Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 24, 1903, Image 7

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Tired Feeling
Ik n Common Sprlnn Trouble
H'h n altfii 1 1 iti t tlio lilnotl la ilrllrliint
In vllnllly, JiihI an ilniilu4 nml other
o -1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 a ii lo Kljjiu (lint II io blood
In Impiiro.
II' h wnnilnjf, too, which only the
Imr.iililoii Mil Id I i coil.
Hood's SarsaparlUa
and Pills
Itcmuvti It, bIvo now lift now cotir
n(:n, (ilii'iinlli nml m 1 1 1 ii i it 1 1 1 i .
'J'licy cliiuuu thu blouil anil clear tlio
Am'it no iilmlllnlo.
' "1 (tilt llnil nil tlm Unix ntul iwiM not
aleep, AlIlT Ink Inn IIikhI' BAriMnirllli
H wlillu 1 (vuilit iIihi wrll mid Ihn llrinl
IrrllliK ti ml kiiiiu. 11 1 1 incut lilcilklnn linn
Kino enrol inn of acniliilit." Mil. 0. M
Hoot, (llltnil, Conn.
Hood's Snmnimrlltn promlaoa to
euro unci koop tlio jiroinlsoi
A new mid ri'vUril edition of Ktic
pbrn I'ncel' "Uiierliiieul on Aid
I u n with mi Introduction hy Lord
I.lnli-r, I puhllnlii-d hy thu Mrr. Put
un tn.
J. A. Ilnmnierton, of London, I ahoul
to pillilliih n Totiiine of Htovennniilmin,
to enimUt of ritrnrt from tnnciizlnra
nnd other periodic! relullni; to Btv
It ha become, known that Andrew O.
Wheeler (Nytu Crinkle), who recently
din) on hi fiirm In llockhiud County,
wit the "J. I'. M." whoae (trilling ca
nny mid lionka Imre hnd a Inrg popu
Inrlly In thrae Inter yer.
Itnlph Klelcher Heyiuoiirli the run
Heller of "Crre und t'vrophone," n
child ply tiy 11 1 Maud Mnuvfee. Tho
Dmnrtir myth I rutold for children In
Imple tyrlrnl dlaloitue nml Mr. I.nne'a
truneliitlon of tho "Ilyinn to Demeter"
la appended..
Of mlildlo belslit, whlte-lialred and
mddy-fnerd, Julc Verue look like n
neu captain whu I apemtliiK the au
tumn of a wri). tilled life on atiorc. Al
though H year old. mirferlnn from ent
nrnct and laino In one Ire. thu old gen
tleman I henrty of mnnnrr nml hrlitlit
ly Intermteil In nil the world' lining.
I'rof. John Vnnl Nllinmiii' long ex
pec I t-d work on nrt mid the philosophy
of bi'nuty, "The (Into llenntlful." I nt
lnt announced for enrly piihllentlon by
Albirt llrmidt, of Trillion, N. J. It
will be n itinrto of iingm mid la to
contain teverul thoumiud llliiktrntlonu
ii nd two color churl, olio being printed
In tweuty-four color.
Paul Lntireuctf Iiunbnr, nuthor of
"I.yrlea of liwly lAtv," "l'oeiu of
Cnlilu mid riclil," etc., tin Jut rend
tho prouf of u new tolume of hviii
which will Ik- n loinpiiiilon to hi
"I.yrlea of Uiwly hUu" nnd "l.yrlc of
tho l!cjirthldf." Kor the must part It
1 made up of dlalvct piece and will
ticnr tho title "Lyric of Iotu and
It I in Id that the novel by John I).
Harry cntlllcd "A DntiKhter of The
d," which U a I'hkv V Co. have 111
preea, I one of the few accurate utorle
of Amerlcnii lniie condition Hint tin
ever been written. Mr. Ilnrry' atorlea
of theatrical life have nlrcndy been
highly prleil hy the revlewtT.
iimonif other by William Archer, thu
lending drumntlc critic of KiiKlnnd.
MUa Mary Jolinatoii' new romnntlc
love atoiy, "Sir Mortimer," will fallow
Mr. Humphry Wnrd' "l.ndy Itonc'a
DnuKhter" In Ilnrper'a Mncnzlnc. Tho
kceue of the ntory nro Inld In ICiiKliuid
nt tho court of Queen KlUnlx'th mid on
the fe:i. Tho heroine la n eelcbrnted
beauty who la lady-ln-wiiltliiK to Qureii
Kllzabetb, while the hero I n valiant
otllci-r In tier Mnjenty' inlnlntiire nnvy.
"David Ilartim" bna pniaiil Into Ita
one hunilnil'nnd II rut million, which
Mer. I). Appleton Ac Co. lued Im
incdhitely after the liolldnj. In tho
mutter of popularity oxpreHeil In mini
lier It now take II rut rank In Amerl
cnii Helton, "Iten-llur" nnd "Undo
Tom'a Cnhlu" belnit It only rlvnl. Tho
iHMik' llmt century of edition wna
cclcliriiti-U lu October hut with tin
lsuo of 10,000 eopli'K, printed on a pe
clnl paper In n apeclul blmlliiK. It wu
entirely dlnpoHod of by Dec. 1, complet
ing o total mile of ikilt.OOO copies. Tho
now edition will appear In the family
yellow cover, with full-patio Illustra
tion by CllncbiirHt.
Ho No'ilett Cliillie.
A Western Senator brought to tho
Capitol n good story about Minister
llowon, which tho minister himself re
cently told at n dinner.
"1 wn linked Homo days after I ar
rived hero lu Washington," wild Mr.
llowon, "why I bad stuck so closely to
my rooms nt tho hotel nod not showed
myself around town.
"Tho only reply wns a rnthor painful
ono, 'but, nevertheless, fully truthful.
It wns bocnuso I hadn't tlio clothes."
Thereupon i llowen told how ho
had bcon cominlHsloiird to hasten
North suddenly and without opportuni
ty to provldo himself with tlio henv
lor wearing apparel necessary for real
donco lu n cold cllmnto. Ab soon as
Jio reached town ho put a local tullor
to work upon an outfit.
Tho hardship of tlio sltuntlon wns
thnt Mr. llowon hnd ordorod somo rai
ment from lVindnii, nud this wns com
ing across tlio Atlantic In n Ilrltlsh
bottom, which wn ono of tho vory
first ships to bo bold up by tho block
ading tlcot of tho allies. Thoro was
uo holp for It, nnd Mr, llowon's Ten
don clothes, bucIi ns nro necessary for
proper nppcnriuico In pollto socloty,
nro still eoniowV'ro In South Amorlca.
Ho had reason, therefore, for being
porsonnlly gratoful when tho blockade
wns raised and bis clothes had nn op
portunity to co forward to Caracas.
'Washington Tost.
I An Aocommoilatlnjr Nclflilmr.
Tlio followlnif cuiivnraittloii of tiro
younx Intllr wn ororlienril it few
night nito In n Hlitli BTdniio clrcti'la
cur, report tint New York Time!
i "Do you know,, 1 think ntiu 1 nto
loti'ly tlio liiciincit woiniin t over
"Wlir, wlint Ii tlio inn tier
, lirrJ"
"Miitterf Why, evcrylhlnir.
floe iiotlilnj; lint borrow from morn-
. Iiik to nlKht. Yon know. Hlin linn tlio
iipiiilinuiit Jnt nero tho hull from u, I
nml thu iluy lio moved In niio Hoinilod
liy liorrowlim mi vgK from motlii-r. Tlio
1 next iluy lie borrowed n cup of micnr,
nnd linen Hint tlmo die him borrowed
' everylhlnu from n piece of liuttnr to
tlio bnliy erirrliuv, und Im ncrcr tiuiilu
niiy ntteinpt to return n HlnKlu IIiIiik.
I Intro often told mother Hint I wn
liolnif to liorrow muiio of the tliliiK
....... I..., .1.. hll..H.l. . '
HHIK, IM1V nilV linn iimiijrn 1 wi L'1
ino. 1,111 nltflit, however, I liml to
. write nomii letter, nml I hnd no Ink,
It wiih minion tery hard, nml mother
vn out, no I renolved thut rnther t tin n
I co out In thu rnln I would dlHoliuy
older mid n l our tivlKlibor to let ma
I liuvo her Ink. 1 nuked her, nuil what
do you think hi nald? 'I Imvrn'l uny
Ink, hut 1 11 let you tnk my hou io.
lull. It I Jiml n xood. It Uric clilcl;
ly hilt you euii write Jtut n well with
It.' Oh, 1 never met u luviinur wool-
an In my life!"
tleniillfiil Slurka of .Ma pin. I
Nobody aeein to know whnt cnn It
I which prod no- thoo dellcnte nnd
hcnutlful line In mnple, known n
hlid'-eye. Home people think they
come from the hundred of II 1 1 lo
hriinche which hoot out over tho
trunk of the tree n noon a a clcnrlng
I made nroiind It. ICxpcrt tlmhermun
any that I not the cne. Tho only way
lo tell n hlrd'i eyo mnple trev It to cut
It. There nro no outward Ikii by which
' one can Judge. Thu Itnllrond (nr.ettw
tell n lory of tho Into (Seorge M. I'ull
man. Mnny yenr ngo bo wa offered a
mahogany log for KI.OOO, to be cut Into
veneer. It wu tuppuiiod to ho a very
line piece of wood, hut t It la could only j
he determined by cutting It. lie do-
cllned the offer, but agrtied to take tho ,
log cut into vaiieer for what It waa
worth. The owner hu It mwbI and
wm paid $7.0011 for hla vaurer. Any
one who can dUeover the atcret of de
termining the Interior nature of wood
from the outatdc will have a fortune.
"I ee," irnld tho telegraph editor,
"that a womnn In New York liu aued
her huabnnd for dlvorc becauao be
M-lted her wlh egga."
"And ahe probably wnnta to get out
of the yolk," remarked the atuck hu
Uiorlat. "Did omelet him "
"Her nnmo wnMi't Omiiiy. anyhow."
raid tho copy render; "thnt'a tho worat
1 Joke ever lmtehed "
!"Hny. you fellow, drop that ahell
gmno nud get to worUT growled the
fellow that flxe the unlnrle. And nt
once more quiet rclzned. Ilaltlmorc
' New-
No llalh, Hu Wile.
Among tho Turk bath money forms
nn Item In every mnrrlnga rontrnct,
tho hunhnnd eiignRliiK to nllow hU
wife n eertnln um for bnthlnu pur
pone. Should It bu withhold slio has
only to go befoto tho cadi nnd turn
lier slipper iinihln down, nnd If tho
complain bo not then redressed It Is
Ciound for n divorce.
Taking Nn Chancea.
"Sotno ono was telling mo that par
lor matches nrun't legal nuy ,moo,"
raid Murmndiiko.
"Let'' go Into tho alttlng room,"
tald Alice, hastily loading tho way.
Now York Sun.
Poor Proof ol Intimity.
At Kdlnburgh. Hcotland, n lady linn
been found lnnno who loft 12.000 to
provide n fund for tho recuo of snno
persons Improperly placed In lunatic
Spoiling for n Fight,
"Thnt Amorlcan prlzo tighter will
rpnro-no oxpenso lu his match with
tlm Frenchman."
"la thnt so?"
"Yog. Ho's oven willing to hnvo It
como off by cahlo."
INF LAfu UlATUn Y. exposure to cold or sudden changes In
the temperature. They become walking
barometers nnd most accurate In weather predictions, the increasing pains iu
muscles anil joints forctellinr; the npproachinc storm or the coming of bad
weather. His from these constant sufferers that the great army of rheumatic
cripples is recruited. Their bodies are worn out by the incessant pains und
the joints become so stitlencil nml Dent
thnt they arent last compelled to give
up or hobble about on crutches.
Nobody ever outlived Rheumatism;
the disease never loosens ita grip or
leaves of its own accord, but must bo
driven out by intelligent nnd persist
ent treatment through the blood, for
Rheumatism of every variety and form
is caused by nn over acid condition of
the blood, and the deposit in muscles,
joints and nerves ol corrosive poisons
and gritty particles, nnd it is these
irritating substances that produce tho
inflammation, swellliift nnd pains,
which last as long as the blood remains
in this sour nud acid state.
To cure Rheumatism permanently
the blood must be purllicil and invig
orated, nnd no other remedy docs this so well or so promptly as 8. S. S. It
refreshes and restores to the thin acid blood its nourishing nnd hcnlth-sus-talning
properties. And when strong, rich blood is again circulating through
the body the acid poisons nnd irritating matter are washed out of the muscles
tile pa'ln-racked, despondent Rheumatic sufferer wilt rece ve helpful advice
rout I'liyslciansof experience nnd skill without charge. Write us fully about
Some sensible advice (6
women passing through this
trying period.
Tlio imlnful und nnnoylng Byinp
toms oxporlnifcd by most women
nt tliLi txirloil of lift) nroniiHily over
couit) liy l.jillii II. I'ilililiiiiii'N
Vl''f tlllllo ('olIlllOllllll. Jl in OHJI0-
cliiliv i faitriieil to tnccl tlio iii-ciIh
of wmnntiH nynUmi tit tho trying
tlmo of iilmiiKU of life.
It U no exiiKK'-nil Ion to ntnto Hint
Mr. J'iiiMiiiiii litis over fiOOO letters
lllio tlm followlnir proving tlio ftrcat
valuo of lier nicilicino nt micli tlmvit.
" 1 wUli to thank Mr. I'lnkhnni for
what bar medicine has dono for me.
My trouhlo wn ehango of Ufa. Four
Tnaranco my hunlth Ix-L'nn to fall, my
lieud lieffan to grow dizzy, my eyea
f mined mo, and nt time It nrcnied a
f my luck would full inn, hnd terrlblo
pain oerou the kidney. Hot flaahe
wore very frrijncnt. nnd trying. A
Mead ndrlocd me to try I,yclln
lMnkliuni'n V't;etnlilo Com
pollllll. I lmTo taken nix liottlrn of It
nnd nui to-day frea from thone troublea.
I cannot atwnlc in lilgji enoni'li terma
of tho medicine. I reenmmenrl It to all
nnd wiah every nuffrring' woman would
glvn It a trhil' llr.I.I.A Itosa, 6 Moot
olnlr Ave., Itotllndnle, Mai. $1000 f.
fitt If tttftMl atvut httu fttnlng f fffufM
The Idol llutbanil.
Bho dortrudo snys sho will never
marry until alio II nils her Ideal.
lie What Is her Ideal?
"Oh, any man who will nsk her."
Kansas City Journal.
flcorgo Jack I penning" something
to hi Arabella's eyebrow.
Mabel They'ro already penciled.
Now York Sun.
IlllVt-n 111 1ST
W offer On IlnndrM bolUri Erwird for any
Mso! cii4iiti tutloau not In cured liylim'i
C'aUrrh Cute.
r. 1. CI1KNKY ACo., Propfc.TolMo.O.
We ih under vlnnd.hv known F. ), Czitner
for in pmi tsrrr. anil bcllrve him perfectly
fionurable In Ml tu.lnvi traniutlun nd flD
anclallr atU lucatrr uulaor ublltlolia utdo
tyilirlrBm. .
Warr.t Taeix,
Whulriaia lirnnliti, Toledo,
WlU.INU KlMN,t Masvik,
Wheteiu brnfriiii, Toledo. O.
nU'iCiUrthCiie li lkrhliitrrnllT.etlP
llrecltr on ttt UimmI and muonni turlireiol
UieiriKm. I'rlc 7(e prr tuiti. fculdkralt
ftrurcuit. TMileipnUii tre.
Uafi't ramlly l lll ar lu UiU
II illy Accounted Tor.
"I.llllnn." said n eertnln llltio girl's
mamma, "thcro wero threo pieces of
cako In tho pantry nnd now thcro Is
only ono. How did that happen?"
"Well," snhl tho girl, her eyea wide
(pen with excitement, "it was so dark
In thcro I didn't see tho other piece."
The Only Thing Wanted.
Mrs. Noorlch Isn't It grand to rldo
In your own carriage?
Mr. Noorlch Yes. but I'd enjoy It
moro If I could ntnnd on tho side
walk nnd sco myself ride by. Brook
lyn Ufo.
Comddtrable nilfcrerce.
10 Idiot Hot you don't know
whenin lies tho dlfforenco between n
good cook and a poor printer's dovll.
Tho Victim Unburden your aoul.
Tho Idiot Ono forma tlio plo and
tho other plos tho form. Harvard
No Danger.
"Do you think thoro is nny danger
of America being dominated by Eur
ope "
"No, sir," answered Mr. Meekton.
with oxtraordlnnry emphasis; "not sc
long as eminent Europeans continue
to marry American glrlJ." Washing
ton Star.
Some people liave been suffering
from Rheumatism so long that
i.... i.. ....... i-. ii, i
lotiff since forjfolten the joys of a painless
existence. They are nt the mercy of every
Dowlnir Ctrean, ICjr,
0ntiemeni About a your ago I
wm nttaoked by acuta Tthaumatlsm
in my ahouldara, arma and lac helovr
the knae I ooulil not rataa my arm
to comb ray hair. Doctor preaoribed
tat ins for ovar two mouth without
itlvlntr mo any relief. InwD.S, 8,
adverttaod and decided ta try It.
Immediately I commerced tta uas I
felt better, and. remathed to my
mother that I waa 4ad I had at laat
found eomo relief. I continued tta
uao and m entirely wall. I will
alwaya fool deeply lntsreated In tin
aucceaa of S. S. S. elnce It did ma
muoh irood. Voura truly,
811 Twelfth Street.
unci jouus, nnu iuciamsi untti.
and Rheumatism is n thing of the
past. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable
medicine nnd does not derange the
stonHch like the strong mineral
remedies, but builds vp the general
health, increases the appetite and
tones up the digestion.
Through our Medical Department
An Interesting Letter Concerning Pc-ru-na.
Miss Delia Janvcau Olobo Hotel, Ottawa, Ont. Is from ono of the oldest
and best known Kronen Canadian families In Canada. In-a recent letter to
Tbo I'eruna Mrdlclno Co., of Columbus, Ohio, she says:
"Last snrln? mv blood seemed cloczed uo. mv dlzcstlon ooor. rriv head
ached and I felt lanicuid and tired all the time. My physician prescribed for
me, but a friend advised ma to try I'eruna. I tried It and am pleased to state
that I found It a wonderful cleanser and purifier of the system. In three
weeks I was like a new woman, my nppctlto had Increased, I felt buoyant,
light and happy and without an ache or pain. Peruna Is a rellablo family
Adla nrlttaln, of Sskltan, 0.. writes: .isfactbry results from tho use of Peru
"After using your wonderful Peruna na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, glr
three months I have had great relief. l ing a full statement of your case and
had continual heaviness In my stom- ho will be pleased to give you his val
neb, was bilious. 'and bad fainting I uable advice gratis,
spells, but they all have left me since Address Dr. Hartman, President of
using Peruna." Adla Urittaln. Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
If you do not derlvo prompt and sat-1 Ohio.
I Short Qtofiejf
Hill II (Hti I I I tH-lr
A Drown University student once
had the audacity to ask Professor Cas
well whether hi namo would not be
a well without the C.
Lord Houghton's epigram on "Bor
dello," though It has often gone the
rounds. Is worth recalling. Said Lord
Houghton, then only "Dicky" Mllnes:
"There are but two lines tu 'Sordello'
I can understand the first nnd last
Who will may hear Bordello's story
told," and 'Who would hath heard Sor
dello's story told.' and both are false."
Senator Hoar was showing ome
Massachusetts visitors about Washing
ton. D. C, one day recently, nud was
pointing out a magnificent old resi
dence built years ago by a famous and
rather shady lawyer of hla time.
"Why," the Senator was asked, "was
lie ablo to build u "house like that by
his practice V "Ve." replied Hoar,
"by his practice and his practices."
Cyrus I. Drew, of Louisville, thu
describes an amuslug Incident wblcb
occurred lu New Orlenus In the sprliig
of 1KM. "I met Kugene Kleld on one
of his pilgrimages for old bottles, pew
ter ware, and any old thing In the Junk
line. Some friends of mine Introduced
our party to Mr. Field aud Wilson Dar
ren nud membvrs of bis company, then
playing nu engagement In New Or
leans. Mr. Field's greatest delight was
lu teasing Miss Mnudc Jeffries, a Mis
sissippi girl, then leading lady lu Mr.
ltarrett's company. She wna very sen
sitive nud modest, nnd It delighted
Field greatly when ho could playfully
ombarrasB her.' One day I foimd him
lu his room busy on the floor pastlug
largo sheets of brown paper together,
lie had written a poem to Miss Jeffries
lu tho center of a largo sheet of this
wrapping paper In bis characteristic
small hand Indeed, much smaller than
usual. On the edges of this sheet 1
found him pnstlng others of eiiual size,
bo that the whole, when complete,
made u slnglo sheet about eight feet
siiuare. This ho carefully folded up
to fit nn Improvised envelope about the
slzo of a Mardl Urns souvenir, then
being distributed nbout the city. With
tho joyousuesa of n Iwy about to play
it prank, ho chased downstairs nt tho
noon hour, when he knew Miss Jeffries
wns at lunch with Mr. llartett lu the
enfo of tho Clrunowntd. Calling n
wulter, he sent tho hugo cuvelopo lu
lo her table. Sho glanced nt It a mo
ment, nnd then gradunlly drew the
pnekngo fromlts envelope, while Field
nud I Rtood watching behind tho en
trnuce. It spread all over tho table
as sho continued to unfold tho enor
mous sheet, nnd Its rustle attracted the
ittentlon of nearly every ono In the
room. When It had spread Itself all
over Mr. Barrett whu, meanwhile, was
laughing heartily, MHs Jeffries discov
ered tho poem In Field's hand, nnd, al
though blushing crimson, Jolued lu the
laughter, for she know ho wns Borne
whero about, enjoying her discomfit
uro." .
Painful Subject.
Tho Admlror "Tho fringe of mag
nolias boyond tho lugoon." Thoro Is
Bomothlns poetic nbout thu word
Tbo Poet Yoa, oxcopt when It re
fers to trousers, Stray 'Stories.
I Boat Cough Sirup. TaileaOoud. USD I
&JlMkLJ iril Llta. JJUt. . inKM Bj
IU lime. BPMBTuniM"
Lengthening the Joy.
Dot Ts that all the plo I may have,
Mother Yes, dear.
Dot Then, mother, will you please
tut It In two nieces and give mo one
at a time?
71 TO fertMs.nnr OwrM fo nts r nrreonMi
fllw after ftni'ltT'.wer It. MlartCrtet Nam
Mtorr. rScj4lorrilEKJ.OAtrulUttlultrM
ae. p.tMEuaa.LU.UlArhSuriallal.Ut.r.
rierely a Listener.
"And you never gossip about your
"Never," answered Mies Cayenne.
"I can't bring myself to be so cruel at
to Interrupt my friends when they are
gossiping about ono another."
For coughs and cold there la no better
medicine than I'iso'a Cure for Consump
tion. Price 25 cents.
An Expert Opinion.
"Ycj; bo started n matrimonial
agency and cipcctcd to make a lot of
"Why didn't he?"
"Ho married his typewriter girl In
side of a week, and she wouldn't let
him go on with the business because II
waa too dangerous." Cleveland Plain
Tou Can Get Allen Foot Kale FltlSK.
Wrlto Allen 8. Olmitrd, LeRoy, N. Y., for a
freo ample of Allen's Foot Kaje. It cure cbll
Maine, iweatlnc. damn, svrollen. achlnefeet.
It makeenew or tleht ahoes er. A certain I
cure lor Corna and Munloni. All tlruggttts ecu
it. ic. Iion't accept any tubitttute.
Perplexing Situation.
Parker What's wrong? You seem
Strceter I am. I wroto two notes
ono to my broker asking him If ho
took me for a fool, nnd the other to
Miss Goldlng asking her If she would
bo mine. While I was out somcbouy
telephoned 'Yes, and I don t know
which of 'em It was. Tit-Bits.
She Thought of tllm.
Creamloy I didn't know you wero
acquainted with Miss Lovctt. Sho
asked me last night It I knew you.
Hoamley That was nice of her.
What leil her to ask you that, I won
der? Why er I hed lust asked her If
sho could Imagine anyone uglier than
Dill Thompson. Philadelphia Press.
Tlio Kind Yon Ilnvo Always
turo ot uims. 11. i- ictcncr, nnu Jias uccn inauo minor jus
personal supervision i'or over UO years. Allow no ono
to tleevtvo you lu this. Couiitcrlcits, Imitations nml
tTustas-gool" nro but Experiments, nntl citdntttrcr tho
licalth of Children Experience ngniust Exiierlineut.
Cnstorln is n linrniless substltuto for Cnstor Oil, Inro
poric, Urops mill stiotiunar ayruiis. AC is l'lensanr. in
contains neither Opium, Morplilno nor other Nurcotlo
Biibstance. Its nfro is its pruartiiitee. It destroys "Vornis
nnd nllnys l-'overlshncss. It cures Dinrrhtca nnd AVind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Coiistiputlon
nnd Flatulencv. It nsslinllutes tho Food, regulntes tho
Stotuneh nml ilowcls, irlvlnjr healthy nml iiatiinil bleep.
Tlio Children's l'nnnccu Tho Mother's Friend.
The KM You Have Always Bought
Boars tlio
In Use For
Ct tu, nrutc. I
Dr. rellett I hto to twit on facts, '
Mr, f'harmer, but bow mnny persina
do you snppoifl you liavo killed by put-'
ting up IIih wrnni; medicinn?
Sir. I'lianror Can t ray i but think
of tho llvos f have tnvod by fnllinit to
follow your prescriptions. lioiton
frarmcript. ,
Tloy Btnnnnrd linker's description of
"Tho Orcnt Northwest" nro Klvlnx tho
men and women of the Kast a hotter
iimlerstnndlnK of tho vnstness and
woalth of that wonderful region. The
magnitude of thu Northwest's forents
and of Its lumbering Industry Ta
roma can boast the greatest sawmill,
with ono err option, In tho world
will bo thn text of tho fascinating
story, In thn May fVnttiry, of "The
Conquest of tho Forest."
Two New Opcraa Promleed.
!Tapravnik, the liitrslan composer, Is
writing an opera aronnd thn tory of
"Franrepca di Uimlnl," wbilo Aronzky,
tho French inii-h Inn, I making an
operatic rendition ol Tolstoi's "Itesnr
roction." TUB HOW AND WHY.
Much roil Tii at have eucm kImhiI lifn lniir-
nr" mT im wrn( 'nr. 11 i ipinnrmt. in
niifiafripr.iri, one oi ine moil iormu niuur-i
unre tittorlile of th itft?. han (,jpyrlcht'tl n
Utile lyKik entltleil "The lUrw ttn Yt,f It ten luloptfl Ur wvr1 bHBlern r riUvftei
to Uarh the flint jaflnrlptlii tft U'n lniiranr-,
inny b hftjl frf b ltreiuilnK Hrinun
and Ifnrmon teti-fftl Renti Inn Matuftl I fe
liiiuranie Co., Murquant ItUiMlnj?. l'irtUn1.
Or It mar help vou to unitpratana How ana
Whjr th l'enn Minna) ihirhiff l'it wtoi a
larger amount of luuranc In Oregon than waa
erer TWnre written In the it ate by any Coin
I any In utie year.
Hot Air Cookery.
"I got a told stippor when I went
homo tonight, and yon bet I kicked
about it."
"Did that do you Any good?"
"Well, my wife made H warm (or
me-riii!adeli.hia Vrenn.
Alueie look for thl I'eJe merit: "The
Kleen, Kool Kitchen Kind." The tftoiei with
out imoze, eiat or heat. Make comfortable
cooilng. j
Finest dold Plate Service.
The marquis o Hreidalbano own a
Fervlce of gold plate which la one of tho
flint in the world. It is valued at i
000,000. That of Ixml liothecbild is
worth about 1600,000. ;
fn.m Rnlh.
Uothen will Bna Mrs.
tog Syrup the best remedy to nee lor tbetr
lolldreii dunug the uctoing period.
Family Frankness.
Sister Susan Do we dine with you
Christmas, Rebecca?
Don't you remember? It's your turn
A tap worm ltfhtaau (! lone at
least cams oa to scans after my taklcs two
CASCAItETS. TLUIamaura baa caused my
tad tealth for tte put trce ra 1 am still
taking- CascareU, tbeonlreataartle worthy ot
otlce by secsrola peopU."
u.u. i uairo, mi as.
Pleannt. TaltLib.e. i-otcnt. Taite Good. rD
Oood. Never Sicken ITmLii nr (lil)e. lOc, Xte,Ujo.
t.HUf ttmrlj l.a.r. t fcl..,, HHl.rii, B. Tk. 813
(in.Tfl.PXf! w anarmrinteedby alldrnf
VlU-IU-liAO (liuuUUICKTooaccollaldl.
ta r . . rruailan Kccwdica
fiac tU. atfeslet. Hill Wc Free f 8-Plre Iliad
..Scarcely a Day..
Passes but we are called upon to perform
miT.e dim cult dental operation thai n
the direct result of neglecting tte teeth.
We tun not urge too strongly the bvnerit
and economy of consulting a dentinal
tho tery tint sign of tooth trouble. At
tl.e start these troubles are corrected
quirk ly and at small cost. Ourtncthods
aif paafleM and our work guaranteed
Hoth 'phones Oregon Njutn I'-Jl,
Columbia i&f. Open eeulugs till v.
Sundays (rum 9 to li
Dr. A, i
WISE BROS., Dentists.
Bought lias borno tho slpna-
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
I Poorly?
" For two years t suffered ter
ribly (rom dyspepsia, with great
depression, and was always feeling
roorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarsa
pirllla, and In ono week I was a
new man." John McDonald,
Don't forget that It's
"Ayer's" SarsaparlUa
that will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste
your time and money by
trying some other Kind.
Use the old, rested, tried,
and true Ayer's Sarsapa
rlUa. $1.03 t(l. All rfmxititi.
Ailc yonr drxtof wh4l h tlilnVt 6f Ayr
Sflrprllia. )l knows All nbmit thh frrmrt
o4d mmilr n.tilf ln, Follow Itli Mvle n4
we will istuflcd.
J. U. ATM Co., lwell, V1J.
i lier Palmy Day.
I Patience When I wa young I had
at lennt CO offers for my 1 and.
rtric Thora are what you might
call f.almy dayi. t upi0B.
Succefflor to John Poole.
Foot of Morrleon etreet. I'orttAti'l. Oregon.
Write ti or cell for rrlre on ever jthlnK In
Waicum. liusTKlen. Cream Hejia'ators lo alj
iwonn nana goo. ia mue riHtm lor new.
, WAJT TQ nny rnn nicti g
S Chicken, Duck and Uecoo featb- g
ft era. Addrera S
m sm JtWiMttrm m
Wlh andDarlsStM.,Poriland,Or
I.M.llr.nni1M1ftr bnolC tn.ilM TOU for i
i rent tllrer. to Introduce It. It tell" you about
newly dlacoferM llotanlrat KemeJle lor tho
' TO re o! many dlwaaes, new wn to make
money and set employment, to nurve end care
for the rick, to prolong old an and lire IJ
yearn, the newly dlTered An ale Worm OH
rnwaaite for retooTlng wrlnklee and beautlly
Inr tte complexion, new yarletlee ol roflrf,
frulta and veKetaMeii, the wh-at, corn ana tun-
Mower food, cereal coffee. Imitation cala, roU
and liter, it and a acidd, rrevt-ntliiiT imallpor
I'ltUnri, maple iyrap ana iuj?ar from wood.
mat ion, wanixl by every man and woman that
wants health and wealth. Ii aixmt 1(W page,
4x9, paper corer content iiheet free.
The aiifornli Botioial Medkbe Co.,
tvm Nonn Alvirurflo ttt-, Los Angtttn, Cat
Write for
I Tobacco
Tcicprion: HeinJSl-
to. I7-I90J.
TT.'ItE7f wrlttne; to mdvertlaera pleaa
If mention thla paper.
Clear Head
flf I 5 W Plitctnper or Mnt Eye with Tkchian IIbit
&Wwr7y rowosae. TberASCA OtEAT BLOOD FUSIflEK
AND COKDITiOflEit. a sure care for all ailment from wblcb heave
arie- CURED 34 HORSES.
Ihave brea D.tbff Protta Heaie Powdera Ih pm! eljtat renntbi and la that
H I-... .und II horaaor Hearea Id of DUwrnrr and O ot CbroDloCoub.
bave caijud a irmit rtnau'lon in Ibla aectloo.
tKSEST m.BM.10:. J.wArt. KwT"k
Bnek. fmiil,. MieyCe , Si. Tinl, Hlea.
CO., I'arUand, Oregon, Coalt Agenti.
iir. i. r Him
sos. aw, jio, m. ni.n-s, Katun tuag.
Cor. Third and Wuhlnk-toa iu.
Well Machinery
Oil or Water nny
Write for catalogue.
BEAU. & CO.,
Qcn'l AtU.
813 Commer
cial Block
This wonderful ChU
nfs doctor Is called
grr st btrcauHs be cures
People without opera
tion tbat ars given up
to dt, lie curn wttU
iUq!.s wouaerful Cn
urs bvrbs. roots, buils.
barki anil veffHubWs
that ar cntlrtlr un
known to medical ifiU
tiu-Hiu ihts toumrr Thruuicb th uof thoas
bsrmlfs reruetilct this fsuious doctor knows
iht hoi ton ot over WW differ) ut reimHltm, wblcb
hsuccvsfuUj uhvs In dl Cerent dlstsses. Ht
luarsnttes to curs raiarrb, Mthma, lunc,
throut, rbfumatlitu. itsryoutnpM, siomh
liter, klduer. etc.i tmshuodreds oftesHiuoo
tsls. Cbsrges modtrsis. fall aud s hi in,
I'aiisnts ui of the ottr writ for blsuki ami
rlrrulars. Bud 4ceuU lu iudih, tUMiOU
U2, Third St., VSirUanJ, Oragoa.
f,VlUkloa paper.