Bohemia Nugget HOWARD A BH01TM, Tnbt. COTTAGE GROVE . OREGON. EVENTS OF THE DAY Comprehensive Review ot the Import ant Happenings of the Pt Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Most Likely to Prove Interesting. Tlio situation hi tbo Palkan states grows moro serious. Admiral Cervora, ot Spain, lias boon gazetted a life senator. Tho Wisconsin assembly lias passed n 1)111 to prohibit backet shops In that stalo. CANAL TRUATY WILL WIN. American Commission Talks ol Its Visit to Isthmus Canal Site. Washington, May 12. Tlio subcom mittee ot (he Isthmian canal commis sion, consisting of Rear Admiral Walker, General Haines and Professor Burr, which visited tlio Isthmus of Panama to Inspect the work and prop erty of tho now canal company, has ro turned to Washington. The mission ot tho commlttco was ac comptithed quicker than was antlclpat- HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON s 00OD WORK OP BUREAU. Ilarrlman Lines arc Turning Thoughts ol Thousands to Oregon, G. M. McKinney, who has charge ot the Immigration department ot tho ilarriman lines, met with tho real ea tato dea'crs of Salem to discuss matters relating to his work. Hoexphtlned the ed. Tho commission found that whllo pa 0f his department and talked with tho canal company has employed on tho work about 1,201) men, illtlo in a dcflnlte or effoctlvo way is being accom plished. Just enough work is being done to keep tho project alivo. the real (state men concerning tho methods ot advertising that they must rely upon to draw Immigration to thl state. That Oregui Is now tho most widely talked ot state in the Union the declaration he made, alter telling , 1 . I ... 1,. ii . (ha -UMiiiraj nt Hit .lain liivit i il-i ,t. ...i i, uuuiuerm ui mo commission say mo .vv......, ...... A diplomatic mptnro between the ... ., . , . ,,.. ,i,A been advertised through tho Immlgra United States and Turkey has been ratiflcation of tho canal treaty Dy the , . . .., , narrowly nvcrteu. uniieu otates scnato was roceiveu en- .... k. Uono for lho yym,n10tie val Owing to tho dlscovorr ot bubonic thuslastlcally by tho peoplo on the ley, he said tnat since his department plague nt Callao, the prlnclapl markets Isthmus. Property values have In- has been working between 4,000 ana creased rapidly, and real estato along ?'uuu o-;way railway, icaeis nave the route of tho canal continues to rise, On arrival at the isthmus tho mem bori ot tho commission let It be known of Lima have been closed. Twonty-sovon letters from William Ponn's voluminous correspondence sold at auction brought f 2,832.60 been mod by Eattorn people, who came to the valley and did not go away again. Ho said that the immigration bureau Tho yacht America, the first winner that their mission was purely ono ol lot the Ilarriman lines Is the most per of the America's cup. la to bo broken I engineering, and that. Individually or I feet enterprise of the kind ever org n up because she Is no longer seaworthy, collectively, they had nothing to do tied in the United Slatos, and that It with tho practical or diplomatic phases reiches in the most ellectlvo manne of the situation. Some valuable data those persons who are tho mott detira was gathered, and these will be report-1 b'.e immigrants. Within fovon months ed to the full committee. Subsequently, after he began work his department upon the aprolntment of the comuils-1 had p aced the literature advertising sion which will supervise the construe-1 this state Into the hinda of 2.000.000 George Walls, a missing Pittsburg tlon o' the waterway, the Information people. The bureau has nlaced In the boy. Is now alleged to have been kid- will be presented to It. field six lecturers, with atereoptlcon napped, ami a reward oi J.u.uuu tor in- .Members of the commission arc of views showing scenes illustrating tin formation anout him is offered. the opinion that the treaty will eventu- resources and Industries ot Oregon, and The plant of thee Mill Creek valley I a"J ""fled hy the Colombian con- thePn lecturers aro addressing Eastern .H.IilNnr- mmnnnv at Cincinnati wan I " ia.m uau n lung mi uuicui.oa iuui ciuiuuKii a nn'.. ui. - ..'II I. II i II "nu wiiciaij iiajr iumuv lipuu CUQUI tions on the isthmus In their special relation to the canal project. She was built In 1851 The Western Insurance company, with headquartors at Louisville, Ken tucky, will go out of business on ac count of oppressive taxation. damaged 175,000 by fire and an ployo probably fatally injured. Tho theft of $10,000 In Jewelry and silver from August Belmont has been placed at the door ot one ot his terv ants, George Reynolda. "The property was recovered. The board of agriculture haa pro hibited the importation into Great Britain ot animals from Argentina and BOWEN TALKED STRAIQIIT. Venezuela Called to American Flag, Washington, May 12. An Interest Ing account of the action of Minister !lnu-fn. nt ( araro. In .lnman.1 inn llnnn.K An anil afUi U.if 1n flu-1 M f. I . . . . . 6 .. j vj 11 n n . iLi . . t unm. biw nip I rfll'l thA VAnA?nn1an nnvavn. to the existence oi loot anu montn uin- m(,nt fnr ,1.. imrrnnB, ,, m.,i ,u ease in those republics. American Use by tne commander of the , . onezoelnn gunboat Restaurador, ii ...ausn . ,h cnrrent volume nl "fnr eign relations." Mr. Bowen, without waiting for Instructions from the immigration agsnta in the different tactions of tlio middle West are giving their whole time to disseminating in formation regarding tbli ttate, super vising the distribution ot literaturo to those who are most likely to come to Down Hard for Insult this state, and aiding scores of hatter n real ettate men who are encouraging Western immigration, By means ot this vigorous policy tho people ot tho Eastern states have been interested In Oregon, with the result that there Is more talk ot this state as a desirable place for home-seekers than there Is ot any other state, great success. Japan la all ready for war with Rns siall necessity demands It A. W. Machen, superintendent of free dellvory service, has been given a leave of absence to expedite the postal fraud Investigation ' John Czolgosz, brother of the mur derer nt McKInley, waa placed under arrest at Lea Angeles and kept in tail while President Roosevelt remained in town Estimates of the 1003 wheat crop place the output at 40,000,000 for Ore gon, Washington and Idaho. There Is a large increase in the acreage of barley and oats. Ten or twelve persons were severely I flag was raised iniureu ami inree uusiness nouses in the center of Stockton, Cat., were burned by an explosion which was fol- NEW RIFLE FOR THE ARMY. lowed by fire. War Vessels for Astoria Regatta The Astoria regatta committee has United States, called In nersen on th al e.idy received several lettors from minister of foreign affairs and said to tbo California row ng clubs, signifying him: i ineir intention ui participating in mis Your cantain dishonored th Amnr. year's regatta, but it is too early yet to lean flag, and he should be ordered to ,e" Jos' what crews will bo present raise it and salute it. and your govern- Senator Fulton Is Joining with the com ment should apologize." I mlltee in tue cllort to secure the pree- Tho minister desired severe davs In ence 01 one or DJ0r6 war vessels anu uas which to Investigate the matter. written to the secretary ot tho navy re- "ihe facts that I have presented to questing mat ai least two vessels oi ino ycu are indisputable." said Mr.Bo.en. Pacific squadron be sent to Astoria to "and I can give yon only 20 hours, for participate In the annual regatta dur l leel that at the end of that time I '" august must cable the facta to mv eovern. ment." Little Change In Herd Law. On the following day rezreta were ex 1 Aside from tho amendment of the pressed on behalf of Venernela and the I law regarding the running ol stock in and saluted with 21 amunoman county, no change was made by the last legislature in the herd law. Section 61 of the new road I law prohibits the herding of stock upon the hlgbways, thereby obstructing them Wlllla Sweet, of Idaho, has been an- UnI,eJ States Will Have the Most Pow- with earth, stones, or other debris, but . . ... 1 . - - ' I . i i . .. ... 1 1 I i.t i : i i.ti.t. i i, pointed attorney general of Porto Rico. weapon in the World. c-.w i f n it. i,. Yiasnmgton, .May 12. The army been found guilty of accepting a bribe. boar1' which iiaa been for mo.tha past I ..- 11U1 W V.1 1 !.(, .11 U 11J 1 l.O vi mo uun bwi- The Turkey-Bulgarian war cloud has ire rlflo. or musket, has Anally disappeared, Turkey having withdrawn. hn favor of a weapon with a barrel only his section doea not prohibit herding stock on the highways so long as there Is no obstruction remaining more than 24 hours. Secretary of War Root has purchased a plat in New York on which to erect a 1 150,000 residence. 24 inches in length, using a .30 ball. Plenty of Oold but Little Silver. Clackamas county officers report an unusual scarcity of silver. Treasurer i'," - ' u i ivujm.utD nvawu Ir-.tlll , , , , . . lor , .-" ' . , . aiwtnltn. (n tiw. A.llu. i, i. ., i-i... .!,... .1 ' .i. tions of 20, were never befoie as plen MorrisK.Jessnp, the well known k'rag and only two Inches longer than 'i,a.1 a?.t.uer, a,re at l,'I , tin,e- ,nd ,he finds it troublorome to keep on hand a sntllcient amount of silver with which to make change. No reason is assigned for this condition, save that It Indicates in a suDstantlal way a greater degree ol prosperity among all classes, unancicr, ims oeen e ecteu presiaent oi mj8 la more lowerful than the new otk Chamber of commerce. either, with Mhr Initial ,.li i . : . . !v Andrew Carneeio has been decorated ana natter trajectory, it can easily with the Order of Bolivar, a Venezuelan penetrate 24 one-inch planks. It is honor, second class, as a benefactor to I one pound lighter than the service rifle. humanity. which ia a consideration In the tropics. Th.Tt.iH.h.. -...!.... l A new feature la the complete encase itlou-dlllUHUll I mnnr nl ka tia... I- -.1 a s . n mo iwiidi iu nuju iu urnvcul pany win Duy out mer.u. wuiiama t,.i , ,i, i..j. ,i :u . . Dt i 1 IT . . 1 JLS Ullli, VI iUO UQ1IUO V IliD Ulttl KBLIlBll i ' I ' in., uuo ui when the gun is rapidly discharged DUUUKOOh IJIMIB. I TH, 1 I i James Hsggin ha. filed pans for two HZ:,m7oAm paten P' j? . five-story white marble dwelling, in ed. It is said to be the most powerful ff?J .W,,L?J5S.' Ii.!" Alio CUlllltlllg IUUI1 Wool In rtarion County Pool, From Information produced at the Marlon county woolgrowera aisocia Hon meeting, It seems probable that Nework, He will make one of the palaces his home musket in tho world. that of laet year, mitteo baa not yet completed Ita work, but thus far CO members hay been secured, and It is expected that the Hprmnn Vlaltnr. uf Ct I n..l. .nojiir uuiouua item iuimaui a low I c . t , tc. .a . i 1 1 ..... seriously, in a Chicago street car col- , f""1 Ma XJ " oriynye prom- total amount of wool represented lUion due to an accident to the running ,u " ""V ,. uerraBnr wa be from 75,000 to 100,000 pounds, gear of ono of the cars, will Omaha has ordered all satoona closed during the big strike now on. are tourlnz the United States to stndv agricultural conditions, arrived here Survey of the McKenzle, today. A local reception committee Professor McAllster, who is at the met and welcomed the delegates of I head of the University of Oregon nf?rtnnltnrtflta Ita momhA.. pa 1 chanlcai denartmont. has comnletp.1 ar. All Warships but those of Austria known wMMi waa .ant I,., ranramentn for a hviiorranhli-il antvnv nm w mmuiiiiiii imui umuiiiu. i .nineror n iniflm. 'i fiii iiniAcataa in. oi ine Aicn.enz:e river tins summer. tu n,... ,.i. i ., a i elude representatives of nearly all nro- Tho survey will be made for the pur -nu mum owl luua ivire, uiva u mi. i . . . . ii n . . - . Adlrondacksarenowout and tho re- "ncf V,'6 Uay ?, ,wa9 ffL' .' . n ,B "'"""r malnder under ccontrol. devoted to Inspecting the world's fair Mho river with a view of locating the sue, iiuu tomorrow me party wuj ue-1 i"iiitB micro d.iju piuuts unu tne WILL riOHT THE RUSURVU. Southern Oregon Citizens Readily Sgn Protesting Petitions. A zealous protest is being mado I tho cltltens ot Josenhlno ami Curry counties against the establishment ol the great forest retorvo, om bracing nearly half of Curry and all ot Western and Southern Josephine, as well as part oi iwugias. Josephine would blocked In, so to speak, mid Curry would bo placMl In a position whoroby Its advanevmobt would bo a matlor ol dllllnilty. Just at this time, when prosperity teems to tie heading this way, capital is oecoming interested, now ioopl CMiulug In, and now Industries being established, It Is a hard blow both Josephlno and Curry, si iho citizens claim who are opposing the measure to estaiiiisti a forest reserve of so vni dimensions. The nrgument made thai streams am drying up by reason ot tho removal of trees, seems not well found oil. But few. If any trees, have bee romovod in that section, not enough by any means to nnect tlio now of water l tho creeks and streams. Even the mluers, who need the water tho most oppose tho establishment of tho reserve, Petitions, begging that the matUr o establishing the reserve bj rcoonsld eredpor that tho tract bo not with drawn, nro helm: circulated in J scnli ine and Curry counties, and nro being llbenlly signed. State Labor Federation. The first annual convention of the Oregon atuto federation of lator met 1 La Grande this week. About 100 dele gates were present. Tho attendance was neither as largo nor as repreton atlve as was hoped. By far thejarger rait of thote in tho convention Mere from Portland, while Astoria Salem Albany, Ashland, Baker City and Pen dleton have from one to threo delegates each. Those In attendance aro very much In earnest In their desiro to take up iu ine convention somonl the knotty questions confronting organized labor and determine a courfo ol action in re gard to them. Union Mills Increase Capacity. The Union woolen mills is receiving a lot of new machinery that will great Iy Increase the capacity of tho plant there will he seven carloads of the new equipment now arriving, and in eludes fivo new looms. The machinery will be Installed at onco, and when i operation tho plant will give employ ment to about 70 people. I he factory Is operated by water power, and manu factures blankets almost exclusively having gained a wide and substantia reputation for its pure lambs' wool blankets. Clackamas County Valuation. The assessable valuation of all Clack amas county Is being doubled by Assessor Nelson, who is at work on the 1S03 roll. Assessor Kelson reports that heretofore In this county property has been assessed at not to exceed 35 per cent of ita real value. This year It ia being listed at double the former valuations. The amount of the tax under this plan will be about tho same, aince it will tie cut down In pro portion to the Increase In tho property valuations. Bridge Over Santlam. At a mass meeting ot Linn county farmers held In school district Ao, 114 recently some resolutions asking the county court to rebuild Sanderson s bridge were adopted and sent to the court. This bridge waa carried away by tho floods of last January. It waa one of the longest bridges supported by i.lnn county and spanned the Santlam river, connecting this portion of the county with that rich section known as the forks of tho Santlam. Mrs. C. P. Huntington has purchased tho new $500,000 six-story mansion of jure. J. r. Carroll in Kew York. part for Kansas City. A French-Belgian syndicate has been formed In burope with a capital of 3,- uuu,uuu to work tne Uhllean mines. Lee Tells of Corruption, St, Louie, May 12. Ex-Lieutenant Governor Lee's statement, detailing his knowledge of boodling In the state lice may be established to the best ad vantage. Water Seeps from Ditch Tho irrigating ditch belonging to Henry h. Ankeny, of Eugene, and Mrs, I T T ITnnlAV nt k'lamatli Mnn(n II.I.M ,.,. ....- 1 r.1 t , I 7. i . . r """" ;' tlevera. star, SSfffi KtCSS 1. t l I ,D? If '"1ni f8.,"1"16 In tl,e PPr. mencedsult In the circuit court to se- bcon found beneath the company's ,h Z::S V owne"' bulldlnc ii B-iwuw """rio alleging thai tne property la a nu s uuuuing. moralizing tone, nolntlno nut tliRraurno - . ,i .' t . .n,l ra.u. f .i Y";, "t "?..u" injury seepage. ah ti Diiucb-i3ir luunnnr iiuiuotiiur. I , liid wuuiiivji iimb ixieir. ra.. the conductor was probably fatally in a general way, uo charges aovera! hurt, the motorman badly bruised and bimi with being corruptionlsts. Tlie six passengers injured. Wet rails statement contains about 2,000 words, Insane Asylum Report. Tho report of Superintendent J. F. Cal breath, of the state insane asylum, lor April shows the number of patients March 31 as 1,297; remaining on April du, 1,1'UB. number ol otucerB and em ployes, 160; expenditures for articles consumed, 17,740.41; pay roll, IO.0G4. 00; Cost ot maintenance per capita per month, $10.00; per day, 35 conts. Eastern Oregon Ploacer. Julius O. Mack, one of tho best known residents of Eastern Oregon, died at his home at The Dalles Sunday afternoon, niter a abort Illness, from pneumonia. Mr. Mack was about 60 years of age. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 7071c; val ley, 75870c. Barley Feed, f21.50 per ton; brow Ing, $23. Flout Bot grades, $3.05(34.25; gra ham, $3. 4C3.85. Mlllatuffs Iran, $10 per ton; mid. dlings, $24; shorts, $10.5020; chop, $18, Oats - No. 1 white, $1.51.20; gray, $11.201.16 per cental, caused tho accident. It haa not yet been given out in detal'. Tho report that General Mates, the revolutions:.) leader, haa landed In Venezuela from Curacao, is confirmed. College Class Suspended Syracuse, N. ".. May 12. Chancel. IMF I 111 V ni SUrannoa nnl iias t I inlll anal, n m UU lIVCfB HI1U IlttriWrtl UUUIUIIl.CS UI ancinani a1 tlia ant .n --..I t t I 1 1. !. ai. . ... . bubjwhuvu hid vuuiv itoDjiiJiuu ujuoo lur I mi i ii iu bnv ion. nT.T i .i i "I . Y . ? vr c' committed by some of Ita members houra. " w. mi. n" ii.uuiu nakijn nuuu, linn I .ol nini,, .. i , .. . i . .. i ... V.,1, ... i, i i , " niioil mo UIUOO uumerdlB i ii i, , .'"V1""""" " were pa nted ... au,iiJK IMV.11I11CO New Road to Crater Lake. W. S. Aran!, superintendent of Crater Lake national park, reports that he will have the new road leading to the lako ready for use by August 1. It will be shorter and havo fewer bumns ana sleep grades than tho old one It Journey from Fort Km lake, 26 miles, In 2H were painted over college buildinei, Dynamite was exploded thruuzliout the Nearly 600 tenants were evicted In I h'ght, sidewalks ripped up and other tlie Now Yorli immnuni u.. i depredations to property committed. "Vi. ,1,.,1,.11.,,- l.i..' . u .uaiiwiivi iu;q niu dud,ioiibiuu JB tU Rainier Lumber Shipments, Ninety-five carioada of lumber and shingles were shipped from Kalnier In the past month. This does not Include the carim of 000.000 feet slilnraxl In , .1 Mw WIHII.WIIUI EUJO HIU DU01IO11B1U11 JO U 1 . . .. ... . i-nysicians oi 11a u. bankey. the xnntlnna ..nil! all nr ,,. .i..i ban I'edro by sailing vessel nlnc-er flvAnlrnllflt. nnw .frhnu,l.,lnA . 'I failure of tha onerallon fnr tl, " tattle coming to :ummer Ranges, tlon of his sight. examinations for Harvard. Cattle are, .beginning to come into ... i. . . . Eain H.. ...... i. oiaraey prairie lor summer range, ine Attempts IU WIOU IWO trains at - - iiuiiiiii to I n,n, a anmmni-a navAint thnnaaml tinn.l Stamford, Conn., are charged to rV Umatilla and lowe; lllllllliD, hum mo iiuiii.o niu I1UVI ill DUr- 7 . "7 ..-n.w.. ..... i.v.u l(lu. llnl..n pnnntv suit of tevon men. Seattle at room IB of the Central ' 11 school during the week beginning June Eastern Oregon Oeologlcal Survey, ii and that dotallod information can T. B. White, of the United States 06 OUtaineU bV addreSSini? thn allimnna anln.,lia anrvno lain Pomllolnn ..-! ,imi.,. i,un, muK ii.. i.iiibD, usepu ouipjien, ew York will at once begin T"work in Eastern luvuvj mo uvvMiw. f u!uii vittlie, lUfegOn,! Bobbers wrecked the safe of tho Bank of Assarla, Kan., and escaped on a $10U; cheat, $1112 per ton. Potatoes Boat Burbanka, 60c per tack; ordinary, 25i0c per cental, growers prices; Merced sweets, 3 3.60 per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 11012c; young, 13 14c; hens, 12a; turkeys, live, 1017e; dressed, 2022c'; ducks1, $7.00(37.60 per dozen; geoso, $00.50. CheeBO Fall cream, twins, lOffl 17c; Young America, 1717Kc; fact ory prices, liyc; less. Butter Fancy creamery, 22o per pound; extras, 21c; dairy, 2022jic: store, lC18c. Eggs 1017c pec dozen. Hops Choice, 1820c per pound, i Woll Valley 12Ji15; Eastern Ore. gon, 8Q14; mohair, 3530c. iieei urosa, cows, JidSic per pound; steers, 4 idS6c; dressed, 7c. Veal 88c. Mutton Gross, 77ie per pound; dressed, 80c. Lambs Gross, 4c per pound ;jdressod, 7Kc. Hogs Gross. 7U7o per pound! dressed, 828. M0R05 ARU ROUTL1). TROUBLE CERTAIN RUSSIA M0VGS TROOPS IUCK INTO MANCHURIA. United Stntea Will Now Take a Hand In the Affair-Partial tlvncuatlon by the Czar'a Troops Now llcllcvcd to Have Hecn Nothing Hut a Illlnd - China Is (letting Uneasy, NEW WAR POLICY (1WJAT I1PITAIN PRUCI.AIA1S MONRO!! IIOCTRINU 0I HER OWN. Coast of the Persian (lull the llatla ol It Hncronchnicnt by Any I'orelgn INiwer Will He Ktalitcd Protection of Sea Route to India Necessary to Prcdom. Inance of llr.tUh Interests. London, May 8, Foreign Secretary IjiiihIiiaiki has proolalmud n llrltlsli Moiiroo diK'trlno In the Perslaii Gulf, and has practically notified the com peting powers that liny attempt on tholr Americana Win Dig Victory In Mladanao Sultan Among Captured. Manila, May t). Cnntaln Porshlnu's coiunm una utieniea tho sultan ot Am Piiriiganos. n strong forco of Mnros In the Tanun country, on tho east shore of Ijiko Ijtnno, Inland nt Mindanao. The Americans captured ten forts. Ono lilindied and fifteen Mores were klllei 13 wore wounded and (10 were mado Pilwinera. Tho Mores captured lua'ud mi (no suiiaii. t wo Americana were killed and seven wore wounded. The ton forts constituted tnrlmm niul strctig positions on tho banks of the l okhi, May 11, Along with lho re Taraca river, mid from them tho Moron port o( tho rvccruiintlon ol Manchuria vigorously resisted Captain Pershing's by UumU ,,, , f m ndvnlire. Thil Aliliirli'illi triwllm ntlnek. ... .. 1 tho fort. Mnndav and .-n.itm.i.l nioht llwn" '"at on tholr return theru tho of them without suffering any losses, "lan trwipa brought several large though tho 30 obsolete caution mounted guna with them, A largo force ' has part to establish n navy Imso or fortl im i iu H.rtii cntioiiB were -erven witii uot-u onlt dd to roocenpy Tlon Tshcwan ""l post III those waters means war . o h.. . in WW u Ji n.. r lal- 1110 Kaln have 14,1)00 troop, with Great Britain v. nm Cant an IVralilmt nrili-red thn ,,IB mouiii oi inu i,mo rlvar "y wiinoui nesiiailoii, said mo fort to bo shelled mid captured by as- I"1"1 ''urt Arthur. The Itusslans nro re- foreign tecrotary, dealing with the sub' soult, which was dono. Lieutenants ported to bo concentrating forces on thn Meet In tho houro of lords, "that we f . ni fin ..' . .iB V? r?,"m"; hill near l.lao Lung, comniaiidliig the "hould regard the establishment of u a deUchiiioi.t of cavalry, surrounded run" "eeii mere ami mo itlu river, vi i.are or a lortlllo.) irt in the the tenth fort, where tho sultan had miu l"y "' arranged to havo a largo Persian gulf hy any oilier powers as ought refugo and It surrendered Tues- iiiantlly of provisions delivered at N lit very grave meiiuco to British Interests, Chwang. ' ami wu should certainly insist It with This coup caused profound surprise " 'he meaiia at our dlspotal." here, as recent dexelopmoiits had led l-"rd LanstloHtio preceded thin ex to tho oxectatloii that Kussla would P'lclt wiitiiielatlon ot British (Millcy by eomiiroiiilto her ilnnmii.U .1,. i.. a revluw ol tlie situation thoro, as It had 1kii ri,v.l...l t tl. ,w,.... t..i J "i"01'1"1 ,1.r"ls1' Itrroe.H. contending lutust inanouver ia viewed ns a refusal of Itussla tc yield to the protesta of the powers and as a declaration that ln I. of other K)mrn, IkiIIi la'caura Ic near Dester Nation, 62 ready to light In order to maintain pos- W''!u l" ."i'.1,11'1' of this plice. 12 laborers lin. ,o(,l0n of Manchuria. pendlture ot life and nidiicy that the . kuii - an nun vvii 111 inu nniiiiirim ui It la considered slgnlflraiit that the the world, und liecanso the protection army lias occupied strateule "'0 sea routo tu India notesssltatiKl points at about thn tlm n,u ii..i... llrltlsli prtHliimluaiico Iu the gulf naval r.. In f,,, I. -I ll -. I ... I.HI1I.I0WII0 a aiiiiuuo 111 una " .........,..., n.n 1IIUIJIIIKI-I1 HI I .... I , i ...1,1. ...... .1 I, , l. i.i t m, I """l l Hi IIV1RII, II 1W 1 mill IMIIUVRl, lliu gun UI I e llll 1,1. till. .l.a.Hra tl,rnlM nl tint other pow era intvresteil In the gulf are tho breaking of an axle K ery jay Tho forts havo boon dismantled. Captain Pershing moved north Tues. day to compute the exploration of the lako. HURLI30 TO DIM! It. Thirty Men Thrown Down. Precipice by I rain on Canadian raclllc. Port Arthur. Ont., May 0. By an accident on the main lino of tho Cans dlan Pacific miles east prisoned In the wreckage of a derailed work train were either killed outright or burned to death. Klght others wore frightfully burned, and a number ol them will dlo. Tho men wore asleep when tho train left the track. The .... 1.... , . 1.1..I. i when It waa derailed, presumably by withdrawal of the Itusslaii troops from of an axlo K ery car 1,1,1 -ang ia Iwllovod to havo lieon a that so far as tlio navigation of the rrr.lun gull was concerned Great llrlt aln held n iHialtlnn different from tliat It waa ion ino iracr and piungoi down an embiiiikmont into tho ditch. Tim men who were killed were asleep in what Is known ns tho ourdlng car" which was attached to tho tear of the train mere were ju men in tho car. It was crushed liko an eggshell, killing soino feint to avert suspicion from tho con templated ixillcy until the Itiisslau souadrou waa within usofiil distance. It has lieeu reported recently (hat Kussla was nrciimulatliig great storm of previsions and war materials. It : awaited with somn anxiety, The newspaper, here comment on the analogy ot tho present proceedings, which Captain Malum so strongly recommended, to the United (States policy of Monroeism. The Westmin ster Garotte holds that the British mo. tlve, namely, the protection of tho sea route to India, corresH)tids exactly with motive In excluding lowers from American wators ita horror to tho seono. tho apllnlorod 'borltles havo been buying many horiea, hcraiuo their territory Is thereby threat woolwork of tho car being Ignited by ami all the Information Indicates that ituesia la preparing to Increato and WILL DI'.LAV CANAL TRUATY, not decreaso her forces In Manchuria The foreign ministers hero discussed President of Colombia Will Not Call l!tra Information to tho effect that tbo It,,.. hcasion ol Congress. Washington, May H. Tho latest ad of the men outright and pinning others Impossible to cci.nrm the reports, but H,o Amerl an ' nn ler the wreckage, to that they could .' ,..... ,, , ,'. ,. An,or"" not extricate themselves. Fire added 11 knuw" 1,10 "" '"Hilary au- .uropoan kwi an nvorturneil atovu, Tho men who cscaKiI Injury at onco sot to work to llberato tin imprisoned workmon, but they were drlten hack by tho llamea, which spread rapidly Ono of the imprisoned men succeeded In extricating himself, ami smashing a window, crawled out from under tho wrcckaie. Ho reported that several others, eomo of thorn badly in lured were lying rear the window. The res cuers succeeded In getting ten or 12 slans had taken a laruo tract ot land across tho river from Nlu Chwnn T'"" "wived Indicate that President commanding tho terminus of the Chan 'rrnUln, of Colombia, has almost llal Kwan railroad. It Is stated that h"1"0'1 "ol o call a s clal sosslon of Itussla Informed the Chinese otllrials 11,8 Colombian congress to act on lh that tho tract wan needed for a Huaslaii canal treaty. In tho election in nro. men inrougn mo snaiiereu windows, urui ground, lho selection of the slto gress the opposition continues to gain The Dames meanwhile wore growinr I seemed remarkable, became all tin. I....i . . ... . flernn. nml thnniB,, . nlli .1.1.. Irm.n. ..,.. ..;....i .," " . ' P"'pecta lor a governm-lil from the work of rescno by tbo Intense poalto nldn of thy rltor. s.,v,al ,n. majority aro so doubtful that President heat. distant, where plenty of land wnaarall. Marrofiuln teems Indlspotivl to act. ab.e. The Colombian ronirrean will. hour. IN WATCRV QRAVHS. Tho Chinese' o(lk-iala ileaerllM th. ever, assemble Jnlt L'd l miiI.f .... douagor empress as bolriL' irreatlv din- slon. At that seiulon tha canal tii-ntv ntteen Lives Lost In Wreck of a I'lihlng tressed and an fearing that tho Itiisslau might bo taken up, but In view of the Schooner.- aggrernlon will excite autl-forelirn dem- sentiment ex stinir. much doubt la felt here aa to whether It will be acted niton. The outlook, however, doea not din- courage the cfllrlala here. The United States government haa gone so far In Canso, B. C. May 0. The American P.""''"."0"1'' '"'!U"K In tho introduc- fishing schooner Glorlana, Captain ""!: ,0'K" ,ronl"' Geome Stoddaril. of Gloucester. Mm... . Nowbeio has a suggestion lK.on heard ran ashore last night during n thl k I"" V''"? ru"rt 10 "" ln or,I" fi, n,u ..urt. u'.t. . to resist Kussla. Princo Chlnor. the rr .r "" . ' ...i.. i ,r. ... .. White I'oint Icilges, and 16 of tho . "" iivouaya- iii-nuiianmin witn woiomuia mat crew, including tne captain, were drowned, out of a total of 18. When the Glorlana struck on the ledge she passed over the outer ridges, but upon tho inner reef butted against a cliff ot rocks, and then loll ofl Into tho sea. ino piaco wnero the u lor ana was leavo of absence. This is a favorite stratagem of Chlncro ofllciala who 'ore desirous, of averting unpleasant altnn tions. It Is stated hero that Biisalan Infill enco la being exerted to conclllnt confidence is felt here that President Marrwiuln will feel himself bound to carry out the engagements Into which ho has entered. The Colombian con stitution contains a provision enlarging the powers ol tho execntlvu In tase of American opinion, and that anneals am 1 dlaturlKxl conditions, and It them la tlm wriv-lriwl fa ntxt. nl llt ,I.H...n. being mado to tho traditional frlendsbtn (llglitost Sinn of fur. Iblo minnnltlmi tn on tho Nova Scotia coast. It la less p,' two natljni w"h the argument Mho government or of revolutionary up. thanamllo from where tho steamor I , u'"u'opmeni oi .nantnuria rising, sucn as are iiintod at 'n tlie Illnminani1n una ,a.i,a.i I. .i w'll open a great field for American itorler from K Illusion. Jamaica, ami and only half a mile from tlio scono of ?m,IrP0, w,1" "1U opposition ot the from Isthmian points, Indicative of a tho wreck ot tho steamer Tibor ln Feb- u""oti bllo" to Itussla's plans mlghl purK)se to lever tho Isthmus from Co ruary, 1002, when 22 lives wore lost. Pro)'oko retaliation against American lomblan soverlgnlty, tho president may ii.uu. ino iiuosiunn nave csiaiiiishfu arrogato io uiliisoil dictatorial ioncr a consulate at Moukden. and go to the length ot ratifylnr tha canal treaty without tho consent of Asks Uwmokera to Act. ongrose. II ho docs so, tho United Madison. Wis.. Mav 11 clnvnrnor States government will sustain tha La Polletto today sent anothor mesm title thus acnuired. to tho legislature on tho aublect of " Japan Still Holds Claim. freight ratea. Tho mcsaaio results Delegatea to dsncva Convention. Honolulu. May 0. A letter received fom revelations In connection with tha Washington. Mav H Th .t.i.a.i.. from the department of state by Charles opening of coal bids. Tho dealers In- to represent tho United States at tlui L. Bhodea of thlj city, savs tho donart. ""'led bids making the prices subioct International fOnfnrHnm at Maiiaiti In ment haa no knowledge of tho reported to freight rolea. Such preservation was the purwo ol revising and extending withdrawal by Japan of her claims to never before made, and tho governor tho Gooeva treaty of 1804, under which Marcan Island. Ileproeontatlvos of tho ay8 provea conclusively that tho the various Bed Crosa societies are re Marcus island guano company horo and railroad companlos Instructed the shin- cognized, have bn In WaiihlnKton etfttod some tlmo aco Pe to iwnko contracts aubjoct to In Druuldent ah follow.; that Japan had nado such a with- creased rates. He saya tho necessity Loomls. the assistant secretary of atuto- Hie three eurvlvors woro broueht horo tuts Plternoon, and aro bolng caitxl for by the United States consul, Thoy say mat mo vessel la la tolal wreck Non6 of tho bodies hare been re covered. drawal, and had bIbo .agree! to pay 'or legislative action ia Imperative, roasonabio inuemnfty for having pro vented the expedition sent out by tho company from making examlnuton ot the island. Sallna CuWOff Now Certain. Bait Lako City, .May 11 Tho Ilea- eoret Newa aays: "Ono of tho result- OI the Visit tO Pa t Ike Of tlennml ranco'iiniisn Agreement. Managor Itnssoll Harding. Manaeer Parla. May 0, Baron D'Kstourno les Kdson and Kngineer Yard, la tho order le Constant the I'renih denntv who that has lieon Issued to commenco work wan delegate of Franco to Tho Ilacun on the Hallna cut-off and tho other nro. peace conference, today gavo the corre- jected Improvements on tho main lino. Oenoral George B. Davis. Judiio ad cato Roneral of thn army, and Com mander Nathan r-'argont, U. H. N., whoso appointment was annuneml tn. day. Coal Trust Admits Charges. Chicago. May H. In an anaunr ni,..l in the United Htaten drnclt nm,t tn. day, the Indiana and Illinois coal operators, who were recently made do- epondent ol tho Associated Prosa a With this object In view orders havo fendantB In a raso started hv tho cov .,lln ll,. ..Hll.l I l..,i, n!.,.l ...1,1. I.I... I .l ... "IU. KU .M.W...V... IVaHIUI.IK I'WI.IlkUl llllHlll ig of King Edward's visit to Paris and tho advancing world tnovoment In favor main lino in Uluh asking for men for but denied that there was nny of arbitration. The baron says It will Immediate woik on the long talked-of combination to fix prl ch ol I statement regarding the political rilcan. hcen placed with labor bureaus at ornnient, admitted that thev had been ,1 i ueblo, ogdon ami towns a'ong the a,.tlng for a time under un agreomont. unlawful nrl ea of Hull tiNi. duct. They declared I hat the agree merit was abandoned before the CHirt proceedings were begun, and that even while It waa in fori thv sot,! oal bolow the prevailing market prlie. uvemuaie in a ranco-iiritlali agree. ment lor arbitration treaties betweon the great powers, and declares the United mates Is entitled to tho credit for initiating tho world movement, Hallna cut-off. London No Longer "Knocks" Yerkcs, New York, May 0. Charles T. Yerkes, who arrived on tho Kronprlnz o'clock tonight. Building Palls Down. Denver, May II. Tho building nl 1510 to 1614 Larimer street, occiinliut i... i.t , . . ... 1 oy iiiicnaeiBon urea, clothing store, with a rooming houso on the second floor, collapsed a few minutes before 8 roveral persons were All the knocking has stopped "JXHidon Is bceomlni; and cheap structure. Tl.n Ml, iiu..i,... I i,..t.i ...i i i ., . ". .. ."I -. ivMaivinuiin huuvm u Ml bllll JUrillllU' fill ff I vi.rui IMA I f nnt I .... .. was nn nld said Wiener, ia not lnruu. nu It air, i ernes. -jxinuon la bee used to the tramway upheaval Inel. estlmatn tlmlr llnmntrn at tJfl OOO .lanlal ( l..l ll" ...1... . " '"l"""- ..V14V. W VIIU IHllIK UI IHO lUWHf RUU her citizens aro taking things aa a mat ter oi courao, work Is nroirross ino ,1.1- - o sfiioutiiiy. Tragic Death. Toncsta. Pa.. Mav 8. Standimr in a mill pond with the water un to hla escapo part owner of Piffnnn. waa uurneu to ueaui. A tank ol oil OX Leper Recaptured In a Laundry, St. Louie, May 0. Dong Gong, the unuieao from Peanut Trust Formed. Cincinnati, May 11. Tho Confno. tloners' Jtoview today savs thn Md-h. Igan underwriting company, of Detroit, haa comploted a combine of tho peanut Industry, that tho American Kdlble man, Whon tlio fire snont in from all points tho other members of the trow flod In terror, Boyd deciding to rcmulji until tho last moment. Thu tank stood on tho bank oftho pond. Plague Increasing In China. :ao leper who escaned Mon.lnv nm , J I n i" '1"". "BHiungmn, way 0.-Tlio state cTe. the isolation cottaico at nna '. v .J V .,n,rra,BU rarlm.f.n "? 'uvod a cablegram tine, was recaptured today, and wi be erred stock an'd t-VVfin'onn i ' pr ,r,0",' Unlt0'' H,a,t"' Go,,t"1 ""n0"1 Mc returned to the ouarantlne m.a Z Ino, IZt " ,T H.'00..0'"m?n ? Pnlon, saying that bnbonlo cupled by him for moro than a year. nu was iouiiu in a unincse laundry, ironnrnl nfllena will 1. i....i Xnt n Lr VnL It v" ab8.r1' ,,,u no h '"'"'aelug In Canton, Honan, plants near Norfolk, Va.. where the Hliuntak. Yokumr and YuenBsh.n many customer. o, "whlc n d ZVr rlyontpSt with ,. 80 nil . of Jho .'""'T " " llnsn when they ,eared;of tho capture! I f SUZ "'"S ' Nf "'"ftfo ff