Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 03, 1903, Image 4

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    Bohemia Nugget
IIOWAltn 1IIIOW!. rub:
v.mircticulva Review of the Import
ant Happening! of the Paat Week,
nmunted In Condensed Form, Most
Likely to Prove Interesting.
Germans are angry at Dowoy'a critl-
nmn of tliolr navy.
Henitor Foater declares Pacific coast
man should bo tolected for vico prosl-
Jinny peoplo have lost thpir Uvea on
account of tlio last break In tbo Missis
flppl levco.-
Tlio Cuban sonato lias ratified tlio re
ciprocity treaty on tlio promlso of an
extra session of congress.
' Robbers dynamited tlio cafe in tlio
postofflco at Lake Mllla, Winnebago
nnnty, Iowa, securing several hundred
toil .-..
iv i i '...Invitation of tlio Gorman gov
MMit, a conference with tha object
oi founding an international wismic al
location will bo held at Strassburg
from July 24 to July 28.
It ii aaid that John W. Gates intends
to retiro permanently from active par
ticipation lo tlio etock market, and that
in the future ha will devoto much of
hit time as ho will aparo to business to
those concerne in which ho is heavily
Privileges to construct a talt lake of
400 acres near Capo May tor n seaside
resort have been granted to a company,
which proposes to fill 000 acres extend
ing from Madison avenue, Cape May,
to Sewell's point, and to construct an
Inlet to the ocean eo that sea-going
yachts may have entrance.
A new cystem.01 searching for min
eral ores by the use of the telephone is
being tried at the Teleacsa lead mine,
iln North. Wales.
James McNeill Whistler, the Ameii
can artist, will receive the degree of
doctor of laws at the forthcoming Glas
gow university graduation ceremonies'.
The Mills & Wright company, of
Doston. one of tho oldest printing and
book houses in New Kngland, has made
an tssignment. Liabilities $01,2t',
witb'aesets nominally the same.
Alfred G. Vanderbilt has visited
Commissioner Strasbourger, of New
York, to whom he explained that most
of his securities were invested in non
taxable properties not liable for per
sonal assessment. Ho showed that he
was liable for assessment on only 100.
000 but he agreed to an assessment on
Judge P. B. Wllfe, of the Seventh
Iowa judicial district, has just rendered
an important decision regarding the
power of assessors to aseesss -taxes on
nronertv in the bands of a trust com
pany as trustee. The court holds such
property is liable to ' assessment both
lor county ana city taxes.
Siquro, Mexico, is now the only
plague spot in tho Mazatlan district.
Russia is trying to negotiate a loan
of $100,000,000 with a Franco-Belgian
Owing to freight congestion, it Is re
ported that fires will be put oat in
2,000 or more coke ovens in the New
River, W. Va., field.
Four men were drowned at Bass lake,
nine miles from Owen Bound, Ontario.
They were fishing in a leaky, Hat
bottomed boat, when it sank.
Claims against the city of New York
for 500,000 .have been tiled by per
sons injured by exploding bombs last
election night In -Madison square.
Every Lutheran is to be asked to
give one cent a day for a period of
one year for a benevolence fond for all
objects of the church. From the 250,-
000 Lutherans in the synod it is expect'
ed to raise nearly $1,000,000.
A broken rail wrecked eastbound
Santa Fe passenger train No. 2 at
Lakin, Kan., every car except one leav-
log the track. Conductor Fond was
injured badly, but the paisengers
escaped with a severe shaking up.
Ambassador Choate has informed the
state department that a sMJltary con
gress, which will consider matters of
international importance, will be held
at Bradford, England, irom July 7 to
11, and United States representatives
re invited.
The Pacific and Dominion express
. ampany, at Detroit, Mich:, has in
creased the reward offered for the 1-3,-GOO
gold bar stolen last week The re
ward In now 1 2,000 for the 'recovery of
tho bar and 11,000 additional for the
arrest and conviction cf the thief.
The United States steel corporation
has put in operation more than 1,500
now coio ovens on Tug River, Wis.,
As many more will be completed with
in 30 days.
Baron Mumm von Schwazsteln, who
was for a number of years secretary of
embassy at Washington, is to replace
Count Vodel aa imperial German am
bassador at Rome.
Tho report of Lieutenant General
Miles on bis observations In the Philip
pines and on his trip around the world
has been submitted to the secretary of
war, but It will not be made public, as
It is regarded as an inspection report.
Two men entered the Jewelry storo of
A, IS. Huborman, at Umatia, and
walxod out with two trays containing
diamonds of the value of $5,000, the
clerk's attention being directed to the
telephone while they were looking at
the gems.
Scarlet fevor still rages at Laka For
est, near Chicago, and all public places
In a fire at Bhelton, Neb., a man
named Cotton was fatally Injured by
the fall of a wall. A number of othor
firemen were slightly Jnjured.
The Illinois appellate court for the
Fourth district has decided that when
a man Is sent to prison for tho murder
of his wife ho Is Judicially dead, and his
children aro entitled to tho insurance
on tho life of the murdered woman,
even If it was taken out In favor of her
Northern Territory dot New Law a Which
Will Bring Settlers.
Washington, March 31. "Alaska has
been bountifully taken rare of In the
past cession of congress," said J. W
Ivoy, who has boon hoio all winter urg
ing legislation of ono eort or another
for tho big territory. "I find that very
fow states liavo t ecu red na mush In tho
way of local legislation, and fow mem
bers can go homo as contented as I will
return to my people We did not got
everything wo wanted, but wo did get
tho most cssontial things, and I have
no complaint to make. When I first
came down here at the opening of tho
session, senators and representatives
told me I might as well go home, that
In the short session there would be no
time lor considering legislation. They
advised mo to conio back next session,
when there was more. time. But I re
plied that wo had been pot off that
way year alter year, and did not In
tend to stand it any longer. So I
camped down, and hero I liavo been
over since.
"In my opinion, tke most important
legislation of tho session was tho Alas
ka homestead bill, permitting the entry
of SSO acres of land, 100 of which may
bo commuted upon, and a like amount
taken by ecrip. The bill la not perlect,
but it will do a great deal towards
bringing in tho class of permanent set
tlers that wo so much need. Now that
people can acquire title to the land,
and can feel safe against encroachment,
there will be a heavy immigration, and
the fertile valleys will soon begin to
fill with industrious, energetic peoplo.
When we get a larger population, as
wo are now sure to do, we will come
bacic to Congress and make known our
other wants."
Crushing Defeat Inllktcd on San .Miguel
and His Fort Captured.
Manila, March 31. Two companies
of Macabobe scouts signally defeated
the main bdy of San Miguel's forces
today. It Is believed San Miguel was
killed. Lieutenant Reese was serious
ly wounded. The scouts lost three men
killed, and had 11 men wounded.
The enemy occupied an entrenched
position between Mariquina atd Fran
cisco del Norte, and had erected a stone
fort, which was garrisoned by 200 men.
Lieutenants Rewo and Nickerson decid
ed after an hour's fighting to surround
the position and charge, after having
divided their commands. The two offi
cers then led a gallant and sueceisful
charge, during which Lieutenant Reese
fell, seriously wounded. The enemy
then broke and ran, leaving 45 men
dead on the field, including a general
officer, who is believed to be San Mig
uel, tbengh his identificlatlon is incom
plete. It is hoped this defeat will dis
courage disorder in Itizal province.
The military authorities will direct
the operations of the detachments which
are pursuing the bandit bands. Addi
tional troops are to be sent to Suiiago
later on.
Title of Tacoma Building Site Defective
Scattlc-Tsccuui MalLs.
Washington, March 31. The attor
ney general today reported that he had
examined the title to toe public build
ing site at Spokane, designated for pur
chase early in the winter, and had
found it clear. A check has been made
out and sent the owners.
There is faulty title to two lots in
clnded in the Tacoma site, the lots
owned by Mrs. Walsh, and before that
site can be acquired these two lota will
have to be condemned, thereby Insuring;
clear title. The title to the balance
of the site is satisfactory.
Senator Foster today urged the post'
office department to increase the mail
service between Seattle and Tacoma
He was told that, if the electric road
wonld carry such mails as were offered
it at a resaonable rate, the additional
service would be established. All in
ternrbaan mails aro now carried by the
Northern Pacific.
Police Ordered to Fcrnle.
Victoria, B. C, March 31. In view
of the fact that trouble is expected at
Fernie in the event of non-union men
being imported by the Crow's Nest coal
company, the Uritisb Columbia govern'
ment has requested the Dominion gov
ernment to send a detachment of North
west mounted police to Fernie, the
center of the strike, and a squad of SO
men has been ordered to proceed from
Calgary. The coal company has given
the men until' today to decide whether
they will return to work; falling a de
cision, outsiders will be brought In.
Promise of Fast Airship.
New York, March 31. The Spencer
brothers, the well known aeronauts, are
nothing it not enthusiastic, says the
Tribune's London representative.
They are at present engaged in the con
struction of a now navigable balloon,
f jr which they are using a 25-horto
power motor. This gives an indicated
speed of 25 miles an hour, and with a
breeze of 35 miles an hour In the same
direction, they say it is quite possible
that LomloBers will this year see an
airship rushing overhead at the rate of
6 ) miles an hour.
Take Years to Recover.
San Francisco, March 31. Louis
Hirseh, of tills city, whoee coffee plan
tation in Guatemala was destroyed by
trie recent eruption of bantu Maria vol
cano, has juet returned from an inspec
tion ot the devastated district. He
eays that the accounts of the cost to
Guatemala of Santa Maria's outbreak
were not exaggerated, and lit will take
a couple of years and perhaps longer,
for the coffee Industry to recover from
the blow.
Rescued from the Flood.
Nalcliez, Miss., March 31. Tho
steamer St. John came up from below
this morning with a full load of pas
sengers and stock from tho flooded dis
trict, Tlio officers report a daring res
cue of three men who were found adrift
In Black river. One of tho men was
on a log and tho other two In trees.
They had been wushed out by tho crev
asse at Bougoie, and had been without
food for three days.
Contracting for 1903 Hops -fruit Tree.
In llloom In Josephine County-Med. Clark exposition, In St. UwU mid Port
ion! Creamery Nearly Ready Sheep land, respectively, has made a most In
Djlngonthe Rnngea-tlovernor Par- tcrestlng nnnoniieoineiit--thnt ho will
dons a Forger wn" ,v'u ,uli,oed to bo the largest
A creamery will 1 In operation at
Mcdtoid In about 30 days. Tim plant
ill bo eaiwble ol handling tho milk ol
300 cows.
Contracts for hops for tho crop of
1003 aro being mado In tho Willamette
valley at front IB to 1(1 cents, tho for-
mer price being generally recognised as
tho prevailing figure.
Almonds are now in full bloom In
tli6 orchards of Josephine county, and
if not niped by frost the crop of theio
nuts will be. large here this year.
Poaches aro also beginning to bloom.
A postofllco has boon established at
r.nt v-itiinr. Wlnwler ranulr. to be
supplied by special service from Lone
Rock. The postoillco at
Lano county, lias been
Seventeen canneries
and 10 cold
storage plants at Astoria are making
ready for the fishing season, which
opens April 15. A heavier run than
that of last year la anticipated on ac
count of tho returns from artificial
Architect W. H. Knlihton has been
appointed by tho stato board of asylum
trustees to draw up plans and specinca-
tions for a modern horse and cow barn
to replace the present dilapidated and
unsanitary building, the cost oi tno
new structure not to exceed f.u.uuo.
Governor Chamberlain has pardoned
John Gates, who two years ago forged
the name of II. V. Corbett to a check
at Eugene. Gates had served half his
threo years' sentence. Tho pardon was
granted npon the petition of a large
number of prominent cititensof .Marion
county. nf .!,. .m .Wlnff nn j I,.
v v - n
Vr"? """
for want of feed. The long, cold wiir
.... . . I. I.I. ,l.A . .n.i
ncnDri nm Irvine tn lnnrn tlielr Uoeks
,0l,!eAraDi!!Vllttl", 8l,fep arot
Linn county real estate agents com-
plain that most of the parties from the
bast who are seeking Homes are accom
named by an fcastern "agent, who
demands at least 50 per cent of the
local agent's commission before the
bomeeeekers are allowed to locate, it
the Linn county peoplo refuse to be
bled the agent moves his party on,
looking for greener pastures.
Seven thousand dollars in cash has
t.t i. .i,i ,f i .i, i win,! i,;
it n, P,i,.m.
v. u wv.,iu
Independence, is set for the pale of the Upoclflcjlly provides that no sugar pro
pool of the Polk county mohair associa- juced by any countrv other than Cuba
"on. .
An enjoyable two days' farmers' in-
stilute was held at L. Grande laft week
under the ausnires of the agricultural
Fire at Portland Sunday morning
destroyed the Parellus pulley manu
facturlng plant and badly wrecked the
Enterprise planing mill. The loss is
placed at $15,000. A number of other
buildings bad close calls,
Water bailiffs at Astoria and Oregon
Citr are leading a strenuous life at
present trying to capture men who are
catching salmon during the closed sea-
The Rogue River Packing A Naviga
tion company, of Grants Pass, is spend
ing a large amount of money in the de
velopment of the I.ower Rogue country,
from the mouth of the Illinois down
The company is now at work building
two steamers to take .the place ol the
two lost last year.
The Grand lodge of Oregon, I. O. O.
F., will meet in Portland May 20. A
large attendance Is expected on ac
count of the president's visit May 21,
A special train will be run on the
evening of March 31 to accomodate the
Masons and their families that will at
tend the dedication of the new Grants
Pass Masonic temple,- from Athland,
Medford, Jacksonville and other couth
em Oregon points. Grants Pass will
have some 400 visitors on that evening
The dedication of the new temple will
be one of the grandest jubilees the city
has ever known.
Wheat Walla Walla,
stem, 7778c; valley, 77c.
Barley Feed, f23.60 per ton; brew
ing, 124.
flour Best grade, 3.I'534.25: grab-
am, I3.45Q3.85.
Mlllstuffs Bran, $10 per ton:
middlings, $ 24; shorta, 119.50(320,
chop, 18,
nfNn. i -Mm n.tfi a ion,
gray. ti. 12X01.16 per cental.
jiuy uuioiuy. f 1111; uiuver, i
,i -I
$899; cheat, $910 per ton,
Potatoes Best Burbanks,600!C per
ir inatn. -i I
. uiuiuarv, iviusuviu -mjr rcumi, In
growers prices, iueriwu Bweuis, f(9
I 1 1 a 1 n. I
" Per cental,
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 12(3 13c;
young, HX12c; hens, 12c; turkeys,
live, 1510c; dressed, 18Q20c; ducks,
$J7.50per dozen; geese, $78.60.
CheoBe Full cream, twins, 164
17Kc; Young America, 17J418Mc:
factory prices. llXo less, ltd
Butter Fancy creamery, 303ZJ$c
per pound; extras, 3Ru; dairy, 20
1214c; storo, 1518c,
Eggs HQ 16c per dozen.
Hops Choice, 2123c per pound.
Wool Valley, 12K16c; Eastern
Oregon, 814)c; mohair, 2028o.
Beef Gross, cows, 3(3 34 c pet
ponnd; steers, 40 IJfc; dressed, 7JjC.
Veal 748J$c.
Mutton Gross, 4c per
Iressed, 7Kc.
Lambs Gross, 4c per
dressed, 7Kc
Hogs Gross, 0ac per
pound; I
dressed, 7Q 7)ic.
I K,c" "s-
Montana Collection Will lie n I'cnturv of
Portland Uxposltlon.
Helena, Montana, March 28. W.G.
Conrad, of the banking firm of Conrad
Bros., who was named by Governor
Toole as ono of tho honorary commit-
bIai.... f.. M.hI.h. n, ll.iv I jut talntlil
. ,, , .....i
n.i.t .rvov iuiivv nun .ii kuh, i.j,.j ...
tho world to St. Ixiiiis mid Portland lor
exhibition dunus tho expositions.
Tlio exhibit is owned by Conrad
Bros., and was formerly the properly of
tho rlrst National bank . to Helena.
? collection was purchased by tho
tonrnds from tho rweiver of llio iwiiik
ffverai years ago, upon me amira OI
that institution, and 1ms sluco boon
Jdea to.
1 1:,,, it...,-. i, ..ii,i.mi ,,r
tll0 1 1. v ., , k uul ,i
ri)M,jt ot . (tor, KvtM, in
.i.-. wi.m. ..,. mi being
aono in iuir.sis ot ciam, throughout
the state, the collection was regarded
as magnificent. Aiming tho nuggeia
In tlio collection la one found In Nelson
gulch, above Helena, which la said to
ba the largest sluglo nugget ever u mid
In tho Northwest.
Tho ptoccnt value of the collection is
about 1300.000 it down, but 1
its natural state, as coming from the
earth, It Is worth more, a number ol
gems being worth several times the I
weight value bscause of their peculiar
It should provo ono of the features of
tho exposition, it will bo carefully
guartieu day and nigtil irom ine lime
it leaves Montrna until its return from
St. Louis and Portland
klcii-kocity iuuk is kiuluu.
Other Treaties Will Share Same
President UKes Up.
Washington, March S3. The
nouncement in the Jamaican legii
Mature regarding the failure of tbo
Iciprocity treaty with the United State
Is but a forerunner of what may be ex
"e ca?e oi all agreeiiieins oi
I .Ih.II.. .. I.I.I, f . I I ... 1
, .rtlnn l,v ll.n Dnllnl St.lA. n.
ate. It was evident from the attitude
- -
were op
as out
I ' " .
:Uh.t i Uen
.. . . . .. i. i... . i . ..:. .
abandoned by the admintration.
The rejected treaties. among which
that with the French republic, aro not
it is autnoritntiiely stated, to be again
submitted to the senate in Deconibc
next, and, because of the attitude of
the senate, the president is discourag
I lng the formation of new treaties.
Sugar formed an important item of
recipro-al exchange ill some of tho treat
ies, noticeably those in the West
Indies, and so far as that aiticlo of I in
port is concerned the adminiftration 1
estepped from agreeing to any roduc-
In,,.. ,1 i... . ,i, r
I.iu.j vii uuij uj itaffju ui iiiu tviuia vi
the Cohan recinrocitvaiHORment. Thin
aha be adm it tod Into the Un ted
States as by treaty on convention whilo
-u ' iui
te of duty than is imposed by exist
I ing law.
Swift Current and favorable Winds Keep
Mississippi Down.
New Orleans, March 28. With the
river practically stationary during tho
day, there has boen
little chango in
Tho phenomenal
the flood conditions
speed at which tho current Is Uowlng
and favorable winds hae doubtless re
strained the rising tendency. A vigil
ant eye is being kept on every foot of
lovte fronrlted river uniting to New
Members of tho stato board of engin
Usrs are at various points along the
Mississippi, the Red river and La
Fouchiere. On the latter stream there
aro now threo crevasses, hut planters
not immediately within range of tlio
breaks hare had timo in which lo con
struct temporary embankments. Much
damage will be done to the oyster in
dustry by tho pretent Hood.
To Pay Honolulu Plague Claims.
Washington, March 28. W. F. Mc
Lennon, chief of the warrant division
of the treasury department, today
darted for Honolulu, charged with tho
duty of disbursing the 11,000,000 ap
propriated by congress to satiety in part
tho judgments rendered on account ol
the destruction of property in Honolulu
m suppressing ine bubonic plague tiur
ing the years 1809 and 1000. The Tor
ritory of Hawaii was also authorized by
tho same act to issue bonds net to ex
cced $500,000 in amount, to bo mod in
paying its sharo of the judgments,
Fire Causes Death and Panic,
New York, March 28. One man.
Vincent Beehm, a carpenter, lost his
life in a fire today, which damaged the
threo upper doors of tho live-story
building at 400 Fast Twenty-fourth
stroet. Another man was taken out
unconscious and. four children were res'
cued irom tne louriti noor. ino uro
caused a panic among tnoienanisoi me
IHUII'IUIMK ItJMULUTJlli iJUUewo. U1K4 tildirji
- . i .i.
T. Rra u.n. ,.. hv Bn ..,.. ...
Ll,1Bn(i.llv nn.AKIm. a not of .mint nnlo
- 1 1
oan Mini tnv
Jflpt an(1 Auxlcans Unionized.
Los Aneolos. March 28. Tho Los
Arursles countv council of lubor hu
adopted resolutions indorelng the action
of the state organizer in effecting the
unionizing of Japancso and .Mexican
laborers at Oxnard. The council adopt
a fiiithcr resolution favoring the
unionizing ol all unskilled Asiatic ami
other alien laborers in Lns Angeles.
Loral labor leaders stato that this la the
first time a union labor organizer has
In any way favored Asiatic Inbir.
San Francisco Sandbaggers.
8an Francisco, .March 28. Four
men, armed with sandbags, eocretcd
themselves insido tlio entrance to
Greenwich etroet wharf No, 1 yostorday
morning and robbed every person who
pahsod through the gale. Tho placo
was absolutely dark and beforo they
ceased their operations the robbers suc
ceeded in Holding up eigiu mvn.
Many Will lie Lost Whole Vmuo
Delta I Inundated Resistless Tor
lent Pours Through Break, Swamping
Three Coutles In Mississippi- liliorts
llclng Made to I III Crevasse.
uroenvii.o, .miss.. iarc.. .iw.-a
000 feet in length la pouring sleadllly
through a crovasso In tho loveo live
miles south ot hero and Is ftoo ling
thoumuids of neres of the finest farming
land In the celehiatod Ynioo Udt.
Tin. break In the levee iwvimtHl at II 1
o eioea hub inorniiig aim iiio roar oi
no rus.ui g wa(ers can easily oo nearu retlilenfa rourso In extending tho for
in Hroeiivillo. I est reservation system lieforo the llin-
Only 200 feet ol tlio embankment i,r ia,u nr., n i,,L..n .... ti... ...i...
gave way at first, ami a mighty elTort
was mado by hundreds ol laborers in
.Kitr-.A ..f Hi ikira.niii.iit .iil.i.ui.a l.
...... ..... .....,,i... ...,.,i,0
but II was soon apparent that it was
beyond human power to successfully
1. . . 1. ....
rent. An hour later it was seen that
the ends of the levee on either side of
the crevasse were molting fast, tho force
of the current cutting tho embankment
away as,tl.oiii.h It was built of sand.
oHloo here, stato l tonight that tho break
I. I.. .1...
9 vllltJilvStli..ltauiT niHB, III ,
history ol the lovee system, lie saya
that tne entire delta, aa lar south as
Vicksburg, will bo flooded and the
farming lands in Washington, Bolivar
and Sharkey counties will be undo
water for more than two weeks. Thl
is tho first break to bo reported on tho
Misoisslppl since the present rise ho
gan. Major Sears says a dotporato
struggle is beiug made to prevent tlio
further widening of the breach.
Reports from tho Interior aro very
meager, but It Is twlfcved tho people
were fully prepared for a break, ami
tlm loss of life, 11 any, will lie reduced
to a minimum, thoueh tho loss of stock
may bo quite heavy. The damage to
plantations and the intorferoiiio with
planting cannot bo estimated.
ino situation al midnlnlil grow
worse for Greoiiville. Work on the
protection levee through Main street
has been abandoned and water ha
reached Washington ncnuo, the high
est point in the city. AppoalB for help
hare been coming In nil night from the
Tuxedo and Race Track additions and
rolief boats are being sent out. The
news conies from these additions that
people were seen clinging to roofs of
houses and rlts to escape diowning I
tho rising waters.
.Many lives hnvo lieen reported lost
a woman and five children ierUhiiig i
one house, but tomorrow will toll tho
fate of many poor unfortunates. Tlio
southern part of the city is entirely
under water. Houses aro filling and
their inmates aro securing looma. up
stairs. By morning tho water will ho
over nil parts of tho city unless nnothe
effort Is made to build a protection.
The city is in total darkness, water
putting out the fires In the electrii
light plants.
Seattle Street Car Strike
to Be Fought
to a Flnlth.
Setttlo, March 30. Both parties to
tho Veuttle street car strike stand firm
and business is paralyzed. Business
men tried to mediato yesterday, but
President Furth declared tho union
would not be rocognlzod, and tho strik
ers declare,! thoy ould strike till
was recognized.
There was a slight Increase In tho
number of cars operated, and the olll
clnls predict that this incronso will con
tinuu. Barracks are being fitted up for
tho employes, and 18 of tlio latter have
been rwom In as policemen and armed
llio striken say they have gained
members and rido on cars to convert
nonunion men. A strike of tho miners
at tho Ronton coal mire, which sup
plies the power houses, Is threatened.
A New Treaty Would De Better.
New York, March 30. Senor 811va
secretary of the Cuban senate, who has
been an advocato of the treaty of reel
proclty with tho Unitod States, is nuot
ed as raying, according to the Havana
correspondent of tho Trihuno: "I am
inclined to tho belief that tho boat
thing would ho todlsapproiotho treaty,
then negotiate another, The amend
inents seem confusing to all of us. Wo
havo perfect confldonco in President
Roorevelt, but fear tlio amendments aro
n such shape that to make a now treaty
is preferable,"
Called to Account.
Pekin, March 30. The tono ul the
Official Gazette indicates that the Chi
rifHo government Is giving increased at
tention to the rebellion in Kwangsi
province. An order was issued this
evening to General Mel, who was dis
patched months ago under an injunc
tion to crush tno disturbances, to re.
turn to Pekin and report immediately
to tho Dowager Krnprcss, who desires
to learn the exqet situation, tho reasons
for the complications and tho caiiso of
his failure to carry out tlio orders given
to him.
Carnegie's Ureal 01lt.
Pittsburg, March 30. Andrew Car
neglo has abided $1,560,000 to his libra.
ry donations in Pittsburg, Today ho
made it known that ho would donate
1,400,000 in addition to $1,750,000
Iready given by him to providu means
for an addition to tlio present Carnegie
library and $160,000 for the building
of the Fast Knd branch library. This
new gut of Mr, Carnegie's makes his
ontribiitlon to tlio greater institution
To Lay Cable From Honolulu,
Ban Francisco, March 30. Tho first
step In tho preliminary work to tho
laying of tho fcablo botween Honolulu
and Midway island has beon takon.
Tho Pacific Commercial cable company
has chartered tho steamer Grace Dollar,
and on April 10 tho wilt depart from
this port carrying supplies ami matrlals
for tho construction of tlio cablo station
on Midway Island, 'llio British steam
era Anglla and Colonla are at present
in l3ii(loii bolng loaded witli tho cable.
Last Half el IVOJ Pur llxcecds Any Hall
tear Previous,
Washington, March 27. Uud Com
inlssloiior Richards today giuo out n
statement showing tlio phenomenal In
crease In sales of public !nd In tlio
first half of tho present fiscal year hi
compared with the rorrispitidliig por
tion ol tlio previous year. In lliuali
months ending Deeeinbt'r 31, 1H01,
them were 7,17(1 cash ties nindo In tho
I I'll I led States, representing 707,002
(rom Si7,Ui!1H, HM rpill
, ,,w, 1),,rl" 11,0 ""res ending months
1 1U02 there wore 23,015 sales, oil,,
'(103,013 acres, Irom which was realised
1 1,747,503.
I i,,.,.!,,,,,.!', ... , ,i.i.
,wy ml,lr tho tlnilH.r and stune act.
. ,.,.. .,, i, i.(in...,il., ..i n...
oi t, ,W(t ,,! lw.w' t10lu ,,
wrrw,H)iiK ported In , Mltt his-
. ... 1
."loryoi tno gmuruuionl
. thr Alntl,jmcn.,
Havana, Match 27 Although there
is lunch complaint hero on tho part ol
I t,u Cubans that tho United States did
rv!r t.rr0 ,,,tt,yV':,r
dM, lllM Publication of the text of the
' l.n. ul... .. ,1 !!... ,1...
. w.iv.i...iivilin .li.r, Plllii.,, ,,1,'HI lllllfc III,'
treaty has not been materially damaged
Irom a Cuban standpoint, except
through the delay und uncertainty en
tailed by tho action at Washington.
Tho present feeling of suspicion Is
due principally to the hicx of assur
ances tint tlio treaty ciuuiol lie amend
ed In tlio United States homo of repre
sentatives nud that President Itoonorolt
will cull a special session prior to the
regular meeting of congresi,
Tho presidents of nil manufacturing
and commercial associations today re
ceived n list of Inquiries from tho ten
ate committee on foreign relations
with regaid lo the effects of the aiurnd
ments. It is requested that tho repre
sentations ho sent In tomorrow. The
report on Hie treaty will ho completed
111(1 SMUI.TP.R 1IURMH).
Company Whose l!mplo)es are Striking
Suffers Heavy Loss.
Canyon City, Colo., March 27 Al
midnight tho main portion of the
smelting works of the United Ktatwa
Reduction and Refining company at
this place was destroyed by fire, the
loss bolng $200,000. Immensu new
buildings, 200 by 80 in area, were
destroyed. Tim company owning the
plant la the same width owns tho
Standard gold mill at Colorado City,
whose umplores nm on strike. The fire
uroxu out in tno reiiuery irom an tin
known cauio, and was discoiered by
the watchman, but could not 1h sub
ducd, and soon ti e recently completed
nddltions, which hate been In progress
oi erection lor tlio past year, wore a
mass of flames. Tho plant is ti'il '
total loss, as its entire vnlntiwns 1500,
000, but it cannot bo learned that there
was any Insurance. Ono hundred ami
fifty men aro made Idle.
Salvador Alutt Pay Up.
Washington, March 27. Tho stnte
department has taken measures to col
lect the award asicwod against the kov
eminent ol ran Salvador by tho arbl
tratlon in tho rate of an American cor
juration amounting to $534,000. Tho
secretary has accorded tho Salvadoreans
a full opjwrtunlty to present reasons
why the judgment should not lie aid,
but after patiently considering (hero
representations tho department has just
iniormcu ino Salvadorean government
that It cannot reopen tho caw without
showing gross disrespect for tho arbl
trators, and that It roes no reason why
inuioney siiouin no I no paid.
Up Capitol Steps In Automobile.
vtaimngton, aiarcn .'7. lurco men
in an automobile attempted to ride un
mo sieps oi mo cast irom ol ine cap no I
today, iney reached the le-orid land
ing, 10 stops from tho street, whon thn
chain oi-tlio vohlclo broke, and II ran
backward without accident. Tho man
who acted as chaffotir garo the name of
I). Ilurlhut, and said ho was from
Detroit, Mich. Ills companions ill.
not givo tliolr names, but one of thou
said ho was a jiolleo commisnloiier of
Hartford, Conn. Thp chaffnur was ar
rested, but later rolratcd on ball.
Flood Subsiding.
Memphis, March 27. The river In.
mum is laiiing rniiiiiiy, tno irauvn
showing 31.8, n fall of two-tenths since
0 o'clock this morning. Tho situation
Is rapidly assuming normal propor
tions, and nil anxiety Is over. Homo
uuossincss Is still felt for the St. Fran
cis levees to tho north of this city, hut
all news from that section Is of a ru
assuring character. No trains hnvo yet
succeeded In getting over tho trm ks a
fow miles west of Brldgu Junction, It
is now thought posslhlo that Memnhls
may remain cut off from tho West.
Fire In South Dakota Atlne.
Loads. H. I) March 127 Tho Bin
ham hoist of the Illggon Fortune ink.
ing company was destroyed by fire r
ly today, Tho loss .is $50,000, partly
insured. Four minors worn at work at
the bottom of the scaffold and wero
lightly Injured. Thoy escaped by
almost a miracle. Tho mlnu Is Hin
dered with heavy timbers and Is still
burning. The lire has reached to n
Ilstaiicu o' 7o feet below tho surface.
Tho firo t lar tod In a dryliu room.
Heavy Loss by Fire,
Rochester, N. V Murch 27. Firo
of unknown origin which brnk6 out In
tlio Haydon building tonight complete
ly gutted that structure and caupod
heavy damage to thn ailolnlng build
ings. Tho total loss is estimated at
$258,000. Tho building was eovon
stories high In ono part and five in oth-.
ers. Tho (lames Blartod on the fifth
floor, and rapidly nto tlielr way through
the structuro, tho grontor portions of
the threo walls falling boforo It was
under control. No ono was hurt.
(Itimitnnitiuo DrclJcd on aa Principal Sta
tion hi the West Indies -llovernnicnt
Will Purchase Twenty Square Allies
of l.nnd -llnrrncks, Dodock and I'orl
mentions lo He Constructed.
'(Inantaniinio, Cuba, March 2(1,
Alter n personal Inspection of the pro
posed site, Secretary has select,
ed (limntnnnlno as the principal
United States naval station In the Wont
Indies. Secretary Moody, Hemitor
Proctor nud Representatives Cnliuon,
Toss and (Illicit arrived here yesterday
nn IkiiuiI the United Slates dispatch
boat Dolphin.
Secretary Moody uud Ills aanmiatca
have worked Incessantly during the
putt two days under n hot sun esiimln
ing the polntn, the water supply and
the surrounding country. They visited
the locations for the proponed fortlllca
tloiiM, surveyed tho coast line ami con
ferred with the owners of thn land
which It Is pioposixl tn acquire.
Senator Pioetor ami the representa
tives will recommend thn purchase of
20 square miles of land on Loth side
of the lower hay and several small
Islands. As soon as the neceiwary leg
islation has been secured, they favor
tlio runtt rut t lull of a oritiattcnt bar
racks, a drydock ami strong (pitlflca
Hons designed against a lea attack
only, fortlllcntloiie on the land side not
In Ing regarded as necessary. Nn dllll
cully is anticipated In acquiring thn
necessary land, aa thn Spanish anil
l.iigllsh owners are enthusiastic for tho
station. It Is thought that both tho
army nud navy will maintain forces at
The Dolphin will proceed to Jamaica
Treasury Department Plans lor Purchase
and Coinage of Silver.
Washington, March 2(1. Hecrrdary
ItiMit has Ivan In rablu currcspomlehcn
with Governor Talt in relation to tlm
carrying out of the provisions of the
Philippine currency act and it has been
determined to sell $.1,000,000 of tnm-
porary ceitltlcates for thn purchase of
liver bullion for coinage into iwros.
These rertillratrs hear four per cent In
terest, aio free fiom taxation, and run
for one year. They will Imi ImiiihI In
lenoinliiatlons of one thousand dollars
each, mailn payable to the lioarar.
Them certificates are to Imj sold in this
It Is learned that the Insular divis
ion of the war department has rdiuunt-
ed the secretary of llio treasury to pur-
chant the nectxsary silver and execute
the coinage of the Philippine k-sh
authorized hy the Phllippluo currency
act. Although this act aillhoiltea the
coinage of not to oxceml "6,000,000
xisos, Including rccoliian of Mexican
and Philippine ruins, it Is not cuiileiii
platod at pretent to ruin morn than
20,000,000 eiws, at tlm rate of 2,000,
000 a month.
Tho sliver for these coins will Iwpur
chared In the United States, but under
what conditions has not jet Ihhii
determined. The treasury, It Is under
stood, will purchase only at tho market
value, In such quantities as may be
needed as tho coinago progresses. It
Is said that the department will not
submit to mi advance In tho price of
silver, If It can msilbly be secured at
the ruling rate.
Ice-Jam Stops the Flaw of Nloisra, and
Relic Hunters Rctel.
Niagara Falls, March 20. .Tlio
American Falls is practically dry, ami
for tho first tlmo In 65 years peoplo aro
able to walk about In the river bed.
Thousands have clambered over tho
rocks hunting for relics and souvenirs.
Great rocks never Iwforu seen are hluh
and dry. So little water Is llowlng
over tlio American Falls that men In
ilgh boots almost could have crossed
at tho brink.
The extraordinary condition Is dun
to an Ice Jam up tho river. The leu
was driven from ljiko F.rla Into the
entrance to the Niagara and Indgoif In
tho Hhoalwater, shutting off tho flow
nto the American channel. The
Hnrseshoo Fulls Is not n fleeted aa much
as tho American. The river In the vi
cinity of tho Threo Sister Islands is
quite dry, and tho center falls, lietween
Goat and Limn islands, Is u skeleton of
llsoll. Him conditions ii I ko v to ant
for savoral days.
Offers to End the War.
Wlllomstad. Maud of Curaran.
March 2(1. General Jfatos. the Inndor
of the Venezuelan revolutionary move-
moiii, who is nore, today sunt tho fol
lowing telegram to Gsneral Ramoii
Ayalii, vico president of Venezuela anil
president of tho congress! "General
Castro has resigned tho presidency.
Considering that his lining Independent
ronders Impossible all peace and pros
perity In Venezuela, if cnnirrosa will an.
cept his abdication I will promlso you
to uso nil my Infiiionie with the com
maudors to Immediately end tho war."
Long Distance lilcclrlc Road.
Chicago, March 20.-Tho Chronicle
tomorrow will eayi A now mil
using electric power, hotweon Chicago
and Milwaukee, passing through Wan
kcgun, Kenosha and Rnclno, will ho in
fiponitlcn luildo of two years, provid
ing thn nrusoiit nlnns nl II.,, Ri,,,l,,l
oil company carry. Tho Uhlcgao, Mil
waukee ft Inland Lake transnnrtntlm.
company Is the namo of tho now com.
pany. Tlio man who Is reprusontlng
tho Hnslem capitalists and who aduills
that tho monevod men am llm Htm,, I.
rJ "II people la Mr. Whitman,
Coal Mine Blown Up,
Springfield, III., March 2(1. A tor
rlfiu explosion in the ml no of the
Alliens cool c inpmiy at Athens,
Alonarsl county, 20 nillus north of
Springfield, today rrsu'tod In ih,, .l,ti.
of six men and one being seriously in-
Jurod. An ontrv In the !. i,.,i i,..
for norno tlmo sloppod up on account
of tho gas. This morning an attempt
wus made to opon It by drilling an-
other entry in ordor lo nllow air to on-
ter and the gas to escape,