Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 01, 1903, Image 7

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A Tale of tho Early Settlors
of Louisiana,
OHAPTKtt XlX.tlCunlliiui'J.)
The old thief look I he youth' band,
nnil having gazed Into lila Vnt'v n few mo
menta, liu aiildi
"Whllii llnnd, jnn mice gave mi' mi
nntli, Imt fhim nil oiillis )uu linrn cur
Klvi'ii iiio I n.iw nlmolro j mi, !n 11 ii Mil
has told mi' nil. Him till tnlil tile liinv
triii- you aro In heart, nml how yet you
long fur tln liiiiiin of )uiir rlill'llioo'l. I
ilu not llilnlc jour fnlliiT hna fallen l
tlili kiiutii I inaaaiirrr, fur Ilia place la
strong, nml tliu red nii'ii nwo lilm no
grudge. Yet liv may Imvu fallen with
tin' rent. If lie has, you tun suiiietlinu
llml opportunity to reach your unlive
Intnl. Hut ) mi urn iimlvr no until now.
Of what lint now happened I will ii"t
apeak, only to a.iy Hint )oil caliliiit io
nor iiuflcratand nil that has led in to tin
fearful work. Tlie atory of lliv wlillo
null's rulo la everywhere the same.
Whu re u Irllie, or people, lime nnidii
peace nml accepted the friendship of llui
I'jinili, tliey hnve lieroma weilk nml
imiiy. Wlille llnml, I Imvu 11 alriiiiite
Imo for thee, Imt I lulu thy people. Ami
that thy rather utmost hales Ihelii I""
has ilrnwn my heitrt towards lilm. Hut
He coiil, I not ace our people helm: grad
ually awcpt away, ami our homea lorn
from lla, without atrlklng Ihla Mow. Yet
Hlilllif Herieiit hna fnllen. The hullrt of
tho white man haa found lili life. Hut
lie dies content. Tho whllv limn hna fall
en, too."
Tho old chieftain aank lurk i'h.iuate.l
a hit traaed apeaklug, nml for aoiuit nu
ueiita liu reiiinllied with hla eyra rimed,
When he opened them again, Wlillo
Hand apokp.
".My father," lie anlil, "ere the hnii'l of
ilrath hna ilono Ita work upon thee, wilt
thou not tell mo why I wna tiikeii from
my fathrr'a liouau7 Surely )ou ciiuiut
olijert to tell me all nun 7"
"No, my child, I have no objection,
for I never promised not to tell. Ami
when I lent ar line now, 1 meant to
tell thee nil. Do )oii remember when
jour father met tuo In the wood near
hi. dwelling?"
"Vra," returned Whllv Hand, brndliu
oirr with ratter Intcreal.
"Well, I hail then been to are Hluion
I,obila. Ily some menu he lenrued that
I wna duwn thv rlrcr, and ho tent for
me. He had heard that I wax n savage
chieftain, and a Infer of icold. I met lilm
Jn the wood, and ho propoacd to me
that t ahould seize Hi. Jullcn' aun ami
adsy him, mid for Ihl lut offered to pay
ma a hundred pleiea of Kohl. Hut I
apurued the offer and left him. 1 ciiino
liome, ami told my brother what l,obol
liad aatd to me, and he pondered upon
the aiibject in a new light. Von know
the Natchez often aend tneaaelijera to
(he (treat Hplrlt, and Ihe (treat Him had
wlahrd to aelid a whllv iiicsacnijer to thv
white liian'a (tod, elcn ut we told you
when you flrat came here. At length I
fell In with hla views, and I knew of no
one whoav aplrlt would bo aurer of ad
mlailon to your (tod than the aplrlt of
l.outa St. Jullrii, for I knew lilm to be a
good youth. Ho I returned to jour filth
cr'a Iioiiiv and aaw l.obula aitnlu, mid lie
lold mo ho had hired n party of Clilcka
awa to kill you, but that )oii and your
j-oiiipaulou hud killed thi'in all alx of
thrui. I then offered to do what he wlidi
rd. Hut thl time hla wanla hml rceclv
rd an addition. Ilu not only wauled tho
miii killed, but tie wanted the daughter
captured mid carried off townrda New
Oilcan. 1 agreed In thl; hut I lujdv
lilm give ino a written promise to pay
me thv money when the work ahould bo
lone. He hodtntcd nt drat, but nt length
ho wrote thv plcdgv mid algued It; mil
then It wua arranged that l.uulae ahould
be left upon the bank of I,nkv Pnutrlmr
train, nt thv cud of thv middle trull, mid I
pledged myaclf to talc you with me mid
kill you, fur you know thl had been my
purpuau In aeeklng you."
"Hut tho paper the pledge you had
if UiboN wherv I It?" uttered Whllv
"It I aufe. Coqunlla, go to my cloaet,
nml you will And it In tho onken caaket."
Thv princess went, nud In the box aim
round thv paper, which aim handed to
her father, liv took It, nml having open
ed It, he handed it to Whllv I bind, say
Ins, aa ho did ao:
"Hero It la youra. And now nil I ask
I pnrdoii."
"For nil that you hare done to tne,"
murmured th youth, "I piirdou ou
from thv bottom of my aoul; for you may
Iinvu been mi Inatriiineiit In tho hand of
heaven for aavlng my llfv. Had you not
taken mo, nnol)ier would, mid 1 ahnuld
not liavo lived. Ho I almll, nfter nil, ro-jni-nilier
Htung Herpent with mnro of
Xrntltudv than of couiplnlnt or anger."
"I)o you mean that?"
"I do."
iStmig Herpent ruined himself upon hi
elbow, and caught tfio youth by the lininl.
"Coitualln," ho whispered, "whero art
thou 7"
"Here, my father."
"I haw been kind to thee. It IMajs
In thy power, help Wlillo II rind to hi
peoplo. In It Coqunllii I aee?"
"Yes. Arc you fiilntJ"
"Knlut? Stung Herpent faint? Not
Up, warrior of tho Natchez, nud ntrlkd
for your homea! Who ahull four thv dus
turda now? My brnvca, remember tho
troplilea you hnvo won under Stung Her
pent'a lead. Btrlkv Blrlke, now, for your
honor, your home, mid for the tomb of
your nncestoral Hluk your libidos to thv
polo, nml Icnvo not n miin of tlicin nil to
tell their king thv tulcl Now I On to
tho deathl"
Ono long, loud wnrcry followed this
paroxyam, mid ns It ended In a low, gurg
Jlng Bound, thv chieftain sank back. Co
.qualla moved to hi nldv and knelt over
Jilm, nud lu n moment uioro tho loud files
if tho women rent tho nlr, for Slung Her
pent was dead I
There wa cuiiatciiinllnii for u wlillo 111
thv vlllagv of thv White Apple when It
vn known that Htuiig Herpent wna
ilenil, for ho hint been un Important tuiiti
among tho Natihez. At tho end of four
ibiya, tho body wiib tmido ready for thv
grave, ami nine peranu, with rope nhout
their nock, reiiinliieil fiutlng by it,
"And nro nil thoso poo'plo to dlu?" ns'c
rd White lininl, after ho nud CoMiinllu
hud retired to their own dwelling.
"Yc. And but for tho Intercessions of
my father himself, many uioro would
linvo died."
"It I a cruel practice," said tho youth,
"Cruel?" repented tho prlnco-is, In sur
prlo. "Why ila you any bo?"
"Ilecnuso ono dentil la enough. Why
ahould ao ninny bumbled?"
"Ah," nnawored Coqunllii, liigeiilious.
ly, "you do not undeiatiiinl. Vour- peo
plo hnvo not Biieli love for Um deu.irled
pa wo have. It I u long, dark roud which
my rather hi now to Ir&vel, mri surely
It ll lining ho ahould have lOiiiiinny."
"And due thl always happen whiil
one uf your peuphi die?"
"Certainly; though aomu hnvo not ao
many companion; but all hnte one.
When the lint (Ircnl Hun dleil. theio
Were olio hundred who went to keep 1 1 1 til
company over tho dark road."
"Ho many?"
"Yea mid of coiirao they were hnppy.
for with lil in I hey wem at oiicv adiililteil
to tho happy homo where tho (treat
Hplrlt la."
"Hill," iiuerled Wlillo lininl, "Hlung
Herpent hit been dead now four dii),
nud lhei ieuilo will not dlu iiulll to
ll, ght. How, tlieii,ahall they go togeth
er V"
"Ah," returned Coiinlln, with a fnlat
amlle, which aieiued to llidlcntv a pity
for her loiiipnuloli a Igiinriiuee, "my fath
er' aplrlt will lint atnrt nluno. It le
miilii nenr tho old body until the other
nplrll Join ll, nml theii'lliey nil go olf
together. Ho you not uinleratauil?"
"Ami I It not right ami proper?"
"It I, If jo I think ao; but I ahould
hardly ilarv give my voice In favor of It,
Why, look. CiHjualla, and tell mo If thl
lery thing ha nut already reduced your
nnlloii from a onto powerful people to a
incro handful."
".My father apote of that i re he dlnl,"
nniwered the prince, thoughtfully. "He
till, I ho only III few liiimedlale
riiinpnlilon to go wllh him beyond thv
grave, ami even they mint bv old peo
ple." "And he waa right, Coiimlla. I have
hoard that 'thv Nntrhen were ome a
mighty moo a gieut tuition, numhcrlnt
their warrior by tho many thouaaiila,
and now they haw only n very few hun
dred. In a large community, under or
dinary clrciiiuataiicr. the blrlha will lint
much oierriiu the dentin by nature. Hut
are heri--not only do your people dlu off
a do other, but fur every ono who dha
naturally from one to a hundred mnro
liiilat be killed to keep Ihem company."
"I I. now," aild L'iMiiialla. thoughtfully
-"I know. Hut atlll It wero cruel to
aend. my falher'a aplrlt awoy over llii
dark, long trull alone. Your people do
not think of Ihla. They do not think of
the love.) aplrlt wall Icrlng awuy lu thv
dark uluiio."
"Yea they do. Coiialln."
"They do?"
"And yet they acini them no company."
"Ah, their company coniea from thv
other way," apoko While Hand, aoftly
ami sweetly, "When a human aoul de
parts, we, or I, I'olli'To that thv loved
oui'B who how gone before iniiiv down
to lead tho new-born aplrlt nway to heav
en. I have n mother there, ('oiiialln, an I
I think he will coino down to earth
when my aplrlt depart, and wehomo
liu- to thv home of the bleat one. Hiiro
jy they know the way through the dark
valley liottor than wv could, or better
than apy othora of earth."
(Iraduully tho Indian girl's hnnds were
brought together over her Ixmolli, nml
her head wu bowed. When ho looked
lip there wa a atrallge light III her ejea
and n aoft, hopeful opreaalvn dwell upon
her dinky feature.
"White Hand," she whltpercd, "tell
me that again."
"Is not thv theino more pleasing than
thv strangling uf helplea victims Oler
tho gratea of thv dead?" thv youth ask
ed, kindly.
"Y'ea-yr. Hut tell mo more."
An I White linn I went on and whla
pereil Into Ida companlon'a ear the wholo
of hla own pure faith In (tod and thv ris
en Hnrlour; mid when ha had done thv
prince murmured:
"It I sweet, and it le better than tho
fnllh I haw been, taught."
Khv bowed her head again, and this
time she remalued a long whllv thought
ful; mid when she next looked up, a
change had come over her couiitvnnurv.
"Whllv Hand," sho said, "I promised
my fnihi-r that I would help you caenpv
from here. If J oil wished. What have I
to remain here for? .My father Is dead;
I haw no brother or slater, nml tho waj
of my people are nut pleasaut to inc. .Mny
I not go with you?"
The youth threw hla arms about tho
fair speaker'a neck and drew her upon
his bosom.
"Coiualln, speak but tho word, and I'll
die lu thy avrvlie. If necvsiary, to lead
you to my falher'a home. O, wv will not
bv separated.' '
The burial wna-over. Htung Serpent
repuaed III hi grave, and by his side lay
tho bodlea of those who hud. In obedl
enccto tho cruel fnllh mid cuatom, given
up their live that they might keep their
loved chief company In his dark Journey.
And onco more tho Natches commenced
their mad orglea orer their victory, for
they wero not yet a.itlntcd.
I.nto at night, while tho warriors wero
dancing an I howling In the n,unrc. l'rlck
ed Arm camo to White llund's lodge mil
cnlleil lilm out. Thv youth could not kio
her fnev lu thv gloom, but from the man
tier of her breathing, ho could tell tlut
ahc wna deeply moved by Bonictblfig.
"Whlto Ilnnil," sho said, "our plot ha
worked exceeding well. Not a blow has
been struck saw hero at Natchez; so tho
great muss of tho French are saved. Hut
thou tirt In danger hero. Tbu moment
thv Nntches find that their plan has fail
ed they will suspect thev, for It liaa
been whispered that you visited thv tem
ple, nml thv (treat Sun, when liu looked
toward the, west for the moon last night
nml si! w It not, wns perplexed. This night
they suw thv new moon for the llrnt time,
mid 'they remembered, for tho flrat time,
too. Hint tho moon ought to hnvo been
n week old. Amid their Hind Joy they
haw not thought of till before. Hut
they think of it now, mid fear has nl
leady seized upon some of them, though
thov few keep It to themselves. Now
you can Judk how much risk you run."
"And will they Biispet mo?" the jouth
uttered, tremulously.
"They will bo likely to; for you aro of
tho lulled people, nud your powerful
friend I dend. Dark, nngry eyes liu
been bent upon juu, because you have
shown your loathing of tho cruelties you
hnvo witnessed. And. attain, tho r'reu h
will soon be on thv Natiliez trull. Tho
future Is dark for us nil, but you may
escape, Ouii yuu not remember tho trail
by which you camo?"
"I fear not,"
. "Hut you enn follow It part way from
"Yea, for It Is bronil towards tho vil
lage." "Thero you can tnUo tho river, Ynil
know tho southern trail. You went It
onco hunting wlthjitiing Scrpoiit.""
"Yes 1 remember that.",
"Then nil Is'safo. l'o'.low that trail to
tho right, mid It will bring you out upon
tho river fifteen miles bvlow here. Among
n clump of brakes thero you will llml a
canoe. It is mine. Tnku It nud Hunt
duwn the river. Still lelnln your pres
cut garb, nnd let tho walnut stain bo up
on jo'ir face. In Hint wny you tuny es
cape tho Natcho, should any of them
meet you, nnd by your speech yo,i could
quickly convlnco tho French. I enn ilu
no more for jou. I would Imvu saved all
tho I'Vcmli If I coiild, for 1 loved them;
yet I must follow tho foi tunes of my
own peoplo."
Whltu 1 1 n ml thanked the old princess
for her kindness, and with n thoughtful
step he returned to hi lodge. Ooiiialla
nskvd hint what Tricked Arm had wuut-
d, anil h itt rlowtl h,i InM her till.
"And will you go?" the prlliie nkcn
"Yea, I must. Hut, Cviiualla, have you
ihongfil your mini?"
"Only to bo morti sttongly bound t
Dice. And yet," alio added, pulling tier
nrms nhout her husband's neck, ' speak
Imt onv word -simply whliper to nut
that thou wojihlst rnlher go frev
care or thought of me, and "
"I I lull, Ooqiiallal Yuu wrong me now.
0, I should never sleep in pome ng.ilu,
did I think Ihou nui Jlucdtl hero wln-u
thy wish wa with inn. Hut wo must Hi
"I inn nil ready, dearest."
"Hut wv need piorlslon."
"I haw audi all prepared as wc enn
"Then you have thought of this?"
"Yea. Hut O, apoiik the trulls, my l"ve.
If within thy Inmost aoul thrio dw. II a
thought "
"It I nil of love for thee. Coiialla."
Interrupted tho youth. Boeing at once her
drift. "Ho let me hear no inoiv of It.
Now let us prepare."
"Hlca thee," murmured the fair girl,
Milling upon her companion' boaom. "O,
slniu we llrat spoke of this, my heart has
sunk deep down In lis darkest mood
when the thought of staying hero hss
dwell with me. Those sweet word you
whlaprrcd to mo have bu n wllh me ever
since, and they haw wrought a wonder
rill change III my feelings. When we get
to our new homo wo will talk tnoiu about
It, nnd you shall teach mo to read tbu
great book wherein theao precloua truths
are written."
"I will," promised While Maud. "Hut
Ihe night comes on: lh morning will le
spiedily approaching. Come w will
talk on Ihe way."
Juat na the first gray streaks of dawn
appeared lu the east, the fugitives readi
ed thv great rlvrr, and without mii.u
trouble they found the brake and thv
canoe. They easily pulled the light craft
from Its nel and dragged It to the river.
It wa a smooth, beautifully finished
boat, faahloned from a lingo log of yellow
pine, ami seasoned without crack or
check. Into thl the adventurer put
their Utile store, and then, with hopeful
hearts, they entered mid puhed out Into
thv broad stieam.
(To be continued. I
After Ye ri or fcurc'i M. Halt Ire Cot
lectel the Flint..
It was n work of years, s.iys Illus
tration, for M. Hamlrv to tuiikc the col
lection or Hints which conatltuU- Ills
gitiloglcul plutio. Tho alouea do not
belong; to the class of resonant rock
known ns "pliouolyle," siicli ns nro
found In Aurercne, not far from llont
Dort. but am Illnta cullcciwl by ll.
Hniidre with Inllnlle loll nml acnrcli,
each giving when struck a true musical
Hy ncddi-nt. while taking n country
wnlk one day bp picked up n Hint nnd,
chancing to strike It. brnnl n faint nolo
respond to iliu blow. The Idea took
hold of lil in to gill her. If possible,
enough (lints to form a complete chro
matic sciilc. Illllletiltles In the renrcli
for these bIoiiob unly his ar
dor. Tor more than thirty years ho
pursued Ihe quest, making It the prin
cipal aim of bis life to form out of a
collection of Hints the Tnstritmcnt ho
cnlleil the "geological p'nno."
I'roui the neighborhood of the Iltllo
village of the department of I.'lndre.
where he llietl nnd tlmt met with tho
singing Mint, he extended his search fur
and wide. Only once In a wJiIle would
he bit on the I don I Hint which uttered
n true note with generous vibration.
That wna finding the precious stuno
which repaid lilm for h's thousand and
one disappointments, his tollaome wan
derings, bis diligent tenrch in atony
After many years he hail nt leuglli
got together the full scale In Hint notes,
nnd numerous examples of each, with
the exception of onv. He had been so
far unsuccessful In putting his band
on the first "do." Perhaps It did not
exist In nature. He gave up hope that
ho could meet wit ti II In Prance. Ho
would try Canada. Hut the new world
showed no trace of the initial note of
the octave, nnd M. Haudrc returned to
hi native lnnd resigned to the notion
Hint the chnsc) must be abandoned In
his old age. Fortune once ngnln stnlled,
nud tho stone of which ho despaired
suddenly nppenred, ns lie was walking
In Horry.
Advanced In years, he now passes Ills
leisure In playing, ns he does with skill,
on tills curious piano.
AH tint spot mi the western lieinlsphoro whore I lie dreaded tiulioulc
plagtio hna gained foothold, Mimillnii, the softly pronounced iininu of
n plcttireiUo faraway nnd practically unknown little city on the
west const of Mexico, hna suddenly become known In the United
Hlntea through the press dispatches," said a Wnshlngtoulati whu bat
(raveled In tho tropics, according to tho Washington Htnr.
"Muznllnn, in tho Mexican stnto of Hlnnlon. bns heretofore, been din
tlm-llvi) ns being the llrat slopping place of Importance In the Pacific south
of Hnu Diego for Um Pacific Mull steamers, 1,330 miles wiutli of Hmi Pran
cIsco. When I visited Mnzutlali n few ynns ago I little thought It would
become n plaguo spot, and I can fully understand how tho Inhabitants tied
precipitately lo tbu Interior. S.MSJ, it being stated, having left the place. If
this dispatch be nccurtitu the U-st part of Ihw entire population must have
"Tint danger of the spread of the plague overland may be said to be
ipillo remote, If strict quarantine regulations should be enforced against
Mexico, if it comes lo that unfortunate pass, ns Mszallan Is unconnected,
or wua when 1 visited It. by railroad, Durnngo, tun capital of the state
of that name, waa, it Is my recollection, the nearest railroad city, nnd Dur
sngo la several Hundreds of miles to the east on this side of the high range
of mountains called the Hlerrn do Noyarlt. whoso sharp penkii cut off much
of tho west const couutry of Mexico from -the Interior. Acapulco. thv next
principal landing placo on tho west coast touched by the Pacific Mall steam
era, and perhaps 1,000 mllea or thcrcAhouts south of Mazatlan, Is also cut
off from tho Interior by a high range of mountains. It Is well to bear this
fact In mind should n report reach us that the plngno liaa tirotycn out In
Ihat ancient Mexican city. Traffic with the Interior from both cities wns
maintained by mules over the narrow passes of the mountains.
"Mnxatlan Ilea on a gentle slop on a land-locked bay, with the garrison
poat on a bill surmounting the city. I recall the hot day I trudged through
the narrow streets of the town nnd up the hill nnd wondered hdVr the little
Mexican soldier In full uniform stood his clothes and carried his rifle without
succumbing to the heal as he paced up and down doing guard duty. The
principal wealth of the town comes from the rich mine In tho Interior, their
product of crushed ore being shipped on the steamera for reduction else
where. A large tradn Is done In coffee and the American traveler will al
ways remember Mazatlan as the first place where, under the awnings on
tho steamer's deck In the hot aun of the tropics, swarthy-skinned Mexicans
temptingly offered him native dgara at such prices for quality that made
htm Invest heavily lo the weed, a good cigar being obtainable for three centa
nnd a fine one for fire and alx cents.
"Muzntlan and Acapulco rely almost exclusively upon the steamers and
coastwlso vessels for communication north and south and with the outside
world nud the greatest danger of tho plague entering the United StnteaJ
irom any wrsi const .nrjticitu city muiu iic iu ,i nuunuuu u
tier rather tluin overland. Mazatlan has a largo cathedral, custom house,
several goodslzed hotels, many commercial houses and ono portion of the
city overlooking the sea where the wealthier classes live Is built up with
lino houses of Mexican style of architecture. Taken altogether the city,
with Ita picturesque tropical surroundings, would be about the last place
one would associate with a plague."
', 1 H
Ail Interesting Experiment Which Is Soon to Be f
Tried in Illinois.
An Australian I'lsli Htory.
Writing from Hunhury. West Aus
tralia, to ii brother lu l-oiulon, Keglnnld
Hhnw rolntes the following nmiizlng In
cident, which, he atntes, happened to
one of Ills party when Hshltig from tho
Hla friend bud bailed Ills book with
n largo wlilllug. hoping to cntch n king
Halt, when n ahniU ntioiTt soven feet
long HWiillowed It! The nngler geutly
brought the shark to the Bttrfuce of tho
wuter, while n tiinn working on tho
Jetty enmu to his UMsUtnncv with n big
Iron book nud nfter several Ineffectual
attempt to Jab tho hook Into tho
ahnrk's mouth the latter got nway
On pulling up Ida line the fisherman
found Hint he bud lost tho whiting tin It,
but bud hooked two large ribs of beef
front the xtomuch of the flunk. Then,
to tint nimiHciiiriit of the crowd, one of
whom ri'tnnrked, "Well, exchange Is no
robbery," ho lauded tho beef safely on
the Jetty. IxjikIoii Mull.
li lyutn Vermis a Cow.
An Irish farmer went Inlo nn Iron
motiger'a uhop to buy o arytlie. After
serving lilm tho Hliopiimn naked lilm
If ho would buy n bicycle. ,
"What la that?" queried the Irish
tun n.
"It's n muchluu to ride about tho town
"And, abure, wlmt might tbo prlco of
It bo?"
"l'Mfteen pounds."
"I'd rather see fifteen pounds lu n
"Hut v lint h fool you would look rid
ing nt'ound tho town on the buck of n
"Hliure, uow," replied the Irishman,
"not hnlf such n fool ns I'd look try
lug to mlllt n Idcyclol" Tit-Hits.
1lrenme Work.
Mn.y---.Mr. Huggnrd failed on you
Inst evening, didn't hu?
Kny Yea. and he made tne very tired.
Mny 1 suppose ho tried to kiss you.
Pity Yes, mid every time ho kissed
tne I had lo abtp lilm, -I'hlliulelphhi
Idleness la the btirlul of n llvlutf man.
- Jeremy Taylor.
ONK often reads of the extravagant allowances granted the heads of
nations by their respective governments and of tbe almost fabulous
sums paid out annually by some' of the European power for the
tnalutalnance of royal families, but not until recently baa any adequate
Idoa of what they are paid for actual work performed been obtained.
Ily work actually performed Is meant that part of the dally routine of the
head of tbe government devoted to his strictly official duties, not to state
levees, receptions, reviews and functions at which he must be present.
The actual work of the head of a nntlon Is the review of all parliamen
tary documents, state papers, treaties, coses against the crown, pardons and
cotnniutments of sentences, death warrants, the correspondence of tbe
throne, preparation of papers to be read at certain meetings of tbe ministry
or before parliament and perhaps a score or more of other duties at his
desk, and the figures which follow show the approximate amount earned
by the respective heads of tbe government named.
Itussla leads In the salary paid Ita ruler. The.cxar drawing for every
minute of actual work approximately $81. Austria comes second with Fran
cis Joseph drawing $35 per minute; Italy third, with $21 as her king's sal
ary, and (Jcrmany following with 118 per minute for her kaiser. Oreat
HrltaJn gives Edward VII. 13 per minute: Spain allows Alfonso fli, and
Havarta and Sweden each gives to Its monarch $8 per minute for his ser
vices. Helglum and Denmark allow their raiera respectively 14 per minute,
wlille the United States pays Its president the smallest salary of any nation
In Europe, bis pay being forty cents per minute for actual work performed.
These figures are reckoned on the annual salary, and placing the dally
working hours at six.
It will be seen that the salaries of the heads of the governments are not
In proportion to the size, population and wealth of the countries named, and
that while the United States Is the wealthiest government, the salary of
her chief magistrate Is Insignificantly small compared with that allowed the
king of even such a small monarchy as Denmark.
A Larue Proportion of Ita Teopte Un
called In Manj furanlta.
There were In the South (y the cen
sus of 1850), In round numbers. 174,600
persons owning from oue to five slnves.
If these whites represented a family
of Ave persona each on an average
and many Southern families were
large we have no less than 872,6iX)
persons dependent upon five slaves or
less to tbe family for support, wheu
only two In tbo five were capable of
profitable work, their own support to
come, at the same time, out of the
profits of their own lalmr. Was n pop
ulation of 1.743.000 souls ever .clothed
and fed by the labor of only one-fifth
of their number?
However much Southern men may
have been accused of Idleness and In
dolence, very many of them slave
holders nud non-slaveholders alike
were compelled to rely upon their own
energy and industry for, a livelihood.
To rely upon tho lnlior of tbo few
slaves they owned slgulfledlncreaslng
poverty nud embarrassment.
Aud how were the thousands of fam
ilies that owned no slaves, and yet
composed two-thirds of the white pop
ulation of the South, to be supported?
Here again the United States census
for 1850 gives us many Interesting and
slgulflcant facts, The number of white
persous engaged In laborious occupa
tions In the South In this year was
larger In proportion to population than
lu tho North. The census gives us the
number of whlto persons over IB years
of ago engaged In any occupation In
each State of the Union. Tbe figures
are decldooly to tho credit of the
I,eF us compare a few Northern with
a fow Southern States. In Massachu
setts the percentage of persons ovet
IB years of age engaged In work was
45.80; Iti Hhode Island, 40.71; In New
Hampshire, 45.03; lu Connecticut,
40.40; In New York, 47.01; In New Jer
sey, 47.83. Now lot us glance at an
equal number of Slates In tbe South.
In Maryland the percentajre of white
persons ovsr IB years of age engaged
In work was 61.80; In Virginia, 40.31;
In Georgia. 47.18; lu Florida, 53.04; In
Mississippi. 31.23; In Texas. 64.03. The
average for all the States In the North
was 47.02; for those In the South 40.14.
Only one Southern State Missouri
fell to an average so low as Massachu
setts. Two In the North Pennsylva.
nit and Iowa rose to nn average aa
high as Maryland or Mississippi, not
one of them equaling Florida, Arkan
sas or Texas.
These facts aro decisive of the ques
tion of Industrial conditions In the
South, says the Rev. J. M.-Hawloy, In
Things nnd Thoughts. Whatever may
have been the Influeuco of the African
shadow upon the peoplo south of the
Mason and Dixon line. It did not pro
duce men who despised labor and lived
In Idleness and luxury. Go to any
Mate of the South and tbe fact re
mains that the average of the white
population living upon tbe interest of
Invested money aud having no occupa
tion was considerably smaller than In
the north.
Influence of Little Acte May Kndnre
for Years.
den. Wager Swagne, who died, re
cently, bad a mother of exceptional
character, of which her son was ten
derly appreciative. One of his pleasant
recollections of her was connected with
a young clerk In a bjokstore at Colum
bus, Ohio. Tbe youth wsb poor, ambi
tious nnd of a retiring disposition. His
reticence did not tend to make him
popular among his mates, but Mrs.
Swayue, whenever she visited the store,
never focgot to greet blm a smile and
a frloudly wcrd.
Yours after, when Gen. Swayne, as
commissioner of the Freedmeu's Uur
ecu. waB puzzling orer the management
of half a million former stoves In Ala
bama, he found Secretary of War Kd
win M. Stanton a staunch supporter.
The secretary was tho sternest of all
heads of departments, yet to the general
he was always kind. He was, snld
report, "unapproachable;" yet Gen.
Swayue could always npprench him.
One drly Secretary Stantou drove to
thv- War Department In baste, on his
way to on Important meeting with the
President. He sent a messenger luto
the building, to inquire If any oui wero
watting fo see him.
"Geu. Swayno Is welting, sir," was
the messenger's report.
The secretary left his carriage and
harried Into tbe building. Tn to men
had a little business tulk, and then Gen.
Swayne at last gave way to Irrepress
ible curiosity
"Mr. Secretary," said bo, "I don't
understand your great kindness to me.
I have never understood It. You hnvo
shown um such unusual favor that I
want to ask why you bavo done It."
"Geu. Swayne," said the secretary,
"when I was a poor, struggling, lonely
clerk In Columbus, studying law at
night and working by day, your
mother's kindly umllo and her encour
aging words put heart and hope luto
mo. I kuew about her work among the
colored people of Columbus, nnd I was
aware of her Interest In the ex-slaves.
Now do you understand? I remomber
your mother's smile,"
It Is the complaint of every old fash
ioned woman that when a girl gets on
her best dress, she "slops In It" arbund
tbe bouse.
It costs more to keep a chafing dish
than U does to keep a horse and buggy.
FUOF. ALFRED HAYLISS, State Superintendent of Ptibrlc Instruc
tion In Illinois, Is a strong advocate of school district consolidation.
Suppose the taxable wealth of a rural township In Illinois should
be assessed for tbe purpose of raising tbe funds necessary to maintain and
equip ono central school bouse. There Is hardly a rural towsshlp In tbe
Stato In which a central school' mantalned and equipped In such a way
would not be one well worthy of tho name. To begin with, tho building
would bo commodious and comfortable. In ventilation, lighting, warming
and every sanitary arrangement It would be a century abend of the little
district school houses to be found at nearly every turn of the rotJd In Illinois,
but hundreds of which are. In late years, attended by a half dozen children
or less, and not a few of which are closed for want of attendance, Supt
Hayllss says tho real reason for this change Is tho movement to the cities
and towns. He tells a story In this connection. "I met a friend on the
train tbe other day," be says, "who was returning, with his wife, from a
visit to old Lancaster County, where they came from. He had had a
good time, and was going borne to think It over and talk It over. He Is
a rich farmer; has hundreds of broad acres, a great barn. Into which you
could haul the district school bouse, a fine home, etc. 'Will,' I said, 'I
suppose the boys have been running the farm.' 'No.' he inld. they are
not at home.' 'How's that? 'Well, John, he's practlcln' law over In
Iowa, and doln' pretty well. too. Henry, he's a dentist Hung out bis
shingle up In Wisconsin last April, nnd wrote me that he cleared nearly a
hundred dollars the first month. Jim. he's at the school af pharmacy In
Chicago.' 'And who's on the farm?' I asked. 'Oh, us tW) and the hired
"Yon all know that man, don't you?" tbe professor aiks. "His name
Is legion." Then he goes on to tell about tho man be had In mind. "This
man has a railroad station, a school house and a graveyard on bis farm,
and they used to bo very proud of the fine large schoc-1." When asked
how the school was flourishing now, he answered: "Oh. 1 hardly know. We
had six scholars last winter, but the Jones family moved not long ago. I
don't think of any more to come In."
An outgrowth of the system of township consolidate of schools will
be the school wagon, to collect tbe children from the more dlstont parts
of a township and bring them to the school. Tbe calculators think this
could bo done without Increasing taxes or even reaching the limits of taxa
tion for school purposes In a township, nfter the area of assessment for -the
support of a central school Is made so much larger than that of the dis
trict In course of time, no doubt, after this system Is developed, and Its
logical outcome and results are seen, the wagons will run. no mntter what
the condition of the weather or the roads. All roads In a rural Illinois
township will lead, then, to the school" bouse In the crnter. or in that spot
In the township which can be reached the most eastlj and speedily. That
Is what the system Is sure to come to, and probably If a few years.
That building consolidation Is one of the purposes of tbe proposed
reform, however, Mr. Bayllss leaves no room to doutit "Here In Illinois."
he says, "we must have out In the country pleasant roomy, convenient and
sanitary school houses, ns well adapted for their purjiose In all respects and
even as attractive architecturally as they arc fast coming to be In tbo
cities. Architecturally, tbe school house should exhibit the taste and to
some extent the aspiration of the neighborhood. I! should bo better than
tbe best dwelling bouse, but In many n country district- there are those
who wouldn't exchange their best barn for the tcbool house. It should ba
lighted from the right direction; have the teacher's desk In the right place;
have ample air and floor space; have cloakrooms for boys and girls, entered
from tbe schoolroom, and be furnished with lavatories opening Into prop
erly constructed closets, accessible In no other way. It should be properly
ventilated, and when possible have a-dry, clean and warm cellar. It should
have abundant book cases and cabinets and reading tables. A portion of
tbe ground should be properly ornamented, and altogether the bouse and
ground should be the Just pride of the community."
Prof. Bayllss admits that, at first view, tho taxpayers might fear that
they could not stand the expense. Hut he evidently doubts whether their
expenses would lfc greatly Increased. They could not stand It. be admits,
"under the grotesque system of school maintenance now prevailing. The
Idea Is to centralize nnd Improve systems and force results by cutting off
a great many useless expenses and putting tbe money which Is now paid
Into Incompetent hnnds Into the bands of others who can give value re
ceived. "Tbe reduction of the number of districts In each township." hs
said, "would In many. If not most, cases lead to tho consolidation of all tbo
schools, the organization of a graded school, and the establishment of a
high school department In every township. If, because of bad roads or
other causes less real, a township does not choose to consolidate all of
tho schools In ono building, then at least the older children could be brought
together In a central school, and given tbe advantage of companionship and
association with others of their own age."
Tho township high school Is one of tho prime results aimed at by ths
proposed change. There Is provision for township high schools In ths
Illinois school laws, but as long as tbe district system prevails there la
little prospect of the opportunity being utilized. The new system. It Is
bcllovcd, would bring the township high school Into existence all over- ths
State. "Thero ought to be," says Supt. Hayllss, "within reach of every
fanner's child In Illinois, a country school that should be as worthy a
place on tho accredited list of the State university as tho city schools that
now make up that list It ought to give as good quality of Instruction la
mathematics and science and language and literature as the city high
school." As to the effect of centralizing tho common schools of the town
ship, he says: "Our present system has served Its purpose. It no longer
meets tho requirements." ,
From all of which It would appear that President Eliot of Harvard If
not so far wrong when be Bays tbat the educational system of this country
Is capable of vast Improvement. Supt. Bayllss attributes tho decay of ths
country school to tho great and growing movement toward the towns and
cities, and he has some pronounced views as to this movement as a causa
of which tbcro are likely to come many serious effects. "Society Is mov
ing " be says. The city school, for reasons I need not stop to recapitulate,
Is keeping up with tbe procession. Tbe country Is re-enforcing and regener
ating the city with Its best blood. The movement Is not new, but It Is
continuous and accelerated. The elements which destroy the population of
cities will operate In the futuro as In the past. We are proud of tho fact
tbat tho majority of the great men this country Has produced come from
tbe farms, and It will bo a most serious mlstal.o to even seem to encour
age tho Idea tbat bucccss In llfo Is posstblo only to those who leave them."
Millions In a Dattleahlp.
c..o ..-iiiitnn dollars will be tbe cost
of the British battleship Edward VII..
which Is now lu process of construc
tion at tbe Devonport dock yards-
more money than baa ever t eiore ueeu,wi In n encluo of war. The
keol of the mammoth craft was laid
by the king In Marcn. nu-'. anu at-
., i,. .ii t trlrtnnllv comnlete.
over 4,000 tous dead weight of steel
plating and armor uaviug oeeu uu..i
Into her.
So quickly has this superb warship
been brought forward that, although
tbe orlglual specifications did not al
low for her being ready for tbe pen
nant before March, 1005, It h now
ottlclally stated that she will be com
pleted many months earlier than this.
The original estimates were for
1,500.000, nnd although thoy have
been cut down, It Is nuthorltntlvcly
stated by prominent o .clnls nt Devon
port yard that tho total expenditure
will amount to well vcr 400,000.
This outlnv on a fabric which a well-
dlrfted torpedo would annihilate
makes one realize hoe- costly the
game of modern naval war would
Two more battleships of the same
class have been laid down tbe Domin
ion and tbe Commonwealth,
Ilesult of Kxpcrlonoe.
"I went to tho church fair last ulght,
and I think I see a now meaning H
that old adage now."
"What's that?"
"It's my Idea that none but tho
bravo have any business there."
Philadelphia Press.
No Danger of t'lro.
Guest Any danger of fire In this
Bell boy( with his teeth chattering)
N-not unless yor pay extra for It
Judge. When a man Is buried he gets In on
the ground floor, which Is true at no
previous time In hi career.
Not ono lu fifty has sense enough to
begin repenting, a elu before he Is
found out-