Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 08, 1903, Image 4

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    Bohemia Nugget
Comprehensive Review of tbt Import
ant Happenings ol the Putt Week,
Presented In Condensed Form, Most
Ltksly to Prove Interesting.
Portland Innndrymen havo locked out
tholr employes.
Russia expects war with Glilnannd la
preparing lor It.
Nearly COO tenants wore evicted In
the Now York tenement district May 1
Fifty half-naked Doukhobora arts on
n "toarch for Jostis," near Sasakatoon,
N. W. T.
Tlio Merchants stnto bank at Free
man. 8. I)., was raided by robbers.
Tlioy secured about (3,000 and oecaped
Tlio sixtieth anniversary of the
founding of civil government on tlio
Pacific coatt was rolebrateil at Cham
pocg, Oregon, May 2.
John Firman. 26 year a old, living at
Patercon, N. J., has two bwrts I eating
In hia own breast, lie la a ttno speel
men of physical manhood and oonstint-
ly enjoys good healt".
A bell east by Paul Kevere, that had
been in constant use since Its making
is being recast at Troy N. Y. The
Leominster Congregational church, in
the belfry of which it hung, was burned
a short time ago.
Turkey has proclaimed martial law
In Salonica.
An earthquako in Chile caused heavy
properly loss.
rottmaster General Tayno has nn
earthed scandal in the Washington
Labor troubles tro seriously affecting
business in many of the cities through
out the United States.
Six passengers were injured in a col
lision between an electric car and a
Lai e Shore train In Chicago.
Fruit and garden track in tlio Arkaan
sas valley, Colorado, have been rorious
ly damaged by frott. The loss is esti
mated at more than 500,000.
W. J. Teter', an experienced geo
grapher and scientist, will be sent by
the National geographical society with
the Zeigler Arctic expedition.
Forty persons have Ixen arretted fol
lowing the robbery of the Wells, Fargo
express company at Silao, Mexico, of
(42,000. All but (11.000 was recovered.
Pour Persona Killed and Many Injured at
Cleveland, O,, May 6, An explosion
that caused death and destruction oc
curred In the torpedo plant of the Thor
manufacturing company at tit" Orango
street this afternoon. Thus far four
perrons ato dead, whllo 27 others arc
lying In hospitals, somo fatally and
others more or less seriously injure!
The Thor manufacturing company Is
engaged In the manufacture of toy tor
pedo canes and other explosives. Tlio
company was in the midst of its busiest
season, and extra girls nero being em
The fcrco of the explosion was tro
mciulous, and windows within a radius
of a quarter ol a mtlo were broken. In
a house on Orango street next to the
factory lived Maurice Cohen, his wife
and eight children. With the collapse
of the house simultaneously with tlio
explcsion tne woman and four children
nero caught In tho falling partitions
and all were horribly bruised. All
were taken out unconscious. Three of
this family aro dead.
Tho firo which caused the explosion
oiiginated in a peculiar manner, lhe
torpedo caps are filled in molds and
there is constant danger of some loose
powder, supposed to bo fulminate cf
mercury, dropping on the Door, for
this reaton the girls and boys who are
employed In the factory are compelled
tc remove their shoes while at work so
as to avoid striking sparks. The ex
plosion was due to the frolicsome pro
pensities of a new girl, who had been
employed at the plant less than a week.
Somo of the girls had their shoes on
at the lunch hour, and one playfully
shoved another. As the girl slid
along the floor her shoes struck a spark
in some loose powder. Instantly the
lloor was aolaie." The flames were
easily subdued by the firemen after
the explosion, as there was cothing
eft of the factory but a pile of debris.
The property loss will not exceed
want man PRICU5.
Government Publishes First Contour ."Up
With Recent Data.
Over two Dlocks of buildings in West
Point, Va., the York river terminus of
tne Southern railway, are- in ashes as
tho result of a fire of nnknown origin.
The loss is (125,000.
Regulations in regard to matches in
New York now provide that no one
without a license can sell or give them
away. Retailers may not sell more
than 1,000 In a box. Tho splints most
be strong, ami the heads must not fly
A train on the Panhandle railroad
was derailed at the crossing of the Bal;
timore oi Utile near Columbus, U
Baggagemaster John Gallagher, of
Xenia, James Moran, fireman, of Cin
cinnati, and Charles Keck, engineer,
also of Cincinnati, were severely In
Rebels in Turkey are fighting with
bombs, blowing up everything within
their reach.
Secretary of the Navy Moody will
visit the coast with President Itoose
lelt and inppect naval stations.
Two masked robbers secured a pack
age containing (10,000 from thejfJnited
States express agent at Britt, Iowa,
nsar Des Moines.
The powder works at Hollidaysburg,
Pa., wau wrecked by an explosion.
Nine persons were killed outright and
20 others injured, several fatally.
Between 70 and 80 naval recruits
have placed in double irons at Boston
as the result of a mutiny which broke
out on the receiving ship Wabash.
The dead at Frank, Canada, from the
landslide now number 03, and this
number may be increased. Slides con
tinue and rescue work is very slow.
Forest fires in Pennsylvania have
caused great loss of life and property.
Watsonville and Simpson have both
been entirely wiped out by the flames.
Hlmpwn is in the oil region.
A party of five Americana and five
Japanese wero attacked by Chinese GO
miles from Canton. They barricaded
themselves in a temple and were later
rescued by Cbinote troops.
Irving M. Scott, of San Francisco,
builder of the battleship Oregon, is
William 11. Hearst, of newspaper
fame, was married In New York to Miss
Milllccnt WiiBOn.
A movement Is on foot in Portland to
organize an association of employers to
resist growing power of unions.
Investigation of boodlers continues in
Missouri and Illinois.
Three blocks, practically the entire
business portion of Melbourne, la.,
was destroyed by file. Tho loss is
Twenty peop'e gathered almut the
coffin of Mrs. Martin Meyerhoffer at
Chicago were precipitated into tho cel
lar with the corpso by tho giving away
of tho floor. Bovon wero injured.
More ssriouB rioting has occurred at
French mouaeterlia.
President Roosevelt will 'lay the
corner stone for a Y. M. O. A. building
at Topoka, Kan., during the session of
lhe international convention ot the
railroad It. M. C. A., April 30 to May
3, in that city. .
Glorannl Banale has askod a New
York magistrate for permission to carry
a revolver.' Ills life has been threat
ened for causing the arrest of five Ital
ians, who, ho says, attempted lo ex
tort money for defenso of prisioners in
the Aladuuna murder case.
A great ovation was accorded King
Edward on his arrival In Rome.
Washington, May 5. A new map ol
Aaska on a scale of 40 miles to the Inch
has Just been completed by the United
States geological survey. It is the first
contour map of Alaska yet made, the
relet being shown by contour lines rep
resenting vertical intervals of l,0uO
feet. In the construction of this map,
which was prepared by E. C. Barnard,
topograpner, all available information
was used, lhe maps of the United
States coast and geodetic survey, cov
ering Southeastern Alaska and tbe
coast were extensively utilized. With
in tbe coast line the map is bated prin
cipally on surveys and reconnaissance
:i.apa made by tbe geological survey.
Other sources of information were the
maps of tbe army, the navy, the reve
nue marine service and the British gov
ernment. After all the anthorative
data had been used there still remained
large areas where the topographic feat
ures had to be based upon sujh general
information as could be obtained.
The map will be printed in colors,
the streams, lakes and glaciers being
snown in Dine, me cultural leatnres in
black, and the contour lines in browa
Tbe characteristic features of Alaska
topography are well shown by tbe map
At one glance one sees tbe deep river
like fiords in tbe southeastern part
the bold, almost precipltious, front
presented to the Noith Pacific ocean by
the St. Elias range; the deep interior
valleys, scarcely more tlian a thousand
feet above tbe sea; tbe Alaskan range,
with its culminating peak, Mount Mc-
Kinley, 20,000 feet in altitude: the
great valley cf the Yukon, with its
tundras sloping to Behring sea; the
Endicott range, dividing the Yukon
valley from the tundras sloping to the
Arctic ocean; and tbe great horn of
the Aleutian islands, reach. ng at Attn
island to tbe other side of the world
in longitude 172 degrees east, almost
the longitude ol Auckland, New 7.ea
land, the latitude 63 degrees north
being about the same as that of Liver
Had a Bomb Factory.
Salonica, May 6. The number of
Bulgarians killed during tbe recent
dynamite riots Is now estimated at 100.
A complete bomb manufacturing plant
has been discovered in a shoemaker's
shop, communicating by an under
ground passage with the Ottoman bank,
It is feared that the presence of the
three Austrian warships which have
arrived here will encourage tho Bui
garians to irritate the Turks, who up
to the present time have behaved
nation County fruit and Wool Men Or
ganize Unions tor Mutual llcncrit,
Union among producers to compel
comrtetltlon among buyers was the
watchword at the meetings of fruit'
growers and woolgrowera In Salem last
Saturday. Tho produ era propose
stand together for thoir mutual benefit
and to compel buvera to bid against
each ether for tho produce they have to
sell. To secure the highest price tho
market will warrant la tho purpose,
and those who are Identified with tho
unions fool confident of a successful
outcome of the co-operative movement
About 50 earners of sheep met and
organized the Marion county woolgroW'
era' association. A sales committee
was appointed. Committees wero also
appointed to draft resolutions as a basis
for the organization and to prepare
constitution. A largo committee, com
posed of residents of different parts of
the county, will lie appointed to solicit
The Salem fruitgrowers' union, which
was organized last year, held a meet
ing to discuss the methods of disposing
of thie year's crop of berries and cher
ries. It was the general opinion that
competition must govern the prices, but
after tho early fruit has been disposed
of the Salem cannery will be given the
preference at the same price that shall
be offered by shippers.
The growers were a unit in voicing
their loyalty to the cannery and assert
ed their intention to give the cannery
tbeir patronge, provided that Die pro
prietor would meet the prices of ship
pers. Pome of the early fruit will be
shipped fresh, while the prices are
high, Dut after that tbe fruit will be
offered to the cannery in preference to
shipping fresh, the price being tho
same or better. An earnest desire for
the success ot tho cannery was ex
presold by many, for the' reason that
this enterprise furnishes a market for
the fruit and prevents a glut in the
local market. A determination to pro
duce a better quality of fruit was .also
Conger's Report Confirmed.
Washington, May 6. It is learned
that Mr. Conger's original statement of
the Ituisian demands has very recently
received further eupjort In the sbapo
of leveral reports from different souces
all official but the state department
feels bound to accept without question
that explanation of the Russian govern
meut as made through Its ambassador
here, and through Count Lamsdorfx In
ht. Petersburg, and does not feel called
upon to make any further representa
tions at present upon this subject.
Plague Appears Again.
Mazatlan, May 6. There is much
alarm here over tho reappearance of
the plague. Two persons who were
rervlng at tho quarantine observation
station wero attacked. Another case
of plague has also apr eared in tho city.
News has just reiched this city that a
men wis suffering from the p'ague at
tho Zapoto rai.cli, near Siqueros. lie
was rtmoved to tho lazaretto, and many
people who had Intercourse with the
sick people will be quarantined.
Volcano Breaks Out.
San Francisco, May 5. Tho Santa
Maria volcano In Guatemala has broken
out again. The news was brought to
this city by tho steamer San Juan,
which left Champerico on the afternoon
of April 17, the day the fresh emptlons
it said to nave taken place. Couriers
from tho Interior brought word (hat
the volcano bad broken out, that a
storm of athos was falling and that the
inhabitants of tbe surrounding country
wero panic stricken.
Harnessed Streams Will dive Light and
Motion to Southern Oregon Cities.
An agreement for the sale of tho en
tire plant and equipment of the Ash
land electric power and light company
to the Siskiyou electric power and light
company has been entered into between
representtaivea of the two companies.
The California company. It Is under
stood, takes over the entire stock of the
local company and pays a substantial
premium over the faco value for It.
The California company iadevcloplng
extensive power on J-ull creek and
Klamath river on the south side of the
Siskiyou mountains which will be
transmitted across the mountains to the
valley, supplying mines and small
towns on the way with light 'and now
r, including the towns of Klamathon
and Hornbrook and a number of quartz
mills in that vicinity.
The Churchill Bros., bankers, of Sis
kiyon county, and Alex Rosenborougb,
of Oakland, Cal., are tbe controling in
nuences in tbe new company, and they
claim to have available In the waters
of Fall creek and Klamath river total
horsepower resources of 22,000 which
It is proposed to develop and with it
promote electric railways and manu
facturing enterprises throughout South
ern Oregon and Northern California.
Bids Opened on Land.
The state land board Tuesday opened
bids for the purchase of sections 16 and
38, in township 31 south, range 9 west,
and section 10, in township 31 south,
range 10 west, which townships were
recently surveyed. 1 here were several
bids, ranging from 2.50 to (4.25, the
land being sold at the latter figure. It
is understood that there are several
homesteaders on the land and that the
purchasers from tbe state will have a
Olfta to Willamette University.
President John Coleman, of Willam
ette university, Salem, has announced
the receipt of subscriptions to tbe uni
versity debt to the amoont of (3,000.
These subscriptions were conditioned,
however, upon the total debt being sub
scribed by June 1. A week ago the
amount unsubscribed was (7,000. The
new subscriptions rednce this to (4,000,
and if this sum can bo raised by June 1
Willamette will celebrate tbe coming
commencement freo from. debt. Great
efforts will bo made to accomplish this
Larger Appropriations tor Agricultural
Premiums-Interest Increasing.
Tho stnto fair tlili fall will mean
muro to Oregon as an advertising medi
um than It ever has before. The I urge
Immigration now coming to Ibis state
gives the people of thedifferent sections
of Oregon an opportunity to rcptoaont
their resources and advantages to a
large numlier of new-comers at compar
atively little cost. A majority ot those,
who come to tho coast seeking new
homes do not invest until attur they
have spout several weeks or oven
months looking arcund. Their desire
Is to find tho locality that will suit
their Individual preferences and occu
pations best. Through the annual state
fair It will bo possible to present, In a
attractive form, information regarding
tlio Industries ol every county in tho
state, and by visiting the fair, strang
ers will learn more about tho different
localities than they could In any other
way at the same expeiue.
The last legislature Increased the
state fair appropriation from (8,000 a
year to (10,000, and it is provided that
all this sum must bo offered and award
ed as premiums for agricultural Mid
other industrial products. Tho Increase
in tho appropriation for premiums Is
sufficient to make it certain that it the
season bo. favorable to crops, this year's
lair will Lm ahead of anything yet had.
Big MII1.1 Start Up.
The big planing mill and sash and
door factory of Williams Bros. A Ken-
lall, in Uranta rasa, have begun opera
tions. While not all ( tho machinery
has been installed, enough is in place
to allow work to begin that tho owners
of tho mills may make a start on the
long list ot orders for building material
they havo on hand. These mills are
tho second in size ot their class on the
Pacific coast. They contain over 30
machines ot various kinds, up-to-date
and ot the best pattern, for cutting
and finishing all grades.
i Balsley-Elkhorn to Resume.
Tho Balsley-Elkhorn mino. which
has been tied np in litigation for more
than two years, will resumo operations
-May l. bencral Manager I laves, who
is also the principal owner of tho prop
erty, was formerly president and mana
ger of the Bonanza mine. lie sold out
his interest in tho Bonanza about a
year ago, and he was then in a position
to take advantage of tho opportunity
offered to become the princitial owner
of the Balsley-Elkhorn. A tunnel
about IH miles long is to bo driven
Into the mountain.
Uovernment Surveyors at Albany.
A government surveying parly, con
slating of C. II. Sender, C. P. Jones,
A. O. Patterson, Frank Neel and Rav
Telford, lain Albany preparing to make
survey of that part of the valley.
The survoy is for a general topograph
ical map, and lines will bo run out
from Albany in all directions 224 feet
above tbe sea level.
Wants to Know Why China Rejects Her
London, May 4. In a dispatch from
l'eklu the correspondent of tho Times
anys that 111 tin Interview hold on Wed
nesday with nil tho milliliters of Ihu
Chlnoio olllce, M. Planchon, Russian
charge d'affaires, pressed tor reasons
for tho rejection tit tho Russian do
itmnds. Tho ministers replied that
they were utmhlo lo give tho reasons
separately. M. l'lanchon then, on bo
hull of his government, requested n
statement ot China's Intentions, tint,
tho contemplated alteration In tho gov
ernment of Mongolia! second, the noli
altcnntlon by lease, concession or other
wise ot any portion ot the I.laoti valley
to any other power, and, third, the
opening ol new treaty orts In Man-
To tho first clauso tho ministers re
plied that tho alteration had not re-
cehisl Imperial sanction) lo the second,
that China had no Intention ot alienat
ing any ot her territory! and to tho
third, that the opening ot porta would
depend upon trado developments.
M. l'lanchon protested to bo satisfied
with these ansHots, but the Chinese
are still uncomfortable, knowing how
impossible It Is for her to resist Rus
sia's demand. It Is announced that
M. 1-oesar, the Russian mlnlstor to
China, Ii returning to l'eklu, and that'
the fulfillment ot tho terms of tho
Manchurlan convention will bo post
poned until alter his arrival and will
result from Ills negotiations.
"Tho fact that Russia now appears
anxious to repudiate the orders given
M. l'lanchon," concludes tlio Times
correspondent, "does not moan that her
demands have boon ab-indoncd; by
thoso orders Russia has acquainted
China with what she expects."
Fast Cutting the Timber.
Van Houten & Messenger have re
ceived tho machinery for a new raw-
mill, to be erected in the timber east of
Union with a capacity ot 20.000 feet
per day. A number of otner mills are
going in, and within a month it is esti
mated there will be eight sawmills in
operation near that city.
Varney Cannot Be President.
Rev. George R. Varney has sent a
note to the board of trustees of the
McMinnville college, refusing to allow
bis name to be used as a successor ot
President Boardman. Mr. Varney had
previously been elected pastor of the
New Whatcom Baptist cliarch. which
refused to release him.
Wheat YTaila Walla. 7071c; bin
stem, 76 8c; valley, 67fle.
Barley Feed, (21.50 per ton; brew
ing, (23.
Floor Best grade, (3.P5Q4.25, grah
am, (3.4593.85.
Millatuffs Bran. IIS per ton:
middlings, ( 24: shorts. 410.60320.
chop, (18.
Oats No. 1 white, (1.16 Q 1.20:
gray, (1.12XOI.16 per cental.
Hay Timothy, (13913.60: clover.
iugn; cnaat, ngiz per ton.
rotate s zsest uurbanks, 50c per
sack; ordinary, 2540c per cental,
growers' prices; Merced sweets, (3
3.50 per cental.
Ponltry Chickens, mixed, 11912c;
young, l3Mc; bens, 12c; turkeys,
live, lCQ17c; dressed, 2022c; ducks,
t3i.ov per dozen; geese, suaa.ou.
Cheese Full cream, twins. 16
as been agitated considerably by Cor-r 17c; Yonng America, 17 17 He;
vallis, Independence, Amity, McCoy, factory prices, lQltfc less.
iMCJiinuviuu uhu .iiunmuuiii, is again i nutter rancy creamery, zzc per
ueing laneii up. mo uiauer win ue pound; extras, Vic; dairy, 2U2Zic;
Charge of Doodling Against Builders of
Philippine Uunboats.
Victoria, II. C, May 4. Tno Jap
aneee papers publish stories to the
effect that tho American officers sent
over to watch the construction ot the
Manila gunboats for th United States
("by the Uruguay dock company were
bribed and pas! work which resulted
in structural defects in tho first gun
The Niroku Shlmpo says that three
United States olllcora snerlntondcd tl
construction ol tho first gunboat am!
somo Japanese officers who took hor to
Manila saw that, although outwardly
tho vessel was well constructed, there
were somo detects. They reported
vi asmngton, and new inspectors wero
sent, and the f( ur gunboats now on t)
stocks are being reconstructed at
heavy loss to the builders. The Japa
Mall discredits the stories ol bribing.
One Hundred and I'orty.t'Ke Ihousand
People Present Cold Weather Only
Drawback to Complete Succesaof the
Day Met en Thuusand Troop Re
viewed by the President.
Desire Better Train Service.
Tiie matter of train service, which
brought bef Jre the officers at San Fran
Strike In Bohemia Mine.
The Crystal consolidated mining
company, of Cottage Grove, Is in re
ceipt of information fiom Bohemia that
a four foot vein of base ore has Just
been struck In its lower tunnel.
Outfitting at Eugene.
Colonel A. B. French, ot the coast
geodetic and georgaphical survey, Is
now In Eugene making preparations
and outfitting for a trip to the regions
of the Blue river and Bohemia mines,
where he will make some surveys for
the government. lie will have 0 to
25 men In his party.
River Strikers Won at Lb Orande
The striking river drivers have again
gone to work, having won their terms
from Manager Murphy, of tbe urande
Rondo lumber company. They are to
have (3.50 per day and board and lose
no lime. They will also receive wages
and expenses tor tho six days of the
strlko spent In town.
store, 16918c.
Eggs 16917c per dozen,
Hops Choice, 18920c per pound.
Wool Valley, 12X9160; Eastern
Oregon, 8914Kc; mohair, 3536c.
Beef Gross, cows, 34u per
pound; steers, 4i5c; dressed, 7?ic.
Veal 8'8c.
Mutton Gross, 77)c per pound,
dressed, 890c.
Lambs Gross, 4c per pound;
dressed, 7Kc
liogn Gross, 77Kc per pound.
ret Words in l.lteruture.
There are pet words In literature
words which become tbe fashion for a
time and then take rank again In ob
scurity. Thus In .tho clghleeulh cen
tury we find such words as "vastly,"
"hugely," "the quality," "genteel," etc.
"Elegant" still lingers conspicuously In
America and In HnglAnd at the present
time especial favor seems to he shown
to "convincing," "weird" and "strenuous."
Will Be Finished by Next Independence
Day If Possible.
Chicago, May 4. A dispatch from
Washintgon, D. C, soya: By July
there vill lie direct cable communica
Mnn between tho United States and
the Philippine islands. This promise
has been made by Vlco President Ward
of tho Postal cablo company, during a
extended conlerence with tho assistant
secretary of tho navy.
Sinco tho cablo was opened to Hono
lulu tho work of laying the cable from
Hawaii across tho Pacific has proceeded
with great rapidity. Tho present plan
is to time things, so it will lie possible
to make the Fourth of July, 1603. in
Manila memorable by tho establish
mcnt of communication with tho home
government, through an American di
lect cable.
Fire Destroys Oil Wells. .
Bradford, Pa., May 4. Late advices
from Watsonville, the town reported to
have been wiped out by fire, indicate
that it escaped almost miraculously
from the fate which had been predlctod
loi It. ll.o property losros In tho vl
cinity, however, aro large. Mount
Jewott also escaped with small lossos,
But in the vicinity of Simpson and
Bingham lito destruction rf oil prop-
crty was completo over a wldo area
It is estimated that at least 1,000 oil
wells in Mckean county wero do
American Case on Alaska.
Washington, May 4. Tho caso of tho
United States, which is to lie laid bo
foro the Alaskan boundary commission
Is completed, and was today dellveied
at tho British embassy hero. At tho
Bame tlmo the British caso was turned
over in London to tho American om
bassy. The next steps will be tho pre
paratlon of tho counter cates, and tlieyj
must lio delivered, one In Washington,
and one In London, July 3 next. All
this Is preparatory to the meeting of
tho Joint commission In London on
September 3 next.
Surplus Still Orows.
Washington, May 4 Tho monthly
statement of government finances shows
that for the month of April, 1003, tho
total receipts were (43,420.100 and the
expenditures (41,7(13,814, leaving n
surplus for tho month of (1,503,280
Custom receipts showed an increaco for
tlio month ol (1,U4U,U0U, and tho In
ternal levenuo receipts a decreao of
$3,102,000. For tho 10 months of tho
present fiscal year tho receipts exceeded
the expenditures by (35,410,040,
dunboat to the Rescue.
Pekln, May 4. The United Statos
consul at Canton has notified Minister
Conger that a mob recently attacked a
party of onglneers at work Tin tho Can-
ton-Hanow railroad. The United States
gunboat Callao was dispatched to tbo
nearest point up the river to aid tho
engineers. Mr. Conger has requested
tho Chineso foreign ofllco to invoatigato
the matter and instruct tho vlcoroy
give the eiigincorsjirotectloii.
Ht. MU, May 1. Tho buildings ol
tlio Uulslann Pnrcharo Kxpnsltlou
wero yesterday formally dedicated to
their purpose with nil possible potiij
and cuiemuny. In ovciy way save tine
tho exeiclsea wero an unequivocal sue
toss, mm una lino circuinitancu was
tho weather. It would bo difficult I
imagine a inoro disagreeable day
I ho wind blow fiercely from tho west
rending grtMit clouds of dust whirling
Into tho faces ot tho troops as they
inarchiHl past the president, and at
times so nearly blinding tho president
that it was well high ItniHisslblo for
him to sen across tlio street upon whirl:
tho troops wero marching.
Added to tho discomfort ot tho wind
and dust, was a temperature wlilcl
sought (or tho marrow and generally
reached It. Tho ladles who, on tl
strength of tho warm weather of thv
day before, came In summer dravs to
tho reviewing stand, suffered keenly
and but tor the tlioughtfuliioss of tli
officers commanding tho guard throw
around tho reviewing stand, who pro
vlded them with blankets, many ol
them on 11 have been compelled to
leave the plaee. Both President Room
velt and ex-President Cleveland
iiiaintHl In the reviewing stand oxoeed
to tho ley wind until tho end ot th
parade, although their (area were blue
and their limbs stiffened by tho cold
Conditions In tho Liberal arta biilldln
wboro tbo dedication coremoniu proer
wero hold, wero little bettor. There
was no wind, but there were manifold
drafta which added to tbo dampness In
Hoperable from newly-erected build
lugs, produce! a penotrating chill that
was uncomfortable! to a degree. Tli
effect ol this was evident in all rf Ih
speeches, as tho speakers, commencing
their speeches in clear tones, were
without exception given over to catarrh
al inllectlons before they fin lulled.
Despite this heavy handicap, how
ever, tho ceremonies proper wore snlon
dldly handled and tlio programme was
carried out to tho letter. Tho pollc
work was excellent and tho patrolling
oi the avenues and passageways by the
First Missouri Infantry was ably done
and all posslblo consideration show
the great croud.
The great military parade, whirl
was designed to ho distinctively the
show spectacle of tho dodlranry cere
monies, prove-d to Imj all that Us pro-
moters could wish, and all that tli
regular army olllctr who controlled it
could hope for. The sight of tli
marching thousands from the joint oc
cupied liy rrealdonl Hoosevelt's review
ing sianu was onn long to tni remem
bered. For a half nil In to tho left and
for an equal dlitanco to tho right, the
winding column was In complete view
The president watched the march past
with eager attention. Kvory well-set
rank (and nearly all wero sol. every ac
curate formation (and very few were
not accurate), elicited his liouty com
mendatlnn. From end to end of the
line of march tho cheers of the itn
tnenso crowd wore as cordial as tho
president s approval.
ibero wero 11,000 men in llno-
3,100 regulars and 7.UD0 of tl
National guard, Now York being renre
rented by 1,000 officers and men; Jill
nols, 1,000; Iowa, OHO; Missouri. 3,
000; Oklahoma, 2,200; Ohio, 1,000
lhe formation throughout was In col
iiniii of platoons, of all arms, at half
dlstanco, tho infantry marching 10 file,
and tho cavalry 12 troojiers front.
Has Told Two Stories.
Pekln, May 2. Tho denial from fit
Petersburg of the authenticity of the
Russian demands on China previous to
the evacuation of Manchuria has cicat
cd comment among the members ot the
Interested legations. Tho day tho de
nial was issued, Al. l'lancon. tho Hits
slan charge d'affaires, admlttod to his
col leagued that their information on the
subject was correct. Prince Chlnir
tho grand recrotory, purposos urgently
to request Russia to proceed with the
restoration of the government of Man
churla to China, as per agreement.
Should Join M lilt la.
Columbus, O., May 2. Governor
Nash today urged the mombers of tho
Amalgamated association ot Iron and
ateelworkors to Join the militia. Tlu
governor, aftor referring lo tlio Imnros
Hlon prevailing that, tho military and
organized labor aro antagonistic, said:
"I want you to study , this matter care
fully, gentlemen, and see if you do not
bellevo that your duty la tho same as
tho duty of other citlzena of the conn
try. I knew you aro as anxious to en
force the laws of tho ttato as I am."
New Hands Turned Down.
Chicago, May 2. Effective nickeling
nraued on an alleged eliort on tho part
oi tno management ol the Deorlne liar
voster works to Introduce nearly 150
workmen to the twlno department ol
tho plant Just alter dawn today. VVhon
tbo men appeared before 5 o'clock, pro
pared to go to work, thoy wero mot by
uoiogaiion oi strikers and turned
way. hfforts of the strikers are now
being directed toward bringing about
similar conditions at other factories.
Tyner Has Collapsed.
Washington, May 2. Judgo Jamos
N. Tyner, recently dismissed from the
government service while holding tho
position of assistant attornoy general
for tho postcfllco department. Is criti
cally ill. Ills health has been very
poor slnco last July, wlion ho suffered
stroke of paralysis. Tho strain on
ills system which preceded and fob
lowed his dismissal lias been too much
tor him, and he is almost completely
I'ltty-SU l.bcs are Lost by Strange Die
inter to Crows Nrst Coal I Kid - l!n
trance to Cost Mine Hurled Under I (10
Feet of Huge Rinks Either Upheaval
ot Limestone or Earthquake.
Frank, N. W. T April 30. This
plain was visited yesterday morning by
tho worst disaster that has ever been
known lu any community In Western
Canada, )slhly In the entire Domin
ion. What was either a land or rock
slide ot such glgautlu magnitude as to
bo utterly lucoiieedvablo In tint mind ol
any whosn iiyo has not bedield It, or n
slide Induced by a seismic upheaval,
killed 611 people, doitroyed tho plant ol
the Canadian-American coal and e-okn
inmpauy, did a vart amount ot damage
to the mine and completely devastated
about ten iquaro miles of the llnent and
most picturesque section of the Crow's
Nest pass.
Thu cntaitieplia eaiuu at 1:15 yester
day mninlug, when residents ol the
town were awakened by a deafening tu
mult and a shaking of buildings which
It seemed would rattle them Into com
plete demolition. Of all the town's In
habitants, uumlierli'i nearly 1,000, not
ouo professes to havo reached thu out
side of his doiiiliilo lu time to sen any
part of what took place, Lut when day
dawned It tins seen that the whole sldit
ol Turtle mountain hail fallrd away
and that tho country eiteiidlng from
the eastern exlgn of tho town for two
miles don n thn pass and entirely across
the pass, a distance ol two miles or
more from tho mountain, lay hurled
iMineath rink and debris ol various
kinds for a depth varying from 25 In
100 feet.
The V ul mines ot the Canadian
American dial and cokn I'limpany, or
mora proily the seam bedng worked,
intends along the side of Turtle) moun
tain in a parallel direction. It Is a
vertical vein and Is norked from a tun.
net up. It was Immediately over
the workings that the mountain fell
away, burying them to a depth ol mora
than 100 fret. As there is no geologi
cal ezwrton the ground, It la Impossi
ble to deti'imlnn tho trim character of
the forio eioitinl. Many hold to tho
Udlef that It was an earthquake which
caured the mountain to fall away, oth
ers believe It to havo been a limestone
upheaval, whllo others think it was
simply a slide caused possibly by thu
1 1 inn rock slaking under tbo Inlliiiuo of
thu thawing weather (if spring.
Dig Their Way Out.
It was at first Minted that the death
roll was swelled by the total number til
men at work In the mine, 17, and that
tho mine had been ruined by tlio walla
squeezing togither tinder tho terrific
strain, but happily both proved untrue
later In tlio day, when the men rescind
themselves and brought out a report eil
tho condition of tbo mine. Had thn
mino Ix'eu ruined it would have meant
a loss to thn company of about (.1,000,
000, but, as it Is, the mino will I) re
opened, and it is thought tho actual
loss lo the company will not exceed
(250,000, II It amounts to so much.
Tho imprisoned miners eca el by dig
ging ihelr way to thn surface from thn
upper worklnga. Some were Injured,
hut none seriously.
Tho Canadian Pacific railway la a
heavy lotor by the disaster. Two miles
of lino was burled from 60 to 100 fret
deep, nnd n new lino will have to bo
located and built. Tho entire loss re
sulting from tho disaster, it Is estimat
ed, will amount to (1.000,000, If not
considerably more.
Pavjie Starts Reform.
Washington. May 1. The postmaster
general today Issued an order In which
ho says that reports havo reached him
that there are perrons doing duty in tho
department who aro carried on tho
rolls either of tlio Washlniitn cltv or
other pottolllces. who aro emi.loved
under a specific appropriation for other
purposes than department servlco In
Wash ngtnn. and that lemliiatlmi nf
this practice, wherever It mists. In
llroctod. As a result of the order, four
employes ot tho -Washington postolllce
were uroppod irom tho rolls today.
Castro 1'tres Consuls.
Washington, May 1. Information
has reachol the state department from
Caracas to thu effect that tho Venezuel
an government has retired the exequut
ora of several foreign consuls on tho
ground of alleged Intorfou-nco In tho
nterual affairs (it tho country. Tlmm
Is somo apprehension tliat these rntlro.
munts, although within tho legal right
ot thn Venezuelan government, will
tend to prevent a restoration of thn
former friendly relations between Vim.
ozuula and somo ot tho powers.
Blizzard on Prairies.
Lincoln, Nob.. Mav 1. A hi Izrnril.
xtnndlng over tho entire western part
f tho state, set In emrlv tndav. and still
contlnuoi, Trains nn tlio Ilurllnirton
to tho Northwost urn delaved. Thn
snow west and north of flrokon Bow Is
two Inches deep. The storm also t.
tends through Wyoming, Colorado,
South Dakota. Iowa. ..Kansas. Mlntm.
sola and Wlscoi.sln. Frost lias ninned
fruit and damaged young grain crops
Western Union Stands Pat,
Illltte. May 1. There Ih nnnlmnirn l,i
hu strike situation ot the Western
Onion. F. V. Moflltt. of tbo Westnru
Union, says that no altemnt will bo
made to reopen tho olflco In this cltv
until ho Is assured that tho oflho run
keep oiien permanentlv. Tl 1U lillsInntH
ot the city Is still rnmowhat crippled,
though thu I'obibI is giving fairly good
sorvlco. Tlio Postal will complete
another wire to Helena this wsok,