Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 27, 1903, Image 6

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C. J. Howard Editor
Ilnrton C. Y.'Urowit Business JMft'r.
Kn ircl at tha nloll l Cntte (IroTC,
OrtiMii HtitMonil OIm mll mil'.f r.
Rtiliacrlnllnti prlM, 1.80, In ml Miner,
AWtlMnff lUtra innt'A kmtwn upon
Ailvrrtlaln An:
A tick lii kept on sic i E, u. nrue'i
chungc, tii Pnnewco, Cllfoml
iwtf lur RQVinmniNB wnu
lit II.
I'ridav, Makcii 37, 1903.
The people of tlie state have
nvvnketied to lite fact that the Inst
legislature iasscl some bills not
in the general interest of the groiv
inc industries of the state. One
of these is known as the IMdv bill,
and while it affects nil corporations,
local and forcien, it is aimed
estiecially at the mining interests.
The bill imposes a specially oner
ous tax on the capital stock of our
ruining companies, regardless of
its market value of the projwrty in
addition to the state, county, city
and sd ool taxes which our mines
are now paying on their machinery,
b tidings and property. This law
will put out of business the small
mining and oil companies of the
state who are struggling to develop
our resources. "The large producers,
who are paying already large taxes,
also are protesting against this bill
as an unjust measure, and eastern
capitalists say they will hesitate
a long time before investing in
Oregou mining companies under
such a law, as there are plenty of
other mining states which impose
110 such restrictions.
There is another reason why the
mining men, real estate and incor
porated mercantile firms object to
this bill, and that is we are now
taxed to the limit in Oregou, and
the public gift to the Lewis and
Clark fair is all we can stand. Hut
not content with this, our great and
wise law makers, having cinched
our mining industries, turned about
and threw away $165,000 to begin
the work of building a portage rail
road at the Dalles which will event
ually cost to put in operation nearly
half a million dollars, in face of the
fact that the Federal Government
sow has begun work 011 a canal
between the Dalles and Celilo, solv
ing the transportotion problem in
the only feasible manner, and the
'S4.000.000 is ready and available
for the enterprise. Under present
methods it will take six. or eight
years to get the portage railroad in
operation and by that time the
engineers say they can probably
have the canal finished. Why. then
overtax our miners and the people
generally and absolutely waste
Petitions are in circulation work
ins the referendum power of the
people, conferred by the recent con
stitutional amendment for the
repeal of these unnecessary laws
and every voter in this district
should promptly sign them. Copies
at this office.
An UntliuslnKtic Meeting ol the Conn
ty Central Commlttc Decides That
Primaries be Held Throughout Lnne
County on Saturday, March 28.
TO ULUCT 182 Dlil.litlATHS.
The following li the report of tlio
ltepnbllenu County (YMitrul Commit
tee, convened at Eugene taut Satur
day, taken from the Eugene lteglster:
l'ursunnt to enll by chairman K.
O. Potter, the ltepnbllenu county
rout ml committee met at the county
court room Saturday nt 2 p. 111. to
M Jlate for primaries anil county
The meeting whs called to order
li.v chairman Potter. Secretory Wln
termoler read the enll for committee
meeting, This was followed by roll
enll of members showing th- pre
cincts represented via:
Kour Eugene precincts: Haley, East
Cottage Urove, West Cottage tlrote.
Creswell, Chiup ("reek, Klmlrn, Fnir-
iiiount, Florence, lljjslien. Irving,
North Junction, South .1 miction.
ImW Creek. Ixwt Valley. 'Mohawk.
Pleasant Hill. Ulchardson, SHglnaw,
Springtteld. Thurston. Walton. It
Inmette, Wendllng.
Thin was a good representation
considering the short notice that hud
to lie given owing to the nearness of
the congressional convention.
l'he committee proceeded at once
to business. It was agreed that the
basis uhui which delegates should
Ik chosen to the county convention
lie fixed at one delegate at large and
one for every .11 votes ami major
fraction tlicreof east furCongressiuan
Tongue at the election last June.
This makes a county convention of
IX! delegates.
Next the commtttee decided that
the primaries lie held throughout
the county on Saturday. March 2x
at 'J p. 111.. unless otherwise arranged
liy local committeemen In tlie differ
ent preelncts. It should be under
stood that by tlie above mean's tlie
central committee fixes the hour for
primaries over the county at 2 p. m.
011 Saturday, March 2S. lint If tlie
central committeeman thinks- some
otlier hour on that day will lie more
convenient for holding the primary
lie is at Ittierty to tlx an hour to suit.
After tlie day and hour for prim
aries was fixed for Saturday, .March
2S, the committee tlien agreed on the
following Saturday, April 4, for the
comity convention to convene In tlie
court room at 2.30 p. 111.
This completed the work of the
committee and a short republican
love feast followed, quite a uunilier
of the country members of the com
mlttee making soinerousIngsK-eeJies
expressing pleasure at the harmony
exlsting In repuhlicau ranks through
out the county. Among those who
made Interesting sjieeches were:
Thos. Ilmisaker of ZI011: J. I. Jones
and J. K. Young of Cottage lirove:
A. J. Johnson, Creswell: I. It. Cush
man, Acme: Steve KIgdou. Pleasant
Hill; W. Kuykendall. Sanford Skin
ner, Mohawk; W. H. Itussell, Irving:
15. I". Keeiicy, Hoshen; Kd Ilalley,
Junction: I). A. Paine.
In a farmer's bulletin which the'
IKirtment of Agriculture now bus
In press some disciisslou-l made of
the elllclency of different of
wheels on farm wagons. This Is a
subject regarding which there Is con
siderable dlffitvnce of opinion. The
Missouri Station, which seem to
have made a specialty of various
Kinds of wagon and road experi
ments, has put tlie matter to prac
tical test In a scries of trials made on
macadam, gravel and dirt roads, 111
all conditions, and on meadows,
imstures cultivated Welds, stubble
laud, etc.. with a net load ol 2,101
pounds In all eases. Three sets of
wheels wen1 tested as follows:
Standard: front wheels, 41 Inches;
rear wheels, 35 Inches.
Medium: front wheels, !W Inches;
rear wheels. -10 Indies.
low front wheels, J4 Inches; rear
wlteels, 2s Inches.
Tor the same load, wagons with
wheels of standard height were
found to draw lighter than thoe
with lower wlieels.
Tlie difference In favor ol the
standard wlieels was greater 011
road surfaces lit liad condition than
on good surfaces. Low wlieels cut
A .Move In the RIrIU Direction-Will
lie a IIIr tiling for the Hustling. Up
To-Datc Little City. Ihclr New
Telephone l.lnc nn Assured Success.
Honor Is railing thick and fast on
l.onine. The eltlieus of tlint plan1
have hardly perfected their telephone
line until thev have taken up the
creamery business. Tills I the
most Important step taken b
Inland town In Lane count) for
years, mid It means more to the cltl
ens of l.orane than the) hit 1" a
position at this time to full) ivnlle.
The eouumny will lie lm orpornled
and word reached thlselt) )esierda)
that over half of the stock had been
It Is a move In the right direction
and means that as soon as otlur
sections of Ijine coulit) see w hat
that $1,000 will do for Lorniic. like
enterprises will lip forthcoming
throughout the county, but to
liorane will Mong the honor or llrst
deeiH'rruta tlmn thoe of standard 1 putting ;into demonstrailon an en-
..Delicacies in Cans..
The Season hasn't advanced far
enough yet to give you fresh
fruits and vegetables, but our....
are as near like the freshness of nature as skill
and knowledge can make 'cm.
Under Odd Fellow's Hall, - COTTAGE GROVE. OREGON.
height. The vibration or the tongue
Is greater In wagons with low
For most purposes wagons with
low wlieels are more convenient than
those of standard height. Wagons
with broad tires and wheels of
standard height are cumbersomennd
require much room In turning.
On sod, cultivated ground and bad
roads, wagons with the rear axle
longer than the front one drew
lieavler than one having lioth axles
of tlie same length. Wagons with
the rear axle longer than tlie front
one ieiilrc wtdergntewnysandmore
careful drivers, ami are. on the whole,
very Inconvenient and not to lie ree-
oiumeudcd for farm Use. The best
form of farm wagon la onewlthaxles
of eo,ual length, broad tlrer, and
wlieels 30 to 96 Indies high In front
and 40 to 4f Indies behind. American
The referendum is undoubtodly
a good agency when properly and
wisely administered; but, like
"painting, poetry and eloquence",
it may prove to be a very danger
ous agency, when improperly ap
plied and under certain conditions.
It should not lie resorted to 111 the
matter of the Lewis and Clark ap
propriation. There is little probabil
ity that the action of the last legisla
ture will be rupudiated at the
hands of the voters of the state.
Outside of a few "soreheads" and
a few more "sinkers" on the life
line of state pride and progress, the
exposition meets with favor
throughout Oregon. No matter if
the attempt to annul the action of
the legislature was snowed under
by hundreds of thousands of votes,
tlie act ot employing sttcli an
agency at ttm stage ot the game
would be a burning.shame, and the
reflection 011 the fair state of Ore
gon would be of longer life than
many of those instrumental in
bringing it about.
Every day brings a batch of let
ters to different patties in this city
from the Uast, asking for iuforma
t'on about this section of Oregon.
Cottage Grove has been a little
behind time in getting out data re
garding this section of the state,
but a neat book will soon be forth
coming. In the meantime, le ; each
one who receives a communication
ofiuquiry regarding Cottage Grove
mid vicinity take it upon himself to
answer to the best of his ability
and with his knowledge at hand,
nnd encouragejmniigralioii and in
vestigation of this sectiou.
Itev. 1). l-"ox, of Chicago, who
has been in tlie present movement
against vice, has lieen Hooded with
letters from some of the fallen women
of this city. He mentions one that
apjienled to him esjieelally. It runs
like this and the letter sieclally men
tioned three lending down-town
"Iet not your energies lie nil di
rected against the lmsement saloons
and dives; strike higher; strike at tlie
places of apparent resjiectabllltv
the restaurant having private (lining
rooms. These are the places that
feed the basement dives; these are
tlie jilaees where young girls are
ruined nightly. Here It Is that they
take their first downward step, to
end tlieir careers of shame in the
place of lower repute. It was In
one of these private dining rooms
that I met my downfall taken there
lor dinner, piled with wine until my
brnln wax dimmed, I came to myself
to find my life a ruined one. And my
story Is that of hundreds.
Comiel every restaurant !n town
to tear down Its partitions; to
abollsli Its private rooms; these are
the feeders of the lower resorts.
There Is 110 ho for me but death
I know that, but for (iod's nake do
something to keep otlier girls from
following In my footstejis."
Wednesday March 11th a very sus-
Iilvlous looking Individual turned up
the road ot Frank Veutch's and nf
tor asking for Mipiier at sovural
p(iiees finally got It. He also asked
to sleep in burns and was believed
from his, actions to bo looking for
hnrcs that did not belong to him.
Al Kllcdicc, Harry Mc-tcilf and II.
B Hnrrlson, of Cottage drove, wore
In this neighborhood Sunday.
MUs Minnie Coiner, of Bilk Creek,
cnnieover Sunday and Htayed over
night with Miss Underwood and left
Monday on the southbound local.
Mrs. DaSpaln, of Cottage Xj rove.
was visiting friends l.cre last veek.
A party of gentlemen of Cottage
Grove, Includlui; Phillip Hold ami
Phil Spoug, camo out hero last week
to look over timber.
his axpuRiascii.
He put his arm around her wnlst.
The color left her elteek,
lint It showed upon Ids overcoat
For pretty near 11 week.
Hut tlie Influence of good reading
will stick to you longer than a'week.
It will stay by you a lifetime. It
will show all the time In your man
ners, actions and conversation. It
easts a halo about you and beams
forth from your countenance like the
rays of the morning sun.
At the Kagle Hook Store, one door
wet of postotllce, yon can procure
all kinds of good reading In fiction.
anil in fact, also a full Hue ol station
ary, umgaiiucs and notions. Day
Hooks, Ledgers. Fountain jiens,
Cigars and School Supplies.
Tlio Horseslion llnuf lllll'lltlf lu nullify
Cottngo flrovo baked bread at the
uuriimii iiUKcrv. Trv It mill
will use no other.
Pursuant to the action of the Ite
publicnn Central Commltte, I hereby
call a precinct cnnvtntlon for East
Cottage lirove to Is? held at .Martin's
Hall Saturday afternoon at 'J o'clock
for the purpose of electing nine dele
gates to attend the couiity'conven
tlon at Eugene, April 4th, to elect
delegates to the congressional con
vention to lie held at Eugene, April
tlth for the purpose of nominating a
I'epublicau candidate for congress
from the 1st congressional district.
ICepulillcans are earnestly requested
to come out and take pare In the
precinct convention.
.1. I. Jonkw.
ternrlse that In the near tiilure will
make the farmers of Oregon wealth)
within Itself.
Thecltlneus of l.orane held a uuvl
Ing Saturday, at which time they
took up the telephone proposition
It was decided to Incorporate. The
folio wing otllcors were then elected:
1. P. Iiimau, president and malin
ger; .Mr. II. Stone, vice president and
treasurer: V. II. Hawley. secrctar).
.More stibscrlliers nre coming In to
the l.orane telephone line, as follows:
Mrs. A. Koch, .; J. P. Oirrln.;
Wheeler Ilros. Ac Owens 1 sawmill 1
two miles of poles delivered on the
As soon as the pule u 111 hv1 work
on the Hue will lie commenced, and It
Is confidently oxifeted that the line
will tie In running order In the course
of six weeks.
The following Is a synopsis of the
morning and evening services at the
Christian church, this city, last Sun
day, 4iy Kev. llilllngton:
"The Lord's Prayer". John I"
Those for whom Christ prn.ied are
separated from the old conditions:
they aty still In the world but not a
part of the world.
They are sanctified, i.ot sancti
monious, holy, clean, a lit temple for
the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
They are united In Christ and
united for Christ, for fellowship, for
work "and for the sake of those out
of Christ.
They have the glory of soushlp,
eo-heirshlp, service, sacrlllce, and
then the glory of heaven.
"'IheUrent Wedding", .Matt. .':U.
The parable Is a tys; of the kingdom
of heaven, lioil Is the king and,
Christ Is the son. The servants whoj
were sent out with tlie Invitations I
were the apostles. Those who re-1
cehed the Invitations were the .lews. 1
When they refused to come the lien-1
tiles were brought and were given
the wedding garment, which Is tlie
rolsi of righteousness. Ouecauie not
wearing the wedding garment and
was cast out.
Just Arrived
Our Complete Line of
Call and See Them and be Convinced as to
the Style, Quality and Price.
is brinpno; splendid results lor
Eight Pianos and Organs were Sold in January.
Seven Pianos and Organs in Fcbruaiy.
One of our best Necdham Pianos and
Several Organs Already this Month.
Prospects are looming up. Inquiry from all directions for those hili-gnide
Xeedlifim Pianos. There are none better find few as jiood. Tliey will stnnd
the most rigid inspection.
N'ot long ago In 11 New York .hotel,
a young maiv vaddlcted to strong
drink took his life, and left the fol
lowing paper headed, ".My Last
Will and Testament."
"I leave to society a ruined char
acter. "J leave to my fattier and mother
as much misery as. In tlieir feeble
state, they can Iwar.
"I leave to my brothers and sisters
tlie memory of a misspent life.
'I leave to my wife A broken heart,
and to my children the memory that
their father fills a drunkard's grave,
and has gone to a drunkard's hell."
And yet In the face of all this, men
will toniHr and trifle with the ue-
cursed stuff.
"Touch not taste not, handle not."
I'hlsjs the only safe rule.
For a long time the two vesr old child
of Mr. P. L. .Mol'hersou, ftO N. Tenth
St., Iliirrisljnri:, Pa., would sleep hut
two or three hour in the early part of
the night, which nude it very hard for
hur pureiiU. Her mother concluded
that the chllil had Htoimioh trouble, nml
nave her half of one of ChainlairlHln'a
Stomach and Liver Tubletn. which
quieted her stomach and she slept the
wnoie mum imougii. iwo 110x04 01
these Tablets have ejected a nurinanont
cure and she In now well and strong.
For sale by Ilenson Drug Co.
How to Save You a Few Dollars
.May be as Important ami Interesting !
as 'anything you would care to '
know. There are a numlier ol t r 1 1-
cles which you have to buy. When 1 " " " , , , .
'to buy them to the best advantaKe mS&m&M&M&&MEm.
Av.vAVMsvwYWcvAvi rrirT1'
Is Important then, to get 11 good ar
ticle In another Important factor,
now for Instance, In sllOiS, If )ou
lieen paying for shoes $1.2T to S1..V)
and you can buy its good ones for
$1.10, you save 15 to 10 cents, as the
case may be, on nice dress, shoes or
loggers. The same case stands good
and we know that If you can snxe
rum in to .V) MTcent. on underwear,
blankets, clothing' rublier goods you
are not the one not to do so. I lie
parties, who are rutting the prices,
giving holiest good goods on a Hie
and let live profit, I the new store
one block west of Itenson's Drug
Store. We nsl; you to come In and
see for yourselves. A nice line of
samples if you want a suit made to
order. On.iiunr &
JU 1 ilUJll
All members of Bohemia Camp No.
.'COaro requested to be present at the
regular session on Wutiirduy evening,
.March tSlh. Business of Importance
Is to be transacted.
Ity order of C. C.
C. H. VanDkniiuico, Clerk.
Walter Wheeler had a tussle with
higriijpe last week, but at present
writing Is homo bettor.
Assessor Hunt Mulshed 1111 hlswoi l
In this locality last .Monday.
Our prayer meeting was pretty
well attended last Sunday, .Miv
John Elliott being the lender. In
the future there will bo prayer meet
lug the llrst and third Sundays of
each month and preaching 011 tlie
second Sunday. All are cordially In
vited to attend.
.Mrs. Henry Long left yesterday for
a short visit witli .Mr. and .Mrs,
llogard of Eugene,
Horn to .Mr. ami .Mrs. Oscar
Wheeler lust week, a son.
Miss Minnie Comer returned home
lust Thursday from a business trip
to Comstock.
Just opened in the
Walker Hnilditi"; near
Depot on South Side
of Main Street. We
will supply you with
Aleals or Short Orders
fit any time. We buy
only the freshest and
best the market af
fords and prepare in
any style you desire.
ahllr s ;nvvjy.
Ul lliwir It ralnl lh,ut
south si. Is,, MhIii Kutei.
:4KfKr:- :: :,!.;! jjc -w :j: ft :jc :fr
;t.J ,1. W. Kay's taiitafV
jMJ -,tr 11 iJivvjj r 1 j III III nil 1 Vl
it Stoves,
Hi ;(
fflj, L!
i (twT nm
m mm m
Girl 1
1 1
giiaianlees to save you money on ever) thing to
furnish a home Including
aip, Carpels ami Mailings.
New Line of Wall
Ih'o; Clenranee Sale now m for i0 days
TO per Cent Discount on everything"
-38-8: il: HMNfH; ti m ..
Me. nml Mcu Oeo. Tlioinosoil
iriOacresof hill laud, 00 Improved rllmbeil (i i.niiiiiiln ion much last
acroH corn land, house, now barn. c."m "'" t() .Moi utaln top rautii last
milk house, orchard 1' acres,:! miles numiay to make- a call 011 .mister
north of (.'ottago Orove. i;!00. Frank .Miller.
possession .May J. v. school begins In this district next
.Monday .Mar. SO with Mr. Jouls Holl
cash. Hive
.MUTT 1:11.
(let a grli on the 01111' by getting
your prescriptions lilted at Ilenson
Drug Co. lis a cinch.
lt.v. purchasing her the best
Candles, Peanuts nml
other Confections
at the P. li. Goodman Stand.
1 have moved my
to the buildino; formerly occupied by
K. W. Ncwhmd on West Sitle,
where you will find
Tlie Best Goods in Town at the Lowest
Prices Ever Known In Cottage Grove.
Don't fail to give me ft call when in town
find I will guarantee to please you.
Hats 'Sc anil up at S, E. IvIhcu's. as pedagogue.