Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 08, 1903, Image 2

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Tbcro oro no servants required In
castles la the air.
America, deemed It ft wine precaution
to mnlulnln a tight hold oil hi loose
change. These things are very easy
to understand ..'lien you have lived
somo time In America and Imre had
experience with foreign visitor.
All tliu world's n tinge, nnd all the
men would like to bo uiattnco heroes,
If all tbo offensive plays are to be
egged, tho American hen must proceed
to work over time.
Prof. Wnllnco's Idea that the earth
la at tho'ecntor of the unlverso does
not surprlso lloston.
When pcoplo become so wealthy
that their children do not freckle, they
may consider themselves autocrats.
The man who nays what he believes
nliout you Is almost as exasperating
as the noonle who believe what he
As both her husband and lover are
dead, of course there Is nothing left
for Mrs. Ilurdlck but to take a hand
In elevating the stage.
Tho man who whistles at his work
may not realise It, but he Is the only
cheerful man In the room after he has
whistled for twenty minutes.
Tho Czar says that we have the
greatest country. Wo are gradually
but surely bringing the rest of the
world around to our own opinion.
Captain Scott missed the south pole
by 480 miles. And If he had gone 4 SO
miles further he wouldn't have found
(tiythlug but Ice, so what's the use?
The Irony of fate Is Illustrated In
the caso of the tramp who, after dodg
ing work all Ills life, was run down
and killed the other day by a "work"
A man who wanted to euro his grip
by thinking It away has been arrested
on a charge of disorderly conduct. This
promises to be a very busy silly sea
son. Mr. Wyndhani says the anomalies
the most dltllcult things be has to deal
with In freeing Ireland. He Is at pres
ent huntlug for a serum to apply to
The Canadian Parliament has declar
ed for the prohibition of the Importa
tion, manufacture and sale of elgnr
ettea In the dominion. The colfln nail
Is getting some bard blows Just now.
America Is the place for an Ameri
can boy, says Minister Bowcn. There
Is room also for any number of good
boys from other lands. Hut they, in
turn, must become Americans If they
would succeed.
The American navy may perhaps be
suffering with the diseases of Infancy,
as an Irate German newspaper alleges.
Fortunately for us, there Is hope In
Infantile diseases, much more than as
to the consequences of cirrhosis of the
One of the Joys oTfTiy life owes Its
existence to an Industry that has risen
a most to the dlcnltr of an art wttu
out the recognition usually accorded
to art. The Joy Is that of window
gaxlug aud the art Is that of window
decorating, says a writer In the Chi
cago Tribune. To look at the modern
shop windows Is to look at pictures
that stimulate one's sense of the beau
tiful much as tho painted bits of can
vas do. Of course, real art Is disin
terested, whereas the object of the
window art Is arouse covetousness lu
the breasts of beholders. Hut In a
measure this art defeats Its own pur
pose, for many who gate come to love
art for art's sake and are able to elim
inate the desire for possession from
their admiration. Tho shop window
of the past revelled but an Incon
gruous group of crudely arranged arti
cles, and the woman who beheld there
the dress fabric that seemed best suit
ed to her beauty had to exert her
fancy In summoning up a
herself arrayed lu the coveted goods.
Hut now te merchant supplies both
fabric and fancy and la able to hold
a mirror up to feminine nature and to
give to woman the gift of seeing her
self as other will see her. Not enough
praise has been bestowed upou the
window artist, who. In his ability to
hold the abstracted gaze and to divert
the care laden mind. Is really one of
the forces that make for the better-
montiof the world.
Sound Minds In Sound Bodies,
OMMKNTING upon and commending the Intention
of tho new Teachers' College to educate its matrle
ulants lu the rules of health so that they may tin
part the knowledge to their pupils, the editor of
American Medicine says:
It Is uot merely the tules of hygiene that are needed
nor tho ordinary course In school physiology. I'ersoiutl
hygleuc Is apllcd physiology, but a proper understanding
of certain elemental truths of liuniau pttysioiogy must be
acquired before they cau be applied. Knowledge of tho
normal function of the body and the simple methods of
kecptug them In healthy action Is the 0110 tiling that no
educated porsou should be excused from possessing: yet
most of our children reach maturity without parental or
scholastic Instruction lu tho most oleuieutal matters of
health ."
It does seem tirange with all our educational progres
that we are over the threshold of the twentieth century
picture of Ipefore this addition to our school curriculum Is made. Her
Women In France can obtain the
right to wear trousers by paying to the
government a tax of $10. The right
cau be obtained In the United States.
In several Instances, merely by mar
riage, with the tax paid to the minis
ter, In fee simple.
Intellectual honesty Is worth more
to a woman than skill on the piano or
the mandolin, or the prettiest taste In
poetry or millinery. Happy she who
Is not ashamed of the plain yea and
nay of her mludl She has not only a
virtue, but also a fresh charm which
will make her companionship agree
able and desired when wiser folk are
tiresome. .Doubtless It Is good to pre
fer Shakespeare to modern fiction, but
If one does not actually find "Hamlet
as good reading as the latest novel. It
does not help matters to pretent one
does. A Beethoven sonata has been
adjudged by the verdict of time a
higher place than any ragtime melody
Is likely to attain. Still that girl who
assumes an admiration for Beethoven
which she really feels only for the
"coon song" advantages neither herself
nor her friends. Honesty Is the path,
and the only path, to growth. For
faulty taste there are a hundred reme
dies. For affected taste there It none.
The woman who pretends to a con
ventional enthusiasm suspects, and for
good reason, the enthusiasm of others.
Distrusting herself, she locks fast her
doors against other suspicious char
acters, and becomes Intellectually a re
cluse. The honest mind has always
new point of view. The owner
of It may not write learned criticisms.
but she has a bright word for an odd
minute. She can talk well of hens or
experience of life with a wholesome
relish. She Is likely to have passed
upon her that well-worn but flattering
Judgment, "She Is Interesting!"
The truth of the matter Is that the
anarchists, the -lblllsts and people of
the same views, no matter under what
names they may figure, have not tried
to do away with the despotic rulers
of the world, but of the most liberal
and the most enlightened, from the
unfortunate empress that was killed
In Switzerland to the murder of the
ate President of the United States.
To the gray and weary elders there
Is solace In the thought that the young
poets are forever renewing the race.
Faithfully the peach tree blossoms
and the birds come back and shako
the boughs with song; spring 's green
with hope, amid the dead leaves of a
lingering winter, and not till these
fall at their appointed season need we
fear that poetry will perish In the
hearts of men.
A St Louis Judge has recently taken
a stand that soould win for him the
approbation of right feeling people all
over the country. He has ruled that
no children shall be permitted to re
main In the courtroom during the
progress of the divorce proceedings of
their parents. The laxity In some
courts on this question has been most
reprehensible up to date. Children
lose their Ideals soon enough without
having them ruthlessly brushed aside
by contact with the frailties of their
own parents. The minds of many
people have been turned In tuts direc
tion recently by the examination of
Marlon Burdlck as to the relations
existing between her father and
mother. ,
Accordlngto the published Interviews
with Dr. Lorenz that Able gentleman
was very much amazed by bis experi
ence with our good President and with
tbo various dignitaries whom he en
countered at Washington, He remarks
pleasantly that Mr, Itoosevelt remind
ed blui strongly of "a policeman I met
In Chicago," aud by this delicate com
pliment be makes two good men
happy. Certainly It Is no small merit
to respmble a policeman, If the police
man Is honorable and trustworthy,
and no policeman can reasonably ob
ject to a resemblance to a President
of life United States, If the President
fulfills the most popular expectations.
But Dr. Lorcnz's amazement did not
stop with tho meeting with Mr. Boose
vtlt. Ho noticed that "one of the
gentlemen present, a high dignitary,
kept his hands concealed In his trou
sers pocket, and another dignitary had
placed his knee on a chair. That
struck me us very surprising." Not
at all. Tho second dignitary probably
labored under the fear that Dr.
I.oreuz, yielding to a professional Im
pulse; might endeavor to pull his leg,
whllo the first dignitary, having heard
of the doctor's financial success in
A party of 1,800 British emigrants
left Liverpool recently, bound for the
Northwest territories of Canada, where
the fine wheat crops of recent years
are proving a great attraction to set
tlement. The members of the party
are reported to be agriculturalists and
artisans of an exceptionally high
grade, provided with capital enough
to establish themselves comfortally
from the start A similar party of
GOO has preceded tbem aud already
secured homes in the Saskircuowan
valley. These Imm'grants form but a
handful as compared with the great
army of settlers by which Canada ex
pects to be Invaded this year. Immi
gration to the Dmiulon has been In
creasing rapidly cf recent years, but
this summer It Is expected to surpass
all records and to reach a figure that
will compare respectably with the Im
migration Into the United States. On
the basis of figures secured from
steamship companies whose boats en
ter the Su Ln-vrence Blver, the Mon
treal Dally Star recently estimated
that the total Immigration up to Oct.
1 by that route would be 11-1,000, and
possibly even greater. This does not
Include settlers who come from or
through the United States, of whom
there were 40,000 last year, a figure
that will Increase luis year to 100,000,
the Canadians think.
bert Spencer lu his "Essay on Education" put the query.
"What knowledge Is of tne most worth r" forty years ago.
and his answer slu uld be written In letters of gold on the
walls of every schoolhuuse lu the laud: "As vigorous health
Mid acfonipnuylng high spirits nre larger elements of hap
piness than any other thin; whatsoever, the teaching how
to maintain them Is a teaching that should yield In moiucut
to no other Whatever."
These words are as true to-day as when they were ut
tered by the author of "Principles of Psychology." It was
oue of the many illustrations of his wonderful perspicuity
and deserves tbo earnest consideration of every educator,
New York Press.
Decay of Military Prestige.
t N HIS chapter on "Militarism and Its Nemesis," the
I late M. ltloch contends with eminent truth that the con
I dltlous of war are such lu modern times thnt "uillltnry
I life Is much less attractive than it was of old, and In the
course of a few years will be even less attractive." The
military profession does nut enjoy the privileges It ouce
did: It Is loslug both Its prestige aud Its power lu most
civilized lands. The complex requirements of modem
life and the higher scale of living enjoined by. modern
society, the larger emphasis placed upon the humanities
in our day. upon intellectual attainments and rewards of
Industrial and commercial enterprise all these thlugs nre
turning the thoughts and ambitions of men awny from
militarism nnd Its uncertain aud Inadequate couipensa
Hons. Improvements lu war, eiigluery, the use of smoke
less powder, dynamite guns aud other death-dealing ageu
cles have Immensely increased the risks aud dangers of
war without any compensating advantages lu the shape
of added pay or glory. War has takeu upon Itself u clmt
ictor more mechanical than knightly. Battles fought where
men never come within miles of each other, where there
Is no smoke aud no sound of bugles nor roll of drums, are
tar less likely to give occasion for those feats of arms aud
the valorous deeds of Individual men that till so large a
part of the story of war In past ages. And stripped ot
such accessories and seen in Its true aspect, in all Its hid
eous reality, war must soon lose all the charm with which
legend aud romance have Invested It. Appearing lu proper
aspect as "hcU" on earth, and nothing less. It will be
shunned as It ought to be by all civilized and enlightened
men, and only remain at the last as a frightful dream, u
horrid memory In the minds of the race. Leslie's Weekly.
Life in a Hut
NE of the serious features of life in a rut is the fact
that Judgment Is Impaired. Allowing the mind al
ways to dwell upou one subject aud keening the at
tention always fixed In one direction destroys the
power to draw correct conclusions and leads to the
adoption of distorted and peculiar Ideas. The sense 'of pro
portion Is lost "They who always labor can havo no true
Judgment," says Burke. Those who get deeply fixed In
a rut almost always become more or less "queer" as they
grow older. This Impairment of the Judgment and one
sided way of looking at things lenlls to tho adoption of
hobbles and weird mid extreme doctrines. This Is ouo of
the reasons fur the prevalence of Isms and queer theories.
restricted aud their lives run along a single channel
by elm nee, they make an excursion outside of It, their
knowledge of the country It so limited that they are apt
to get lost, and either become mired lu somo bog of super
stition or are takeu In by some community of fanatics.
World's Work.
It Btlll Feared Ills Parent When 11
V. forty Year Old.
Ouo gels the Impression from reading
of Itiisklu't curly years Unit he missed
many uf the privileges of heallhy boy
hood, When ho win n tiiiiu, ho mid n
I ........ ,m. .In, imnii tint
inuuntaliiilde. They passed a group of Kvor sliico telescopes woro Invented
men, say n writer In tbo Strand Mil- "ttrouonicr hnvo been troubled In
nxlnc. who wrrti engaged In rough Uiolr observation by the unsteadiness
work with pickaxes. of tho nlr. Prof. H, P. has
"How I wish," said nusUlii. "I could Intcly pointed out n surprising method
do what those men nre doing! I win of getting round Iho dlfllculty. o tun
never allowed to do any work which shown, experimentally, that If lh nlr
i.i i i ..i ..... l- In il lone lelescono lllho I vigorously
Many of those who adopt them, even though successful ' nf aultaled. a qiilot liunge of slurs and
In business or professional life, have lived so long In limit-1 ,, ... , ' -. ,, ...i,.,, otilootsi will h produced. Photo-
ed or restricted channel. their judgment In matter. M drowned: nor to box, because graphs of telescopic Images taken In
outside becomes Impaired, lhelr views are narrow nnd WU , W11 iuw,d to fence, thl "Piwir to Justify l'rof.
I..,........ ...... ....I ii i i.nniiiiiv' rnumimm.
Sometime, when ho wa living with lu Brussels. Mnllne and other llel
bis pnrent at Denmark Hill, ho would Kian towns, a novel method of not
enjoy n surreptitious row on tho river. only getting rid of snioty'. but turning
"I used to be told," says the same com-' it Into use. Im recently been employ
panlon, "not to let hit father and nmth- ed. Tho suioko I driven by a vonill
or know where he had gone." Ituskln allng fan Into a tutor tilled with porous
wn then In the fortle. material, over which a continuum
It Is cosy to read here a woinnii' dream nf petroleum, benzine, alcohol
fears and prejudice and domination. ' 0r onio liquid hydrocarbon How. The
Ituskln was always, quite properly, ' result Is that tho mnoke Is entirely sup
under his mother' control: but It Is preed, while tliu tiller yields a git
possible that If he had had the outlet uf great calorific power, which can
of reasonable athletic his destructive ,0 used for heating purpose mid fur
moods would have been less marked. ' driving ga-ongliic. The Itllf ring ma
Noise. In tho City nnd Country.
ONSlDEltlNl) tho comiiiercjjil valuo ot comfort ant
tho tendency to do away with friction wherever poa
slble. It Is a matter of surprise that eotiiiuunltlc
especially big cltles-do uot eudeavor to suppress un
necessary noise.
It Is true that a step forward has been made lu the way
of asphalted pavements and rubber tires, but thl I only
a step. We still have the unspeakable screech of the trol
ley, tho slipping or Iron-shod homes upon rails and smooth
worn stones, the clnngliig of-futile gougs, tho luevltabte
barrel-orpin grinding out piano passages lu fortissimo at
wrong tempo and one-eighth off the key. Wo still have
the church bell so perversely discordant that even the
orthodox begin to doubt the sanctity of wild alarm a a
prelude to the service of tho Lord. All these wo have,
and more.
The country Is uo more sacred thau tho town. Tbo
scream of tbo factory whistle finds an echo In the scream
of tho locomotive. The wounded air Is rent momently, and
the nervous mail stop his ears aud gives up n fraction of
vitality, and works on under tho unnecessary handicap;
aud the nervous woman, In her patient way, tries uot to
hear and inso works on. The well people try to get used
to It, mid the sick give an extra moan and turn ou their
hot pillows. And ou go the noises! Philadelphia Public
Tho Snvinq Workman a Capitalist.
THE worklnguiuti who Is a savings bank deposltot
Is In u very real sense a proprietor. His money Is
used to build aud extend railroad and factory plants
precisely as It would be If he were a shareholder.
1,'sually, he could uot very well become a share
holder, for while hi savings bank will accept deposit from
$1 up. he would have to put by $100 In-fore ho could buy
even a single sharo of stock exposed all the time to the
temptiitlou to spend the money. If It be objected that ho
receives but three and one-half per cent. Interest from bis
savings batik, while choice Industrial preferred stock would
yield him twice that amount, tho ausuer Is that ou the
average and as a class savings bank depositors get as high
an Interest return at Investors In corporate shares. It is
the theory of savings bank laws that the wage earner
must be absolutely sure of his principal. For that reason
the tauge ot saviugs banks Investments Is strictly limited.
He could have no such security lu any capital stock In
vestments. Involving a loss which he could 111 afford to
boar. Now York Times.
The Poising of Steam.
INCH by luch the field Is contested, nnd slowly, sullenly,
the locomotive Is giving way before the Insistent trolley.
A dozen years ago It was only the car homo aud cable
lu the towns that were threatened by electric traction,
then the trolley poked an Inquiring teutaclo over the city
limits Into the suburbs. The results were satisfactory, and
swiftly the electric lines Hung their spider filaments from
town to town, until now -;rent sectlous of the couutry are
cobwebbed with them. The trolley map of eastern Massa
chusetts looks as complete as the steam railroad map. If
you have a little time to spare you can go on an electric
car to almost any part of southern New England that you
could reach by a locomotive, and to a good many parts
that you could not McClure's Magazine.
lie Had on Inzenloui Phonograph A r-
rinscuieiit to t cure Tbem Away.
I bad been keeping bachelor's ball
while my wife was away," sadly re
marked the man whose wife bad been
In the country. "Of course. It was
generally late when I turned In al
night, and, as we had been a good deal
worried by sneak thieves In my part
of the city, I was afraid they might
make a raid during my absence. So I
set my wits to work. First I rented
a phonograph with a megaphone at
tachmcnt. Then I got a husky-voiced
friend to talk Into the machine. His
talk, which was delivered at the top
of his voice, was mostly about calling
the police, having the drop on some
one, tiring a revolver, and other con
vernation calculated to make a burglar
think be bad gone against the real
"After I bad the phonograph nicely
loaded I mado a test of It I'm free
to confess that burglar who beard It
Some of the would bo worse frightened than If he
newcomers will stay In the eastern stumbled on to a reserve tfquad of
nrovlnces. and more will ston In Man- policemen.
Itoba. but by far the larger Dart will I put the loauoa puonograpu up in
go direct to tho Northwest territories, our flat, nnd connected It with strings
and if the estimates are not greatly and wires so that If any oue who didn't
exaggerated It Is within the range of ' know Just how to work the comblna
posslbllltles that ibe population of ! tlon tried to force any of the doors
those terrltorIcs-100.000 In 1001-mav he would start the machlno on Its
be almost doubled. line of strong-arm conversation. I
I figured that no burglar would wait to
" Unauthorized." I nee what the man with tne nuslcy
It was In the state department of a voice would actually do. No, that
great monarchy. burglar would have Immediate busl-
A messenger bad Just arrived wltb ucss lu the street Our apartments
dispatches. were safe, noi I felt mighty proud of
The frowulne monarch danced nn mv neat little contrivance,
grlly over them ond threw them aside. I "Maybe one or more burglars went
"Nothing doing," ne remarKeu. against my puonograpu proiecuou
Then be hurriedly wrote a few words game; If they did they fled without
on a paper and handed It to the messenger.
Get that off at once, and be Man-
kety-blanked quick about It," be re
The messenger glanced at the writ
ten words as soon as bo was out of
the room.
Which Is a way with' messengers.
The message was as follows
leavlug any traces. But about a week
my wife decided to return, nnd Inci
dentally to bring her mother with her,
Sho didn't Intend to reach the city
until late In tho evening, so sent me
a telegram addressed to our apart
ments Instead of at my otllce. Of
course, fate willed It that I should
dine at a restaurant aud go direct
from there to tho theater, not reaching
"If you dou't do some unauthorized , borne until late.
bombarding right away 111 fire the last' la 1,10 meantime my wire arrivcu
limb of you. Get busy."-Baltlmore al '" "
American. 1 "icet llt' " ",10 liad ''cr be nnd
luougut me icicgruuj uuu uiissuu iuu.
Not Worth Buch Outlay,
'There goes my pearl necklace Into
the wash basin and down luto the
trap! Send for the plumber at once,
my dear."
"I guess not! Not for one pearl neck
la eel" Life.
Small Hydrogen Atom.
The hydrogen atom has hitherto
been considered the smallest particle
of matter, but the Incandescent par
ticles In the vacuum of a Crooks tube
are but one-thousandth at large.
that didn't worry her much. Acconv
panled by her mother she went home
In a cab, took out her key, and start
ed to enter our apartments. Bight at
this point the trouble In largo quan
tities broke out,
"The key didn't work very well, and
she must havo given tho door a little
shake. That started the loaded burglar-protection
phonograph. In au In
stant tbcro was a roar:
"Tolled Police! Get out of here
or I'll shoot Thieves! Murder!"
"It was enough to give any woman
the fright of bcr life. My wife had
good pluck, though, nnd didn't faint,
although I'm certain she v ild If she
had not bad her mother with her,
whom she felt sbc must protect Some
how they managed to get down tho
stairs and arouse the Janitor. And nil
the time the roaring phonograph was
letting out a series of threats calr-ilat
ed to curdlo the blood of tho bravest
burglar, let alone two frightened
"The Janitor, accompanied by a
policeman wltb a drawn revolver.
made nn Investigation and solved the
mystery," continued the narrator, ac
cording, to tho New York Times.
"They thought it was a big Joke. In
fact, It was their Jovial attitude Hint
gave my wife and niother-Iu-law their
suspicions. When I finally reached
home that night I found them In a half
hysterical state, and nn Iceberg would
have been warm compared with the
greeting I received.
"There Is still somewhat of a chilly
atmosphere In tbe household."
Snperatltlon Differently Affected Two
"Nothing Is more curious than the dlf-
fer Cut Ideas people have about owing
tbe doctor," remarked a good-looking,
middle-aged physician, according to
tbe Detroit Free Press. "Only to-day I
encountered two singular manifesta
tions of what might be called 'supersti
tions' concerning sickness. At one bouse
the lady who was In bed murmured to
her husband:
" 'John, pay tbe doctor before he goes;
you know bow I feel about that, I nm
always sick longer If we let a doctor's
bill run on.'
'Although I ridiculed tho Idea, tbe
sick woman persisted, and the little
debt was discharged ou the spot. In tho
evening a highly uervous lady of cheer
ful spirits a business woman came
bustling Into my office and ejaculated:
' 'Ob, doctor, give mo something for
fits quick. I'm dreadfully run down. I
hear door-bells ring when they don't
ring and I see black cats out of tbe cor
ner of my eye when there are no cats
of any kind In the bouse.'
"I made out some sedative powders,
and when 1 banded them to tho excit
able patient she said:
" 'I'm not going to pay for this medi
cine, doctor. I've always noticed that
when I don't owe you anything I'm suie
to get sick. While I have a llltlo debt
hanging over me I feel that I can't af
ford to collapse until It Is paid. You
needn't laugh, doctor; It Is so. I'm go
ing to make a little bill now, and sec If
I can't get rid of doorbells In my bead
and black cats In my optic nerve.'
"Tbeso are only specimen Instances,"
concluded tbe doctor. "The world Is
full of people who have queer supersti
tions about taking medicine and paying
doctors' bills."
Anitltlns Little Htrtet Car Comedy
Without Word 4.
It was late afternoon, and a Twentl
eth street car was rolling away north
ward. She was n charming maiden,
with n big, Uuffy pompadour, sweet
blue eyes and n picture bat of many
convolutions. She read n little while,
and then bcr head begun to droop.
Tbe young man seated beside her
lu-came first aware of this when the
largo ostrich plume In her bat piny-
ruity tlcKleil tils nose, provoking a
sneeze. Several passengers smiled,
and then tried to look a If they hidn't
He tried to shift a Utile further away,
but found himself wedged In too tight,
He cast a side glance ut the maiden;
her sleep was becoming sounder every
minute. ,
After thnt tbe youth hnd a narrow
escape every other rfecond, on the av
erage. Now her head Inclined for
ward, now lurched back, now swayed
to the left, but with Invariable con
stauey It finished these maneuvers
by drooping lu his direction. Every
body was staring, that wa tbo deuce
of It, and the old lady opposite was
plainly shocked. He tried' an occa
sional wriggle without result, and to
waken tho sleeper by any other meant
wits out of the question)
The climax was bound to come, aud
It came. The maiden heaved a deep
sigh, nnd her bead wobbled over so
that the fluffy pompadour swept the
young man's cheek and the ostrich
plume blinded his vision; then It sank
squarely down upon bis shoulder.
Tbe passengers held their breath for
a moment, und before n smile bad be
come general tbe victim, scarlet In
countenance, was out on the bnck plut-
furm, and tbo pretty girl was glancing
sleepily around In happy unconscious
ness. Philadelphia Ledger.
It was during his residence at Den-! terlal Itself also becomes n good com-
mark llltl that lie wa iiiuilheliintUIng bustlhle.
something or souicb,idy must
Tho member of the lloysl Society
f Kdlnliureh were Interested, at n
John," said bis mother, "you Inlk , TPni itioultnir. In tho niiiiounceineiit
too much and you talk nonsense." ,,y jiessr. A. I). Shipley and Edwin
"Yes. mother." Ituskln replied, a Wllsou of the discovery nf nil nppara
humble as a little boy, and changed heretofore overlooked or neglect
tbo subject. Cl!i Bt ,), t,aso of the mosquito'
Ituskln win not afnild to admit lo wKHi wieri,,7 m eharaclerlsllc
others biwlde hi mother that he was ilmmim f t tin t Insect may be pro
wrong. In a lecture at Oxford when dlm TlB tHvWt examined wa Hit
ho wa a Slnde professor. Sir William nni,1)lu,tf niacullpennls. and tho np
ltlchinond defended the rmne which ,,,. t.0., r a slightly movable
tho world hnd accorded to Mlehejan- m,v,,.d with a serle of well
gelo and Itafael. Formely Ituskln had mrkpi w,t.,, , ttf wings nr.i
denounced Michelangelo nnd wns not rnlsel nnd lowered, ranp acion a erli
very well pleased with Kir William of rMgr4, -pi,, atrueture of tho np
for presenting the other side. When Imrntl , described as very complex.
Ituskln recovered from tho Illness ,,, tf iiiimU. lrulUcod. n. everybody
which had cause him lo give up the kmv itri,mi.y ..rfecllve.
7 I II 1 1 1' JIlVllftTMJI 111 1(1, Oil M l I 111 III I
tlreil. that he might till It again.
Touched by this. Ituskln sent, asking
If he might come down and dine with
III former pupil, who wn delighted
to have him. Al the clow of it pleas
ant evening, Ituaklii said:
"Willy, why did you make thnt vio
lent attack upon me about Michelan
gelo ?"
Mr. Mai oul believe Hint lit some
'future time -be will not Hi a date for
It wlreles telegraphy will become
available for domestic nnd olllee use,
thu performing the functions now al
I lotted to the telephone, lie tins ill
I ready made experiment which con
1 1 luce him Hint It will I-c possible, ullli
l the aid of small mode!, or uiliiluturei.
"Mr. Ituskln. liecnuse you bilked o( ,"""'" W . now eiecl
nscn.c." replied Sir William. I ''J1 ", R "'f" lo "cn
Meanwhile Mr. Hu-kln rust to go. ' message, from
"You are quite right. Willy." he said,
lu hi candid wny. "It was nonsense."
Sweden Is said to havo tho lowest
death rate of any civilized nation. Dur
ing the Inst ten j cars the nuiiiiiil aver
age lias been only HI.4U per thousand.
the luteror of room which can be
received lu oilier room lu the same
city, or In neighboring towns The
wall of the Iioimci will form no ob
stacle, but one of the chief problem
will be Hint of a proper attuning of His
Instruments to prevent Interference of
unves. and to secure privacy for Iho
lu the ueiv Sluiplon tunnel under the
Alps, which will be by far the great
est tunnel In the world, having n
length of fourteen miles, and which.
A fence nearly two hundred feet long n . uow reported, will be completed
at Livingston, Mont. Is made entirely i July, hnjj, the quantity of waler
of horns of the elk more properly roll-' flowing out of the southern end. from
ed wiiplll. These animals, like the otli-, thu many veins encountered lu the
ers of the d or family, shed their horns u-art of the mountain, amount to
once a yiariind grow new ones. The old i.vxw gallon per mluiite. and iwe
Horn are round in large nuiiiner lu lint nuiiea suilleleiit power lo compress thu
forests, aud are used for vnrlous com- air by which the drills are worked,
merclal puriose. and to refrigerate the tunnel. Tho
The old notions of phrenology have necessity of refrigeration may be Judg
been dispelled nnd n new sytteiu of lo- d from the fact that the heat In Urn
Gounod the Man.
Gounod wus ouo of tho most fasci
nating men I have ever met His
manner bad a charm that, was Irresist
ible, and bis kindly eyes, as soft and
molting as a woman's, would light up
with a smile now tender, uow humor
ous, that fixed I -elf Ineffaceably upon
tho memory, lie could speak English
fairly well, but preferred his own
laugiiiige, lu which bo wat a brilliant
conversationalist; and bo could uso 10
advantage a fund of keen, ready wit,
cnllzatlon has been established. Tho
localities In certain parts of the brain
mean leg, arm, speech, and to detlultu
are they that a skillful expert can often
times get nt, and by trepanning, remove
the cause of paralysis of one or another
of Iho muscles or faculties.
There Is au extraordinary old mnii
nt present living lu Itussla, In the vll
lage of Marewka, lu the government of
Smolensk, known as "Swct" Slulp. He
wn-i born In Mny, 177.1, and Is, there
fore, 127 years old. He has never been
111, and Is able to walk each Sunday two
versts to tbe village church. He also
does work at Hie Sehloos, knits stock
ings and win vex sar.dats,
American tourists abroad often com
ment upon the literal translation luto
English of notices In foreign languagcx,
The well-meant efforts of landlords and
others to convey, lu the language of tho
visitor, the meaning of the native, often
produce laughable result. A Washing
ton citizen founi) this notice posted In
his room In au Alpine hotel: "Misters,
tho venerable voyiigers arc earnestly re
quested not to take clothes of the bed
to see the sun rise for tbo color
The fifteen principal causes of death,
with Iho rate per one thousand, as made.
public by tbe census bureau, Is ns fol
lows: Pneumonia, 101.0; consumption,
101.6; heart disease, 131; diarrheal dis
eases, 8.1.1; kidney discuses, 88.7; apo
plexy, Wl.ll; cancer, CO; old age, SI; bron
chitis, -18.3; cholera Infantum, 47.8; de
bility, 45.0; Inflammation of brulu and
meiilnge, 41.8; diphtheria, 31.4; typhoid,
33.8, and premature birth, 33.7, Death
from all principal causes shows a do
crease since 1800, the must notable being
consumption, which shows a decrease
of S4.0 per one hundred thousand.
Much Interest bus been awakened by
thu alleged discovery of small squids,
miniature representatives of Hie terri
ble devil-fish of tbe ocean, In Onondaga
Lake, urar Syracuse, N, Y. Prof, John
D. Wilson and others havo pronounced
deeper pnrts uf tbe tunnel rises n
high a 140 degreo Fahrenheit when
not artificially reduced. Life would
bo Impossible III the tunnel, where
4,000 workmen labor. If a successful
system of refrigeration had nm been
devised. When a continuous hole
through the mouiilaln has been iimde,
the temperntiire can more i-anlly Im
kept down. Two-thirds of the work
was completed last July, and the great
est obstacles havo now been overcome.
Know What .Mnii ('ail Ho.
A story of James II. Ends, the engi
neer of tlie great bridge nt St. l-nul.
points lo the kind of spirit that was In
him, which did far more than, his tech
nical skill to make him n great man.
The story Is told by Colonel Frank A.
Montgomery In "Iteinlnlsccuces of a
When Ends was presenting to tho
committee of tho llnusu tho plans
which he had devised for rendering
permanent the channel nf the Missis
sippi Itlver, there wns on the commit
tee n man named Jones, from n moun
tain district lu Kentucky.
This man, whose presence lu Con
gress, not to say n this committee,
was ono of tho many unexplained mys
teries of American politics, continual
ly Interrupted Ends with foolish ques
tions, and annoyed n man who wus
bent on giving to thu committee tho
best of his knowledge.
Presently ho snlil, "('iiptuln End, do
you believe It possible to control tint
waters of the Mississippi Itlver ro as
to prevent overflows'"
Eads looked nt liliu u moment mid
then said:
"I should luiv.ii contempt for
the human inliul If I did nut ln-llcve it
could do It."
Thnt speech had lu It much of tho
American faith In the ability or man
to do what has not been done before,
a faith that lu this case gnve us n
great work by which nil the pcoplo of
Iho Union have been lieueiiteil, fur
r-.." ":V .. " . ? " " r'r' prosperity lo tbo delta of n,e Missis-
tho discovery has brought out accm.ntB 1 " ' .,mH """"" l""li'.lly ' my
... I .,...1- .1 1 1 I..
Ol previoun iiiiuq ui me biiiiiu kiiiu iii
Quaker Purnphi-.tpiM,
A now book on Nr.ntuclu-t couhiliiH
the lake. Prof, John M, Clarke suggests
that the animals may he descended
from nncestors which entered Hie lako somo stories thnt are well known In
when It was In communication with thu lovers of tho good old town, but mny
sea by way of Hie St Lawrence valley, not havo been widely lepwiti-d. On.
and Hint their kind tins been enabled of them hangs ou tin (Ju.iker custom
to survive amid such strange surround- of numbering thu months mid Hie d.ij.s
lug ou account of the salinity of tho of thu week Instead nf using the pin
bottom waters of tho lake, which are fimo mythological names,
He was at this lime Influenced by a In contact with tho rocks from which - A Quaker schoolmaster net llils cony
recrudescence that religious inystl- the Syracuse salt works derive their on tbe blackboard for his wrltlni
clsm which bad strongly characterized supply. class;
his youthful career; but his tone, .... rT. "Beauty fnileth soon,
though earn ' and ''loughtful when L, " 1 . " . . . , , ' 0,1 ' r'lku U month."
bo was dwelling upon his art, could,'"0 Information ' women folks can ,t .,, proi,,,!, tm, ,,. ,,,
...,., ...i.i. is. ii-i iret out of h ill bv iiniilv nir iiueu. , ... . ... ..". ''
urigiueii uy in immuess aim " " i i.i i , reiiu lu ins seiiui.rH nliout Itohllixon
gaiety or a iruo i-armian. wentury.
Tbe Bulging Foreheads nro pnyliig a
lot of attention to tho race problem,
Hons that nre answered with u "yes" or Crllsou ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,, lMy
, , I If a man U n church liieiiilnr, his rep
In novels the hero soinellniii. marries ntntinn for in.wiiv i ..t..
while a more puzzling question, tbe kin money, but lu renl life u limn ninrrles t.ry ,UU) ,lu) vvolm,n uniulieis Inild a
problem, remains unsolved.