Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 15, 1903, Image 1

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    voted ,o the Mining I....1.Ih an,. 1'.rmlnK .uteres, of this Community, to flood Governing
NO. 16
A Big Line of
ftmesaMMioinu I
J Dovorod ro D'6honMt Noro.s rvrvA
. Hums 0 foreref inrbl'ojrib Mining ML-A
Win. Wechter ptetlleut of tlic
Golden Hulc Consolidated Mining
mill Milling Co., accompanied by
IiIh brother. OeorBe Wcclitcr, of
Iiidlnimpolls, Iiidlnnn, nrrived In
tlie city Monday mid proceeded by
theO.&S. K. Ky. immediately to
their proputy In Holtemiu. Presi
dent Wcclitcr. in conversation with
n Niit-ue. reporter, sti d that his
visit here at the parent time win, oll tlc COilst.
to lay out plans for the immediate
Improvement of their hotel for the
necommodatlon of the Increased
force of men that will be put to
worft on the property. The hotel
isn 12-moin structure and will be
completely ovcrhnulcd, repainted
and papered. They have all ar-
Co'tt pioperty. Tin- company's
stock Is now selling at 7Y' c,!i- 1cf
share and the probability is, in tcl
the company contemplate raising
the price of shares to set- by the
first of July. They have consider
able stock placed among fasten)
Investors, principally in Indiana
and Iowa, where Mr. Wechter lias
been for the past three or lour
months, besides the large blocks
they have placed among investors
The Royal I'lush Milling C.
with n capital stock of $5000 was
organized and incorporated this
week by four of Cottage Giro's
citizens, as follows: jon jum.
berg, president! J'0in Undquist.
- ., ..,.,1.. envern- 1
"'B"" "7 - " " " rairiusr manager; John Crowley,
meut for ni abhshlng n postolhcc, -
. . . i i',,,.,.,., ..! treasurer and Michael Goctz, sec-
near the r property to be known ns .... , . f
' , . ' ' ' , . ..,.. re an . The capital stock fully
M ueral and U. G. I-cltoy a now ., . . ;.
W ,7 , , .. . a ,, lnai1 amI lion-assessable, is a l
erecting a store buililiug 28x30111 , , , ., . . ,,
,, , , ,,, , . , r I owned bv the incorporators equally
w 1 c i he will p ace a stock 0! gen-, , . ' 1 '
pany owns ft claims in the district
all good ones, upon which active
1 I I!..- i II. ...I.. XI,
eiui niciuii.iiniirc iniiiiuiiuiiwi . ..11. j
Wechter went back to Salem j
Wednesday but will return to C it
tagc Grove in about a week ot ten
days to begin surveying their
property for the purpose of estab
lishing tin- lines preparatory to
asking fo.i a pitcut. The (olden
Utile people have ) claims, at the
loot of Ilardscnihhtc hill nul six
claims near the North Knifview other ear rolls by.
systematic work will be begun im
mediately. Their claims are
covered with first class timber and
the ledges show up fine ore. This '
company consists of practical niiu-I
, iii),' ami good business men and 1
prove to be one of the best 1
companies in the district ere an-
MM fn
' if 1
Distinctly Denies the Rumor the He Is
Now nor Never Was Opposed to the
lilcctlmt of Hinder Hermann Instead
He Desires Ills lllcctlon.
Dr. T. W. Hurrlri, rhnlrmiiii ,il the
republican cougrcHMlonnl committee
of the first ilUtrlot. hns nt'clvcd from
Senator .Icilill II Mitchell u copy of 11
letter wlileh tlic hi'iintor bus rtTclicil
from Hon. 'Plum. II. Curler, proddem
Of till" NllllcMltll 1,OUnIUU l'llrcllllhC
Uxpr hI t Ion Coin in IhhIihi, w lile li
prove concliiHlvel.v tlmt I'uwlilciit
ltoiiHv(lt In favorable to IIIiikit
MitIIIIIUII'h clivtliill to cnuglVHM iih
"St I.oiiIh, Mo., .Mii.v J Hon.
John II. .Mitchell, Washington, I). ('.
My dear Senator: In regard to the
candidacy for congress of Hon. Itln
ger Heriuami, to which you refer,
permit, me to Nay that I made It a
Hpeclnl point to link President Itooso
Tolt direct wlrnl his uttltuilc wan In
regard to Mr. Hermann. I hud no
doubt, to begin with, as to his reply,
but shire, ni'ciirilliiK to your nu
KcHtlon, icrN0UH reHlHtlmr the elec
tion of Mr. Hermann I'.ad HiiKKCsted
that IiIh ciudldiiey wiw regarded
with dlHfavor Ux the prcHldcnt, I felt
constrained to secure for you, as Mr.
Heriunnu'H friend, direct Information
from headquarters. In IiIh usual
frank and forceful manner, the presi
dent used, as near as I can recall the
following laiiKunKU, towlt.
" 'Thero Is not one word of truth
lu the rumor that I am opposed to
Mr. Hermann's election; but. on the
contrary, I heartily and earnestly
deslro IiIh election, I hope that every
voter who believes In the principles
of tho party and wishes: wellforthu
luliiilniHtratlon will cnHt Ids vote for
Mr. Ilennann. Thu runion-dquanvl
between Mr. Hermann and myself Is
without foundation. Our relations
lire, and alwayH have been cordial."
"Tho forcfjoliiK Is substantially, If
not actually, the lntiKtiiiK'e of tho
Till! I.UWIS fc CI. AUK I'AIR.
Tin1 trouble iH'twccu tlic Ix'u Ih nud
i'ImiI, full- unit the federated IraileM In
about. In Ik- M'ttled. It In tn be
In h'I the unions will withdraw
fioui their poHltlou nml allow the
work already bcKun to priK'ivd iih
thefalrimiNt event uiilly ivsult lienc
llclal to the slate, romliit;, iih It itum
Imiiuslliitely after the 'orldH Talr
at SI I.oiiIh It will, of course, brltifj a
Inifje iiiiiiiUt (if r.ihlliltK from that
ell and will. If allowed to k un-hiiliiH-riil
by pelly dlffeiviices of
opinion on economic questliuiH be of
Kivnter Ih'IicIU to OivkoIi tluili any
thhiKrth.t hiiH.vcl occnrivd within
the bordei-H of the Htnte.
For Hand Made Harness
goto rTmr rz a j m
Ladies' Dress Skirts
Walking Skirts and Under
skirts just in-
More New Dress Trimmings. Men's
Cutter Shoes Again in Stock
Eakin & Bristow.
A-U Work Wai'Paiilecl.
Hal islhcl i on Griia rai iteed .
Everything Kept in a First Class Harness
Shop at Lowest Prices.
i.oixii: no i ns-
The following article was pub
HhIiciI lu the NiikkvI last week under
the head of Modern llrothcrhood of
America, and Ih ivprlnted thin wtvl.
under the correct head Modern Wood
ThoHtnto camp met at The Dalles
WcdiicHtlay May II at 10 a in iiiiiIwuh
called to order by Statu Consul C. K.
Iturkhart of Albany. A committee
on credentials was appointed by the
chair iiIho a committee on order of
IiuhIuchh the commit tec 011 credent lain
found deleKiitoH who were entitled
to HcatH. Tlnw delegates weix' then
elected to attend tho head camp at
Indianapolis in June. The three
elected were Judge l.owoll of l'eudle
ton, V. T. Vaiiuhl of Portland and
0. K. Iturkhart of Albany, (leo.
Comer was elected as alternate to
Iturkhart. and It. K. ViuiVoorhU al
ternate to ViiukIui. Afterelectlou of
state olllcers the mcclliiK uiljonnied
to meet In linker City two youra
hence. llruceCurry was elcctedstato
consul, F. H. 1 1 111m of AhIiIiiuiI state
Voti will find every description and size and at
prices tlmt will please and convince 3011 of the
excellent values we oiler. We also carry a cotn
pleteline of new and second hand
Comments We H
ear uai
on our merchandise make us believe more strongly than ever
that the majority of people prefer the better class of goods,
although they cost a little more money than the so-called
racket goods.
A new line of Graniteware and Tinware in
fact everything to be found In an up-to-date store.
Come in and see the Palo Alto Metal Polish and
Oil Harness Dressing.
We never change;
the quality always
the same.
Ihtmilton Brown
shoes for men, $1.75
2.00,2.50,3.00 4 00
Geo. Keith's Or
thopedic shoes 3 50
Hamilton Brown
Shoe Co.
1.50, 2.00r 2.50,
3 50
Hoffman Rothschild
None better. Any
price..? 50 to 25 00
Neustadt Bros.
The standard gG)ds
on. the Coast. Ewery
garment the best in
the market.
Dry Goods
Murphy, Grant & Co.
Strictly firstctttality
No Cheap John goods:
they don't keep them.
It pa3s to btt3' them.
Allen & Lewis
A person can always
depend on their goods
being fresh and nice
and the best had'
Near S.. P. Depot, Cottage Store, Oregon
I The only genuine RACKET STORE in Iowa. Head
quarters for novelties and fhnc- goods ami! the ccn
S ter of attraction for low prices. We havejust re
is ceived a lot of new goods which we are ot&ring at
f the lowest possible cash prwes. If."..
: Yours for business, A K. SliCVli, Prmprietor i
MIhh Marie I.. Ware, former U. H.
Land Commissioner of Kukcho, ot
whom tho I'ortland paiicrsluivo hud
mo much to say of late, returned to
her homo at Uukouo on last Satur
day from California, where hIio litis
been vlsltlim for Hovcriil weoks. It
now uppearH that all tho reports
that luivo been sunt out by those
"hustling" KiiKoao correspondents
worofiiltes ol tho Hint water. Miss
Ware's whcreaboutB liavo been
known nil tho time and had the
oillclalH ol Undo Sam wanted her
they could liavo secured hor. Mho
left HuRone Monday for Portland
whore, she will confer with Iter ut-
torney and also with Judgo llollln
Kor. From this It would seem wise
for I'ortland papers to secure reliable
correspondents at Kugono.
Hal, the itealer, with his company
of entertainers, arrived In town Mon
day morulni; and that evening lie
Kiit' 11 series of free open air enter
taluments at tho show Krounds 011
tho square back of the Central Hotel,
Tho show Is nood. The Miners can
hIiik. tho dancers can diimv, and tho
acrobatic feats are astonishing, llnl
stralKhtens cros eyes, extracts
term, removes tumors, cures oeai
ness and iierforms many othor oKr
atlous and cures uiou the platform
freo and painless, Hal has made a
wonderful reputation in the coast
Btntcs. Ho will undoubtedly nccom.
push much goodm this section ot the
country. They rIvo entertainments
ovorv cvenlmr excent Sunday. Tho
show Krotuul Is largo and people
from out ot town can drive right
onto tho lot and sit lu their wagons
anil see me snow.
Griffin &
of any tool In ahrays a dsslrab'o
one, but of equal tuiportnnco Is tho
power of retaining tills quality so n
not to ixNuiire too irequent sharpen
Ing. Hy making your purchases ot
the (Jrillln & Veatch Co. you always
receive your mowey's worth In the
best quality of tools and cutlery w
properly tcmiwred steel that Is sajt
to hold an edge.
Veatch Go
Miss Uthel Veatch, sister ol Mrs.
Harry AVynno, left Sunday for KtiJ
genu for a few nays visit prior to
her return home, to Salem.
Klile Holdorman, foreman ot the
construction work on tho now
wagon road building up Champion
canyon In lloliemla District, and
also gonorul commissary for all the
forces working In connection with
that enterprise, came .lu from tho
Bceno of oporatlotis Tuesday ovenlug
on business and returned Thursday.
Michael (loetz came down from the
mines Monday on business and will
remain In town a few days. Mr.
Uoetx made the Nugget odlce a pleas
ant call.
OuB perwonn III vuuii num. v, '1
for honst established eleven years
and with a large capital, to calli
upon merchants and agents for suc
cessful and profitable lino. Perma
nent engagement. weosiy casu
salary ot $18 and all traveling iat
penBes and hotel bills advanced In
cash each week. Uxperlenco not
essential. Mention reference and en
close self-addressed envelope. Till'.
NATIONAL, 334 Dearborn St., Chi
cago. A lire In Ottawa. Out. Sunduy
caused tho loss ot COO homes and de
stroyed many thousands ol dollars
worm 01 nimiR-r.
These goods are all sold at the same-margin of profit as the
cheap goods are sold, and those who buy thumi are the ones who
accumulate wealth.
carters in lllci'chuiitlisiiLgr.
ygrmnnr rsYtnryinrrinnnrsTrantQ
In almost every neighborhood some
one tins died from in attack ot colic or
cholera morbus, often before medicine
could bo procured or a physician Bum-
moiied. A reliablo remedy for tlieee
dleeatea should bo kept at hand. Tlje
risk Is too great lor anyone to take.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy has undoubtedly saved
the Uvea of more Deonlo and relieved
more pain and suffering than any other
madfclne In use. rorsateuy L,yomax
Applegats, Drain, llenson Drug Co.,
Cottage Grove.
If taken within the next
ten days the40acrehlllrunclL
that I have been offering for
$010.00, can bo bought toe
f.100.00, only part of which
must lie rash. This place t
ti bargain nt that price- atul
will bring several hundred
dollars more than that Ikn
fore the summer Is over.
It Is located about three
and one-half miles south-east
ot tho city, near Long- &
lllngham's Logging; eamp,
and close to a gootl road.
There Is a fairly good bouso
and some outbuildings on
tho place, also an orchard,
good fences, springs, etc. etc.
Thero Is enough saw tlmbor
and wood on It to more than
pay for It.
If you wish to purchase
a place ot this kind, call on
or address,
Cottag Grove.
Extra ordinary Tallies
It Is never too late to do good, but
It Is sometimes too lato to get the
beat selections In tho latest designs
and Btyles ot ladles' hats, for tho
reason that some other lady has
taken advantage of the opportunity,
and purchased the "very one" you
wanted. Therefore, corao as early as
possible and make your selection ot
your spring hat at the Fashion
Millinery Store, Miss Mary Bartels,
GIess End . .
1 Queensware
Look at these prices, then call and examine
the goods : g
50-piece fancy decorated full gold
dinner set $9 05
44-piece semi-porcelain dinner set 5 44
4-ptece glass set 40
4-piece glass set, flint 65
4-piece " " engraved 1 00
4-piece " " gold enamel 1 85
Ask to Sec our Open Stock Assortment
and Stoneware