Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 03, 1903, Image 1

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    As ) ! O .
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I lltt ADVKHTlWlNU KIM t' 5
Devoted to the Mining. l.uniberliif: mid Farming Intercuts of thin Community, to Oood Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 10
Mioes aod
7 ' DovoTod ft Dbhomltv Norb.3
"brrv3 of oncr-tvl Inror'o.jrTo Ml
5.3 tmd
Proipectlng Not "Luck."
l'roipcctluu nnd mining In Sotttli
cm Oregon, w In nil of the :nlii
cral district!) of the west, in not coir
sidercd In the same light todny ns
it was 35 or 30, or even 15 years
ngo, Then it was n gamble .in
which hardships, privations and
peril were necessary to the treas
ure soii;lit. and a pack pony, pick,
pan ami Krnl kit the prime requi
sites. Today mining is a business
in which common sense, capital,
enterprise and mechanical luge'
unity play a most Important part.
The successful miner during the
palmy days was "lucky;' today lie
Is a successful husiucsss man. To
day the prospector who, by pa
tience, pcrsevcrenec and hard work
finds a tich ledge, finds himself in
(msscssIoii of the raw article. He
may have in his keeping the key to
hidden millions, yot if he has not1
the capital to open up and rob his'
storehouse of I a gold, he is bull
little Utter off than tV "coyote"
miner who has but his pick and
shovel and his "luck" to rely on. !
I'orsuch a man there is naught to .locations, two near the Dean cabin
do but so sell, and the wise pros- 'nnd one near Ilcuson. Prof. Kendall
ncctor knows enough nut 10 ai- has put in the greater part of the
tempt to sell a piospeci for
price of a mine. He may get
Ilohcmia Mining District is
heavily indebted to F.J. Hard for
Ills efforts In placing the
district ' before the mining
world. While he is at the head of
several of the most promising
properties in the district, such as
the Oregon & Colorado Mining nnd
Milling Co. and the Vesuvius, still
he shows no partiality. In his
many writcups that have apiearcd
from time to time in such papers as
the Mining Record and the N. U-
Jotirual for Investors, he lias spared
no pains to cover the entire dis
trict and give credit where credit is
due. The Nugget extends thanks
to Mr. Hard, in behalf of the mine
owners of this district for his very
courteous treatment.
l'rof. Kendall was in this week
after scndiug the entire winter on
his Hcveral properties in liohemia.
He owns the Delta group of three
claims, the Delta, Copper Stain nnd
Alpha, near the Judson Rock Min
ing Co's property, also three other
more for the property thou It after
wares in a single mouth,
yet In doing this he should con
sider himself fortunate for there
past six months on his properties,
and on the claim near Ilcuson he
has run a 30-foot drift, and is in
fairly good rock.
The Golden Rule Mining and
Reduction Company, with head
are plenty mote to be found ns that office at Salem, is said to be meeting
one was found. with much success in the sale of
A number of prospectors have stock. Thc'object of the company
made fortunes in Oregon during s to sell sufficient stock to com
Inte years. The Greenback mine (,iete t,e required amount of work
in Southern Oregon, sold as a, to secure o patent on the ground,
'prospect for; the fact thnt (This of course means much to any
this mine produces more in a company, and is a very proper
-month now than it originally sold thing to do.
fur Is no argument that the pros.
pector was cheated. Another pros
pect near this mine was found by
two woodcutters, who dropjKid
their axes and quit working at
$1.35 a day to prospect in the stir
rounding distiict. They recently
sold their ledge for some $10,000.
The capitalists who bought it
Articles of incorporation have
been filed with the county clerk, in
Rosfburg, by the Improved Min
eral Smelter Co., of theU. S... in
corporators, T. K. Richardson, C.
D. Williams and Maurice Illanch
ard. Capital stock, $20,000, di
vided into 100 shares of $200 each
r.t . 4 1 1.. ...
.... . .. luujcti, luurai in smeiiiug patents
may make n m llion-do liar . nine out buM Men0T
trivauce used for smelting purposes.
of it,
still the woodcutters are
mm. . . .....I ...,,.. iiirl lit)
alley iiku ..v... , T.ost.l.urr Ig tli ulnot. nri,...,.
teir axe again. Two prospectors Kosc, Rcview.
went out from Grams rass a icw,
years ago and were but ft few days
t I T..
uncovering n promising vein, m
a few days, more they had bonded
it Ibr $30,000.
Scores of incidents of this kind,
kdown in the mineral fields of
Ilastern and Southern Oregon,
could be cited. They are striking
proof thnt the prospector has a
great opportunity in the Webfoot
state. D. H. Stoval in Telegram.
The Vesuvius on Fairview
mountain, is said to be acting
nicely, rich bodies of ore being un
covered. Double shifts are working nt the
Champion. This mine has been in
continuous operation since last fall.
A rich strike has been made in
the Musick.
H. I), Klriiu-H,. 11 Jeweler of SUiik
way, who wiih In AhIiIiiiiiI Monday,
Hhowcd iih n. gold ntiKKOt picked up
In 0110 of the plueer iIIkkIukh ulmut
Diiwhoii, which Ih wortli 72.40 by
weight Tho sold Ih clustered about
a piece of white quartz with a Blight
purple thuro hIiowIiik the character
oftlieledKO whence It was derived,
.Some Kreat quurtr wild lienrluK
ledges are miro to bo (Uncovered In
the placer districts of Alaska, thmiKh
offorU In that direction have ncen
unsuccessful ho far. Nnture'H agencies
liavo mined and milled a vast amount
of gold bearing vein matter to mnko
the rich placors of thnt region, but
there must bo great HectloiiH ofBueli
veins undisturbed and which In time
will 1)0 found and mined according to
man's methods of quartz mlnttif? iih
In other bonanza placer dlscrlctH.
AHhland Tribune.
Crystal Consolidated,
Frank Jordan, secretary of the
Crystal Consolidated Mining Co.,
announces that work is progressing
rapidly at the mjne. A night and
day shift is hard at work in the
lower tunnel on the Mountain Lion
nnd. with a view of driving toofeet
further when they will strike the
ImnmllQI fire shute nt a vertical
denth of about 250 feet. The con
ditious are very satisfactory and
splendid results are looked forward
We have heard of a good many
wa.VH of killing- deer, but Mrs. T.
KldllhiKlaw takes the "cake". I.aHt
.Sunday, while Htrolllnir nluni? the
bench a laro deer chnHcd by dogn
ran past them rlgjit Into the ocean.
It Hwiim around outHldo thobrenkcrH
until nearly exhaiiHtcd nnd then
t turted for the Khore. .Mrs. .Shilling-
law meanwhile had prepared herxelf
and when It got nearly out hIio made
for It and iih It cumo over a lilg
breaker hIio netted It with both arms
around the neck. It fought and
struggled, tint hIio held on until an
other breaker took them both out
high and dry, throwing them off
their feet, the two llttlo girl rushed
to her rescue, and with their aid and
what shoestrliiKH and ehiHtlcs they
had, they tied Uh feet together. Thoy
then tried to carry It to the boat,
tint It was too heavy, ho she left the
two llttlo gtrln to hold It down while
hIio Jumped Into the bout hud went
to get her luiHband, Tillamook
Owing, no doubt to the excitement
attoudaut upon the narration of tho
above the Herald has neglected to
chronicle the arrival of the husband.
For Hand Made Harness
GOTO jTMnirjn ft A J
A.11 Work "Warranted.
Satisfaction G-uaranteed.
Everything Kept in a First Class Harness
Shop at Lowest Prices.
- Lace Curtains 1
A full Dress
Line Pendants,
of Point
Newest Yourattcntion is especi-
ally called to our. new
Styles Wash. Fab"cs. "f arc far Qene
" superior to atry thing we '
in . lmvc over 8,,own hcforc- Appliques
Dress and
Trimmings Jets.
" "Window Shades
Eakin Bristow,
I wim much nllllcted with eclatlc,
writes I'M 0 , Nuil, Iownvllle, Sedgwlclc
Co., Kan., "l!hiK about oucrutchea nnd
BtiiroringnUoal of pain. I was Induced
to try Ilidlnrd's Snow I.lnimsiit, which
relieved me, I used three COo bottles.
It is tho Krotttest liniment I overused;
have recommonded It to a number of
nnramiH. nil oxnreSB inoinsoivus ns uuuig
i'" : . .1 . v - - .1,. ...i.i .
bone titled uy u. i now w
crutches, able to perform a
lit labor on the (arm
walk without
rent deal ol
5c, oOoand
"The goat industry i one that
seems especially commendable to
tho roncliers of this part-of Oregon
and many of them, have found It
very profitable.
Goats are animals that thrive
best on upland and will obtain a
good living when other stock would
almost starve.
, They live mostly pn browse,
though they will readily eat grass,
and enjoy the bark from a young
orchard as heartily as a small boy
would a bottle of jam that was care
lessly left on a lower shelf. f
Ranchers who wish to clear up a
piece of land will find invaluable
assistance in n herd of goats if they
nte allowed to have range there, as i
they will nibble every little shoot
that starts from the stumps of fallen
trees, thus insuring more speedy
decay of the obnoxious stumps, and
every twig or growth of underbrush
will be carelully nipped by them
while it is young and tender thus
preventing the growth of uew
shrubs nnd tilling out the old ones
already on the ground.
Mohair at present is quoted at 30
cents per pound and a band of or
dinary goats should yield an aver
age of two and one half pounds of
mohair. This, of course is an or
dinary grade of Angoras. Many
bands of graded goats vill yield
more but the higher the grade the
...a. a , Vl A nl.ttm. GA til
.. 1 1J
maioruv oi ranciiers wuuiu pruuuuiy 1
commence with the lower grade and a
improve their own flocks by secur
ing a graded buck. The Increase
would add another profit to that of
tire mohair nnd besides getting his
land cleared of undergrowth the
rancher would make a neat little
sum from the land that would other
wise lie Idle until cleared and seed
ed down."
The above article is from the
Drain Nonpariel, and is applicable
to this section. Not only can goats
be raised nt a splendid profit here,
but there are many other stock In
dustries that are sadly overlooked.
Chickens and eggs are always in
demand here at handsome prices.
Ducks, geese and turkeys can be
raised here at a profit by "anyoue
who will take the trouble to go at
it In a business-like manner and
work up a market.
During his forthcoming western
tour President Itoowvelt will bo pre
ceded 11 few diiyn by nn .officer ot the
Hecret nervlce, whose duty It Ih to go
over every foot of ground the chief
magistrate will cover while In
the cities visited. The trnck on
which the president's trnlji will
nrrlve Is selected nnd the route from
his car to the carriages thnt will be
waiting for him nnd his party Is I
mnpiel out. It Is known exactly
where tho presidential car will stop
and how many steps he will have to I
take to reach his carriage. The se-J
cret servlco man points out where t
roes are to lie stretched to keep tho 1
crowd at the proier distance and
where the policemen nro to stand;!
nlso the stations for rnrrliiges of the
reception committee. Oregonlau.
Our New Spring Goods
are arriving daily, A complete Showing of Spring Styles in
Clay Worsteds, Demities, Serges,
Swiss, Cassimeres, Taconefa.
Cheviots, Challies,
We have a new Line of the C. B. Corsets in different kinds and prices, uur
Summer Corset is something new and you shonld see it before buying else
where. -Price 50c to $1.00.
Leaders in illcrcliaiidisiiigr.
I10 Mnrtrs nf the w
100 copies of lust week's Nuggt. Wo
will pay 5 cents per copy for them,
Rush them In and oblige.
To Discuss
Is mush like comparing the Tallow
Dip of our ancestors with
safer guide
e c y a
n d
H U Qi
It has proven by actual example
that dependable values are the best
proofs of a guarantee that
Griffin &
For Fine Work is Jthe rule.
We supply fine tools to fine
workmen saws, hammers,
chisels, screw drivers, au
gurs and everything ncces-,
sary in that line for high
grade interior carpenter and
cabinet work. It will pay
to look through our stock,
even if you need but a single
tool at the moment,
Veatch Co
G u 11 r
Have You Seeu
a n
Our New
Maylleld Line?
Oo StunU. Anrll (Ih. we'wlll hve on dlipUy complete line o(
ilresa litU (or tauten, Missel uU Chlldreu
You are Invited to call ul luipectour Hue.
Wewtih jroutobearin mind tht llcketa ere being Ktven with
everr 11.00 purotaaae and on our opening day a 15.00 itreet hat will be
glten to trie peraon holding the lucky numker drawn.
Alio aboul July lit a I10.0O dress hat will be given away In; the
me manner.
Just a call will convince you that we lead In Millinery.
j M0Y6D
I have moved my
to the building formerly occupied by
R. W. Newland on West Side,
where you will find
The Best Goods in Town at the Lowestg
Prices Ever Known in Cottage drove.
Don't fail to give me a call when in town
and I will guarantee to 'pleasejyott.
Bohemia Nugget.
One Dollar arid Fifty Cts Per Year.
too, in the near iiiutre.
00 at Netv Kra Drug Store .