Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 01, 1903, Image 5

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Spring Humors
Coin to most pcoplo nml 1:111110 11111117
(riiulilim, pimples, boltt 1111J olhur
eruption!, limltics lorn, 01 nnptillte,
llltlt lilCll foulllllf, II Id (if IllllotllllUSI,
Inillijmilliiil mid liomluclio.
TI10 Miniicr 01111 (cIk rlil of lliom U10
tintlcr, nml llio wit) lo ki'I rlil ( Ilium
mill lo liulltl tip I ho ayslum Hint has
mj.'orcil from llioin la to UUo
Hood's Sarsaparllta
and Pills
I'orniltii? In rniiiljlinilliiii llin Spring
Jleillcllio ;nir cxeelltnce, of tint'iiiiiillt'il
ttreiiutli In piiilfylnir llio blood m
shown liy iitiriimllud, rrulleul mul por
tiiunriit cuiosof
Oorofuln Calt Rhoum
Ocnlil Horn! Dolls, Pimple
All Hindu of Humor Psorlnola
Dlootl Poloonlnu Rhoumntlim
Cotnrrh Dyspopsln, Eto
.Arottpt no substitute, lint bo suio to
CCt Hood's, uuJ uut it today,
No line nt All.
I lo (wIki Iiiin offmiiti'il licr) Won't
you look mi nt im7
Hliv- If I did. you'd I(Ikh mo iinnln,
Hi No; IiddkhI, I won't.
H!io Thou whnl's tliu imot
A Nciiiliiilcr.
DdirlinrnWliHt Imvo yon cot Hint
atrlim llu'l nlioul your (Inner forf I
Wnliiiiili Oh, I'vo Iii'iui r.i lllni: mnr-
rlod, anil my nlfu doesn't wuut mo to!
forget It. '
Tl.. (I.H.,... It
li I'liliian! It 1
11X11 1 1 a I '
.V"?"'," "V "" p,0",,n
"Yi'ii." uiiHWurivl tho innnaRvr.
"Muili-rorlnliny Iiiih llio I'rri'i t of Hllni-
ulatltiK lofty Ideas nn lo tinlury." '
U It tho Rfcitcil remedy In tlio world for all bodily .
I Aches ar&d Pains
lor which tn" T'
f KRAUSE & PRINCE, WholMalen, 87-89 First St., Portland, Or. '
Uittrap lletter Than Cats.
It la bettor to rely upon tho trnp for I
rutchlnR rntii than upon tlio cut. Pussy
Ik easily Inoculated with any trnnsmls-
alhlo disorder, ond tho rat 011011 Iiiih on ,
band, as It were, tho very rompinmi
Unit nmv touch iiubbv'b vital pnrts nnd
tenili'r her In tho household tho moat
dangerous of all dldcnao brecderB.
Br loesl 'llrll"i. H"r ""not teuh Ihe
al...f'l 14.111c, 11 ol ib i. 1liiilnnirene
a tucurti 1 !. Ktiil tlial I lijr toli.tllu.
Ilwnsl truinliri. Ilrslucx Is caniuit tiir an 111
tUnifl it I lio muruui liulns c( Ilia
t:ii.ucliln IuIk. niieii this I"Ik U Id-nin.-.
iuu li riiiutlliiiinii.l or imper
tm h'stlnt-, siiJ alien II ! -titlrlr clid
111 lis tettill. snillililesxtlieliiflsinnis
tkii ran UtUm uiil 1 llm iuImj rinMrcl lo
III linnntlri'iiil'lluii, lierliiS will b-iltlrornl
lraeriuliieaws urn l I' n ieriiil it
clnU, Mlipli It nuiliing Mil an uiitimej
cuiiillllonnl tlio niiiciiiu'iirlni'i;.
MoxllU'i'o one lliiniliril Pullets lor nr
csMitlrsiiieiiiist4trir clarth that can
not M cured lij Ilall'i Csiarrb Care. Hend lor
,lrCU,M,''"K. . CIIKNKY A CO.. ToleJe.0.
BoMIjt Druislite. 7io
llall's Vanlfr I'lIU arethaUit.
Popular Lecturer's Aim.
, "It Is your nlm, of couro," Bald IiIb
Inlliimto friend, "to mako pcoplo
"No," replloil tho lecturer, In n
burst of confidence, ''my htiilnesH Is to
mnko peoplu think thoy think ()r.
rather, to mnko them think 1 think
they think." Chlcacu Trlluno.
A Gd BegmiMsig
II the blood is in cockI condition at tho beginning of the warm ncason,
yon are prepared to resist dlsenso ami nre not npt to be troubled with boils,
piinnlr.1, blackheads nnd blotches, or the itchitiu nnd burning skin c.-uptions
that make one's life a veritable torment nnd misery.
Now i9 tho time to bcj'ln tho work of cleansing and building up the
.blood nnd strengthening the wcnlc
places in your constitution. During tlio
cold winter months we nre compelled
to live indoors nnd breathe the impuro
nir of badly ventilated rooms and of
fices. We over-work nnd over-cat, nnd
get too llttlo out-door exercise, and our
systems become clogged with impuri
ties and the blood a liot-bcd of germs
nnd humors of every kind, nud warm
weather is sure to bring a renction,
and the poisonous matter in the blood
and system will break out in boils and
pustules or Bcaly eruptions and red,
disfiguring bumps nnd pimples. Make
n good beginning this season by taking
a course of S. S. S. In time; Uwill not
only purify your blood and destroy tho
germs and poisons, but promote healthy
action of the I.ivcr and Kidneys and
give you a good appetite nt a time
when you need it most.
S. S. S. improves the digestion and
tones up the Stomach, nnd you arc not
continually liauntcd by the fear of
Indigestion every time you cat, or
troubled with dizziness, nervousness
-1 'I'll or r lo lift TMCntl
to dread the coming of warm wca her if you have your system well jortiCcd
and the blood inn normal, healthy condition. It is the polluted, sluggish
blood that invites disease germs, microbes Mid poisons of every kind and
VJZZ : . i .i.. e rtr nr.,1 oonimpr nllmetits. breakdown the con-
cma, Acne. Ncttlc-rasli, l'oison
troubles nrc'sure to make their appearance unless the humors and . poisons
in.,r11tnMtifnf nlltnn rs.
VlKtJIUVIalK lt4vsi..isi.ev. w " -
0'iln't Understand,
Urn. l)WAKKiirtonMy dnuglitor
tin nn't cdtiio nut yet, you know,
Mih. IIiuinilflKli -Iniluoil! Wlintwnn
nil i) mini In iirlnnii for? Ally Mupor.
It Ccrlolnly Would,
Him Wlint 11 Imppy world thin wouK
tin If
lli If wlint?
Win If mmi, roulil only tiHInvo nil
llio nny Cliicluniitl Kmiulior.
Ilia Kmuin for Suicide,
A Ni'w Voik nmn wroto nil his ton
run for nttmntitliiK sulclilii Hint Im liml
(iiiihuI tcil 2! itdilorri, Imt tionu wnB
111110 to euro li 1 111 of nntlimn.
Sure l!nnili,
VMt It'H Imnl to kc:ci n Rood mnn
Krlnmontionk Tlinl'4 wliy tlmy "put
such liruvy moil 11 tnoril m ovur itiirno of
thorn, I supposo. Ynnkan Hliiti'NtiiRii.
An llxplanallon.
"Wlint koit you io Into!" nakctl tlio
physician's wlfo.
"C'omlni: ilnwn on llio olovntcil roml
my profuMlnnnl Borvln-n wnrn vory
much In iliinmnil," runlli'il tlm liiilnlcl
M. I). "Mull In llrt cur wiim nvorconio
liy tlm lii-iit nml liy tlio tlin I not
111111 HtrnlKliti'nnl out nniitlnr mnn wits
discovered In tlio renr cur nlmoiit fro
I'll to ileutli."
Must llavs Itcen.
Klrat Chappie I wonder noW, Choi
Ho, Ikiw tlio ilonkoy over rmno to lio
used iib llio or emblem of stupidity?
Heconil Cluipplo (Willi 11 yawn)
Dun'l know, I'm Hiiro, ilonh boy; muiit
l'vo bowri beforo our tiny,
Juwolor Dlutnotid shirt sltuls? Yen,
sir; horo'a a act, tient little stones, for
M..ui,....i.. tfnl.l Slut lir.n.n In Plit.
VyliniUlllt'l IIilll. will iiuihu weae .
t - " I
V' "An. v nanlnn Hero I
you nro. Jiut look nt those IiIb Hush-
throo knrnta inch! Hell you tlio
act for 3.G0. l'lillnilclphln Prom.
Boyi' and Youths'
Jack Knife Shoes
Atk your dfl for Hie Jjck
Knltc Shor. Bvtry boy gtlt a '
pocket knife with hit pair ol )
hoti. Iktt wnrlnj ihou. IUtor .
t1l Itnlvt. 4
The Charitable Sex.
He What nn exceptionally Rood
complexion Mrs. l-'ortyodd IibbI
Hho Yea; Ifa loo Rood to bo true,
Cincinnati Knqulrcr.
Till! Ttittnn (HANTS.
1 lie larcttl financial Institutions In the worli
aiethelhrre srral l.lfe Imiiiaiire t'oiiitianlei
ol New tixv, niton rallinl "Tlm Three uianu."
If il r In ic 1WS the rtiiutilneilllu'rcaMi In amount
oIliiKiirance In force In (irrioti In tnce ihri-e
ronil-anlei wc f'.ll,liw lo.
Inirlns theaamo tltno Ihe I'cntl Mutual, of
ri,lla.lelihla, an Inrtraae of I1.cUMjA.ui.
There are irood reatom for the loiiularllir of
the IVnu Mutual: vend (or tree i-oiivrlithteil
Imj. klol. "How aiui Mhv." hhenna
tan .V ii
itenrral aifents. Maniuaiu bulMlnif, I'orilaml,
The Toothqruih,
Soak n now toothbrush for ten min
utes In colli wnter nnd thoroughly dry
It lii'foro twInK, for thou tho bristles
will bo lens likely to como out than If
tills precaution wora omitted.
Ml 1'iTnubi.n. nM na flu n.rfotuacJI
li I J anr SnMaT-iiuf.Af ir. KIIDa'atlrrat Kent
itunr. Setid lur r-l( i; l. 8 j.un uui imt
Prnctlcal Admonition.
Old Dr. Orlmshaw (to medical stu
dent) And now, romomher that to a
physician humanity Is divided Into two
Hluilont And what nro they, doctor?
Old Dr. (JrliHBhnw Tlio poor wiiom
he i in or nnd tho rich whom bo doctors.
I had a horrible
attaek of boita
that broke out all
OYorxay body una i.
froxa which I ',.
could get no pos
sible relief until
your medicine,
and from my ox-
porionoe i can
safely say u.o.u.
Is the best blood
purifier tn tho world.
Mrs. M. r. BMYTIIB3HB,
WythoTlUe, Va.
Whllo llvlntr Inbhjrman.TeXM Itoe
oamo o. victim of Impure, watery
blood. I ran down lu appetlto and
ousriryt win aoarcely ilili to iel
about ami had. to stop off and rest t tAflk u. H. B. and be-
ami had to stop on ana resi
ran to Improve at onoe, and alter a
liorouirh courso booania atronir and
Wf tiilnk D.S.B. tlio best medicine I
vof.V,i.'iiJ " an BW"ti;eHnoT'r,n"
all lUUroud stroot, Jtome, CIS.
uannnu ivy, i muvo-w ,... .,, ....
, nll,1ntr-i1 ntul the thin.
made rich nnd strong Wore the coming
nf wirrn weather.
01 a -J;,.- i n a ft. now would bo
n safe precaution nnd a good beginning
" .i i.i. t r,n an (n comfort
through the hot, sultry months and
Write forotirbooicotl " llic juouuv
C O O D 4
Short CtorieJ
A Konllomiin who wiih iIIuciihuIiik
wlili (ho Intn Or. I'nrkor tlio prolilom
nf 11 filluro olnloiii'o cxi'IiiIiiioiI: THo
furl In, Kir, I mil nil niililhllntloiiliit. I
Iii-IIiivh Hint whi'll t llio Hint will lio
llin cnil of 1110." "Tlnink (loil for
tluil," Dr. I'nrkor roplloil, nil li mIiow
oil IiIh coin pn n Ion llio ilnor.
In IiIh ri'iiiliilnccnro of loore
WiuIiIiiuIoii, Dr. Hilwnnl Krcrolt Hal
(oIN of llio koiutiiI's niiRor nt Jlon
mniitli, when ho mot (lonoral
WimliliiKloii niikei! I,oo why mioli n
i'oIiiiiiii won rollrlnif. nml I.00 Bnhl Hint
tho AiiH'rlinn IrooiK woiilil not nlmnl
the Ilrllliili ImyonulH. WimhlnKloii ro
plltil: "You 1I-11 poltroon, you hnvc
novor Irloil llioml"
'J'ho nppolntmoiit of Vlro AilnilrnI ChnrloH Iloronforit lo the com
11111111I of Urn HiikIIhIi Chnnni'l miimil
roil linn lirouiflit lo llxht n now ntiec
ilnto. It iippi'iim Hint ho cnmiulteii Hlr
I'roilorli'k Trevi'it. whom KlnK lMwnnl
ronsliUTH the beat doctor In tlm world.
"Toll mo (ho Hymploum," mild Treves.
An llio iidmlrnl I'liumerntod them the
dorliir lii'cnmo mine nnd moro Inlor
omod. "Kxrelli'iit. ch.irinlliK. plen
dlil," cried Hlr Frederick. d the symp
Ilium were unfolded to lilui, and when
llio list wns completed, snld: "My
denr fellow, let me coiiKratiil.Ho you.
You have the rarest rase of the cen
tury. You aro llio lucky ilng that here
tofore was thoiiKht lo on extloct.
The ehlef wit of 11. Uborn.orle. of
Hid Hhenicld H'.lenllllc Bchools of Ynlo
I'nlverMlTy Is a chemist who has an
uncoiuinernlile affection for nn ancient
inn-colored "Inb." coat that has luliiJ
siuod Kiinid between sulphuric aeul
nnd Us Rrnleful owner; hence It It full
of holes. HeliiK crlllclsoil In a "Josh
Inn" bout on necouut of bis "holy"
eont. tliu reactionary butt found an
oponliiK for ono of his clever tetuarks
I "Never you mind about the holes In
my coat." said he. "theso holes aro all
' rluhl! and don't you mnko nny mistake
nlwtil It. They are the most useful
, thltiKs In a coat. If there were no
holes In n eont. bow tho devil could you
cot Into II. nnd theso holes In particu
lar, they are the most useful holes In
llio world; they snvo washing all you
have to do Is to use 'em when you
want to wipe your hands on your coat,
nnd you don't Ret tho coat dirty. If
you had holes a-plenty you wouldn't
uoihI any eont nt all."
William II. Curtis says that when a
certain new Senator delivered his first
trrcnt sneech In Coiicrcss, and wai
looking around for compliments he np
tiroachcd Senator John P. Jones, the
veiiernlile philosopher from Nevada,
while the latter was smoklug his post
luncheon clRnr In the clonk-room of the
Senate. "Did you hear my speech on
the Philippine question T" Inquired the
Senator. "I certainly did," was the
rrpl "May 1 nsk you what you
thouuht of 111" "D-n Rood speech,
ejaculated Jones. Tho young Seuntor's
fitce lighted up with pleasure at the
compliment ns he resumed In a con
llclriiti.ll wny: "Senator Jones, you are
the father of the Sennte, and I am the
youngest child, and I should like to
nsk your advice. Having heard my
speech, you can seo what I am enpa
tile of, and I would be grateful If you
would tie Rood enough to tell ine
whether. In your opinion. It would be
better for me to speak frequently or
bold myself In rescrvo?" "Young
man." said tho Bennlor, "you've got a
d-n good vocabulary, and If you'll
take my ndvlco you wan't mako any
more speeches until you hnve cultl
vnted your Intellect np to It."
A Few Kemarks Concernlna: our Pat'
rtotlc Rone.
Many Americans In visiting England
have beon surprised nnd flattered when
a llrltlsh military band has played the
nlr of "America" and tho English
crowd has risen to its feet and doffed
Its hats. Similarly, Kngllsli visitors
lo this country have got up and bowed
as to a compliment when nn American
bnnd has blared the same tunc. It has
taken tlmo In each caso to convlnco
tho hearer Hint "God Snvo the King"
nnd "Amorlea" have the same air. ui
course, the Hrlton lias become lndlg
nnnt over tho thoft of a national air.
forgetting Hint the colonies, with their
nlleclaneo to a lirltlsn mug, nan
claim to Hie melody nnd on tbclr re
volt could fnltly Bet their own new
words to It.
The chargo of theft and of musical
poverty In America has Inspired
patriotic association In little Uhode
Island to offer a gold medal to any.
body wbo Bball compose a new nud
a better" air to ur, tmntirs inspir
Ing words, lthoda Island denies that
(front Ilrltaln Is musical, ana nuinns
thnt our own country (whoso coon
' Bongs as played by 8ousa's band bavo
captured King and Queen, nnd become
i,0 burden or every wuisuing news
uay coster nud clubman In London)
tins a degree of musical tnlent and cul
turo which evon Germany cannot rival
Therefore It Is Impatlont under tlm
cbnrgo of stealing tho most venerated
of llrltlsh melodies.
It Is vain, however, to bopo for
popular ncceptauco of n now Hino for
America." tho presoni nir nas ueen oa 00 mnuy glorious and slgnlll
nnt ni-rnslniis to the words of our
1 nninr. Iivmn (a 1m anrtvmlcroil in
U0 Urltlsh. When wo wcra forcod
, to break looso from thnt oppressive
mother we retained the common law.
(ho laucunao. tlio absurd system o
weights n"d measures and whatever
seemed to our sires to be deslrnblo. Wo
retained "Yankeo oodlo" nml the nlr
of "America," putting our own words
In oaeh. Moro than a century and a
quarter has endeared to us theso times,
and wo shnll keep them. N lien uen
'ni'ni niiormnti visited Ireland ho found
" '"0 moiouy or --anircuiug iutTjum.
'Georgia." belongod to an old Irish Bong,
but It has been hallowed to us by tho
cnuiD-flroB of thousands of Grand
Army posta and Is ours beyond sur-
0l vuo iuanV Vi v...
wiilrli includv "Amcrlrn," "Hall Co
lumbia," "Tb efBiiftnleiI Ilnnncr,"
"Columbia, tlio dvte vi the Ocean"
(which MUKKCtt thut Columliln Is all
Isle) nnd several war songs. Ht III, they
hnve mil been 'nlibi to prodiiro a mid'
oily of such conspicuous merit as to
win Instant popular admiration II
may bo nssoclullon nlono which en
deiirs "America" to us, but there Is
no escape from (bo fuct Hint w all
hive It and are stirred by II; and we
shiill el I ii to It In splto of nny com
plnlnls from llio unnniursi moiner
country wlileli uniierlooK lo spnuk m
without provocation and lost us In con
soillelico. -l'hllndclphla Itecoid.
Voiimk Illrcle and Animate Have llahlii
Horn in i hem.
'J'bero Is n school of the woods, Just
ns much as uiero is a euureu oi m
woods, or a parliament of the woods,
or n Hoclely of United Charities of the
woods, and nu more; there Is nothing
In the dealings of anlmnls with thelf
young that In the remotest way sug
gosts human Instruction mid discipline.
Tho younR of nil the bird erratum
do Instinctively wlint their parents do
nnd did. They do not hnvc to In
taught; they are taught from the
Jump. The bird slugs nt the propel
uge, nnd builds Its nest, nnd takes III
appropriate food without any bint at
nil from lis parents. Tho young ducki
take to Hie wnter when batched by a
hen ns rendlly as when hatched by a
duck, nnd dive nud stalk Insects, nnd
wash themselves Just as their mother!
Young chickens nnd young turkeyi
understand the various calls ind sig
nals of their mother the first time they
bear or see them. At her alarm note
thoy squat, at ber cull to food they
come, on tlio nnt nay nn oa tu icntii.
Tho liflblts of cleanliness of the nes-
til nun nre cstnbllnhod from the first
hour of tholr lives. When a bird comes I
to build Its first nest nnd to reor 1U
first brood it knows how to proceed, '
ns well ns it does years Inter, or as
Its parents did before It. The fox Is
nfrnld of n trnp before he has had any
experience with It, and tho hare
thumps oiwu the ground nt the sight
of nnythlnff strnuge and unusual,
wnetner mates ue w.wun ueanng
nr nl It la Inln Iliaf Ihe rrnwa anil
It... C ...... I. I.. .... II. ..I ,.A . , . I ... anAl
IUU JIIJ" I1I1MH. "v iuu o,.,io a .. v.
Informers of the woods, and tliat oilier
crfntnrrs seem to understand Ihe
meaning of their cries, but who shall
presume to say that they hare been In
structed In this rocntlon?
Mr. would have us believe that
tho crows teach their young to fly.
writes John Htirroughs In the Atlantic.
He might as well say that the rooster
tenches Its young to crow or that the
cock grouso teaches the young males
to drum. No bird teaches Its young
to fly. They fly Instinctively when
their wings are strong enough.
How and WI17 It tirlee Dead Ulrde
and Inaecte.
The gravcdlgger beetle was the sub
experlment that
n a student of
D, ? ""?!.,.
ject of nn Interesting
a young rhlladelplilan
the Ulologicnl department of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, recently con
ducted. Bays tbe Philadelphia Ilecord.
He secured four healthy gravedlgger
beetles and put them In a wooden box
filled wllb earth, along with n very
siimll dead spnrfrow. The beetles no
sooner perceived the bird than they
began to dig alongside of It I or four
hours they dug, and at the end or mat one to jeiay wt)en there are such per
time they had a bole made that was (ect places as the establishment of
six or seven Inches deep and three . vyiae Brothers at hand.
Inches square.
Now they went around to the other
side of the sparrow and gave, all to
gether, a good, strong push. Tho bird
dropped Into tbe grave nicely and the
beetles covered It over with loosu soli.
The young experimenter kept tbe
beetles for n month. During the month
they burled Ave birds, three grasshop
pers, two butterflies and a young
mouse. Their box came to resemble a
Why are these beetles gravedlg-
gecs? WbaHs their motive?"
To this question, which was put to
him by many visitors, the student
would reply:
(raredlgglng Is their way of prop-
ngating their species. They get hold
of some llttlo dead thing, dig a hole
beside It, lay their eggs In Its flesh nnd
bury It. The eggs, after a time, hatch
Into larvae. These larvae must de
velop under ground, aud during their
development they must cat. Well,
thanks to their thoughtful parents.
they are born in tho midst of food
they have on all sides of them the car
rion In which, as eggs, they wero laid
and burled and thus tbey food boun
tifully, and grow big and strong, so
that on their emergence from tbe soil
they are beetles to be proud Of, Aud
ns soon as they emerge they become
grave-diggers In their turn.
Drake Them of It-
Mr. Bllhy's children, the youngest
nine and the eldest fourteen years of
ago, besought bis permission to' raise
bantam chickens, pleading that there
was plenty of room In the barn for that
"You have bothered me a long time
about thnt," he said. "Now I'll agree to
let you do It on condition that you quit
calling your parents papa and inaninin.
You are old enough now to begin can
Ing us father and mother, ns you
should. If you will do that, you may
fro ahead and turn the baru luto a
chicken house."
They gave the promise readily enough;
but It was harder to keep than they had
The next day, whllo a neighbor was
calling ou Mr, Bllby, tbe children came
rusbtng from the barn Into tho bouse,
"Pnnn." they exclaimed, "come out
nnd "
"Chickens!" ha Interrupted.
"Yes, we've got 'em, papa "
"That'B what we were golug to say,
pnpa "
"Why, papa "
"Yes. papa "
"Chickens!" he Interrupted again,
Then they understood, aud turned red.
"Yea fa-father come out and ate
For 2S vesrs I have never
missed liking Ayer's Ssrtspsrllla
every spring. It cleinset my
blood, mikes me feel strong, and
does me good In every way."
John I Hodnette, uroosiyn, n.i.
Pure and rich blood
carries new life to every
part of the body, jou
arc Invigorated, refreshed.
You feci anxious to be
active. You become strong, j
stcady.courageous.That s
what Ayer's Sarsaparilla
will do for you.
SIM a Mile. All enfililt.
Alk tear MW wbal be IMnki of Arerf
S.n.iilll. It knowi all aboctlMi tro4
old r.rnilr nadlclaa. fellow LU adrlceaiu
J . j , ,1 .. w.. .... ..,
RclaUd Kindness.
Mr. Smith On Btreat car) Madam,
tako my seat. ,
MrB. Jones (who has been standing
fifteen minutes) No thankB; 1 get off
at tho next corner.
Mr. Smith That's nil right so do I.
Whatever You Do, Wise Drothers Advise
rjood Teeth.
"Cleanliness is akin to Godliness,"
la a mintatlon from the greatest book
known to man, and it Is as widely
qaoled any saying ever qhwi. iuw
reason Is found In tho impressive truth
of the aarertton.
At the present time when this coun
try is pissing through an unprecedented
period of prosperity, more and more
attention is paid to the refinements of
clviliratlon every day. If a man, or
particularly a woman, is slovenly now
el""!. , Ml imrd Bh a ru!e t0 gain an In-
- " immMu wants, and the
I ' ,.
mo Deyoni imuieu.. ""'T","""
ajonty ol people In lie United SUtes
are accumulating a mrplns. The peo
ple as a whole are better ureeeeu anu
better groomed than they were twenty
years ago. Even tbe luxorles of fash
ionable society are becoming Uie ne
cessities ol tbe masses.
This is the result ol a great commer
cial aze with nil its benefits.
Nothing is more conspicuous than a
peruon's teeth. If tbey aro good and
white and clean then we are pleased.
If they are discolored or missing then
r arp
reunited. ine treoiouuuue
blessing to humanity conierreu uy .u
vanced methods of dental surgery is
lat Ulnatrated by snch an office as
that of the celebrated Wise Brothers, in
the Failing building, Portland, Oregon.
Hero teeth are Oiled or extracted abeo
lntnlv without rain. Yon can be eup-
Pl "U" f" nw ,lt,0' teAh
very moderate cost. There is no
mnn, trouble about cottine your teeili
put In perfect order hore than you have
at a restaurant in getting your dinner.
Tho offlcos are a model for anybody in
point of daintiness and cleanliness.
Let it be et'enuouely urged that, if
you nnnt to get a.oug in tLe world and
bo respected and detdred by your ac
quaintances, bavo your teeth In good
condition. There is no excuse for any
The cost Is slight. Tbe pain is nolh-
Jack Spratt.
Jack Spratt really lived and had the
same prejudice against fat ns is at
tributed to htm. Only his namo was
pot exactly Spratt, but Pratt, and he
waB no less a person than an archdea
con. The rhyme orglnally ran. "Arch
deacon Pratt could eat no fat, his wife
could cat no lean.
Mothers will lino Mrs. mnalow's Booth-
inn fivMin tlm heat TemedV to USB lor their
Shlldren during tbe teething period.
Vienna's Suicide Record.
Vienna almost always holds a world'
record for suicide. Irr the nrst nine
months of last year 260 men and 9S
women succeeded In killing them-
selvos. and another 367 made unsuc
cessful attempts.
A'cgetable Pr eparallonfor As
similating ihcFoodandBcCula-
Promotes DiecslloaChccrruF
ness andltest-Contalns neither
OplumJ'lorprurio norDiicral
jarpe afOUarSXKIMLPn&SX
lryJtM So'
JUJmiMt '
Apctfecl ncmBdy for fdftstfp.1
tion,SourStomch,DlatThoa WormSjConYulsioiis Jevcrish
ifieas and Loss of Sleep.
FaeStmilo Signature or
isf siiiimiiiiiiimi I ! 1" 'i n1 T " l-Tiir"iTtrT"
Si Dan cbeeb Brrep. 'faataa OeM, Ufa rM
'aWaA1 tlTrJVjhflLJ aM
Intoold la Bt(fur
Somtttdtir CcmfwUble ltd Dtuittc ?
Are at the bead of their clan for
Coffilort Euy Ridlnr
Appuriou DsriblUty
A,k for our llloitratrd pamphlete.
Mailed free.
200-200 nnt St., PORTLAND, OR.
Alio Spokane, Bolie.
Waltlne for
mistress told
her maid,
that she must not always do things on
her own responsibility, hut first ask
permission. Tho next day Betsy walk
ed Into the parlor, and Bald politely:
"Please, madam, the cat Is busy eat
ing up the duck In tho pantry: must I
drive hor away or not?" Tlt-Blta.
The Klean. Kool Kitchen Kind" ol itoyee
make no imoke, until, oot, aakea or exceulve
teat. Alwaji look lor trade mark.
The Real Thlnr.
He Did you ever see anything at
no-called bargain sales that was really
She Yes; the look on a man s face
who accompanied hli wife to one of
them. Cincinnati Enquirer.
For forty year's Piso's Cure for Con
sumption has cored coughs and colds. At
drngglsts. Price 25 cents.
Worst Yet.
Old Boarder That'B a queer looking
butter dish. Mrs. Hasher,
"uMlrgr Hashcr-Yes. and I'm awfully
proud of It, too. it nas Dcen in our
family for more than a hundred years.
Old Bachelor Indeed! Sort of heir
looms, as It were7
Little Liver Pills.
Eftust Door Signature of
See Fee-Simile Wrapper Below.
TcsraBiaU and ae easy
to tabo as eagax.
v-, i axnvxcm mntttvnii. n j
Ac', I rm-cir Tegt mil yfewd
A Russian Banknote.
Tho 100 ruble note of Russia Is
barred from top to bottom with all the
colors of the rainbow, menuea as
when shown through a prism. In the
center In bold relief Btnnds a large,
finely executed vignette of the Em
press Catherine I. This Is In black.
The other engraving Is not- at all In
tricate or elaborate, but Is well done
In dark and light brown and black
Tho Kind Ton Havo Always
In mo for over 30 years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-fjood'aro bufr
Experiments that trlflo with nnd endanger tho health oE
jTrf&nfa tmd ChUOron Exporlcnco arjalnst Experiment.
Cfcsforla is n harmless suhstltuto for Castor Oil, Poro
mrrlc, Drops and Soothlntr Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
enhstanco. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
jmd allays Fovcrlshncss. It cures Dlarrhcoa and Wind
Colic. It rollovcs Toothing Troubles, cures CousUpatlon.
jmd Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural Bleep.
Xno Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boaro tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For
XncciMOrite John Poole,
root otMorrtmn street, Porllaad, Orenon.
nut. ill iivuii nirri i iufi, ii iii. ,c u w..(h.t'(
Houth Hend chilled I'lows, II in. ISA, IJ.HIi
HouLle Htiovrl l ulllralora, l VOj Newton war
nn sear, enmfilete, all ellpiil, wide trark,
B-..alh T. . . a. t - . , v,. a. . , t .A,
imi i"i. iup uuKsien, Jacieon ilcie aprins", ns
ulariuni, now .l..'o.
You ran larself Inereane the yield nl X
your emii li mclnir nur itKirlal fortllU'
era. Wills lor prlras. i
3 On all Picket Seeds i
Z I'orordorsof $1.00 or moro X
r (Thlidoeanotlneliide srau aeedi or i
T garden eecU In qaaniltr ) Z
X II In the market write for iiieetel net i
J prlcei.
: MANN, the SEEDMAIl. :
X l8 Pront Street, fortlntl. Ore, X
Yon fan nut Intercut
on jrouTturplui mon
ey (mm ui ftmt UU
hare It MnnTe an If you
hM Mrrflti1 It In th
groiinil. You cn ilmw
four money with In
crest Any iTkt It will
r you to Investti me
hit DtotoAl. Writ a
for partlfuUrii. No
matter bow little, or
bow much,M1e money
yoti hnre, It fhotild
earn you lomcthtnr.
raentimade. Money loaned on Improreil rlty
ana taieiy invmt-
i or farm projerty,
I botiffht and loltl
ntereiit-b?arlnr Recurltlri
Ijirira lint nt airiirulturai
I and tlmtr lands tor iaie, v rue i today.
MiKay llulldlnz, Portland, Oregon.
'Ilotl my wire and myaeiriiavebeen
Being CASCAKKTS and tber are tue Dm
medicine we bare ever bad In the bouse. Lest
week mr wife was frantle wltb beadache for
twodajs. abe tried some of joiirCASCAUETS.
and tber relieved tbe pain In ber bead slmoat
Immediately. We both recommend Caicareu."
Cnas. STSnironn.
Pituburr Safe a Oepoalt Co., IHUburt. Pa.
Pleaiant. Palatable. Potent. Taite OoM. Do
(food. Neter sicken. Weakcu. or Gripe. Ida. e,aitt.
Il.rll-f ImI) Csp.-f, Clll-.r. a.-.ral. K.- TmI. 11
If A Til DftP Bold end marnrwl bf alldrof- -HU'IU'DAU
auu to VUIIKToOacco llablk
Write for
Illustrated "
t7sr iMoiiraoniWTSiiJ
Using a?
Telephone floinJSl-
tV. L. Oouglmm makoa anil mallm
moro men' Coodymar Vfeit (rlna
Sowed t'rocoma) chaouthen nyo(iee
anr.ul.tcturer lit tna viana.
$25,000 ItEWABD
will be raid to anrone wbo
Can diaproTe tnla abatement.
Because W. h. Douglas
Is the largest manuf ac toror
he can boy cheaper and
Erodaca his shoes at a
iwer cost than other con
cerns, which enables hlui
to sell shoes for J3.W and
23J30 equal in every
way to tltoea sold else
where for St and $3.00.
cew of uanlnir fia bot-om boIm prcduce abso
lutely pure laatner f mora Cealb.a and will wear
The aalea hare more tban doubled tbejpaat four
rear, which proraa Ita aurarloiitr. "Whir do
bIto w. X Doujrlaa auoes a trial and aare money.
ftotlrft lnrreasa nTO Haiti! rlfl,BOU,riiu,va
luUu.lneial tlMMIm J,ol,alO,00
A sataof sa.aao, in Four Years.
Worth $3.00 Compared with Other Makes,
fee best Importttt ani American Itathtrs. Htyl'a
faitnt Calf, inamtl. Box Calf. Calf, Vlcl Kill. Corona
Colt, and National Ktnjano. fail Color (
PsnlUn Tbe genuine hare W. IX DOT7QXe
UaUliJU name and price atampad on bottom.
Shot Irniri, 15c. titra. Jllui. Catalog frt.
W. jj. xo uolas. nuocuTON, lass,
No. 18-IH0J.
II EK writing to adTerilsera ploua
ueuuoa iuu vpa-.
BongM, ana wldcli lifts been.
lias homo tlio slsrnaturo ol?
I ' UN All Pit
mm. g
yg&h. raAOf uajih aioisneio
uLOn'ifl do' snow T r
- and lias Dccnmauounucr ma pcr-'Ja-
Bonal supervision rslnco ltslnfiincya
Signaturo of
Over 30 Years.