Santo Domingo
was blown up by enemies of tho gov
ernment and 22 people killed and a
number of others Injured.
The nntl-dynastlc outbreak In Yu
nan province, China, is serious.
A cyclone In Central Kansas did
much damage to crops and property.
Four were killed and sit others In
jured by a Pittsburg elevator break
ing. An eastern company has secured
control of all the coast powder fac
tories. A. W. Machen, deposed postal of
ficial. Is now charged with disobey
ing orders.
Portland was discriminated against
In letting contracts for carrying Phil
ippine freight
The Union Pacific Boiler makers"
strike haa been declared off. Both
sides made concessions.
Russia has assured the United
States that It will help maintain an
open door in the far East.
Count Casslnl, Russian ambassador
at Washington, and Secretary Hay
are receiving large numbers of letters
from cranks.
Mexico will make silver Its coin,
but at a fixed ratio. The announce
ment has already caused much for
elgn capital to be Invested.
The forest fires near Glen FsIIb, N.
Y,", are now under control.
The drouth In Porto Rico lias been
broken and the tuin of all crops nar
rowly averted.
I1am.,m vf Ini-rAASMl trade wltJi
vuuiuiiv . -
America, Pern has opened a consular
office In Chicago. .
I The United Lead comp:. r has In -
creased Its capital stock i-u. t '5,000, -
000 to 1 25,000,000.
The directors of the Bank ol
lind have red need the bank - r
discount from 4 to 3Ja per cent.
Receivers have been appointed for
the Eastern tnDe company, with a cap
ital stock of 11.000,000 and general
offices at Zanesville. O. The liabilities
are given as (800,000, and assets
Bearing letters to well-known New
Yorkers netted Olgar Beckwlth Nelleon
who was cashiered from the Danish
irmr. an Income ot (300 a month, ac
cording to officers who hare caused his
The railroad commissioner of Massa
chusetts has authorized the Boston &
Northern railroad company to leeoe
(2.000.000 new stock at 120, and the
Old Colony street railway (1,000,500
new stock at 10a.
A tornado at Morton. Kan., inlared
several persons and unroofed a anmber
of buildings.
A bie rise In the Mississippi'!! cans
Inz great damage to farm land about
La Crosse, -Wis.
Six persons on a runaway Chicago
t'olley car were Injured by Its collision
with a freight train.
A defaulting cashier hat neceesi
tated the closing of the Soutbpot,
Conn., national bank.
The reservoir at Hatch, Idaho, has
gone out. No lives wero lost, but
crops will bo seriously damaged.
The American saddlery and harness
company, with a capital of (10 000,
has been incorporated in New Jersey.
A Chicago bootblack received only
(10. for restoring n lost (10,000 bill to
its owner, wnose joy caueea mm w
Tho monitor Arkansas, which wa
grounded in the Mississippi, la again
afloat, as the result of an unexpected
The Chippewa and Ottawa Indians
have decided to press a ciaim oi fou-
000 against the United States for vaca
tion of territory In 1795.
Descendants ol Washington's French
brethren in arms and other prominent
Frenchmen propose presenting to thf
United States a reproduction of the
original bust of Washington by Pierre
Jean David.
President Gompers Is in favor of a
union ol employers.
Another union has Joined tho ranks
01 the striking Denver laborers.
Russia is deeply hurt at the criti
cisms ol the American preea regarding
B, F. Jones, ol Philadelphia, a steel
magnate and prominent In national
politics, Is dead.
The Russian ambassador at Washing
ton says Jews are responsible for mas
aero at Klshnlef.
Bybll Sanderson, a well known act
ress died in Paris.
Denver unions bavel postponed call
Ing a general strike.
Tironty-ontf persons at Marlcn, Ird,,
wero injured by the overturning of a
itreet car,
Admiral Dewey Recommend! One for
Dutch Harbor, Alaska,
Washington, May 27. Admiral
Dewey, ns president of the General
Hoard, has made a report to Secretary
Moody, recommending the Immediate
establishment of a coaling station nt
Dutch Harbor, Alaska, ami the erec
tion there of a coal depot with nn
Initial capacity of 5.000 tons. The e
timated cost of the work Is about (51p
000. The money Is now available. Re
lieving that the establishment of n
coal depot at this strategic point will
strengthen the United States on the
Pacific Coast, the President haa. hear
tily approved the plan, and prelimin
ary steps In the work have been taken
Dutch Harbor is located on one of
the Aleutian Islands, and Is on the di
rect commercial route between the
ports of Retiring Sea and Southern
Alaska and the Pacific Coast of the
United States. It Is also In the lino of
steamships passing through the I'nl
mak. Pass, most of which make Dutch
Harbor a port of call. Its use as n coal
depot site was first recommended by
Rear-Admiral Bradford, Chief of the
Bureau of Kqulpmont. Ills recom
mendation was referred to the Gen-
ral Board, and Is now about to be
executed according to his plans.
Dutch Harbor will form the fifth
In the chain of coal depots along the
Pacific Coast, which will begin at San
Diego and Include San Francisco, Pu
get Sound and Sitka. Honolulu Is the
sixth In the chain, and Guam probably
may be added to tho list.
A Large Philadelphia Warehouse Is an
lintlre Loss.
Philadelphia, May 27. Fire this
evening In the building of the Front
Street Wnrehouso Company caused n
loss estimated at (l.OOO.CuO. The
building which was three stories high
on Front street and five In the rear,
with two sub-cellars, containing mer
chandise of a general character. One
floor was packed solidly with matting
and there was 1G00 rolls of carpet. 500
barrels of molasses, a carload of
wines, and other liquors, a carload of
matches and much machinery.
Everything In the building was de
stroyed cither by fire or water.
The flro started In the basement
nnd was not discovered until the cen
ter of the first floor was in flames.
The character of the goods In the
building made it an easy prey to tile
flames, and tho whole structure was
soon ablaze. The contents of the
building were owned by many firms
and Individuals, and It Is not known
tonight what amount of Insurance
was carried.
I Kacrr
1 t
v Mut Be Properly Directed
."Hey Would Live.
-r.i 27. Clarence S. Dar-
fcn was chief counsel for the
-jln ns In the recent arbitration grow-
insr out of tho strike In the anthracite
real fields, delivered an 'address
the Henry George Association here
today on the "Perils of Trades Un
lonlsm." The general tone of his talk
was that "labor unions do not under
stand the principles upon which they
are founded and along which they
must work If they are to continue In
existence." He said In part:
jien eaten trade unionism, specu
latlon, combination, as they catch the
measles or the mumps. Capital has
caught the fever of combination until
It has gone mad over corporations and
trusts. Likewise, labor has caught
tne lever ol trade unionism and with
out knowing what It means or real
Izlng how It may be of real service to
tne world, has turned Its power and
energy in the direction of building up
Unless this force Is turned to nn.
lltlcal power or substantial methods
for bettering industrial con'dltlons then
all this great, movement must bo for
iiaught." '
Qreal Irrigation Dam.
Washington. May 27. The Ooolorr-
leal Survey has prepared a model of
the extensive dam to be constructed
on Salt rlver,-66 miles above Phoenix,
Ariz. This dam will be arnomr the
nret and also among the largest Irri
gation enterprises to bo undertaken
by the Government under the new law.
Tho.oxact proportions of tho dam are
188 feet thick nt the base. 830 feot
long at the top and 250 feet high. It
will contain 11,000,000 cubic feet of
masonry. The reservoir to be con
sirucicu win dram over COOO square
miies or lerntory.
New Immigration Station.
San Francisco, May 27. United
States Immigration Commlsloner F.
P. Sargent, who has been visiting In
Honolulu for the purpose of Investi
gating the labor situation and select
ing a slto for local Immigration sta
tion, for which tho last Congress ap
propriated (30,000, returned today on
the Ventura. He has chosen a site
on the water front of Honolulu for the
station to bo used until tho permanont
one is ready. The Commissioner had
nagralslng over tho temporary sta
tion on May is.
Estate Long Unsettled.
San Diego. Cal.. May 27. By an or
ler of court tho valuable estate of
James W. Robinson Is to be distrib
uted, Tho caso Is n romarkablo ono.
Robinson, who was onco Lieutenant.
Governor of Texas and subsequently
prominent lawyer In this state, died
here . In 1857. . For uomo reason his
heirs, who lived In Ohio and else
whero In tho East wero not awawe of
his death until long afterward and no
fforts wero made until comparative
ly recently to settle up tho estate.
Butchery By Turks.
London, May 27. The Soda corres
pondent of the Morning Leader tele
graphs that tho Macedonian commit
tee reports that tho Turks have burn
ed the vlllago of Banltzal, near Seres.
Only 48 of tho E00 Inhabitants es
caped and many women and girls
wore outraged and murdered nnd
their bodies cast Into tho water.
Idg Withdrawal Made In Warner Valley
Section, Southern Oregon,
Tho lntorlor department has decided
upon anothor forest reserve for Orcgou,
this timo In Southern Lake county,
In tho Warner mountain country. By
direction of Secretary Hitchcock, tho
vacant public lands in a tract of over
IHiJ.OCO acres In Lake county, and 44 h
tosrnsltlpi adjoining in Northern Cali
fornia, have been temporarily with
drawn from nil entry, with n view to
their examination to determine the ad
visability of creating a forest reectvo
about tho town of Lakevlow. The
Oregon lands withdrawn are: Town
ships .14 to 41 inclusive, ranger 10, 17,
and 18; townships 37, 38 ami 41, rango
10; townships 3(1 and 37, 'rango 20;
township) 30 to 41 Inclusive, raugoi 21
and 22. all touth and east. Tho town
ship in wht h I-akevlow is located, and
the townships immediately north,
south and west, aro not included In
the withdrawal.
A forest reserve in tho Warner Moun
tain region ! recommended by the
geological survey, not cnlj for tho pre
servation of the timber, but the con
servation ot tho water lu n ly. Goote
lake lies in the center of the withdraw
al, and a number of itieama whitli
supply it with water have their head
waters within that region. Moreorer,
the headwaters of Spragtte river, Drews
reek, Warner creek, and a number ol
other streams would all be protected by
a forest rerervo in this region.
Inviowof thoileveloi ment ot Irri
gation enterprises in Lake louutr and
in Northern California, tho creation of
this forest reserve is considered most
essential. Tho lands withdrawn are to
br examined this summer, and suili
tracts as are found unsuitable for re-
seivation will ultimately be restored to
entry. The remainder, beyond a ques
tion of doubt, will bo ermanently re
served. KUmath County Fair.
The Klamath county agricultural
association is preparing for tno big
events this year a raco nio;t and base
ball tournament June 4 and 5, and an
agricultural fair, with races, Indian
dances, baseball and other attractions
next fall. The Iniiial fair was held
lust October, and the surprising quan
t ty and quality ot exhibits and signal
success generally ol tho undertaking
arrneed great interest and a determina
tion to have the next one on a blfgi r
and better scale.
Half a Hop Crrp.
Much complaint la being expressed
by the hop growers aroand Ilarrisbarg.
From some cause tho vfnea have not
come up in many hills In tho yards
ther' -t.n,.l while many ol tn -in
aro lj.ig it is tne column oi '.un
growers thai, the troab!c la !ai"
worms 14 n." roots. Still thene
thrx wr " in not incline . - . siu
ion. H..w---r, all agreo 'l.i' !)it
wlf . .' . -rer half a crop in t1 lv
ca. Better Catch ot Fish.
Reports from the mouth of the river
are to the effoit that tho catch of fish
is a trifle better, but as the catch dur
ing the rast week or ten days baa been
ery small, this does not mean much
Ice time is last npproacbing,.howevor,
wherTbig runs are to be expected, pro
vided, of coarse, that the neither anil
other conditions tarn moro favorable
Died at Oreat Age.
Joseph Bashaw, who, as hear as can
be figured cut, was at least 115 years
old, was found dead in bed at the
home of his stepson, near Sidney. He
was probably tte oldest man in Oregon.
He wis a Frenchman by birth and
served in the French wars of 1800.15,
under Napoleon. He drove an ox team
to ureg n In 147, and was then a gray
haired man.
Fruit Outlook Bright.
Prune growers frcm different parts ol
Marion and Polk counties report that
their trees are In excellent condition
and promise an enormous crop. The
rains did no damage during the blos
soming period. The trors aro now
bearing much more fruit than conld be
matured, but, ot coarse, much of this
will drop off, as usual.
Fire at Ashland.
Fire which broke out at Ashland
Inst Monday In tin middle ol the busi
ness houses on the west side of Fourth
street, between A and B, near the
Southern Pacific depot, gained such
he'.dway and burned so fiercely that al
most tho entlro block was destroyed,
involving a total loss of nearly (26,030,
upon which there was an Insurance ot
Cutting Down Debt.
The semi-annual financial statement
of Wasco county, computed by County
Clerk I.aKe, shows a reduction in U o
Indebtedness of the connty ol (4 1 ,705.34
Within I he last six months, leaving the
total indebtedness at this time only
(38,101.14, which Is tho first time for
many years that theludeh ednessof the
county has been materially below
Ready to Dig.
Ditch digging Implements and sup
plies for the Columbia Southern irriga
tion company, on the Tumello, have
been going in for several days, and act
ive operations are expected to bo in
progress there soon, though no news
has yet coine of the approval of tho re-
lamation contract at waeshlngton.
- i
All Are Busy at Helix.
Tho prosperous'llttle vlllago of Helix,
In the very heart ot tbo great wheat
belt of Kastern Oregon, enjoys tho dis
tinction of not having an idle man, a
vacant storeroom or dwelling hous
within its limits. Kveryone Is busy,
and alt are prosperous.
Heavy Buyer of Timber Lands,
Deeds have been filed for record con
veying tho title to noarly 3,000 acres of
timber land along the Klatskanie river
to W. W. Roman, of Forrest, Pa., mak
ing a tract of about 7,( 00 acres that he
has recently purchased in that vicinity,
Contract lias Been Let for an Increase of
Titty Stamps.
A contract has bcon made by the
I.ucky Boy company In tho Blue river
district, for tho machinery to Increase
tho mill at tho mines to CO stamps,
and other machinery for tho operation
ot the mine. The oflliots nt tho com
pany havo been negotiating for several
doys with tho Union Iron works, of
San Francisto, aml.have let n largo con
tract tor machinery.
There will Ins an electric power
plant, which will bo located on the
McKenxle river, tlx miles Irom the
mine, from which power will Ih trans
mitted to tho mine. Tho machinery
wlll bo increased to 100 stamps next
season, which will mako it ono ol the
most extonslvo plants on tho roast.
Work on tho Humes, buildings, ctc.c
lor tno power plant will begin at onco.
Tho Improvement now projected will
involve an outlay ot (05,000.
Said lie was an Officer.
K. W. Hates is in Jail at linker City
awaiting a preliminary hearing on tho
charge of obtaining money by false pre
tense, but he will probably hattf to
answor to the United States government
authorities far tho moro serious charge
oi impersonating an ollicer.
Lead In Yamnlll Hills.
Am Shadden, of McMlnnvillo, is ex
hlbitliig some lead ore dug Irom tho
hills a few inlles west ol town. The
oro assays well In lead, with traces of
gold and silver.
Surveying Crater Lake Part,
Superintendent W. F. Arant has re
ceived word that Crater Lake nations
park will bo surveyed by the govern
ment as coon as tho snow disappears
from tho mountains. The boundaries
ot the park, containing 210 square
miles, nave never been defined, and
until that is dono tho superintendent
cannot tell exactly whore his authority
negnia or ends with reference to poss
b o trespassers or lhoe asking prlvil
Stripped ol limber.
W. II. B. Kent and II. D. Langoll
of the department of agriculture, are 1
Baker City from Washington to exam
ne tho lands and report in regard to
tho ottablishuietit of the Blue mountal
lorest reserve. Already Ibey liai
niaue a partial examination ot a por
tion ol tho land, which it is proposed
to embrace in the reserve, and they
una mat a treat Ural ol the iiiarkotabl
timber has been cut off. They will re
main in that vicinity for some time
Activity In Blur River.
Following the contract for extenslv
Improvemonts on the Lucky Boy mine
il -. - r.ior .i'tr t, the news I
i -.- n. t:.t; i . Punsof mine, i
lirtt t m ii oetfin (yntvmatic
6wli'i i" . a rta i-p' mill will bo
pnt In '..-n i.o r hoess of the ore i
ti . ... n if work will be
pro- in' .- mi., ills so as to open
np tna ledge in a wanner to work sys
Joining Two Branches.
Again it is reported that the long
looked for link connecting the tno
lines of the Southern Pacific between
Springfield and Koirent- will soon be
built, and the roport seems to come
from a reliable source. A surveying
parly is to be cent by the company at
ono to maitd nnai location ol the route
for the connection, which it is the in
tention to construct during the present
Water Supply Falls.
fcTboro is. a shortage of water at the
Oregon agricultural college The source
ol Eupply Is a large well, which for
merly afforded sufficient water, but the
growth of the college and the largely
increased amount of water require 1 ren
dera tho output of the well insufficient
to meet the needs. Kvfry day now the
well Is pumped dry, in splto of the
fact that there is careful husbanding of
wateMn all the departments.
Sugar Beets Need Rain.
About 30 Japanese have arrivoJ in
Pendleton from Portland to work in
the beet fields ot the Oregon sugar
company, and 120 more are expected
to follow snon. Tho beets are growing
slowly, and almost at a standstill for
want of rain. Oraln, gardens and
orchards are also eufforing.
Wheat Walla Walla, 703 71c; val
ley, 74c
Barley Food, 20.00 per ton; brow
Inc, (21.
Floui Best trades, (3.94(84.30; gra
ham, (
Mlllituffs Bran, (23 par ton; mid
dlings, (27; shorts, (23.00; chop,
Oats -No. 1 white, (1.1031.16:
gray, 11.00 per cental
Hay Timothy, 120(321 ; clover,
1011 j cheat, (16Q10 per ton
Potatoes Best Buroanks, coo per
lack; ordinary, 258-i0c per cental,
growers' prices; Merced sweets, (3(9
3,60 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, ll12c;
yonng, l!(314c; liens, izc; turkeys,
live, l(l17e; dressed, 20922c; dusks,
7.007.60 per dozen; geese, (8QH.60.
Cheese Fnll cream, twins, 10($
17c; Young America, 1717ic; fact
ory prices, 1(3 124c; less.
Butter Fancy creamery. 20(2220 per
pound; extras, 21c; dairy, 2022Kcj
store, lOQlBc,
Kggs 169 17c per dozen.
Hops Choice, 1820c per pound.
Woll Valley 12 IS; Kastern Ore
gon, I14; mohair, 3630c.
Beef Cross, , cows, "8 tf4o per
pound; steers, 4iQBo) dressed, 70.
Veal 88tfo.
Mutton Grose, 737K Pr pound;
dressed, 8Q9o,
Lamba Gross, 4c per pound dressed,
Hogs Gross, 'tf& K7c por pound J
dressed, 88&. ,
Terrible ConJItlons llxlit In 1'iimlne
Stricken Districts ol China.
Washington, May 20. United Stales
Consul McWndc, nt Canton, under
dntu of April 7, sent to tho Statu Do
paitmont n dvtnlled report of tho fam
ine, conditions In Iviiug HI, In mippnrt
ot hla cabled appeal for help. He pro
dticed a mass of Information which
ho declare tti bo reliable from Amor
lean missionary and naval noun-en In
Knt Kwnn Pin, Wu Chow and other
places, showing tho destitution and
tho conseiiuent sufferlngi which the
Consul (lenornl nays, In absolutely np
paling. Ho siiye thnt thousands In
their desperation wero Belling their
children from (2 to (S each, yet so
many wore offered and so few pur
chased that nut all could bo sold nt
even tlilB price. Mr. McW'ado nays, so
heartrending wero tho appeals for
assistance thnt ho had contributed tar
beyond his means, and would have
given moro had ho had tho money.
When report was written (lie fuiu
Ino was Increasing greatly In In never-
Ity, and thousands were starving to
death. In ono vlllago 200 perished
from starvation, mid ho satjl thnt un
less something In tho way of relief
canto noon, thousnudn and thoiisaudH
will starve. Whole families wero Hub
slating on n few ounces of rice n day,
and wero cntlng herbs nnd leaves
Unless tho rice and other crops of
July. August nnd September proved
plentiful, the famine would only be
'lightly alleviated. In conclusion. Mr.
McWndo says:
"Tho native feel thnt the Atnerl
cans have come among them for their
.tnd our mutual benefit, nnd not a
their cneiuloH, nor to selzo any of
their lands under nny specious or
other pretenses. That feeling Is em-
phaslied by tho great charity of our
people at Uomc. who. lu their earnest
efforts to relieve, and not to destroy.
know no religion, creed or nation.
Venezuelan Mote Against Foreigners Is
Contrary tu Treaties.
WIllomBtnd. Curacao. May 2f!. The
President of the State of Marcatho
ntii) tho Governor of Carncns hove
tried to enforce the new law ngnlust
foreigner, obliging them to recognize
only the Venezuela tribunals for the
adjustment of their claims ami cum
nelllng them to walvo their right t
claim for damnges for robbery or nil
lage perpetrated by the government
or revolutionary troop, nnd enforc
Ing other vexatious measure under
penalty of Immediate expulsion.
ThekO measures were enforced
against British, German. Italian
Dutch. Spanish and Krencli citizen
When their respective legation learn
ed of the fact they sent order
their Consul not to comply with th
demands ot the local authorities
the new law was contrary to exist
Ing treaties. The minister of Hit
power nlso called on Senor Urb.tneja
the Minister of Foreign Affair, and
protested against the action taken
He promised that orders would bo I
cued to suspend the enroreerneni
tho new Inw. United State citizen
wero not molested.
It tho law Is onforced later rompll
cation with tho power will nrlse,
and Is believed thnt tuoro than 40,000
of tho 00,000 foreigner residing
Venezuela will leavo tho country.
Indian Veterans Will Receive Pay From
June 27. 1902.
Washington, i'ay 2C Tho Interior
Department has decided thnt all pen
sion allowed under tho Indian War
Veteran act, approved June 27, 1S02,
r,hall be effective from the date of th
passage of the art. That Is to say
when n claim I allowed, the veteran
or his widow or other survivor draws
$8 a month from nnd after the dat
of tho allowance, ami in granted,
addition, nn accrued pension nt th
rato of (8 a month from June 27. 1902,
up to the date of tho said allowance
There has been soma question In tho
mind of tho pension authorities a
to whether accrued pension would run
rrom 1DU2. when tho net affecting th
veterans of tho Pacific Northwest be-
enmo n law. or from 18D2, when tho
original Indlnn War Veteran act. ap
plying to tho Black Hawk survivor,
went on tho statute hooks. The
later dato was finally ettled upon ns
being the ono intended by congress.
and nil pensions hereafter allowed
will enrry this accrued pension, n
well as future allowances.
Ask Permission to Strike.
Anaconda. Mont.. May 20. At
meeting of tho Mill and Smeltcrmon's
Union, hold Inst evening In this city,
It Is reported to havo hoen decided to
ask tho permission of tho Amerlenn
Labor Union to strike, unless tho men
recently discharged nt tho Washoo
smelters bo reinstated. It Is tho
opinion of a majority of tho labor
leaders hero that thero will bo no
strike. It Is alleged that tho men dis
charged had been too actlvo In nt
tempting to dlctato tho policy of tho
company In tho matter of running the
new works.
Boodler (lets Six Years.
St. Louis, May 20. After being out
C5 minutes, tho Jury In tllo caso of
I'mel Hnrtman, cx-mcmbcr of the
Houso of Delegates, for bribery, re
turned a verdict this aftornoon be
fore Judgo Ryan, finding Hartman
guilty, and fixing his punishment nt
tlx years In tho penitentiary. Tho
penalty Is tho heaviest that has been
Inflicted so far In tho bribery trials.
Hartman, ucvornl witnesses testified.
wns ono of tho number who received
(2C00 nplcco for their voto on tho city
ngm measure.
Killed In Hzploslon on Steamer.
Quebec, May 20. Tho steamship
Couban. of tho Black Diamond Lino,
irom nydnoy, a IJ.. for Montrcnl
which oiasscd Inward off Matano
.lgnt yostorday. signaled that an ox
plosion of gas had occurred on bonrd
which completoly destroyed tho sa
loon and blow up tho poop deck,
Three Iron bourns wero also broken In
tho lower deck. A waiter was killed
and two steorngo passongors aro miss
ing, nnd It I thought thoy wero
blown overboard by tho forco of tho
Coins tu Be Sold,
Washington. Mny 20. Tho Bureau
of Insular Affairs, with tho approval of
Secretary Root, has authorized tho
salo of 100 sets of tho seven now Phil
ippine coins that recontly havo bcon
made by tho United Stntcs mint at
(2 por sot, tho valuo being 97 conts.
Tho proceeds will bo turned over to
tho Phlllpplno Treasury. Thoro had
bcon quite a domand for the sots of
coins from collectors.
Twenty Other Marc or Less Seriously
Injured-Several Town Vlnlted by
Sturm and livery llulldlng lit Its Path
Blown tu Pieces -Heavy financial
Dusting, Neh May 27. A serle nf
heavy stnnns, two tif which developed
Into the worst tnnindue that have
vlalted Southern Nebraska fur your,
PHicd over mn tion of Clay, Franklin
nnd Kearney counties last evening.
Fifteen person are known to have lost
their live. 20 odd were mnio or les
seriously Injured, nnd it number nt
other received minor Injuries, livery
dwelling nnd outbuilding In the path
of the tornado wa blown to piece,
and the llnaurlnl Iosb thus far account
ed will reach about (tlO.000.
Near Norman, nt the home nf D.tnlel
MeCurdy. n number of relative and
friends were spending the day, and not
nn Inmate escaped death or orlou
Injury. Two mile hiiuiIi of Upland
German Lutheran service were being
held In a Ki'hool house, when the
storm struck and demolished It. kill
Ing four of the occupant, Including
the minister, and Injuring n number of
The storm was (finally destructive
at Fairfield, but the people were
warned of It coming and sought eel
Inr for xnfety. Six dwelling were
blown to piece nt that place, but
their occupants escaped Injury, with
n few exceptions.
Repetition of Recent Accident May Ot
cur at Any Time.
Ottawa, Out.. May 27. Messrs
W. Brock nnd R. P. McConnell, th
geologist who wero sent to report on
tho cause ot tho landslide nt Turtle
Mountain, which wiped nut tho town
or Frank, hnve submitted a prellml
nary report to Sir William Mullock
acting minister of tho Interior.
Mr. McConnell estimates thnt be
tween 00,000.000 nnd S0.000.000 ton
ot rock fell, the debris of whlc
cover nlmnst two square mile The
hllilo Is nttrlbuted to tho steepness o
the mountnln nnd tho shattered con
dltlon of the rock. This was duo to
"fnultlng" and crushing of the rock
during the process ot mountain bull
tug. Heavy rainfall pouring throat:
the fissures tended to open them still
Tho accident wns locally hnstenei
by n creep In tho conl mine which
caused a Jar. The mountnln whore
tbo slip took place Is very badly fra
t u rod and Is now slipping down con
urinous!)- in smnll pieces. There
danger of nnother slide, ah some of
tho fractures extend hack C00 or COO
feet from tho fnce, and If theso were
to open nnother bulk would com
Mr. McConnell think that thero will
always bo more or less risk In living
nt Frank nnd thnt tho people ithoul
move as soon nn possible.
Oklahoma In Track of Storm -tnjurle
to rcnplc arc Few.
Oklahoma City, O. T.. Mny 20. Last
nigni n tornado struck tho town
Carmen nnd destroyed ono-thlrd
tho plnco. P. F. Brown, of Wichita
wa Instnntly killed by Hying tlmbor
nnu .Mrs. wismlllor fatnlly Injured
Twenty people were moro or les In
too .Mt'iiiodnt cnurrii wns set on
top of tho parsonage, whero It ro
mains and can be seen for inlles.
Tho dwellings of J. P. Atterbury
nnu itooert rnyne were deninllsiiei
Mrs. Atterbury wns carried CO feot
utit not seriously Injured, whiio he
son nnd daughter wore dangorouly
hurt. Orchard nnd crnna worn dam.
ngcil severely. Tho Arkansas river Is
on a rampago a a result of tho heavy
mum. ino town or ivaw city is prac-
ucuiiy unucr water, many farmers liv
ing in the. bottoms near Ponen citv
nnd Ncwklrk having been compoltcd
to leave tholr home. FIcldB nnd
cropj aro submerged, numerous
bridge havo been washed nway, nnd
inline IB lllUCKOd,
I'rsuJulnnt Citizens Papers.
Washington. May 27. Immlprniinn
omcmis sniu today that they bad Inve
tigntcu report that thousands of
rrauuuicnt naturalization paper had
bcon sold to Immigrant at Now York
and had ascertained that tho purpose
wns not to facilitate tho ndmlRslon of
immigrant into tho United Stnto
mil. iu iiurmit imm grant in teriiri
worn on tno subway and other Im
prnvomont In Now York n mi.inr
tno ninio inws only citizens enn work
on Improvements of that kind. In
somo case as much n (CO was paid
iur u iruuiiuieni ccitiiicntn.
Shot for a Robber.
rucblo, Colo.. May 27 Shot tlimmOi
tho groin, bleeding nnd lying by tbo
railroad truck for 12 hour without
medical attention, with bin lll Mil wlfn
and 4-ycnr-old son unnblo to assist
lllm, wns tho nlght'B ninnrtenen nf
juiuoh iticunrdson at n Water station
on tho Missouri Pacific, 10 miles east
of Pueblo, near tho agricultural valloy
of Avondalo. Tho bullet wa fired hv
L, Stovensnn. who I now In In 1 1 nt
riiuuiii on tin ciinrirn nr imnnnlt tn
kill. Stovcnson Hnysjio mistook nidi-
nrilnnn fnr n rtl,l.i-- tlni,n.i.. i
,...,. .ilium unijii i
not expected to recover.
Block on American Trusts.
London, Mny 27. Tho Dnllv Mtill'a
correspondent nt Slngnporo states
tnai tno govornment of tho Malay
Btate has Imposed a prohibitive duty
on tho oxport of tin ore unless it
smelted within tho eolrmv. Thi.
stop is dosignod to chock nn nttompt
to cicnto a combination In tho tin
trado by tho Standard Oil, tho.Unltod
State Stool Corporation and llm
American Tlnplato Comnuny. who
propose to Import tho Oro Into tl,f.
Unltod States froo of duty nnd rn-oi.
port tno smoitcd article
Locomotive Boiler Ilxplodcs.
Krlo, Pa.. May 27. Wlhllo nasslne
May's siding on a hill west of Knnn
today, tho bollor on ono of tho loco
motives pushing n Philadelphia &
Krlo freight train oxplodod, killing
ono man and Injuring four others,
throo perhaps fatally.
Tho crown shoct of tho holler una
blown through tho cabooso, splitting
tho cabooso In two. Tho Inlurod. nr.
ccpt tho engineer and flromnn, woro
In tho cabooso,
President Retches Hearty Ovation In
Western Washington.
nivniiiln. Wash. May 23, l'roitlilout
lUiusevelt caught bin Hist idlinpsu of
Paget Hound at 1:30 yestoulay after
noon us his train outeiod Olymplit, thn
Miiltnt city tit Washington. Although
other slops hud been liliulu In Wash
ington. Il wan lu uiyinpia tnai tno
dlllelnl reception to (ho Htuto wa itu-
orded tho President.
Tho Governor's staff, ex-Governom
if tho state, statu titllcei and reception
committees appointed ny tna i.ckih-
latuie, In addition to tiOOU people from
out uf tho city, weiii gathered hem
to greet the President, l-iom tho Nor
thern Paclllo deput to tho Htato t-apltul
building, long line ol troop from tho
National guard or tho Htato wero do
ployed, mid the President nnd party
entered carriage at tho depot ami
wero dilven thiougli niches of over
green and IIowiiih and between long
Rue of soldier to tho ollleo of' Gov
ernor Mcllildo.
Tho Pieslileul'H carriage was escort
ed by a platoon of cavalry. Governor
Mcllrldo and Mayor O. J. Lord occu
pied seat In tho PiohIiIuIU'h carriage,
which hail been decointed with the
statu Hotter, iliododendron and oyer
Kiucii. At the ollleo of Governor Mc
llrldo nn Informal reception tif ten
iiinliite wa held, and distinguished
men of the Kvctgiccn Statu wero pre
sented to the President.
From the mill it entrance of tho Cap
itol building a platform lutd been con
structed lenehlllg out CO feet. A no
lle of iirche Increasing Iii'nIiu start
.id at the t'upltiil doorway and ended
at the end of the platform. Ono hum
ilred and fifty people were seated on
the platform qud from It outer edge
lliu President addressed brlelly tho
people gathered III Capitol Park.
At the close of tho Preldetlt' nil
dress the party entered carriages
again nnd were dilven for ten minu
tes thiougli the resilience portion of
the city lo thn Masonic Temple. Tho
Masonic Temple In Olympln wns built
over CO years ago and wan Hie cradlu
of Masonry lu tho Northwest. Within
Its wall the first Masonic lodgii or
Knnlzeil In territory west of the Ml
slsslppl river ami north or tho Colum
bia river, held It sessions. When
the Temple wa reached only tho Pres
idential patty entered. Within they
wero greeted by John Arthur, of So
tittle, (Irnud Muster Mason of the Rtnto
of Washington, nnd went presented to
ollicer of tho Grand I-oilgo.
Crowd at Tacam.
Tarotnn, May 23 Tho President
called Tiirouin tho "City tif Destiny"
yesterday iittenioon nt Wright Park,
and captured tho heart of 30.000 peo
ple assembled there. Probably not
more than two or three In tbo 30.000
expected to hear Tni-omu'H pet name.
The el Ing at all timet during tho
President' speech wa loud and pro
longed, but when ho referred to Tnt-o-tun
by the name dear lo tho hearts of
all true Tnroninn. the women waved
handkerchiefs frantically, tho mon
swung their hat, and tho youngsters
wronmed with delight. Tho President
wa plainly pleased with the hit, and
ho smiled broadly, musing another
round of vociferous applause.
IMatt Amendment llaijlccn Accepted la
Its L'nllrtty.
Harann, May 2C Tho permanent
treaty between the United States and
Cuba. In which I Incorporated nil tbo
provision of the Plntt amendment,
wa signed Mils afternoon.
The act of signing tho treaty took
plan, at 1:30 o'clock this hftornoon nt
tho oltlco of thn Secretary of State.
Tho Klgner wero Hecretnry of State
Znldl and United State Minister
hqulcra, who wero constituted Kpeclul
plenlpotentnrle for that purpose.
Senor Zaldo and Mr. Squlorn Blmply
met, accompanied by their secretarlea,
and the signing wna accomplished,
and topic of tbo treaty exchanged
within it few minutes.
The permanent treaty contains no
provision for It abrogation, nnd no
oxtrnneoiiH condition of any kind It
simply Incorporate tho entlro Plntt
ntiiondiiient Into tho form of n treaty.
Tho length of tlmo consumed by tho
negotiation wn principally due to
tho fact that Cuban Govornment de
sired to Include In the treaty various
extraneous condition, especially one
to tho effect that thero should bo no In
tervention In Ciibnn nffnlrs by ttlo
United Stntc. nxcent flironoh n,. Ini.
tlntlvo of tho President of Cuba. All
those conditions wero rejected.
Hall Breaks in Roofs.
Snllna, Kan., May 2C Tho worst
hall storm In the history of Ballna
visited this plnco tonight. Noarly
every window In tho town was brokon.
Tho hall broke through corrugated Iron
roors on tho business hotisos, and tho
rain pouring In dmnnneil thnnn.,.i. .,r
dollar worth of propnrty. Aftor tho
nut a ntiyero wind storm enmn tip, tak
ing tllO rOOf Off thn Mellin.lUt f'l. ,,..,
nnd doing dainnirn 111 rither otnnll l,ii 1 1,1.
Ing. A bad storm I reported from thn
VlCltllty Of Nllos mid 1'
northwest of Hnllnn.
Big Plate Mill Burned.
Harrlsburg, Pn May 2C Tho oilir
Innl holler pinto mill of tho Cont-.t
Iron & Stool Company wn dutro .'
by flro today, outlining n loss of (2m.',
000, and throwing n largo number of
mon out of work. Tho two mills had
been recently rebuilt mill Unri-t nmniim
tho moat iip to.dnto In bollor nnd other
pinto .making of nnv In tlil nnri nt n.n
country. Not long ago tho machinery
was practically ronowod mid now hon
ors of largo capnclty addod and olectrl
cal ttpparatus put In. Tho mnchlnory
la ruined.
Damugo hy Cloudburst In Ohio.
Cincinnati. O. Mnv sr. nnn.i. .
lay show that III IIP )i tin mil nt lunu ilnnn
M night In dlfforont purtd of tho Ohio
Valloy by cloud burst nnd lightning.
No live woro lost nnd mmn nn nri.
ously Injured, but ninny pooplo woro
shocked by llghntlng. Tho Intorbnn
electrlo line uro still bmlly disabled.
A car on tho Mill Crock Valloy lino
was struck by lightning nnd sot on flro
nt Carthngo, and tho passongors nnr.
rowly oscnnod tlonth. nil, ....
conscious for a short time.
Cnthollca Look to L'mperor.
London, May 23.-An addrcis t
mporor iVIIllam Is oi,, ,.,i.i..i..
n ii i r?.rreBsI,,tf ,,b ,ni,a ' tiio
uiimuiirs mat uermany mnv
Im finl viinl.,,1 ...111. .1.- . ... .
r.i .. "lu protection of
uthollo In orosts In ihu Fntt n,i
purlng tlio einporor tlnt ,,, j,,,t,fJl
Catholics will labor to removo tho mis
understandings between flrent ll-linl..
and Germany, and tho promotion of
tno inenuiinesa of tho two vuntrles,