Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 24, 1903, Image 1

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    :s ts is m $z
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w 1111! ADVI'.llllHINd KDIU
5( W W W 231
Devoted t the MlniiiK, Lumbering mid I'nrmuiK Interests of tills Community, to Wood Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stnke
NO. 13
1 J DovototV to DbhcrjM
Horry, of forcrtvf InTofro.
ojrTo Mining Mo
4 nm
Hmi.llllUullHJIIIIICTIIIIMB4ll 1 II I II I I , IN , l
A Practical Mining Anks.n few
Pertinent Questions About lhcIIddy
The following article is clipped
from 1 1 ics Maker City Democrat and
relates to tire IMdy bill one of the
uightmaicH of the Inst legislature:
"What are Jwe tryliiR to do,"
queried the manager of one of the
lending linker county mines near
the Cornucopia district, while in
conversation yesterday with
Democrat man.
"I tell you that Oregon has made
The f'rystal Consolidated Min
ing Co,, are expel iclieing ti little
more tlinn their usual good lurk in
'heir camp this spring. The ,
have recently struck a fine and
what is believed to be an extensive
body of base ore, two feet in width,
in the lower tunnel. The ore is of
galena character and lies on the
foot wall. The ledge has not yet
been crosscut but Is estimated to
be Irotu ten to twenty feet wide and
aside from tile two feet galena
shute, gives a 'splendid return of
fice milling ore in large quantities
The galena shulc is demonstrated
to have a continuation of over
the I one thousand fert. The company
is moving forward radidly in this
tunnel and wc are informed by the
. . .. ...
passing management mm nicy win cue one
a tremendous mistake in
the Hddy corporation tax bill nud j thousand feet this year, drifting
the portage railroad bill. Is it thioiigh large bodies of ore that
their intention to drive mining men j show now from the outcrop to be'
out of the state entirely? Look at from 10 to 20 feet in width. This!
the mines in this country alone. 1 tunnel of 1000 feet into the moun-j
There are miles and miles of tun-, ti shows good judgment 011 the
1 part of the- management of the:
ncls. These tunnels arc not im
provements to the property or any
enhancement of values until pay
ore begins to come out ol the hole
and go onto the market, yet, wc
taxed for state, county, school and
the I.ord knows how many other
more nccounts 011 everything wc
have in sight above and below
ground. One might as well drive
a tunnel under this street and tax
the hole for all the justice there is
in this last legislative act which have managed the company
jmts another charge upon us an
nually for the sake of having a
name and so much money in the
"Tell me why it is that New
York capitalists are already turning
'down Oregon properties. It is
simply because the state is taxed '
to dentil and they know it. It is
like a case of smallpox. Such
news spreads from the Pacific coast 1
to the Atlantic in financial circles
like wildfire. Don't tax your mines
to death, at least until they take 1
Crystal Consolidated, as they will
reach a great depth mid expose large
bodies of ores, l'rom their lower tun
nel they will penetrate hundreds of
feet into the mother lode ol the dis
trict. The Crystal Consolidated
bears the reputation of a good
mine and lias justly earned it by
the showing it lias made and
it-: managers have shown good
business talent in the way they
The North I'airvicw Mining Co.,
with head office at Utigcne, Ore
gou, which has attracted so much
Httcntion the past year, has blocked
off another limited number of shares
which has been placed upon the
market at 4 cents, the proceeds to
be used solely for development
purposes. This company's prop
erty is located in liohemia District,
and is considered exceedingly rich
; not only in mineral, but in many
For Hand Made Harness
A.11 "Work Warranted.
Sad s the tion Gruaraii teecl.
Everything Kept in a First Class Harness
Shop at Lowest Prices.
1 E&s
A Big Line of
Ladies' Dress Skirts
Walking Skirts and Under
skirts just i
More New Dress Trimmings, Men's
Cutter Shoes Again in Stock
Eakin & Bristow,
The Comments We Hear Daily
w.c. t. u.jumrriNU.
Mrs. HoiiiiiU, statu evangelist ot
thu W. C. T. U. mid superintendent
ot the departments ot Peace and
Mercy ol that organization was
tendered 11 reception by the Local
V. 0. T. U. ut thu M. E. churcli last
Friday afternoon.
Her lecture Friday evening on
elutracter hulldlinr wuh well attended
and was tin unusually clear and ! Anything more coming to us,
some dividends out 01 tne grounti. oll(;r ft:ati,reSi such ns Umber,
Right 011 top of this unjust 1 W1ter. txiill sites and general loca
yottr legislators make a scoop for tjo1 It js !inuouncea tlat a
$165,000 which will not build one- j thorough system ol development
third of the proposed useless toy of j work wlIl be carriej 0, Ul s season
a portage rnuroaa at xuc uoiics. 1 ,le work to coramence some time
All kinds of incorporated business ext monlh.
in the state has to stand fortius
political graft. This is another
reason why there is no disposition
in the east to buy Oregon mining
"I am glad to sec an effort has
been made at the instance of Ilaker
City mining men to stop this whole
sale grafting and useless expendi
ture of public monies. If the ex
penses of the state are greater than
Its income cut off expenses, bat
don't tax the overburdened pro
ducers to keep up a death race af
ter phantoms that cannot material
he until you have more people,
more factories, more irrigation,
more brains and more money in
Oregon. Let nature take her
"It has only been within the past
year or two that New Yorkers ever
knew Ilaker City was on the map,
and such things as these bills will
continue to send them to Montana,
Colorado, Utah and California.
"The mines make the towns, not
the towns the mines. This is only
a little camp. Dry up the mines
and where would be Ilaker City
and Sttmpter? Their business
houses would be boarded up in a
Bhotttlme, The mines even have
to build the roads through the
county on which to do their busi
ness. Sometimes we can't even
get our mail for a week. I say
temper the wind to the shorn
He put bin linn around lier waist.
The color left her clicok.
Hut It Mhowod upoti his overcoat
For pretty near u week.
Hut the. Intliience of good reading
will stick to you longer than n week.
It will stay by you 11 lifetime. It
will Hhow nil the time In your milli
ners, actions and conversation. It
cwtH n halo about you nnd lienins
forth from your countenance like the
rays of thu morning sun.
At the Eagle Sook Store, one door
west of poHtofllce. you can procure
all kinds of good reading In fiction,
mid In fact, nlso 11 lull line ot station
ary, magazines and notions, Day
e ooks, edgein. Fountain ens,
Cigars and School SupplICH.
"For years wheneprinE time came on j
nnd I went into nrilenfrig, I was euro
to have nn attack of rheumatism and
overy attack was more revere than the
nrecedinc one." savs Joiie McDonald. I
'of Man, Ixgan county, 'West Va. "I
. tried everything with noiUIef whatever,
! until I procured a bottle of Chamber
1 Iain's Pain Halm, and the first applica
tion gave mo euxe, and ueiore trio Urst
bottle was used I felt like a new person, i
Now I feel that I am cured, but I always j
keep n bottlo of Chamberlain's Pain I
Halm in the house, and when I feel any
symptoms of a return I noon drive it
away with one or two applications oil
this liniment." For sale by Lyons A
Applegate,' Drain . Benson Drug Co.,
Cottage Grove. I
on our merchandise make us believe more strongly than ever
that the majority of people prefer the better class of goods,
aitnougn tney cost a little more money than the so-called
racket goods.
Sunday school ha started
again meetings being held in
Joel Long, who started eimt some
time ago has been heard from In
Montana. Ho says ho Is enjoying
his trip very much.
Frank Hull has quit working lor
the llooth-Kelly Lumber Co. nnd Is
now Improving his ranch. Now
what does a yoniigbachelor want to
Improve his ranch for when he does
not want to cell.
The grip Isniaklngthoroundsnow.
We are In the market for mohair
nnd wool. He sure and rco us tieforo I
you sell and get prices. Carman,
Henienway Co. '
A party of German agriculturalists !
will puus through Oregon June 1st.!
They will visit sovcral points in Ore-1
gon, spending one day In I'ortland.
'We never change;
the quality always
the same.
Hamilton Brown
shoes for men, $1.75
2.00, 2.50, 3.00 -i 00
Geo. Keith's Or
thopedic shoes 3 50
Hamilton Brown
Shoe Co.
1.50, 2.00, 2.50,
3 50
Streatman 3 50
Hoffman Rothschild
None better. Any
price.. 7 50 to 25 00
Neustadt Bros.
The standard goods
on the Coast. Every
garment the best
the market.
Dry Goods
Murphy, Grant & Co
Strictly firstqualtty
Wo Lheapjohn goods;
tney don t keep them
It pays to buy them.
Allen & Lewis
A person can always
depend on their goods
being fresh and nice
and the best tojbe had
Dan Heck inndu this olllce 11 picas
(tut call last Monday, Mr. Heck Is
pjull carrier from U leu wood to Ho
Iieuila, (Hid was off duty on 11 low
-doyn ImibIiiosh trip. Ho roportu con
siderable siiow yet In thu mountains,
lut withal, n. splendid whiter.
The beat physio: Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to
take; pleasant in effect. For sale by
JJeiison uriijf uo.
toreeful presentation ot tlm HNbJect.
At thu close ol her talk tlio following
resolutions wero prcHcuted by the
comiulttconiid unanimously adopted:
In view of thucaiunioii report that
gambling In various forms Is being
curried oirtn our little city, In vluw
particularly of places ol rendezvous
for young men ill which to play
games of chance lor various articles
If not for money, thus causing such
places to become schools of crime us
well as to destroy the good luiblts
and morals esHonttal to good citizen
ship; In vlow of so many small boys
seen upon the street smoking the
deadly cigarette.
He it resolved that It Is tlio sense of
this meeting that 11 committee be ap
pointed to draft a petition to the
Hon. Mayor and Common Council of
our city calling attention to tlio tM'
ported flagrant violation of the laws
pertaining to thesu vices; mid fin
thermore that they be urged to take
such steps within reasonable time as
may legally belong to them to bring
about ti suppression ot the mime.
He It furthermore resolved thut It
Is the soiiHU ot this meeting that the
petition trained In legal form to the
Hon Mnyornnd Common Coumcll of
our city by the ubovo committee, be
circulated, before presentation, for
the signatures ot all voters, as well
as other persons eighteen years of
ugu undo ver, within thocorporatlon
and vicinity.
Many people of Cottage drove Bpent
last Sunday In tlio Woods. Each
family taking their Individual route
over lit I ttirougii
Boarcli ol the bcuuttful
grow every wltpro.
canyons and nil In
uowres mat
We understand that Mr. nnd Mrs.
.Tames Hawley are to return from
California lu a short time and spend
the summer at their old homo.
Tho i'nclllc Timber Co. is putting
In a sawmill at A Ion.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tucker went
up ltow HI ver Sundny returning
A disordered stomach may cause no
end of trouble. When the stomach fails
to perform its functions the bowels be
come deranged, the liver and kidneys
congested, causing numerous diseases,
the most fatal of which are painless and
therefore the more to bo dreaded. The
important thing is to restore the stom
ach and liverto a healthy condition, and
for this purpose no better preparation
can be used than Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets. For salo by j
ueneon iirug uo. ;
These goods are all sold at the same margin of profit as the
cheap goods are sold, and those who buy them are the ones who
accumulate wealth.
Leaders in jTIerchundisiiu
I Timothy -I, 12. "Ho thou nn
example of the believers, In word, In
manner of life, In love, In spirit. In
faith, In purity."
Wo nro a typo or model for those
younger than ourselves.
Wo are Juatllled by our words, and
must give an account ot all useless
words, such as profanity, vulgar
stories, etc,
Iu regard to manner of life we are
to be peculiar, zealous of good works,
remembering that tho careless lives
ot Christians bring more reproach
upon thu causo ot Christ than all tho
teaching of Infidels.
Wo should lovo one anothor fer
vently, with pure hearts, seeking to
brink good Into other, lives.
Keep yoursell pure nnd bo what
yon wiintothers to bo.
Itonuiiis i:83. "The Wages otSIn
Is Death." Wages menus a reward
which Is known before tho work Is
Sin means missing the murk, cross
ing thu line, or neglecting to do some
Death means separation and the
results which naturally follow.
Why Not Get the
No matter what you pay for an article
you're entitled to your money's worth.
When you buy n pair of
you get it. If you do not, tell us and
we will do what is right.
Loggers' and Miners' Shoes
also meet the requirements of the trade
Ask to Sec
Selz Koya Blue.l;3 60 Belt Ierfecto,..3 60
Selz I'erfecto low cut 3 25
Solz Royal Blue Patent Colt 4 25
You will find every description and size and at
prices that will please and convince you of the
excellent values we offer. We also carry a com
plete line of new and second hand
A new line of Graniteware and Tinware in
fact everything to be found in an up-to-date store.
Come in and see the Palo Alto Metal Polish and
Oil Harness Dressing.
It troubled with rheumatism give
Chamberlain's I'aln Balm a trial. It
will not cost you a cent 11 it does no
good. On application will relieve the
pain. It also cures sprains and bruisea
lu one-third the tlmo required by any
other treatment. Cuts, burns, froat
bites, quinsy, pains In the side and
chest, glandular andjother swellings are
quickly cured by applying It. Every
bottle warranted. Price 25 and 50 cents.
Mrs, i.'ary A. Vliet, Newcastle, Colo,,
writes: "I believe Ballard's Horehound
Syrup 1b superior to any othei oo'ugli
mouicine, and wlllilo all that Is claimed
for It, and It is so pleasant to take . My
little girl wants to take it when she has
no need for It." Ballard's Horehound
Syrup la the great cure for all pulmon
ary ailments. 25o, 60o and fl.OO atNew
,EraDrug Store.
The East Indians called rock cry
tal an unripe diamond,