Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 10, 1903, Image 6

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C J. Howard
Barton C Y. Brown
. . Hdltar
. Business iMg'r.
Batr4l Ik ii lull r n OHMft Uf,
Omrna ni CU ll MP.
Anbsettptton prtre, ftl.Se, tnn4llifr.
Arivrtlalnft- Rt mfV known NMin
THIS PAPItR !( oo hil K.C
thiin n rnarlwo. oulkra.
BdW XmkuU Ex-
AdrerUrinit Xmrttrr,
met. lor MirettMiif ih Ke tor It
Friiay, April io, 1903.
The .Mayorship nas Hotly Contested
Job and Veatch Porces UathereJ Up
eery Vote Veatch Was Hlected.
In thesrwit rtith to the lHtrMti
gold rtehb. In "?7 It wit but imttiml
there should lie hII olihtn hihI cmi-' , ,, .... .,!,.,,
dltlo. ol ,op, MrirlHR U. rrt,
riM', anu uicctcu iv ucivi'ir
DlMrkt Comcntlen l.M Saturday.
According to the Oregonum the
population ol the State ot Oregon
lias increased since January t.
1S92, a period of fourteen months,
over 44,000. This is said to be the
heiviest increase during a like
period, in the history of the state.
In June 1900, Oregon's population
of 413,356, in figuring the natural
increase of syi per cent, and adding
the immigration for the nineteen
months from June 1900 to Jan. t,
1902, which was probably 15,000,
it is estimated that the present
population of the state is 510,000.
This is a remarkably good showing.
It shows that Oregon is now thor
oughly introduced in the east. For
years people of the middle states
were little acquainted with Oregon,
in tact had little knowledge of the
Pacific coast, and for years the im
migration, especially to Oregon,
has been comparatively few.
At the present time through the
efforts of railroad, realestate men
and boards of trade literature, not
fiction but facts, has been circu
lated east. Today our state is re
ceiving a goodly proportion of the
easterners. They are scattering
from one end of the state to the
other, engaging in various occupa
tions, bound to be to their gain and
to the state's. Lane count has
long been recognized as one of ihe
best, most productive, and wealth
iest counties in the state, and
naturally is receiving its propor
tion of the immigration. Accord
ing to the Oregonian's report Lane
county ranks third in number.
Multnomah heads the list with 16
000 immigrants to her credit.
Then comes Clackamas county with
2500, Lane follows with 2200,
Much Interwt vk taken In tlie
city election lat Momtay. Two
ticket w-re Ih the !Md. the "CM
mm Ticket", Hettded by ex-Mayor II.
K. Jolt, him) the "Ti.iftyers Ticket",
headed by Hon. II. M. Vewteh.
In the Firwt, two CHiidtdntcs
for rottrK-MitMR were out. tn reenter
nominee. J. 1. Currin. H. C. Ptittnti.
In the Second ward, two CAHdi-ilntt-K
were out, the regular nominee.
Oliver Vetttch ami J. M. Durham.
The contest wan on themayoixlihi.
ami the ballot wen energetically
fona-ht. Although Httk? 111 feeling nw
In evWenee.
thk orrrciAL votb.
For nutyor hikI councilmen lu the
three wanl wa as follows:
It. M. Veatch ...
U. 11. Job....- 24
J. I. Currta 49
H. C. Dutton IS
2n warh, mayor
It. M. Veatch - 35
the mich.Veltvd KMomdo.
Mttrfct woman hrbed deeve with
her mnn' cnrVMte iter; the KMinhler
J4.inI with the ptrcher, antl the
cut-thnmt hotmornV-l with them all. OHCUUAHO.N LOOKS UKIi ItliKMAN
11 wan n nioik-t R-ntherlita; i iw-
Krilereil a hoh-. iHit In the ninth
I well temerel. ever rentl.v to twelve I The I.H County Convention '
J fivke. iiarry a throat or return alcRlteil to orvhtr by K. . I'otter.
Irfow. It w an ail one to thV httmcry crutlriiMii of the Lu County
crowd tared liy dream ol wealth to tral Committee at 2: o'clock Sutur
le pkekc-t! up In a country they knew drty afternoon,
not , S. M. Vomii ivm nuwle temporary
Anionic thW honM wa a preachec I chairman, hhiI Darwta BHitiiw Um-
oely one of many who, dropidng 1 iKirary Mtrvtary.
hhi Hv.mral work Ih iHie of the MM-1 Committee on cmlentlaH was K.
die Went States. HoiiRht wealth ami ' O. Cotter. (I. V. Hnnl and It. Mr
Mew convert t)M- fniKti North. Miiniliv. Th imvtliiic wan then al
NowhewanaK-MMl man: tlien- can 1 Jourm-il until l oVIoek.
imniiy in-any .,nestlon n to that, I nHimx ami i osub.
iMit wiien lie neh-ctel Hie Skacwav .,
mui 11 . . .i . When tire convent Ion wan nnlu
trnH It wa up to him to put 11 curb
o hi temper, hohl fant to liN n- to onler, S. Jl. Vorau thvlliieil
lWon. ami avoid nm.lliolw. Job , r' 'V lienivaiMHit chairman, an.l
With all hln bolls ami tribulations '"u'r l""ttMt. -ual'ir kujkeu
never had anytiiluir like a Skairwav
trail to navigate. otlHrwlw. Im
, 45 Joblnalomitimeilenilaiul hkcu1h-! "oor Hl"1 ''n,t"l ,m .
lion is tbenfore Unetenn. H nutlkvn 1 ' 1 "H""1"- lhl lariicur
to nay that thin ntrvtcli of nil,!"ln!l U'M"' "H ld t" the
leading to the lieadwntern of the "" tkket, while he iUnie.l
mfehty Yukou, from whence It wan 1 wltn pMrt'nt fomlnen anotla-r
Shoe Comfort
In buying Shoes you always
want a Reliable Shoe that Fits
well and you dont want it to
11. It. Job....- .
O. Veatch 4n
J. M. Durham... 28
It. M. Vwtch SS
It. R. Job
I)r Wall 118
J. E. Youbk -71
II. Ekln
Council adjourned to tm'et Friday
April 10th atSp. m.
The following In tliebiminenn of the
council a trannacteil last Momlay
evenlns in ehamliera ansembleil.
April 6th. 1H8.
I'rei-ent, Mayor II. It. Job.
Councilmen J U Barrett, C
II VanDenburjr, .S It IMper, W C John
son, J I Jones, Oliver Veatch.
A petition for fire plus pret-ented
by P. T. Co. nnd referred to water
Petition for sidewalk on north
siile of Uridine street to extend from
dall took tlie chair. Then the fim
1 commeiKtil. S. M. Yoran tmk the
Thats the qualitication our
Shoes have, and we Guarantee
all Points mentioned.
Under Odd Fellow s Hall. - COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON.
comparatively cany to nach the
Kohlen Mecca, was a of mud.
ranKiiiR from one to four feet deep.
Icouuteil 3-i.VOead homes on this
trail In October. "87.
One day. tlreil. illsirus
skk, I sat mynell tlown by the trail.
Pretty noon I heard the familiar cry
of a packer a he urged hn train for
ward, nnd In a few minutes the man
and hi four home stood opposite.
"That's a mighty bad hole there,"
I said. "You had lietter relay vour
"Oh. Pve hit "em pretty imd. and I
jroess I can make this nil right."
In another Instant the home were
urged forwanl: there
and h plunge anil thnv homes went '
down in a lieap. Tlie goods were J
practically ruined, nnd the man!
knew it. For' a moment he gazed !
upou the wreck, then, raising hl!
eyes to heaven, said, ,
"Oh Lonl. I have been n Uod-fear-Ins
man all my life; I never uttered
an oath before, but mav 1 be ever
lastingly damned if this is not the
worst trail I ever saw. For-1
give me l,onl, but I nm telling the 1
truth. Kx.
only given an increase of 50.
The resolution introduced by
Senator Kuykendall at the couuty
.. convention last Saturday, recom
mending to the next convention that
the names of those desiring to be
come delegates to the state or con
gressional convention shall be on
file with the chairman of the county
ceutral committee prior to the date
of convention, recommended by at
least two republicans, and that the
printed ticket placed before the con
vention shall incorporate the names
of those who have thus been recom
mended and no others, is certainly
a good one and a move in the right
direction. For years the county
convention has been flooded with
tickets short, long and medium,
while those who have won out by
this system are naturally pleased,
the system is wrong in the pri
maries. A ticket composed of a
liberal number of names should be
presented to the convention and
"short" tickets left out. A man that
is not willing to take his chance on
a proposition of this kind is not fit
to represent his county in conven
tion. The resolution adopted last I J l' Tavinr. "
There are two other counties in the I rroai to east Imnk of river.
,,,, ,,.,-, , . .. 1 Petition referred to streetcommlttte.
state, u asnington and .Josephine, 1
given an increased population of' 'neereciion
" . , , v , ! of a ni-ervolr building over the res-
2000. The rest fall under the 2000 . ervoIr on west side w is submits 1
mark, several running as low as 200 plans anil specifications accompany
or 300 while Wheeler county is Ing each bid:
uewald &. Cunningham $ 285
C C Roberts $M7
L P Wooley $&S 75
Tlie following bills were received
and ordered paid:
Light Co $U2
Cnilerwood ( marshal 1 52."
J E Young, recorder s 30
Long & Binghum. lumber. 5 CO
Geo Wall, city physician C
Joseph Siee, special police. 2
B Lurch, Interest on warrants 12
lirimn & eatch, hardware..... 13 49
Cunningham & Hogate, cross
ing ;..y. 3
C 11 Wallace, work on reiser
voir u'l;
S K Piper, services as council
man jo
C H VanUenburg, services as
councilman 12
W C Johnson, sen-ices ascoun-
man 12
J K Barrett, services as coun
cilman 12
SI Jones, services as council
man 11
Oliver Veatch, servicesascoun-
cllman jo
B It Job, services as council
man 12
Thoa Alien, Judge of election
and house rent 3
N" Martin, Judge of election 1 so
" 1 CO
A customer of ours who had been
tunering- from a tevere c uwh for U
monthf. bought two bottlwof rhamoer
Iain's Couith Remetlv (mm ... ..i
entirely cured by one ami a half bottle
otit. It eives perfect satinfai-iinn ;,i.
said to Uautl.llermann. Mr. Yorau
niBile a very good sikivIi from his
point of view, ami In the main In
was richt allliniii.'li i-mln-lt ..m . ,i
onler. WIkmi Ik closed Mven otlier
talks were made, but little effect win. ' W
made umiii tin- delegate. It apvar.
Ing that while the practice of allow
Ing printed tickets of all dlscriptl.m. , S!
to noat throughout the room. It
was as fair tor one side an for the
otlier. It also apjieareil that Hh-
.i.iiiiti. in 1 1 iv urirniwi were prrii -
generally made up. and so the hall I S
was" started down tlie line whfiiijg
Chairman Kuykendall aiuiouiH-eil
t . . iXA.
uhii iioiiiuiHiiuiis were 111 oruer.
SoiiK'.'iO odd names were plm-ed in
uomlimtlou ami twelve teller
were appointed to cxpnllte the
counting of tin- Imllots.
Ilurlhg the pnsivs of counting
Senator Kuykendall called Hon. s.
11. l-neuiliy to tlie cha r ami i.M,k s!
the tloor to move tia- adoption of j 5
the following resolutions: S
Resolveil, that tills convention in-'
struct the chalnnaii of the County , jSj
Central Committee to preimre oltlclal ,
Iwllots fur any delegates to beelected
lit tlH-next count v romentlou i,l.. si
lug thereon all names of eamlldnli
fordHregHtea which may ! hmnll
to him In-fore 10 p. m. of tin- nlgln
lieforethe date of convention, each
to Is. recommended by at least two
republican voters. All names shall
be printed In alphnlietlcal order and
-i: Just Arrived
Our Complete Line of
Call and Sec Them and he Convinced as to
the Style, Quality and Price.
vTlIerAlrVoVarrAC2''.,'in.''-!l,Ia,,k,,,mct"M HUnU Wtfor lmi...-n
inTrfe bythe-convention.
Saturday, if religiously followed,
will do away with much of the
clash and bitter feeling that al
ways exists at such times, and that
should not exist. It may be more
difficult to be fair and honest in
politics, than in other vocations,
but it should not be, and those
who talk purity of the ballot,
should encourage every move cal
calated to bring about such a con
dition, A particular reason why
this resolution should be followed
is that it gives small precincts a
fair chance to send delegates to the
district and state conventions. It
is supposed that our form -of gov
ernment does not legislate in any
manner against the weak, because
of weakness. In the past, outside
precincts have had unjust represen
tation by reason of their small
delegations and inability to organ
ize, while the larger places, like
Eugene for instance, being on the
J W Currin " " 1 m
Water receipts for Slarch 142
m. w. A.
TheM. W. A. Camp met at their
hall April 7. and with a large 'at
tendance of memliers and visitors
showed two weary strangers the
miseries and mysteries of woodcraft.
Quite n number have lieen added to
the membership in tlie past two
months and there will be work at
next meeting In the shape of taking
In five more candidates.
Resolved, that we recommend thai
the next county convention um' llil.
form of ticket and that they do nm
Ik-rmlt tlie us,- of any otlier printed
On motion tlw chairman, secretr
and precinct committeemen wen- lii
structed to serve until thcnextcoiiin
convention assembled.
The duties of the convention IHug
discharged, the convention ad
Rev. J. B. Lister, corresponding
secretary of the O. C. M. C. will
sjieak at the Chrittlnn church at 11
a. m. Evening subject "The Place
and Power of the Resurrection."
Everybody Invited. The memliers of
the church are especially urged to is.
ui. uie morning service, t . E. Illli
Services will tie held at tliedim!.
mnu l'resbyteriau church this cltv
next Sunday at 11 a. m. by Rev. C
H. Wallace. All are welpmno
resentation. The Eugene delega
tions are to be congratulated, upon
the resolution being fathered by a
member of their deleeation. and iSkipworth, L
upon the support the resolution re
ceived at the hands of the Eugene
The boys of this city are follow
ing a very silly and dangerous
practice that of fooling around the
railroad, jumping on and off of cars
while in motion. A number of the
young lads, sotae of them not over
7 or 8 years old have the habit of
going to the rear of the freight
trains and unawares to the railroad
employes, jlay "train", by
boarding the cars and stealing rides
up and down the yards. It is only
a question of time uutil the man-
cri rAvri'iltia n f cnm 1I1a
Pround. have hflrl vrv nnnrtrtnnlltr I ... ....
f ' . , j, . ' will be brought home
The democratic countv conven.
tion met at Eugene vesterdau nnd
elected the following delegates to
the District Congressional Con
vention to be heid at Albanv Saii.r.
day, Aprill u: R. y. Veatch, Ira ,
i-ampDeii, w. w. Uglesby, E. I
Coleman, J. S. Medley, J. J. Wal
ton, E. Matlock, L. Bilyeu. E. R
M. Travis. S Ar.
muage ana J..M. Ldmunson. R.
W. Veatch was elected chairman of
the county convention and J. V.
Baker secretary. The delegate! po
uuwsirucieu out u is understood
mat the delegation will cast their
vote either for V. R. Bilyew a
orouier 01 l,. fliiyeu or for E. A
Keames, of Jacksonville. Cottage
uiuvk acciucu 10 nave a strong pull
uu iuc i.uiivcmiuii irom ner rep-
-vi,iaiiuii locicill.
Ijist Friday evening the little son
of Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. Kelly, of Eu
gene, met wlih a fearful death on one
of the streets of that city. The lliil,.
fellow was Inclined to run in the
streets after teams and to Jump upon
the wagons. At the time of the fatal !
accident lie was In the street-as a'
wagon loaded with hay was passing
The mini driving turned out of the
little fellow's way but It Is presmmil
mat tne Hoy jumped and caught on i
to the front end of the rack. The '
wheels passed over thu body crushing I
the life out of the bright little fellow I
insianiiy. i lie man Jumped from the
"! picked up the boy ,j
carried him to the home, Imt the
thread had snap)ed and only the M.
Inanimate body of the father's
mother's pride win left. The funeral
was held Saturday. Tlie parents
me sympathy of many friend
iiiroiignoui the county, and tliesud.
uen taking off of a bright little nr..
causes a thrill of pain In the heart of
YW1' I
Buy Goods of
C Call VOlll Iltft'llf inn ocrwwinl.
ly to our Lb dies'
Shoes $1.00 Shoes
BOYS and
h c ceo innf sytb Xinrsin Wi a nnrmfinnrT
. jiin,-? tu vyi'lU'L'
From a Liuo Qf
If trouhlel with rlieumatism eive
Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial. It
will not cost vou a rn if O ,l
good. One application will relieve the
pain. It also cures upraine and bruiees
in one-third the tim r.v,,.ir.i i...
other treatment. Cuts, burin, frn.ti
unco iiuuiay. nains in tin.
Just opened in tlio
alker Bnilding near S3
Depot on South Side $
ot Main Street. We Wf
will supply you with U
a.r nn-nr r"i
the, , ,Ur lloors t0 makc room
another car load of those High Gr:wl
jucaia or .sitnr nrd. ivt
fiS at anv firm. U....
1 could not
m ?nly t!!e freshest and B
oest the market af
M for"s and prepare in
any style you desire.
lit Door Wmi of Depot
South Bide of MIn street
arrive, and vc arc
and Organs. xvii.u
thorfx "vii wui soon
tiiererore nr.i
" m M M. m m r m v
Dave DbMrto -c
i v f I vlll 150 Lip
" iiuiniy, pains n t
to rnntrnl nnrl rlprr n r1Mrain ! " . . ... . 'cheat, elandular and other
b w chniilil nnci iMttaIit fnrhlH rhoir Kna. mlibltr nnu,i 1...
desirable. In the resolution ,. ... ... t. i. bottle warranie,!. prinl. ''1h, yield nuickiv t ........
iiciiucuuug iuc yaiua. 11 h is no . ""'""""""' iironcr ramedles are iim 11 i . "
nlace for them and the print. m,. I TtAat Pnl,!,,,.!,. t,i.... snil your iloctrir ." 1 "'I
r. " " " l.i r"..""i';y "i per Ilenson llr,. ."" "wt
adopted this is in a measure done
away with, and the outside dele
Beat Cabinetto Photo $1.25 per 1 ielLonVaT ,lml fat u. .'
dor for a Hhort time only at SImS? ( Pnjr IHUng "J
slue and
swelljnL'it are -
a it. Kvwrv !
" jci in n i nxv -