Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 08, 1903, Image 7

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kite Ham
A Talo of tlio Early Settlors!
i fit nil s nnn.
uy Austin c. nunDicu
(iiiAi'iim xxi.
H'mvly mi l tiiilnrnlly i'ivkK"! away 1 liu
Imitra mill llu- I it h In I lie pour alek ttlie
III Now Orhnna. Old I u;iiii Wus virjr
kind, mill ao wik llu 1 1 1 1 p I I u, Yit
ji:ili' liiul ii i try, ere al Ul an, mil
n pint of I lit liiiii' alio nit nit of lur
In ml. lint gradually llu- dclliliim passed
mvny, inul alio won nt length nblo to sit
up. Tlitce wim'Ich Inul iilio Inlti Unix iru
she i'iiiiIiI rl'ic riuiii lur ln'il; lint on tin
fiiunli wi'i'lt iiliv wns nbl.i to walk about
the riicim. It wna nt llm cloao of II."
fourth ncok Hint lirr liuah.intl riltini.d.
'Hue I Irvii nwny lotuer limn )'u"
t'Xn'fti 1 V ' ho naked.
"So," wna tli quiet reply, "fur I'ui
cxpi'i'ti'il n .tiling nliiitit It."
"Ahl' uttered Hliii'll, with M.uw uf
linjti III.
"I have In on too l k to expect nuy
thins:," etplnltled Lou.Br.
"Of mured huaban.l, iiiuru mlhl
I. "Yes-1 hare Icon very lk. t i'rn
fonred nt nnn time I should tisvcr iw
juii again."
There wns somvttilnK to piquant In Ill's Mimm w sure there wan snrcnBti
In It. but liu I'tioae nut to I'jpastt Ilia
"I, too, lino been laid up." lie said,
niter gailug Into lirr fm-o fur some mo
lllellt. "Ahliow? I uutleed your liniil win
rolled In ruga. Wlmt Ima hnppui'iH
Have juu been llglitliii; tlii) kl. fl 111
dlaiH?" Again Simon Ml Ills lip, but lit l-'pt
en !ri).
"I hnvo had n duel on your account."
"I It pn.alble? llnvr was lit"
"I luMril you Insulted mutt grossly, nu I
I would not hour It."
"You should nut hnvo .burnt) It, nt least,
It on loved your wife. Hut who was
"(Jmipnrt Hi, I)nl."
Louise atoned.
"Kxpliilu," she nalil, earnestly nnl "''
"Iln! the name move, jnu, does HIT
"Why sh.tild It uitV Yoj fenow la
wns tiiii'o ii lover ot mini'."
TliU open iimwnl, so frank and hull
cit, mrimil to plcnse Luliols, n ml ho
went mi to explain:
"No tniiticr what w anil, hut St.
pruts airuck mo. Of rourse I rlia'loiiged
lilin. We ilmav aworda. Your fath-r wna
present, I It- woiihl hiivu atnppiil It If ho
loiilil, fur ho fiuri'.l. I tliuuU Kt hurt."
"As )ou ilhl."
"Maloii. Wtr Ml. oil, sill I
foiiinl Hint Iho hoy una nl my nurry.
Twlio I rofuaoil to pro my point upun
lila opi'll Lotuul. I'lnnlly, when I iw
Hint 'twouhl ho iluw ntltlit murder for
mo In kill Mm, I luiU' liliu put up Ilia
awoM. llo itako.l mo for wlint for ho
knew not tlmt I only toytil ulth tilm.
Till la only hoy'a phiy.' mM I. 'Then
put up your awnnl,' auhl ho, I i1M o,
mill J not n my pnlut tumhoil th erouiul
ho hroiiKht 1110 11 lil.nv mrmi tho li.iinl.
Wlmt ilu ou think of Hint,-"
"IVrlmpa I ouiilit not to apenk my
"Suroly you wight. Whut ilo jou think
of Iff
"Well, tlirli, I think )Oil hnvo toM mo
rrry lino alnry."
"KM aati iloiiht my wonlV"
"Dmilit you? Iloiiht the word of Mi
nion l.oholaK Ilolli'Vo l)inl my own Ima
IhiiiiI could aponk fulM-hoiilY Xi'Vir, HI
liion noior!"
Slmrply tho arnuip looked Into l,oillao'a
fmo, hut lio t-oiild dolorl ilotlilliit IIuto.
auto n mini, tsiul osprt-aa'on of utltr n'lii
litk'ityi ot ho kin iv nho wna i"ii"
hlm. "Hut you did not toll mo lion- thla nil
on iho out," alio mill. "What did you
do nftor (loupnrt hud atriit'k you uu tho
"Wlmt could l do? My lintnl wm iow
ITloM. I llllnlit hnvo kluu'kod III 111 down
with my loft limul, hut I apmod Mm. Ilo
wna hfiionlh nil uollto, anvo Hint of iihto
"I'our (ioutmrt! Did I10 Know how doop
wna your ooiili'inpt for lilm't"
"Wlmt monn you?"
"Why, alniply Hurt you could hnvo In
flicted no worm) piinlkhuient upon It m
t ti it it to hnvu let him kiiutv you hold
li I lit In tontetiipt. It uitlat hnvo marly
killed l.lni!"
"Look jo. my lino ulrl, you nro vtittur
IliK oil dnngorotia urmniil. You lilny Mty
too niuclil" li tli' rod Lolmla, now alioul.iii
Ida niiKcr.
I.iinli.0 howod her hond n nimnont, mi l
alio aceuiod to think Hint her couipni'lon
apoko the truth, for ahu quickly replied,
lifter "lie looked up:
"Hxcino mo tuirdoii me. I hnvc but
Juat recovered from n novo re alekin'at.
mid my llrat fecllnito were untiirully Hhhc
ot Joy mid RhidnoiM, mid )ou know how
often you mid I huo Jokixl mid poatoipl
ench other. We hnvc often mil I very
linrd lliliitfi In Jeat, mid I hnvo ovin pull
ed juiir hnlr till you fnlrly erlol with
pain, mid yet you inner iroioked bo
fore." Thla wna p..l.i'ii ao vnrneHtly, mid with
o inucli npp.ireut feelliii:, that Sim n
wua molllliod In 11 unuiient.
"Lot It mn," lie jt.ili); "only In future
cliniwc 11 lliilit occnaion for I'Klit coiiier
nntioii. And now to aomcthlliK of muru
liiiiorliinco. When cnu you bo rendy
to ku up lb" river?"
"At nuy time," nnawercd Loulao.
"Very well. I will aeo tho pliyalclnn
thin evenlni;, mid bo Koverucd soinewlufl
liy Ilia ildvlce."
Shortly after thla Lobola went out, mid
when ho rctiirntd lit) leimrled Hint tho
iloctur would coiuo In Iho nioniln. So
Hint nlitlit Loulao wna loft Willi l.oppn,
mid 011 Hie next inoriilm; H10 do tor nunc,
mid with iilm cmiio Iho mixloua hiiahiiud.
Tlio former oxiinilncd lilt pntleut euro
fully, mid lio exiuvnu'd tho opinion Hint
tlio wife hIiouIiI not unilerliiko tlio Jour
ney under 11 week nt leant.
"Then I lellevo I ali.ill fto to lllloxl.
Tlieio la 11 aliip rendy tu anil, mid I luivo
omo liiHlneaH to do tlieiv."
Loulao expieaacd licr ilttlro wIllliiKiieaa,
an Kliiion roaolvcd to K. In truth ho
wna now expeetlin; aoun :o bo iniiater of
nn Ilium mo fortune, mid In) wan prepar
ing Hio way to put II tu lininedliito imo,
lilt lualll object beluit to nllnln 11 prolltil
blo fiirtfo to return to p'rnnco, whither
ho men nt to tiiko hla wife 11 a noon 11a ho
could dlpoo of tlio few remaining oh
Htaclea that atood In his way. Ilo mint
ed Hint very ultilit for lllloxl, and bin
wifo wna unco uiuio loft to tho kind euro
of ber H.ible nttin liint,
A weelt piiBacd uwny, mid lir nuslmnd
0111110 not. KI10 Inul now ao far reuiilned
lior hoiiltli Hint alio could walk out In
company with I.oppa, and tlio roau wan
nil buck to her cheek.
Aniilhei- weok liaaae.l, and alio Vn .
well and Just as alio bcuiin to won lor It
nuy accident luid happened to her bus-
Imiiil lio madn M a appearance. That very
day llioio wna a Imruc to alnit up Hin
river. Now Orlonna wua all nlnrin n'ld
exclloineiii. 'J'lio Knrrlami lit Nntcheii
Inul bi'on auriulaoil by tlio Indians, mil
lieaily every anul murdered! Ou'y a X
had oacapcl, mid four of tlioao liml this
lory uiiiriilUK icaclicil Iho town. tluv.
roller Iniil aim mcaaciiKcra lip to lb"
pliiiiliilloua 11I01111 1111 Hin river to lull Iho
Kri nidi on their Kiinrd; and now His
lui IK", full of anlillora, wna about to atnlt
up to aeo If nuy natlalntii 0 wna ruiuirod
anywhere nu III" wny, 11 ml In Iho 11101111
limn n eoiiiii II of olllccra wna to bo bold
In delernilno what fiirllii'r aboiild l.o
1I1. no.
I.iiIhiI ciilned inasni:o for liluiaolf nn I
wl.'o, but they were forced to put up
wllh such aeiiiiiimo Inlloiia as I In' others
bad, a.ivo Hint n ah Iterod, pl.u wua tlx
od for Loulao, near the atom, In eonald
cnitlou of her lecinl lllnoaa.'
Of co.irao the in.ll.-ii up, nirnlnat thn
cillTi'iil, wna alow, the henvy biimo not
maklliK a headway of over linen mllia mi
hour, mid alnpplnit aoincHiucs nt tho few
plnutntlniia on tho way, mi Hint It was
lint until Hio miiruliiK of tho llflh day
Hint they reached Iho eatahllaliluenl of
1 1 lion Hi. .IiiIIoii. Hut Iho en il 11 1 11 of tho
boil I com lilded not to K'l up to I bo chu
leaii, an Klinnii mid Ida wife worn land
ed nt Hi" inniiih of Wiihiut river, nnd
frnm lliinco they mndu their way up on
Tlioy ti it '1 Kiilned about half Hio ill"
I alien when they were alnrlli'il, 011 mak
ing n tin 11 upun the rlvor'a, by ace
liu 11 amall caiiou abend with two lu
iIIuiih In It.
"Why!" uttered Lobola, after gailiu
upon tho alraiign ace no a fvw momenta,
"they are Xatchcx Indiana. Do Hio v 1
lalna monn litirin hero?"
"Itntlter n amnll party for that," said
Lhtllac, upon whoso mind tlio aliilit of n
Ntaelii'x liml not that ioi Hilar effect that
It Iniil upon Iter conipaiilon'a.
"Hut we'll wntch lliem. Here lot ua
kerp furl Iter nwny frnm tho bank, and
thin wo i-ii 11 folliw tin-in, and not ho
ai'ili. They atirely liiean to nppronch Iho
lioiiao. (,'uiile, li t a hitalen, mid wo'll halo
thi'lll cflpltit'i'd, Of coiirao ihoy linj a
limul In the ilrenilful mnasuere."
Loulao hind" 110 objection lo litis, and
nceoritluuly they limk Iho eroaa path, and
ere hug they reached tho garden. Half
way up tlio wide path they walked, mil
hero thry cmiio to lite closed gate of ill"
barricade; but 11 few loud culls frnm Si
mon brought old Tuny forth, mid they
tvoio anon within tho enclosure. 'Iho
fultllflll iuk.o roiild at tlrst hardly belleio
Ills eyes. Ilo gnaed upon tlio "appern
ahull," us ho afterwards ciilltil It, mid
llunlly n big tear rolled down his asbtu
Mnin'ai'lle Loulao!" ho gnaped, txlelid
lug Ids broad haii la. "llleas heavcti:"
Willi gllsttnliig eyes oho returned tho
faltlirul fellow's graap and aalutalloii,
and Iheii botinde.l away lowarda tho
limine, for alio anw her fill tier upon lh
dan: alto walled nut fur her huabmid
The frantic parent caught hi" iblld to
Ills iHiaom, mid nltli atrraiullig ryea he
mummied his thanks, for lu that tun
lueiil of reunion ho forgot the dark cloud
that hung o-er Ills loved uu;. Ilofote
I lit- old 111.111 hail found Ida tongue Simon
had reached Iho plana.
"My father,'' ho uttered, "forgive 1110 If
I am Abrupt but you have heard of tho
dreadful mnaaueru at I'urt Itoaullu?"
"Well, there nro two Natchez Indiana
making their way up here In a cntu.
1'erltapa they know not of our habitation.
Let men lie aettt out nt unco to cnptilte
lliem. mid wo will Interrugnte 1I1.111. nt
That wna enough for Tony, for ho had
followed Simon lo Iho Inline, and heard
this remark, liver since the induction
ot' Ills young "uia.'r mid mlssiia." he had
hinged to get hold of uu Indian, and licre
waa 11 thniice.
"Only two oh 'inn, d'yo say, Maa'r Si
mon?" "That's nil, Tony."
"I'll hah '11111!" And with this the stout
.frh- disappeared, mid lu a few momenta
more lie had four atout companions at
his heels 011 Ills way to the river.
Ill tlio meantime, Simon followed the
marquis and Ills child Into the houc, and
when they reached the sitting room, thry
foiin I SI. Dcnla there, lie looked up
and saw the marquis; then he saw Simon
I.oIhiIs, nnd then his eye reated upon
that female form, lie started lo his feet
and turned pale ns death. 'Hint lorol
face wna turned upon him; tlioe soft
eyes, now swimming lu trara, were hint
upon Ida own, and iter naiuo dwelt upon
tils lips.
"My wife. Monsieur St. Drills," said
Lobnls, lu mnlUiimit triumph.
"(). my soul!" burst from the wreti li
ed man's Hps, and covering Ida face with
hi" bauds, ho sank hack upon his chair.
Ionise aeeiued upon the point of spenk
lug, but nt moment the tramp of
feet and the sound of tolces were heird
In III" ball, mid In 11 moment more tho
door was thrown uiueremonloiialy open.
"Hhss heaven!" cried old Tony, boun I
lug into the hall at a wild hop and plant
ing himself directly In the middle of tho
Hour. "We's lotehed 'uni, ntas'r We's
cutched 'inn, 1111' hero doy am!"
At tills White Hand nnd Coqualln
emtio forward. Simon Lobola was tho
first to recognise, lieuo.tth Hie Nutilici
garb mid Hie walnut ataiu, Hio youth
whom ho had hoped to destroy, nnd a
tilled cry broke from his lips, whllo lio
turned pal" mil trembled like au nspin.
Tho next to recognize tho living truth
was Louise, ami with one bound tho
brother ulid alsler were lu eaill other's
arms. Their slltled exelaninlloiia of Joy
uwiiko the parent to his senses, nnd lu n
moment mure he held them both upon his
"My children," ho cried, rnlalng Ids
streamline eyes to heaven, "O, how bleat
Is this moment) Almost it makes mo feel
to -how lu li.nuble rcalgiintlon to the
dreadful blow that has btcu Inlllcted up
on inc."
ot .1..,,,- i.rti " ni 1I1U Itincturo
rxelulmed Slinun,, having now recuiriej ttn.ui.lli.., of tlltll.l UlllllLlelltlV tO lllllll
1.1 i, ,r r..,ir noil chagrin.
"Dear Louis, let 1110 welcome jou back
to our home,"
And us ho spoko ho advanced aud ex
tended bis hand. The youth giued upun
lilni n moment lu stem silence.
"Minimi Lohols," ho uttered, drawing
proudly up, "I did not thluk you would
ollVr me tlmt hnndl"
"How a oh?" gaaped Iho wretch,
turning. pale ngalu. "You should not thus
reject tltc hand of your brother-in-law,"
W'lillc llund started,
"iliother-lu-lnwl" ho repented. "Aro
you mad?"
"No I am n husband."
Whltu Hand crossed over to wiioro
Loulao Htood nnd took her by tho hand.
They whispered together a moment, and
then tho youth turned towards Simon,
"Villain," ho exclaimed, "you forced
her to thlal" ,
"Sho consented to tho mnrrlnBC," re
turned Simon, triumphantly.
St. Denis apinng to his feet, He mov
ed to Lonlso'a aide, and griuped her
hand, . ,
"Louise," ho said, In a broken voice,
"tell me nils tell mo If you gave this
man your heart; for In the years of dark
uess that ahull follow this blow, It will
afford a glimmer of light to know I am
not all Drgotlcii by my soul's Idol,"
'"Ooupnrt, hu forced me to the mar
rlnge "
"Hlleucvl" thundered Lobola, starting
lowarda where tho speaker stool. "I.ou
Ice, iciileiiiber you aro my wife, and as
audi I claim obudlencu. Hrenthe another
word of calumny on my head and I II
luako you with your tongue had In en
lorn out by tho roota em you used It ao."
"Million, you know you did force me 10
become your wife."
At this moment St. Denis starlrd up.
aud his dark eyes burning wllh lire, he
"Stand back, villain! You nro her hus
band, hut daro to Interfere now and I'll
smile you as I would a venomous rep
"And 1 am with oil, Uonpnrt," added
White Hand, starting forward, nnd
clenching Ida flala. "(Jo oil, alater."
Simon Lobola gazed first upon St. Don
la, mid then .upon the dark-skinued youth,
mui he feared thtiii, Then he looked t
wnrda the aged parent, who stood wllh
tils lunula to Ida eyoa aohblug aa though
hla poor heart would break; and the vil
lain cvldilitly felt unromfortnhle.
"I refined liliu nt first," continued the
unfortunate one, "and told Mm I loved
Ooupnrt St. Denis. Then ho told me he
hud seen my father s wealth accumulate
under hla cure, and had looked 011 a part
of It ns belonging to hint, and ho would
not njiT aeo another come lu find snntih
Hint wealth awoy. Ho determined to
have Ida share. I told Iilm If ho forced
tun lo become !il wife I would beg of
my father to give me not a sou. Then ho
aworo If aiioh a thing wrro done, Im
would make my life such n accno of tor
ture I should pray fur death to come
and relieve me,"
"Llnr!" biased Simon.
"No- no," calmly replied Imlac; "'
apeak but truth." Then turning to her
llatcncra: "Hut I refused to marry Mm,
and on the very next night, after mid
night, two stout men enmo and carried
me away, I was weak and faint then,
fur I had but Just recovered from sick
ness. Y'et they carried me 11 wny nnd
locked mo In n dark prison house. They
refused me both fowl and drink. Theru
I came ulgh furnishing with hunger aud
thlrat. At length tho villain came to me;
mid when I begged for a drop ot water
he swore I aliould have none till I had
promised to bo bis wife! My mind was
fluttering, aud thirst made me frantic.
I promised to be his wife! Then ho
brutight me bread and milk; ho took tuo
from the prison, and anon arrangements
were made fur the wedding. Hu had ob
tained the consent of tlio colonial gov
ernor, and we were married In the
eliiirih, the governor himself being pres
ent. When the prleal put Ida queatlona
to 1110, I waa burning with fever, aud a
dreadful alekness wus upon 1110. Yet my
mind was not shaken. I promised to the
licat of my abilities to do nil ho had ask
ed of me. Then wo were pronounced
man and wife, and I begged of Mm to
hurry awny. for I was faint and tick. I
reached our home; the fever telzod 111",
and raged fur many .weeks. Health
came at last, am) I reached my father's
(To be continued.)
When lti ItotMtera Crow.
The reelings of some honest folk from
the country when thry visit a large city
linve been tcry nccurutclj described by
n Chicago pnper, and ns this old farmer
iays, there's very little difference be
tween city nud country If you only look
for the things which they have In com
mon. "I'm nil right In Chicago If I can hear
the roosters crow once In n while," said
John, "hut when I don't hear them I get
pretty honiralck, and want to hurry
back to the old farm In I'oril County.
Thnt's why I always pick out lodgings
ni clone as I can get to South Water
"I come up here once In n while on
business of my own, nud I feel at home
well enough down at the stock-yards
In the daytime, where the hogs grunt
and the cattle bellow, but I'm lonesome
at night when I can't hear the roosters.
"I reckon If you was down on my
farm a night or two, you'd bo mighty
glad to hear n Btrcct-cnr gong, or n
steninliont whistle, or a wagon clatter
ing over the stones. When a fellow has
heard a rooster crow about sunup every
morning for forty years, ho doesn't feel
Just right when ho gets whore there aro
no roosters.
"Y'ou can talk nil you ploaso about
your clean city nnd your 'city beauti
ful,' as the newspapers call It, but I'd
rather smell n clover Held In this town
when I'm loneRomc than the sweetest
flowers you've got on State street.
"I recollect Tarson Cross saying once,
In n sermon, that a touch of nature
tiuikes the whole world kin, Somehow
when 1 bear n rooster crow up here, or a
sheep bloat, or get the smell of a stable,
It makes mo feel that Chicago people
ain't so much different from us on tho
farm, after nil."
O110 uf Womnn'a Wnys.
"Most women hate to spend uow
motley," Mtys nu nliservnnt salesman.
"I haven't tho fnlutcnt Idea why this
should lio bo, but I've noticed It often'
right here lu tho store. A womnn will
innke a purchase nnd pull out her purso
to pay tlio bill, hut If sho happens to
have to part with 11 clean, crisp noto In
making up the nmount sho looks great
ly nnnoyed. I've seen women with fnt
wads of bright brand-new bills fluster
ed when they riiino to pay for pur
cluises, because they hadn't sutllclent
old money to meet tho charges. They
would dig out tlio contents of their
purses and stow tho crisp notes to oiro
sldo, and, If they couldn't scrnpo up
the sum In a few cases I'vo known
them to go out without buying. Oth
ers will give utterance to little feminine
exclamations of dlsmny, nnd will hast
ily pay for the articles selected lu tho
now money. Then they will march
nit with quite a show of Imllgnntlou,
Just ns If they had been Inveigled Into
spending tho money, I know ono man
who nlwnys takes his salary homo lu
beautiful, cleau certificates. Ilo bus
caught on to this peculiarity of tho sex,
and he says It saves hi 111 nil kinds of
money." l'hllndelplila ltecord.
Illtfereuco 1'iiraijr t'utijectlve,
'Time far?" naked tho wondenek. "ifh
you call It from hero to Thompson's'
Grove?" I
"Well," answered the crow, "tho ills
tnnce, ns I fly, Is four miles, hut as you '
fly It's about nine miles and a half." '
Chicago Tribune.
Monuments In Ilerllii.
rol.n .nn,,lltt ,i.,i.I!a,1 Ttlalllll fctf
t-.V.lJ ...,..v.. .
..Inl... innkn. tl... anv.llllv.uWVinil mnilll. '
mill, tv uHiva ov , -ovw.... -
ment of Us kind In Ilerlln. Among tho
men commemorated nro twelve of
princely rank, eleven generals, tilno
architects, nine scholars, ten poets,
three physluluus, three statesmen.
Little dropa of water.
Little grains of sand,
Make tho mighty ocean
Aud the plenaunt laud.
Ku the tittle momenta,
I ir I.I. (!...., 1. !... I. a
Make tho mighty ages
Of eternity.
Mrs. Julia A. I'letclier Carney, author of tuo famous poem, "Little
Things." reccully celebrated her eightieth birthday nt her home lu Clalesburg.
III. She wrote tho poem In 1SI3, when sho was a school teacher lu Hostoti.
nnd her object III writing It wan to help her pupils uuderstnud the vutuc
of little things. A few years Inter the poem bod been translated Into many
Inugiinges, nnd generations have recited nnd sung It lu all the civilized
countries of the world. Mrs. Cnruey's husband, who wus a Universalis!
minister, died nt (Jnlesburg lu 1S71.
Labor Ciiuilldate Who Won a Notable
Victory ill London.
Political preferment awaits the mau
of ability In Knglnnd as well as In
this country. This Is shown by the
recent election in
the Woolwich dlvl
fjSk y slon of London.
dldnte for Parlia
ment, defeated bis
oppouent. Geoffrey
ft . I'..lnnl.t
H SSSym by a majority ot
MVBrvg3 over 3,000 although
ys$jf$ffj the coustltuency
HUH IUI muiij ,)--"-
williau ciiooks. teen regarded safe
ly Unionist by a majority of nearly
3.1100. The electiou of Mr. Crooks Is
11 victory for the labor vote, which
Im '.niinl tlio London Times to say:
'The election means that the specter
that has hypnotized the conuncniai
governments has shown Itself at last
among ourselves."
Crooks was born In 1S02 anu speni
a portion of the early years or 111s
nr.. In tlio nnnrlinuse at PoDlar. After
leaving this Institution he worked at
odd Jobs until he was 14, when be
was apprenticed to n cooper, as mie
ns 1878 ho tramped from winuon 10
Liverpool In search of work. He was
then In the greatest poverty, hut be
fore that had he engaged actively In
trade agitations. He worked hard for
the dockers In the great i.onuon uock
strike aud became chairman of the
Poplar Hoard of Gardkius and other
im,! lo. Subsequently he was
elected mayor of Poplar tho first labor
mayor ever elected in ungianu. 110
then became a member of tho London
rvomtv Council nnd has since been
supported by his fellow workmen.
Mr. Croous is a man 01 iuo jouu
Hum tvne. Ho Is a ready speaker.
a skilled politician and a well-posted
social ecouomlst He neither drinks
nor smokes, but devotes all tils time
to his duties and to self Improvement,
mo aetootlon has greatly strengthened
the labor party lu England. Impress-
nc Ulion It tno vniue nnu necessity
of solidarity. During tho South Afrl
cnu war Mr. Crooks was an advocate
of tho Boer Bldo and strongly denounc
ed tho action of tho British govern
In Point of Architecture It Is In a
Class by It. elf,
One moonlight night In June, 1002,
whllo strolling through the grounds
with Charles I''. McKlui, one of the
members of tho Park Commission, we
seated ourselvesou one of those mounds
which tradition ascribes to John Quln-
cy Adams's taste In landscape architec
ture. That nfternoon crowus or people
nrraycdln Joyous costumes befitting tho
seml-troplcs hnd come from tho hot city
to rest under tbc trees 11 tut listen to tno
Saturday concert of the Marine Band.
Tho musicians, clad lu white duck,
were located In a little depression, so
that the sound of tho music rolled up
the slopes to the attentive audience,
a year beforo we had observed the
same effect at Versailles; and both the
similarities nnd the differences of the
two pictures wero being discussed ns
we sat In the quiet night, behind the
locked gntes, where not a sound from
the city streets litoke the grateful noise
of water splashing In the fountains.
On the high portico the President sat
nmld a group of dinner guests, nud the
lights of their cigars were "echoed"
by the drowsy fireflies Hitting nbout tho
grounds, only the brilliantly lighted
windows of the secretary's ofllce even
suggesting the workaday world. Tho
moonlight, shining full on tho White
House, revenlcd the harmonious Hum
of Its graceful shape.
"Tell me," I nskctl the architect,
"among the great houses that havo
bccji built during recent years hi the
80 our little errors
Lead the roul nwny
From the path of virtue.
Far In slu to stay.
Little derda of klndnraa,
Little worda of lore.
Help to make earth happy
Like tho heaven above.
general style of the While 'House
many of them larger nnd much more
costly la there any that, lu point of
architecture, surpasses It?"
"No; there Is not one In the same
class with It," he replied deliberately
a Judgment confirmed later under the
noonday sun. Century.
Zest Till frankness.
Unexpected frankness now and then
gives a special zest to the humor of
a situation lu Congress. When "Gahe"
Houck was the representative from the
Oshkosh district of Wisconsin, a pen
sion bill came before the House, to
his great vexation of spirit; for, while
his personal convictions were directly
opposed to It, his political Interests
were strong enough to whip him Into
line. On the day tbc bill came up for disposal a fellow-member met
Houck In the space behind the last
row of seats, walking back and forth
and gesticulating excitedly, bringing
his clenched right first down Into the
hollow of his left hand, to the accom
paniment of expletives which, would
hardly look well In print
"What's the trouble, Gahe?" Inquired
his friend. "Why all this excltementr
"Trouble?" snorted the Irate law
maker. "Trouble enough! That pen
sion bill Is up, and all the cowardly
nincompoops In the House are going
to vote for It It's sure to pass sure
to pass."
"But why don't you get the floor nnd
speak against It try to stop It" sug
gested the other.
"Try to stop It?" echoed Houck. "Try
to stop It? VIly. I'm one of the
cowardly nincompoops myself!" Cen
tury. Sudden Death Forbkldon.
The sultau of Turkey Insists that
every ruler or person of high political
Importance should die a natural death.
The Stampa, of Turin, says that other
manners of death are not officially rcc
ogulzed by Nlsehan Effcndl, the censor.
When King Humbert was nssassl
untcd nt Mouza, the Turkish news
papers announced .ac snd event In this
"King Humbert left the hall amid
tho frenetic cheers of the people. The
klug, much nffected, bowed several
times, aud to all appearances was Im
mediately dead."
When tho Shah of Persia was assas
sinated, the Turkish papers said: "In
the afternoon the shah drove, to his
summer palace, and there complained
of Illness. Ills corpso was seut to
One paper excelled all others by this
absurd piece euphemistic simplifi
cation: "Tlio snah felt a little 111, but
Anally his corpso returned to the
This was too much even for the
Turks, - ho keep thj phrase -as one
rf their proverbs.
Hon n Snako Stoves.
Now any ono who has looked at the
skeleton of a snake and It Is really
a very beautiful object will have been
struck by the great number of ribs,
which may bo as mauy as tea hundred
and fifty pairs. In these lies tho secret
of tho ability of the serpent to do some
of theso woudcrful thlugs. Tho lowet
end of each rib Is connected with one
of tho broad scales that run along
tho under side of a suake, and when
n rib Is twisted slowly backward. It
pushes on the scale, the edgo of the
scale catches on the grouud or what
ever object his snakeshlp may he rest
ing on, aud tho body or the snake la
pushed Just a little bit forward. Of
course, each rib moves the body but
a mere trifle; but where the ribs are
so mauy, nnd they aro moved one after
another, tho result Is Hint the snake
moves slowly but steadily ahead, St
Whcil'a woumu goes shopping, nnd
takes along some of her kin and a few
frlmds to help her select, the clerki
soou ncrjulro tho harassed look 11 rabbtl
has when the dogs surround It.
pledges of support that they will not hnvo to wait long
before they arc satisfied.
Among the smaller towns and cities of tho United Btntea people are be
ginning to realize mora and more that Isolation mrans neither superiority
nor comfort There Is a constantly growing desire to Join hands with other
localities, to be enabled at all times to coine Into actual physical contact
with the people of other centers of population, nnd to establish not only
Interurbnn communication by means of telephone service, but through a sys
tem of travel that sbnll be pleasant, easy of access and Inexpensive. v.
This sentiment Is Increasing every day. To satisfy It the eleetrlc trolley
enr has begun Its march awny from the great cities, and Its advent Into new
neighborhoods Is being welcomed wllh every demonstration of delight. It Is
Invading the mountains, the lakes, the prairies; establishing rapid transit
between villages, towns and cities, bringing the people of different counties
In dally and hourly touch with ono another, and creating for Itself a won
derful sphere of usefulness.
It has no fear of competition, even when It saucily whizzes along- pnst
towns already well provided with steam transportation, for It Invariably gets
Its share of the business, aud, more remarkable still, opens up an entirely
new trade of Its own that never could have existed without Its coming.
Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan nnd Ohio are pushing the building of
theso electric roads In a manner almost beyond belief of those to whose
notice this subject Is brought for the first time. In Illinois alone from flfly
to sixty million dollars Is now being spent In construction and mainte
nance of lutcrurban roads and half as much again Is being gathered for new
construction already planned. The people of every locality In tho State
seem to have ownkencd within the past three years to the great value of
service of this character, and every month towns are being placed within
nn hour's distance of one another that formerly were as far apart as If they
bad been separated by hundreds of miles.
The Intcrurban electric car of to-day and the roadbed on which It runs
are splendidly equipped. The cars make from thirty to fifty miles an hour
aud are lilted with the most modern air brake appliances and lighting and
heating systems. Tbc roadbed Is often as substantial and as carefully con
structed as those of Ihe best steam road service, and continuous sprinkling
service lu summer and snowplow service In winter keep It free from the an
noying conditions so often met with on routes of steam travel.
One of the valuable considerations that has turned the attention of conn-.
try towns to the great value to their people of Intcrurban trolley connections
has come through the almost Impassable condition of the country roads nt
certain times of the year. With the electric car running at stated Intervals
and connecting farming communities with main centers of population at all
times, irrespective of weather conditions, they are able to assure themselves
of steady delivery of their produce where It can command the best rates.
TWELVE Insects will cost the United States $350,000,000 this year.
The chlnchbug will draw 100,000,000 of this amount, the grasshopper
will take $00,000,000 and the hesslan fly will call for at least $50,000.
000 more. Three worms that attack the cotton plant will assess the
farmers for a total of $00,000,000 and the potato bug will eat $3,000,000 worth
of Its favorite kind of garden produce. Ten millions of dollars Is a moderate
estimate of the Injury that will be done by the apple worm, and the cater
pillar that makes cabbages Its specialty will destroy $5,000,000 worth or crisp
green heads.
The estimate, which Is conservative and under the mark. Is as follows:
Chlnchbug 1$100,000.000
Grasshopper 00.000,000
Hessian fly 60.000.000
Potato hug 8,000.000
San Jose scale 10.000.009
Grain weevil . 10.000.003
Apple worm 10.000.000
Army worm 15.000.000
Cabbage worm 5,000.000
Boll weevil (cotton) 20.000.000
Boll worm (cotton) 25,000,000
Cotton worm 15,000,000
Total $353,000,000
Uow absurd It seems that the United States government, with nn nrmy
of 05,000 men, 254 warships and more money In the treasury than any nation
. has ever before possessed, should be helpless In a tight against twelve, oh
Jectlouiible bugsl
Yet such Is the fact The Individual bug Is small, but Its "strong hold" Is
Its tremendous power of reproduction. What Is to be done In conflict with
an nrtvi tfary which Is capable of having a billion descendants In a summer?
In coulllct with such an enemy Uncle Sam finds himself In much the same
situation as that of Gulliver when he discovered that ho was at the mercy of
the Llllputlans.
Iter. Dr. Hyder of Opinion that Ameri
cana Are Not Decreaalntr.
Iter. Dr. C. J. ltyder, secretary of the
American Missionary Association, al
luding to recent alarming views of the
dally press and the weekly religious
Journals with regard to the decrease of
native population In the United States,
"Even our President called attention
to this danger. The disaster which
threatened the nation on account of the
vast flJod of foreign Immigrants, and
the fact that American people were
dying out, have presented serious con
siderations. Careful compilation, bow
ever, of the statistics does not sustain
this view. The twelfth census shows
that the birth rate In the United States
Is slightly larger In the decennial period
1600 to 1000 than In that of 1830 to
1800. Another Interesting feature Is
that the greatest Increase occurred In
the northeastern group of the States,
Including New England. This, again, Is
contrary to a preconceived opinion. It
has been assumed that, especially In
New Eugland, tho birth rate and so
the native population was decreasing.
These facts show that the great prob
lem Is still among the dependent pco
plo In our own land, nnd does not arise
from the rapid Incrense of foreigners.
Tho birth rate among the negroes Is
vastly larger than that among the
whites. The national problem stilt
abides In the South land, and Is that of
the Christian education and elevation
of the colored people."
Itecent Work In Australia lias Dean
of Volua to Gold Fields.
An unparalleled engineering feat has
recently been achieved In Australia
of Immense value to the gold fields.
The Coolgardlo water scheino Is to
Australia what the famous Assuan
dam Is to Egypt The remarkable
feat of pumping 0,000,000 gallons of
water a day for a distance of 330
miles, from the Helena ltlver to Kal
goorlle, has been accomplished by
English engineers by menus of a great
dam, called tho Mundarlng weir,
ninety feet blgb, constructed across
the Helena Wver tweuty miles from
Perth. The reservoir capacity Is about
5,000,000,000 gallons. There are a
number ot auxiliary reservoirs and
pumping stations along the thirty-Inch
steel wator main which runs along the
railroad Hue to the goldflelds the
"richest square tnllo of earth on tho
globe" near Ktlgoorlle. The only for
NLY about fifteen years ngo, when the electric enr begun
a timid nssnult nn the Immediate suburbs of largo Cttlea,
It wan nlwnys considered doubtful whether It would
ever successfully bring people of small towns to lie
romo regular travelers If It ventured on IntcrtirlNin
work. No audi fears now hnunt tho minds of thoe
who are promoting trolley car enterprises. Prom every
part of the United Ktntes Is coming n steady demond
for Interurbnn electric service. Municipalities so small
as to ho nblo to And their way onto the tun lis only hy
sufferance ore demanding connection with larger centers
and their citizens tire coining to tho front with sttrli
$358,000,000 ANNUALLY.
eign enterprise of equal Importance Is
the Slmplon tunnel, the great burrow
which will make Switzerland and
Italy next-door neighbors. In a short
time Pullman trains will pass through
the Slmplon Alps In a few. minutes.
7,000 feet under the snow-covered-diligence
road which Napoleon Bona
parte built a hundred years ago and
which takes about ten hours to
traverse In favorable weather. This
tremendous ratbole, which passes uu
der Lake Avlno, will cost the Jura
Slmplon Railroad over $15,000,000.
Collier's Weekly.
"Solid hy Inclosed Girl."
An East Side druggist Is preparing
a unique scrap book. It contalus the
written orders of some customers of
foreign birth, and these orders are
both curious and amusing. Hero are
some that are copied, from the orig
inals: "I have a cute pain In my child's
diagram. Please give my sou some
thing to release It."
"Dear Docther, pies glf bearer flvo
sense worth of Auntie Toxyn for garlo
baby's throat and obleage."
"My little baby has cat up Its fa
ther's parish plaster. Send an anec
dote quick as possible by the Inclosed
"This child Is my little girl. I send
you Ave cent to buy two sltless pow
ders for a groan up adult who Is
"You will please give the lettle bol
Ave cents' worth of epecac for to
throw up In a Ave months old babe.
N. B. The babe has a sore stummlck."
"I bnf a hot time In my lnsldes and
wlch I wood like It to bo extinguished.
What ts good for to extinguish It? The
Inclosed money Is the price of the ex
tinguisher. Uurry pleas." New York
Oullded Ilctter Than He Knew.
A Wednesbury, England, resident In
tho sixteenth century left $1,000 to pro
ride annually on Bt. Thomas' day
three gowns and three coats to Indi
gent persons of the parish. Following
the custom of the times tho money
was Invested In land (In this case lu
minerals), and the original legacy has
Increased In value to $30,000. lustead
ot the threo gowns and three coats tho
charity commissioners who' administer
the funds are able to present 200
gowns and sixty coats.
It was so cold In Chicago recently
that a pickpocket who happened to
touch a $10 gold piece Immediately
froze to It