BOHEMIA NUGGET. C J. Howard BcrtM C. Y. Drown Editor . Business flz't, BnUrtdtt tbt jxuUIBm tt CntUr Oretl, ro BdI Clui mll nitur. afcrlptU rlc, al.SS, I ad . Tim rxrtn it Uvt n tu t c u. xrk'i 4aans,Sn rrantlKO, CllfornIt. whertMD' Fxidav, May i, 1903. CORPORATION TAX LAW. Tbe following article by W. C, Cowglll is a comprehensive one, and deals directly with the corpor ation tax law passed by tbe last legislature. It should have the close attention ol every voter in state: Cottage Grove, Apr. 27.(To the Editor.) Through the columns of your valuable paper I wish par ticularly to call the attention of the members of fraternal orders and working men of your city to the effort now being made at the in stance of Southern and Eastern Oregon mining and merchantile men to repeal through the referen dum of tbe people, three bad laws passed at the last session of the state legislature. One is the por tage railway bill which takes $165, 000 of the people's money for noth ing; another, known as the Eddy, or corporation capital stock tax bill, and house bill No. 292 which repeals tbe present provision of our tax laws giving tbe poor man ex emption from taxation and execu tion on $300 of his tools and house hold goods. These last bills were passed to cinch certain classes of the public for extra taxes to meet the requirements of the first mentioned bill. Look into this question carefully. See my letter in the Oregonian of tbe 24th on page 15, which explains tbe situ ation more in detail. I came down on tbe train the other day with L. B. Reeder, of Pendleton, grand Sachem of Red Men of Oregon, who was speaker of the house of representatives at Salem two years ago. Mr. Reeder told me that he was personally aware ot the political jobbery which passed these three bills at tbe last legislature. He said: foimcs in uregon today is simply a scramble for federal office, We would be better off if the legisla ture met only once every ten years, I am familiar with some of the jobs put up by the legislature which gave us the portage railway and corporation capital stock tax bills, and took from the poor man his right of exemption from taxes and execution on bis tools and household goods. It was a politi cal trade, pure and simple, without regard to tbe interests of the people." Jama member of the Order of Ragles and bave been in several other fraternal orders and make a direct appeal to Eagles, Elks, Red' men, Masons, Knights of Pythias, Workmen, and all other orders to look into these matters more closely. We are acquiring considerable property throughout the state, and It is mostly held under a corpor ation ot the order. From now on we will bave to pay these extra taxes. Most of us are working men and bave a right to some pro tection by exemption. Gentlemen, why should we be taxed to death and allow the politicians to throw our money away on portage rail ways at The Dalles for which there is no more necessity than a fifth wheel to a wagon? The U. S government at tbe last session of congress appropriated four million dollars to build a canal between The Dalles and Cellico. Every man who has bad anything to do with transportation (knows that this is the only true solution of tbe Columbia river transportation prob lem. Every engineer who has ex amined the ground knows that $165,000 will not build one-third of tbe proposed road; thit it will take one, two or three more sessions of the legislature to provide sufficient funds to complete the road, to say nothing of provisions for its equipment and operation. By the time the road Is put into shape to operate, the government canal will have been finished. In the mean time to construct the road would only hamper the operation of the government and cause unnecessary delay In tbe building of tbe canal. If there is no nse for the portage road, then there is no necessity of their taxing all incorporated enter prises of the state, and imposing tbe hardships on the workingmen as it now stands in house bill No. 292 There Is no state in the unlqu or a European country that does not give the workingmen some protec tion against taxation and execution. Do not .forget that the signing ot these petitions makes all three bills inoperative until the people have a chance to vote upon them at the ceneral election in June 1004, or practically speaking we escape two years taxes. Also remember that the signing of these petitions does not obligate your vote in 1904, but enough signers now will give all plenty of time to consider these laws. Already in Southern Oregon they are assessing the workingmen uu der this new law house bill No. 292 Wt us sign these referendum pe titions it can do no more barm and when we go to the polls in 1904, I think we will all be con vinced that our general interest de mands tbe repeal of these bills. It is up to tbe people to assert their rights. W. C. Cowgilu NOTICE. Cottage Grove, April 27.(To the Editor.) At the request oi a num ber of business men and working men of this city, I desire to say that any legal voter in Lane county, or anywhere in the state can sign the referendum petitions now being circulated, but as tbe county clerk must certify that be believes such signers to be voters it is always best to register before signing, if the signer is not already a regis tered voter. Tbe petition for the referendum ot the portage railway corporation tax bill and exemption bill can be bad of C, J. Howard; of this city and some of the leading citizens. All desiring to sign tbe petition will please do so as quickly as possible. W. C. Cowcxli. GBEATLY ALARMED. TI0JS1RA1 Mow the Work U Prirclf Elthty Men Now Employed, and Next Wetk the Company Will Pro bably Want Seventy-Rv Moro. A NUW BNQINU The O. A 8. E. Hallway Co. la pushing It construction work with nil possible speed. The travel plow nnd attain shovel la workmgsplendtd ly. and tho roud la twin rapidly ballasted. Tho construction work on tho out end ot tho lino la Also In rnntd Droorcss. the only trouble thus far experienced bilnjc In theniatter ot securing sufficient help. However, nt thta writing somo SO men ire em ployed, and next week it Is said the company will wnnt nt least seventy' five more. The new wAgon'roml up champion creek la Mug built with nil posalbla apced, while tho mines nro now pre senting n lively npponrnnce. John It. Pearson, suuerlntemlent ol tho O. &S.K. IVy, who Is now In tho district. In conversation over the phono with n Nugget mnu Thursday, stnted that crcrv thlnir Is irolng on In a most satisfactory manner nt the Champion, Helena and Music mines, tho property ot tho Oregon Securities Co., and from all parts ot the district he hears most nattering reports. The O. & 8. H. Iiim txwn tor some I time negotiating tor nuotherlocomor uve witn wmcn to carry on meir construction work, nnd to facilitate matters In the matter ot bundling tho Bohemia trafllc, nnd thelogitlng haul for the Long & Ulnghnin null in this city. Owing to the fact that there Is hardly an idle locomotive In the country, tho company's efforts along mis line nsvo oeen rruiucss uuui me present. On noxt Saturday n new machine will bo nt hand,' which will be immediately put Into service. By a Persistent Cough, but Perma nently Cared by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Messrs. Goodenow and Keopke finished repairs on the crusher engine and returned to their Eugene homes lost Saturday. The grippe has had It grip on al most every Inhabitant of this lo cality, as the reddened eyes, aching bones and "friendly" noses, bore testimony. Miss Minnie Comer, who has been out of school for the past two weeks expects to return to her work at Do- rena next Monday. Trl-weekly meetlnc are belnc held at the Advent church. Iter. West nip, their minister, Is quite a pleas-1 ing speaker. Mies Lillian Goodenow, of Eugene, was tbe guest ot Mrs. Ida Caldwell last week. Altai luu uwiinivaui uun uj 1111;, Is visiting with her parents Mr. and Airs, jonn Elliott. While returning from school yester day evening little iva Alcuoy was thrown from her pony and quite uaoiy snaiten up. Ruby Slagle la out of school on ac count 01 illness. CUBES WHEN DOOTOR8 FAIL. Mrs. Frank Chlaison, Patterson, La., writes June 8th, 1901: "I had malaria fever in very bad form, was under treat ment by doctors, but as soon as I topped taking their medicine the fever would return. I used a sample bottle of Herbine, found it helped me. Then bought two bottles, which completely cured me. I feel grateful to you for furnUhtnx such a splendid medicine. andean honestly recommend it to those suffering from malaria, as it will surely cure them." Heroine, 60c bottle at ntwtra mug more. LORANE ITEMS. The foundation of tbe new cream' err Is now completed and work upon the building has commenced. The site selected Is Just south of Mr. Lee's residence. Mrs. Standlsb was in from the ranch Wednesday visiting friends. G. E Straver. district denutv M W A, was busy driving about our sec tion last week and Clerk Inman Is authority that there baa been new iiinuer newea ror Lorano camp. The telephone UneofCottatreGroTs Is rapidly approaching completion. Ernest C. Lockwood and wife wen visitors to ineurove last Monday. Mr. Inman. father to Lorane'sen. terprlslng merchant, is somewhat Improved, his sight having been re storer Mr. Moore Was natron ot the new sawmill this week. Miss Flossie Lockwood miss Flossie Lockwood was up from Douglas county, where she is teaching to visit over Sunday with menus ana relatives. I. P. Inman was busv In the (irnva Thursday. A number nf mir HHrAnu- visitors to Crow this week. Mr. Ilnv nrnl wtfo tmv. hMnl from a sojourn In Eastern Oregon. 1 flEFM KSsSs 'SjS-HHSSUgjgjrBBBBBHj "r. H. P. Burbage, a student at law, in Greenville, S. C, bad been troubled for four or fire years with a continuoua cough whichhe sara, "greatly alarmed me, causing me to fear that I was in the first stage of consumption." Mr. Bur- base, having reen Chamberlain s Couzh Remedy advertised, concluded to try it. "I soon felt a remarkable change and after mine two bottles of the twenty- five cent sue. was permanently cured ."J Bold oy Lvona A Applegate, Drain Benson Drug Co., Cottage Grove. ITEMS FROM SLK CREEK. Qui Warsta J. W. Dakar J. W. Baker was born in Hopkins county, Kentucky, Janu ary to, 1846 He crossed the plains with his father, C B. Baker, in 1853, who'settled 16 miles south of Olympia, Wash., where he resided until 1866, when be removed to Yamhill county, Ore gon. J. W. Baker was married to Lucretia Martin in Yamhill count)- in 1868. Mr. Baker removed from Yamhill county with his family to Cottage Grove, Lane county, Oregon, in 1894, and still makes this bis permanent residence. Mr. Baker served as journal clerk in the Oregon legislature two' terms, 1876 and 1878. He was also deputy sheriff of Yamhill county during the term 1875-76. He is a life long democrat and an ardent ad mirer of Governor Chamberlain, who appointed him State Game Warden April 33, 1903. It is understood that Mr. Baker will make Cottage Grove his official headquarters. The Song of Spring is already being sung in our Dry Goods store. We have just un packed dozens of different patterns, exclusive here, of TEE EARLIEST SPRING FASHIONS They comprise new effects in Dots, Stripes, Plaids nnd Changeable Weaves, and yon should sec thctn to appreciate their beauty. J 0 L- AT PACIFIC TIMBER GO'S STORE, Under Odd Fellow's Hall, - COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. -Ml An Invitation THIS MEANS ALL Mr. Up-to-date Dresser: You arc cordially invited to step in the store nnd inspect our line of NEW Spuing Styles in Men's Furnishings Our Hats are up to date. Our Shoes, both high and low cut, arc the latest styles. Our line of Tics consists of the nobbiest patterns antl latest colors. These are the most elegant lines that have ever been shown in Cottage Grove RESPECTFULLY LORCR'S SC0R6 ' m . ... CHURCH NOTES SCHOOL REPORT. M. e. ciivncn. The llev. Gardner of Saglnunr, will preach at tbe Methodist Church next Sunday. Rev. G. H. Feese, J. I. Jones nnd Miss Gertie Lewis went to Corvnllla this week to attend the Epworth LQjrue convention neia trie re. Best Cabtnetto Photo S1.2S tier doz for a short time only at Shana felt's Gallery opposite Masonic hall west side. Following Is the report of School District No. 61, Ulockhutte, Ore., for the month ending April 24. Number dnys taught, 20; number pupils registered, 19; number cases tardiness, 1. Those who were neither absent or tardy are Delpha and Hester Uemls, Arthur and Orple Combs and Hazel Philips. Visitors are cordially In vlted to come nnd note our progress, Eva L. Toud, Teacher. STOVES and RANGES You will find every description and size and at prices that will please and convince you of the excellent values we offer. We also carry a com plete line of new and second hand 1 FURNITURE: A new line of Graniteware and Tinware in fact everything to befound in an up-to-date store. Come in and see the Palo Alto Metal Polish and Oil Harness Dressing. C.J.MILLER. rJSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSmSSSSSSS$SSSSSS$SSSSSS$S3SSS NEW YORK RACKET STORE I Km S. P, Dipit, Cittip firon, Oru.i The only genuine RACKET STORE in town. Head quarters for novelties and fancy goods and the cen ter of attraction for low prices. We have just re ceived a lot of new goods which we are offering at the lowest possible cash prices. U"tfff?.1"wSS.. Yours for business, A. K, Sherit, Proprietor THE CUTTING QUALITY of any tool Is always a dsslrabje one, but ot equal Importance is the power of retaining this quality so as not to require too frequent sharpen ing. By making your purchase of the Orlffln & Yeatcb Co. you always receive your money' worth In the best quality ot tool and cutlery ot properly tempered steel that 1 sure to hold an edge. Veatch Go All Goods Marked in Plain Figures Look at the windows for prices on sx Shoes and Clothing Boys' nice lints nnd Cups, worth 50c 20c (New ones just received) itlcn'8 lightweight sweaters 35c 5c Special Prices on Clothing See Our ISargnins in Shoes-a few to close 75c, 1 OO, I lO The Best ladies' Shoes in the World Gilbert & Olctcb One Door West Benson Drug Store NBBDHAM PIANOS THE BEST AND MUCH THE BEST T. The frequent sale of small instruments of late is a surprise for this time of the year. Price and quality is what connts when selling goods, and you can always get the best goods for the least money at T. K. Richardson's. We have on hand a few second hand pianos, which we arc going to close out ut a sacrifice, to make room for our next car load. We have only four pianos of our last carload left. The Needham sells itself at sight and sound. Needham pianos, the best and only the best. T. K. Richardson. K. RICHARDSON MUSIC HQU Cottage Grove and Roseburg, Oregon