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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1903)
BOHEMIA NUGGET.' C. J. Howard Barton C Y. Drown Cdltor . rtuslnecx M R'r. Knitted t tht polmc t Cottar OroYt, Oreion Second ClaM mall mat'.ar. Rubaerlfitlon nrlr,at.r0, In ilvnc AitfartWItif Unlrnii known npon ipplleatlan. THIS I'ArKIt It Upt en 11 t E. O. SraVeNi cfcania.xan Kranelwn, California. whrcori' irtu- lor Wrllilnr can Ix raada lor tl. FRIUA'Y,.ApRIU24v V9tiS- m 'A t IV I'l II' 1 1 II I'll .I'l Bohemia Camp, Woodmen of the World To Have a tlreat Jubilee at t-uzene, on the 15th of May Pub lic Initiation of New Member. Cottnfee Grove it) fast Hearing the ptoporttons of n thriving little city The growth of the town during the past few years hns jgone beyond the expectations of the most sanguine. It is due to several causes. First we have one of the best locations. It is also a healthy locality. We have all kinds of milling interests. Bohemia Mining district is at our very door. We have, a progressive set of business men. We bav,e splendid real estate, a goodly por tion of which can be purchased on a basis of real value, notwithstand ing the fact that tfie present put look is an incentive for" g.eatly in creased prices. In" view of these conditions we. must remember that much depends upon us ns 1 citizens, also upon the city govern ment. There are several things that should be attended to, the sooner the better. For instance, the streets" should be cleaned, the back yards and alleys should have the attention of the city au thorities and the authorities should be backed up. by the individual property owners. The council should, if it is possible, take up the matter of officially naming the streets and numbering them. Some of the names now clinging to the several streets might be changed with perfect propriety, but at any rate, ' let us officially declare the names of those alreJdy named and give names to those that have not been named. It will not be a very heavy official act, financially, and will he of great benefit to everyone 200 CANDIDATES NOW ON LIST. Bohemia Cnmn. Woodmen of the World was visited Saturday even iiig by 'Mr. Geo. K. Rogers, state organizer of the order, who i. now making his headquarters in Kugcne in the interest of the great "log rolling" which will be held there on Mav 15th. The Local Citcle Women 'of Woodcraft also took part in the reception which was one of the most pleasant events ever given under the joint auspices of Cottage Grove branches of Perfected Wood' craft, A SUNS1SLUSS QUAKRUL. Much bad blood appears to be ruuntiig now between the worthy papers 01 HuRcne- kecister and Guard. We are scripllons. A subscription or two won't nuke or break either of 11 1 11 !. two vyou ns , vou nave u uiuic m .tl,c teresting subject than :lit even, to not j ll'nffcl about politics for instance. quite sure whether there is any real "feeling in the matter or whether it is an advertising dodge agreed to by the management of both papers. If two private firms would gel Into a mes of that kind and rcsojrt to the press to express their opinion one of the other, lifter a hearing on both sides had been published, the newspaper boys would mutually agree to "cut it out," on the ground that it was a scheme to get cheap advertising. It would be just as interesting to the public if ourUo county seat papers voiild adopt the method in their own trouble. The columns of either paper arc too valuahle to be filled with such iiJUense Better fill 'em up with patent medicine ads; boy, ur do something for the cood of the republican party for If that subject Is too stale, you editors hist net your feet under your respective editorial table and grind out a great massive gob of thunks on how to make Kugcne a city of 15,000 inhabitants, and to demonstrate to the ureal flood of immigration coming into the state that Lane Is the best county in the state then thy angry brow will, clear and the gleam of ugliness that must certainly be glistening in thy eyes will be cleared away by happy smites as you gnxe on the bloated subscription list of both "uv yes". Go way wid yes! WALKS W ITIIOUT OKUTCI I KS. I wa much mlllcltM with wlntlc, Writes Kil 0 Niul. IowHville, Sedgwick Oo., Kim., "koIhk about oucrutcliea and nurturing ntlval o( pain, I Ws liuluevd to try ltalliinVa 'Snow t.lntmeiit. which .-I ... Y ...! tl.tjt Art.. ItttliMI . .... ...i I iinnivxi Mil, a. iv n. instance puwisii one 01 nni j s 1 u ,g lu Ktmltwl Unlmtiit I overused; old silver speeches. To be honest, mvB commended it u number ot !kvs, either of you h ive goiul papers in'raour, U expremi theniolve no twins of which you can well be Uniellited by It. 1 now walk without nro.,.1. T.t keen a-mundin' cr.ltrl., nt.U, tV rH.rm a grtMt deal ot ' . .... . Hslit labor on thelnrm. soc. wo nun away, mut u-rollm . up more suh-i (.oo,uNev Km Drugstore. The Song of Spring: is already being sung in our Dry Goods store. We have just un packed dozens of different patterns, exclusive here, of THE EARLIEST SPRING FASHIONS They comprise new eil'ccts in Dots, Stripes, l'lnids unci Changeable Weaves, and you should sec them to appreciate their beauty. nJ tf"- Li" AT PACIFIC TIMBER CO'S STOKE, Under Odd Fellow's Hnll, - COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. 1 ; concerned. The street numbering will be a trifle more expensive, but it will be a great benefit to the town. Let us get into the front rank, of progress. While uo republican has or will have a word against Me. Reames, the democratic candidate- for. con gress from this district, so far as Mr. Reames personally is con cerned, it should be borne in mind by all that t is' the duty 'of repub licans to elect a republican to officet thus sustaining the administration. We cannot afford to elect a demo crat. It ypuld be a direct, insult to the administration. We have another-rea'son-one of the best on earth why. Mr. Hermann should be returned to congress, and why Mr, Reames should not "be sent there at the present time. Mr. Hermann, is in touch with the affairs that mill come under his official notice. He knows the ins and outs,, has at extended ac quaintances! Washington, and by his past record we know that he is amply able to represent this dis trict, and in fact all Oregon. He is not only able but he has always been found a worker, always' at liis post of'duty. Admitting that Mr. Reames has the native ability, even his frlends'must admit that he has not "had the experience. At the present time, in the lace of the Lewis and Clark' exposition, and many other issues of great moment to Oregon and the Pacific coast we cannot' aflord to take chances in sending a new ' man to congress when we have an old and! tried war horse, in the very prime of bis ability, ready to take up the con gressional cudgel. Present membership 341,000. After an exceptionally fiue pro- j gram Consul Commander F. H. Rosenberg'iutrod'uced Mr. Rogers, who gave one of the splendid fra- ternal addresses for which he is noted. He told of the enthusiastic efforts of the "choppers" and 'chopperesses" all over thecountry in the forthcoming celebration Briefly he said that the eleven camps of Lane county had started out five week's ago to obtain 200 candidates, to; be initialed in one class in Eugene on May 15th next LA joint committee composed of representatives of all the Lane county camps was appointed to take charge of the affair. The success wnicn lias attended their efforts has been simply phenome nal. Mr. Rogers states that up to last Friday the local camps had. re ,SlnnmfeIt riiiitosmjilicr ceived 149 applications and that 1 they were getting forty a week. ' As the work' progressed the boys became enthused .with the idea, until now it is proposed to make it a great puonc lumiee occasion. The Nugget respectfully - calls the property owners attention to the small fire which recently oc curred in West Cottage Grove, not thatitwasan -important fire, but that jtjs.a warning to property owners and a forerunner of .what may happen. We are riow nearing the dry ' season. There, are many buildings in this city that have more or less moss on the roofs. If a spatk drop3 upon a moss-covered roof, fire is the result, and it just as apt to be a disastrous fire as one of no importance, hence this hint. It would be a splendid idea to ex amine the roofs of your buildings and hasten to clear the shingles of all foreign substance. "Breaking Ills Bonds' Opera House, Friday Mny 1, benefit C. M. A. Band. Let everybody turn out and help out the band and at the Biunotfmo eeo n good homo talent periormnuce. 1 With this object in view the com mittee has -arranged to have 'the city r lavishly decorated, for 'ari elaborate series ot open ,air and free games and sports, for an immense parade, and 'bas invited Gov". Chamberlain and Senators.-Fulton and Mitchell to participite. The parade promises to excel anything Jiugeue has ever had. ,11 features for it have not been arranged, but thus far It can be positively stated that it wju be led by a platoon of police, will have two brass bands, seven floats, three companies of the Uniform Rank Woodmen, of the World, several display figures from distant camps and between eight hundred and one- thousand members of the order. The figures 1.9.0-5 on the roots of the stump is in compliment to the Lewis' & Clark Fair by the Oregon Woodmen. The railroad company has taken cognizance of the importane'e-of the event and has made, one-and one third round trip rates for the occa sion. Bohemia camp has been excep tionally highly honored by having had chosen Mr. F. H. Rosenberg; as the presiding officer at the - great 200 class initiation which will take place in the armory in Eugene on the evening of May 15. This camp will take down several candi dates and will place an immense ax nearly twenty feet long in the parade. Cottage Grove Circle Women of Woodcraft has also been- invited to take part and they will attend "to a man. ' The barn twiner built bv the Miller llros. on the west Hide Is ncarlni; completion and will bo quite an ad dltlon to the west Bide. The Mhsch Nowland have taken the agency for the ChitB. A. Slovens & Co., Chicago, ladles tailor mado clothing and Invito the ladles of Cot- rago urovo to can and eeo tno lino lino ot samples o! dress goods, quality tho best and satisfaction guaranteed. The above cut shows the Pacifiic Timber Compa ny's big logjam, in the Coast Fork river, one mile above this city, during the early spring freshet) this year. DISTRICT CONVUNTION. Fraternal' Alt Association Elects F. Shanafelt Delegate to the National Convention.' w;1 KKPOIIT OK XilKCQNlMTION The M it. Of Cottage "GrbrV at Cottage O rove, In the Stato of Oregon,. attU.eclotyoi- UusT- nes, April utli, IVWi, . - ItKSPllUCUS,'? ' Overtrain, KCUred and anKeared;, . . XMideo The Oregon State. Convention of the i'riifermil Aid Association met irtCottuge Grove April 16, JOOXfor; tho nntlnnnl film lrunttml council Of iMmii.m. An r nftmufi MA ao i. . .... i. .... i .. . m i. .. c, .!..., . ttu nrl IIIB unilT, l lie uvm III iu(n.-n, inmfi. ..... KW. ,fi Mhvfli.. 1-Jtti. Tliu (Tim-l unlnnm,luriiure .nnniiurM .oawjw .'' , . ,- , . I Dpafram Nmldunl Hnk nnt Rcterra vemion orgiuiiieu iiyjuu-viiiis ounui ; A.cnt, w itf tjoMu F. Wright delegate from the I-.ugeuo' iiaefromMiruTedrnergenti.... 108(1 M council as president, aim . r tnecannoinercM ufn Shannfclt as Hoeretary. Nominations for dclegntes to untlounl and general council were than declared In order. V, F, .Shanafelt Vn uuanlmously clectcd and Sarah F. Wright, of Eu gene was elected as nltermitc. The Statu Convention for Washington was held at Seattle: The .F. - A A. was organized Ir Ijvwrence, Kan., Oct, 14, 1S90, since which time It has disbursed over $1,500,000 to ,IU bene ficiaries. It has a membership ex tending over nearly every .state and territory and some foreign countries. The two largest councils are located at LawTunco and Wftchltn, Kan., each of which have nearly 1000 mem bers. The Fraternal Aid Associ ation bus made a selection thut Could not have been Improved upon and If each district orgaplzutlon throughout tho United States selects as genial, good nntured and enter prising a delegate ns tho ono going from Cottage Grove, then It would bo well worth t'io while of anyone who desires to enjoy tho suiishlno of human happiness, to attend tho National Convention of Fraternal Aid Association at Toeka, Kunsas, on May 12, 100:1, Best Cablnetto Photos. S1.25 ner doz far a short time only at Shana felt 's Gallery opposite Masonic hall west side. nlckell, .a Fractional tr 'currency, andrentl t ' . 1.... LAWFUL MOHir HUIIVI IX BlWICVIi: Specie . !.' Legal'tender noual.. . i x- . ' f i ' ' As.. 1UI .UeMeinptloii'fuua Uh U..H Treaaijivr 54lr'cetflrf3ili9ii... . ifaftCO Total tABILITIRa. tin!! Capital atock pal.tTrT7 . . . M.ouo OOj Surplnl land. ..,.' 600 00 Undivided prodti, lein cxpeniiea and . Uieipald i r. .. 28 79 National Bank nolet outitanoluit 1200 00 DuetoTruit Companlea and Savfnxa Banka l.iM 58 Individual depclti uWvct to ohitk J3H.U1 II Demand cettlflt-atci,o(Uco)U...,..i I,0C4 JO Total '...;..". ..HW.iwi 07 Btnteof Oregon, ,, County of Lane, I, Herbert Kukin, Cushler of the above named bank, do solemnly that the above statement, ia .trtie to the beat of my, knowleugo and belief 1 1 EH II BUT KAK1N. Cimhlcr. Subscribed anil sworn to before me tms inn uay oi April, iwi. () J. K. You.vo, J heal J- Notary. Public ( r-'J Attest: . t , ' DAnwm llnisTovr N. W. WlIITK GbO. M. IlAWMtY Griffin & lIiVE TOOLS For Fine Work is the rule, We supply fine tools to fine workmen saws, hammers, chisels, screw drivers, au gurs and everything neces sary in that-line for high grade interior carpenter and cabinet work. It will pay to look through our stock, even if yotf need but a single tool at the moment, Veatch Co T TV An Invitation THIS MEANS ALL Mr. I'p-to-dnte Dresser: Yon arc cordially invited to step in the store and inspect our line of NlvW Spring Styles in Men's Furnishings Our Hats are up to date. Our Shoes, both high and low cut, are the latest styles. Our line of Ties consists of the nobbiest patterns and latest colors. These are the most elegant lines that have ever been shown in Cottage drove RESPECTFULLY JQRCWQ SC0R6 I a 3 We arc after you and want your trade. Our . prices are lower than others Special Sale on Itubber Goods 25 Per Cent OflL Ladies' hose, 17V&e worth anywhere 25c. Drop stitch hose, 15c, 20c, 2cc. . ' Men's Suits worth $15;..... Men's Suits worth $14 11 Men's Suits worth $9 G 90 Boys' Suits worth $2 1 50 Boys Suits . worth $2 T5..2 00 Our $boe Bcparinrttt IS .COMPLETE Ask for our $1.-1-0 and $1.50 Ladies' Shoes French Heel, In Kid find I'ntent leather The (Jp-to-flnto rooiIhj A-II (M)-i: IiihI Hairpins, alu minum 5c doz Fancy ones, iilu inimmi, each 3c Large size rubber combs, each lQc Crochet hooks ,'Je Whisk brooms in ease 10c Lett titer key chains 5c Childten's Hand kerchiefs lc IJlfistie wed, per . yard ,'Jc to 9c Fins, per paper ...2c Good horn hair pins, doz 10c Best grade metal back combs 15c Boys' well made shirts 45c Ladies' shirt 70c $1 One Door West Benson Drug Store NBBDHAM PIANOS THE BEST AND MUCH THE BEST The frequent sale of small instruments of late is a surprise for this time of the year. Price and quality is what connts when selling goods, and you can always get the best goods for the least money ' at T. K. Richardson's. Wc have on hnnd a few second hand pianos, which we are going to close out at a sacrifice, to tnnkc room for our next car load. Wc have only four pianos of our last carload left. The Necdham sells itself at sight and sound. Nccdhnm pianos, the best and only the best. T. K, Richardson. . K. RICHARDSON MUSIC HOUSE, Cottage Grove and Roseburg, Oregon ,r-