Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 17, 1903, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and I'urmliiK Interest of thin Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 12
saod Mining
- DovoToA To U6horftltk Nofoj wd
lllimj o toncrM Inrotojr To Mtnlncj
:k pine
' 1 '"el,WIM,J M'"l"lt
i Mruireflinrx
HciuvmhI MiniiiK Co. which
cnth iin uiK)riitcil is mid to
&f the ni"Hi juoiiiIhIiik
IIhIipiiiiu TIiu officers of
(t .ft..
JlllMti are as tonowsi pin-
ftitU. I'ich ; I). (. Mcl'nr-
JCC pi- ; llelllCH 1'.. I'.OKIII,
Utit II KiiiR, secy. 'I lie
:ir- it. . .Mci-anauu.
they nic opening into n better and
I Inrrjct Uxly of ore yet e n countered.
Not onl) do the Mirlncc indication
nuhMniiliiitc this iihcrtion, but the ,
n!ioviii(: in the luce of the drill, i
Wc liavc drilled noinc 000 fcrt on
the lci!;c, Httninitin hi that 600 feet
0 vertical depth of 300 feet. The
surface cropping are contiimotiH!
for 1800 feet. In view of this,
which nuvoiic ton vouch for upon
h Knklll. M. I.OIIIiW ! vUltlnw the mine . I feel iuslincil ill
, f ;e. M.Oueeti, I'.mil G. j Myj11K llml i( tllctt. is no Krcntcr
111, lriiiKl Hindu. J linptovciiiciit but I feel confident
tir iiK-rtv consist of the ii,-,.. ..111 be the I.cHov willprovo
vOieilwod'''r"ii' of five claims nud (0 be otle of Ule biggest annus in
The .JRMt Mmc l.roup 01 iiiiec .i.,. tncifjc northwest.."
claJuilpiakiiiK in nil eight clniins.
re l' ntrd n the west slojic
sueinia Mountain, thiity-onc
from Cottatje Grove and
jic i-riiter of Itohcmia Mill-
On April tl. ten. lit the faintly rosl
deuiv of Mr. N. W. While. Iii'r nl'l;
iiliimvr liume, iH'fir this city. Mrs
Html. Till property tins Mnry vtntte whs surprisco ij imt
neiithl-t The Music Mill- ninny ull ami imiic-trini irU'ims, pnj -
which adjoins it on the
lliawntli.i on the north,
51 ami tlie liumi nl illiu
Jttuii Co. on the muiIIi.
iiiwpetty has
titnlx-i and n county
through it. It i
with cabin and all pre
Ury wotk lias ueen none ami
' W" '"'' for extensive devel
opment work. Three luwdrcil
nrtwatid share will lie placed on
ilnic to tier thi-lr cimjcrntiilatloiiH
upon ronchliuc her Mm hlrtlicluy.
w'liinii "Im iwt'lvml with 11 royal,'
KlniUoiiii' wcli'umi'. j
1 ilruuiJmotlii'r" U'hltn wiiHliorn In I
Mnlfin, New Ji-rw-y. April , 111. and
tine water "I lil wrltlnn U lirlxlit and vigor-
. Inr iitn 01 hit ymrH. in i.-uki inc
" t'"' I'h'InH and l olio of tho
we' 'ont-li- i.l.mrvtu tif llilnwi'tlllll of Oro-
uoii. j
Afti-r tin- arrlt it I of the KUextM find ;
iliclr many i-omcruttilntlnuHliHdlictji)
xtt'intiit to tin' "Iwir old frlfiid, nl
tlii' pniT tliui' tho I'oiiipaiiy whh In-'.
tlti-il to tin iIIiiIiik rouin wlictv they
Kjaikt-i at thtcv cents a !mie (,MiiiI 11 iiiiiptiinii fciiHt pn-punil 1
luhort nine, and as soon a for tliflriMiJoynii'iit In that miprliir
IwffrScomill.nccH tlie pticc of Mock nlyt known only IoOivkoii la.llm. .
ffifiL ,.....u,i n mt -.iv V,,,,r 'K"''"I'1' ?
iai , . ' diwrtptloti further. It wax nio a
-nrcJIOUt tunnciH run in on iiiiicicni h,nH( llf IM,l.f0wlp, m-iKliliurlr ,
.yclUS fi mil twcnl)-fivc to eighty rrh'iiilllin ninl old-tlnu iimih'Ih-.
Icctjr The vctnt are hirj;e and well Hon. May Uii'm- lriMiniy ticHKmu
Buruned Atay ot tlie ote run 8 " ' " '
JpWlr u m.i ,.:m .... oili'. wc nuit I'arll otlli-r wlii'h' OKI'
iMeh as 7'J .l11 Work will com- . ,,,.,
fjneucc us mkjii an toads and weather frim.. wiiorv tin i-yo U lltv and the
For Hand Made Harness
All Work Warranted.
Sa lis! c i c )ii Giia ra 1 1 teed .
Everything Kept in a First Class Harness
Shop at Lowest Prices.
A Big Line of
Ladies' Dress Skirts
Walking Skirts and Under
skirts just in-sL
More New Dress Trimmings. Men's
Cutter Shoes Again in Stock
Eakin & Bristow
HIS liXI'imiliNCU
I lie JuJmhi Kixk.
rTJie Ju.i-iiii Itock Mining C. is
iUllinn r clnpinciit work vn
Wtifdly The showing i ton-
red v n iiutterniK, o nun n Mr MfH A ,, ,,,iwun, Mr
lhal the funpany this week closed Mtm. ,Iim I'tiwi-ll, Mrn. Ilnrrh't
In-art In iliiini'. Many pivwntM wen-kIvi-ii
to tier which forineil vrltnl
kcinkfi In rvnicniliram-t' of Hip
happy ilny. Thom' pnwnt wi'iw:
.Mr. and Mr. N. W. VVhlto and xon
llarohl, ili'Hiiilma White. Uraudina
TriiniM'l, Mr. nnd Mm. .1.11. Short-
rhl((i', .Mr. and Mr. Jerry Taylor.
ii tract with AukiisI lari,
Swnilnoii lor V feet moic tuilliel at
IIko tier loot, which Mr. hwansoii
t drive immediately, leaving
this cliy TlleHlay innrtllMK Willi
rcah supplier. Next .Monday the
.board of dircc torHJUnl stockholdets mciitloiieil
.lrn. Allen Wwdi'ii
mid her
lirlxlit and lively twhiH, Mm. Mi
uianiha llrowuand iliuiKhtcr Kllcn.
Mm. Viola I. Keyt'H and ihiiurliter
Itnliy, .Mr. .laini'x I'mvcll. Mr. Cha.
Powell. Mr. and Mm, .loo. II. Sharp.
lie put IiIh ana aroiill Imt wulut.
The color left herehi-ek.
Hut It Hliowed upon hl oveivoat
1'or pretty near a week.
Itilt the liiltiience of koimI rendlliK
will Htlck to you longer than a wtvk, .
It will Mtay ' by you a lifetime. It
will hIuiw all the time In your man
uem, aetloim and eouvematlon. It
ciiHtH a liitlo about you and Ix'timx
forth from your eiMintenniut' like the
riiyx of the moriilni; hiiii.
At the l'.nnle Hook St nre, one door
wint of poMtollht'. you can procure;
all klmlH of kooiI reaillm; In tlctlon,
and In fuel. iilo a full Hue ot Hint Ion
ary, iiiniinilnen and notloiiH. Day '
llookH, U-dKem, Kountaln jx-iim,
I'lKiim and School Suppllex.
1.01)011 NOTUS'
"For yeum when Bnrlni; time came on 1
niul I went into nunlenfnn, I huh sure
to have an attack of rheutnatiimi ami i
every nttnek wan inoro i"cvero than tlie j
lirertillni: one." myt Joiie MrPonalil,
ofMim, I xirHti county. West Va. "I i
trieil every tiling with no relief whatever, 1
until I procured n bnttlo of Chamber-!
laln'ii l'ain Halm, niul lliellrst npplica-.
lion i;ave me eui-e, anil before the flrnt
liottle wan uhhJ I felt like a new person.
Now I feel that I am eureil, but I always
keep a Imttlc of C'luuiiUerlain's l'ain
Halm In the house, ami when I feel any
syniptoiiiH of a return I soon drive it
away with one or two applications ol
this liniment." For sale by Lyons A
Applegate, Drain. Itenson Pri'iR Co.,
Cottage Urovo.
We are in the market for mohair
and wool, lie mire and kh iih lfore
yon wll and net prlcon. (iiiruinn.
Heuienway Co.
Our New Spring1 Goods
are arriving daily, A complete Showing of Spring Styles in
Clay Worsteds, Demities, Serges,
Swiss, Cassimeres, Jaconets,
Cheviots, Challies, Lawns, Linens.
We have a new Line of the C. B. Corsets in different kinds and prices. Uur
Summer Corset is something new and 3-011 shonld see it before buying else
where. Price 50c to $1.00.
Leaders in illcrchauclisiiig-.
It meetnt the Company's olltcc mt liilt'iiiUin.
HP !
1 1 niiy olhemueiv pivM'iit and not
It I through liiadvei'temv
Kooms in thin city to jrce upon the
Bmicc to be paid for the continu
mjpn of development work in the
lower level of the Pilot Hoy. The
sard will nlso tnke up the ques-
Eton of eiiuippniK the works with
Byg comptcssor, drills', cms, ttc.
Mr. Swnuson. who bus just coiu-
pictcd one contract, speaks highly
Efl the property.
Cat it will tukc about 200 feet
more tunnel to rencii tnc
ICrosscnt where the company ex-
ICts to come into .sufficient bodies
Eft ore to justify the erection of a
Eilll Secretary Sherwood has
lust returned from a Southern Ore-
Ron trip nnd reports the closing of
IW?ycrnl substantial stock sales, and
Kill close several more this week.
Khe company is dniuK work 01: 11
very conservative plan, nnd is only
anxious to sell sufficient stock to
pen up the property niul put 0
mill in operation.
Phillip Niiiubem wax burn In
Fnyelte county, IV1111., I'eb. l.lil.
Ills paivutK moveil to tlhlo when he
wiik a boy. After lit! grew up he,
went to Kulton coiiuty, III., wheiv
he married Catherine Shaw In IM'J.
ih the Hiininier of KM they enmsed
the philiiM with John Sim wh wiikoii
It is estimated I1"'1','- Arrlv.Ml on Coiint l ork hep .
n, ITOt mill HKlllt'il iiicii nuiiiii ii,u .
claim on Sept. Ifi, 1S.M. The claim
einbraceil the IiiiiiIh now owned by
llowiird tinioiitte, Joseph Powell
nnd -Mm. Melvlna Howard wife ot i
Orln Howard. Phillip iinilCiitlierliie1
NunilK'm rnlsed.two daiiKhtem who'
murrleil the Howard brothem, (bin1
and Albert. AIUrt'H wife h dead.'
.Mm. Catherbm NuinberH dleii In l.s.17.
After IiIm wlte'H death he hih-iiI Home I
tlinoon Powder liver In KuHtern O11-!
Kon, then eiiine buck IoCoiihI l'ork '
and weift Into the hiiwiiiIII biwlnenN
In 1S70. In IsTJI he married Mm. j
(Marina Lackey of DoukIiih county,
Oregon, who NtmivcH him.
There were no children by this union.
"Dud" iih IiIh fiiemlH ealleil bliu,
wiiMofa peueeiible illHponltlon, there
fore left no win-record. He whh a
good father, a good hiiMbifiiil, 11 good
neighbor ami a goon citiren. lie
foruiive lilHeneinleH and did good bo-
i.'eek front a tour of inspection of i0UUHe It. wa good and not from feu 1-
ofhell lire and hiiniNloiie. lie died
at four o'clock on the nioriilng of the
tRIrd day of Miieb aged "II yeaiM, 1
month and I dnyn. "Dad" got
Neparated from his people and for
.yearn he thought that ho wan tho
liiHt of tho Mohlgaim until about
thi-eo yeui-H ago he learned that ho
lind a brothel- living In Ohio, a slater
In MlHsouii and a nephew In Idaho.
Nature Iiiih arranged all thlngn to
Homo purpoHO. When a niiin makes
11 fool of hliiiHolf ho provides uniuw
inoiit for oi.hers.
An old bachelor says tho reiiHou
there hid no nuirrlnges in heaved Is
becaiiHO them biiiHt be some way of
distinguishing It from the other
II10 l.cKoy.
f J. I,. I.eUoy, president ol the I,e
lUoy Mining Co., returned thi
pile company's property in Iloliemin,
nud reports things flourishing in
the camp. He states that all kinds
Kif work is gomir .steadily 011 under
the management of the Oiegou
Securities Co., nud that the camp
even nl this early date in the season,
presents u more lively appearance
than he has ever before witnessed
In the district. Regarding the I,e
lUoy, Mr. I.eUoy said: "I find
lverythluj; looking uml llu
E property lully up to iiiy expecta
tions, We have ten men at work
I drifting on the main drllt with mn-
chine drills, nud the present hull
. callous cause tue to believe that
Tin: itnn.n:.N.
The Itedmen Lodge of this city hud
11 splendid attendance last Mondity
lllgllt. Kd Wlllson was elected rep
resentative to the grand council ami
Dr. I. T. Anderson nlternate. The
grand council niiids In Portland next
1-41.MiMM0.Ns 4r Tun roitnsr.
It Is anuiiiiiH-eil that the ladles'
auxiliary to the Foresters will bo In
stituted hi this city In the uear
future. Kit Wlllson linslioen elected
ivptvselitatlvo to the grand court of
Forresters which Mill hold m'ssIou at
Astoria May P.'.
I. (I. o. I-., SCUOIiniNATK.
The I.O. O.K. on next Saturday
will have M-ork In the 1st, -ml. and
!lrd degiws. The lodge Is In a very
progressive eomlltlnu. Muny Im
provements have been niiide during
tho Inst year on the property, and
now the board of iiiiimigemeut has
In coutemplutlou the Installing ot a
coinpletellght system of Its own whh h
will be ui-ed to light the lodge rooms '
niul the other buildings owned by
the order
lien. Coiner, of t lit city, enjoys tho
distinction of hnvlng been eleetwl
delegate to the statu camp 4t.Mod-'
ern Wooilmeii to be held at The,
Dalles next mouth.
The Itebo'ahs of this city "meet'
Friday nights, and Is hi 11 progivs-1
slvo slate. Several applications tor1
membership aiv now In and tither
applications are on tho way.
District Deputy (leo. K. Strayer,
for the M. W. A. Is In the city this
week In the Interi'st of the local
camp. Ho reports t)io camp In ex
cellent condition.
A ilUiinleieil Hiiinuich may eaiiso 110
end of trmihlo. When the utuiuauh fulls
to perforin its finn-tiuns the bowelu be
cnine deranised, the livei nnd-iildnoya
coiiKCNlcil, caimliiK iHiineroiiH dlecnsea.
Hit) Hunt filial o( which are pululesu uiui
tliuiefnro the more to he dreaded. The
important thing i to losturo the atom.
ach ami llverloa healthy condition, unci
for thin purpoHO no bettor piepuiutioii
can be lived tliaii Chuuiherluin's Btoui
noli and Liver Tublutu. Vor uula by
llensoii Drui; Co,
I Four Per
We fire giving a Four Per Cent Dis
count to our cash customers.
You will find every description and size and at
prices that will please and convince you of the
excellent values we offer. We also carry a com
plete line of new and second hand
Ask for one of our Cash Purchase
Cttrds, containing Twenty-five Dol
lars. Have the amount of your pur
chase punched on the card each time.
When the entire amount is punched
out we will give you
A new line of Graniteware and Tinware in
fact everything to be found in an up-to-date store.
Come in and sec the Palo Alto Metal Polish and
Oil Harness Dressing.
This is no Lottery or Prize
drawing. Simply a straight
Four PGefil Cash Discount.
I wits much alllieted with Huintte,
writes Kd 0 Nud, Iowuvllle, Seiluwick
Co., Kan., "koIiir uhout 011 crutches and
suU'oriug luteal of pain. I was induced
to try ltallnrd'a Snow Liniment, which
relieved me, I lined three M)u bottles.
It Is tho greatest liniment I ovoruucil;
have recommended It to a number of
persons, all express themselves 11s being
bonelltted by It. I now walk without
crutches, nblo to perforin a great deal of
light labor on the farm. " '-5c, 60c unii
tl.Ouut New Era Drug Store.
' Fever and Aguo. A doso will usually
' .inn 1, i.lilll ,, i.nntlitmint.n nluttv'fl nurd.
Mrs. Win. M. Stroud, Midlothiuii.Toxns. 1
Mav 81, 1809, writes: "Wo bnve uwd
llerbinu In our family for eight years,
uiui fount) it tho best medicine wo have
ever used, for la grippe, bilious fever, ;
and malaria." 5uo at New Krn Ding1
For Fine Work is the rule.
Wc supply fine tools to fine
workmen saws, hammers,
chisels, screw drivers, au
gurs and everything ncces
stiry in that line for high
grade interior carpenter and
cabinet work. It will pay
to look through our stock,
even if you need but a single
tool at the moment,
Tho best
ltH. Kasv to
take; pleasant in efTect. For sale by
Benson Drug Co,
nlivxit! .
Stoniiiflt and Liver Tublets.
Bohemia Nugget
One Dollar and Fifty Cts Per Year.