I. 1 llONIi 'I'd lUM'IIINO. Wull. linker, who for- (lii) imnl two years Iiiim U'Oii 'Mm over rallliliil anil MlwiiyH-niilmnil luirli'iidrr nl, llm Kxrhmimt In llitu elly, HiIm vi'il( moved IiIh IkiiinoIhiIiI i;mdH mill Hiiiill(m to IiIh nincli mi MiimIiv (vel(, lltmul twelve IiiIIkh dill from the city, llllVllIK fOI'lllt'll it IIH-III'I'hIIi Willi hi old utiiilonT .lnliii Hurlicr, mill iMKIIimI In llic Hindi I'mIhIiiix IiiikI iiiwi, Mr. llitkcrliiiH iiNpli-iiillil nnii'li mid iilonur with II lit' Ih ii m ! 1 1 I ll enow. no m on inn riKin irwii in miicoi'mm mill In m jciir (ir two he will liuviimnni'v wlii'iK Miiiiin ol uh " f I -lew" vim'i hiivn h phice In pill It II w Imd It.. IIwk'h hiiitomx Wntl. 'I'm m i'iittaiik llinVi; I.umiikh Co. 'Hie Collnuxi (Irovo l.mnliT Co. who) ftiiw-inlll Ih on Mimby eri-ek, li turiilinc nl11 liiinlicr nt l lie rate of Itt.WO fool pur iln.v. Tin' mill IhkIv Inn I'xi'i.'lliMil HiillMfiicllon, mill Hit' coinpitny lookN (orwiiril to a iniirlud fur every lonl ttiriuvl out thin your. 'I'llMM fill' IIO Hlllptlll'lltM llllVI' llll'll nmili'. mm tlin mill In located off the (). A H. H. railroad, mill niiMpiir Iiuhiih yol liocn itrrmiKi'il for, mill tln roml nt IIiIn HciiHiin of lint your will not uilmlt of limilliiK.) IIiiok Htoiii: ( 'hashish IIaniih. 'I'IiIh wriik I. i;. 'riioliuiN hoIiI IiIh hook mill Hlittloncr.v mIoi-o. next door In dm Niikki'I olllce to Mtm Horn KIcIiIh who liiiini'illiili'ly took charK" OftllllHtOIV. Ml'. 'rllOIIIIIN MIIITH'lll'll In linilillnu tip ii HiiliHtmitlul mill prolmilili' iiiiHini'KH, mni tin' many IrlcmlM of MiH. I'IoMm wIhIi Iiit all mum-ohm In tlu I'nti'rpi'lw. ;. III5NNKTT, Smiuii'l W.-ln t IiIh city nt thi homo ol lilHpmi'iitM, Mr. ami Mrs. W. H. Iloimett, April l. IIH'I, iikimI'JI yi'iii'M. fl niontliH ami 10 iluyn. Dm-iihi'il wax horn In Warren county, Iowa, Oi-toler 1S7H. lit caino to Oii'koii with IiIh piiri'iitn In S1H), mill IiIh pcriiiani'lit liomi Iiiim Ih-oii with thciii until I lie fatal tlay. IIi'hIiK'h inaiiy friend hi' loaves a fill Iter ami laothi'r, tin id lirolhcrH anil other tvlatlveH. Ileloit' reaching hi" majority he lie ciuni'il eoniHY'teil with (he U-ailer In thin i-lty ami learneil the printer tnuli, willed lie followed more or Ii-hh until lie wiih taken M'rloiiHly III alioiil nyearaKo. DnrhiK IiIh career an a printer he wiih annoi'lntcil with Hitveral piiK-rH In nieKon, working for n lliau on the NtikK''t. the KiiKene lU'KUIer anil the OrcKon (JliHcner at (IriuitH I 'aw. Sam wiih a koIiiI piln ler, faithful anil alwayn triiHtworthy at IiIh work. Ilo wiih a Hplemllil example of phynU-al HtreiiKth until aliout a year HKO. when ho wiih taken III with fever. Kor a time he wiih nerloiiHly III, hut rpciivi'riMl mmiii of IiIh Htivuittd anil ilurlliK the HprliiK anil minimcr wiih upuu tlin Htnt'tH, mill IiIh iiiixIoiih frleuilH thoiiKlit that ho would event ually recover. In the fall he went to Colorado. Ilowuver, thoilreaddlHeiiHe had clutched dim lu Uh KniHp, and In a few moiltliH ho returned, little If nny Improved. Then commenced the NtriiKKlo for llfo with deatd. He iviu n. Iirave follow. Ilo met the fate do crei'd him with it ciiIiiiuchh ami roHlKiiatlon Hcldom found In one who rcnlltcH that he intiHt piiHMfrom earth Into the uilHly uuccrtalutlcM of eter nity In tho curly inornlntfof apromlH Iiik mid tiHefiil life AIwayH a Kontleinan nlwayH to lie rellcl upim IiIh frlcndH wvru IckIoii, and many u tearHtood In their eycH on tho day tho muIiIo hcarno took all that wiim moral of their frluml to the Whltti City. Tho nervlct-H were held at tho ChrlHtlati church, at.'l:!W o'clock Sun day afttirnoou, conducted hy Itev. lllllliiKtou. IdHIOy. MllS. SAUAIl ANNA At hor homo lu Merlin, OrcKon, Sarah Anna, la-loved wife of A. I). Ixiltoy, of coiiHiimptluii, April LN, 1UU:I. Docoamid wiih horn lu I'iitiiIhIi county, NehriiHka, DecemlH-r 1L', lM7r, died April 8S, liw:i, ned '-'7 yearn, i montlm and I) duyH. Ilor nialden immowiiH Sarah Anna Dean, and In uhlldhood hIio caino with her parent to Dakota, where mIiu ktow to womanhood, icrailuatliiK In the nor mal hcIiooIh ofSpcurlicud,thutHtnto. HIio camo to()re(?ou with herpnruntH In 1HUT and wiih married to A. I). Ixi Hoy of thlH city, Aui. 4, 18IW. UocoiiMod wiih ii meinlier of tho MutliodlHt church from childhood, aiiilnllllliiteil with that church lu thin city. Hho wiw iiIho n momlior of tho Itohekad IcmIku of tdU city. Tho tioily arrived dure on tho 1 o'clock train WodnuHilay, and wan taken to thoM. K, church whoro tho funeral Horvloo, ono of tho moHt touchtiiK proachod In thlH city for yearn was dollvored by Itov. (leo. II. Veoso. Af ter tho Hcrvlcos at thochurcli tho pro cobhIoii moved to tho I. O. O, V. ceme tery whero tho liurlal wirvIcoH woro hold under tho lUiHplccH of tho Ko liokalw, iiBHlHtcd by tho BUhordlnato IoiIro I. (. O. V and luomlierH of tho oncmnpniont. Mm. IOlloy loavea n kind liiiHband, ti llttlo daiiKlitor, and u heartbroken mother. boHldori many frlondri In thin city mid Southern Oreiton, to mourn for her. MA It It I HI). UIHHKIili-HAMIHtlCIC At tdo inline of tdo brldcfi paroutH, Mr. and Mm. Frank Hambrlck, tdlH It v. Anrll -1). 1IM)3. Mr. Win. H. HIh Hi-it, of DuuBinlilr, Calif., and MIhh Kdua Hambrlck, of HiIh city. Itov. (t. II. Wallace otllclatluir. Tho hatiiy couplo loft on Tlmmday ntoruliiK h train on a wedding tour tlirotiKli California, after which thoy will lnako thulr homo at AhIiIuiuI Oregon. UOHN. WAlilCUll To Mr. and Mm. (loo. O. Wulknr. of Walkor. Ore., on Moil' day April 111, lUOII, a hoii. Oooriie Ih happy lu tdo tliotiKdt that do will hoiiii liavoauotderBawiulll hand. The ItciiBon Druir Co. inakoB a Bpoclalty of lUllne proucrlptlomi, It Is no kum work with this Iioubo, Kvory proflcrlptlon llllod Is Bitaran toed to bo lottor porfoct Just an It Ib wrltton. To nlve your doctor a rntpnhniv mid to Insuro your Btieedy recovery, It Is highly essential tdut your prescription uo proiiuny cum pouiuled. Try llonaon Druit Co. ! il lU.rl- ! U U. tit At IftU -A" si.. -It tl rl 1 -i- J "Wvltio I-Iardwuro Oo. ri.iiniDinu. Carry it coinplclo linn ol Hardware), I'lnwiro, Woven, ItmiifCH, I'm nil Iniplvini'tilHaiiil Mining HiimiMih, Includ ing (limit I'OWlIlT i'At.'H I'OWlIlT, 'lM mill KlIMO. Call mill nt tho now "UKl.'l" IIIcjcIch. "The Clmrtcr Oak Hardware Store." Wyntiu llitrilwaro ;., Proprietors. iff 77nTntr-T' -Trirr"lTriT'' 'fl1 Dr. I.owo oculo-optlcliui HiiKno. Set! IiihI pane forDoroiui and Divide t (4? IIIH. (leo. O. Wlkor wan In tho city IiihI l'"rMn. H. K. inU wait lu town IiihII Halurilay. H. It. Crow, ofl.orano, waHlntowii' hint. TucHilay. II. Ilawlny, of lloliuiiila, wuh In the elly I ueHilay. W.ll. I'urk, of ItoHiihurir, wiih lu town WediieHilay. Try Homo of Hiohd cliolcii perfumed at iifiiHou lirjiK' i n. I''. (J. Khy Iiiih returned from n trip to salt l.uke city. .1. I'. Howie, of Seatfle, vlHlted In Him city thin week. . Win. .IoIiiihoii, of OrantM I'iihh, wuh in the city WedncMiiay. I'reHh bh'Ud at (ho Homo Dakery, near (he depot, t ry It. I). McCarthy, of Portland, wiih lu uomiKO urovc iuhi weiinoHiiuy. Your prescript Ioiih MlleiHH'ICK, at ll..l.u.... II..... I'..'u i.viini,,, i.i life r n nil,,.'. I.. It. Mluaril wiih rcKlHtereil tit the nimi'iie, I'.imoiR', iiihi suliinluy. Hood liineli ami hot roffeu nt the Home llnker.v, near (he depot. A. A. Kelley and M. I:. McKlbben were In KiiKene hint Mnturilay. .1. W. linker, (do new Stale (lame Warden, vlnlted Salem (IiIh week. Soot t JacliHOU, of l.o nine made (IiIh olllce a pIciiHiiul call Tiii'Hdny. Mi'H. I'. (I. Khy returned from a down valley vlnll IiihI ThurHiIay. ii'ii. .Mr()uirn rvturnod TueHilay from a few dayn vIhH at lonino. Arv you lookliiK for toilet nrtlclcn? Drop Into lleiiHoii DniK Co'h Htoro. C. A. Harlow, of Star, wan lu Cot tuue drove IiihI I'rlday and Satur- dny. U-' Martin leturneil from u two iiioulliH rtay lu Portland, hiMt Fri day. MiH. W. II. lllalr, wdo waHncrlouHly III hint week, Ih now rapidly recover-Mils'- J. (I. Walla, of Tacomu, Wand.. wiih renlHtered at tdo Iiupurlnl Wediiewlay. MIhh Kolicrta lloud Inn a-tumed to her home at Soduvllle, for the Hiuumer. Auelior Alntad, of Halwy, camo up TueHilay to vlnlt IiIh uncle, II. C. MiiiIhoii. Sw tdoM' IiiUh at the I'iihIiIoii mil linery Hlore, MIhh Mary llartcln, pro. prletreHH. . Deputy rroMeeutlnB Attorney Hnr rln wiih reentered at tho Sherwood IiihI Monday. Kvcry article under tho huh uiually earrleil by ilritK ntoren can Imi dad nt (he lleiiHoii DniKC'o. .1. I. .Ioiich. travellmr paHeiiKer iiKi'iit for tho Southern i'liclflc wan the city 'I'durHilay. Mrn. .1. C. Wood, who Hent tlib winter In thin city. Iiiih removed to her ranch on How river. Mrn. J. II. rrotzmau Ih reported quite III at tdo family resilience In tliln city tliU week. John II. lVurHOiiH, HUerlntouilciit of tho (). ti. S. K. Hy., Ih on bunlueHH lu llohemla thU week. Mrn. S. V. JackHou, mother of Mrn. C. .1. Miller. Ih very III at tho homo of dor dmiKdtcr In tliln city. Al CriiHun n'turnoil Saturday from ConiBtock wdero do Iiiih completed a painting contract. Mm. Jean SliellelicrKer, of SubI- imiv, vlBlteil in lomiKO urove mo lant of tho week. N. ltiiHsell totiirncil from Senttlo rucHilay and renortM tdliiKH inovlmr lu (do wdolo Sound country. Mr. mid Mm.' Clint Hrauntottcr, of Junction, arrived on n ndort vwlt relatlveH lu hub city, niHt i riuay. II. T. Scott, ireneral muuuKur for the WiiHlilUKtou l.lfo ItiHurnuco Co., vlslU'd In OottaRO (Irovo Iiwt Friday. MIbb I.lllliin (loodenow roturned to Kmrniia Inst Saturday after u tow dnya vlalt with friends lu tliln city. Hudolpd mid 11. S. Cllno wero down from llodemla tdo lust of the week, mid iniulo thlB olllco uplcaBiint call. Dr. Wall, accompanied by MIhh Anna Underwood, lister of .Mrs. Wall, wont to rortinnii last .Mon day. N. II. Wdeoler and wlfo visited Mrs. Wlicclor'H brotdcr and Ids wlfo, Mr. and .Mrs. It. T. Parker, of tills city, last weok. John Durham, tho tionular trans fer man. thlB week added another team and wiikoii to ins over increna lug bUBlnosa. Hats of tho lati'Bt pattern and ar tistically trimmed at mo I'lisiuou mllllnory store, Miss Mary llartols, proptlotreHB. llalnh Whipple, secretary of tdo Lnltnv Mlulnir Com uu.v. returned Wednesday from a trip for tdo com pany to Portland. Hud Roberts Is bulldlnir a rcHtdenco on IiIh lot near Ills homo, Dwellings arc lu demand and many more will soon bo built. (1. O. McOllvray, ofHdaw, Marlon county, bus moved licro and will occupy mo fju i.oiiu rcHiiiouco, wnicu 18 now iiciiik compioieu. J. L. liOltoy, proBldcnt of tdo Hoy Mining Co., who enmo up to at tend tdo funeral of Aire. a. ii. jmoy, roturned to Portland Thursday. Mrn. V.i ITndorwond loft last Frl dav afternoon to visit with dor friend, Mrs. A. I). Loltpy. of Morlln, wliolsvory low with coiiBiimption Hov. Iloyles and family woro glvon a rou8lng Burnrlso by a host of their fricniis uroaKing in upon mom mr iinnoiincod. Mucd irooil fooling ex talnil nnil n mnnt oniovablo time was dad until qulto a lato hour wden the party uroKo up. fl" '-V T,"vrr"'Tr--TI TrTr'lT'" MIhh A. F. Holier, of AHlorlU.coiiHlu of Hie MessrH. U'Hoy, reliirned toiler holm- Tliurnduy alter having al- li'iiili'il the fuueral of Mix. A. D Iai liny. MIhh Cora linker left Monday fur Albany where hIia will uoiidut't a ehiNH In embroidery. l''roin Albany HIio will vlnlt nali'iii ami other valley polulH. TIiokp beautiful hills at the I'iihIiIoii millinery store, are going IiihI. You hIioiiIiI avail yourself of the prlvlllgo or seeing tiiem anil muKing your so lection nt once. Ilerg & Medley report a good sale of mining sloekH for tlio pant week, ono of the InrgeHt hloekH being that of tho Uolilen .Sjlpiiei' .Mining and Milling Co. It Ih understood that Win. Per iiiiiii, ivlni Ik iiiiw lu tho hospKalat Portland, Is slightly Improved but will Im confined to tdo lioHpltnl sev erul weeltH yet. A lit liuii tie Information wiih re ceived at tills olllce this week that a movement Ih IH-Ing iHTfecfed for the curly eHtnlillHlimeiit of a. democratic paier In thU cllv. TIioh. Iiiih, u Salem capitalist, uc compmileil by IiIh wife arrived here Sunday tde guentH of Mr. and Mrn. (1. I.. Hunt. Mr. SiuiH went ousoutd Monday on a ImihIiichh trip. "Tho Willamette Valley Choral I'nloii will hold their annual feHtlval at KiigencMay 12th tollth. Tleketx nt reduced raieH from all points on the Oreuon IIiich of tlie Southern Pa cific Co. will IxihoIiI May 11th tollth inclusive, return llinil.Muy loin. iw.i. The hill or Iuiulier for the new ICIectrle light plant was thin weok Hawed out at tiio IiOiig & llliigham mill and Is now mi the ground. Manager .Minims iiuiiouiii-ch that work on the structure will comiuen.Mj as soon uh he can secure the shingles. IwIh Hartly. Hiiiierliiteudeiit of tliuSunrlw Mining Co., wuh In from llohemla after sutinlleH laHt Monday. Mr. Hartly Htuten that the camp Ih lu a llourlHhliig condition and Ih highly plenseil with the action of the iropcrtles in which lie ih iH.-monauy ntercHteil. Tde castings for tho now oven for U. T. Parkers bakery, on Main Street arrived Thursday. Mr. Parker Ih In great need of theiiewoven.hutowlng to IiIh Inability to secure brick, It will not lie built for Home time. When complete the oven will lie 10x12 and will hold twcnty-Hoven palm You use mcdlclncH. don't yon? Then you have prescriptions lilted, don't you? Well, then, you want them filled at a reliable houso, don t you? Did It over occur to you that HctiHon Drug Co. Ih that kind of a bouse. You try It and sec Hint's all. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Illiller. of Oak land, Oregon, aro vlsttlng this week with Mr. Udder's brother. Mr. Ira Conner, of this vicinity. Mr. Wilier inn lieeu In ill health lor some tune being troubled with muscular rheu matism. Mr. Wilier Is a former bind, liens man of this city and his old time friends will lio plenseil to meet him again. Mm. Kmnin Dame wood, who Ih teaching tho Falrvlcw district hcIioo! near Doremi, win In Cottune (Irovo last Saturday and favored the Mig- get olllco with a pleasant call. .Mm. Dauiewood states that her school Is progressing nicely, and that she das one of tdo In'Ht U'luivedHetof scholars that It has Isx-n her lotto teach. W. W. Kldcr. of Snyton, recently appointed by Governor Chumherlulii superintendent of tho Soldiers' Homo nt Horeburg, spent several duys In this city last week, visiting with his old friend, (leonre L. Hunt and sev eral other friends, mid Incidentally, mnKiug new ones, lie is a pleasant gentlemen, and the Nugget acknowl edges a pleasant cnll from him. I. P. Inmuu. the enterprising mer chant and postmaster of I.orane, was lu the city Thursday, and an nounces that work Is going rapidly ahead on tho creamery building at that place, lie also states tnnt tne telephone Hue to connect I.orane with this city will soon 1h n reality, the nolo setters now being within a few miles of this city, and expect to complete their work by the Inst of tno weois. It Is nover too lato todo good, but It Is sometimes too late to get tho best selections In tho latest destgUH ami styles of ladles' hats, for the reason that some other lady has taken advantage of tdo opportunity, and pnrcliuHed tde "very one" you wuuu'il, Tlieroiore, come as early as possible and mnko your selection of vntir utirlllf luif. fit. tlift Kinhtmi Millinery Store, Miss Mnry Hartels, proprioircss. Tub Nkw Mi:at Maiikkt. 0.0. liwen, tdo proprietor of tdo new meat market, informed a re porter this weok, that while do dud (icon at Bomti iieiny tneroiiy post poning IiIh opening, ho deemed It better than to open half prepared for bUBluess. Ho states that do das been busy building a now slaughter lioitHo on his 40-ncro tract southwest of town. Next Mouday ho will open his market and will lio ready for business. FOR SALU. Tlireo set double, buggy darness or will trmlo for hay or grain. Ciiiiismak & IIaniih, Orand Opening Tho now confectionery will havo their opening on Thursday, May 7. leo cream and leo cream boiIiv will bo served free to nil tdo ladles vdo call on that day. Don't forgot tho place. upposiio noiei Hiierwoou. Mksiiamkb Conch & Mai.onk ryinnnnnnnrririnnn SKILLMAN Leading Grocers Everything new, fresh and clean. AVhere tho majority trades, o ovldontly tho prices aro right. Glvo us a trial, and we shall J endeavor to please you. Produco a specialty. Phono 43. o Ouuuujuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 1M i II x ii Mnro About Conimwuloncr Wore H. .0 AUKInloy Allied to He Inipll cnb il l.nnd Sold to Two Persons. WIIKIIKAHOOTS STILL A JIVSTKHV McKlnlOy BenleS tlrfJ Charge IdnVt Hit FrlDfidstilp for Miss Ware, but Claims No Gollusloi. Ui.oi;m:, Or., April V.). iHe.'lal to Oregoiilau.) Sine" the flrt report three weeks ago of tho resignation of Miss Ware us 1,'nlted States Commis sioner there lies Ih.I'U all kinds of rumors uh to the real Ihhuch of the cmhc, ami many attempts have been nmiln to obtain the Information on which charges aguliiHt .Miss Warn had been based. Those who pos sessed Information, however, were bound to silence. They were holding all they knew to lie given out for the first time to tho l.'nllcil Stale grand Jury In Portland tomorrow, and for that reason no facts wcie obtainable From those who were Interrogated It was learned today that the ease against MIhs Ware hinges almost en tirely on ii transaction In which K. llobson, of this city, was a victim. Mr. Hobsou Is iiiillean elderly genlle inen, iml cume dure two years ago flom the tlniler regions of WIhcoiimIii In company with a nephew niimeil l.-er. wciik or it. o. iiekivi.r.v. Tho transaction with HoIihoii was conducted by II. (J. McKlnloy, a tlm- lH;r-lanil ss-culator wlio Is well known throughout t IiIh valley. Mc Kluley.lt Ih said, went to llohon one day and suggested to him that a certain quarter section of tlmls-T latin w is lor sale, ami mat a need had been left with MIhh Ware to lie delivered for a certain price. Mr. lloliHinr went to MIhh Ware's olllce and saw the deed, which had I wen made lu blank and had been left with .MIhh Ware to sell. There wero two deeds, one iKJlug acknowledged by McKlnley and the other not ac knowledged. Thoiiukiiowleilged deed Was used, and Clyde I.loyil made the acknowledgement and attached his seal. I.loyil Is from Portland, and has Ik-cii Interested with McKlnley In other transactions. The deed was signed "KolH-rt Simpson," ujid the acknowledgment taken by l.loyd. Then? wero present MIhh Ware, Mc Klnley. Lloyd and Hobniu, Hobsou paid ?G00 to McKlnley la the olllce of MIhh Ware and took his deed, mid It Is alleged tho three or the two men linked that he wait a few dayH I tenia- recording the deed, so that the pulcnt inlgdt bo recorded tlrst. ANOTIIKIt Di:i.i) Alin.VIl of ins. Wden llobson went to record his deed he found, It Ih said, that the land had been Bold to another party whoso deed was on record ahead of Ills, and be went buck to McKlnley and Miss Ware and made complaint. Thoy were glad to hush the matter mid make restitution of the amount mild for tho laud, anil It was huh- posed the mutter would never bo brought up again. Hut McKlnley and Lloyd had trouble over another transaction, mid the latter now has ssltugulnst .McKlnley for $20,000 damages In tho United States Court, It was through Lloyd that tho Government agents got the clew whereby they worked out the case. OlIKOONIAN. Horace McKlnley. whoso name 1ms been mentioned In the stories of Miss Mnrlo Ware's alleged (light from Eu gene, arrived m ttio city yestcruuy after an absence of nearly n. weeK. Ilo do:lares tho rumors that he hud gone to join MIhh Ware bad no sub stance or tnitn wnatover. no ex plains he went to Klamath County to attend to matters connected with his timber-land business. AboutClyde 1). Lloyd's participation In thechnrge against Miss Ware, do professed to know nothing. He said that Miss Ware had not lied at all. that she had gone to California to visit relat ives and that she soon would return. Mr. McKlnlev scouted tdo tales about Ids allege.) collusion with Miss Ware. Hesuld he never took illegal advantage of tho government or any Individual lu his land transactions. Ho admitted that ho was a friend of MIhh Ware's and dor friendship had stood him lu good stead In his busi ness, but ho denied that her treat ment of him could cause, others en gaged In the sauio business to mnko any valid complaint to tho Govern ment. It transpires that Lloyd was an aspirant for Miss Ware'H favor and that McKlnley "cut dim out." LODGE NOTES- MOPUIIN llltOTIIKllllOOD Of AME1IICA. Tdo M. II. A held another ono of tholr enjoyable socials on Tuesday evening. Tdo ladles of tho ordor had Crcpured a supjier willed was enjoyed y ever ono present. After tdo feast a program was rendered willed showed that the mcmlicrs wero well up in tho art of entertaining. Two now members woro ndopted with more to bo received at their next meeting. The order shows a sub stantial rato of Increase m. w. A. With HI applications at last meet ing of Cotrngo drove, M, W. A., tho members fouud It necessary to meet In extra session lust Wednesday evening with still 10 applications be fore them for adoption. The team Is being reorganized and tdo Inter esting degree worn is now an ui tractlvo feature as well as creating an abundance of amusoment. Nelgd bor U. K. Strayer was elocted clerk with CIiuh, W. Wallace, as assistant. The local camp Is rapidly Increasing Its memlierslilp and with an M. W. A. orencstra ami iicignoor onannreic at tdo piano. Well, to any that camp No. 0424 Is fast forging to the foremost position Is expressing tho I real tiling in mini lorm, inuceii. 3 & BENSON of Cottaja Grove. 'HI I u i 'IIRI2AKIN0 IMS HOMOS." , I lis homo talent drama which Is to Is' fendered on next Friday even ing, May 1, Is progressing nicely. i no company is working hard, re- hearsing every evening and Iioihj to bo ublo to surpass any homo talent performance ever preMUKed In tho elly. Air. .1. C. Johnson Ih coaching tho company and also playing the comedy roll. The following Is the cast of cdar- elers: ! Lawyer Deem Thomas M. Medley Horatio Snooks Orvlll Taylor Howard Ielir ( has. W. Wsllace Mr. lIr At Inn Itiiby Thouias .May Ketchiiui Allss Htliel Wuoley Dr. Hatfield Pearl Hennett Micky I. C. Johnson Argy Tompkins Chas. Newland Kitty Allss Kmtna Ilryan Koch and every character Is well sustained and you will miss a treat If you fall to see the play. Secure your seats early at the New Kru Drug Store. KEALBSTATIi 1RANSPURS. O. W LSng to P. U. Gilbert lot 7 b 1, Georgetown, $200. HenJ. Hull to O & S B Hy, right-of-way. $1. Amanda Van Scdolack, et al, to O Ac S K Hy, right-of-way, g00. J T and LIju Julio .Miller to Fred erick Shlpard, 210 acres In tp 20 sec 10 s, rl w,2000. .1 H and Alargarotto Stewart to u ic S K Hy, right-of-way, ?500. M A mid It S Owena to O & S E Hy, rlglit-of-wny, $1. .1 Al and .Minnie Culp to O & S E Ity, right-of-way, $1. NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Ofllce, Kosehurg, Ore., Apr., 23, 1903. Notice Is hereby given tdat the ap proved plat of surver of Township Kl South, Hunge 4 East. Township KJ South, Kmige 5 East. Township 24 South, Hunge S Eaat. Townsdln 24. South. Itamre 4 Enst. have lieen received from theSurveyor uenerni lor uregonnnu on Thursday, May 2S. 190.1. nt 9 o'clock a. m. the said plats will Is? filed In this ofllce, and tho land embraced there in, being In the Cascade Forest He serve, will le open to entry on and alter sain iiaie, only topersonssuow lug settlement thereon prior to September 24th. 1S93, the date of tde executive oruer setting apart said land as a forest reserve. J. T. IlniDiiKs, Register. J. II. Booth, Hecelver. TO ALL THE LADIES. Tde lean, tde fat Tde stout, tde tall God bless their souls Wo love them. And like to see them pleased as thoy are sure to" bo If they uso any of the toilet articles from the New Era Drug Store. NOTICE. The Nugget takes tills opportunity to notify Its subscribers that here- uffcr thoso who wish the Nugget and tho Weekly Oregonlnn will 1k? ex pected to pay $2.o0 for the two papers. This raise Is ntcessarv on account of a raise on the Oregonlnn1 All bnll players and thone Interested In the game are Invited to attend a meeting at the city hall Monday evening at 7 o'clock sharp for the purpose of organizing a team. FORTY ACRE RANCH FOR SALE. If taken within the next ten days tde40 acre hill ruuch that I have been offering for $G00.00, can -Ik? bought for $300.00, only part of willed must bo cash. Tills placd Ib a bargain nt that price and will bring several hundred dollars more than tdat be fore tdo Bummer Is over. It Is located about three and one-halt miles south-east of tho city, near Long & Hlngham's Logging camp, and close to a good road. There Is a fairly good houso and some outbuildings on the place, also an orchard, good fences, springs, etc. etc. There is enough saw timber and wood on It to more than pay for It. If you wish to purchase a place of this kind, call on or address, Lbb W, IIeniiv, Cottng Grove. CgJLILIUUUI.IULIUJUUUUU THE Grocery Store OF Metcalf & Morse is the place to buy your groceries. Everything is clean, new, fresh and of first grade quality. 1 Spring is bereQo are we g With Sprny Ptinips and Spray Compound. Hoes, Hakes and Cultivators. s8 Oliver's Steel and (illlcd Plows. 3 ZZ JFIsd llros. Wngons, A full and complete Line of Hardware, Stores and Tlnwaro. r3 r: Mining SupplicH our Spcciuky. SS I Piper iiiiiwiijiiiiiiiijuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiitiaiuiiiiaiiiiiiaiiaawuiu -THE- CHSF) 6R0C6RY i Has the Freshest JLine t of Groceries in Cottage Grove. Not a can nor package of goods on the shelves but that is as fresh 4 as is obtainable on the market. Quality guaranteed Oar Prices Are the Lowest and Satisfaction Is Guaranteed HAUEIS & WILLIAMS, Props. YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME ffffir IMPERIAL HOTEL. Where the meals are well cooked and well served and the beds are good. ITS CLEAN THRGfja. And you'll find everything houa-IOai '.thoail !?! Como and eta;' at loij; 1 1 poiC FINE LARGE Free to our Commercial Trade. Try rcial Trade. Try our Sunday Dim Served in any Hotel in the City. N. D. HARDY, iVFgr. COTTAGE GROVE, - - OREGON. piMiritntfiifiimMiriifiifiiriirtifnfiifiififfiifnfiiriirmnnifg I SHANAFELT'S 1 Photograph Gallery NOW New back grounds and Accessories. s Fifteen years experience, eight 3'ears in Portland s Nothing but first-class work. All Work guar- 3 s anteed. Lowest prices. Call and examine work. 2 E: Opposite Masonle Hall. West Side, Cottage Groie. 3 aiaiaiaaiiaiaiaiaiaaiiaaiiaiiiiaiaiaiaaiiaaiiiiial W. S. Chrisrnan & Ely Bangs Bohemia irst Class Turnouts, Double or Sin. CHRISMAN & BANGS - KNOWJLES & GETTYS Proprietors of ...The Miners Supply House... Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.? General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition BOHEMIA, OREGON. :jc t 5 5- T 5 5- 35- -3 5- -!r 3r i :: . J, ff , lays Furniture Co, I guarantees to save you money on every thins to furnish a homo Including Stoves, Ranges, Carpets and Mattings. New Line of Wall-Paper.,. Big Clearance Sale now on for 30 days; 10 per Cent Discount on everything. EUGENE . - OREGON & Vandenbura SAMPLE ROOMS our Sunday Dinner. The beat ever OPEN. Best Lenses and Cameras. PROPRIETORS OF ThoFashionStables ALSO OFFICE OF THE and Llack Butte Stages. COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. if-