Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 10, 1903, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and 1'aruiliin Intercuts of this Community, to Oood Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake
NO. 11
lireo i.tmiiiiuimer kciiiovcu
I'litrnnc. Aim kcmimii.
Mimii imrMj "mnri nuKii.
I From n letter to.1. W. Fell, dated
December ). ISSK.I
1 wiim born February I'i. IWtl, In
llnrdlii comity, Kentucky. My pa
rents were both born In Vlrulnln, of
lindlHthiKUlnhcd families mrotiil film
llli'M, HrlmiH, I hIioiiM ay. My
mother, who illi'd lu my tenth year,
was of it family of tho name of Hank,
some of whom now rcMldi' In Adams
i mid other In Mmi'oii t'oiiiity. Illinois
! My father at the death of hlsfather
I wan lint II .tears of am', ami he kitw
ni in; 10 i no re cumin t netn in i '
.... ... ! remitted from Kentucky to what In
MommmiiK uoiiik "i irfiim iii ,
jinrlineni. sure, mm nine, ami u ,,K,t year. We reached our new
1(1 L I I II' "in- mi iik iiip sn- - iwn- mi ; HI I II ll illf. II lin II n ll'l I I'M'1'".
InT trai L of Ul t lit IflVlflllftr Willi limilV IH'lirN MIHl 111 HIT Willi
error mmth
nil,t I ii ml U HliU I 'iiliiliiUMlnlniru v ' " 'i - "..tin
If. 1,1.... II. .Ill I., lit . I.ri t litiiu (in lllimiHMl'l l IIWUIIItH I" i"
land mailers made by mm-cIhI j amom r duration. ... ,.,..r-.
Puts of the K'i-ral html ..Hire at " " "m' "" """"
inMii'i tin iimi,.ii.i i "i. m ' I"" '
I-T...1 M...1HI1K I V IIi.iiiiiL.i.
There I
liwu n-niovi-ti li.v JiiiIk" li'HIiiKi'r. of " "" ""
all. 1 have not Imvii
to M'bool mIiicc. 'I'lic Ilttli' advance I
now have upon thin store of ! ni-ii-tlon
I liati' plrki'il up from time to
thin- under thn prcsMure of necessity.
I wan ralxil to farm work, which'
I continued until I was I".'. At -I I !
came to llllnolx, Macon county.'
Then I K"t lo N'w Suli'in, at that '
time In SaiiK'tmou, now hi .Menard '
ciiunty. when-1 remained it year an j
a Mort of clerk In a Mtore.
'I'beii came thelllack Hawk war,'
ley. Klamath c.muly. and J. J. ""'- ' ''-'' rnttitlu of volun-
maker. of llouania. Klmuuth '"'" m.,--mm ,m.h-,. ...... v
i pteiiMiiri' than any I have hail Mince.
iMir n iiiiiiiimt in wivkk two mimviiu
nuv.H-t ... i.ii' ..i.e. imiiv 41. n.-iiiiii
linn 111 r.r,ui ill iiti. iiiiim-'hi'mm 111111
iviiii'ii 1,11111 niuuem mil. imvii eini-
llltil 111 fln'lfllll. Ill Mltllll'lllMllllll cm
1 weal I lie canipaiKll, wiim ehttetl.
ran for the leKlnlature the Hnmeycar
(K'til, ami wn Ik'hIcii the only
time I have ever Imvii lieiiten by the
Hople. The next and thnv hiicciimI
Iiii; lileiinliil elect Ioiih I Wat elected to
tlie leKUIiilure. I waH not a camll-
dale aflerwanl. IturhiK tliln IckIh-
" '"
For Hand Made Harness
goto nnnn rz a i
All Work Warranted.
Sati sfac ti on G-uara nteed .
Everything Kept in a First
Shop at Lowest Prices.
Class Harness
, Lace Curtains
A full Dress
Line Pendants,
of Point
Newest Your attention is cspeci- AQ
ally called to our new
Styles WnsK Fabrics, as are far Qene
superior to anything we
in have ever shown hefore. AppliUeS
Dress and
Trimmings Jets.
rjnow Shades
Eakin & Bristow.
nov omy prooi 01 ioomciicmk, out 01 . ' .. ....
nMIIUt.'.. Ill ti)I..HKM l'l 111 rii 11111 11.
Ill Hil I m'um elected to the lower
Iiiiiim' of coiiKn'KM. Wiim not a citmll
ilute for re-elect Ion. I'rom IMO to
!." I, l.oth IiicIiimIvi'. practlit-il law
uim'i v 111. ill . 1... 11. .(!.. III... I..I..MI
UMItM' II. 111. IN II, I--V .III- ,lir.m-w.i .l
ir.ll II' II .111.1.
-IihI I ..... . ii if Ii.ii I Ij in lii.t'. r...
ailnl ill mo removal 01 tite iiin-e
UIIT.I. II lllim- nil mi- inv hn' "1 "
other InvrMtlKUtliiiiM are on foot,
. I ..
nrr I.Mr n.Miiriiiiiiiiii. nun no innrL
luwl ..iimI.mI 11. i.u.lli'rM reliltllll; 10
the laud coiiiiiiImkIdiiithIiIp ami Iiiim.
UMMcrt Hint 110 prcMHiire wiim
mtt- mere in m.....i'i.....k uw.i.m .i
h.i 1. liir nf Im 111 (he lllllll lll-
parlmi'iit Im known, umi nim ihvii
Imowit for Mome wivkn. but nil effort
nulet until the ciimch mIioiiIiI Ih.
brouuht In tlm I'lllleil HIltti'H court.
.001 1 JiiiIku llcllhiKer wouhl not
COliHldcr tho chitWM until tivldencu
,h cliarKt'H. AcconlhiKly a Hpeclul
uiceiit. 01 tlio ilepiirimeni. wiih hciii
111 I'liarirtoui tititi nil on in .iiiii.ii
IIai Ihitrup IiIh tilHlihirM (ill Inn HlllllC.
iru (i iivnrv(iii. ihil iiih urrauuru
I -T lllIVl (kllll IIIH IH.ll"4tnti..n.i vi
it IM rirtjiln t iiiLf nil round uvi uonco
1. i.w 1 iivi.iiiiiiiiiiiuii mi ,1111. .
UMU WIU1 Lll IH) IJIX'l.lllVIl 11.1.11 L11U
rholii mutter liilil open to tho
lli.ffiil Mtiilii- irrjilwl II. Ml. nff Iffu unu.
mi... ... l'l.rL. .in... inner ..iltl (11
TlllM Illl.llMl.
Oil illllt. II1IIHU Willi tlllllllllllttMII.V 11m
rorkhiK lii conjunction with tint
isix'clal commlHHloucr urti iibNolutcly
viir. 11. im nil 1.1111 iiiiiiiiiiii iliiii
nru orovv nir: t mtt i 111 u cu fsruiOH
tlKiltlon to imiko tho latter part of
tlilH immi hi umi ilcvulopmuntH of an
x Lniin.iii' uiiiiun 1 11111111 I'liiLriM'.iiir win
lu. I.K....I. ... 11. .1.1 1. II... ...H.IU
ireiru nrltv In tlm couilnct ol litml
ImihIiu'mh aiK only hhitH or liuluu
Jitlonu ua compartt.l to what Ih to
cmnu. tIiIh Information Iuih lieun
mght by tho public pivmivturuly, na
Itwunto havo boon -opt until tho
ifruml jury hIiouIJ have time to act,
The delejjntcM to tho Democratic
Convention to 1 held In Hurviic.
April II, from thin Mcctlon aroiiH fol-
"For ve.trn wlienHnrlnii timn nnniR on 1
more iiMMlililoiiMly than ever befiire
AlwayHitwhlK In polltlcx anil wn
erally on the whlu electoral tlcketM,
makliiK active cauvitMWM, I wiih hw
IliK IntercMt in polltlcM when the re
peal of the MlhHourt compromUe
aroiiMed me iikiiIii. What I have
dotiu mIihv then Im pretty well known.
If any pernomtl iIcMcrlpthm of me
Im thoiiKht ili'Mlrable. It may lie Hitld
I am, lu helKht hIx feet four Inchon,
nearly; lean lu HcmIi, welchhiR on an
itveniKt' H poiiiiiIm; ilnrk complex
loiietl, with coamu black hair ami
Kray eyi'M. NootherniarkM orbramlM
anil 1 went into unrileiilnjr, I was sure j
to have itn uttack of rheiinintliin nml
every nttnek hm more nevero than the'
nrefptllnir one." hhvm Joqii McDnnnlil.
KuMtCottadreve JameMOHinltt, ,0f Mun, Ix'mi county. West Vn. "I
L V Wooley. J S Medley, Doc Patter-' tried everylhinK with no relief whntever, ,
i.n... I f Wnllnee I I I until I procured a bottle of Chamber- 1
Him. IhoM Medle.. I I. Wn""ll-JJIn',. the first applica
Holland anil .1 linker. jtionsaveme ease, and before the first
Went CottitKO drove S lliircham, . Imttle wan imetl 1 felt like a new pereon. ,
W II Miller, leo Thom,iMOti, II Tay-; Now I feel that I am cured, but I always i
Halm in the hoime, and w ben I feel any ,
symptoms of a return I soon drive ft
i; 1 away with one or two applications ol
Our New Spring Goods
are arriving daily, A complete Showing of Spring Styles in
Clay Worsteds, Demities, Serges,
Swiss, Cassimeres, Jaconets,
Cheviots, Challies, Lawns, Linens.
We have a new Line of the C. B.
Corsets in different kinds and nnces
Summer Corset is something new and you should see it before buying else
where. Price 50c to $1.00.
lor. .1 Murkier, J
SaiiInaw Frank .l.iicknon,
Itcilford. D I' .Sheridan, K (leo. Sean,
(I N t'UMtle and JamcM Searn.
this liniment." For sale by Lyons A
ApplcKate, Drain. IlciiBon DrtiK Co.,'
CottnKO tirove.
M'm all rlKht to talk and to way
you would ilu thin or that," hiiIiI the
man who had Imvii telling cowlioy
MtorleM, but did you ever look into
the tiiiuile of a revolver?"
'I have, Mir," replied tho fruit tree
"Wiim It pointed at your licad
"It WIIM."
"And a kooiI man behind It?"
"Ho wan a man who had cut
eleven notchcH In the butt of that
plHtol totally up hlMilcad."
"Anil how did you foul?"
"Ah cool um at thin moment."
"Hut wan ho lu antrer and did he
mean to Mhoot?"
"I had called him a liar, Mir. ami he
meant tohlow my brahiM out."
"Well, how did It como out?"
"JtiHt exactly tut 1 thoimht It
would from tho Htart," Hitld the fruit
. , .....ii i...
mail, lie IK'Kllll lOHiioot. aim i in'
Kim to talk fruit treoH to him, and In
live mlnutcH ho wiih dead and I had
only to walk away and look for uu
other victim. Cowboyn and loaded
rovolvern may bo danirorouH under
certain clrcuniHtauccH, but don't
make tho mlMtitko of putthu; them
UKaliiHt. a man who Iuih traveled for
a numory for thirty yearn."
v wIhIi lo exnivMM our Hlnccro
thiinkM to our many frlendH and
iiolKlihnrH who ho kindly iiHMlMted um
lu tho recent IIIiicmh and ilouth of our
lit tin hoii and uraudHon, wo Hliali
over Hold tnem in uraiciiu rvuieni
branco for their kluduoMM,
Mil. ANIlMltH. V. U. MlM.III.
I wIhIi to extend my heartfelt
tliankM to Mi'mmi-h. Kdward I'ctty and
Charley Smith for their kind m.viii-
pathy and llnanclulMUpiiort InitHMlHt
Iiik me to frlendH whea-by 1 wiih en
abled to have an oiHTUtlon per
formed upon my eycH, which Iuih re
Miilted In a complete recovery of my
mIkIH. I had Imvii ahnoMt totally
bllml for 10 .vcarx. and I now II nil
uiVMi'lf ivMtored to (IoiI'h Munllt;ht
and the ImmiiUIch ol nature. To tho
above mimed Koiitlomen I owe adebt
that money cannot repay.
UeHpect fully,
It. II. Me Ai.i.iMTKH.CreHWoll, Ure.
We are In the market for mohair
and wool. He mire and woo uh before
yoji hcII and fret prices, Uanunn,
I lemon way Co.
Leaders in Dlerchuiidisiiigr.
Four Per Gent
(1001) PORAl IN CARDS.
VlMltlUKCitrdM an well tmthoHofor1
other Hoclal umch must conform to 1
accepted IdeiiM of good form. Tho I
proM-r vlHltlni; card for u lady w
law and almoHt Hiimtre; a tuan'H
card in oblong In Hliiipc. Tho pniKT
In uimlazcd and of-line texture. There
Im a choice of Hoveral Htylen of en
KravhiK, Hhailed old EmkIIhIi, black
old KiikIIhIi, Itomaii, block or script,
each belnn correct, thoiiKh tho llrnt
In ierhiiiH tuoHt favored at present.
Odd or ornaliieffivlH are not allow
able. Tho Delineator for May con
taliiM a lino dlnplity of faMhlona'blo
cards which may bo consulted with
entire conlldence as to corrtvtness.
A disonlered stomach may cause no
end of trouble. When the stomach falls
to perform Its functions the howolu be
como dcrniiKed, tho liver and klilnoys
coiiKOBtod, caustiiB iiumeroiio uiwmm.
the most fatal of wlileh itro painless and
therefore tho more to lie dreaded. The
Important thing la to restore tho stom
null and Itverto a healthy condition, ami
for this pnrposo no better preparation
can be used than Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets. Fo
lie put his arm around her waist,
Tho color left her cheek,.
Hut It Hliowed upon his overcoat
For pretty neur a week.
Hut the Inline nct of ftood rvadlntr
will stick to you loiiKor than a week,
It will hIm.v by you a lifetime. It
will show all tho tlmo In your incut
ners, actions ami conversation, It
citHtH it halo about you and Ihmuiih
forth from your countenance like tho
rays of tho mornhu; sun.
At tho KiikIo Hook Store, one door
wost of p'ostolllce, you can procure
all klndM of ood roadlnjr In fiction,
and In fact, also a full lino ol Htatlon
ary, iniipiihu's and notion-, Day
Hooks, lAxlKcrH, Kountnln pens,
Clears and .School Supplies,
Herison Drug Co,
turoii their hlffh
Cochran & Luudormnke aspechilty
on rockoi-s and Bprlnpi mattresses.
Wo also carry a completollno offur
d undertixkhiR (roods In
,uumi ft. Can ami got-prices
We are giving a Four Per Cent Dis
count to our cash customers.
Ask for one of our Cash Purchase
Cards, containing Twenty-five Dol
lars. Have the amount of your pur
chase punched on the card each time.
When the entire amount is punched
out we will give you
Griffin &
For Fine Work is the rule.
We supply fine tools to fine
workmen saws, hammers,
chisels, screw drivers, au
gurs and ever3'thing neces
sary in that line for high
grade interior carpenter and
cabinet work.. It will pay
to look through our stock,
even if you need but a single
tool at the moment,
vBEtoh Co
This is no Lottery or Prize
drawing. Simply a straight
Four Per Cent Cash Discount.
I was much nOlicted with sciatic,
writes Kd 0 Nud, Iowavillo, Sedgwlck
Co., Kan., "goinir about on crutches and
sufloringa deal of pain. I was Induced
to try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which
relieved me, I used three 60o bottles.
It is the greatest liniment I overused;
have recommended it to a number of
persons, all express themselves as being
benefitted by it. I now walk without
crutches, able to perform a great deal of
light labor on the farm-" 25c, 60oand
il.wav new r,ra Drug store.
I have moved my
Fever nnd Ague. A dose will usually
stop a chill, a contlnuanco always cures.
Mrs. Win. SI. Htrond, Midlothian, Texas.
May 31, 1899, writes: "We have used
Ucrblne lu our family for eight years,
and found It the best medicine we have
ever used, for la grippe, bilious fever,
and malaria." 60c at New Era Drug
The best physiu: Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to
take; pleasant In effect. For sale by
liansoD Drug Co.
to the building formerly occupied by
K. W. Newland on West fciae,
where you will find
The Best Goods in Town at the Lowest
Prices Ever Known in Cottage Grove.
Don't fail to give me a call when in town
and I will guarantee to please you.
r I N II I C7D
Bohemia Nugget.
One Dollar and Fifty Cts Per Tear,