Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 01, 1903, Image 1

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m TIIK A i v i ii 1 1 inh r.iiiu m
S5 .as tvs axs w
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and 1'imiiliiR Interests of this Cotnimiiiity, to Good Government, and Hunting for a Grub Stake
NO. 14
Mines acd Mioinq 1
I y" Dovotod to D'6horVr Noro.3 r ' I
Itbms of tfoncfof InrcPojrro Mirxlnfl Mort.Oj
MllimiWmttMWiaWinllTllllllllllllllllMliIIIHIMItflWrltWI! ri lirHHtlHWt mminU
I.V MINIMI CO. iiwnismiAMiKi. ,
mi! iKi..
The following article regarding
tho Grizzly MlnltiK & Reduction
Co. Is'taken Iroiu nti extended 'm
tlcle on mining I" g'eneial mid pnr
tlculntly of Oieon. published by
Hie Chicago Wcntern Trade Jour
nal of April 7.
Work tin the Bohemia Girl lias
1 been going xleadily on nil winter,
mill the management is now upj
ngnlust a Que showing. The work
In I n ml cousin! of driving n tuunrl
I to top the Cold Ciom ledge on tin
I opposite Mde of the ridge. It i
II is lljWeforea satisfaction to be ! ot. ""' "lc
aula to add one more promising "wge. ai . u;
Oregon mining company, to our list been conceded to be one of tl.c
of pliable corporations, whose flnwt ledges In the district,
slocks are worthy of purchase, and UtvmtSIIH!.
whoae representation can. be im-
Illicitly relied upon. In -this con- Work on the new crosscut on the
uecMon we rclor to the Grizzly j uiverside l.uow going steadily on.
MoilMtaln Mining and Reduction I The tuntielhrnow in 126 feet and
Company, owner of the Grizzly j wjj tap the ledge at a great depth,
group of five quartz claim iu the ,ep'nlcraKVM. but it is not an
fainoua ISoliemin Mining Diatrict. 'eiwn,0(,ynBry institution established
Lane county, Oregon. The com. ; f(. )e be(efi of (tMt mimti.
nativ has a main working funnel
driven In over five hundred feet on
a well drlliicd ledge dictning large
reserve of sulphide ore carrying
gold, silver, copper and lead in as
say value from $aa to $185 iwr
ton. The Oregon and Southeastern
Railroad Company la now building
in other word, if a miner will not
look after his own rigbta, the gov
ernment will not.
Thursday, Mav t
ttnuiiced today that
It ia ou-1
an imujetfsc'
a railroad into the Hohemia Mining .rrike hi neen made in the Crystal
Diatrict. Thla railroad will crrom jniisnlidatcd mine, Bohemia. It ia
the company'a properties, which ' iiuttictittcntly atated that a four foot
will afford cheap transportation for g.te of wild baae ore was en-1
the alilpment of ore to the smeller. Cottl,tere yesterday . Secretary '
The companny propoaea to install p, Jordan Is now arranging for
mining machinery and a coiiceu- lbe erecuon 0f a large ore bin for
trattng plant to concentrate the low tlle receptlon of the ore from the
grade ores', so as to put the mine RW Htrke
on a large oiviaenu. pnywK
For this purpose a limited amount
of atock is offered at 25 cents per
share, par value $1. Stock sold on
the installment plan is J5 per cem
down and UaWu'ce iu rive equal
monthly iiaymenla. No lesa than
tno1inrca of atock issued. Send
' '
For Hand Made Harness
All Wo rk Warraii I eel.
Satis 1 he (ion G -uaranteed.
Everything Kept in a First Class Harness
Shop at Lowest Prices.
A Big Line of
Ladies' Dress Skirts
Walking Skirts and Under
skirts just in
More New Dress Trimmings. Men's
Gutter Shoes Again in Stock
Eakin Bristow.
It is repoited that a rich strike recently been made 011 the
Peek A- o propei ty on Jackaaa
iidKe, near the Musick mine.
A successful winter season' d-
PATI5NT YOUli .MIMNO LOCATION, j future prospecting on odd numbered
I sections will be cut oft" and no new
liiMTox Mining ani Hnoinkkk- mining claims can ever be located.
ino Rkvikw. At the lowest calculation over 5001
Whv is it that in so imiHirtatit unpatented mining claims are in
fhr moaiieattui ami For ifiullai veiipmaut wm is -m
, 'n... ii Air.-,i i..h. ' Monte Rico ridue, and now the
son, 116 Poplar atreet, Mankato,
Minn., or the Grizaly M. M.
Co., Cottage Grove, Ore,
owners are buckling iuttf the sum
, nier work with a vim.
1 The Jtidsou Rock people have
1 recently let n soo foot contract
j which is being executed in the
I main working tunnel.
n matter as the title of his mine, a
man will be careless while careful
in otliar iwattefs? . Vlt yWII, he
take ehanceti tl
fSf , wit Will 1
volveil in the issue in Shasta
Tijajre are other ojurcjg of dan
Kcr no less nfeTiacing or imminent.
Retwtls are to the effect that
things are looking lively at the I.e- ; ntawil,m
Roy camp. Hie camp nas ikcii
puaheil steadily all winter and is
now going on with all thesteadtueas
of an old dividend payer. The ma
chine drill plant, which was in
stalled last season, Is working ex
cellently. The operations aieuo.v
directly confined to the North ledge,
drifting alo"K te hanging wall.
This tunnel Is now in about .175
.. ilimtli nf snme
Vs feet. It i confidently expected vlus is attracting the .attention of
hv the management that in the many visitors. '1 he work has bean
sufficient, in a case where he stands! Hesides, the federal government ex
to lose thousand of dollars If it is I peels miners to apply for patents
for their miiHiig locations. I'or
that very purpose that miners
might go uKn the public domain
and ascertain whether it contained
mines, and afterwards set afoot pro-
1 not, when for the ground upon
which his little shack iu town
stands, worth (mssibly a few hun
dred dolUrs, he demands a title iu
fee simple? A miner's location
Work will soon be resumed on tj,ie is more t,a a "squatters
I title," subject to all manner of dis
turbance, never safe for the locator,
never satisfactory to a buyer. Now-a-day,
purchasers, imrticitlarly
eastern purchasers, will not accept
location title, but insist upon title
It is announced that the heavy
stockholders in the Stocks & Har
low proierty are expected here from
the Hast in a few weeks, when ar
rangements for systematic develop
ment will be put into motion. The
property is an excellent one, and
only needs development to place it
on the top notch.
The high grade ore of the Vesti
iHtxt 50 feet driving, the tunnel will
'widen hilo a shute of oie, the crpp
piugs of which indicate great rich,
lie. It is pleasing to note the
satisfaction of the stockholders,
especially those who have access to
the ground or the company, in view
of the very encouraging prospects.
Work is .in full blast on the Min
eral King group driving on the
McKlnley ledge. The Homestake
ledge is also on the Mineral King
property, .and Is very promising.
It crops out ou the mountain inn
continuous string for nearly 500
feet and Is said to -be anywhere
from 70 to 100 feet wide.
The extensive development work
r,wmittv done on the Oregon &
Colorado is bringing the property
into excellent relief. It is nutlieu
tically stated thai heavy work will
continue on this property nil Hum
mer. The wneon road which was
laid out Inst season will be com
pleted which will be of material
value to the prop.-rty.
Development wcjrk Is now in full
blast" qt the Golden Slipper, It)
Horseheavcu canyon. A better
copper showing is not thus far been
uncovered in' the diggings. The
company has just let another 200
foot contract.
continuous during the .winter
months, and the results are said to
meet with tlie entire satisfaction of
the management.
Great progress has been made In
the North Kairview tuts winter.
Some excellent ore 1ms been un
covered mid the vein is heading into
the main ore shute.
Development is going on steadily
nt till (Jrvstnl. A full face of
solid high grade concentrating oro
is now encountered and the ledge
is rapidly widening.
John llruiul is again diiving
away on his well developed Sweep
stake property on Klephant moun
tain. This is said to be a splendid
nronertv. It is owned exclusively
bv Mr. llrund, and it-is announced
that overtures are now being made
for the purchase of the same
Work on the Sunrise will hoon be
in full blast. This- property has
now somethlnir like. 8,000 tons of
ore on the dump. It is.uuderstood
that the company will erect a
stamp mill this season.
Some fine ledges both free milling
mul base are now being uncovered
by the Great Uastern Mining Co.
oil Martin creek.
Favorable comment Is uow going
the rounds regarding the Combi
nation group on Martin and Quartz
creeks. The 01 e certainly looks
good, and develo'pment is going on
In all earnestness.
resting upon yuited States Wteut.
Heretofore, you have published
letter Irom me on this subject,
wherein I set foith the exmgency
of obtaining patrfit. I need not
repeal here what wits then said,
but the following dispatch, printed
11 al. of tho daily papers, illus
trates the danger to which I called
"Keswick, April 19 The miners
and prospectors of Shasta county
on both sides of the Sacramento
river are much concerned over the
announcement that the railroad
company has advertised its inten
tion to apply for patents on odd
numbered sections ol its grant iu
this county. Sixtv days' notice is
given, during which time miners
must file their protests, establishing
ceedihgs to get a title thereto, the
federal mining law was enacted.
It provides no means for the pro
tection of the miner who sleeps
upon his rights. It expects him to
patent, lies iu the fact that all
feel as much concern touching the
ti.le to his mine as he does respect
ing the title of his other property.
In 110 other certain way than by his
application for a t alent is the gen
eral government put upon notice
that the miner has a location upon
the public domain. In no other
way than by and through his
patent application can .he general
government provide, specifically,
for the protection of the owner of
the location. 1 lie surveyor may
possibly, return that a mine exists
in a certain place, but, unless an
application for patent is made,
there is nothing of recoad to show
that the mine has not been worked
out- or abandoned , or that the
officers of the government ate not
at liberty to dispose of the ground
to the first comer. I repeat, the
government has no specific infor-
The Comments We Hear Daily
on our merchandise make us believe more
that the majority of people prefer the
although they cost a little more money
racket goods.
an ever
better class of goods.
than the so-called
We never change;
the quality always
the same.
Hamilton Brown
shoes for inch, $1.75
2.00, 2.50, 8.00 00
Geo. Keith's Or
thopedic shoes i 50
Hamilton Brown
Shoe Co.
1.50, 2.00, 2.50,
3 50
Streatman 3 50
Hoffman Rothschild
None better. Any
price..? 50 to 25 00
- Neustadt Bros.
The standard goods
on the Coast. Every
garment the best in
the market.
Dry Goods
Murphy, Grant & Co.
Strictly firstquality
No, Cheap John goods;
they don't keep them.
It pays to buy them.
Allen & Lewis
A person can always
depend on their goods
being fresh and nice
and the best to be had
These goods are all sold at the same margin of profit as the
cheap goods are sold, and those who buy them are the ones who
accumulate wealth.
Leaders in itIcrch;mIiiiiK'.
0 '. ...... sr tl.n nvtctin.A nt n (11,
w.miuitci ui in... 1.
the mineral
Hundreds of miners uow find
that they must act at once in order
to save their rights. This means a
grcot deol of trouble and no little
expense. Ulaims tuai nave oeeu
mined since the earliest days and
which have never been patented are
involved with the iet.t. In order
to file a legal protest they must
establish the corneas to each claim,
which necessitates the employment
of u registeted surveyor, the plott
ing of the claim, and the further
employment of an attorney to draw
up th-' legal documents necessary
in establishing the rights to the
In order to minimize the expensev
the miners iu the several districts
are combining and making'a united
protest covering all the claims in
the districts. A great hardship, in
cident to the railroad receiving its
location until a patent proceeding
has been instituted. Therefore, if
a miner neglects to institute patent
proceedings and loses his rajue, his
loss isattributal not to the govern
ment, but to his own negligence,
The government helps them who
As I said in former commuiiica'
tious, a patent proceeding is not ex
pensive, and if a mine is or seems
likely to become worth anything, it
is worth patenting. I advise all of
m clients to get patents for their
mines, and at this time I have sev
eral patent proceedings under way
for clients in this state and outside
of it. It is not safe for the miner
to rely upon his mere location.
Edward A. Bklciikk,
San Francisco, Cal.
The above article, taken from
the Engineering Review, published
at San Francisco, should be read
carefully by every property holder
in Bohemia. The sooner a man
pockets tile deed to his mining
property the better. It lessens his
chances to become involved in liti
gation. It increases his oppor
tunities to dispose of his property
on short notice. It removes the
greatest drawback in the matter of
interesting outside capital. How
often do we hear the expression:
"We do not wish to buy a law
suit." Bohemia, iu years to come
if miners fail to take advantage of
the opportunity to patent their
ground, will be a network of lawsuits.
Hon. A. B. Rcames, the Democratic
Nominee tor Congress, Will le.
liver an Address at' Martin's
HallAlay t.
Why Not Get the
No matter what you pay for an article
you're entitled to your money's worth!
When you buy a pair of .. .. . .
If you do not, tell us stud
we will tlo what is right.
vou get it
Hon. A. H. ltenmeH, the democratic
nominee for congress Is booked to
dollvcr aii address In this cltv at
Martins' Hall Friday (today) tit I
p. m.
Mr. IteamoH In said to bo a tliient
xpeaker, and will 110 doubt Ik listened
to by n largo audience.
Tickets on huIo for "Breaking
Bonds" at tho New Kra Drug Store.
Don't forget the dato May 1
and Miners' Shoes
also meet the requirements of the trade
Ask to See
Sul Uoyal llluo...$3 50 Selz IVru-eto...$3 60
Solz I'erfeeto low eiit 8 25
Sell! Uoyal Itluu Patent Colt 4 25