Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 17, 1903, Image 6

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jjllTt'l' ' i
C. )l. Howard
Bsrton C Y. Brown
. Business Mfc'r.
fifi Icreil Mt the Hilomo t Cntt.g. (Iroxe,
Ore tnn i Stfonil Cum mill nui'er.
Siib.crlptlon prlre, tLBO, In Wne
Ailt.rtWlH Hal. m.i known upon
TIIIRrAFKR L on M at K.C. Dmke'i
St- lor .
rl n Areni-r
chiiKtHtiii Frnrirn, CHfnrnL. where wiv
, Mml5 Merthinti Kx
ilterllilni can t mule (or It.
Friday; AfRit. 17, 1903.
The (Jeturjcrat-s are always circu-
lating we report mat mere is mutu
dissatisfaction In the republican
ranks in this district, especially
among the leaders of the delega
tions who presented candidates for
congressional honors. In this the
democracy of the district is rais.-
tajcen. To be stite any man con
testing for such an honor, or any
delegation battling for a man who
was not victorious, cannot but feel
disappointed. But when those
men rally around the victor on the
scene of the battle -and pledge their
support, it is assured that they
mean what they say. Gatch and
Vawter, and their following fought
a good fight. They went tn to
win, but when they found they
could not they smiled in the face
ofdefeat and are now pulling off
their coats to work for Mr. Her
mann. Kelley of Linn county, did
no't present himself at the close of
the convention and express his in
tentions, but it is safe to say that
Kelley is as loyal a republican as
the others. If he is a republican
he cannot refuse to do bis best for
the election of Hermann. In con
vention it was Hermann or some
other man. It was in a measure a
personal matter. It was. a fight
among republicans, whose loyalty
to party was not questioned, for the
nomination by republicans. Non
it presents a different aspect. It is
a fight not only for Hermann, but
for the republican party, and the
upholding of the republican ad
ministration. The republican who
opposes Hermann's election, is not
directing his batteries upon Her
mann but upon the republican
A Business Man Writes a Business
Man's View on the way to Build up
aTown lie Argues the Necessity of
Individual lilfort on the Part ot Citi
zens. A COMMON SUNS 15 L13TTI!R.
Can anyone look at the school
grounds at the present time and re'
gret that a few dollars had been ex
pended in the way of improvement?
Let the good work go on. The
city should now put In a hydrant
and donate water for irrigation pur
poses. As soon as possible that
row of silver maple trees should be
extended around the grounds. You
will not know the place in another
year. Besides it gives many a boy
at school, who gets into mischief
simply because ' he has nothing
better to do, a chance to use his
body and mind. He sees an ob
ject lesson before him. He is an
eye witness to the turning of
bleak, cold and barren school lot
into an attractive garden. Morally
it is good for him. I softens his
heart "love comes like flowers in
the night". It checks rough man
ners. What profane man will go
into a beautiful garden of flowers,
purposely to swear? Let the good
work go on.
The Nugget pointedly and em'
piratically again calls the attention
of parents to boys jumping on and
off the cars while in motion at the
yards. The S. P. and O. & S. E.
yards are uow filled with cars near
ly all tne time. Fast experience
tells us that railroad yards are dan
gerous places, even for those who
work, not play. It is no place for
play; it is no place for boys. Par
ents are responsible for the action
of their their children to a great
extent. There should be some way
to check the boys from playing at
such dangerous sport. If there is
any way by which this matter can
be reached by ordinance, it should
receive the attention of the city
Gatch, of Marlon, won many
friends In his manly speech after
Hermann's nomination was an
nounced. He admitted that he
was disappointed. That eras manly
He further stated that he would be
found as be had always been found,
working for his party. That he
would be no laggard. This is Mr.
Galcb's political record. He has
been an earnest republican, always
out for party Interests. The time
will come when his services to the
party will be recognized. Had his
organization been a trifle stronger,
he would have won in the conven
tion, and next June it would have
been Congressman Gatch Instead of
Congressman Hermann.
It is interesting to observe with
what rapidity certain small, ob
scure towns forge ahead, advancing
through all the stages of munici
pal growth until they become vast
commercial centers, whilst other
towns with apparently equal ad
vantages and olteu better oppor
tunities, go on year after year un
affected by the progressive move
ment all around them, apparently
icnorant or to say the least un
conscious of the general forward
movement. 1 nai mere is a reason
for this goes without saying, and
the residents of the non-progressive
town mav always be depended
upon to discourse knowing) of the
superior geographical location, or
commercial advantage, or fortunate
opportunity, or even the "good
luck" of their rapidly advancing
The history of many of our great
commercial cities cives the lie to
all these arguments as a cause of
nrotrrcss. Every one can cite in
stances during the past lew years
of small villages, existing practic
ally in the shadow of larger and
more pretentious cities, which have
thrown off the village conditions
and grown aud advanced until the
erstwhile "city" has become a
suburb of the despised village.
There is a cause for this, and the
diflerence between the progressive
and non-progressive towns is solely
and entirely the difference in char
acter of their respective citizens.
Geographical location is a granted
assest, but excellent oppor
tunities may pass unheeded by the
non-progressive citizen, whilst the
progressive citizen does not sit
down waiting for them to knock
him down, but is out creating them.
Creating is the correct word.
One man travels over Oregon
and says: "This state is wonder
fully rich in timber and minerals
and some time in the future will be
a great producer", and he goes on
his way. Another man travels
over the same roads and says:
"This state is wonderfully rich in
timber and minerals. By thunder
there's an opportunity," I'll get in
and dig here"; and in a short time
you find that man employing hun
dreds cf men; sawmills are running
under his control, railroads are
built to suit bis requirements; the
natural resources of the state are
converted into the finished com
mercial product and sent north and'
south in a never ending stream.
The town he locates in "jumps"
ahead. The little "Johnny all
sorts" store with the citizens sitting
around spitting at the stove, is con
verted into the modern well appoint
ed. well served department store.
Money comes in and is paid out tn
wages; comfortable houses spring up
everywhere, ' drummers" take in
the town as a "growing center,
brick builSincs appear on the streets
Every citizen Ijecomes imbued with
a sense of his own responsibility as
a municipal atom, and works for
the city s w;ltare, and the certain
result is that the little town be
comes the much desired commer
cial center.
"Superior location," "better op
portunity," "good luck" bosh
It is said, "get up" "push" or any
other phrase in parlance which may
be applied to the progressive spirit
and municipal pride which has
been the basis ot growth in Chi
cago, Minneapolis or any other
great city where men have created
the opportunity, made the geo
graphical location, controlled the
commercial advantages and built a
big city upon the nucleus of a vtl
lage surrounded by promising
natural conditions.
Citizens of Cottage Grove please
note. Note also, that having passed
the village stage, and entered upon
the conditions of a rising manutact'
uring town, it behooves every citi
zen not the other feltow but each
individual resident to take the
position of a responsible municipal
atom; to work and pull together
for advancement; to improve exist
ing conditions, and make a city
that an eastern man, looking for
opportunities, will be favorably 1m
pressed with. Drain the cesspools
and get in a sewerage system
Improve the schools to the extent
at least of meeting the requirements
of modern sanitation. Get in line
and these things are easy of accom
plishment. Without them there is
no possibility of advancement be
yond the status of the one horse
Businkss Man.
E, J?. Smith was one of the Wood
men delegates to Eugene a week ago.
The sawmill will not bo built here
as was reported, out one is ueing
built below Divide by other parties.
Georco Keefer Is now section boss
at Creswell having been promoted a
short time ago.
Al Wilson Is home from a visit to
friends at Yoncolla.
Guy DeSnaln Is fdown on a visit
from Bohemia.
A llnrlit
fall of snow last ".Friday
Ijmt Thursday tlio Indie of thin
nchrhlmrhood nsKenihled fit the holme
ot Mr. J Slnule to nslst In mwIii-t
curiH't nii. Needles and tongues
vloil with each other In rapid move
ment until the noon hour when a
bountiful fenxt was nerved of which
mII pur took to tliolr ttillont capacity.
Auintur thtw prm-nt wo noticed
MesdiiiiieM Klllott, Owens, listen,
lliirclmin, Harris, Tompkins, II.
Klnule. J. Diiiiit'wootl mul 1 Diitne-
wood; tlio .Misses Knight of Cnnby,
Ore., mul Lock wood of l.ornne; mid
Messrs. Jm. Dnmewood, I., single,
David t'stos mid Oscar Wheeler. For
proof that the ladles worked us well
us talked will say tlmt nil tlio ruga
cut were wowed mid wound Into nont
bulls by 2 p. 111. After dinner tlio
company was treated to vocal mid
Instrumental music rendered by the
Mlss?s Knight, who are musician ot
110 menu ability.
Walter Wheeler's three children nro
coiitlned to the house, by the Krlppe.
Miss licrtle Lockwootl, of I.ortiuv,
was the guest ot Mrs. llnrrrts hist
Mrs. David Kates Is entertaining
her father from Wnltervllle.Ore., anil
her uncle Mr. Stacy of Ortl, Nob.
ltov. Westruppnnd family ot Port
land, moved Into tlio house occupied
by Edwards last year. Mr. West
rupp Is expecting to In-gln a series of
moctliiKs at the Advent church In the
near future.
Mrs. llurcliiutimid nieces walked to
Cottage Urove yesterday returning
Death rudely Invaded the family ot
One Miller last Saturday and bore
away the Infant sou bom to them
only three weeks and four days lie
fore. The sympathy of all Is ex
tended to the sorrowing parents.
"A little childish voice Is stilled.
Two little Illy white hands nru
Two little eyes forever closed.
The sound of pattering feotlslost,
A little form from out our home.
Was born by tender hands away ;
Uut still I seem to hear a voice
Within my heart It says each day L
"Papa come this way.
Pnpn come this way"
A little voice calls from that shore
"Papa come this way."
The Lane county .Woodmen are
making extensive preparations for
their forthcoming celebration, which
will be held tn Eugene on May 13th
From nil accounts It will le a much
more elaborate affair than the gen
era! public has hnd any Idea of. As
far as the Woodmen themselves arc
concerned tlio Initiation of 200 cuudl
dates Into the order will cover the
ground, but all the other exercises
will be as much a general county
public movement as it will be of the
Woodman of the World. AH the ex
ercises will be open and free to the
public and in fact several organiza
tions, other than this oue will par
ticipate In the festivities.
During the day there will be n base
ball game, a tug of war contest, a
large list of field games and sports,
an Immense parade, public drills in
fancy military evolutions by various
companies of the the Uniform ltank,
Woodmen4)f the World, and ot tennis
of guards, Women of Woodcraft, etc.
Eugene Is expecting a great; crowd,
and in fact the reports which are
being received from throughout the
county assure that she will have one.
The two orders of Perfected Wood
craft together with their immediate
relatives alone, will number over
two thousand iicople and when It Is
remembered that the rallrond has
made spcclul low rates for the occa
sion, It can well bo thought that the
attendance will be very heavy. Al
ready eight or ten Lane county
camps of Woodmen have decided to
place floats In the parade. To this
will lie added large display figures by
all camps which are too far away to
have lloats. That of Bohemia camp
of this city will consist of an ax
.nearly twenty feet long on which
'will be Inscribed the fact that Do-1
hernia cam) Is strictly In It. Then
there will bo brass bands, companies
of the Uniform Hank, prominent
state ofllclals and of the order, madrl
grasns features, etc. The city too
will bo decorated from stem to stern
and It will bo really riuch a gathering
as no fraternal order has heretofore
had In Lane county.
State Deputy Geo. K. Kogers will
visit Bohemia camp, on the evening
of April 18th. Mr. Itogers lscredlted
with being an eloquent fraternal
speaker, and tho local camp proposes
that his visit will be productive of
good results In this part of tho
woods. Hence preparations of an
extended nature are now under way,
the particulars of which will bo puli-
In furtherance of their plans thoy
havo Invited Mr. Geo. K. Bodgers, of
Portland, to visit Cottage Grove on
the evo of Saturday the 18th, and de
liver an address before u Joint meet
ing of the Local Camp and Circle,
also of invited guests.
The Oregon & Southeastern Pushing
Work Steam Shovel to the Front
and New Ralls on the (lround-Flfty
More Hand Wanted.
Work Is going on with a vim 011
the O. . S. K. Uy. A tvportcrealled
upon Superintendent Pearsons
Wednesday nut! la an Interview that
gviitleuian stated In substance as
"Thostoain shovel Is now at tho
Irtsit mid commenced tho delivery of
gratel Wednesday. Wo hail the nils,
fortune to havo one ot our engines go
wrong this morning, which occasions
us some little delay, but sueh acci
dents, are bound to Implied occasion
ally, mid wo must makefile Isst ol
It. The camp Is set up on the Bake
Stewart property and we have mi
Immense bed ot splendid gravel. Our
cooking outfit has Ikvii unavoidably
delayed, and until It arrives mid Is
proirly Installed (lie men will con
tinue to hoard In town, coming In 011
the evening train. Wo look for tho
arrival of the kitchen department of
the camp not later than Thursday.
Wo now havo some lorty-tlvc men at
work, and are anxious to secure lltty
more. We have hicreasodoursectlon
crows, aud this week wo havo In
stalled two trains, one gravel the
other freight. We are badly In need
of another engine but thus far have
not Iteeii able to secure one. This
week wo received seven cars of rails,
forty-eight kegs of spikes and a cor
responding iiumlier of tlsh whites.
These will lie used hi the construc
tion of sidings and spurs. When you
go to the front you will also see a
big gravel plow recently received,
stirring up the gravel. Wo also
havo three miles of German rails
utloat which will lie delivered lune 1.
This consignment will lie used for
the main track. Wo have also pur
chased four miles of rails for spurs
and sidetracks. Work on the main
track will commence this week, the
delay being due to our Inability to
secure ties. At present we have con
tract out for 12,000. Altogether a
very-lively seen Is presented to the
onlooker at the front and you should
n villi yourself of 1111 opportvnlty to
see things us they an at the head of
Through Engineer Wood a re
porter learned that C. C. Mathews,
stijicrlntentlcnt of the Oregon Se
curities Co., arrived Monday from
San Krnnclsco, whero lie has been In
the Interest of the now electric power
plant soon to Ih put In operation on
tho new road now lielng built up
Champion creek canyon to the Cham'
plon mine. Mr. Mathews reports
rapid progress on tho road and has
tho work well In hand, and forty
men nro crowding the work through
as fast as possible. Through Mr.
Wood It Is learned that tho grade
will Ik; greatly reduced from that of
the old road. The old grade Is said
to ho about 20 tier cent, while the
new grade will not nverage over 10
percent. The first four miles from
the Warehouse up tho canyon will
not be over 8 isir cent, while the last
two miles will bo anywhere from 10
to 12 ier cent, making an a vera go of
about 10 per cent. The shortening of
tho distance is nlso a great item,
some two miles being saved by tho
new route.
The O. &. S. E. It'y Is laying a new
switch in the yard In this city.
Thos. Allen commenced the work
of reducing the foundation of tho old
mill building which Is soon to bo con
verted Into a modern depot for the
O. Ac S. E.
If troubled with rheumatism trive
Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial. It
will not cost you a cent If It does no
good, One application will relieve the
pain. It also cures sprains and bruises
in one-third the time required by any
other treatment. Cuts, burns, frost
bites, nulnsy, pains In the aldo and
chcBt. clandular and other swolllncs are
quickly cured by applying it. Every
uottie warranted, rrice 20 anu ou cents.
Best Cablnetto Photos $1.25 per
doz for a short time only at Shana-
felt's Gallery opposite Masontc hall
west side.
Reames, of Jacksonville, Nominated on
the First Ballot Four Candidates
Were Voted Upon Demo
crats Confident.
The democrats held their First Con
gressional Convention nt Albany last
Saturday. Two' candidates were
nominated, as follows: A. E. Reunion,
of Jucksonvlllo, by Leo M. Travis;
John A. Jeffery, by I'. il. D'Arcy.
The first ballot resulted In the
nomination of Mr. Iteamcs which
was as follows:
Iteumes 07
Jeffrey ' 32
Kaiser 0
Gulloway 1
Total 100
ThrLano county delegation to the
convention was as follows:
I L Campbell, R M Veateh, E I'
Coleman by J D Matlock proxy,
John Medley. J J Walton, .T D Mat
lock, W W Oglesby, Luko Bllyeu by
C M Klnnyer proxy, E R Sklpwbrth,
Lll Travis, F M Armltage, J M
The democrats feel that they havo
placed in tho field against Mr. Her
man one. of the moat substantial men
In tho party.
Colds, yield oulckly to treatment If
nronor romcdles nro applied. Con
sult your doctor and Insist upon
lienson urug, company iiiuug jour
If women had the making of the
country's laws they would limit tho
number of lodge meetings.
The Song of Spring
is already being sung in our Dry
Goods store. We have just un
packed dozens of different patterns,
exclusive here, of
They comprise new elVeets in
Changeable Weaves, find yon
appreciate their beauty.
Dots, Stripes, Plaids and
should see them to
Under Odd Fellow's Hall, - COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON.
I -r) An Invitation r
j Mr. Up-to-date Dresser: You are cordially invited to step in the store aud jg
w inspect our fine 01 isivw m
Spring Styles in Men's Furnishings
Our Hats are up to date. Our Shoes, both high and low cut, are the latest
st3les. Our line of Ties consists of the nobbiest patterns and latent
These are the most elegant lines tlmt have ever been shown in Cottage Grove
rpectlly LtJRCR'S SC0R6
We are after you and want your trade,
prices are lower than others
Special Sale
011 Rubber
c; ! n 25
Per Cent
Ladies' hose, ITMjc
worth anywhere
Drop stitch hose,
15c, 20c, 25c.
Men's Suits worth
$15 $12
Men's Suits
worth $14. 11
Men's Suits
worth $9 G 90
Bo3s' Suits
worth $2 1 50
Boys' Suits
worth $2 75.. 2 00
Our Shoe Dcparttn'tit
Ask for our $1.40 and $1.50
Ladies' Shoes
French Heel, in Kid and 1'atent Leather
Tho Up-to-date goods; A-llCD-H last
Hairpins, alu
minum 5c doz
Fancy ones, alu
minum, each. le
Large size rubber
combs, each 10c
Crochet hooks 3e
Whisk brooms in
case 10c
Leather key
chains 5c
Childten's Hand
kerchiefs le
Blastic wed, per
yard vlq to 9c
Tins, per paper ...2c
Good horn hair
pins, doz 10c
Best grade metal
back combs 15c
Boys' well made
shirts 4-5c
Ladies' shirt 70c $1
Blankets, Table
liineii, Towels...
k Gilbert & detcb
One Door West Benson Drug Store
Have you examined those high grade Needham
Pianos at the Richardson Music House?
If you have not it will pay you to stop whei
passing and take a peep at them, for they are cer
tainly a marvel of beauty and the
be Cone Cannot Be Surpa89ed
All are cordially invited to call at our store
whether they buy or not.
CottageGrove, Oregon.
Roseburg, Oregon.