Spring Medicine Tlioro Is iiu otlinr season when Rood ' mcillcliio Isiotnlich nccdoil niflu tlio Bpi'lng, Tlio Wood la lwpiirn, wcnlc and ImiOVorlJiect a condition indicated 'by pimples mid olhor eruptions on tlio fsco find body, by deficient vitality, Um of iiiiulltu, luck of strength, niul tynut of uiiliuiitlon. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills - ,JIwo tlio bloml puro, vigorous and rloli, cretito npiiotlto, glvu vitality. nr. iigtn jinu itiiiiimuon, anil euro nil eruption. Jlavo tun whole, family . begin to tnlco lliam today . "Hood's Barsapnrllln tin been used In . nor family tor tome lime, anil alwaya with ' good result. I-iut spring I wns all run down anil got n loltl u( II, and as ustial received great benefit." Mm lliuuu Hover, Stowo, Vt. Hootl'o Snrnnpnrllla promloco to euro una r.ei)o tno promloo. Marijr to Knowledge. lniing I.ady Worn yon pleased with tlm now school, llltlo boy!" i.iiuo iray pnwi i;cy in ail o mo wimh inn faro, nn' when I wont liomu du (low bit inn 'caitKo Iiii didn't know luul Uhlrngo fvevta. For Infant nnd Children. Ths Kind You Ilavo Always Bought Signature pf Didn't Have To. Dr. Pnlloy (loiklni; at tlio thormom clr-r) lliumnl I don't llkn your tctn ponitiiro. Hick Rtiidont Tliitiiwliydldyoii take UT Harvard Lampoon. flood Catsup. If you hnvo never been rnrfoctly sat IslloJ with tlin catsup you bato boon getting, wo want yon to try a bottle of Monopolo. Men II you aro satisfied vin want you lo try It anyway, for wo aro sure jou will heroine n permanent user of It. No otlier brand In ' tlio markot baa tlio fluo taito, tlio delicate flavor and gilts to any dish that auix tltlnx mat as doe) Monopolo. (Jot Mnnopolo catsup from your dcalor. Wndhama A Kerr flron., Monopolo urocora ana Dry tolloe Koaslcrs, Tort' laud, Oru. Latakla Tobacco. tatakla tobacco obtalna Ha peculiar navor inrougn tmintr tprinkled with watir and allow! lo fennout after thorough fumigation with tlio smoke of rvalnotis nrmnatlo wrod grown In Hyrla, states a consular rrjort. . ABSOLUTE Conuino -arfers Little Liver Pills. RSuat Doar Stfjnnturo of ttt Pac-Slmllo Wrapper tUlvn, II n a nrrn'n pITTLE . I Vcary aaaaU and aa easy to tahe aa eagar. iron iiwdaciid. rORIZZIHESSt FOn DIUOUSKESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. rOR COIISTIPATIOfl. FOR SAUOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION p. I iimiiaiiB wmaM awwi. I . Stats I furoir rwuauv&iirir Making ft l!aiy. "My Hoar Mr," wrolo tlio adltor to Iho t oralttnut young author, "In ordor lo simplify mnttrtrs riimowliat wo am uiolo.lng n l.imoli of our 'docllnod with tliimkn' notices. If you will put nun ot tlino In nn envelope with your niniiuecrlpt nnd mail It lo yourself It will niiiko It easier for all of us, snd oit will Im aaving totuuthliig In pont age us well," , Long Time n I'nsliuniter. Tim iltmn nl IoiiMIi'uIhm piiptmntlois UMIIoT WliK'licttor, of Houlli Anion In, N. Y., who lnifi ln!n In ofllru filly lour yar, linvlnu l.cmi nppolnted July III, 1HIII. Tim Hilary of lna position In 133 per yniir.ninl lliiirn hna nuvor koii n (oiiiilnliit iiKalnat liln olllco. Squeaky, I A lllllo Ihrco jinr old mlfa wiillo her mother ni trying to et her to elcop bucflinn liitiinulrd in n iecullnr liohe, nnd utked ulmt'lt wna. I "A (flclot, ler," replied her mother "WVll," remarLml thn lltllo lady, "h onuht to yet hlttolf oiled." Young 1'nopln'a 1'npor. Juallflalile llnutcur. rnnlliio Have you nothing to bo proud I7 rrnido;o Yea. I'm prond that I haven't nny fnlto pride. Vic It. Ono of thn lief t plrccfl of advlco for n mln jonrnoy tlirouuh lifo I aaw on n rlgn at a railroad croraing. Tlio alrn reml: "fltoj.l I.ookl Matenl" UaN tlmoro Amuricau. Half- Sick Tlio lna and Oata of It. "Is your matter In?" aeloJ the cal ler of thn aurvant at the door. "'Dowl, uh, I don't kuow fo' uro." "Can't you Und out?" "Well, ml,, H'a din way! Kf yo' fOtne to nav llllt vn lu.rrna n,l nt him, ho fay he'a In Jos' dat muchj but caurrh c" " I first used Aycr's Sarsapurllla In the fall of 18-18. Since then I have taken It every spring as a blood pttrlfylne and nerve strengthening mcdlclno." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans, If you feel run down, arc easily tired,- If your nerves arc weak and your blood is thin, then begin to take the good old stand ard family medicine, Aycr's Sarsaparilla. It s a regular, nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. u.,m,. Atuntiiiit. RUSSELL SAGC TELLS YOUfcG I MEN HOW TO DE SUCCESSFUL Atk imr lnlar wfi.t fi. think, nf A..p. fiir.finar1lla. Il bnww. .11 .Imut tlit. ur.rifl bM f.inllf m.flt.ii9 Volltw til. adrloa&d w win b a.ii.ne'i ,j.ii ran w uiwiji, uui. Itiiasell Huge, tlio nged financier, In a very nblu article printed In New York, dcfliiea the aecrot of his success nnd tells young nien how to auccccd. ilo snys: "A young man to succeed must necessnrlly have n definite Idea of 'whi he wauls to do, and must con- 'tliiunlly keep It heforu his mind. He must work ns hnrd as he con to no .eompllsh It, and must not be dismayed or turn from his course by discourage ments. Wlmt measure of success may have been renched In ty long life Iiiih lii-eti due almost entirely lo tlnse .four things. - "I have been a very busy man for u v rw vh i si ' Inventor Lo.es Ilia Mind. M. Oouliot, Inventor ol tho suhma line Iwat, tno patHiits of wliich wore jiurchax'd by an Kngllah company, lire been removed to an asylum. Between Trlcnda. "I'm getting tired of boarding homes," raid tlio young man who parts lilt liair In tlm middle. "I've liall a mind to get married." "Of i-onrfe," growled tho old bachel or. "It takes Just abint that ainn'unt of mind to think of such a fool thing." M V A prominent Southern lady,1 almost seventy years, and I nm nb- Dlancliard, of NasllVllic, solulely eonvltued that n young mnn y i .. , , . who makes up his mind to succeed 'pnn., ICIIS HOW SI1C WaS cure J almost luvurlnhly will do so. If be OJ DflCKaCllC, 0IZZII1CSS, nainilil lit hliiiU rs f II, al,tif fttntuflnt n fl il fl f 1 1 I aWTI 1 1 A f Wt ff tf1 2 f Xt I 1 fI t tl R ! C0nc'lltrtG8 III! Ills effort. Willi llje YinUUncA!tiMn. Cmnntinii I rlnia miHiiiiaji In el., trf I " ' I lin.at tii.l.rwimu a n 4. nabtinw . I I . .. LI. . A .1 .. f I uimnumj wuiiviii iuu W u,n uu it a- for any young man who desires to tabo Compound. I have kulTered for succeed nnd It Is this; That under no four years with. Irregular and painful vlrcumstnnccs should he yield to (be menstruation, Av dizziness, pains In temntnllmi nf irambllns- In stocka. the back and lower limbs, and fltful I Now. I do not mean by this that lie 'fjP; 1 dreaded the Ume to eomo !., , 1 n.vr ..u .;. il,ri, wWch would only mean aufTerlng to the medium of speculation, but, rather. Pinklmni'a A'ori-.talilnCoiiirioinul that he should always observe some brought mo health and happlnesa lu a business method In all ills deallucs. tow snort months, ana was wortn In Canned Fruits aud Vegetables ono word is all you need to know. T hat one Is MONOPOL.E Get them from your dealer. 'Wad hams & Kerr Ilros., Monopolo Groc ers aud Dry Codec ICoastcrs, I'ortland, OREGOX. . roRTLANDl St. Helen's School for Girls. Thlrty-thlnl year, Commodloui bul)Hna. Moiiorn equipment. Atadenileand solhxro jireirtory eourac. fepeclal oouriea In muiieaiKjart. IUuitrated cililogue. All acpartmcnti now open. MISS nLtMNOW TnnnmTS, Prlnelp. groe Theo two areat loader are wurtn ' attenLlonofovnrr U.,ltAnl Vnnuin larmer and Deaf. naiumii an u nil or M. ,,,.. FlnnslHII R 1". quallt iltcrcsj In your town. TIFflflTIIY dr,!counTr0nIM'UTn I I in U I il I thy t?elmpTyoMiula"cd jii ijusiiit. itrue ir.r prices aau samplea de-town. G. S. MANH, the SEEDKAN. 184 Front St., I'arUand, Or.joii Will alao Mnd you at ume time urn plea and pricei of ray great ipeclalilea. IIUTV'B HURT Wo offer Oat nundred liollari Reward for any raaaof L'altarrh Ibal can ool bt cured by Ililri of yo come to borrow some mo', ho aay ho'a out all bn's gwmo tor be, sub." Ued lo It. Towno You don't moan to lar vou didn't notleo that i-arthnuakc shockT Ji'owne l guess I was borne In Aim- hurst at tho time. loans Hut tho shakt must have Uiatritein oeen percept Iblo tbsrn. , j uttvVr. iiruwD" i (ussa ail oi ns toon it lor our malaria. Philadelphia l'rass. , r. i - Cll lCi.EY A Co., Trvpe. . Toledo. O. w. tliAilnner.l.riMl.h.lrTi.vnl.Vj ,'Vi.n.w (or Ue pa.t l.iveari, and Ullot. lilin p-rfeci:T sonor.ble In ill m-ln-. Iraotwtlon. and On. anolallr able to carry out any nblltatioua uada tytbelrOrm. Hm4 Tacix. TTholeiale Urunlin, Toledo, WlLblKO KfKM.H Jt Ui.Tiir Waolo-ale PrueiHK, Taledq.O. ITaira CalArrh flnf 1. t.k.M I 11 . Ilrectly aa tba blond and nnooui lurl.eeaol rrlce 7M-p.r boitle. avid ky all Tettlmonl.il Itt. ramlly rill, are the Lett. All the Warld'e a 'Pathecary Sbp. Fimo ftuyter Is not an authori ho'a a liorn chemist. Tlrao WhyT Hesao Etery novel be writes baeomei drug on the market. Brooklyn Uflgle. What Jhe Waa Thinking. Oladya I'm something of a mind reader myaelf. Kthel Indeed? Oladva Yoa; I can nsually tell at a glancowhat a pcrsou thinks of ma. Ethel Wonderful I But don't yon often And It awfully embarrassing? Kzcliango. Would Surely Ratio Revenue. In tho old days they spoke of a li censed-fool, If all the fools wore re quited to have a licsnie now. the gov ernment could do nway with its 'other taxes and (till maintain the surplus. Theia's "alnglo lax" for you. Just What Happened. "Penelopo," said tho anxious mother. 'tell mo trnly, did Charles kits you laft night?" "riierowas a slight labial jnxta'- poaltlnn aa Charles took bis leave, mother, but I niiuio you It waa only momentary and therefore Inocuous." Thwarted Tliem. "Why did old Itolllngold giro away all his monev?" nil: 1.1 1. 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 imnrauce. h'o.. iiu ne niiaiii inn ruiaiiTvn nuiiiu (f; it umy help mu have him adjudged Incapablo of taking Why the l'cmi Mui Miss Knew Her Uuilneta. Boftleigh Are you cult aura Banka Is not In? Tho Maid 01 course I am. Bhe gave me one of your photographs In ordor to make me doubly sure. Berlin's Oldett "Welaa Beer" Saloon. Berlin's eldest "welss bier" saloon Is being torn down. It waa in the Gharlottenatrasse and bad been open 121 years. It Couldn't fie. The other morning llltlo Howard got np unusually cross. Roy triad to play with him, but at last ha became impa tient nnd said: "I guess you got up on tho wrong aide of the bed." Little Howard promptly rep'led; "o, 'uy. 1 uot up on mamma's aids." . THE CAiirOICTA C0TA7RCAL GATEWAY TO HEALTH AND WEALTH more than months under the doctor's care, which really did not benefit ma at all. I reel nua another nerftan now. I. reallv i My aches and p.ilna have left rac. I , " n'r.!d.are,11-, am K.itlncd there la no medicine so ; cure of manr dlwasci. new war. good for aiclc woman aa your Vcge- . money and get employment, to nur and care table Comnonnd. and I adrrvnte It to en my lady Irienus in need ol medical hcp."--Mns. B. A. ULAXCltAsn, J Broiul St.. Kaslivlllo. Tenn. ssooottr. I ( If trljlnal ef about Utter prulnf qtnulrnntu Conner. w product j. When women are troubled with menatrual Irregularities, weakness, lrucorrhtca. displacement or ulceration of tin womb, that larIng-down feel ing, Inflammation of the ovaries, back ache, they Uiould remember there is one tried and true remedy. T. villa E. Plnkliam'sYcgutubloConiiiound. Ijf , ' Bl AMERICAN I , CREAM I h SEPARATORS I BffuBT AreRoldinbjoettoap. Ej V8W 1 t"oval and at n prlf M Wfly I t that Kill enable you Pj f J on K ttW CIW, -fho f VaSai clraneet, falreat ma- 3 . chlnelnalllhe vorld. . UuUtlt.i i iu nui mtii uimii any m f olhor, via: g f Clote Sl.lmmlng-. Caiy Cleanh I. ffl I Usht Runnlnz. . DurakUlty. H I M Writs for tree catalogue. H y g MITCHELL, LEWIS a SUVERIO. fl S PORTLAND, Ore. M SPOKANB, Willi. 10ISD. Idaho N Won Medal, Parli, woo. It tellM von ulefliiC nfty dlC4iTerwl Jtotantcal Kenv-sirei for tho to make i And care to nrolontr tiM Atrsi and lira liMl yetrn, tto newly dlfcoyered Anfl Worm oil , mwnaxe ior rfriioviiig wrinmep una wauuiy lug tho comi'lexlon, netr Tarletlas of ronB, f rulu and regftat tt, iho wjirat, corn and sun flower food, cereal codec, imitation eat, euld and silver, itands addx, preventing fiualli-or , ttlttlngn, niaple nyrnp and luear from wuwl. imngn too neen not a, ir.e nocior, a real nointj doctor book and encjcloptlla of gviieral lnfor- .man ana woman mai TKcdhoI, pium. h Tobacco V -st: 1. mmOFBX! Vrtte for Illusthated CmcutAita' Eu ftoi,rooitmrrj RmfLANRfiu:. Ttienhone MamJSt nusszu. sAar- Wben sonnd, good-paying stocks a(c low be might do well to buy tbem as an Investment only, but not other wlie. The fever f .speculation baa hern the ruin of thousands of young men ana tne wreck or mnny ronuuei, and It wlll-contlnuo to cast wrecka Mothers will dna Sirs, mnslow's Sooth- j Shlldran during Uie teething period. Learning by Degrees. Little Charlie being asked by his tear her Iho Vubject of hla geography lerson, answered promptly: "Longitude and8hortitndo." TUB HOW AND WHY. Much vou mav hare rue.nd about life In.ur. aoee n ay I wrmir Mr. M. C. IJpidneeti, of. i iiK.iciui.in. uu, in .uw ni.'a, ,urtiii'-, iii.ur i nllinrlllM. nl tl.m .m h.a MtiVPl.'htad . lO Answered. 'My boy John writes mo that he is stoppin' at tho bed hotels," remarked Mrs. Corn. "Is he a commercial traveler" "No; he's drivln' a parcola delivery van." Uasselrs Journal. Satisfied With Dog' Warning. When a dog entered the cell of Maur ice Bouche, Imprisoned at Lille. by the wayside as long as most of France, and nnder sentence of death us are mad to get rich quickly. for the mutder of a woman, and licked A young man whe really and earn-1 oil hand, on the morning ol the day ol eatly desires to succeed should never execution, the murderer, who had all waste any time In dissipation. He along protested his Innocence, and ex- should, of course, allow himself the pressed confidence lo a reprieve, iinme- neccssary amount of recreation and ulately prepared for death rest, and be should Jry to live a healthy, regular life. He should try to acquire regular habits that Is. sleep and eat nt the same hours each day and night, so as to keep In perfect physical health. Then he should make a rule each week to put by a certain If amount of his earnings and acquire the bnblt of aavtmr. There are very j few men who are not able to make nJ i uouar. out ine luaKing or a' uouar is not the most Important thing.' It Is far moru Important to know how to save It. "All a young mnn has to do Is to work hard aud save money. That may souud very easy, but It Is the main point. It Is uot saving alone that counts; It Is knowing how to save. No, one rliould stint himself of anything really needful. The fault of most of our young men of to-day Is that they do not stick close enough buslneai. The man who always tries to get off as easy as possible. things you need not a., the doctor, a real tioine ocior oooz ana encycio mallon. wanted bTeeerv.1 wants tealth and wealth. I aliout 100 paree, , paper cover. Cuntenta sheet free. The California EoUalal HtJiclae Co., ro08 orUl Alvirndo L. Jas Angeles, Cab mem HO J'' UNIOM MADE t 1 ID i Stem Ihipj IaRred tlitorlnrcnort1i dnumtd with protrudirf pllra broiirliL on by constipa tion with which 1 waa aiTUUd for twentr years. I ran acrow your CASC'ARETS in the town of Vewtll, la., and oerer found aa;lbIo(t to equal them. To-day 1 am antlMlj free from piles and feel llkn a new man." a Il.KitTZ, 1411 Jones St.. Sioux CUy, la. UNIOM MADE wnorvmon m voouyemr welt liana Sftvrcdrrooosz) ctoeo(f,an anyothor S25.C00 EEWARD will be ril to anrone who Can disprove tali .uueaent. Becauso W. L. Douglas uthelariciMtmanufactuier ha can liny cheaper and produce Ids ahoca at a lower out than other eoa-1 cems, wlik-h enablea him' to sell show for 13.50 and ertnal m every way 10 inoeo sola eise- wnero for Wand J3.00. .1 -r.t nriv. I cms or t inlnr ta bottori erlea producel abso- iCSaH'VSS lfl ' ?' Mfl-Tn-f! CAMDY . M Jp CATHARTIC I TaarjiMAaa ciewnnco 'tn thm for jltla u& will i stfonr or money. lc5a?-r tIVor tAnni r fn th world. i rftTtmorat.'i'ia doubled the past ftmr rf"-'1 vriu suriicrtr. Way not tT W. la.louc-A ahoea a trial nd saT moner. JHotlrn Iiitf.m f s-rj Ptvlff ; 15,2011, Mmi,tl lnUutluiMI V.C2 KjaJtll e.,024( It 40,00 A vain of 330,4rto.701ii Four Tears. W, L. DOUCLAS U CIUT FDQC LINE, Worth $0.00 Compared with Other Makes. The bttt tmporftH ani AtMrtmn trathtri, HtapM Patent Calf. nmet, D jt Calf, Calf, Vlcl Kid, Corona Cort, anst National Kantnroo. Fat t Color EytleU. V.rfltU aim end rrica itxrared on bottom. Short 6(1 Mfi, tor. extra. 171 m. Catalog frtt, X7 1" liO UUL.VS. IlEOCUYOaY. MASS. Plexnnt. Palatable, rotent. Taite Good. Po Good, luster bicken. Wet ken, or Gripe. 10e.35e.60o. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... at-riU, Kwar4f t,uj, CbUr l-tlnal. S. f .rfe. SfJ P. N. U. No. 16-190J. K BUMU-liflO ti.uto CUUK-rotiieco llaclu V; TT'HKN writ In r to advertisers please mention tbta-papar. EIow? By socthlnff ird rubdulrs the pala, th.t's tlia iy llltlo Unit entlllcd "The lluw and IVti. t-.a. U-eu adupled by .ereral Kaalern evlleres , ..... .i,. . 4? to leach iho nt nrlui-li-ali of li iii.ur.n, and when working for othera does as $ and mar be had free tr eddreolnr tth.ruisn BTltl liariuuil. crner.l i(ut. i ena aiuiuii i.i e caro of It." - CURE SICK HEADACHE. Scientific f act, Frod lio you know anything about lovo? Too -Do I? My dear boy, I'vo made It u lifo study. Fred-With what result? Jooj-Wcll, I'vo aucceoded In reduc irg my Ignorance ol It to u science. " Vat bronchial trnuldee try I'lso'a Cure for Ootisiimiitlmi, It Is a K""d rough tuodiclur. At ilriiggl.ts. prlre 2ft cems. Had All tic Wuntcd. "I doi't llko yor story," raid the Ollivillo render. "Mavbo not now," rcpllod tho auth or, "but it will grow on yoiii" "I hope not," waa tho reply, "or I'vo got thrt'o carbuncles now." At Inula Constitution. A Dllfcrent State. Towno Fleimati'n home for a short trip from his now rniHi in Texas. Iirowne tea, I saw him. Towno He's so full of Texas ho can't talk of anything elto. Iirowne When I taw him I noticed that ho couldn't talk. of anything, but I thought It was becana ho wn full ut Kentucky. Philadelphia I'recs. ailllllll.il. tlUIIMI.I., llllllllM. mu in unu.r.ianu now ana luiual ilnrinr lri wrntA a lirL-er imnunt (if In.urince In Oreirun than mi over tieiora written In tUo state by any com I any lu one year. No Amateur. Illll That man is a horrible liar. Jill 0, I don't know; I think he's good at it. Yonkers Ktatesman. Quite Appropriate. Ho I wonder why Mrs. 8nlugg dietfrs ro loud? 1.0 Oh, her hubennd is quito deaf. .OOK PT FOR If H 111 fl I little as possible for the wages he receives, will uever get ahead and never amount to anything In life. "Every young tnah should through nil his business career constantly keepl, In mind the nnrable of the faithful servant In the nlnctccnlh chapter of St. Luke and the reward given to him: 'llecnuse thou hnst been faithful In a very little have thou authority over teu cltlrs." Mr. .Sii go Is In good health, goes regularly to bis ofllee each day nnd looks after 111," many Interests as close ly as be did ten yeur3 ngo. I St Jacobs Oil Cures Netaralg'ia Tttct, 25c oitrt 50c. 1! I' 1 I I i. I Boys' and Youths' JacI;: Knife Shoes Ask your dialer for lie lack Kr.i'e Shoe. Every boy geta a pocket knife w-'ti his pair of J snoea. lxsi v.carug luces, luaor 4 steel knives. ' KRAUSE & PRliNCE, Wholesalers, 87-S? First St., Portland, Or. ; t. AAA JkJkaVasVA. ..Scarcely a Bay mm I apcs bnt w are called njm to ior.oni n.e dlQIi ult dental operation that It the direct rtmltof neglectln ti.e leetn. We nnnt urge too a.ronirly the bnc!lt stid et unmny of c nuUlnK adeutUtat Iteery ilrmtvljin if totn trouble At ttc r'arr theie tn nbles are ct.rrecifa qulcklr and at small cust. i ur methoJi a-e ran.ieFn ana our wore yuarauiet-a JM.IU pi-.lIIW .'lUfEVU CUUIU Olun-bla ojifu etenliiK CUUUKJI IfUIU V W 1 tili v. nr. a. wim WISE BROS or .. . uimi SOS.Sy.!l . 11,312.11, Kallin,' Bug. ('nr. T nlrd and waihlngtoa ti. POUILANU, OltKllON. Dent'st. THE MEN AND WOMEN Who Enjoy the Choicest Products of tho World's Commerce. CITC r.rmRneenr nuimi Mo Sr. or ncrvoti.uasl I I lO slisr llr.1 ('. ij'.iiftir klln.'.nrtNT ;io.Uir.', S.oforftl!litVJ.OOliUni.,iil..ii.llnl. W Da.K.ll.KuxK.l'ia. idiarcbduriill.d.lrbu.1' the filthy secretions nnd mucous mat' ter find their way Into' the Stomach ind are distributed by the blood to every nook ntul corner of the system; the Stomach and Kidneys, in fact . r . i . .. 1 i.. i.. i svciy uikuu unit iJ.nk Ul iiiu uuuy, uc- Ambition Ucallzed I tome infected with the catarrhal Whon Andrew t!riri.eSl0 was com-' 'poison. This disease Is rarely, If ever, pelle.1 to oorrow n dollar to plato in u eyenInitscarlleststnf;es,n.piirclylocal contribution box tho,othec night It lUense or simple iiinammnt on ol the must l.a'vo been tho happlct mouiont . nose nnd throat, nnd thhjiswhysprays, of hla life,. At last his great ambition, J1"' powders nnrTllie various in bad boon'- realised. He was i.onulluas. 1 M"S mixtures fall to cure. Heredity When the cold wave flag Is up, freezlnfr .weather is on the way. Winter Is here in earnest, mid with it all the miserable symptoms of Catarrh etum blinding headaches nnd neuralgia, thick mucous discharges out the nose nnd throat, a hacking cough nnd pain in the chest, bad tatr in flit- mmitli. f.-tlil lirrnth. nnuson nnd nil that tunkes Catarrh the ninst nicbenhir' nuil iliRfiistlnir nf nil cnmnlailits. It causes a fcclklir of per- tonal defilement nnd mortification that keeps one nervous nnd anxious while In the company of others. in spite ot nil ciiorts to prevent it, Tlioy Aro Kluiwlnc Ulrils. 'The sparrow Is certainly a know .Ing bird," said n man who Is employed it the ulrard rolnt grnln elevators. "He can figure out a thing for him self tn a way that la astonlshlu Down around the clevatora there ure thousands of them who feed on the XEnowledKo ot WliatIa Dcst UXore Xtu porlaut Than AVeultU AVtlU out II. It must bo ncparent to every one that qualities ot the hlehest order aro necea- m ,, ,, . - ... . I UU1J- IU CI.U U IIIU UC.I Ul .1113 lUUUUUkOU. trains of wheat that fall to the ground, mnArrn Pmm,. , ,,, Jmw aui rvi-euiiy we uuveii i uecu getting l to universal aoceptanoo. However loudly my wheat. In fact, for some time neralded.tneymaynothopetorworld-wldo D.ist we haven't been linndllnir nnv. Preeminence unless (hey meet with tho n.i.. i... I trenerni approval, not ox inaiviauais oniy. iiii.iH uui vuiu. . , , - ,, ,v ,,; Xow, a kernel of corn Is rather too faculty or selecting, onlovlne find loarn- uirge ior a sparrow to awouow, outline tno real worth ot the choicest prod- lust the samo I watched u lot of them nets- Their commendation, consequently, ntidclm. nn Hn kpriiola tlm nilmi. i,.v hocomoa Important to others, since to Recuperating, One day little four-yonr-old Corn was trying to- stand qn her head. Her mother asked hor what eh,o was doing. Hlio aiisworodf "I'e standing on my head ti rest my foot." Lltllo Ohronlele. Manchester, Va., March 0, 1001. Qeutlemoni-I had all tho symptoms that accompany this dtaeaao, such aa rouous dropping- In tho throat, a con stant degtro to hawk and spit, feeling of dryueas in tho throat, ooush and aplttini; upon rising lu tno morning-, scabs forming; In the nose, which rs eulred rnuoh effort to blow out, some times causing tho noso to blood and leavlnir mo with a stole headaohs. X had thua aufferod for five yaara. X comruoncod to talc. S. B. S. and after X had taken three Urge bottles, X notlood a ohang-a for the bettor. Thua enoouracod, X continued to tak, it and lu a ahort whtlo was entirely oured. JUDSON A. JIELLAI1. SXalu and Vino 8ts., Blohmoud, Va. i ltd what do you suppose they did with tlii'iur vou win hardly believe mo when I tell you, hut It's gospel truth. Bach sp.u-row Hew over to tho railroad mil carefully deposited his kernel of :orn on the rail. Then they all hopped meet tho requirements ot tho well In formed ot all countrlos tho method of manufacture must bo ot the moat per fect order and tho combination the most excellent ot Its kind. The above la true riot of food products only, but la espe cially applicable to medicinal acenta tyvi after nearly a quarter ot a century o( - - ihisi iicmijr u quurier ui u vcruury i roil lid nnd chattered until a shifting growth and general uso tho excellent KUIUKSON MACHINERY Co. Successors to John "oole. Koot of Morrison street, I'ortlaud, Oregon, Write ui ur call for prliwi on everything In tho maoklnery line. I'lustnrouiaiooit: waa- on., uug nnd haui iiaoalnery line. I'losinrouiatotiit: Waa Itugalas, Cream Separators ulm All mo hand goods, to laals room for now llflo. HI 13 sometimes back of It parents have It mid so do their children. T.i tlm rntmi-nfr nf Pnlnrrb. nnl! septic and soothing washes are good for cleansing purposes or clearing the Head anil luroat, uut mis is me extent oi mcir uumw.. v...-. permnneutly, the blood tttust be purified and the system relieved of its load of foul seeretlons, and the remedy to accomplish this is S. S. S. which has no equal as n uioou punucr. u ! the b(oot to it natural, healthy state and the catarrhal poison and allete matter are carried out of the system through tlio proper channels. S, S. S. restores to the brood nil its good qualities, and when rich, till re blood reaches the inflamed membrane and Is carried through the circulation to all the Catarrh lnejed oortUns of the body, they soon heal, the raucous discharges cease and tlft patient is relieved of the most offensive arid humiliating of alt cbmplaliitj. 0, S. 3. is d vegetabte remedy and contains, nothing" that could failure tun most delicate constitution. It cures Catarrh In its most aggravated fbrrus, and cases apparently incurable arid hopeless. Write us If ydu have Catarrh, nAour physicians will advise yqu, without, charge. , s win spEoifIo do., a tlanta, oa. engine ciulie along, After It had pqss. ?d the corn was ground Into meal and the sparrows nte It. Don't tell me a ipnrrow hasn't nuy brains." I'hlla- lelphla Record. We'll nnd We'll Koreet, -forget the whiter Its wrath wrong When the sun comes out and the days oru mug, When the blooms bend down With the bees lu brown. And tbo wind to the river clngs Its song laxative. And tlio blooms fall thick where the doluli'i throngl Atluutu Constitution. remedy. Syrup ot Flss, is everywhere accepted, throughout the world, as tho heet ot family laxatives. Its quality Is due not only to tho excellence ot tho combination of tho laxatlvo and carmin ative principles of plants known to act most beneficially on the system and pre sented In tho form ot a pleasant and re freshing liquid, but also to tho method of manufacture of the California Fig Byrup Co., which ensures that uniformi ty and purity essential In a remedy In tended for family use. Ask any nhvsl- clan who Is well Informed and ho will answer at onco that It la an excellent If at alt eminent In bis pro- Iiosa on TolCKraph System, On at lli-Italu s government tclosrnnli system Is being-conducted ut u loss. In (he lust blx yon ih the expenditures have been lueioaslng.raoro rapidly In pruiw tlou th an the receipts. The llgures tor 1000-01 were: Itocelpts, fa,3SS0,Mt8; e.- leud.tures, f3,C5-t,70!. Tho expend ture. however, includes tho outlayi for new Hues, i . fesslon and has made a aoeclal atudy of laxatlvca and their effects upon the sys tem ha will tell you that It la tho best o( family laxatives, because it Is aim plo and wholesome and cliansea and sweetens th, system effectually, when a laxative !j.najla. without any un pleasant afUr-etfacte. Every well-informed druazttt of reoutabla atandnur knows that Syrup of F'ei Is aa excel lent laxative and la glad to, sell It. at mo regular price ot fifty cents per bot tle, becawf it gives general satlifac tlbri. hut ona ahOuld ri-mfrhhtp that In Order to ckt the beneficial effects Of 8yrup of Figs It is necessary to amy tho tfenutne. -which la sold In Orlclnal cack- A man's pantaloons aro always either ds only s the .name of the remeMy . .i.i... ..... i;... . I uyrun or firs tfnd alaa th full inn. of iwu ...uu UK I" mil in iiiiiv vuai-ai ..fv f,hll,hMr..ti.)...i- B.J...Z f. ' Universallu -Familu vB j Laxative 0m SYRUPOFFIGH I Recommended bu ' 1 ' Many Millions f The Wejl-Iiiforaijd. . i Throughout thelTO Sain Fratnciacp), 'sjlafb ''" '-X IVouUvlUo, By, ' ' 1 VfXT Vora. N. V. .n't nr tun ii wnm.iiT'a uklrt hiinin. iiii u0 .ompany-uarornia nff ' Byrup Co. , 1 ' M , . I Ight WH"'dMS,rS5lrt,l)aigs,.Just H.pr,nUaioa the , front'- of every package, foil iLB'BT ALL IEADIKO DUlggisfS. j .tufa Wrr omra'PSD nWZh