Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 17, 1903, Image 8

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    J. E. YOUIQ
Attorney Wt-'Law
Olllce. on Main sweet, il side
, . . T
Attorney and Connselor-at-rMW
PMHnlHCTllll PIIV1I w .m l v
Hirst National Bank Riilltilng.
Attorney-at-Law o o
: Ofllcaon Main street!
Attorney at Law,
attorneys and Counselors-at'Laic
Special attention given to Mining, Corporation
I and Mercantile Ur,
Office over Carmen A llentenway'e store.
Prompt attention paid to Mining Business
Cottage Grove. Orb.
00 K
For Fashionable Dressmaking
main 8treet
Cottage Grove. Ore.
Common Rough Lumber
S11.00 KE"R M
Repairing at reasonable charge s.
All work guaranteed nrst-elaas.
Watches, dockland Jewelry at Lowest Print
Main ttrMt. Collate drove
Rcildenc Thone No. iVl Office rhone 158.
Eye. Esr, Host and Throat a Specially.
Office hours from 9 to 11am from to 5 pm.
Sunday rom 12 to 2 p m.
Office In Madsen Building, Main atreet,
Eugene Oregon.
Beit Equipped assay office in the State. Sam
J ilea br mall reeelre prompt attention, work
ng testa made on ore Samples of one to fifty
pounds to determine tbe most suitable metb.
ods of treatment. Prices on application.
The First National Ml
Cottage Grove, Ore.
Paid uj Capital, $25,000.00
Money to loan on approved security.
Exchanges Bold, available anv place
n theUnited States
Darwin Bhistow.
New outfit and up-to-date meth
ods assaying, or complete analysis
of ores.
Cloritiation, cyanide and working
tests made. All work done in du
plicate, and correct returns guar
anteed. Mail orders promptly at
tended to.
Fvisit DR. JORDAN'S ohrat(
flMvota BUU u4 ImttaVJ
Orat$4t attraction in U14 at. A
XDotuitrtul Haktfor vUUota.
eddluu.,v.lllT.I) 9
lb. oldMt bpseulut en tbe faeias
Coast. IullUb.dMrsar. J
Tuaar urn mn& n. 1 .1 .1 1 .
egrets auen wbe ar. auaVrlnr
fium lb. effucts ol TouOiIal Indl
iReil men who ar. auffrrlng .
er.tlnna Ar iiiwum In m ..-
years. N.rruu. and pbvslcui ll.blllt,liu.
ul.Mej, Lost ilMafiwoa AiaMltioompU.
catlonsi a,crans,lurrliM. Hrwatalur
rliieal, uunorrlma, Jleel, Frrquee
MmM a. ofartiMt curat ra Donfr. Ilia rirwitnr
vrailNllflff, t C ,1 m CODlOlllattOD Ol
baa ao arransad 1,1. treatment lliuiil will hai a
only atr.ird Tmrardlat. rtllaf. but parmauent r
mtraolea. but la well known to b. a fair and i
Nuar. Plirslctan and Hnrgeon, pre-smlntot
Th. Ilulnr rtuaa tint nl.lm In iuiIiim
aiYrilll.ts tboroughly .radicated from '
" aratem Ithout Hi. use ot Jlei run. i
uin,eciaiir -aai.eai.e. or xs.n
i . , . ma j-.apFra. aaaiairaii
eur lot ' Uuplnre. X qulclr and radical t
Zl' '" s-la.ur. and rialnn.,br'
Br. Jordan's ap4al palnlna instbods. )
aSyi'.ltr IAff anpljrlngtooswulreoslT''
wrnunrif opinion W litsconiplalnl.
lis il lluarant,, a tVMTlYJI CUJ1I to f
Onnatlltatl in FniOlj and atrlotlr PrlratS.
Traatm.u t psraonatljr or by
Writ, Rook-, l-mi-oaoi'llT" or
took lor men.) Call or wot.
OR. JORDAN CO., I OS I Uaritl tL, . F.
Tho Qrlllln, Veatch Hurdwnro Co.
lmvo Just received a car load of
Ilcrculos powder.
Tln 014111 nl festival of the lTultol
Choral Societies of Portland, tfnlom,
I Albany, Corrnlllri nntt Kukciio will lw
I licM In Kttgyne this year on this 12th,
1 inth. 14lli of Mn.v. There wllM-o n
clioriiM of inotrnlnctl olcon, Portland
Svmi,ilollv Kctu-ni orchestra, seven
nf tin, tmiut tirniiiltii.iit uiilnlutM ,if tlm
n..rtl.-.t.l..rl...ll.WMM. l!...f....r.
i son Keed, Mr. Hum Znn, Mr. W. II.
I Buyer, Jin, Row Block Bauer nml
VI.. I tk , I 1.... X-....I.
.ill. Ullliil-r i. i ivnllill in .iviv llim.
' The llrnt concert will lm orchestral
with Mr. Znn nu nolulnt. On tho
Hocoinl nml tlilnl nights the proof
choral works "Kenst tit Ailoulx,"
The Uetlemiitlon,' nml "Elijah" will
lie produced by cotnliluml chimin, or
chestra, nml soloists.
Season .tickets reserved $2.r0, un
reserved $1.(10. Single, concerts, re
served $1. Single concerts! unre
served "Co.
Sevhx HtiMiitKii Doi.i.a us worth of
tho reserved pennon tickets Imve al
ready lieen sold In Euguue. There
are only BO or 60 left. Hy purchasing;
tickets now, you lmve the sulr
Bcrihers advantage of choice of seats
till April 14th. After tlmt tlnte the
sale will lo thrown open to the jwit
eral public. Any desiring; season
Icket may address 1. M. Cli.r.N, En
Kene, Oregon, "Reduced rates on
Are desirable. You are strong unit
Jlanv-nay, most-women, f-il l0
properlv dicest their food, and fo be-
ccme pale, sallow, thin and weak, while
lhDli,i,..lniu. I..l...... n
li.:. "Si " 'i "V".irt"
Rniedv this unnleasant evil, bv eatini:
noiirisliiiig fool, and taking a small duse
of Herbinc after each meal, to dicest
n!?' fc?"i,vet'",en- a,:,cw hra
noir Line
and union Pacific
Time Scmedills
froty Portland
Chicago- ISalt .Lake, Denver,
Ft. Worth. Omaha.
4 :30p.m,
Kansas City, St.
Louis, Chicago and
8:15 p.m.
Salt Lake, Denver,
ft. norm, umalia.
Kansas City, St.
Louis, Chicago and
fit. Pan I
Walla Walla, Lew
Fast Mail
tston , bpokane,
Wallace, l'u.lman,
Minneapolis , St.
Paul, Duhith, Mil
waukee, Chicago A
7 -35a.m.
6 p. m.
70 Hours
Tickets east via all rail, or boat and
rail via Portland.
8 p. m. ject to change. 4 p. m.
For San Francisco
Sail every five days.
exSund'y Columbia River 4 p. m.
8 p. m. except
Saturday To Astoria and Way Sunday
10 p. m, I Landings.
A. "L. CRAIG. Gen. Passenger Aijent.
Portland, Oregon.
Kail way !
Sjiokane, St. l'aul, Ditluth,
MiiuiedjwllH, Chicago,
n r. i ... , m !
Day Coaches , I'alace and Tourist ,
Sleepers , Dining and lluffet,
Smoking Library Cars.
Daylight Trip through the Cascade and
ROCkY Mountains.
For full particulars, Rates, Folders
etc. call on or address
t-iu imi.Av m n . t-
122 3d St., Portland Ore.
612 First Avenue,
G. W. V. A.
Eeattle Wasb.
United States Land Office,
Itoseburg, Oregon, Feb. 7,1901.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provlilona of the aet ol Congress ol
June S, 1878, entitled "An Act (or the sale ol
Timber Lauds in the States ol Calllortila, Ore-
extended to all the pubilo land states by act ol if
a. a. A 1 air I Va llianlal t . tf sA mr nf l.a. nn a
County of Lane State oi dregoB. his !
this dajrflled Inthls.ofHcebls sworn statement
I No. 4120 lor the purcli'ase ol the NWJJ olaec-
offe proof tosbowthat the laudsougbt la more
a.uable for Its tlmbcror atone than lor agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his claim to aald
tlonno.2O.lowiiBulll0.rauae iveai.auu will
land before C. IS. Hosard, U S Commissioner at
Drain, Douglas Co., Ore., on Thursday the 80th
day of April, 10U3.
lie names as witnesses!
. I'hllllp Caron, Ouy S. 1'otta, L, K, Kail, Jacob
atper, ol Eugene, Lane Co., Ore.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to rile
their olalmi In this office on or before said SOth
day oIAptil.iaoii. i
J. T. Ubidoej, Reglater,
tiik niTY rniiNnii..
Mayor Veatch Appoints Ills Com
mlttees for the Unstring Year Com-
. .... .
picic 1-nn.rcuuiKS ui ine nujiiurniru
Tito following I tho report of tlio
....... ... ... ,., ' ,
iiiijimii ui-ii incviiiiK in iiiuvil.l iinur
Prosout, Mnyor It. It. Job. t'oiin
cllman C II. Viindenlitirg. S. It.
l'llHT, .1. K. Uarrett, .1. 1. Jones,
Oliver Watch.
The following olllcers eleet wero
sworn In:
Mayor It. M. Veatch. rounclltiian
.1. V. Ourrln, Geo. Wall, Oliver
Veatch. Recorder .1. K. Young,
"'ronstiror II. Kaklii. .Marshal 11. J,
Hills rend and ordetvil paid:
FlrstNatloual Ilttuk, Cottngv
Grove, liiterost on warrants$M! MJ
Elliert Veatch cleiitilug out
dam 1
Council adiourueil to meet Monday
April 1:1th at 8 p. in.
Monday April Kith council met ht-
nun nt to call Present, Mayor R, M
Veatch. Councilman J. 1. Ctirrin, S
It. I'liKT, J. 1. Jones. Geo. VnlI,C. II
Vaudenbiirg, Oliver Veatch.
Saloon license was Hxed at the rate
. . ,
?tH Iit year for tlmt six months,
.MarshaUanil .rvcomer liomls was
read anil unproved.
. 11
, retltlon for oiienliiK alley com
I menclnt" at llrltlsi' street Iwtween W
,S. Helmet t and N. .Martin's property
, ni! liitLrectlitR .Main street ttetween
Lun-h-s anil Martin .V Uowd.Vs fur-
' The mayor annouiiced the follow
Street committee If Vanden
bnrK. J 1 Jones, U l'liier.
Light and water committee .1 I'
Ctirrin. Oliver Veatch, S It IMer.
I X-IIH111I.X ll, l"l ll'ltll ll, l k V-lll-
L.l ...... a.. flit....- !......,. T tl
I rln, Ueo Wall.
I Health oillcer Geo Wall.
I On motion the council voted to nr
'proprlate enough funds out of the
I treasury to purchase lire certlllcate
j anil liell for hose enrt.
On motion the bid of F. L. Wooley
for $362.73 was accepted by thecoiiu
cll for the erection of rvMirvoIr build
1'etltlon for sidewalk on north
side of bridge street was grunted
Hills of 1'hil Hold was read and
ordered palil
SURVEY No. 501.
D. 8. Land Office Roscburg. Ore.. Mar. 12. 190R.
Notice Is hereby irtren that In pursuance o(
the lairs n! me iTniten states relating to placer
office address Is Albany, Oregon, has madeap
mining riaims, a .11. uammer. wnose poat
piirauomorn patent i"r ine uuve placer ciaini,
Surrey No. Wl, sltualed In Bohemia Mining
SUteof Oregon, and Uencribed by the oAlcUl
1 1 tit nerewiin potiea ana urine neia noteion
me in ine once oi ine itetnuer oi ine Koseburf
Heflnninif at corner No. I whence the V. 8.
I mln. location monument No 2 for Bohemia Dlit.
i bean 1 8 des 8 mln w 73.1 feet. Steamboat creek
I bears east 40 feet, a flMQint dlambean north
6 feet and a nr is ins dura bears 7U dee w 21
! feel each blazed and tcrtbed 1 501 bt tnence t
0degl7rolnw&M feet to corner No 2 thence
44 dee 33 mln w 1042 feet to corner No 3 thence n
i ?9deg 25 mln w VX. 6 feet to corner No 4 thence
lnl0mlneW9 1 feet to corner No 5, thence sS8
j degUmln e397J to corner No 6 thence n 4t dee
1 50 mine 101 1 3 feet to corner No 1, and place of
beginning, containing w 40s acres locate 1 In
what is known as the Steamboat Pigging on
! nnsnrreyed land about 17 miles south of the V
j 8 location monument et In mineral sarrejr No, on uroutve jiouniain, iiouemta insinci, ana
Is about f 4 deg e 17 miles from Bohemia Tost
Office. Oreeon.
There are no conflicting or adlolnlnc claims
t?entfr filed adlolnlns on the north
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
a bore described land or any portion thereof
are aereoy uoiineu to oie ineir aqTerve claims
In this office within the next slxtr dars follow
I lng the date of this notice, and should they fall
to do so tbeywllt be barred by tbe provisions ol
S-20- J.T. BRItXIES, Reglater.
Unitetl States I-and Office,
Koseburg, Oregon, JIur. 30. 1903.
Notice is hereby eiveti that in com
pliance with the provisions ot the act of
congress oi Jtino 3, l7H, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the I'ubllc Land States
by act of August 4, 1892,
of Eugene, County ol Lane, State
of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office
his sworn statement No. 4797, for the
purchase of the ,SE 1-4 of Sec
tlon No. 4, Township 23, South, of
Range 2 West, and. will offer proof to
Diiua uittb iii iauu &uugiifc in inure
valuable for its timber or stone that for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land befoie Mario
I L. Wnro. U. H. CotnmliiHlnnor nl Kn.
gene, Lano Co., Ore., on Monday, tho 8th
day of June, 1903.
ia nalDoa a8 witnesses :
Au8tln Hoot of Springfield Lane Co.,
Ore.. James N. Jtahdle? of Fairmount,
Any and all persons claiming adverse-
ly the above-doscriljed lantls are re-
I'tlUM claims in this office
on or be(oro ea'd llay o( J',ne.- ,m3'
J T. Hhidqes, Register.
Sealed l!d tiro reiiic8tetl hy the
County Court of Lano County, Ore
gon, for tho building of a county
brIdj;oucro88 tho Const Fork river nt
Cottago drove 87 feet span, Howe
truss, double bent piora at each end,
69 feet of npproach, 18 feet roadway,
without cover, according to plans,
specifications anil strain diagrams
ii nilMhetl hy tlm County Surveyor
"'' Wl't l M office,
I'lvo per cent deposits required.
Dlds to bo opened .May 0, 1903, at 2
o'clock ii. in.
Dated at Eugene, Oreiron, this 10th
day of April, J003.
C. M. CoLi.iun,
County Surveyor.
Man born of woman Is of few days
nnd full of trouble and the fuller ho
Is of trouble tho fewer Ills days.
UnlfHl Stales Land Ollloe.
ltosclmri!, Ore, Feb, U, UHVI.
t KnttiMl In lil.rnliv ulvnll tilllt 111 IMlllllll-
nncewitlt the provisions ol the tvelol
Ootiureiia of Jnnn .!. 18711. entltleil "All
i act tor tlio sale ot timber lands In thu
.iSltle of Ciilifornia, Oregon, Nevada,
)1M, VH(,llltoll Teirltory," US OX
'i u. i .
id Stales by
iviiui-ti f Itll iiiv liuilii ilium . in
ael ol Angun-1, 181U, Joseph It . 1 1 ills,
nt h , i ii i uinin nf On.
0t.lAper. t oiinlyiiM.!ilie, Stale ol un
Soil, has tills day lllisl In this Ulllea Ills
sworn statement No. 8200, for the pttr-
elwsoolW8KSK 1-4 of section Nv.
1 14 In Township So. 20 S ., Itantie No. 1
i .V?' '","! wl" "l,V, ''V?'1 1 r.,m.i.,l'"
the laud is more valuable (m it titnbe
or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and lo establish Ids claim In said land
before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Rote hurt;, Oregon, on Thurs
day, Hie day SOthuf April, IP03.
lie naiiHM ns witnesses:
Demise M. Illaekbiirn of Sprliijjllelil,
Ore., Wiliiain Tate olZinn, Ore., ileurv
S, Tlltmi of June, Ore,, J S Hills of
Jaspci, UiueOi.,Oie.
Anv nml all iu.H,iimclnliiiinu adverse
ly the alHivi-ilfsi'iilnil lands uro rc-ipie-Unl
to lllu their eliiiuisiu this little
on ur liefoie said 801 It d.iy of April, UKVt.
J. T. Hi.iiiiiKS, Resisler.
United bl.ilo IjiihI Olllif,
Uiweliiirg, Ore., Mar. 4, 1903.
Notice Is heit'liy jxi vvi tlmt in cell,
pliance with thu piovinlons of the act of
Conguws of June 3, 17S, entithil ".' n
act lur the sale nl tutiU'r Intnl. Ill tie
States of California, On-gon. Nemla,
and Wavliingtou Territory, as ex
tended to all the Public IjuhI Stales by
act of August 4, 1S92,
Earl Baldwin,
of l'iinllier, O tint y of Lane, Stale
of Oregon, Itastliistlay Med In this of
lice his sworn statement No. 4553 for the
purchase of the K E 4 See No. 12lnTp
-OS of Range No. 7 w. and will otroi
proof to show that Ihe land sought Is
jore valuablu for ils timU'r or stone
hail tor agricultural purpose and to
rtahllsh his claim to snid laud before
.larie L. wnte, U.S. ConunU.itiner nt
Eugene. Oregon, on Saturday the 30th
dav of Mny, 1903.
lie names as witnese.
Frank Crenhaw. John Hooker,
Charlie Shaw, of l'nnther, Ijine Co.,
Ore., Cleorjro W. Hunter, of Eugene.
Iine Co., Ore.
Any and all persons mlvec e
ly the above described lands are re
tpieted to llle their chums in this office
on or before said 30th dav of May,
J. T. RllIIKIES. lUmsTtR.
United States Uml OlHce,
Hosebtirg. Ore . Feb. 7, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions ol tlio act of
Congress of June 8, 1878, entltleil "An
act lor the sale of timber hinds in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to nil the l'ubhc Land States by
act of August 4 IS92. linyS. I'otts, of
Eugene, Co. of Ijtne, State of Ore., has
this day tiled in this olllce his sworn
statement No. 4119, (or the piiteluiFo
of the NE lj of section No. 20 Town
ship No. 21 S. Range No. 7 West and
will olfer proof to show thai the land
sought is more valuable fur its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, .and to establish his claim to
taid land before C. E. Hasartl, U S.
Commissioner at Drain, Douglas Co..
Ore., on Thursday, tlio 30th dav of Apr,
He names as, witnesses :
I'll i 1 1 1 r Caron, Jacob Jasper, L. K.
Hall, Nathaniel L. Moodv. of Eugene,
Lane Co., Ore. I
Any and all persons claiming ad
office on or before said SOth May ot Apr.,
J. T. linu.oEs, Register.
United States Lnnd Office,
Roscbnrg, Oregon, Mar. 0, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions ol the act ol
Congress of June 3, 1878, entltleil "An
net for tho sale of timber lands in the
Slates of California. Oregon, Nevada.
and Washington Territory," n extended
to all tlio Public Land states by act ol
August 4, 1892,
Horace u. L ox.
of Eugene, County of Lane, State ol
uregon, lias tins nay men in tins
office his sworn statement No. 4500, for
U'5,':u!l"pe,.Lt'ie Shi ?lfrcii?"
. ''...," 'I.' ".. "... T.:
t1mbe?0Usfoli8Z0r0fof 'icuJil I
itliZ aXo es'labls0!. I fi'S". S?J
said lantl before Jfarlo L. Ware, U. I
vvtitiiicrjivfiiij atiuviiri uivkuiii
r.i Ta'a, nrn,.nn
0'n'?,t.,,!r,ntL.y. ' Y 1 "
He names as witnesses; I
Joho Seavoy, of Eugene, Lane Co., Ore.,
'n L. Tk LZLZZ: i .,?
n X i. . v !,' ii.. pi.....T.
Ore., James N. Handle, of I alrinount,
.ane Co.. Ore.
Anv and nil nersons claiming adverse
lv the nixve-described lands are rt-
quested to file tlieir claims in this offici
oh or before said 28(h day of May, 1903.
J. T .llitiDOEs. Register.
S'otlre la herehv olveti that the underalirned i
has been annotated bv the County Court of the
State ol Oregon (or Lane County, admlnlstra.
lor oi me estate oi jonn . aiananeiu, ueceaaeii.
All persona having claims against, said estate
are nerebv reoulrad to nrnaent the same to me
properly verified, as by law required, at the
.....hvv.. ... .uu..n ,.. ...u.y, .'. i
;o Oregon, within six montha (rom the date
Mated tmnCTlii dayol February, im.
,ne j
state ouohn 8. Mansheld. deceased
United States Land Oflico,
Roseburir. Ore.. Mar. 10. 1903.
Notice, is hereby given tlmt in com
In com-
lio act of
led "ah
Mianco witn tne provisions oi ine i
Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled
net lor me Baio oi iimoer lanus in uio
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington," as extended to all the,
Public Land States, by act of August 4,
189i, I
j.iwu.oa mini",
of Two Harbors, County of Lake. State 1
at i .ti iii-. l .1.1.. nlnn
ui itiiiui, nua tins uuy iiiou in i.iiib uuiou
his sworn statement No. 4034 for Ihe
purchase of the 8 kr.NWJi". BWK NEK I
& NW SW i of See 24 Tp 22 S, of R 1
West, and will offer nrool to show
that tho land sought is moro valuablo
for Its timber or stono than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before Marie L. Ware,
U, S. Commissioner ut Eugene, Lano Co.,
Ore., on Saturday the 0th day ol Juno,
Ho names as witnesses:
I.aurltz Kverness. of Two Harbors.
r i... r- .i . ..' it.. .I I,.l
j.uKe uo., aiinn, itiariiu uisun, luicr
Ophus,ol Bluo River. Lano Co., Oro.,
Martin Haagenson, of Eugene, LniioCo,,
Any and nil persons claiming adverse
ly the -above-described lands uro re
quested tofllo their claims In this office
on or before said flth day of June. 1003,
J.T. iiniPQES jiegieier.
I'nltol ale Unl Oltlcc, lloehrs. Or.,
VkIi.T. IttLI.
Njillce la hereliy Riven that In compllaiife
wttlllllA imielilitllk of the act lit I'oilureM ill
JiineH, lifts, entlileil "An act lur tlio aleol In the staie nl CalKotnla, ore
Rim, Netaila, anil Manhtniittm Tcrtllory," an
eitemlihl load the l'lllillo Uii.l Hlaletlir art
ol Alixnit 4, I MM, Jai-nli JaajH'r, nl Kuitcne,
t'ountjf ol Ijine, stale of Otcnon, haa
haa Ihll llav lllml 111 llila inli.Mlila av..,rii klKlii.
'"em ut lur ine pnrcliaae lur Itiesw'i
,t Peellon No. w. ToiMifhlp l H., ol
rrvium m, UM IIP 11 1 l XI n.( HI
'." ,T.,,,W"1 ,,nr P,"1"! ,",!n,,.w M'"1
Ine latul vilit l innro valuable lor Ha tlinlier
, than lor aKrleullnral .nt..e, ami to
ritaulUli til claim In ml.) Inml l.,.(,.re V. K
""!. ' illi'iier t
,,os.t,"s',m- ,mlh,,f,,,r ihsfl
1 Ijc nameaai wllneae:
uarani, i' n. i;iniiitiiinionor at uraiti, iMiiaiaH
mitiiiiar in Apr.
Nathaniel I. Mmulv. liny W. lMlta. I'lilllln
Oarott. 1.. K. Halt, nl kuiriMie. Ijiuo t'o.. Ore .
Any and all )rona cfattiitlitat ailxersoly toe
alMiie ileorlled lainla ar tenitealnl lo file
their claims In thl ofllfe on or lietore said aoth
J.T. Ilauxira, ltrglaler
IjiiiiI Ofllre at llitaetmrr, Ore.,
Notlcil lieretiv elien that the lnllnw IllK-
namiil aettler haa tliel imtlte nf nla Inlenllon
to make llnal primt in siipiirt ol hU elalni,
and that aatd prnot wilt le liiNile llur Marie
... r. v .nit in iwimiht, ni r.iiaiir. ,rn.
on AnrllVlM. via: ltd. K. No. iwsw. ol Alex
anile r Cummliiiii lur Ihe fK ii See 10 To. at 8
It. 1 w.
lie natner the following wlincaca to pre
hla eoiiiltiuoiia realdetit-e upon ami etillU
Hon of aald laud. via.
Thouiaa llunaakrr. W. It. latker, Henry
tiovta. Jva a uuioriHik, nt r.ion, ijiiiei-o , lite
T llRiimM.ltegialer
UntttMl States Lund Olllce,
Rosehiirg. Oieuoii. Mar.. 10, UHVI.
Notice Is herehv given that in eoiuhll-
anco wltli the provisions of thu act ol
uongressoi Jtineii, ifiM. eiuiueii ,n
act lor the sale of timber lantls in the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Waehluutiin Territory." nsoxlendei
lo all the rulilic L.tid Slates by act ol
August 4, 1SUJ,
Eilunr I). Del 'oil.
of Eugene, Co. ot Lane, Stale of Oro.
has this day filed In thitmlflfc his sworn
statement-No. 4591, for the pnrcliaae
ot the N (, N ' of Sect inn No
S. Tp23Sofltl W.iind willotfer proof to
snow tiiatllm latul soiigiu is more vain
able for Its tlinlier or Htonelhiin foragri
cultural iiiirnoses. ami to establish his
claim to said land before Marie I.. Ware
U 8 Commissioner at Engeno, lire., on
Saturday tno23rtt day ol May, 1903.
He mimes as witnesses :
James N. Handle, of Fairinnunt, Ore
Austin Root. o( Snriimlleld, Ore.
licorge W. Hunter, llenty Sheldon, ol
Eugene, Ore.
Any nnd all persons claiming adverse
lv tint iitmvo.ilpHeril ih! Iflliil. nrtf re-
'ipiefteil lo llle their cjuims in Ibis olfice
ion or ncioresaiti J.irn nay oi .nay, urm.
J.T. llitinoKs. ueglsier
United Stun Uml Office,
Itoseburg, Oregon, Feb. 24, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that in com
pliance witli the provisions of tlio act of
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entltleil "An
act for the sale of limber lands In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory."!! extended
to all the Public Land States by act of
August -l, 1MI-,
Elizabeth E. Gem in
of Cottage Grove. Co. ol Ijtue, State of
Ore., lias tliis day (Ileal in this olllce her
sworn statement S'o 4500 for the purchase
ol tho W 8W U of Section No 10
tp22 South, ol Rango 3 W. nnd will oiler
proof to show that the Inml sought is
moro valuablo for its tlinlier or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establl81i tier claim to salt! lantl bolero
Marie L. Ware. U. 8. Commissioner
at Eugene, Oregon, on Thursday the
L'isi nay oi .nay, imi.
She names as witnesses.
IyOiils O, lierum, Harvey TayloK
Any anil all persons claiming adverse.
1 1 y the above-described lantls tiro re
quested to llle their claims in this olllce
on oi oeioro saiti zisi uay oi .May., IlJ.(,
J. T. llmixiKS. Register.
United Stales Uml Olllce,
Roeeburg, Oregon, Mar. 12,1003.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tho provisions ol the act ol
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber land in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
ami Washington Territory,'' as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4, 1892, Mary E. Cowan, of (j(.tv of I ano Statu of O
' p.. ,u l .VL nifi mL .
swornstatcmcnt No. 4009 for the nur
chase of the 8 W V ol Sec No. 4, Tp 23. S
' 'T' ' . ....V.'. Y". m" "r" V. .
w.U.t P.....H.m ktMVIV ... ' "
it u an. ....... t T i..
Oon, on Monday, tho 1st day o
Juno 1903
8, ' wltIll!1(reB .
N "''. Fairmount, Lane
Co., Oro., Austin Root, ot bpilnglleld
,.., ,.,, ' 0rl, f-, ' w it,.oi
Eugeno, unit Co., Ore,, Alvin J Per
kins, of Crow, Lano Co,, Ore.
Any and nil persons claiming adverse
ly the uhove-described lantls are re
quested to file their claims in this ofTico
on or beioro sum isitiay ouune, lutu.
J. T. HiiiixiEH, Register.
United States Land Office,
Itoseburg. Oregon. .Mar.. 10. 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compli-
nnco with tho provisions of tho act of
I Illim.U n .1IIIIU M IHM t ,11 f I I III! I H t
, T .1 ....
act for tho salu ol timber lauds In tlio
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
nml Washington Territory, its extended
to all tho Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1892,
nenry i. eneition,
of EuguneOo. of Lano, State of Ore. has
tins uay iiieu in tins oiiico ins sworn
stittement No. 4592, for tho purchase of
the S N U of Sec. No. 4. Tp 23 S, of
Range 2 AVest, anil will offer prod! to
show that tlio lantl souglit Is moro
valuable for its timbor or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
Ida claim to said land beforo Mario L,
Ware, U. S. Commissioner at Eu-
guue, uregou, uu oiiiurtiny tuu jni uay
0f May, 1903.
no names ns witnesses ;
James N. Handle, of Fairmount, Ore.,
Austin Root, of Hnnnofleld. Oreiron..
Carl C.Rico, Gcorgo W. Hunter, ol Eu-
gene, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming advurso
lv the abovo-described lantls nro ro
quested to (Ho their claims In tills oflico
on or before sain litix nay oi Mity, juoj.
j . i. iiiudoes, itcgistcr.
A customer of ours who had beon
suffering from a sovoro cough for six
months, bought two bottles ot Chamoer
Iain's Cougli Remedy from us and was
entirely cured by ono and a half holtlos
of It. It gives perfect satisfaction with
our trade. Haynes-I'arkor A Co., Line
vllle, Ala . For salo by Lyons A Applo
gate, Drain, Benson Drug Co,, Cottage
United Hlalcs Lniul Oll'lot,
Rosehuiir. Ore.. Anr. I. 1903.
Notice Is hereby given Unit' In oompli
mi with tlm provisions ol tho aet nl pllnnco with tho provisions ill lht
ngressol Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An, Act ol i'oIiuivhh nl ,Iiiiio3, INiH, en
tfnr tho salu ot Timber Lands in Ihe titled "An Act fur the niiIu ol Timber
Slates ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada
and WaBlilngtnn Territory," us ex
tended to all tho Public Land Stales by
act ol August 4, IC92,
MARY I.. KI.Ml l.i .
of Eugene, Co. ol Lane, Statu tit Ore
gou has this tlav llleil It: this'riiricu her
auiirii ainli.iiiiiii't N'n. 4KIW. fur thu tun-
liuan nf il.ii NV l.l Kie !U l'ti III S ol R
ft W anil will oiler t
iiitiol lo show tliiitrruwiiHiuii .
Inml mliiiilit I. niiirn villlllllllu lor Us
timber or stone than (or agricultural
purpose. nml to establish her elalili to
said land before Marie 1.. Ware. U. S.
Commissiimer at j-higciie, Lane Co, Oil'
gun, on Tiiewlay llic.'Jlnl tlav oi.iune,
Sliu names as witnesses:
Frank Davis, of Limine, Lane Co.,
Oie., Andrew ,1, Smith, ol Eugene.
1.11110 Co.. Ore.. Charles S iniison. ol
iirnue, Oieuoii, Clair l.uckey, ol
Eugene, LaiieCo., Ore.
Anv nml all nersons claiming ail
versely the above-described landsmen-tinestt'-il
lo llle llictrehilitH In this olllee
on or beforo said 23ultlay of June, 1 DO:',
J. T. llmntiKs Reghler.
United Slates Laud Olllce,
Itoseburg, Oregon. Feb 9. 1903.
Notice Is lieiehv given that in com
pliance with the provisions ol the act ol
Congress of June 3,1878, entitled "An
net for tlio salo ol timber hinds In the
Stales ol California. Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory, "its exlivtled In
all Ihe Public Lantl H'tnte bv act ol Au
gust 4, 1892, llrbtuo N. 'McLean, ol
Camp Creek, Co ol line, Stale ot Or".,
has tills day llled in tills olllce his sworn
statement S'o. 421 (orlhopurchuseof the
Nlj N Si liolng 1Ols I, ii ami H oi tee
No 2, in Tp 21 South, ol Rangen W. anil
will oiler prooi to snow inai ine iniui
sought is more valuable for its liinlx'r or
stonelhan lor itgricultiirnl purHises, ami
to establish bis claim to stiitl laud before
Marie L. Ware, V 8 Commissioner at
Eugene, Oregon, on Saturday the 25th
dav ol Apr., 1003.
I lu mime h as witnesses :
George M. Miller, of Eugene, Lane
Co., Ore., W. R.Tucker.oI Anhilif, Ore,
Filunnl J. Frailer, ol Eugene. Lane Co
Oregon. Ed l. Ressler, ol Monmouth,
Any ami all persons claiming adverse
lv the nUivc-dcscrihed Iambi are if
ijuesteil In lllu their claims In tills office
on or iH'iote nun join uay oi Apr., ii'ivi,
J. T. BitlluiKs. Register.
United Stales Uiutl Ofllce,
Rtxehurg, Oregon, Mar., 24, I90H.
Notice Is hereby given that in compli
mice with Ihe provisions of the act ol
Congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled "An
aet lor tbe sale of timlier laml In the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington territory, as extended lo
all the Public IjiiiiI States by arl of An
gust4,1892, U i,s 1. A r. c r.A I-. ,
ol Eugene, Co. ot l.nne, State of Ore.,
has this day tiled In this office her sworn
statement No. 4717, forthe puichaseol
thu Kt, NEti, SWt4 NEASEU NWi,'
olSecNo. II Township 2.18. of R 2 .
ami w in oner prooi to snow mat uio iniiu
souglit is more valuable lor its tlinlier or
stone than lor agricultural titirposes.auil
to cuabllsli tier claim to sum lantl lielnre
Mario I. Ware, V S Commissioner at
Eugene, Oregon, on Moudav, the
8th day uf June. 1903.
She names as witnesees :
Jess Seavey, John II . Seflvey. Tom I'..
Seavey.ol Eugene, Utne Co., Ore., Ma
rion tin
lavls, ol Cottage Grove, Lane Co.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
iy the nlMive-tlescrllMil lauds me -t-(piesleil
lo lllu their claims in ihi oflne
on or liefore said 8th day of June. IWH
t J. T. HllllsiKs, Regisler.
United Slates Laml Office.
Itoseburg, Ore., Mar. 25th. 1993.
Notice is hereby given tlmt In com
pliance with the provisions ol I he act ol
Congress of Juno 3,1878, entltleil "An
net lor the salo of timber lands in the
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada nnd
Washington Territory," as extended t.i
all the Public Lantl Stales by act ol Au
gust 4, 1802,
of Tho Dalles, Co ol Aiisco, Staleof Ore,,
has this tlay filed in tills office hers worn
statement No. 4725, for tho purchase ol
theN ii N )i of Section No. 12 In Town
ship No. 22 S, Rango No. 2 W, ami will
offer proof to show that tlio laud sought
is more valuablu lor its timber or sluno
than (or agrlcluturnl purport's, ami to
establish her claim to saltl laml la-fore
Marie L. Ware, U.S. Commlsbloner at
Eugene. Oregon, on Monday the 1511
dayol June, 1903.
blio names as witnesses :
T II l.,l..,o, nt ('..ii,.,...:....... 1 ....
u ... . a,,,,, i , .., v'UIKi.IJ ..IIIIU, ,.U
Lio,, uregoii, j w ritrnsii, oi jellcrson,
iiiarion i;o., t;re., I-. A. irlpp, oiark
Ucbereiiux, of Eugene, Lane Co., Oro.
Any anil all persons claiming adverse
iy inu aoove-iiescriiiei anus nro re
quested to file their claims in this olllee
on or belorcsaiu lotli uay ol June, 1903.
J.T. linibOEH, Register.
United States Lund Office,
Itoseburg Ore., Mar. 18,1003.
Notice is herehv given that in i-oin.
pliance witli the provisions n( tho act of
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entltleil "An
iw-t Ins tlm Blllll ,tf lllllltnv lo... lu I.. ,1...
v. .w. ... iiiiiuu. K.IIUF 111 ,IIU
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada,
ami Washington Teriilory." as exlond-
cti to nil llie I'Ublie l.antl mates bv net
oi August -t, imc,
o( Bohemia, Co, ofDoughis, StatuofOru,
has tills day filed in this oflico bis sworn
W K Kii being i)t 2 nnd SW NE V.,
WU8El-4oI Sec No. 2. Townsldn L'ti
Rllltll nt lfnn.n U tVu, ...t ...III
w, .....iu v llt-B,, mill will
offer proof to show that tho land
souglit Is more valuable lor Its tlmbcror
stono man lor ntrrleo tural niu-iiriuiiu
ami to establish his claim to said la ltd
beforo Mario L, Ware, U. 8, Commis
sioner at Eugene, Lane Co. Oregon, on
VYcuneBHay tlio 10th dayol June, 1903.
Ho names ns witnesses:
George Luce, E J Pettit, ol Alma, Lane
Co, Ore., G G GriiLam, of Bohoinla,
Douglas Co., Oro., Heibert A. Cox, ol
Almu, Lane Co,, Ore.
Auv and all persons claiming na-
vereely tlio above-ilcscrlbetl lands an
requested to file, their claims In this
oflico on or beforo said 10th day ol Juno,
J . T. Diunaiis, Register.
Next woek from noon of Thursday
tho 10th to noon of Saturday tho
18tli Dr Lowe tho well known oculo
optlclnn will bo at the Sherwood
hotel, As.Dr I.owo will not be In
Cottngo Grovo soon afraln you had
hotter have lilm attend to your eyes
this trip. Consultation free,
NOTICE 1-Olt I'lilll.K'ATlON.
United Ndtton Lnnil OIIUV,
How hum. iv., Feb, 7. 1903,
Notice Ii lli'ivh.v KiVep (lint u com-
Minus in t no (Mines oi i niiun iiiii,
Oit'Kon, Nevada mill WiisIiIiikIoii
Territory," as extended to nil I bo
1 Public Lund States ll.v net ol Aiifiust
J 4, IS92, Phillip ( ni iili, nl I'.u
ui'iie. I'tnini.v nl l.nne. Ninln of
Orouon. bus this tlu.v llled In this
olllct' Ills sWiil ii sin leliii'll I Nu. 4122
I fur thcuut'fhiiM' uf Ihe SE K uf see 20
.'I Smith uf Itnuuu 7
West anil will olfer in f In show
Hint the hind hiiiiuIii Im iiiuiv valu
able (Or Its limber ur si. me than for
ngxlc lilt urn,) purpuM-H. nnd in i-stub-llsh
his eliilin tn saltl hind lit-toro-('.
K. Ildslird, I'. S. I'liiiiiulHHloner,
at Drain. UuiiuIiih n., IIickiiii on
Tliui'Hiln.v the :intli tiny til Apr,, IIKI3,
He iiuiues as wHih-hm-h:
Nalhaiilel I.. Moody. (Inv S. Potts,
lacub .lasiK'i'. L. I. Ilnll, uf Engt-ne,
Liini' Co., Ore.
Any and all persoiiN clnliiilnn ad
versely tho ubovo-ilesci'lhed IiiiIiIh mti
ri'iiin'Hlcil to llle Ihelr clalius III IIiIh
olllce on or hcfoli' filial Until ilnv o(
April, 1903.
.1. 'I'. lllllllllKM, HeulHter.
Unltetl Males Ijuul Olllee,
Itoseburg. Oregon, Feb. 21, 1903.
Notice Is beiehy given that in compli
ance with Ihe ptovlslnus ol tbe net of
Congiess ol June 3,1878, entlileil "An
net Itir the sale ol limber lauds in the
Slates ul California, Oiegon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as cxlcndcd
In all Ihe Piihlle Laml Slates by aet ol
August 4. ,1892,
.Uibu I. Phlllppl,
ol Eugene, County ol Ijiiic, Stale
of Oregon, litis Ihls day llleil in litis ntllt-o
Ids sworn statement Nu, 4505, for the
purchase ol ibeS ' S E A N W k H K K
o(Secl2, Tp R2 V. mid
will oiler prooi ti show that Ihe laud
sought is more valuablu lor Its timber
or stone than lor agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said laud
helnrv Marie I. Ware. I' . S. Cominls
sinner at Eugene, Oregon, on Thurs
day, the l llh day nl May, UHVI. k
lie names as witnesses:
John D. Palmer, of Cottage I love,
Lane County, Oregon j J. D. Damnum,
ol Collage liruve, I-ine Co., Oiegon, i
W Davis, ol Mohawk, Lanii Co., Ote. . S
K Lewis, ol Collage lirove, Vine Co.,
Any and all prisons claiming adverse
ly tho alKive-ileHTlliiii lantls are re
quested lo llle their claims in this officii
on nr l-efoic saltl 1 lib tlay ol May. 190:1.
J. T. IliitiK.'i.ri. Register.
United Slales Land Office,
Koseburg, Oiegon, Mar. III. 1903.
Notice is beti-bv given that in compli
ance wilh the provisions ol Ihe act ot
Congress nl June 3, 1R78, entitled "An
act lor the suit-of timber hinds In tho
Mates ol CalKoMim.Oii'gtiu, Nevada and
Washiiiglon Territory, ns extended to
all the Ptihho Land States by arl ol An
glll4.1892. I.Al'ltlTZ KVEIINESS,
ulTwo 1 1 ii r 1 m i r , tool I jike. -tnleof Minn,
bns this day llleil in this ofln e his sworn
sliiteinelit No. HOW), lor Hie puiehase of
the E )y NE h, SW J, NE J, A NE SEV
olSee No. 2ft. Twp. 22 - -I R 1 West
will offer proof to sb-.w Hint the
laml sought is mine valuable (or, Its
limber or stone than fur agricultural
purposes, and to establish Ids claim to
said Inml belole Marie L. ware, U. S,
I'liuiuilssloner at Eugene, Lane Co., Ore.
on Saturday, the lllhilny nl June., UHVI,
lie tinmen as wllm ssca :
Finest Sue , nl Two Harbors Ijike Co.,
Minn.. .Martin Olson, Peiler Ophus, of
Blue Rive , l.nne Co., Oiegon, Martin
llniigeiiHoii, ol Eugene, i ane Co., (ire.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the nhovc-tlcscribcd lands nro re-
qiteslt-il lo llle their claims In this office
on nr la-lnre said lltb tlay ol June, 1903
J.I. Illtllitirs, lleglster.
Utile print 1I1IIPM ol nil V IowiinIiIii
In RiiHebiirK. Oitkoii Lnnd District,
mIiuwIiii; all vacant lands fur WicIh.
each. II you want any Information
from the 1,'. S. Lund Olllee. nddi-etta.
Title Oiiarantee Ac I.oitli Co.. IIom
bum. Ore.
Unlliil Stales Land Olllee,
Itoseburg Ore., Mar. II, 1003. .
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance Willi the provisions ol tho act of
f .l,i,r.,M. ,.f 1.,,.,. t 1U7U .....1(1.1 1(1..
'." r" 'l ...l.iw u. u,(l I'llllill, 111
act (or the sale of timber lantls In the
.Ulnli.u rJ 'i,lir.,r.,ln n U....n.l.
... V.....U, , vi.k'i'ii 'i;,iiii.
nml Washington Territory," as extcntleil
tonll the Pubilo Laml States by net oi
August 4, 1892.
ol Cottage Grove, Co. ol Lane. State
of Ore., has tills day llleil In thin
office his sworn statement No. 4593, (or
tho purchase ot the N ii, NE if o(
Section No. 84, Township 21 South, ol
Rango 3 West ami V) 111 offer proof to
show that the laml souglit is moro
valuable (or its timber or stuu than or
agricultural purposes, anil to establish
his claim to said land beforo the Reg
ister mid Receiver of this oflico at Itose
burg, Oregon, on Thursday tho 23rd day
o( July, 1903.
Ho names as witnesses :
A L Woodard, William Klmliel, D. 0.
Daughmiin. J Q A Young, ol Cottago ,
Grovo, Oro.
Any and all persons clninilngu, Worse
ly tho above-described lands are re
quested to lllo their claims in this oflico
on or before said 2Jnl tlay ol July., 1003.
J. T. BiiiniiKS, Register.
United States Land office,
Rosoburg, Ore., Apr. 11, 1003.
Notlco is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions ol tlio act of
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
Act for tho salo of Timber Lands In thn
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," its extended
to all the Public Land States by actol
August 4, 1892,
of London, Co, oi Lane, Stato of Oro,
haB this day llled In this office his sworn
statement No. 4910, (or the purchase of
tlio SW ii 8W1-4. Lot 4 of See No. 30.
Township 22 South, oi Range 3 West
and will oiler proof to show tlmt tho
lantt soiign i is more valuablo for .Its
timbor or stuns than for ni.i.,,u,,.r:v.
purposes, and to establish his claim to
sa d land tho Register and Receiver ol
tills pfficp at Rosoburg, Oregon
onl'ridaytho21stday of August, 1003
stv iiiiiiich na witnesses;
John Powell, nl rViitnnn' nr.. i
Co., Oro., John Oyerlmlscr, Lawrcnco
Moxloy, William Lively, 0f London,
Lane Co., Oro, '
Any and all net sons rlnlmin,, di
versely the Above-described lantls are
requested to (Ho their olnim. i., n.i.
oflico on or before enldSlst day ol Aug.,
J.T. Biiiihikb, Relator,