Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 22, 1903, Image 1

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Devoted lo tlic Mining, Lumbering ""' Farming Interests of this Coiiitnuiiity, to Oood (ioveriiincnt, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
"OL, V
NO. 17
A NiiKKet Reporter In Company Tfli
J.J, Kccfcr, I'. J. Cnttcrlln, I'rnnk
I.eRoy nml C. II. CUnunlH VUllid
'I he (Ircntlliilicmla DlMrM. ,
ll Ikih bcii 11 number of sen-tous
since one wan able to go Into
liciuin Mining PHtrlct mid travel
Its length and breadth with the
ense mid pleasure tlmt one can ac
complish the trip ut tlic present
writing. In fact it it ilii lo be
one of tile earliest seasons 111 the
hUlory of tliu cump, mid it urn
11U0 lie wid, with perfect propriety,
that it, is destined to he one of the
most proierouH, marked witli the
greatest development of piopcrilics,
since the cmnp .w.isjktnnvn tojbe
gold bearing.
Last week a Nugget mnn in the
company of I'. J. Catterliu and Dr.
J. II. Kcefer. president of tile Jtld
sou Rock Mining Co.. of Portland,
0. H. Clement, of liuene. mid
Frank I.eRoy, of thneity, took the
Oregon M: Southeastern morning
tnin lor the hills. A run of a few
mile brought the party lo the
logging spur which puts through
the Limebaugh place to thel.oug
& llingham Lumber Co's c.nnp.
Here the puty took. advantage of
nn opportunity to visit the lower
logging cmnp where some twelve
men were at work. The logs at
the present time are being taken
some 3,000 feet from the lira log
ging engine, the second engine ami
crew being stationed about 15011
feet above the first With the aid
of tile two out'its logs scaling nb.ut
30.000 feet of lumber are brought
down, loaded upon the cars of the
O. &S. 15. and by seven o'clock la
. the evening are rolled fro n fie
cars into the mill pond" within the
limits of this city.
Leaving the logging camp ve
again took tliemiin track of the O.
& S. 15. passing over Iosby an I
How river bridges, where crews of
men were at work raising the
bridces two feet and ballasting the
track correspond. About eight lal0 Superintendent Mathews, c
miles from tills city is to be sen j ;he Oregon securities Co.. wh
tne steam suovci now uusy mini
morning until night loading cirs
witlt gravel which is being dis
tributed along the main track at a,
rapid rate, mid from present indi
cations the ro.ul will excellent
sliajM: by the first of June. It is
now thought tint the rails will be
laid to the Red bridge by tlic last of
this month, and it is understood
that the track will be completed to
the Warehouse this season.
Tlic steam shovel is a marvel. A
train of fifteen flat cars is loaded in
forty-five minutes, it requiring only
four dips of the shovel to load n
car. In other words a car is londed
by the steam shovel as quickly as
one shoveler would throw ten
shovels full of gravel on the car.
When the party reoched the end of
tlie track a walk of n couple of
miles was made to W. W. Hawley's
lower ranch, where an excellent entities, where a large force of men
dinner wns had and 11 team secured Were encountered clearing and
to take tlic party to the Hensou ' opening up a new tunnel. As we
hotel, now under the management dropped down into the basin under
nf U. U. I.ckov, ai me 1001 01 i le protecting autnoriiy 01 rore-
tins everything comfortable him! Iihh
coiiie to tlie "llig Four" propeily
to make It his permanent home. Ill
, is not authentically staled at this
writing that some one else will
nIi are the snug cabin with him, but
things look almighty suspicious.
While his property at this writing
is only in the pi usped slate It iS
showing up remarkably well there
being four true lissutc parallel veins, 1
with heuvy cropping of bane ote.
The Benson hotel is on the prop
erty of the Golden Rule Mining
and Reduction Co. which has nine
claims admirably locnteil. It is
understood that the company in
tends to do large development tin--season,
11s well iih secure a patent
to their ground. The company i-.
now electing a large store building
at IleiiMiii, which will in all prl
ability take the name of "Mineral '
in the near future, as efforts arc
now being conpleted lor '.he estab
lishment of a postoflice at that
Hour miles up the road the Glen
wood property looms up. It is un
derstood that extensive work will
be done on this properly. Alreadv
Mr. Hinds, who wns the
owner and operator of the property
before it was incorporated lias done 1
some extensive work with very ,
satisfactory results. i
Things look lively .it J. I lard's i
camp on the Vesuvius. New btiinl-1
ings have been built and heavy con
tracts for wood arc now being filled.
It is not ueccessiry to say .myth tig
about tlie Vesuvius as a property.
ICvcry one who knows anything
about the district knows the Vesu
vius as one of the richest in the dis
trict. It is stated that Mr. Hard
is now on his return trip from the
east and that he has purchased n
mill plant for the Vesuvius. Mr.
Hard is a rustler mid his many
friends here will be pleased to see
him bring tlie Vesuvius into the
prominent place the mine deserves, j
We struck the first snow just j
above the Vesuvius camp. It was ,
very sort, so much so that the boys 1
in the mines have discardod snow j
shoes, and are now going it "by
lino i". Our party was sore and ;
leg-weary when the summit was j
reached, and we took a sort of a
shullle mid tumble gait down to the I
Mjsick store. Here the genial
merchant and postmaster, Chus. i
Gettys extended the glad hand,
makes the Musick mine his head
quarters. It was the middle of .he
afternoon, but through the repre
sentatiouof Mr. Mathews, to to the
effect that we were a well meaning
set ofteuderfeet, Mrs. J. 1. Hart,
who has charge of the Musick
boarding house, set a tempting
dinner before the tired gang. He
fore tlie boys were half way down
to oie, Mr. Mathews commenced to
comment upon the scarcity of sup-
plies and it is half suspected that
his anxiety was increased during j
the progress of the meal.
The Musick is in n verv satis-'
factory state of development, mid it
is said the shifts are now working
in better ore than was ever before
found in tlie mine.
I'rom the Musick the party
journeyed to the Champion mine,
also n nronertv of the Oreg n Se-
For Hand Made Harness
goto rn r rz a i m
A. 1 1 W o rk Wa rra n t eel .
fcSs'i is i he (ion Gua rn i i i eeel .
Everything Kept in a First Class Harness
Shop at Lowest Prices.
"V-'VS&. 'VIVB.tV -fe
You will find every description and size and at
prices that will please and convince you of the
excellent values we offer. We also carry a com
plete line of new and second hand
A new line of Graniteware and Tinware in
fact everything to he found in an up-to-date store.
Come in and see the Palo Alto Metal Polish and
Oil Harness Dressing.
kW iW WWV'' '
A Bis Line of.
Ladies' Dress Skirts
Walking Skirts and Under
skirts just ii
More New Dress Trimmings. Men's
Gutter Shoes Again in Stock
Eakin Bristow.
The G
Hear Daily
onjotirjmerchandisejniakejus helieve' morejjstrongly than ever
that thej majority of people preferj the better class of goods,
although they cost aj little gmore money than the so-called
racket goods.
We never change;
the quality always
the same.
Hamilton 13rown
shoes for men, $1.75
2.00,2.50,3.00 4-
Geo. Keith's Or
thopedic shoes 'A 5
Hamilton Brown
Shoe Co.
1.50, 2.00, 2.50,
3 50
'Hoffman Rothschild
ione uettex.. Any
price..7 50 to 25W
Neustadj; Bros.
The standard goods
on the Coast. Even
garment the best in
the market.
Dry Goods
Murphy, Grant & Co.
Strictly firstquality
.No. Cheap John goods;
they tlon t keep them
It pays to buy them.
Allen & Lewis
A person can alwaj'S
depend on their goods
being fresh and nice
and the best to be had
"Hanlscrabble". It is a spleniliil
place for the traveler to stop. In
fact by the time one gets to the
fncit of "HartNcrabble" one is
anxious to stop. Tlie only diffi
culty one experiences nt Hensou is
to pucker up sufficient courage to
meander up the six-mile (,'radc
which must he overcome in order
to reach llohemia V. O., at the
famous old Musiok mine.
At Hensou the party sojourned
until Monday mortiiiifr. Among
- ... ,
man llart we came to uie new mm
site about a hundred yards from
the present site. Work was al
ready under way. The ground
was being cleared and timbers
gotten out. This is the mill for
merly spoken of in these columns,
which is calculated to mill the ore
from the Champion, Musick,
Helena No. I and. Helena No. 2,
the ores being brought to the mill
with trams
I.caviut: the Champion we
the mining properties visited from 1 journeyed to tlic I.eRoy n short dis
.,.!. .no tin. Tmtsnii Rock, tauce down the canyon where fait'
about two miles up Fairview and J perintemlcnt Graham was busy
v n....L-c A ,mn.l tmil leads 1 lookimr after the interests of his
$: NearZS. P. Depot, Cottage Grove, Oregon
The only genuine RACKET STORE in town. Head-
I quarters for novelties and fancy goods and the cen-
ter of attraction for low prices. We have just rc-
ceived a lot of new goods which we are offering at
jC .i i .1. i Call anil examine Ihem.
f llie lOWeSL pOSSlUlC C.lSIl liriLCH, So trblo to how kock1. 3-
Yours for business, A. K. SllCVk, Proprietor
These goods are all sold at the same margin of profit as the
cheap goods are sold, and those who buy them are the ones who
accumulate wealth.
Lenders in illerclmiidisiitg:.
to the cabin, a substantial log house
occupied by August Swauson and
his clever wife, Mr. pwauson now
being in the employ of the company
on contract. The Judsou Rock is
splendidly located, below the snow
line, and is making nu excellent
It is not tlie purpose of the writer
to cuter into an eiauorate wtueup
of the several properties visited,
but rather to give some idea of the
appearance of the camp in general
at this season of the year.
On the trail to the Judsou Rock
cabin one passes over some of Prof.
Kendall's locations, which are
showing up well for prospects.
Al Churchill is also located on this
trail it leading by his door. Mr.
Churchill is making some splend d
imnrnvemetita on this property in
the matter of substantial cabin and
outbuildings. It is safe to say
i,nt "Al" is now erecting the
frame work is all up one of the
line pntllllS hi the district. It is a
tlnru mill Olie- half structure, the
ti.tu.ra snuared with "store made"
window frames and sashes and door
and doors. Mr. Churchill
.... . .
company, l ne lower runnel oi me
I.eRoy is now in over 6oo feet mid
two shifts anrhard at work in spl n
did ore. The machine drills are
working to perfection, and while
the rock now beiutr encountered is
exceedingly hard to break from
three to four feet is gained eacli day.
At noon the party was invited to
n spieniliu Uliiuer prepareu uy mm
Green Pitcher, who has charge of
the boarding house at the lyeKoy,
and later in the day we meandered
down the Champion trail enroute to
tlie Warehouse.
Nowhereon God's earth
r . . i!...,
can one iinu more oeauuuu
scenerv than that encountered in
llohemia. and particularly is tins
true of the Champion canyon.
On the way down we stopped tor a
short rest at The Champion Basiu
Mining Co's property. Tins is a
new company, the property for-
merlv belonging to W. iV. Master-
son, etal, but notwithstanding that
only assessment work has thus far
been done on the property, it is
showing up remarkably well.
Two miles from the Warehouse
the camp of the road crew, work
ing on tlie new wagon road to the; FOR TIIOSU tVtlO l.tVK O.V FARMS
Champion mill, was encountered.: TOO JO 11 K AT A RISK.
The work is in rnpui progress, ana i
will be completed some time in I
July. , cholera morbus, often before modlclne
Work is also going on on the big ic011M be procured or a physician sum
power dam of the Oregou Securities i molm, A ruiiblo remedy for tlieeo
Co.. .vhicli is being put in under disease bIioiiM bo kept at hand. The
In almost every neighborhood some
UIIU 111,9 IIIWI 1IUUI ill! tlbllKUt t,vl..Mu,
the management of Supe.iiitendent
Rhodes, two miles up from the
Our party stopped over night at
tlie Warehouse, now under the
management of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Miller. The house is crowned to
its capacity, but notwithstanding I
we were royally entertained. I
The next day our party some
what shattered and tattered shuffled
along to the Wildwood hotel, pre
sided over by Mrs. Kerr, where we
had the pleasure of satisfying the
inner man with as good a meal as
anyone could wish to eat. Later in
the day tired aud worn, but all of
us still in the ring, we brought up
at the gravel pit, where we unani
mously agreed to hold forth until
Conductor Lundoti pulled out for
Cottage Grove. Thus ends the first
trip of the season iuto the hills.
In two weeks irom tuts aate me
hills will be filled with miners and
prospectors, the roads will be much
improved, and then a trip to the
gold diggings of Lane and Douglas
counties will tie iiauecij wnu
risk Ih too trreut for anyone to take.
Cliiunbcrlnin'H Colie, Cholera nnd Dinr
ilioea Roinedy 1ms undoubtedly sived
the, lives of mora ncoplu and relieved
more pain mid snlferiui; thim any other
inndininu In uso. For sal o. by I.yoina &
Appletpite. Drain. Hensou Drug Co.,
Cottage Orove.
A eouplo of yomiK Hulled nt Kunoiie
hired u livery homo to tnko a drive
Into tlu country. The llvorynmn
told them tlmt tlio liorso wns nil
rlirht If tliev kept the ivlirn uwiiy
from Ills tall. On their return homo
thov were asked by the llvervumn If
thnv hiul iuiv trouble. "Oh. no.
said one, "there wns one llttlo
shower, lint wo held thelimbrollii so
that not n drop toucliKd thn horno's
tall," Ouiml
pnrsTinrir r"y8TTTnnrinnrinfririn
Hllf taken within the next
ten days tho40ncrehlll ranch
that 1 have been offering for
$K).00, eau bo bought for
f.m00,-only part ot which
imwt Irm'usIi. This place l
a bargain at that prlco and
will bring Hoveral hundred
dollars more than tlmt bo
fore the Hummer l over.
It 1 located about three
and one-half miles south-east
of the city, near Long &
llliiKlmm'H Logging camp,
and close to a good road.
There Is a fairly good house
and Homo outbuildings on
the place, also nn orchard,
good fences, springs, etc. etc.
i'liero Is enough saw timber
and wood on ittoniorothnu
pay for It.
If you wish to purchase
a place ot this kind, call on
or address,
Lkk W, Hkniiv,
Cottage Orove.
ous persons In ench stato to travel
for lumso estalillsliod eleven years
and with a largo capital, to call
upon merchants and agents for suc
cessful and prolltable lino. Perma
nent iigiigeiiient. Weekly cash
salary of f 18 and all traveling ex
penses and hotel bills advanced In
cash each week. Kxperlenco not
essential. Mention reference and en
close solf-addrosst'd envelope. THE
NATIONAL, iKU Dearborn 8t Chicago.
Extraordinary Values
It Is never too latottodojgood, but
It Is somotlmea too Into to get the
best selections lntho latest designs
and styles ot hulleH hats, for the
reason that some other lady has
taken advantage oi tno opportunity,
nml mircliased tho "vory one" you
wanted. Therefore, come as early as
possible and mako your selection of
your upnug uat ai. iuo imwihum
illlllnery Store, Miss nry Bartels,
Glass and . .
Look at these prices, then call nnd examine
the goods :
50-piece fancy decorated full gold
dinner set $9 05
44-piece semi-porcelain dinner set o 4
't-ptece glass set 4-0
4-piece glass set, flint 05
4-piece " " engraved 1 00
4-piece " " gold enamel 1 85
Ask to See our Open Stock Assortment
and StonewareJ