Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 08, 1903, Image 1

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Devoted ti) the Mining. Lumbering mid I-nrming Interests of tills CoimtmuHy, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grtib Stake.
NO. 15
I to Makes n tlrllllaiit Speech nt (lie
Mnnnulc 1 1 nil to nn UiithuidnMlc Au
dienceHo places lllnmclf liofurotho
People In nn Honorable) l.lKht, mid
Mnkcta Mnny l:rlciida.
Hon. .HIiiHi'i' llcrmmiii Hindi' n
HKH'Cll lit tllt.llHUIl(' liiilllu thlsl'lly
liiHt Wednesday crvittiifc Mint" will
long Im' icmciubcred li.v thorc wlio
' listened to blnn '
't'lio hull wns crowded to tin' ut
))iol limit, ami many went ilwny
,'dlnppnliited nt being tumble togct
'TIloC. M, A. Ilnnil liml been en
gaged 1i,v Committeemen Youii&iind
Jo lie ami ut 7::ti) o'clock Hint or
'gmiUnllou appeared on Mnln street
'Mini ntlerpliiylhg olH' plifc, matched
'to iU( MiiMuulc luill. when' cvyril
.piece wen rendered In ii milliner
credllnliln to tli orgniiliMitloii. "
Ity Hint tliin tln linll wit packed
with' people, ninny ludlc being
'prWnt, mid niter another wlcutlon
from the tinnil. I'hiilriuiiii IMrwIn
Ilrl-ilow mid lion. T. V. IIiiItIm
chairman of the First DMi'let '('on
Kroftdotml Coiumltlot. ewnrled lion.
'Illnurr 1 1 iTiiiaini to tlii' HtiiKi' miild
"llll t'lllliUilntlr npplliilKC.
In'u'few woll chriMen words Chilr
liiun llrlslnw Introduce thuieiil,er.
who wtin 'iiguln greeted with np
ilttitw iih'Iio took the door.
'Mr. Ilirmmili hud no lilttor emu
iiicutnn'r criticism to offer ngiiliiKt
hi di'inooriitli' oiiponiMit. lit' wild
ho fin' mm Im win concerned It should
Ih h gentlemen's campaign, mid ho
kept hl Witrd. Hi' wclil over tho
livid from hit point, id view, mid
clearly wt forth why ll wiih luciim
bent upon thi' rt'pnlillniiiH it f this
'lime to wild it ivpnlillrun congress.
,'uiun to Washington, lie made It
plulu liml Mr. Kennies, no mutter
how good n limn he might lie, per
ijouully, could i ervlce to IiIm
district or Mtuto ut this 1 1 int.. He
clearly wt forth the working of
coi(g'rc, mid gnvo hi heur mi In
sight, Into the milliner by which Im
portant Hlnlo leglliillon wih hcciiiimI
through n coiiKicHHiiimi who could
commmid rcsponslhlo committee iih
Hlgiimcut, wlilch only come to n
I iiicmlier by virtue of IiIh long hoi vice
mid pei'Moiiut ncipiMlutmice with the
I several member, the speaker of the
limine anil the ueneriil routine of con
gressional affair. lledemoiiHtriited
that he wiih In n poHltlou to coin-
II Ut 1 1 1 1 HIICll pOslllllllS, ii fact well
known to every volerln HiIh district,
llo revlewd ut length the tariff coii
dilliillH of till eoillltry. lie went on
record tluil he wiih In hnrinoiiy with
'the uilnilulHtriitlou, mid then pertin
ently ii hI, the ipichIImii: "Im Mr
ItemnoH In Imrmnuy with the uiliiiln
Ignition, anil with the Oregon
delegation'.'" lie iniide plain that lie
wiih on cIiimc teruiM with the other
Illclnhci'H of Hie iIcIckuIIuii. He 1 l 1
tile puhlle the true Hlate uffall'H ullli
regard to the lliiiiuclnl coitilltlou i f
the eoiintry, u eiiiiillllou that Im cor
talnt.v appieelaled ti.v every voter In
thulniid. llo referred to the mines
now pnld the working mini, iim well
iih the price for all produce from t In
farm, iih compared with tho wnges
mid prlccH received at miy other
time In tio hlNtory of HiIh countr,.
Mo reviewed the tariff coiiilltltniH nf
tho country.
lie elted IiIm IiearorH to tho river
and harbor liaprovumeiilH, and par
ticularly referred to tho condition of
tho harbor Improvement on the
(.numIiiw river, and the poHMlhlllty of
an liiilellnato poMtponement of that
river Improvement iiiiIchm noine ener
getic and HyHlematle effort wiih
' made In Hm behalf.
. .Mr. Heriumin wiih llHlened to with
marked attention from the Ih'kIiiiiIiik
to the clone of IiIm Hpccch, mul wiih
often applauded, particularly when
he paid tribute to Theodoro ItiK-o-u'lt,
proHldent of tho Cnlleil istuteH,
mid to uian.v of the liiiiortant iv
publican uieiiNiireH.
.Mr. Ileriiiaiiu dealt Htrlctly wlci
factM. lie iiuiile every point plain.
He wiih convincing anil he demon-
'Htratcd that he known the coimrcH
mIoiiiiI path, every bicliof It, mid that
he Iiiim notloiit IiImoIiI time nblllty to
lie of i;reat Hervleo to OreKoii. In
fact ho mailo voIoh then mid there.
At the eltiNO of IiIm i.ddreHH an In
formal nvcptloti wiih held mid many
availed thetiiHclvcH of the oppor
tuulty to renew iicipialiitunco mid to
' In-comc acipialiited with tho dlHtlli
KiilHhed vlMltor.
For Hand Made Harne s
CO to
A.11 Work Warrnrjli'd.
!;ci ion G un vault ijd.
Everything KcpL in a First Class Harness
Shop at Lowest Prices.
I. ,-rn i' . l.
'..I Ml'.
inn i., iit 'i
.- . ill ii' :. ihii ' .. i i
j to .'wilt Nltc t. t ,111
It. i .m' null 'lu il.l ' '
,t iiiiiii i!n in.- ' ' "
-..! '
it tr !
1 .'r-. 1
?VocffArc cahjlL MM
Tr.Lra roms .
Vote .FofxnE,
f?S; am, ALSO,
tin waadreeted by an Audience bf 75
at' 100 People Ho Talked Fluently
I rom Democratic Standpoint,
, A. H. ttomnoH apoku at the Martin
hall on Friday, May 1, to an audience
iSf 75 or 100 people mid na thoy were
liioatly democrntii, of coureo wau cn
IhuHlastlcally received and often
jtlmedchoeredi The thomo of Ida ar
gument wan antl-republlcnn as Is itl
tvnyfl the case with democratic
.penkera and platforms. He touched
lightly upon the tarrlf Question re
pnwel Ids nllPKlntue to the platform
pflKIW! mul 1IMH) and "viewed with
alarm" the prosperity launched by
tho republican pnrty In 181HI and
which Iiiih stottdlly roho forwmd nn
HI to(la.v tho volumo of btiHlneHH In
tho United Ktatcs Is HUrprlBlnn to tho
world. Mr. Itemnes did not under,
tnkoto explain why the panic mul
financial depression always follows
democratic eloctlotiH and prosperity
republican, llo did uotundertako to
explain anything but that he Is the
only feasible candidate for congress
now on the automobile. Mr. Heumes
pi, however a good speaker mid were
he on the right sldo of the economic
questions of the day would, jierhops,
bo able to llll the place oi his inus
trlous father-in-law. Uut he Is uot
and besides ho has had no experience
In the political arena whore thegrcat
liattlo ol Interior policies are fought,
and while his efforts mlfflit be. so far
' as Oregon Is concerned, In the right
direction, the lniplc fact that ho
would tie on the mluorit.x wide would
prevent him from occupying any
committee pomIHoiih of Importance
mid absolutely prevent him from ac
compllHhlUK anything inifie than
keeping IiIm chair warm. TIicm.' lactH
addeil to tho further fact that the
policies ad vii ;ated by IiIm pnrty have
alway proven disastrous to the
nation's welfare makes one believe
that It' would Is'oven silly tosurmlse
even a tendency toward election. In
fact such ii thlm; Is not exiooted. lie
wnsonl.v nominated lHriuiMj IiocIiobo
tube a Hiicrllloo on thealtar ofilemo
cratlc iIomIiv to remain alive ami
I'ottiw llrove. Ore., May ."i. ItNKI.
Mr. Kill tor.
Having waited upon the ivmalmler
of tho business men that I was un
able to see on my lust visit to your
city 1 tl in 1 a desire for a public incot
liiK on the question of early closing.
't he matter of the unto oi sain moot
hnr iH'Imr left to ni.v discretion I here
by appoint Tuesilay, May 111. at the
Masonic Hall at II p. in. as tho time
and place when It Is toliohoH'd that
a full, frank and friendly dIcusslon
will no inilulireit in ivHiimnir in a
united action. Should It be Impos
sible for any of the butliiess men to
be present It Is earnestly ileslivil that
they have some one to represent and
act for them. Would It not tie wise
If tho customers of tho respective
business houses make their purchasu
before 7 p. m. thus showing that the
movement has their full sympathy.
Very Nlneerly
John Dawson.
The drama "Hronklnir Ills ltonds"
given by tho C. M. A. band nt the
opera noiiso on rriuny iiignt, amy i,
was well attondei and highly minru-
clated by all present In fact was a
wonderful surprise. Tho plav was
entirely by homo talent mid was ro
hoarscil and uctcd without any out
side assistance, mid It can bo truth-
fully salil tnat tdttage uroveis sel
dom vkdted by traveling companies
that equal In rcpurtolre or rendition.
Tho octorsall thoroughly understood
their parts both Inspirit mid letter
and when the curtain arose and they
appeared on the stage It was wltli
that easy grace displayed generally,
by ld actors. It would bo unwise
mid unjust to mention separately by
way of eulogy any Individual player
for they all played their parts with
exactness and ease and without the
least tlaw that would bo criticised
by old theatre goers. The fact that
our homo talent has displayed their
ability so greatly In this ns In other
efforts, lends much force to tho ar
gument that with a new hall mid a
homo company Cottngo drove might
be well entertained of tent lines during
the winter season and without the
money leaving tho town.
Thh L-hUow SawMiix.
A reporter of the Nugget visited
tho sawmill on the James Lobow
placo about six miles out on Mosby
crock this week. The mill Is about a
quarter of a mile off the iiintu Mostly
creek road. It hasacuttlngcanaclty
of sonio 12,000 feet. A good saw car-
rlniro and boilers ana engines. A
dam and flume lias lieen built which
Hants the lumber down to the main
road, where It Is loaded upon wagons
and hauled to the O. & H. K. tracks.
Mr. Lebow has all tho contracts lie
can till and Is enjoying a profitable
A full Attendance Present Monthly
Bills Allowed Alleys to be Cleaned
Council In chunibers itKM-mhlcil
May 1 was called to order by .Mayor
n. . eaten, t pon roll cnll the fol
lowing lueinliei-s were found present:
Mnyor It M Veatch, ('oiiucilmeu .1 1
.lones.S It 1'liH-r. (ieoWall, J IMovens,
C II Vnudcnhurg, Oliver Veatch.
Onmotloult wiih ordered to make
a general clean up and osiioelallv tho
alley on north side of niuin street.
A committee wiih appointed to
procure the strip of ground known
as the Wynne alley mul appropriate
it for public purposes.
Llght''o jfl.-.j
Wynne llnrdwmv Co. linril-
warti ,-, .to
l'lper& Vandenbiirg, hardware 0 50
Bohemia .Nugget, printing 4 00
Uwls A: Veatch. supplies ,", ,V1
A committee consisting of entire
council wiif appointed for the pur
pose of considering the matter of
Conned adjourned to moot Monday
Mny lSth for the purpose of consider
ing special business.
Tin: I.aht Ok Tim:'ooias.
Lust Friday afternoon while the
schoolchildren wore enjoying a pic
nic east of town on tuo banks of How
river, some of tho boys discovered
the body of a nmn lodged against a
log In the stream, rpon Investiga
tion It proved to bo "Indian Sam"
Spores, who undoubtedly, under tho
Intliienco of liquor attempted to ford
the stream In going to his camp on
tho Nelson placo where ho and his
stepson Knoch were cutting wood.
Saturday morning tho body wns re-
moveii irom me water, brought to
this city and given a decent burial,
mourned, not by Anthony, but by
his faithful friend mid stepson Enoch.
Sam was hut mvii by Knoch on Mon
day, and that night met Ids tragic
death. Knoch, n young Indian, born
nud raised hi this vicinity Is said to
he the last living Cnhipoola Iintlan.
Some of the old pioneers here re
member the tribe when It numbered
something like 200. They were of a
peaceable nature, and gave the
whites very little trouble, mid there
fore were kindly thought of. Mary,
the mother of Knoch, died less than
two years ago. Sam wns a harm
less fellow, his own worst enemy.
Knoch, for a time went to school
here, mid Is said to have lietMi quick
at his studies. He was active, strong
and a good athlete; but later on,
owing to his closo association with
Sum, lie got In the way of drink, nud
now at the ago of 'Si lie Is a sloven,
blear-eyed wreck, the last of Ids race,
and barring the kindly feeling that
many here have for him, friendless
and mi outcast. The loor boy's
heart was well nigh broken when he
followed Sam to his grave, and In
deed, ho Is entitled to the pity of
those who know him. Pity fs a
sweet gift and none of us arc so poor
that we need refuse to glvo It.
A Big Line of
Ladies' Dress Skirts
Walking Skirts and Under
skirts just ii
More New Dress Trimmings. Men's
Gutter Shoes Again in Stock
Eakin Bristow.
The Comments We Hear Daily
on our merchandise make its believe more strongly than ever
that the majority of people prefer the better class of goods,
although they cost a little more money than the so-called
racket goods.
We never change;
the quality always
the same.
Hamilton Brown
shoes for men, $1.75
2.00,2.50,3.00 4-00
Geo. Keith's Or
thopedic shoes 3 50
Hamilton Brown
Shoe Co.
1.50, 2.00, 2.50,
3 50
Streatman 3 50
Hoffman Rothschild
None better. Anv
price..7 50 to 25 00
Neustadt Bros.
The standard goods
on the Coast. Every
garment the best in
the market.
Dry Goods
Murphy, Grant & Co.
Strictly firstquality
No Cheap John goods;
theydon t keep them
It pays to buy them.
Groceries -
Allen & Lewis
A person can ahyays
depend on their goods
being fresh and nice
and the best had
These goods are all sold at the same margin of profit as the
cheap goods are sold, and those who buy them are the ones who
accumulate wealth.
Lenders in illerclmiMlisiiig.
Godfrey CIrnber, returned last Fri
day from Ids old homo In Switzer
land, where ho spent the winter with
his jinrents In company with Ids
brother John, who returned some
weeks ago. Godfrey expresses him
self as having had a tine visit with
tho old folks, and It now happy to
get back to the land of his adoption.
Itnlpli Kirk Is recovering from his
serious illness. i
Mr. and Mrs. Doollttle have lieen j
viBiting friends and relntlvrs on Itnt
creek tins week.
Crops uro looking tine.
Hugh Doollttlo was In the Grove
this week.
Tlmlicr men still visit our locality
but no workhns begun.
John Kirk, the merchant, was In )
the urove on uusiness tins wcok.
The Inspector for the M. W. A. has
finished his work in this district with
the applicants for it camp.
Foit A Skwkiiaok Systkm.
it Is announced that the mayor
and city council has resolved Itself
Into a committee to Investigate the
sewerage question, and to report at
an adjourned meeting to bo held a
week from Monday night. It Is not
thought that it will lie advisable or
that It Is possible at this time to con
struct a sowerage, but It Is agreed
upon by every member of the coun
cil thnt It Is a needed Improvement.
Estimates will lie made and sub
mitted and argued mid then sub
mitted to the public with the vlow of
securing the conservative opinion of
the property holders on the subject.
All Interested parties should glvo the
matter closeattentlou.
Hon. L. IJ. Heeder, of Pendleton,
exspeaker of the house, and Great
Sachem of the I. O. It. M., visited
Cottage Grove last Monday, and
gave Ids red brothers of this city the
exemplified work. Mr, Heeder Is a
pleasant gentleman nud has mnny
friends here aside from lodge mem
bers, who were pleased to see lilm.
A. K. Sherlc, of the New York
Itacket Store, visited Portland this
f Extraordinary Tallies j
Glass and..
Look at these prices, then call and examine
the goods :
50-piece fancy decorated full gold
dinner set , $9 05
44-piece semi-porcelain dinner set 5 44
4-piece glass set. 40
4-piece glass set, flint...., 65
4-piece " " engraved , .' 1 00
4-piece " " gold enamel 1 85
Ask to See our Open Stock Assortment
and Stoneware
oboi oh nneHOBflOBaBeaBaiieaotiaBaoHeBaeBcaa