J. E. YOUNG Aitorney-at-Law Office en Main street, Writ 81d . COTTAGK OROVH, ORE. L. T. HARRIS Aiiornty and Counselor-at-Lato Special attention riven to the lit el Minn. First National Bank BulMlng. EDUENE, OIIE. J. S. MEDLEY Atiorncy-at-Law o o o I Office on Main street I Cottagb Grove, Orb. A. H. KING Attorney at Law, COTTAGE, GJIOVE, OKI!. I 0. JOHNSON and F. .0 EBY dUornejjsand Counstlors-at-Law Special titration given to Mlnlng.Corporatton nil Mercantile Law. Offlce over German A llemenway'a store. COTTAGE GROVE. ORE. JEROME KNOX Attorneu-at-Law tj Prompt attention paid to Mining Business Cottagb Grovk, Ore. 60 TOsmaai MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaking mats street Cottage Grove, Ore. Common Rough Lumber S11.00 PERJM BOOTH-KELLY MILLS, SAGINAW, OREGON. H. C. MADSEN, Watchmaker. Repairing at reasonable enarges. All work guaranteed firct-clau. Watehee. Clocks and Jewelry at Loweit rrlee, COTTAGE GROVE. ORE. BARKER & PERMAN proprietors or THE EXCHANGE DEALERS is fise WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Mainitreet. Collate drove. Residence Phone No. 364 Office Phone US. J. E. HOSMER, PHVSICIaK and SrjRGEOX Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat a Specialty. Office houri from 9 to 11 a ra from 3 to 5 p m. Sanday from 12 to 2 p m. Offlce In Madien Bntldlng, Main street, .COTTAGE GROVE. OREGON". HERBERT LEIGH ASSAYER AND METALLURGIST Eugene Oregon. Rest Equipped asaajr office In the Stale. 8am plet by mall receive prompt attention, work ing testa made on ore Samples of one to fifty pounds to determine tbe moat suitable meth ods of treatment. Prices on application. Tk Fid National Bank Cottagb Grovh, Ore. Paid U.J Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved security, Exchanges sold, available any place n thellnited States Duns BatsTow. HiiiutEakm, President, Caahler. BERG BROS. A.SSA.YJJSTG-. New outfit and up-to-date meth ods assaying, or complete analysis of ores. Clorination, cyanide and working tests made. All work done in du plicate, and correct returns guar anteed. Majl orders promptly at tended to. viit DR. JORDAN'S ohiat MUSEUM OF ANATOMY I0SI MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO. OIL riMvMa sua ui awaj In tba Worla. 1lakaaaeaoraa7otraet. ddhejue.BoalilealyeMraky t tout lUutlUli M j.r. A DH. JOROAH-CRIVATf DISEASES . Tibv men and aalddle ' aril lurn who are sun"rlii A Zrum lb rlfvcu ot youthful IndlK. " ' Mra NtrrimikndplirilcalllehllllT.lm. $ . l"0.,n..'-l"ili''i"llnlllllci)niDll. . cuiu.iii fiieriuHlurrlnrM, l-n,lnior. 3 iV.T,'.Uu."."rr'""' '. rrequr...., 7HSSiS i " eoo.bli!il.m if A 2 I ?, J 'rV"",''lllta rlli I. but nfrmi'.int f k quttrtM'ii i liii rt nri.iti i Mid biircoon. rmmlaat . I tbasjauiu-. .. .n'uiVOTl'oljii' 7,Tm' A I enre lor llu,.r. A qick aii.l rarftoil i hour tfwl itplnUui ot ' II will Uunrimlt a i iv rv eat a trs un.trtnk- rouTivx amain uunsiwiaiton i 11K15 nattnctiirvrmW' GiUBUIM VXHY ZXAhQb'ABXk Wrtls for Honk. Illf fl.tallnrv tnm J 4ictuitii iwipuiiKiir or o itiiar . Wokwrmta) CllowrtU M. JORDAN A CO f Oil MfiM SU & P. i Benson Drue drugs. Company for pure DORCN ITEMS. James Itedford lo bulltlliiK n lW cattle tOied on hla ranch. A flno iimre licloiigtng to Lowry England died this week. Cnijc VnnScholnck Is quite sick thla week with the measles. A. Kirk, deputy surveyor, was down to the drove this week on business with the O. k S. K. rnllrond innimBcment, RK, Hales wns trnnsnctlnjr busi ness In the Grove Monday. Frank Wooley, In the employ ot M. Houston, Irn leen survcytitjr the line up Hat creek this week for a flume or spur ot the O. & S. E. Thocompany. represented by Mr. Houston, will build a sawmill of about 30.000 cn paclty on the Males llros' ranch nnd will erect a Hume to the O. & S. E. lty. a distance of about IS miles pro viding they an unable to secure a spur to the mill. The school which lmabcen closed tnr v.ml weoki. owned nirntn Mon- - ---- - - - day with a fairly good attendance. Mr. Houston Is tlcrurlnir with John Kirk for land on which to erect n . planing mill nnd lumber ynnls for the new saw mill. CURES WHEN DOCTORS FAIL. j Mn. Frank Clilassnn. Patterson. La.. writes June Sth, 1001: "I had malarial 1 fever in verv bad form, was under treat ' mcnt by doctors, but as soon as 1 ; stopped taking their medicine the fever j ' would return. I useil a "ample bottle of Herblne. found It helped me. Then boncht two bottle?, which completely I i cured me. I feel grateful to you for furnishing such a t-plemtid medicine, and can honestlv recommend It to those aiiffertn from malaria, ns it will surelv Cure them. Heroine, 60c bottle at New Era Drug Store, . . . . BUSlMiSS Mii,Vi CALL. It Is announced thntn meeting of the business men ot t Us city will lie, called at Martln'sHnll one week from next Tuesday night, with the view of taking up the question of early closing houses. Every person Inter ested In such a movement Is resiiect fully Invited to attend. SPRING AILMENTS. There is an aching and tired feeling; the liver, bowels and kidneys become sluggish and inactive, the digestion im paired, with little or no appetite, noam bition for anything, and a feeling that the whole both- and mind needs toning up. The trouble is, that during winter, thero has beeu an accumulation of waste matter in the system. Herbine will re move it. secure" to the secretions a right exit, nnd by its tonic effect, fully restore the wasted tissues and give strength in place of weakness. 50c at New Era Drug Store. THE GREAT MAY MUSICAL TIVAL. fes- The annual festival of the United Choral Socletlen of 1'ortland, .Salem, Albany, Corvallls and Eugene will lie held in Eugene this year on the 12th, 13th, 14th of May. Thero will lie a chorus of 150 trained voices, Portland Symphony Festlvnl Orchestra, seven of the most prominent soloists of tho northwest, Including Mrs. RoscCour sen Reed, Mr. Dom Znn, Mr. W. 11. ' Boyer, Mrs, Rose Block Bauer nnd Mr. James T. Preston of New York. The first concert will lie orchestral n lth Mr. Znn n tinlnUt. On the second nnd third nights the great choral works "Feast of Adonis," The Redemption,' and "Elijah" will lie produced by combined chorus, or chestra and soloists. Season tickets reserved ?2.50, un reserved $1.50. Single concerts, re served $1. Single concerts tinre- DPrvml 7fU 1 Seven Honiiued Dollaiw worth of i iwu.rvi.il eonunn tlnlfpta hnrfl nl. , ready been sold In Eugene, There nri nnlv r.0 nr Pl left. Ill- nnrehflslnir tickets now, you have the sub-! scrlbers advantage of choice of Bents till April 14th. After that date the sale will lie thrown oticn to tho gen eral public. Any .desiring season Ickets may nddress I. M. Ui.en, Eu gene, Oregon. Reduced rates on railroad. J. J. WALTON L. s. Commtsaloner 8. P. NESS Notary Public "Walton & JSJess LAWYERS Practise In State and Federal Courts, Work In U. 8. Land Office. Entries made and proofs beard. EUGENE OIIEGOX ASK THE AGEKT FOR TICKETS -VIA- GREAT NORTHERN Ituilwny TO Spokane, St. 1'aul, Duluth, MtniieapollH, Chicago, AND ALL POINTS BAST. TRAINS DAILY FAST TIME. ; 2 NEW EQUIPMENT THOUailOUT; Day Conclies, Palaco and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and UulTet, Smoking Library Cars. Daylight Trip through the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. For full particulars, Rates, Folders etc. can on or aiiurees J. W. PHALON, T. P. A. II. DICKSON, 0. T. A. 122 3d St., Portland Ore. 1 ... . a-. , j, UE,nrUBlJ., u. w. 1: A. ,.,r.,A.. sea,,,, wash.' NOTICE. Department ot the Interior. Uoseburir, Oregon. Apill 20, 1003. Notice Is hereby Riven that the ap proved plats ot survey ot Township 24 louth, range B east, i, pv " I H .j- R II II II ii ' have been received from theSurveyor tlenernl tor Oregou nnd on Tuesday, Juno 2, 1003. nt 0 o'clock n. m. the said plats will tic tiled In this olllce. nnd the land embraced therein lieme In the Cnscado Forest Reserve, will lie open to entry on and said date, only to lici-sotm show Ingsettlement thereon prior to Soi- tcnuter i't, inm, tuo tinieui i no ex ecutive order, netting apart snld land as u tores t reserve. .1. T. IlitiixiKH, Register, J. II. Uootii, Receiver. A FA KM KU STRAIGHTKNKD OUT, "A man living on a tuna neilr hero came In a ihort time ago completely doubted up with rheumatism. I handed him twttlcolOhatnlwrlain'sl'aln liaim "" 'a. " lo 180 " "ol sausttofl alter using ii no nceti noi nay t I ... iar u . ,v i p. Itavdor. of Pat . tens Mills. N. V. "A few days later he , I. i .., . walked into the store as straight string and handed mo a dollar saying Vive mo another bottle ol Chamber' Iain's I'aiti Balm. I wnnt it in the house all tho time for It cured mo, For sale by I.vons & Applegate, Drain llensou DrugCo., Cottage drove. By GREATLY ALARMED. a Persistent Cough, but Pcnnii' nently Cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. ,vr. ii. i', unroage, n siuuem hi taw. in Greenville, S. C, had been troubled I lor four or five years with a contlnuou I cough whichho says, "greatly alarmed me, causing me to tear inai i was in mo llrst Huge ot consumption. .Mr. iiur bace. having seen Chamberlain s Cougl Remedy advertised, concluded to try it ' "I soon felt n remnrkablo change and alter using two bottles of the twenty "?'"' itn " Sold bv Lyons it Applegate, Drain Benson Drug Co., Cottngo Grove. Among Tut .Daisies 5fands for the best that is made in Jfootiveai: AT ALL LEADING DEALERS. CGOTZIAN&& MANUFACTURERS, 5T.PAO,b. NOTICE TO BRIDQE BUILDERS. Sealed bids ore requested by the ""y oun oi umo uouniy. ure- Kou. 'OT the bulllllng Of II COtlllty ""UKoucross mctonsiforK rnertu Cottage Grov! 87 feet span, Howe truss, double bent piers at each end, 59 feet ot approach, 18 feet roadway, without cover, according to plans, specifications and strain dlngrams furnished by tho County Surveyor and kept In his office. Five per cent deposits required Bld8 to "l1 My . lm- ftt 2 u uw-11 l, ''uieu ai r.ugene, uregon, nils lutn day of April, 1003. C. M. Collier, County Surveyor. 10 OREGON Shojt Line amq union Pacific XI Depart Time SciiEni'LLS Arrive fob from Portland yitoM Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver, Portland Kt. Worth, Omaha. 4:30p.m. 0:20a.m. Kansas City, St. riallunt- Louie, Chicago and 1 ington. Kant. Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, : Express Ft. Worth, Omaha, 10:30a. in 8:15 p.m. Knneas City, St. viallunt- Ixitiis,Ct)iuago and InKton. Hast. St, I'aul Walla Walla, Low FaetMail iston , Spokane, 7 '35 a. in. 6 p. in Wallace, Pullman, via Minneapolis', St. Spokane. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, Chicago A East. ! 70 Hours PORTLAND TO CHICAGO NO CIIANGB'OF OARS. Tickets cast via all rail, or boat and rati via Portland, OCEAN AND IIIVEIl SCHEDULE FH0SI PORTLAND. Allealllni!(latc3Bub- 8 p. 111. ect to cliange. For San Francleco 4 p. m. Sail every five days. Dallv exSund'y Columbia River 4 p. m. 8 n. m. excont Saturday To Astoria and Way Sunday 111 P-"1' 1 i-anoing. L' CRA?0U?i, NOTICE FOR PUlll.IOATION. United States Land Office, Rosoburg, Oregon, Mar. SO. 1003. ' Notlco la hereby glvon that in com pliance with tho provisions ot tho act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sain of timber lands In tho in tho States of California. Oregon, Nevada, nnd Waaldngton Territory ns extended to all tho Publlo Und Stales by act of Auguat 4, 1802, OA HI. 0. R10K, of Eugene, County ol Ijino. Statu of Oregon, has this day Hied In this olllce his sworn statement No. 4707, for tho purchase of tho SE 1-4 of Sec tion No. 4, Township South, of Rango'J West, and will oiler proof to how that tho land sought Is mora valuable for Its timber or touo that (or agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land beforo Marie L. Warn, U. S. Commissioner at Kit- Sono, LanoCo.,Oro.,on Monday, tho 8th avol June, 1903. Ila names as witnesses: Austin Rool. of Sprlnglleld Initio Co., Oro.. James N. Ranillo, of Fnlrtiioiiiit, Lano Co.. Ore., Henrv Sheldon, Oeorgo W. Hunter, ot Ktigene, Imxio Co., Ore, Any and all persona claiming adverse ly tho nbovo-describeil lands are re quested to II lo their claims In this ofllco on or btiforc said 8th day of Juno, 1003. J T. UnlixlKS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUIILIOATION. United States Lund Olfioo, Rosoburg, Oro , Apr. 10, 11KW. Notice la herebv civen that in compli ance with the iirovlslons of tho act of Congress of Juno 3, 1S78, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lauds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada. and Washington Territory,,' nscxtoudod to nil tho Public IjiiuI Males by act of August 4, lS'Jl', NATHAN K. COMlTON. ofCottago Grave, Co. ol Ume, State of Oregon has tills dnvtlltil in this olllco his sworn statement No. 4981, for the our- chaso of the west half of tho west half of Seo No 20 Tp 'J3S,oRaogol Wand will offer proof to show Hint the land sought 19 more vaiuauio lor us umoer or sionu than for agricultural iiurnoses uml to es tnbllsh bis claim to said land U'foro tho licyisterand Receiver ol this ollice at Rosoburg, Oregon, on .Monday the 24th day of Aug., 1IHXI. He names as witnei'ses : Frank 11 Phillit.s. Frank I). Wheeler, Joseph E Young, John I) Palmer, of Cottage O rove, Ore. Any ami all persons claiming miverso Iv tho above-dcecribed hinds are re- mioelcd to tile their claims in this office 1 on or beloru wild 21th day ot Aug., 10u3. J.T. KuiiKiKs. iiegister. NOTICE FOR PUIILIOATION. United Hates Imm Office, Roteburg, Ore., Apr. 25, 1003. Notice is herebv given that In com pliance with the provision ot tho act of Congress of June 3, liwd, entitled "An act tor the sale of Umber lauds in the States ol California. Oregon. Nevada, and Wnslilngton Territory, 'as extcndoil to all the Public Ijuul Mates uy uclol August 4, 1802, 1 i.oiu..ir. 1.. 1111. i.--, of Janer, Co of Lane, State ot Ore., has this duy tlleil in this office her sworn statement No. fiOlS for the uurcliaso 01 llie !; 'i 01 &v y. 01 seo No. 14 Tp20 S R 1 W, and will oiler proof tosliowtliul tliolaiulBotiglitlainoro vain- able lorltt tinnier or sionu man njr ngrictiltora purpose, ami to establish her claim tr said laud beforu J J Wal ton, V S Commissioner at Eugene, Ore., on Saturday, tlie lltn, nay 01 July, 1903. She names ns witnesses: Henrv Tdton. John A Hills. D.tve Mathews, ol June, Lane Co., Ore., W It Parker, ol Zlon, Ijino Co., Ore. iMiyaml all iiersons ciaitning adverse ly the above-dcecrilicd lands nre le- qfiesteil to tile their claims in this office on or before said 11th day.of July, 1003. j. i. naiuuEs. iirgister. The illssen Newlnnd huvo taken the uirency for the ChitH. A.Stevens Co.. Chlcuuo. Indies tailor made clothing and Invito the ladles of Cot- tMKf tlrove to call and sec tliu line line of Huitiples of dress kooiIh, quality tho liest anilHiitlsfnctiou Ktiarautecd. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION. United States Land Office. Rosoburg Ore., Apr. 22, 1003. Kfntoa nf Piilifitrntn. f Ireion. Kvuiln u , 1 Washington Territory,'ras extended to ! all the Public Land States by act of Au gust 4, 1892, ,iL-r vv i evnt'linercnv I1I,UI, U J,Ulil'l,l',Uu.j of llarrisburg, Co. of Lane, State of Ore., has this dav tiled In this office hersworn statement No. VJvb for the purchase of the S 4 NW 1-4, NE1-4 NW 1-4 undNW 1-4 NE 1-4 of Sec No. 12 in Township 20 S., Rnngo No. 2 West, and will offo? proof to show that the land sought l u ntnru vxlnnlilit fir Ilu llt,,lu,r nr .Inna l.a., Inr a.rln.lll l, r,l I r.,,r, ,! In ! establish her claim to said hind beforo I G F Skinworth. U 8 Commissioner ut Junction City Oregon, on the 0th of liy 1903. Sho names as witnesses: llernt lkcn. of llarrisburg. Ore.. Al bert J Ward, of Vida Ore., llernt Gil bertson. of llarrisburg, Ore., O L Han- en, ol Junction Ulty, Uro. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tl e above-described lands are re quested to lllo their claims In this office on or neioro said inn day ot July, lvu.l. J. T. nninaKs, iteglster. NOTICK OP APPLICATION l'OK U, S. MINKRAI. PATKNT. SUKVKY NO. 501. U. S. Uml Office liiaebnrir, Ore., Mar. 12, 1H03, Notice is nereny Klven mat in pursuance 01 iu laws nf the United States relatbnr to nlaoer mining claims, A. M. Hammer, whose post oJTleo Bd(iroU Albany, Oreieon, hai raatlenp tt n TAtent lor ine uiive macer claim. rvev No. 601. iltnatM In Ilohemla Mlnliisr District on B team boat Itlver.ln Dnuslas County. State of Oreeon, and dewrlbo! by tbe ofllclat plat herewith pouted and by the ileM noteiou nie hi ma oiiiCsi Ol IU iiCKi"r uj tuo im-ivuutk Mml UUtrltt, Oregon, ai follows to-wlt; Itefffnnlnir at corner No. 1 whence the V. H. in in. looatlon monument No 3 for Ilohemla DUt. beaia a B dev in In w 73.1 feet, 8 team boat creek hcaneaittO feet, a Hr40na ill am bears north fi feet, and a fir 1H lm dlam heari a 7U detf w 21 feet each blazed and scribed 1 601 bl tnence a idegl7in.il wore feetlu corner o2 tnence s Irluifininln ui lai'lfaat ,nnnrnr Kn II llianf n 79de21mlii w4M. feet to corner No 4 thence aegil mfii o 307.3 to comer No A thence n ii dec fiUiulue J0JI 3 feet to corner No 1, and placeot n iu nil n b ntj . t imi in corner nuu, iiionr mtM tje((iniiiinf, containing; jo, ub acres .ocuieu in what Is known as tbe Steamboat lltfglii(rif on uniurveved land about 17 miles south of the U S location monument iet In mineral survey No IttD.on UrouhO Mountain, Ilohemla District, and Unbout s4 dtg el7mllei from HoheinU l'oit Urllce, Oregon. I inereare no conniciinK or muiuiuiuk cibhus except the name unknown placer claim ro eeniijr iiiuu aujuiuinK uii hid iiui.u. Aiivanil nil tjir.ftns pliilinitll. aUVeriUllV the above described land or any portion thereof ire nereur nonnea la me moir w,,nwi;,.nu, n tut. fiincH within the next sixty days follow ing the date if this notice, eud should they fall lo do ao thev will be barred by the provision, ol law. . $-20 J.T. IHIIDOKS, Register. Garden needs) In bulk nt Kakln& Ilrlstow. Notice is herebv iriven that in com-1 ol f.ugene, bounty ol Ijine, Kllmw-i. urllli II, e iirnvlHlmiH of tin, net nf Oregon, has this ilny llleil In tl i'nitre nf jiinn a. IR78 pnililwl " A n , office his sworn statement No. 450(1. ...I fnr 11,., .ui,, nl tlml.or Inn.U t Ihn'tllO Illlri'liasO of lllo' SE U Of S(' NOTICE FOR PUIILIOATION. United States Land Office, Rosoburg, Oregon, Mar., 10, 1903. Notlco Is hereby given that In compli ance with tho provisions of the act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of tlmbor lands In tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, ' aa extended to all tho Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Edgar E. DcCou, of Eugene, Co. ot lano, Stato of Oro. has this day tiled In thlsofftco his sworn statement No, 4MI1, for U10 purchase of tho N H N i of Section No 8. Tp 33 8 of Rl W.and will offer proof to show thattbnlaiid sought la nioro valu able torlta tlmbor or stone than (or agri cultural purposoa, and to establish Ida claim to said land before Marie L. Wnro US Commissioner at Eugene, Ore., on Saturday tho Slnl day of May, 1003. Hominies us witnesses: James N . Handle, ol Fnlrmotint, Ore., Austin Root, of Sprlnglleld, Ore,. Oeorgo W. Hunter, Henry Sheldon, of Eugene, Ore. Any and nil persons claiming adverse ly tho above-dcscrlled lands aro re quested to tile their claims In this office on or before said 33rd day of May, 1003. J. T. llniiKiKs, Register. NOTICE FOR PUIILIOATION. United States Unit Olllce, Rosoburg. Oregon, Fob. 34, UHKI. Notice Is hereby given that in com- Idlauce with the provisions of the act ol Jongress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An I act for tho sale it tlmlH'r lamia in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, i and WnshliigtonTtirritorr,"ua extended 1 to alt the Public Land Stales by act of , August 4, IS02, ElUabeth K. Oeruiii, of Collage Orove. Oo. of Ijiue, Stale of Ore., has this day tiled in thla olllco her sworiistntenient S'o tMXtfortlioptircliitsii of tho W , SW t4 0f Sivtlun No 10 t22 botitli, of Range 3 W. and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is nioro valuablu for Its tlmU-r or slonu ' than for agricultural purposes, and to estaiiiisii tier claim to sain lainl tH'lore Mario L. Ware, U. S. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Thursday the 21st day of May, UHKI. She names 11s witnesses. IaiiiIs O. tieriim, Harvey Taylor, James S. Powell. John Pouell.of Cot tage tirovc, line Co., Ore. Any and all persons elnlming adverse lythe nlmveilescrllieil lands urtv re quested lo Ille tlirlr claims in thi olllco on or iM loresiilil .1st ttay 01 .May., ukki. J. T. llnilMiKs, Register. NOTICE FOR PUIll.lCATlON. 1 United Slates Uml Ollice, Rosehurg, Ore., Mar. 10, 1908. Notice is hereliy given that In com- 111 hi nee with the provisions of tliu net of 'ongroim of June 3, entitled "All net foi the sale ol iIiiiIht lamls in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington," as extendiHl toall the Public Ijtml Mites liy act of August 4 ISO ' ERNEST STEEN. of Two HiirlHirs. Countv ol Uike, Slate of Minn , tins this day tiled In this olllce his sworn statement No. 4031 for the purchase of the S X. NW If.SW NEJJ ivvt unn i msec .'i ip.-js,oi 11 1 West, ami will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable cl,llm, purposes, an lor Its tltulier or stone than lor ngrl and to establish Ins rin, to said land liefore Marie L. Ware. u s.Coinmlssionerat Eugene ,Lnno r j Ore., on Saturday the 0th day of June, tuwi, He names aa witnesses: l.iuiritz Kverness, of Two Hnrbors, Ijtko Co., Minn.. Martin t (son, Pcdor Ophus.of III110 River, Lnue Co., Oie., Martin Haagenson, of Eugene, LatioCo., Oregon. Any and nil persons churning adverse ly the nbove-descriUil lands nre ro attested to file their ehilnu In this ollleo on or before said (1th day of June, 1903. j. 1. liniiKitH Keutster. NOTICE FOR PUIll.lCATlON. United States bind OUIce, Roseburg, Oregon, Mar. 11. 1908. I Nolb-e is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of tho net ol I Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An 1 net for the'sale ot timber lands in tho ,.... nl 'iu,..u 11,..,..,.. v... , nuil Washington Territory," 11s extended 1 to all the Public Itnd States by act of ! August 4, 1592, I Horace G. Cox. State of da for ct on No. 14, Township 23, South, of Range 2 West, and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for Its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Marie L. Ware, U. S. Commissioner nt Eugene, Oregon, on Thursday, the 28th day of May, 1003. Ho names us witnesses: Joho Senvey, of Eugene, Lano Co., Ore., Austin Root, of Springfield, LnnoCo., Oro., Jess Senvev.of Eugene, Lino Co., Ore., James N, Riindle, of Fnlrmotint, LttllC Co.. 0r6, , Any and all persons claiming udversc 'y tho idioye-descri bed lands are rt. quested 'utile tlielr cia ms in tins otiicj on or oeioro sum ntu nay oi may, two, J. I .llltllioES. Iteglster. NOTICK FOlt PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Koscbtirg, Ore., Mar. 4.1003. Notice Is hereby given that In coin lillance with tho provisions of tho net nf Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An net lor the sale of timber binds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," ns ex tended to all the I'liblic Lund States by actof August 4, 1802, Karl llaldwln, of Panther. O unty of Lane, Statu of Oregon, liasthisdiiy tiled In this of fice his sworn statement No. 45G3 for tho purchase of tho Kj K !Scc No. l-'inTp L'OSof Ilnngo No. 7 w.and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone '.ban for agricultural purposes and to (dnblish his claim to said land beforu alarioL. ware, U.-S, Commissioner at Kugone, Oregon, on Saturday the 30th day of Muy, 1003. He names as witnesses. Frank Crenshnw, John Hooker, Charlie Shuw, of Panther, Luno Co,, Ore., George W, Hunter, of Kugcne, Lano Co,,dru, Any and all iiersons claiming adveiso ly the above described lands are re quested to lllo tholr claims In this ofllco on or beforo said 30th day of .May, 1 1003. J. T. llniiiaKS, RKaisTEit, ADMINISTRATORS. NOTICK. Notice Is hereby given that the understand! Iiaa been appointed by the County Court ol the State ol Oregon for l.a no County, administra tor ol the estate ol John 8. Mansflcldtlecoased. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me properly verified, as by law ieiulred, at th ujutaujj, a, i oiiiiK in ootiage drove, Lane Co., Oregon, within six months from the data hereof. Dated thlO 27th day ol February, loos. KODOLfii M. Puns, Administrator ol state ol John 8. Mansfield, deceased, the NOTICE FOR PUIILIOATION. United States Uml Oftlce, Rosoburg, Oregon, Mar., 34, 1903. Notice la hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions ol tho act of Congress ol Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber laud In tho Stutes of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Torrllory,'' as extended to nil tho Publlo Lund States by art i( Au gust 4, 1802, . GENEVA H. 8EAVEY, of Eugene, Co. ol Lano, State ol Ore,, baa this dav tiled In thlsofflco her sworn statement ffo. 4717, for the piirchnsnnl tho : NKi, 8W4 NE'fAHII'i NWjj of Seo No. 14 Township 238. ol ll 2 W. and will offer proof to show that tho him! sought la mora valuable for Ita timber or stouo than (or agricultural purposes, anil to eslnbllsli her claim to said land before Mario L Ware, U n Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Monday, the 8th day uf Juno, 1003. Shu names as witnesses 1 Jess Senvey, John II . Seavov, Tom E. Senvey.of Eugene, Umo Co., Ore., Ma rlon liavis, of Cottage Grove, Lime Co., Ore. Any and nil persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands ate re quested to lllo their claims In this 0IIU0 on or More said Hlh day ol JumT, 1903, J. T. IbitiHiKs, Register. NOTION 1'OU PUIILIOATION. United States Uml Office, , llosebiirg, Ore., Mar. '-'Mil, UHKI, Notlco Is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the net ol Congress otjiino 3,1878, entitled ''An net lor the sale of tluilx'r lauds In the Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada ami Washington Territory," ns oxtended to all tho Public IjiihI States by act of Au gust I, ISO'.', KI.Sli; M. II ALL. of Tho Dalles, Co ot Wasco, StatuofOre,, has this dav tiled in this olflco hersworn statement No. 47Ufi. for the purchase of thoN , N vot Section No. l'J ill Town ship No. 1".' S, Itnngo No. -' W, and will offer priNil to show that the laud sought is more Valuable for its timber or stiiiiu limn for iigricliitiirnl purpn.es, nnd to eslatilish her claim to said laud before Marie L. Ware, U.S. ('oiumissloiivr ut Kiigem-, Oregon, on Monday the loth day nf June, 1003. Shu mimes as witnesses : J. 1. Palmer, of Cottngo Grove, Lmu Co., Oregon, J W Pnrrlsii, of Jefferson, Marion Co., Ore., K. A. Tripp, Clark Dehcrentix, of Kugcne, aio Co , Ore. Any ami all persoiisciaimlug adverse ly the ahuvc-dcscrilxil hunts aro no nnested to Ille their claims iu thin olflco on or Ix'furcsahl Ifilh day of Juno, UHKI. J.T. llnilMiKs, Iteglster. NOTICK l'OK PUULICATION. I'liltcl States Umd Olllce, ltosxbiirgOre.. Mar. 18. HHW. Notice is hereby given that In com tillaniv wltli Hie pruvisioiis of the net of Coiigrins of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands In the Stales ol I'alifiirnia. Oiegun, Nevada. and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all tho Public Uind States by act of August 4, 1802, llKltN'Altl) TItVtlSTAI), of Ilohemla, Co, of,l)ougliis. State of Ore., tins this day llleil in this ofllco his sworn slnlenient. No -HI III for the purrluiso of tliu W H KU iK-ltig wit 'J and SW Nli ji, WKSKl-tof Seo No. 2. Township SO South, of Hnnge 8 West, nnd will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for Its tluflier or stouo than for agricultural purposes, nnd to establish his claim to said land beforo Mario L. Ware, U. 8. Cumtuls slorcral Ktigene, Initio Co, Oregon, on Wednesday the 10th dny of June, 1003. He names us witnesses: Grorgo Luce, 1! J Pettlt, ol Alma, Ijinu Co, Ore., G (i Gral.nm,of Ilohemla, Douglas Co., Ore., Herliert A. Cox, of Alma, Lano Co., Ore. Any and all persons claiming a vcneiy tho above-described hinds mi requested to file their claims in this olllce on or before raid 10th day of June, 1003. J . T. IlKliRits, Iteglster MOIIAIH AND WpOL WANTED We are In the market for iiiiilmlr and wool. Ho sure and sou iim before you sell and Ret prices. (Inriniiii, Hemenway Co. NOTICK FOR PUIILIOATION. United States Land Olllce, noseburg, Oregon, Mar., 10, 1003. Notice Is hereby given that in comnli- anco with tho provisions of tho act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of tlinlwr lands In the States of California, Oregon, Novuda, and Washington Territory, "ns extended to all tho Publlo Land States by act of August 4, 1802, Henry D. Sheldon, of KtigenoCo. ol Lane, Stale ol Ore. has this day filed in tills olllco his sworn statement No. 4502, for tho purchase of the S N of Sec. No. 4. Tp 23 S, of Itunco 2 Wist, and will offer nroof to show that tho hind sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish ins claim to said land ijeloro Mario L. Ware. U. 8. Commissioner at Ku. genu, Oregon, on Saturday the 23rd day of May, 1003. llo names ns witnesses: James N. Handle, of Fnlrmotint. Ore., tistln Hoot, of Snrimilleld. Oreson.. Carl C.Itice, George W. Hunter, of Ku gene, Ore. Any and nil persons claiming nilverso ly tho ahovo-descrihed lands aro rn. quested lo tile their claims in this olllco on or before said 23rd day ot May, IWI.'l. J. T. IliiinuHH. Register. NOTICK FOU PUIILIOATION. Dulled Stales Lind Offiee. ItoBtibiirg, Oregon, Mar. 12,1003. Notice Is herebv given that I 11 emu. lillance with the provisions of the net of t'ongiessof Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An net for tho sale of timber laud in tho Slates of California, Oregon. Nevada, teiulcd to nil the I'lilillo Lainl Stules by nctof August 4, 181)2, Mary K. Cowan, of Liigeno, County of Lune, Stnto of Ore gon, has IhiHilnv filed iu (his office her syvoriistalement No. 4000 for the pur- mm , iiniiiiiuiuii lerrnorv. us ex ciuise ot ine ti of Sec No. I, Tii i'l, B of Range No,2 West ; ami will ollerprool -I"" oiuo soug'ii is iiioio va mililefor Us timber or stone tlinn (orag riciiitiirn miriiiweM iiiiil i,, ,,.ii,iiui. i,. cluliii to suid laud befoio JlnrloL Waro U 8 Commlsslonerm Kugene, Lano Co Oregon, on Mombiv. ilm it ,Im ..i June. 1003. She mimosas wlll.eaueur James N Riindle, of Kairnioiint, Liinu Co., Ore., Austin Root, ol Sprlnglleld, lano Co., Oio., Goorgo W llunler.of iviigcno, i.uneCo., Ore., Alvln J Per- Kins, oi urow. Mine Uo,, Ore. Any and nil persons claiming adverse ly the above-described hinds uro re quested to file their claims lit thlsofflco on or beforo said Utility of June, 1003, J. T. Hiiidueb, Register, Shoe nt less than cost. N. 13. K. neii'e. NOT10K FOU PUIILIOATION. United States Land Offlcri, Itosobtirg, Ore,, Apr. 4, 1003. Notice Is hereby given that In compli ance with tho provisions of the act of Congress ol Juno !l, 1878, entitled "An Act lor tho sale of Timber Lands In the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Tcriltory," as ex. tended to nil the Publlo Uml States by actot August 4, ICD2, MA11V L, KK8TLY. nf Kugene, Co. of Lane, Statu of Ore gon has this day Hied in this officii her sworn statement No, 4802, for the pur chase of tho NW 1-4 Seo 34 Tp 10 8 of It f W and will offer proof to show that land sought Is nioro valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural piirtHises.and to establish her claim to said land beforo Marlu L. Warn, U. S, Commissioner nt Kugene, Lane Co, Ore gon, on Tuesday the 23rd day of June, UKVI. She names ns witnesses : Frank Davis, of lirane, Initio Co., Ore., Andrew J. Smith, of Kugene, ltne Co., Ore., Charles Simpson, of 1irane, Oregon, Clair l.uckey, of Kugene, l.aiieCo., Ore. Any ami all persons claiming ml versely the nhovc-ilcscrllH'd lauds are re quested to lllo their claims In this olllco on or before said 23rdday of June, 1003, J. T. IIiiiisiks Itrgbter. NOTICK I'OUPIUILIOATION. United States Laud Olllce, Hosebiirg.Oiegon, May II, UHKI. Notice Is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,1878, entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands in tho Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Uml Statin by act ol August 4. 1802, CHAltLKH II. PKAIICK, of Kugene. County nf ljine, Stato of Oiegun, has this day II hi I iu Ihlsofllc his sworn statement No. I'd 37. for tho purchase of the Lota 4, A, t) and 12 of See 2. Tp 22 South, of It 2 W. and will oiler proof to rhow that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than or agricultural purposes, and lo Kstiihlish his claim to said land U'foro J. J. Walton, V . S. Commis sioner at Kugene, Oregon, on Satur day, tho 1st day of August, IIHlH. Ho names as witnesses: John D. Palmer, of Collage ( rove, Line County, Oregon; Jerry Dammoii, of Cottage Grove, Lane Co., Oicgon, Ma rion Davis, .Sain letil, of Cottage Grove, I m Co., Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming adverse ly tho iibovc-iltwcrlliod hinds are re quested to Ille their claims in this ofllco on or Ih'Ioio said 1st day of August, 1003. J. T. lltiitHiKs. Itrgisler. NOTICK I'Olt PUULICATION. United States Uml Olllce, Hoacburg, Oregon, Mar. 10. IIHM. Notice Is hereby given that in compli ance with the piovlsiuiis of tbe net of ('filigree ol June .'I, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of IIiiiIht lamls in the Klatea of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wnslilngton Territory," ns extended to all the Public bind State, liy act ol Au gust 4. 1802. LAUIHTZ KVi:ilNIS, ofTwollarlnir.Coof Iike.Stateof Minn, bus this dav llleil in this olllce his sworn slaleini-ut No. 4ll'IA, for Die pun-liasc of the K . NK ,', SW NL ; A NK l: .- K u ntScc No. 2d, Twp. 22 S of It I West will offer proof to show that the land sought Is nioro valuable fur Its timber or stone than for ngiiculliiral purposes, and to cstublWh his claim to aid land Indoro Marie I.. are. U. 8. Commissioner nt Kugene, ljine Co., Ore. on Saturday, the llth da) of June., UHKI. He names as witnesses: Krnest Slcen, of Two HnrlHirs l-kc Co. Minn.. Martin Olson, IVdcr Ophus.of Itlue ltlver, Lane Co., On-gon, Martin Haagenson, of Kugene, Mine Co., Ore. Any ami all persons churning adverse ly the ahove-dcecrilicd lands are re quested to tile their clniun. In this olllce on or before said Dili day of June, 1MI3 J.T. IIhii'ioks, Register. Uluo print mops of any township In RoHobiirK, OreKon Lund District, Nliiiwlnirall vncnnt IuiiiIh fur r0ctH. eiich. If you want any Infornuitlon from tho U. S. Lnnd Olllce, addresH, Title (luiiniiiUf & Loan Co., Ruso liurK, Ore. NOTICK FOR PUULICATION. United Slates Land Olllce, Roseburg Ore., Mar. II, 1003. Notlco is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juno 3. 1878 villi tied "An act for tho snloof tlmlcr lands in tho States of California. Oreeon. Nevmln. and Wnshltigton Territory. "as extended loan IIIO l-lllllio l.llllil hi a ten liy act Of August 4, 1802, IIKNRY (!. SCI1LKKF, of Cottngo Grove, Co. of Lano, Stato of Oro., has this day filed In this olllco his sworn statement No. 4603. for tho purchase of the N H NK If of Section No. 31, Township 21 South, of Rangu.l West and will offer proof to show that tho hind sought Is mora valuable for Its timber or sfno than or agricultural puriuises, mid to establish his claim to said land beforo tho Iteg lster and Receiver of this olllco ut Rose burg, Oregon, on Thursday the 23rd day of July, 1003. Ho names us witnesses: A L Woodnrd. William Klmlm!, D. 0. Iliiiiglimnii. J (J A Young, ot Cottngo Grove, Oro, Any and all persons clnimingn.lvurso ly tho iihovo-dcscrihcd hinds are ro quested to file their claims In this ofllco on or beforo snld 2Jrd duy of July., 1003. J. T. Ilminihs, Register. NOTICK FOR PUIILIOATION. United States Land olflco, mweiiurg, urn.. Mir. II. luua. Notice is In Iieieby given that In con Jilinncu with the provisions of tho net of Congress ol Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An A el mr II, i ui, I,. ..I 'PI I 1.. I.. bt", ' "Hfornla, Oregon, Nevada, and V, ashliigloii Territory," ns oxtondod to nil tho Public I d States by act of August 4, 1802. LKVI GHUH of Ixindoti, Co. of Lime, Stnlo of Oro. mis mis iiayuiciiin thlsofflco his sworn 't'doinent No. 4010, for tho ptirahaso of t io SW V4 8W1-4, Lot 4 of Seo No. 80, lowiiH ilp 22 South, of Range B West and will ofljr p-oof to show that the and sought Is tno-o vnliinblo for Its timber or st r.a than lor iigrlrmltura purposor, ,.n, to esinbllsh his claim tt sa d .niul tin. Iteglster and Receiver oi this olllco ut Itosuhurg, Oregon on l'rlday tho 2lstday of Atiguet,1003. He nnmcs us witnesses: John Powell, of Cottage Orove, Lane Oo., Ore,, John Overhulser, Lawronoo Moxlev, Wlllliini Lively, of London, uineCo.,Ore. Any ntld ull nuisnnu rlnlmlni. uil versely tho nhovo-dosorlhed anils are renuestcd to ill., i)i..t niui,5 t 11,1. ?'iriSu " or JOfore llli!lt lly l Aug., J.T. Ilniuaxs, i!fl,tcr.