Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 27, 1903, Image 8

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    J. E. YOUNG
offlce on Main street, Welt 8lda
ditorncv and Counselor-at-Lato
Special attention given to the law of Nines.
First National Bank Building.
Attomcy-at-Law o o o
I Office on Main alreet :
Attorney at Law,
.tf ttornevs and Counselors-at-Law
Special attention siren to Minim, Corporation
and Mercantile Lav.
Office over Herman A Ilemenway's store
Trompt attention paid to Mining Bmlneia
For FashionajbU Dressmaking
main street
Cottage Grovk. Ork.
Common Rough
S11.00 TPll
Repairing at reasonable caarces.
All work guaranteed rlritIae.
Watehea, Clocks and Jewelry at Low eat Prices
Main street. Collate linn.
Retldence Phone No. 3M Office Phone IX.
Eye. Etr, Moss and Throat a Specialty
Office houri from 9 to 11 a m from 3 to 5 p m.
Snnday from 12 to 3 p m.
Office In Madsen Banding, Main atreet,
Bent Kaulpid aMtr office Id the Stmte. Sm
plwby mmilreeetTe prompt attention, work-
ingtp4UmadeonoreFniplei oi one to flftjr
ponndi to determine tbe most soluble meth
od ot treatment. Irlcei on application.
The First National Dank
Cottage Grovk, Ore.
Paid j) Capital, $25,000.00
Money to loan on approved security.
Exchanges sold, available any place
n thetJnited States
Diawm liairrow.
IlxaaiXT Eiant,
Netv outfit and up-to-date meth
ods assaying, or complete analysis
of ores.
Clorinatiou, cyanide and working
tests made. All work done in du
plicate, and correct returns guar
anteed. Mail orders promptly at
tended to.
faM.Ma tUlk aU b,M4J
TlL,li-il..,.1MHtt11 1
In the
na. I
Ortatut attrmctim 6t IXa Ctrav A
eddlwu.,r..M T.ljiiTrVlbr
the old.. SceeWbtai ibaraeua
Ooaat. JSatabuahla.MnC"1 i
aiged aaan wh
he are autrarlng i
ot youlblnl Indl.. P
irom the effwu ot youthful indl
ereuona er exoraaea In maturtr '
yaara. ifarroiia and phyalcal llablllir i... I II
i Kj,'".,Jii 1 Mliat toalllucomill. ' I
M cauonal ajperiaailarrhcea,, er.ui.r M . 1
r,,"f". """"''. aieel.rreTBeeV f !
reme,1lea,ofgrrateura ea tx,.r. ih. iKT..,; f ' !
I,Jf.,t"i,lf,4,'l;."e,"1,"nll''atll wlllnoi A 1 5
SSllr !,'" Jmmnllale relief, but permanent f
T S '"'6,bJ1' J" "ell known to be a air i 0
Pliyalclan and Burgeon. w
ia 1
at the uatVm i,T,.!.,,..'?f f radlealea from '
- T"""ea Oiled br an Eioert. Ii.iV.., I
airam lam aa a . a " . " - .
r llaufu cyuoronfM Mirefvemaai. I
A eeery COM u uMrrraie.
Cnnauluilna KI1KK a4 strletlr rrrala.
Traauneul peraonally u by ialUrT
A " lor noov, g1gggxiaAa.BW aaa
i& main co . un
U It's a bilious attack, take Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and u
Sulck recovery Is certain, For sale by
enson Drug Co.
Notice To Taxpayers.
The 1002 assessment rolls (or lnno
I County, Oregon, will Iks nnetictl tor
tho collrctton of tnxes on Monday,
Mnrcli 2nd, 1003. Tlicro" will Iks
aOttcrccntrcbiitoKlvcn on nil taxes
lmld In full previous: to .Mnrcli Kith,
Ono linlfof any tax iimytie pnld nt
nny ditto Ix-foro April tit It nnd Ifao
: . .. , , ... ,
paid tlio ronmlnliiK one half limy lie
pnld tiny Unto liefore Octolior 6th, swornstatctnent No. 40O9 for the ur- ld8swornstntctnent'S.4800.forlhopur
without jictinlty or lnten-Mt. In ciwo, chase ot tboSW Ji of Sec No. 4, Tp 38, S eliaaoof iho lots 9, II. 8 A ol No. 0,
rt;,"r t'l,,. fir-r ., i,if la i,i lot Range No.2 West; and will offer proof Towiishlp20Soull.,e.l Range nnd will
, , . ... ., ,
before April 6th the Inw requires n
lO.wreent wnmty mid 12 per cent
i?.10"?.1 to. Xw ",1,lc,.1,, 8"cl1 tftx "
til pnld. letters of Inquiry concern-
InB tnxe will ncelve our prompt nt -
Fhkii Kisk. Sheriff nnd tar roller?
tor of Iwine County, Oregon. !
2-3T fit 4-21
Unitetl States Land Offlre,
Roaobunr Ore.. Mac. ii. inns,
Notice ia hereby given that In com -
nuance with tho provisions of the act of
uongressot June s,
iotq .i.i. i ,,iu
act for tlio sale of timber lands In the!
oiaies oi aniornia. uregon, Nevada,
ami itHsmnKion lerruory. asextenilel
loan no t'UOIIC IJtmt Mat-S liv act Oil
August 4. 1802.
lEVSVn cum ree
of Cottage Grove, Co. of Ijine, Slate
a uai aa a aji a ii i r,r.
oi ure., nas mis oay met! In tills
office his bworn statement No. 4593, for
Ittn nlin. ,.f 1 1. XT 1, V L'
o . t.V. ul
U of
ceciinn i io, d-t, lownslilp -JI botitli, of
Range3 West and will offer proof to
V,..,.- lan.t .....
oln.l.ln l.!i. Vi
valuable for Us timber or afne than or
nKMciiiiumi iuriose!, ami ,o estauiisi)
Ins claim to smd land tiefore the Reg
ister and Receiver of this office at Rose,
burc, Oregon, on Thnrsdav the 23rd dav
of July, UJ3. witnesses:
A L AVrxxlartl, William Kimbel. D. C.
Raughman. J Q A Voting, ot Cottage
Grove, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming u.lverse
ly the Hliove-descrilied lands are re
quested to lilo their claims In this office
on or before said 23rd day of July., 1903.
J.T. Hhiixiks. Register.
United States Land Office,
Roseburc, Ore., Mar. It). 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions ot the act ot
tnffrpMot .TlinA.t IKTfi AnIlln.1 .
act for the sale ot timber lands in the
atatsa ot fjalifnrnia UrfMn
and Washington," as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4,
of Two Harbors. Countv of Lake, State
of Minn., has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No. 4631 for the
purchase of the S ,4, NW Jf.SW VNEK
ot . ii jo ; oi oec ipr.' o, oi tl 1
West, and Will offer nnnl fit elinm'
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agri- j to all the Public Land States by actot
cultural purposes, and to establishes , August 4, 1892,
claim to said land before Marie L. Ware. Elizabeth E. Gerum,
TT c r, : - . 'fr... j . r, r i e...... ..t
u. vuiiiiiiipaiuiierai r.ucene. Jtne l )..
fl o. , , ' . . 1
Ore., on Saturday tho 0th dar of June,
He names as witnesses:
Lauritx Kverness, of Two Harbors,
Lake Co., Minn., Jlartin Olson, Peder
Ophus.ot lllue River, Lane Co., Ore.,
Martin Haagenson, of Eugene, Lane Co.,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested tofile their claim In this office
on or before said 6th day of June, 1903.
x J. T. Bridges Reeister.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Mar., 10, 1903.
Notice is herebr given that in comnli-
ance with the provisions of the act of I
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An 1
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and WashingtoiiTerritory,"as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1892,
Henry D. Sheldon.
of Eugene Co. of Lane, State of Ore. has
this day tiled in this office his sworn
statement No. 4692, for the purchase of
the S & N K of Sec. No. 4, Tp 23 S, of
Range 2 A est, and will offer proof to
eiiu. uiufc uiu mini suukiii, is more
valuable (or its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
ins ciaun to sam land oelore Marie L.
Ware, U. S. Commissioner at Eu
gen", Oregon, on Saturday the 23rd day
of Slay, 1903.
He names as witnesses:
James N. Randle, ol Fairmount. Ore.,
Austin Root. o( Springfield, Oregon,,
Carl C.Rice, Oeorge W. Hunter, of Eu
gene, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested tofile their claims in tills office
on or before said 23rd day of May, 1903.
J . T. HmnoEs. Register.
United States Land Office,
I . Koaebnrg, Oregon, Keb. 7, 190U.
Notice Is hereby giren that In compliance
.u uiuiiiiuu. ui iu, act ui onireaa 01
June 3, 1W8, entitled "An Act for the tale of
Timber Lands In the Btatet of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Waihlngton Territory," aa
extended to all the public land itatei by act of
Auguat 4, lstu, Nathaniel L. Moody, of Kngene
County of Lane, State of Oregon, haa
thlidayllled Inthla offlcehta aworn atatement'JOIor Ibe purchase of tbe NtVi of sec
tion No. 20. towcahIp21 8, range 7 weit.and will
one urool to, how that the land sought Ii more
w. liable for Ita timber or atone than for agricul
tural purpoachandtoeatabHib hla claim to aald
land before C. K. Ifaurd, U 8 Commlaaloner at
liraln, Uoualae Co.. Ore., on Tburaday the 30ih
day of April, 1608. '
lie namet aa wllnesaes:
Phillip caron, Guy 8. Potte. L. K. Hall, Jacob
xa.pcr, oi juKene.uine wo.. ure
'5a forty-acre ranch
Hn't a bad piece of property to own
eaeclally when located
ndv to
town and on a rood re
town a
la. and
on a good road, as thla one
la, and comprlitng what It does. It
conal.ta of cleared land suitable for
larming.siaininganu timber. There
11 a lairiy gooa two room noute and
out bulldlngaon Ihe place, several
hundred fruit treea. two eood clear
springs, ten or fifteen acrea of plow
land, enough large saw limber to as
more man pay ior the place and over
a thousand dollars worlb of dry togs
a for stove wood, and the whole bnal- as
nesa la fenced and cross fenced with
good rail fences. And I am going to
J aell thla place
within the next alxty days, If I find S
a buyer. This place Is a bargain at ag
tCOO.OO.andlfyouwant It you will a
ft "have to hurry." It will bring a gg
I clean thousand dollars before the as
I summer Is over and Is well worth It o
I to the right man. He can make ft n
I bring him that during thla year and g
I have the place left. A pronoaltlon aa
I to trade for properly In this city as
I might be considered or a propoaf- ,gg
- .1 1 1 ' i , " ' - , ., .UN W W
m ueiivervun
Here during tbe summer.
Lac Vi. IIisst.1
. .'srwnww lauui are reiueaieu 10 nie . . . I, . .7. ,"-"! hiw i ,,uo
thelrclalms in thlaofflce on or before aald 80th statement. No4049for the purchase nl the office his sworn stutrineut No. 45IKI. (or
d.yfAprll,i. jy K A being ut2 and SW XVRH. tho purchase ol the SE Vx of Section
T.Pibo,Kegi,t,r wt gjjMof Sec No.2, Township 20 No. 14, Township 23, flouth. ot Range 2
BBBaaoiaBaaSal South, of Range t West, and will West, and will offer proof to show that
. -r. r. -. ' -. nan una uut mm in una omce ma awnrn 1 1 Mnn i,a ii.iu ,iu., m.i I.. .1.1
United States Iaind Office,
Roecbtirg, Oregon, Mr. 12, 1003,
Not I co la hereby given tint In com
pliance with tlio provisions olthe act ot
Congress ol Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
..,,?.. II... It,.,!... I,..l I.. II, r,
SulM 0 California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory,'' n ex-
lendwl to all tho Public Land States by
actot August 4, IMlS.Mary K.Cowan.ot
Eugene, Coiinlv of Iane, State ot Ore-
i,.; n.i. .f... nii in il.i. ,,in.- her
toshow-that the land sought Is more val
L.blcfor Us timber or atone than (oraif
rlcultiiral purirosos.and to establish her
claim to said land More Mario I. Wart,
u g Commissioners! Eugene, l.aiio Co,
1 OreKon, on Mondav, the 1st day oi
Shu names as witnesses
James N Handle, of I-airniotint, I.ano
Co., Ore., Austin ltool,of Stitingllcld.
tano On., Ore., Ocorgc V Hunter. of
Eugene, LaneCo., Ore., Alvin J I'er-
k.t... .,rnMU ....... r.. t
! Any and alt persons claiming adverse
ly the alHive-dcscrlbcd lands are re-
! quested to Bio their claims in this outre
1 n or before said tstilay otjune, li..
J. T. liRiixiKs. lleiflster.
- -----
i j-0 ,0I-
" ' 3
U.S. UndOIDre Ronebiua. Ore., Mr. 1J, 1903.
Notice It hereby at-en inat In ruriuanraof
the laws ot the l'nlie.1 SUlea relallnr to placer
nilnlnff clelms. A M Hammer, whoxc not
office eddrefsls Albany. Orvifun, haa madeaH
' rllmlnnlaraMlcntfortheOIIrMacerclalm.
Survey ,o. sot. allnated In Bohemia Mining
nutrlct on steamboat litter, In Ponglaa County.
stale of oremn. and describe,! by the offlclal
' Plat herewith tclandby the Acid noteaon
ht In the office of the Real.ter of the Roaebutg
uino; litatrlct, uregon. ai ioiiowi ,t.wii
Peglnnlng at corner No. t whence the tT. 8.
min. location monnmenio a ior iioncmia im.
bears a s deg s mln w 73.1 feet, Steamboat creek
bears eatt lo feel, a flrtolns dlatn bean north
a teet, and a flr 18 lua diem bears J't ocg w .1
feet each blared and icrlbed t - 501 bl tnence a
0decl7ntln w6S8 teet to corner No3 thencea
4 1 deg 33 mln w let! feet to corner Nn 3 thence n
TSdeg 34 mln w .a feel to corner No 4 thence
n 10 mine 5M.1 feet to corner Nol, thence ill
neg tl mm e 397 .J to corner No a tnence n i oeg
SO mln e 1011 3 feet to corner No t, and place of
beginning, containing 13. 40S acres located In
what Is known ai the Steamboat Diggings on
nnmrreyed land about 17 miles south , of the IT
S location monument set In mineral survey No
on urosue fountain, nonemta lMitriei, anu
Is about at deg e 17 miles from ltohemla lott
Office, Oregon.
mere are no conflicting or aoioming ciaimi
except the name unknown) placer claim re
cently tiled adjoining on the north.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
atiove deaerlbed Jand or any portion thereof
are hereby notlfltM to Ale their adverse claims
In this office within the next sixty days follow-
todoao they will be barred by the prorlslona of
Df, nniic. anil moum kiict laii
J.T. HKIDOES, Itegliter.
United Stale Land Office.
Roseburg. Oregon. Feb. 24. 1903.
Notice is herebr then that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
uongrcss oi june.s, eniitiut .n
act lor the sale of limber lands in the
Sillies of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Vt asbingtoiiTerrilorv, as extended
t uimiir uiuir, w. ui jjuiic, ciuiu ui
r 1 . I. :.. .1.... .1,..., I.. .1.:.. ..!.. I
Ore., has this day tiled in this office her
sworn statement Nn 4500 for the purchase
of the W )i SW M of Section No 10
tp22 South, of Range 3 W. and will offer
prool to enow mat tne lanil souglil Is
more valuable for its iimter or stone
than tor agricultural purjioses, and to
esiauusii ner claim to said land oelore
Marie L. Ware. U. S. Commissioner
at Eugene, Oregon, on Thnrrday the
L'tst nay oi .May, ivui.
She names as witnesses
Louis ti. tieruni, Harvey Taylor,
James s. rowell, Jolin t'oaell,of Cot
taze drove. Jjine Oo.. Ure
Any and all persons claiming adverse
I y the above-described lands are Te
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 2Ut day of May., 1903.
J. i. uridoks, l.egistcr,
United States Und Office,
Roeebunr. Oregon. Mar.. 10. 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in coninli
ance with tlie provisions of the actol
Congress o( June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act (or the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of
August 1, IO'J.',
c-dgar 1-.. Del on,
of Eugene, Co. of Lane, Statu of Ore,
has this dav filed in tllla offieR Ida awnrn
statement 'No. 45UT, (or the purchase
ol the N K N X ot Section No
H.Tp23HofKl W.and willoffer proofto
show that tlio land sought is more valu
able iomib timber orstonotuan foragrl
cultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before Marie L. Ware
US Commissioner at Eocene. Ore. . on
oaiuruay tne iiru a ay oi May, 1VU3,
He names as witnesses:
James N. Randle, of Fairmount, Ore,,
Austin Root, of Springfield, Ore.,
George W. Hunter, Henry Sheldon, o(
r.ogene, ure.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly tlio atove-descrlled lands aro re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or beicrosaid 23rd day ol May, 1903.
j. i. iiBiixiEH, iteglster.
Unlte.1 States Land Office,
Rosebure Ore.. Mgr. 18.1903.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance wiiii tne provisions ol tlie act of
Congress o( June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act (or the sale of timber lands In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
ana n asningioii lerriiory, aa extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act
of Bohemia, Co. of Douglas, State of Ore.,
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone tnan lor agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land
before Marie L. Ware. U. S. Commii
slorerat Eugene, Lane Co. Oregon, on
, Wednesday tlie lUth day of June, 1903,
He names as witnesses:
George Luce, E J Pettit, o( Alma, Lane
Co, Ore., G G Gral.nm, of Bohemia.
Douglas Co., Ore,, Herbert A. Cox, of
Alma, Lane Co., Ore.
Any and all nersons claiminir a
versely the above-described lauds an
requested to file their claims In tlila
omce on or Liefore said 10th day of June,
J . T. BRiDaxs, Register.
Mra. .Too Mi-firnlli. HV7 V.. 1u, fit
IT.. il. t .,r , I
iVaiT-L'ii: ii ' I "To ."uvo
eiven Ballard's Horehound Svruti to mv I
children (or coughs and colds for the I tor
nasi lour vears. anil nnd it tlio iieal
uuer iijooi iu oiiuw uii iiio miiu 1 if iti lautt souitlit Is moru valuable lor its
meuicine i ever used." unlike mnnv
' . . . - . I are
cough syrups, It contains no opium, but
win aooino anu neai any disease ol tlie
throat or lungs quicker than any other
remedy, 25c,60uand $1.00 lit New Eia
Drug Store.
are 1
Unltinl States lamd Office,
Rosoburir. Orn . Jan. lft. 1003.
Notice la liorobr given tluxt In compll-
ance with tlio provisions of the act of
Congrcas of Juno .1, 1878, entitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber I-ntnls In tlio
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory,,' nsoxteiuled
toalltho 1'nbllo IjuhI States by net of
Auguat 4. 1802, John Kestlr, of
Kugenc. County ot Ijine, State ot
Oregon hits this dav llletl In tills otllce
offer proof to show that the bud sought
is more valuable for Its tlmoer or stone
than for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish Ida claim to said land before
Mario L. Ware, U. 8. Commissioner at
Kngeuo Oregon, on Tuesdnv the 31st
dav of Mar., UHU.
lie names as witnesses :
William It. I'atker. of .ion. Lane Co.,
Ore., Mert James Mcklln, Oeorgo Whit
ney, William Whitney, ot June, Initio
C, Oro.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly tho above-describeil hinds are re
quested to Ilia their claims in this outre
on or beloru said 'list day ot Mar., lOu'l.
J.T. ltitiDOKa, Register.
Unilnl States I jnd Office,
Uoscburg, Ote. Feb. 11, IP03
Notice is bercliv aiven that in roiunli-
unco with the provisions of the act of
Congressof June 3, 1879, entitled "An
act for tho sale of timber lands In tlio
fettles of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Teiritory," as ex
tended to nil the Public I-nml States by
act otAtigust4, 1S92, Joseph R. Hills,
ot Jasper. County ot Imm State of Ore
gon, has this day tiled In this oHlce his
sworn statement No. 3209, for the pur
chase of tho SE K SE 1-4 ot section N'o.
14 In Township So. 20 S ., Rnngo No. 1
est ami win oiler prool to snow Mint
the land Is more valuable for Its tiuiK'r
or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land
before tho Register and Receiver of this
office nt Noeeburu. Ortvon. on Thnrs
dav, the day 30th of April, 1903.
no names as witnesses ;
Georco M. ltlnrkbiirn of Snriiiiflleld.
Ore.. WlKlatnTatKofion.Ore.. ilenrv
S. Tllton of June, Ore.. J S IJillaof
Jasper, Lane Co., Ore.
Any ana all persouaclaiiulug adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their elqims in this otTiiM
on or before snid 30th day ot April, ItfOX
j. T. iii.iihiks, itegisier.
United States Lund Offi, e,
Roseburg, Ore., Mar. 4,1903.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled "in
uctforthe sale of timber lands in tie
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory, as ex
tended to all the Public Hand States by
act of August 4, 18U2,
Earl llaldwin,
ot Panther, 0 tinty ot Lane, State
of Oregon, hasthisdiiy llletl in this of
fice Ins sworn statement 4o for tlic
purchase.of the E J E )i Sec No. 12 inTp
itj&oi iiange .o. i w. anil willollei
proof to show that the land sought
lore valuable lor Its timber or stone
han for agricultural onrnoses and Ui
stablisli his claim to salit land before
.ilarie L. wnre. U. S. CommifAloncr
EiiLOue. Oregon, on Saturtlny the30tli
nay oi .May, ivui.
lie mimes as witnesses.
EFiank Crenshaw. John Hook
Cliailie Shaw, ot Panther. Lane Co,
Ore., George W. 1 1 un t-r, of Eugene
Ijino Co., Ore.
Any ami all persons claiming udveise
ly the above described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before salil 30tlt day of Jlay,
J. T. IlKllXIKH. RgalSTEIt.
United States Ijind Offit-
Roseburi!. Oro . Feb. 7. 1003.
Notice is hereby trlven that in com
pliance with the provisions of tlie act ol
Congress pf June 3, 1878, entitled 'A
act (or tho sale of timber lands in tl
Slates of California. Oreizon. Nuvml
and Washington territory, as ex
tended to nil tlie Public Land States I
act of August! 1892, liny K. Potts, of
huifene. Co. of Lane. State of Ore., ha
this day filed in this office his sworn
statement No. 4119, (or the ptitchase
ol tlie KK Yi of section No. 20 Town
ship No. 21 S. Range No. 7 West and
will offer nroo( to show thai the land
sought Is more valuable (or its
timber or stone than (or agricultural
purjioses, and to establish his claim to
,H,U an" 'etore C. K. Hasilrd, U
tald 'and before (J. K. llnsdril. U. S
at Drain. Doimlas Co.
Ore., on Thursday, tho 30th day of Apr,
He names as. witnesses
Phitlin Caroii. Jacob Jasper. L. K
Hall. Nathaniel L. Mood v. of Euirene.
l.ano Uo., Ure. '
Any and all persons clalmlmi ad
versely the above-described lands are
renucsted to file their cla ins in thi
office on or liefore said 30th day of Apr,
J. T. Bhiikikh, Register.
United States Land Office,
Rosebtinr. Oregon. Mar. fl. 1003.
Notice is hereby civen that in comnli
ance with the provisions of the act o
Congress o( June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act lor the sale of timber lands In the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory." iisextiitnlr-i
to all tlie Pulilic Land States by act of
August 4, 1892,
Horace (i. Cox.
of Eugene, County of Lane, Statu of
timber or stone than for agricultural
nuriioses. and to establish his claim tn
said land before Mario J Ware, U
, uominissloner at I'.ugene, uregon
on Thursday, the 28th day of May, 1003
He names as witnesses:
Jolio Seavey, of Eugene, Lane Co., Ore.,
Austin uooi, oi opnngueiu, i,aneuo,,
Ore., Jesa Seavey.of Eugene, Luuo Co.,
ure., james , itanuie, oi riiirmount,
Lutne uo., ure.
Any and all persons claiming adversi
ty tho ubove-descrlbed lands are rt
quesled fnflle their claims In this offic
on or before salil L'Stli day ol Mny, 190,1.
J. I .untnoEs, Jtegister.
Notice fa hereby irlven that the underalirm-d
haabeen appointed by the County Court oft ha
u,.,.. ,wi,. iin. e..n,J ..i.ii.,.l
of the estate of JohnB. Manafleld, deceased.
w.... .....
iereby required to present the same to me
irlr verified, aabv law required, at tha
office of J. K. Young fn Cottage Orove, Lane
Co., Oregon, within alx montha from the date
Dated thl027thdayof February, 1309.
. t"' I, Mi UMMi numtui.ii.wi v, mi
laleol John 8. Mansneld, deceased.
UiiIIchI States Land Office,
ltosvbiiiif, Ore., Jan, 12th, 11HV1.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act ot
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
act tor the sale ot timber lands In the
Stales ot Callfornlu, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," aa extended tn
nllthn 1'ohllo Uiul States by net ot Au
gust 4, 1892, William McQueen, of Cot
tage drove, Co of Lane, Btateof Ore,, has
this day tiled In this officii hl sworn
statement No. 4293, tor the purchase of
tho NE 1-4 of Section No. 32 In Town
shifNo. 19 S, Range No, 2 W, and will
offer piool to show that Ihu land sought
is more valuable (or its llmlicr or stouu
than tor agriclutural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said laud before
the Register and Receiver of Una olllee
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday the
7th day of April, 1903.
Ho names as witnesses i
Herman T. Dow, George W. McQueen,
C. A. Coates, Joseph Schlce, of Cottage
Grove, lame Co., Oregon.
Any nnd all persons claiming adverse
ly' the alove-dcsorllod hinds ato re
quested to tile their claims In this office
on or Moroaalil 7th day ot Apr., 1903.
J.T. HiiiiHiKs, Register.
notiok rtiit rwni.icAHQN.
fulled states Un.l OlUce. lUneliurg, Ore.,
Nollie la hereby given that In compliance
with the proTliloii ol Ihe act of t'ongree of
Junes, 1ms, emitted "An act for the aleot
timber lands In the ntatei of t'allfornla, Ore
gon, Neiada. ami Waahlugtoit Territory, " ai
extended tu all the Vubltc Ijkint Hlatii by art
ol Auguat I, IW.I, Jai-ob JaalH-r. of Kllgelie,
founly of Ijiiic, Kiale of Oregon, haa
haaihla day Kletl luthla orllre lila sworn stale
men! No, let! for the purchaae lor IheHWii
ot tVetlon No. '.M. Towiihlp 91 H.. ol
lunge? wet-t and will offer prooflo ahnw that
the laud poMghila more valuable for tu tliulr
or atone than for agricultural purpoe, and to
establish his claim lo tald land lMfore I K
Hazard, V H. ConunlMloner at liraln, liouglaa
t'o., Oregon, ou Thursday Ihe aahday of Apr..
lie name aa wltnewe:
Nathaniel I. Moody, (lily H.-IHilta. rhllllp
Carou, 1.. K. Hall, of Kuireue, Uue t'o., Ore .
Any and all peraona claiming adtetaely ine
above deacrltNnl latidn are reinelel lo tile
thelrrlalma In Ihl nrtlreon or bcloreaald antlv
day of Apr.,llW.
' 1 J.T. Ilaiiaits. HeaUler
Unlle,) Kiatca Und ORIce,
ltcbuig, Ore, tct. "Hi, iwu.
Niltne la hereby glreu that In ionipllance
with the provlalous of the act of Congrca of
Junes, IS7S, entltle.1 "An act for the aale ol
llmbcrlauda In the Slates ntCallfotnla. Oregon
Neva, la and VVaahltigton Territory." aa at
tended mall the Public Und Malea by act of
1,1 w ' ; ' of fnge'ne
ale of Oron haa I la
hi. a-oniutemenl No
Auguat I, isw. Charles
Connie of Ijine. Htale
Sim iMhihnS
and will offer ltroof In show
-v.'." "I '"7 ""r'Z' .1'J,';,r.
Miught la more valuable for lis Umber or stone
than for agricultural purpoace, and lo etal
Hah hla claim to aald land twfnte Marie I.
Ware V. 8. Commlaaloner at Kugenc, Ore
gun, on Monday. theSthday of April, Iu
llenamcsas wltneaaea-
N. II. Martin, J. W. 1'arrlih. John H Palmer.
J. K. Young, of Collage drove. Une Co.. Ore
gon. Anyand all peraona claiming adveraely the
alioe-lecrtU,l landa are re-iiealed to ale
their ctalma In this office on or ttefore said sth
day of April, W
I T llaiMias. Iteglster.
Culled Stalea Und Ofllie.
ItOMburg.Ore., Ill, ln.
Notice la hereby glien that 111 compliance
with the i,rovlaions of ihe act of Congre-aot
JnneS. lft.a. eutltlcl -Anart for fheaaleof
timber landa In IheHiatea of California, Ore
gon, Neiada, and waahlnglon Terr llory,"ae ex
tended toall Ihe Public Land Slates by act ot
Auguat 4, lstfi, lilira A I-nwe, of Kngene,
County ot I.ane, Stale ot Ore., has this day
ntetl In this office her sworn statement Nuatisf.
forlhe pnrrhaenf theHKiol Hecllnn NoS.ln
Townihlp No 33 H, Itange .No 1 w, anil wilt otter
prool lo show that Ihe land sous hi la more
valuable fur Ha timber or alone than lor agri
cultural, and lo establish her claim to
aald land before Marie fH Ware, I' 8. Com
mlaaloner at Kngene, Oregon, on Monday. Iho
6lhdavuf Anrll.. IH
N. II. Merlin, J. w. Parolah. John ll. Palmer.
J. K. toons. of Cottaae drove. Oreaon.
Any all lemrni claiming adrersely Ihe
above-ilecrll,t lands are reuueated lo nie
Ihelrctaltna In thla offico on or before said sin
dar of A Mil. IKS). J T. Ueihou.lteglater.
land OHlce at ltocbtirg. Ore.,
Mar.i, lias.'
Notice la hereby alien that Ihe followlng
namtil settler has died untUeoflits Intention
to make final proof in supori of hla claim,
and that aald proof will te made Wfore Marie
It are, u. n. (imniliaioiier, ai r.oseue, lire.
on April M.iHsi, Tlx. lid. K. No. Alex'
ander Cuinmlnga for thenKUHrc 10 Tp. M H
I, , VI-
He naniee the following wltneMesto pre
his continuous residence Uoii and cultli
tlon of said land, vll:
Thomas Ilnnsaker, W. It. Parker, Henry
uovia.jeaa iioiorooa, oi .ion, ioe in. ure
J, T. Iiaitxirs.llegialer
Unlteil Stales Laud Olllee,
Roi-ebiirg, Ore., Jan. 30th, 1903.
Noliro is hereby uiven thai in etiinnli
unco with tlie provisions of the act ol
longresM ol June :i. I88. eutllled "An
Act for tho sale of Tinilier IjiimI-in the
btates of Callfornlii, Oregon, Nevada,
and Wushiugton Territory," us ex
tended toall the Public I .nnd States In-
act of Augiint 4, 1892, Kinina
Weycr. ot Moiinil. County ot Lane.
State of Ore., has this day filed in this
office her sworn statement No. 4379, for
tne purcliase ot tlie Iote N .V U ol bec.No,
2 in Township No. 20 S, Range No. 7
West, and will offer nroof to show that
the land sought is moio valuiible for its
timber or stone Hum for agricultural
puriHises, and to establish his claim to
said land before Marie L. Ware,
U. H. Commissioner at Emrene. Ori-uon.
on n ctinesiiay tne nun tiay oi April,
She numes as witnesseH:
Frank Holland. Geortto Holland. Wul.
ler Holland, of Crow, Lane Co., Ore,,
I'M Hosclton, of Mound, LaneCo., Ore.
Any mill ull nersons clulmlntr ail.
versely tho above-described Innils aro
renucsted to fllo their claims In this
office on or before said 15th day of April,
iruv, ' '
J.T.Buiikikh, Register.
United States Land office,
Roseburg, Ore., Jan. 23, 1003.
Notice is heicbv civen that in com.
pliance with tho provisions ot tho net of
Conuresso( Juno. 'I. 1878. entitled "An
Act for tho sale o( timber Lands in the
Oliues oi ua Horn a. Oreiron. Noun, In
and Washington Territory," as extended
toalltho Public Lund States by act ol
August 4, 1892, Nuhiim T. WIIsjii, of
ivugeiie, uoiinty oi Mine, fjiato of Oro,
has this day filed In this officii hisawnm
statement No. 4355, for tho nurchaso of
tho K X NW ll. NW1-4 NW 1-4 & NK
4 SW 1-4 of Section No. 22.
Townshin 20 South, of Rnnve Went
and will offer proof to show that tho
111 on sougnt is moro valuable for its
timber or stouo than for inrrlciiltnrnl
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before Marie L Wure U 8
Commissioner at Knenni- I jlini fin. . Dm
onTuesilaytho7th tlay of April, 1003.
N 11 Martin, ol Cottago Grove, Lane
i., jtu.,j v rarrisn, a J Bliiiinuker,
II Beeves, of Jefferson. Mnrinn (V
Any and all pcisons claiming ad
versely tho above-described lands aro
lenuested to fllo ,,i,,i,u 1.. .1.1.
jrf . . ......,0 ,,, blur,
mce on or before said 7th tlay ol April,
J.T. Bulbous, Register.
United States Lund Office,
.Roseburg, Oro,, Jan. 111. HHM.
Notice la hereby given that In com
pliance with the provision ot the act ot
Congress ol Juno !l, 1878, entitled "An
net for the snln ot timber liitiils In the
Stales ot Cidlloruhi, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory, as extended
to all the Public taiud States by act of
Oakland, County ot Douglas. Sluto ot I, 1KI. I I H t in I , ( Hu
Ore., has (Ida day filed fil tills olllee Kt-lif, O tllll.V o( I, lit. Htnlo of
herswuru statement No. 4310 (or tho Ort'KOU. hna IIiIm dny filed In (hM
purchnse o( the lota n, ll, 0iV Kioi reu
No. 18 In Township No. 23 8, Range No
I W, ami will offer prool (o abuw thai
tho laud sought la more valuable (or lit
timber or alone than (or ngrieiiltiirit
purposes, mid to establish her claim t
said land Morn 'A LDummlck atOiik
InuiLOre , on Hut tit tiny, the lllli, dny
ot April, HKXI.
She mimes as witnesses:
O. Edwanls, Edgar Itoue, ot Ouklaiid,
Oie., Dun llriinilmugh.otCottagellrove,
t)te.,tleo, ltlggs,u( Eugene, Ore.
Any and all ,eisous elalmlng adverse
ly the iilMivo-ileserllt-d lands nie te
quested tn tile their claims In this office
on or before said llthduyof Apr,,.ll0;l.
J. T, ItniiHiKH. Register.
AI'I'l.ll'ATIO.N fllll P. H, I'ATHNT.
Mineral Kilivey No Ivl,
Hulled Hlaiea Und onire, lloaeliuig, Ore.,
t'ebruarv 7. 1UKI.
Notice la hereby al.eii that In iiurauaiice of
lite act oi rongroaa approieu aiay in, iars, r. j.
Hard, Iheclalmatil, by II, K Katat-nt, til. agent
andailotncy, wluwe atomin aildrvaatacham
Nr of Commerce llulldlitg, Portland, Oregon,
haa made apitllcatlou for a -lclll for Ihe Ve
alivlua t'oiiHillilalel tluartl Claim, altuate III
linhemlaruuorgaiilicl) Mining PUirlcl. (jiue
and mmalaa ColllltU-a, Oregon, and l-ol-alatlng
of ihe Veaitvtin, Herman lahlliigale, William
Tell, Wild Hog, t harlea.aiid lUxletplcen Imlea.
with a,irfa,- ground, aa ileocrllicd by Hie nfll-
clal l,lat. herewith imi.Ii-,1 l,v ih lll,l
iiolea on tlio In the iittlce ol Ihe llcgliler ol
liiweoiirx 1101 ir'iice, ifregoil. IO-W1I
VKKi'Vii a I.UIIK- iieglnnliia: al tor No I,
whence the U K. mln itton e.t'd lit titaS'ii'JW
la-aiaaT0dcg,'oiiiiie7Jifl. ll.o i, ,c- corU-l
o.a 11 and 11,1 War low iii l-eaiaa 17 deg Jn
mill w ion ft. Ihencea llldrgwMI ftlocorNn
a; ineuce n eniieg nun w ,w tl lili-or.NOSi
thence i lldi-e Ai inlu w Tmi rt i.t m... m.. j
Ihenieii lo deg e 7o.-J Itiocor No. , thencea
uucgiii mine inBti tin, eor NoA; thenonass
nr iihiii ii moor p-ii i. tne place ol iK-aia
(1KI1MAN MIHK. Ilealniilii al ,r No 1
whence the t' K in tn ct'd Iiijii a Nn'jv Iwara
a 71 deg -Jl mile 7WSII, ihe I. ace cor 'iei
cca II and III War lew m I ear a IS deg -Jtl
mln e HSI .1 ft; thence a 10, ti g w Wl fltn cor No
31 thence n saleg II mln w ll7 ft to eor No. Si
theme n lo deg a ui Ii to cor No I: thence a so
'leg i it ii to cor mi l tne plaeeol lealiiiilng
NIHIITINOAI.r. I.OPK. Ileglnnlllg al eor No
! ft" V H m m eic.T l", V.N.V w
'"'"' " ' W 1 " ' " U
" "' ,' ' .'"."
""'''eg wwilt lonir
i NnS: llu-nco n 10 dre a HU It l,in No 1 ih.,,.
sTS dec as mine l:ti
to eor No I Ihe plaeeol
WIU.IaM TKt.I. UUIK lieglniilng al lor
No I. whence V 8 in in eat'd In m s Nn Jw bears
s Ni neg 2 mln e sTa It, the It see cor bet aeea II
and 11 1 2 a r 1 e w ni beara a a neg 2A mln e
IMlflilhence a s tain w n tl to eor Nn. J,
thence n 7S iter IS mln w leal fltn eor NnS;
thence n a mln e law fl It In eor No I; I hence a 7a
deg ST mln e Itvis ft to eor No I the placeot
WILD IIOO I.OHK. Iteglnuliig al cor Not,
whence I' 8 mm eat'd In tu s Nu 2JV leara s7
ilcg IJmlnelw.iS II, the tae ror 11 sees 11
and 11 1 28a r t e w in beara a S7 deg Q tnut e
liwtl II; thence s lo deg w no fi in eor No 1:
thence asudeg IM mln w iiM.a It to n.rS,, 9.
thence n lOilegeeiss ft it, cor No I. ihetiee ti
slilcgtlftflne 117V Itiocor No I the place of
C1IAIU.W U)llK: lleglunliig at cor Nol
whence V 8 ni in eat'd In m s No '.m la-ars a s
itegMmln o TIM fl. the'4 rwecor lt area II
and 11 1 as a r le w tn heats aTVdrg 11 mln e
IH.I II. Iherce s a mln w'J7lt in ror No 3;
thence it NI deg 20 ndnw UUv ft in t-,ir No S:
thence ti s mln efln7tilu eor Nol: llience a
Nideg II mln elaasa It Incur Nut, the plaeeol
tMXIKqi'KKN LOHK: lie sinning al cor Nn
I, whence C 8 m nt eat'd In in a No 271 Wares
Nlilex II mln e NM ii. Ihe . see eor ,era II
and ll 1 28 a r 1 e w nt larara n eg ileg M mln e
V7SSII. thence a s mln w anil lo cor Mi 2
thence a st degw 7aslt incur Nu It; thence u
sides HI mln w 7V7 fllo eor No 4: thcticen a
mln e.Vl It In cor .Nun. thence aNldeg 'junilnv
H07.Q ii to cor no place ol la-ginning.
The nel erca of the Vesuvius Coitaolldaled
Utlarls t lalin la V2.1A acres (etelualveol ron
I. ulit. tt, . i, . lull u.l. .
anil llascl tinaurvcjed liMiea.alltlwIlll lllcnol III
s No 411 and that ,rllnn of slide ol m a No til
lying westerly front east line of aald Paw n lnle),
andformsa iHirllon olsecllona tu, II, II and 1M
2B a r I w in (auaiended siirver). The names of
tr,e auj'iiiiinaanii roniiiciing ciaima aaannwii
by the tdatof survev are A I' A. Jasir and
Pawn (iinsiirver ed) Indea mi the northwel. tlie
itieo anu eiiue oi in a ro. iiiouine iinriii. ill,
Anacoiidaflina'd.) on the iiorllieaal.llie Hum
mil, Mill rlde. Calllornla, Unite. Idaho, ami
llasel uuaurvejreil IinIcs nn the Ninth.
Anrnd all t,eiaoita elalmlna- a.lvaraulv Hie
bore ilescritie-i laud or any ponton thereof
are hereby noliaed In lilt- their adverseelalin
111 thlaoffice wllhlll Ilie tiesl rOdaa fnllowlui
the dale of thla iiollee, ami alinubf Iheylaltti
loan. Ihey Hill Iw, tmrrcl by oiovlalolts ol law
Klral publication on llh day of February, I'"
United Mutes Und Ollit t,
Roseburg, Ore., Jan. 20. I1HI3.
Notice is hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions uf Ihu mini
Congicssof June 3. IB7H, eutllled "An
Act for Ihe sale of Timber LiiiuU in tl,,-
States of California, Oregon, Nevad
and Washington Territory," as u:
lenniM tu an nie I'linnc l.ami Ktates by
mi oi Atigusi i, i . tiHieon i .iieiil
ills of ivugeiie, Co.of Lune, State of O
gon lias this day tiled In this office hi
uwno, II ., V. .IQII fn- .1
chase nt tlio Ej 8W 1-4 A W X HE 1-4 ol
u, , . ..... ,UI ,IIO 1111
nee a in lownslilp 20 South, of 11 2 W
anu win oiicaiiii all nersons c a Inn
land sought tlio ubuvu-described liinil
limber or st to I lie their i-lnlii.a In tld
nuriioses.anii to estab Is Ii s e In In, t
said land bc(oro Mario L. Ware, U. S
Commissioner at Eugene, Ijiiio Co. Ore.
gon, on Tuesday the 7th day ot April
Ho mimes ns witnesses
Ari-.hihnld .T. Slnii,iabr 1 W li U
- , v , miinii,
of Jefferson. Ore., N II .Martin, Herman
T ll,m ..f rln(,,..n ,2....... t .V, . t
w, vv.,uu iiuvt-, l,llIUlyU,, JTV
Any and all nersons cbiiinlno- ml
versely the above-described lamia arn ro-
ipiesteti to nie llielrclaiiiH In this ollle
on or liefore said 7th tlay of Apr., 1903,
J. T. HuiiitiKH Register.
United Slates Lund Ofllco,
aiUtlVU ID IIUIL'IIV triVf'll IIIUI Itt na.a
plinnco with Iho provisions ot tho act of
lyiiiilfruee ut utlliu il. 1HH. until l,,,l A ..
act for tho sale of tlmlxjr hinds In the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada and
itBhlngtoi, Terrltory,'r,is extonded to
nil tho Public Land States by act 0IA11.
... -s, iow, ueorgo i . .Mclean, of
Cain 1 Creek, Co of Line, Stale ot Or- .
bus tills tlay II led In t da of! ,1 .
KuTi" 1 t" V1 foi;"'o"'rchaHeoltl,
x1!i.,N.J'u,"K lM 1. - '' und 4 of St 0
No 8, in Tp 81 South.of Riingufi W.
..... uiu,, ,,iuui in snow tnut tbu nn,
sought is moro v hiuhli. nu 11...1... '
!!"n".,(ir,"Kr ,lo"l"l'l purposes, am
toesta illsl. his claim losaldliinil bifon
i'.V.. a uiiiiinssioner at
ru'"::'Bi9nd3.oM mimUy tumh
lie miuiesfiswltiu
(jforiro Al. Mor nt I... I
Co 0 e. W. 1 LTuckeolAu'l.O e.
I'-dwanl J.Frazler, ol Eugene. L.1110 Co
Oregon, Ktl D. Reeslci, of .Moniiiotith,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the ahove-doscrlhnl InrX
quested to file their claims n thlaofllce
on or before said 26th dav nil 1
J. T. Biiiooks, Register. '
Hulled HIhIch Lund Ofllie,
ItoHclium, On Feb. 7. 1INKI,
Notice 1m hereby kIvcm Hint In coin
plliuu'o with (ho (irtivlsloiiN ot (ho
Aft oM'oimrt'HK ot .linioil, 1N7H, en
tilled "An Act (or (ho Nitlo ot Timber
I ,n nils In (ho Htnlt'H o( Cnllfornlit,
Oi'CKii", Nevitdit mid WiiNhliifttoii
rorrnory, ,,N eaieiiuen to un mo
OlIll'OlllH NWOI'll ritlitpiiicnt. No. 4422
lor Ihetiui'i'liiiHo of l no ni-; i( or ,-c 211
TowiihIiIii 21 Hniith of Itiinou 7
Weal, mill will oiler proof to mIiiiw
Hint tho liinil HtiliKht Ih iiioiv vnlu-
iibloforltM timber or Ht 1 tliiinfor
iigilviiltmiil purpoNea. nnd to i-mIhIi-HmIi
Ida cImIiii to hii til bind licfott
('. I-:. HiiNiirtl, U. M. CoiiuiilMHloiiDr,
lit Driiln, DoiikIiih f o,, On-Kiin. 011
Thin-Nility Ihe 30th dny tit Apr., 1903.
Ill' IIIIIIII'M MM U'llllt'rlHCH:
Niitliutilel It. Moody, liny H, I'oIIn,
.liii'tib .Imsiht, L, K. Ilitll, ut lOiiKi'iic.
Liinot'o., Ore.
Any nnd nil iktmomm t-liiliittnir ml.
vcrecly thu iiliove-ili'Hvrlboil IiiuiIn niti
niinesli'd In Illo their cImIiiih In t lilst
olllct'onor belnro snld iioth duv of
April. 1WKI.
J. T. lllilimiM, lli'KlHti-r,
Untied States Und Office,
Rosehiiig O10., Jan. 22, IIKI3,
Notice la beiehy given that In com
"nliauce with the provisions uf die m t of
Congreis til June 3, 1878 entitled "An
n't for the sale ot timber hinds In the
States ol Ciilllitrnln, Oregon, Nevada nod
Wiiahingtun Territory," as extended to
all the Public bind States by act of Au
gust 4, 1892, llels-mi Wilson, of Eugene,
Co, ol lame, State ot Ote., bus this day
llletl in this olllio her sworn statement
Nu, 43,'it or the purchase of IhcKE L
NW 1-4, NW 1-4 NEI-4, NE 1-4 MW l-t
A NW 1-4 SE 1.4 ot Sec No. II III Tp
No. 21 S., Iluiige No. I West, and will
offe.' proof tu show that the land sought
Is moro viitunble (or its Umber or stone
tliun (or agricultural purnori-s, nnd to
eetahlisb her claim In said html la-hue
Mario 1 1. Wore U H Comiulssloiiur
at Eugene, Oregon, on Tuesday, the
7lh day ut April, 1903.
Sho naiiiea na wltncssea :
N It Mi.rllii, nt Cottage (irove. Ijhio
Co., Ore.. J. W. I'arilsh, A. J. Shu
milker, ot Jeffersiiu, Marlon Co., t)ie.,
N. T. Wilson, of Eugriie, latne Co., Ore.
Any and all persona elaluiing adverse
ly Ihe ulMivii-ileef rlhtd lands are re
ipieeleil to fllo their claims in thlsulflre
011 or Mote said 7th day of April. 1903.
J. T. I'ltliitiKs. Register.
United .StntcH Lund Office,
ItOHehlirK, Ore., .lull. 19, 1903.
Notice Ih hereby ul veil Hint In t'oiit
plluiice with the provtalotiH of the net
ot CoiiKrt'MH of June 3. 1878, entitled
"All net tor tlio mile of timber IihiiIm
In thc.StntcH of Callfornlii, Ori'Koti.
Nevntlii. nnd WnMhlngtoiiTerrltory,
itM ex (elided to nil the Public Ijtnd
Htuti-H by net of AtlUIIHt 4, 1MI2.
( hurlcaC. CorIII. of Mc.Mllilivllle. Co.
of Yniublll. Hluto ot Ort'Kon Iiiih (Ida
tluy II led ill IhUiittlee hlHaworil Mtnle
it'll t No.432fi, for the piirchin of the
S,S !,ofS-cNo. 2, Tp. 21 K, of Itniige
.'1 Wt-Ht und will otter proof to
hIiow (hut the hind hoiikIiI Ih more
viiluiible for Km timber or atone tlutit
for itKrlciiltiirnl ptirposcH, mid to cm
IiiIiIIhIi his cliilin tn biiIiI lutiil iM-foro
the Iti'Klxter and llmdver nt llow
burK. On'Kou, on Sntiiriluy the 2,'itli
tluy of April.. HHW.
He 11111111-8 iiM wltiiehHt'H:
luiut'M N. Iluuille, of l-'nlrmoiiiit,
Ijiiic Co'., Ore., Henry CokIH, of Mr
Mlnnvllle. On-., Alvln.1. I't-rklnn, of
l roW, Lime Co., Ore., HeorKii W.
Illinler. of KiiKcne, Ijino Co.,Oa'KOIl
Any mill nil ikthoum cIiiIiiiIiik' nd.
verM-ly the iiliove-tli'HcrllH'd IiiuiIn nr
iTMiui-Hled to llle their t'lulliiH In thla
office on or Irffom hhIiI Xith dny cl
Apr.. 11KI3.
J. T. IliiiiMiiiM, lU-KlHtrr.
MU'lt'i: I till PUBLICATION.
I'uitidSlutes Uind Ofllre,
Ror-eliiiig, Oregon, Fob. 21, 1903.
N.iiiee is beiehy given that In eoiupll
line with the pinvlsloiis of the art of
CHigii'sH n( .lune 3, 1878, entltleil "All
nel lor the side of limla-r lauds In tho
-'IiiIi-h o( California, On-iniii, Nnvndn,
1011I WHshiugtiin Tvrriory,"itaexlendttl
ti. nil the Pul.lie Ijiml States by net ot
August 4. 18112.
.Inhn I. Philiniit.
of ugeiie. Oiiunlv of Ijine, State
of Oregon, bus this day tiled In thlsollleo
Ilia sHiiru plateiiieut No. 4o0i, (or tho
p'ireliaseiil thnS H HEKA N W HK V
nl N o 12, Tp 22Soiitli,ol R2 W. and
him oiler prinii in slmw Unit the land
sought Is nioie valuable (or Its limber
or Hone tliun (or agricultural purposes,
mid to establish his claim to said land
iKdorc Mnile L. Ware. UB. Commis
sioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Thurs
day, the 14th tlay ol May, 1903.
He names as witnesses:
John D. Palmer, of Cottage l-rove,
Line Countv, Oregon j J. D. Ilnniinon.
of Cottage drove, l.iine Co,, Oregon, .f
W Davis, nl Mohawk, l.iino Co., Ore. . S
K IaiwIs, ot Cottnge (Irove, line Co.,
Any and nil persons claiming adverse
ly tho nbovo-df scribed lands ure re
iiicsted to file their claims In this olllco
on or lictoro snld 14th day of May, 1903.
J. T. HillbtiKs. Register.
United Slates Laud Olllee,
Roseburg, Oregon, .Mar. 111. 1003.
Notice is hereby given that in coinpll
ance with the piuvlslmia ot tho act ol
Congressol June 3, 167S, entitled "An
set (or thli sale of tlmiu-r ln,..i. i n..
States o( tlalifornia, Oregon. Nevada and
Washlniflon IVrrllorv " ,. . ...... l ... t ,,.
all thoPublio Land States bv iirt itf An.
gust 4, 1892.
LAUIHTK k'Vl.'livi.'f.a
ptTwo Harbor, Co olLko,Ba'too'f Minn,
has this day filed in Ihl. ., ll 1,1. -!'i.L'
filalJ."i!i,,Vf?;l(1,;1?for ,I,B P'trehaso of
the h KNEW, SW yt NE a' NK S E
of Sco No. I'll, Twp 82 8 0f Itf Weil
will offer proof to show that tho
and Bought Is moro valuable for Un
Umber or (tone than fur m,rl,-,,ii,,ri
purposes, and to establish his claim to
aid land before Mnrln t. ........ 11 t-
Commlssjoner at Eugene, Lano Co., Ore!
on Saturday, the Othday ol Juno., 1003
Ho names as witnesses:
Krnest eieeii. of Two Harbors Luko Co.,
Mini... Martin Olson, Pu,er OphusVoY
hie Rlvor, Itne Co., Oiegon, art ,
Ilaiigcnson, ,,f Eugene, wnoCo Ore
lo Ii . 1 rF'us ciaun ng adverse
ZA . -Mcr ml lamPs are ie-
n ne ii fu,0"ie'r. '.-" In thlsolllce
.0.0 emu orn uay 01 June, 1003
J.T. BaiiKiKs.HoiflstBr.
Who print nmpH ofimy"
Hhowliiirnll viicmit IuiiiIh for wietii'
fr i.i, tluW'u w;'l,"',,l"r '""Tlliutloii
Tl! i! 1 i?, , O'llco, niltlrt'HH,
InrK llr',,,t,t,& 'mn fo Rohc-