V a ABB mmmm A Tale of tlio Early Settlers of Louisiana, DY AUSTIN C. DURDICK CIIAI'Tlill XIII. Several 1 1 i i i fj liiul Louise siiggcalril Id Lappa the Idea of her looking out nlimit I hi- ttiwn, lint alio liml hern I II Ti rf il i-il Hint II would not lii safe. Tin- j 1 I nrgrrss was linn iiii.I uiiroinpriiuililng, liiil yrt kind mill rniisldrriitn ns fur ns licr rnie uf licr charge's welfare win rum crned Loulso 1 1 it I ntlt moiiio ' x it in Inn I tun of llm house In which aim win 1'oiiflui'il, mill fili una mitlalli-il Hint alio could nut lampo from It without much Inlior nnd trouble. It win mi I Im tin It ilny of lnr nnjoiru there Hint lu unit n nuixiil from n lit of dceii thought liv tliu ciuraiict. of Klmmi I.nlmU. Ili ranic In with n wnnii suilhi lllioii Ilia fare, and after sumo rrmarks iimiii Louise's Improved looks, lit tuo'i n "cut by her nlili'. Hliu illl not shiluk from lilm, nor dld she seem nfrnld of lilm, lint with u kern guru nhn filed hrr deep lilua 1-yi'H upon lilm. "Hwcel m l ii." Iin said, In n toui' of rilrcme softness, "why was It orderiM Hint I ahoulil Im III" ono to sine J ml flinii thu Jnwa of death? Why win I singled out?" ' "Surely, Hllniili, It was hei'iiine you, of II ulli.'n. were In ituty liotiiiil tu anvu mi'," ri'pllt'il l.mil"''. "Hilt how ail?" llm lull! naki'il, with alight start, hut quickly rccovirlii; lilm .elf. "Wli), liwiiiii' to joii my father gaio mt In rhnriti'. Dcrmise you linvi" refilled n handsome salary tur tnkliiK care of mi'." "I ahoulil any Hint you liml slmwii nil rally disposition in throw off tin' yoke uf my nuthorlly." "Ah, how an?" "Your UWII arllsu will It'll Jul liuw," KIiiiuii responded, aonicwhiit bitterly. "(), I meant mi play upon tin' piinl, my ruiialu. Hut t lie it inn arc my niur rela tive, yuu kiuiw ninl hence you ought in aavr mi'." "And this la I lie grnlltudti you feel for thu service 1 hale iloui' you." "Now, Hllniili, you ill'l Hut na'i mi how 1 fell. Vou only nskrd Hi" why It wnn ) oil were singled out to sine nil1. Moat truly, for nil of good you linvi' i-vitMouk Hie ilu I fill moat duly grateful. I'or all your acta of kindness to hie, you bote my ili'i'P arknowlrdgniriit." I.uImiU (wined for I lie tnomrlit mm pliis.rd ly tin- iifMmiid manner In whl. Ii lie was thin fur nut, lull hit forces were (Kin In ordrr again, nnd lie nnt'Wiil thi Hack. "Louise, you reineinb. r the run von .Hun vrr mill had In the sillily?" "IVrfrrlly. H mull. And mil rcliirin Inr the nnawira I g,no?" r.pllul the Klrl. "Vra I do ri'UH-mlii'r them; I have re inrmhrrril tlirm eicr a. me. And now let mi- assure you tlmt I look upon thl strange event na mi opportunity grunted liy hen nn Itarlf fur m tu usk those uuratloua iirvr ii u.i In." "Simon Uiliula! Are J oil In earnest?' "I nm. A lulu aiirli na mini' t'linuot li rrnmpi'd hy tin' null of one In it view. It hits lurll i lic.lilinl ton Iouk, liml Ima U'ioiiik ton ilrrply rooti'd, I'Vum olio Ivan luri'd I niUht hniv turnd uwny midrr u eh n rrliuff, hut nut ft mil )uu. No, im, l.iinlx'; I liuw nuiii' now to na'i tlmt iiuratluli men III. Itriiiciulicr now tlii di'ht you iiivi' nil; rrmrmhrr the dull lilo I u I in I now limit" Duiitil.. ililm. .Simon?" "Ay a iloiilili- rliilm. I'lrat, tile ilnllil rraullliiK from thv rnrv I hnvi held for you alncv 1'iirty rlilldliuod; nml, aiKOiid. thla Inat rliilm fouudi'd In thu rry an line of jour life." "It wna rurloiia tlmt )ull aho.ilil hnrr Imtii thi' onr to mivtf ini wnaii't ItV" mid Iiulrr, luokliiK Into hrr rompiinlnu'ii fnee with mi I'lprcaninn lip could mil nu.i lyir. tlioimh he tried hard to do (). "It wna," lie ri'tillrd. "And tlmt yuu ahuuld hmr Inndrd Juat In Hint plucr. tcoV" nil railed l.nulv. wild- out rrmutlnif licr i-luac unit' fioiii In r Inrk loualnn fmr. "And hnw atrnniti (hut they ahuuld hnre rnmpv.1 dire, tly liy thu liont lumlliiir. while thv wlillei would Ik aurv to romv If I hey rroaarl tho Uko wnan't lit I'aprrlnlly when Mr conaldrr wlint repute they Imve fur Rhri'wduraa and riiiinlm:)" Hlmnn IaiIkiU wlliceil nt tlili. nul n Pfrrrptlhle tremor run llirousli his frnnie. Hut ho recovered hlnuelf with an 1'ffort, In n few- momenta. "It la atrmiRP." ho nnlil, "mid I hnvp often aald to alnrc Hut I ran air In It only thu opportunity of prratlui; my claim tu your lieiirt nml hand now wlih norv hopra of aucrvai. I must nak you now If you will necept tho henrt mid linnd I offrr youV" "Hiiiiou IaiIiiiIi, you know I rnnnnt dn It," uttered Unilae, In n linn, fnink tone. "llewnrr, Ixiulaul I nak you kindly now. I ronfraa my lovo and I Leg of )ou to necept It," "A hualiand'a lom from you I Dover can nrerpt, Klmon." "Think rnrvfully ere you apeak," "Hut what menu you? I have thought rarefully, and haw niunlly na rmidldly told you that yours I ran never be. Now, what more ran you nnk?" "I shall ask but little more," returned Hlmon, through hla art teeth; "I nm now 111 n pualllou to eiiminniid." "Hpeak plainly, monaleur." "Thru, plainly you luuat ho nty wife!" "Hut I ahull Dimply apply tu tho lluv itrnor." "That will help you none, for IVrler Ja my friend, anil hua pledged nm hla ua .alatance." "Hut ho will listen to tho prayer of a :ii!plcai itlrl." "Not when that prayer In prejudicial ito the Intercut of hla friend, Ilu la mix Jou Hint all thu marrliiKenhlo fcinplea mhouli! bo iiiurrU'd na noon an poaalblc. Ill abort, my ilenr coiialu, lie liaa pledged mo hla word nn a man, anil an an ottlcer, that you ahull bo my wlfo. Now whut my you?" "I aliould rertnlnly nay that he win n (treat rouudrcl, rutin noil I.oulae, ro IfuriirnK her rompinilou with a (lied look. "Vou nre cool, mnilcmolHrllo?" "Hecnuao I do not believe tlmt yon can bo In enrurat, muualeur," "I am In onruuat, Loulael and, muro over, you go not from thin place until you an my wlfot Do you midcrntauil Hint?" "If If I thought you could meuii It, Hlmon, I ahould begin lo bo alarmed," null) tho maiden, In a tono that would nreni to I ml I en to that alio did not really credit tho atntemrnt she hail heard, "I do menu HI" ho replled( slowly and meaningly. ' "Simon I.obola, look me In tho eye, and ussuro mo solemnly that you menu what you liuvo suld," I.oulao spoko thla la nil earnest, enger tone, with her linmU clasp ed and half raised towards her dark cousin, nml her lips (irmly compressed. It was Homo moments beforo Lobols replied. There was aoiuetlilng In tho loop Mil yo thai was (lied so earnestly upon him, and In the rnlm, earnest fc lures thnl met hla gnie, that moved him more innli lie mid roillltcil upon. IHJl tnni Im wnn not iIik itt n n to break down now, I In wna not the innli to ulve un thu frill Hon of a hoiw Hint ho liml rhcrlahrd with Ida very life for yeiira. Ilu wiln pbi)lu for n gulden atnko of Iniinenae mine, now Hint he held tho lending Iniiul iiftt n t to iiau It promptly, mid wilhou rompriiinlao of nny klml, "l.inilaii HI. Jiillrn." lie at Irnglll Plli'il, "I meuii Just what I hum said Vou go not from this hoiiau until you m my wlfel From thla purpoau I will not wiirio. ' A iiulrk lliiali piiaaed over lh girl' fnee, nml hrr lip iiulvrird, A moment the thought of apiirulng tho wretch wn lireaeiit with her. but tho Ihoilghl. moa prnlinlify, uf hrr ilrfriiaelras poaltlon kept hrr loiiguu iiudrr giinril. "Hlmon," alio murmured, nfler n whllu of allriire, "you will not Im ao rrnrl "And la It cruel lo want a bmutlfu girl, whom one loves, for n wife?" "Hut "lull mil yuu wnut with a wife who cu u inner low you in rrtuinr "I'll trnch ion to lovo me." "As well might you tenrli mo to lot thu grent rrorodllo I saw the noldlrrn phiylug with In tho atrri't thla morning'. " I licit I II tenrli you tu fenr me! "Vou'vu done Hint nlrcndy, monaleur, "Ho much thu better then; you'll mind me the iiulckrr. "Hut why why ahould you do thh thing?" "I'll tell you," apoku Minion, tiiriiln with ami. leu eniphnala mum tho girl "Thrro la no need Hint I ahould pretend tu deceive you, nor rould I, probiibly, I tried, I'or liiiiny yenra I liuvo Ii it the rhnrgo of your father's books an I liuiluraa. loll know hu la wealthy more wenlthy tlinii any other trn nun In Hi roloiiy. When ho rnme here lulu thin Joy forankin wlldrrueaa, I cnino with lilm t help hliu. The thought eniun to mo, na I beheld your mind ripnndllig under my rare. Hint nt aomu fiitllin ilny I mlgl poaarai) your hrnrt mid linnd, mid thu the half of your fnlher's forluuo would bo mine. Ho I nlrovo tu make ou nil l rould, nml tho properly I multiplied n fnat na possible. I hu wrnlth tins griiw in bulk under my rare, nml nuw I lim nut ready to glto all up. I am not willing are the hopes of a lifetime blnsltd Juu from the mere whim of n raprliloiis girl. "Hut ilu you think my fnlhrr will allow his properly to full Into your binds win ho knows that I married you from nb lulp compulsion?" cl id tho fair g.rl en rues! ly. "Ilu cn n no I well help It. .lie rnnno cut mo off without cutting you off, too.'1 "Hut he will delniilnl a illssolutlun of the union between us." "Ilu! ho rnnuot gain It If ho dues, nm prepared thrrr, ami I know Hi ground on which I atnnd. The king Im empowered the company tu frame domes tie rrgulntiona tu inert tho wnnta of Hi roluny, mid I hey hnvo already passed n resolution that every an lie, aoiind girl, u ai'triilrrii yrars or upwards, shall marry, If proposal Is made from a respectable Bourn1. Ay but tho payment of a hundred livrrs ran reiuom the obligation." "So It mil. Hut no power cun niiinil the mnrrlnge He. "Tin n mark mo, Hlmon Lobols! I will bid my father Hint lie let mo llm in pen ii ry ami want, for, na your wife, my son row will hnvo rem bed ita rllmnx; so J on ahull not thtla gnlu tho gold you covet. "And mark inc. I.oulsu Ht. Jiillen While your fnthrr withholds tho half of his fortune from you, I will reduce you tonurli aurterliig na shall fonr me to bin you to prci nil you from taking jour own life to nil your tortures!' A few' in, inn ula of allriire mailed, and t tun Simon said. In n softer tone: "Hut let us drop this prolltlesa tnlk Vou will consider of this, ami I know you will calmly settle tliiwu Into a atatu of rrnaoiiulde iici(iilosrciice. Nuw give mo a direct miswer. Will you become my wife without nny further act of coinpul alon?" ' "I should Judge you hnd henrd enough tu know my mliiil. "Hut I would know If 1 must compel lull. .Mind, now I My resolution Is hied, I lime counted the tost, nud nm rtnohetl upon the throw. When wo return, you limy tell Jour father, If yuu please. Hint I 'compelled you tu Ih-i'iiiiio my wife, but I ahull nul care. Me cannot tuko you from me nfter the church has bound you tu mi', nml If he socks otherwise to harm me, he will only heap suffering upon tho head of hla own child. Vour father gnvo me permission to seek your blind. "I tin not Ih-IIoiu It, Hllilou." "I care not for your belief. That he told mo so Is true, mid now I haw sought you. Will you bo my wife? "Nuverl" "We shnll see." And wllh this, the wretch strode from the npiirtineut. OIIAI'TKU XIV. It waa nearly dark when Klmon I,obol left his captive, and the poor girl waited in vain for thu coining of her supper. Homo time during tho night !io wns startled from all uneasy, dreamy slumber by hearing n heavy tread In her room. Thru alio looked around and found two stout, dark-faced men by her side. Lome, uttered ono of them; "we nrti In n hurry." In a gasping voire, IamiIio nskeil what was wanted. "Never nilnd only get ready to follow us as soon us possible. W o I liml bet' ter quarters tlitui this for ye," "Hut " "O-cumol" Iionlso asked no more questions, but quickly putting on her scarf mid draw lug It over her head, sho announced her readiness tu accompany them. One uf them took her by tho iirm, while the oth er, who held tho lantern, went on In ad vance, they descended the stairs to Hie street, mid having passed the distance of two squares, they stopped In front of a gloomy looking building, with ono small door on the street, but no window. This door was opened, and tho girl led in. ntraiglit on alio went through a long, narrow passage, n distance of over ft hun dred fret, and then sho was stopped be fore n door not more than two feet wine, formed of three pieces of solid hewn tim ber bolted together with Iron. This wnn opened, and I.oulsu was pushed in, and tho door closed upon her. She listened until sho could hour the sound of her con ductors' footsteps uo more, nml then she searched around for some place lu which to Ho down, or, at least, upon which sho could sit down, At length sho round a low pallet with some bedding upon It, ami on this sho rested, Hhe slept some, for alio was astonished when sho opened her eyes and found stream of sunlight struggling Into tho place. Hliu looked up anil found that there was n small aperture near tho top of tho wall, about a foot square, but sho could not look out from It. Tho room was small, with walls of hewn tim ber, and evidently built for n prison, Loulso knew how easily money could hire olllclal aBslstnnco lu tho colony, and lienco sho wondered not that Lobols had been able to obtain thu usu of this place. Tho forenoon passed slowly away, and noon eaino, Hunger and thirst begun to nOllcl tho helpless prlsouer, ami tlio hands weru oftencr clasped lu Bllout supplica tion. At length, towards tho middle of (ho iflcrhoon, tlio door of tho ctil wn aliened mid Hlmon I.obols entered. "Hlinoii," uttered Hut prisoner, "whn menus thin?" "(Ian Jim hot guoss?" wns his rnlm rriill'. "Dn you mean thla as a mentis uf fore lug me In marriage "Vou'io hit II." I.oulao sank down upon I lie pallet an clasped hrr hnmls, "I cannot stand this," she said, "Thru iM'roiiiii my wife." "Is that thv only ullcrnntlrcY" "It Is," "And lu no ulher way call 1 get cleat of this plaro?" "In no oilier." "Ilrlng mo water." "Will yuu be mine?" "I will allow tho marriage to be sol riniilrnl.' "And you will go before the priest nn bo legally married tu me?" "I Willi" Hlmon I,obols started with demoniac, bcHIbIi Joy. "Vou shnll havo food nml water now!" ho cried. "And you shall have n faith fill, loving huahniiil. (), Ionise, you " "Hut I am famishing now, KIiiiuii. Away Hew llm innli, and in n short tlmo ) returned with soinu cold milk nml brrnd. "Vou tnke It more cnlinly Ihnn I hn expected, Lotllar," Hlmon said, as he gniod Inquiringly Into tier enlni, pnle fare "If I am calm, muualeur, it is not rnuan I am happy. I liml myself in your Power, mid I hnvo assured myself tha I am powrrleas to rsenpt, you. I lime relleclrd and pondered deeply upon this, nud nuw Hint my mind Is mndo up, mil nut the woman, or tho girl, lo make myself uselessly miserable. Hut, mun slriir, you do not see my heart; you do nut sco the iillrr wreck yuu have made there. A deep, dark sorrow, surh as the a. ml utterly crushed, and tho heart all broken, ran only know, Is mine. If you ran In' happy lu knowing the work you haiu thus wrought, I ahall not ruvy you, I mil look with hope tu the life of tho euinnrlpntoil spirit; you know best whether you rnn ilu the same." There wns a deep, touching pathos in this speech that moved the hnrd hearto I mail more ttinu he ilnrrd nckuonledgo. even t himself, and ho tried tu banish tho motion. "I'ouli!" he littered. "There Is no need of your speaking so, fur yuu shnll bo ns happy ns n princess. I will always love toil nlwnys It' faithful. A look of utter I'ontrmpt stole over the fair girl's tnro ns alio gnzrd Into the evil features of the bad man. fur she knew liuw hollow nil his pretensions wi re; and she knew now, to'), what wicked means he had used to bring her within his pow er. (To bo continued.) BUTTON OR BUTTON HOLE? A Oiitstlon Hlmllar to that of I'rrce- tlerico of Hen or Ivieic. Once upon a time u case wan brought before n learned Judge. In which the question nt Issue wns ns to whether the button was nindo fur the buttonhole or tin- buttonhole for thu button. Counsel for the button bold that It wnn so plain us to render argument Ml prrlluoiiH Hint the buttonhole wna made for tlio use nud behoof of the button Ht 111. for form's nuke, lie would glvu u few reasons why Ills contention was thu correct tine. It was nppnreut, lie wild. Hint without thu buttonhole the button would bo utinblo to perforin Its function, nud lienco It wan plain thnl the button preceded tlio buttonhole. nml that the latter wns Invented lu nrilrr Hint the button might be of hit vlcu to mankind. It should lie clear to I'verylsMly Hint liml It not been for the button tlio bultiinbolu never would burr been thought of. Ita cxlB'euic necessarily prcsupiiosed tho existence of the button. The lawyer for the other side wns equally positive In Hit- stand be had been employed take. He nvcrrcd Hint tlio buttonhole preceded Hie button; Hint, lu fact, the button wns merely nn afterthought. Hu said that, ns every one knew, the buttonhole enn be employed without tlio button, ns wit Hess I'nrincr Juues, wlio Invariably uses u null or silver uf wood Instead of the conventional button, wlierciis It wits Impossible to uiiike nu effective use of the button without the aid ami assistance of tliu buttonhole. IIcucu It wns shown beyond peradventure Hint the buttonhole was of greater Im portance than the button, nud It win natural to Infer that tlio buttonhole wns first Invented nml Hint the button enme Inter, simply na nn orunuictit, or, nt best, nss nn Iniproveuieut upon the mill, sliver, or other Instrumentality wberewltli the buttonhole was made to perform Its iiuiy. in snow me rem- live value of tho buttonhole and tho button, bo wtlil. lko ,llls nlo ex- nmple: When a button comes off the buttonhole enn still be mndo service- able, but If the buttonhole Is slit open ' ttie tuition is oi no uu uuivtvs. .. tills tne ICIiruetl rtimmci ivdu-u ho iuou, allhoUKli ho claimed that bo had not exhnusted the subject. When the court cnuio In nfter recess, the learned Judge promptly decided the rase In favor of tho buttonhole clean ly a Just decision, although It waa whispered about the courthouse that tho decision might hnvo been different but for tho fact Hint whllo changing bla linen between adjournment nnd re- assembling of the court his honor bad who arc distinguished ns brilliant com dropped bis collar button and hunted mandern of ships aud of squadrons," for t without success inr nun uu uour, nnd perhaps might never have found apropos of the departure of enlisting It hnd be not steppe 1 upon It. Hut, of parties for the navy, to cover tho Mid course, this suggestion cnuio from the die West nud Southwest, linrtlsnns of tho button, nnd may fairly, "i mean by that to convey forcibly be Imputed to their disappointment nnd lmgrln. Huston Transcript. London la Improving. Year by yonr Indon becomes not only mote nnd more a city of flowers, but nlso n city of doves. Around every building whero It Is posslblo to keep pigeons one sees constantly Increasing Hocks of theso pretty creatures, nnd thcro could not bo n more ornamental nnd delightful addition to town popula- on. lu tlio sunlit spaces wnero tney light aud feed the soft rush of their lugs and the peaceful sound of their oolug ninko the most restful contrast to the harsh noises of tho streets, menis mat experience win eiuoree, cer- MoUIhb th I'olnt I'l iln. 1 tain to glvo us the llnest mau-o'-wars-y do you call your sister 'M s- mcn , worlJ uns evcr secUi A b cry Jolinnyr nsucu air. iiirner, tuo llttlo boy's big sister s beau. eomp ny. . . a "les-or but I dont seo wnat tnat has to do with It. you know." Don't ?" and tho smnll boy grinned all over. "What! 'AIn t y" never henrd t .Misery loves cuuip uy, our run udrlphla nuUsttu. Oniric Marriott. Ihr author of "Tho Column," In now finishing a new novel which Is entitled "Tho House on tho Ha nils." "Old I'nlhs nml Legends of New Iln glninl," by Knthnrlne M. Abbott, Is shortly to appear wllh the Imprint of I'. I'litiiain'a Hons. Or. I.yinan Abbott Is now at work on n ologrnpliy of Henry Ward needi er, which Houghton, Mllllln & Co. ex pect to publish next Heptcmber. .Murk Twain Is making haste to put thu finishing touches to his papers on Christian Hclcnrc that n book may be innilo of tlirm for early publication .Miss Alice Drown, the author ".Meadow Grass," lias written a third novel, "Tlio Miuinorlnga." Tho action pusses In a country house and Include u double love story. Th author of "The Htory of .Mary .McUine" Is at work upon n new book, It Is said to be qulto different lu char ncter from tlio llrnt one. and to be written with more reserve. It Is dim cult to Imagine what form the girl Ideas will take now that sho Is tw years older and has seen tnoru of tho world. Henry Holt &. Co. hnvo In press for luimedlnto publication a handbook on Money and Hanltlng," by Professor William A. Bcott, of the University of Wisconsin. While Intended primarily for educational use. It will be service able also to the busy general reade who wishes a clear statement lu com pendlous form of the llrst principles of inoueru currency. The little magazine which the Hcrlb- ners have published for so mntiy years under the title of tliu Ilookbuyer, ha ecn transformed and given the title of the Lamp. It has been made a lit Ho weightier, leading off with an ur tlclu on "Jlacauluy'B Klrst Ussay." by rrofessor Wilbur I,. Cross, nud the department called "The Humbler" has been relegated to the pages at the back. John iMDe will soon publish a novel ny Mrs. Wilfrid Ward called "The Light Hehluil." Mrs. Ward Is u niece of the Duke of Norfolk, the premier Ilrltlsb Duke. Her father waa James Hobert Hope Hcott, the parliamentary Hamster, and n close friend of (Had stone. He came Into possesion of Sir 1 niter Hcott'a home. Abbotsford. by tils mnrrlnge with the romancer' granddaughter and sole descendant, Miss Lock hart. .Mrs. Ward's childhood was passed at Blr Walter's home. Hhe published nn earlier novel some time ago. called "One l'oor Kauiple." PETRIFIED rOSSIL riSIIES. Iteccnt geological research has dls covered n series of wonderful fossil Holies among the Minle deposits of Wyo ming. Their original forms have been somewhat flattened and changed. They measured from IX) to 30 feet long, and were lu life exceedingly ravenous and nngeroiis. That they fought among theiubclvcs Is almost positively known, for a specimen has been taken from the rock the stout back plate of which had been completely crushed In two, bearing in Its solid bono deep Imprints nud gashes which tit the Jawtlps of this species, which had Jaws set with bristling row of teeth. These for midable creatures arc found along with thrrs In what are known as the "Dad .nnds" or fossil beds of the West. mis wuoie section wns, ages ago, a great lake, which, through changed geological conditions, was drained, leaving tho mighty monsters of the deep to sink nud become burled deep, away from the destructive elements nf ,. iP nn.i ,iai. n.i nnlmnt. tit, 1 1)tDK 8UCC0SSVC Inyi-rs of sediment Itinturn bns thoroughly embnlmiMl nml prcgcrvf4, tIloIr remns these millions .... ..,.. .... .,.k of , ,.,, illmter has cut aud chiseled out thelr )ctrifled forms, THE NAVY AS A TRADE. Secretory Moody Points Ont lti porttinltlea for Young Men, Op- "Not only tho man behind the gun. but the man behind the coal shovel, the man behind tho wheel, the man In frout of )he englue, and, -not by any weans least of all, the man In front of the galley range each of theso Is the subject of solicitous thought by men snia Secretary of tuo Kavy Moody. that each of the ninny trades, callings and occupations which constitute the Industrial life of a modem warship Is 'being scrutinized for avenues of Im- ilrnViniiit! Hint there la a mui.i,.,! nl;d comprehensive effort being made to improve the conditions surrounding tu0 enlisted men atloat, an efTort which uas already bbrno such fruit that I think I am Justldcd lu saying that In uo navy nre tho conditions of comfort which surround the men of the navy 0f tho United Stntes approached. "Tho system under which tho navy department Is training material for crows Is, I believe, If continued along the present lines nnd with the Improve- rom j5 to 17 years of ng0 wno entcrs nn apprentice at $0 a month ves n good Kngllsh education and thorough training In seamanship. He i... ..prtnlii nreferenccs In the matter or rutliiir. nud may easily, by good con- UHCt aml continuous service, work his wnv lm through successive ratines. .which will glvo I him from $30 to $05 n mouth; tho latter pay, with tho quar ters mid rations', equivalent to nt least fH." n month In shore einplumnit. Ho Is allied nt nil I lines, If he evinces nn ambition to perfect himself III his pro fcsslon, by Instruction on board ship ami in special school established for the Instruction of pelly olllcers nnd ad vanced senuieii, and Is eligible under certain requirements to take tho exam Illation for warrant olllcers, positions ranking next after ensigns, ami with pay ranging from $1,200 In the first flvo years of service to $1,800 nfter twenty years of service, wllh allowances and permanence of position and employ ment that mnkes the rank quite ns sat isfactory in n financial wny as n very large proportion of tho better-paid po sitions ashore. There Is also tho possi bility of securing a commission as en sign, n possibility Hint has been real ized within the past year by nn ex apprentice." Washington Tost. -H"H"i'4"ti"H t I I I 'l l "!. Wnys of People ; : Who Steal Dors. , i - , , I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 TIT, Dog stealing In London has Increased to a very large extent latterly, and the professional dog stealers, of whom there are many, arc having a very pros perous time. A well-known West Knd veterinary surgeon explained some of tho methods of the dog stealers. "These mcn," suld he, "are by no means ragged loafers, but well-dressed persons of some address, many of them well off," says the London Express. "They find out that a well-known so ciety lady or gentleman has a dog which Is taken for a walk dally. They cultivate that dog's acquaintance with surreptitious feeds, and then one day the man And himself round a corner nlono with the dog, aud the theft Is accomplished. "Hometlmes a decoy dog Is taken out, especially lu case where It Is desired to steal an animal of the larger kind. Kensington Gardens are the happy bunting grounds of the dog thief and scores of pets nre there stolen from their owners. I should say from my knowledge that at least fifty dogs a month are stolen In the West Knd Generally speaking, a lost dog can al ways be recovered If one goes the right way about It. For Instance, I pot to know a dog dealer who, though he would never steal a dog on bis own ac count, must, I am morally certain, be lu touch with those who do. A client comes to me with a tale of a lost dog aud prepared to spend money to get It back. "I go to the dog dealer, describe the animal, and ask him to keep his eyes open for It. Very shortly be comes to tne and tells me for what sum he will be able to produce the dog. Sometimes negotiations go on for months. Where rewards are not forthcoming, or where the police are hot on the track, the stolen dogs are sent down to Club How In Uethnnl Green, where there Is a sale every Sunday inomlng." SADDEST KIND CF POVERTY. Mental Destitution Worse than Lack of Bpendlnir Money. No other form of poverty can com pare with mentnl destitution. Though a man own neither bouses nor lands nor money, yet. If be has a cultivated mind and a broad mental horizon, the door of his Intellect has been open cd wide, so that be drinks In beauty and Intelligence wherever be goes, aud If be has developed his sympa titles bo that he Is In touch with life at all points, he has found the secret of success and happiness. On the other band, If a man merely accumulates millions of dollars, though he own broad acres and live In n pal ace. If his mind has been starved. If be Is Intellectually poor, he will know nothing of the world beautiful In books he will see nothing to ndmlre In nrt, nothing to soothe or elevate tu music, says Success; If he has been wholly absorbed In crowding and elbowing his way through the world to the to tal neglect of his- higher nature, In splto of bis houses and lands, bis pala tial residence nnd all his costly sur roundings, be Is the most despicable and pitiable kind of pauper. Saving money and starring the mind s the poorest business that any hu man being can possibly engage In, Wear threadbare clothes. If necessary; sleep In a baro attic, If you must; sac rifice legitimate but unnecessary amusements; do anything In reason rather than starve your mind. Feed that at any cost short of Injuring health. A youth who has learned the alpha bet has tho key to nil power. He can make royal Investments, for mental Investment Is the greatest any ono can make. It Is a form of wealth that will stand by one when panics or other misfortunes have swept away proper ty, when friends fall away when the wholo world seems to hare turned against you. No matter what hap pens. If you have a rich uilud, If your Intellect Is a storehouse of precious knowledge, you cau never In reality bo poor. Meilloal Itnbbles. Doctors havo Invented a new form of bubbles. Neuralgia, sciatica aud lumbago are known to be affections of the ends of the nerrcs which lie Just under the Bkln of tho painful region. It has been discovered Hint br Injecting air under tho skin tho ends of the nerves aro lengthened aud tho pain relieved. The bubble of air s pressed by the lingers and caused to move about until all parts are re lieved, lu dislocations, fractures nnd bruises the same treatment has given relief. London Globe, A Timely Hint. Tho beggar had a notice up, "Deaf nnd Dumb," and tho passing philan thropist stopped In front of blui. I'd like to give this mau something," he said to his companion, "but how am I to know that he Is deaf nnd dumb?" Head the notice, sir," whispered thf beggar, cautiously, Chums. Ideal Siiugiioss. "Sny, Weary?" "Well, what?" "How would you like to bo a bug lu that $38,000 rug?"-Cleveland Plain Dealer. Soiuc men pay small debts for tho purpose of contracting largo ones. C.OI1I. harvesting q Ice for n city I such ns Montreal Is no mean proposition, even In tho nlrttract. but for a moment wo will enter Into , figures and sco Just wlint It means. I hero have been harvested In tho city during the present winter some thing liko 100,000 tous of Ice. .Multiply this liy 2.000 and we nrrlve nt n total of 3W.0fW.(XJ0 pounds Divide this Into tho population of tho city and outlying districts, nllow for the neces snry waste, nnd It Is found that every man, woman nnd child consumes In tho neighborhood of COO pounds during tho year. However, a great deal of this consumption Is Indirect, as It were, for in these figures come tho restaurants. butchers and other large consumers of Ice. The calculation Is n fair one. bow ever, for sooner or later the members of the community benefit thereby. The Ico upon which Montreal de pends Is drnwn from several sources for Instance, the Hack Itlver furnishes some, tho St. Ijiwrence below Ht. AMD nAn IS PLAY. Mary's current tunilshes more, while the river opposite Nun's Island con tributes by far the larger share. The Ice In this latter locality Is beautifully clear and Is now being harvested as fast as men enn cut and teams can draw. The process proper of procuring Ice begins with the removal of the snow, this being accomplished with horses hitched to scrapers. Next comes a ma cnine xerrueu n mnrner. which Is a series of teeth set at given Intervals. Tho teeth nre so adjusted that they cut at Intervals of forty Inches and again nt twenty Inches, the width nnd length of an ordinary cake. A cutter, consist ing of a scries of big teeth, set one In front of the other. Is then run over these marks by means of hprses, mak ing the cuts some five Inches deep. Next the saw comes Into play. In the old days each cake was sawn, but experience has proven that Ice, If prop- erly bandied, can be broken-very read ily with a sharp iron bar, thus saving a great portion of the necessarily slower method of sawing. The City Ice Company's merTlu place of sawing the Ice Into comparatively small enkes content themselves with going through It with the toothed In strument at Intervals of sixty-four SlIEAItt.N'O OUT TUG BTRITa OF ICE. feet, cutting through only the short way. This raft, sixteen enkes long and four wide. Is then broken off tho inn In body by means of bars and with sharp Ice hooks, set In long handles, the men conduct It down toward the skid, one end of which Is hi tho water and tho other ending In n long plat form, set at a convenient height to load the sleighs without any lifting to speak of. At tho foot of the skid tho mcn tackle the Ice raft with bars again breaking off the cakes which go flying up tho skid propelled by a team of horses, bitched to a long rope. Tho rest Is all easy, for the sleighs stand U018TINQ ICE UT STEAM rOWEH. there waiting for their loads to tako over to the houses. Tho work of tho Ico harvester Is not unlike that of the lumberman, and one shares tho dangers as well as tho fas cinations of tho other, That it has Its fascluntlous Is shown by tho fact that THE SAW ICE IIAnVrSTERS AT WORK. uno honry old grny-beard told Hint h had been cutting Ice cvory wlntor for twonty-flvo years, and ns ho worked the saw up and down through tho blocks of blue crystal ho really ap peared to enjoy it, nnd that too In spite of tho fact Hint tho wind was blowing keen nnd strong over tho Ht. Lnwrenee. making tho footing any- thing but secure. A cubic foot of Ico weighs flfty-scv- rn and one-lmlf pounds. Cut that Into quarters and tho result Is four very small pieces, hardly sufllctent to fill nn ordinary Derby hat four times over, nnd still each will weigh upward of fourteen pounds. Montreal Star. JEFFERSON DAVI8' OLD HOME. Ileauvolr Mansion to IVcome a Itetreat for Confederate Poldlera. Ill all the fair southland there Is not a place dearer to the hearts of the Southern people than Ileauvolr, tho late home of Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate Slates. This homo was recently purchased by the sons of Confederate veterans and will soon be come a home for Impoverished Confed erate veteran Boldlers. Deaurolr Is the most beautiful and Imposing place on the Gulf coast. It wns settled and Improved by James Brown, a wealthy planter, who was lav ish In the expenditure of bis nbundant means In building and beautifying bis home. Oaks, cedars and magnolias Tie with each other In adding charm, and the long, gray moss fills In any little details tbat are lacking. The mansion, ns It was termed. Is as good as It was the day It was built, over CO years ago. A gallery 80 feet long nnd HV, feet wide borders the building In front and on the sides, and ends In wings tbat - jt . ltouE or JcryEnso.-r iiavis. arc entered through tall Venetian doors. The ball Is 10 feet wide and opens at the rear on a wldo gallery, on which the wings also open. The room to the right as the hall Is entered from the front was Miss Winnie's room. What u Mecca this room will be for the veter ans, and how they will cherish every thing tbat belonged to the "Daughter of the Confederacy." Equally distant from the mansion. east and west, are quaint llttlo cot tages. Originally there was only one room In each, surrounded on the four sides by wide galleries. Later one and two sides have been Inclosed, giving two additional rooms. It Is about tbo east cottage tbat the principal Interest centers, for It wns In this tbat Mr. Da vis studied nnd wrote, and where MIbs Winnie did much of ber early literary work. The main room of this cottage, was Mr. Davis' private library. The walls are lined with book shelves, and little gallery runs along the upper shelves. This was reached by a small ladder. Near the fireplace Is where Mr. Davis' desk stood, and the door beside It Is spattered with Ink thrown from his pen when he was writing his book. "TITe Itlse nnd Fall of the Confederate Government." The enst room has been enclosed, and In this room the chieftain wns wont to recline nnd rest on a sofa. Hack of this was a tiny room where Miss Winnie-wrote. It Is a real girl's den, and Is yet quite characteristic of the former fair occupant. Tho west cottage was occupied by Mrs. Hnyes, the older daughter, and her children when visiting her parents. The Ileauvolr home was bequeathed by will to Jefferson Davis by Mrs. Sarah Anna Dorscy, of Louisiana. Origin of the Military Salute. Of military salutes, raising the right hand to the bead It generally believed to have originated from tho days of the tournament, when the knights tiled past the throne of tho queen of beauty and, by wny of compliment, raised their bands to their brows to Imply that her beauty was too dazzling for unshaded eyes to gazo on. The offi cer's salute with the sword has a dou ble meaning. The 0rst position with tho hilt opposite the lips. Is a repeti tion of tho crusader's action In kissing tho cross hilt of his sword in token of faith and fealty, while lowering the point afterward Implies either submis sion or friendship, meaning in either case that It Is no longer necessary to stand on guard. Things that Make ICnglaniL Tbo recent elevation of a certain En glish nobleman to tbe peerage was made tho occasion of a presentation of sliver plate from his tenantry, with an address of congratulation. Tbe oldest tenant on the estates got up and said that he had himself attended seventy rent audits, and that bis house had been lived In by people bearing bis namo for 2G0 years. It Is llttlo things like this that make England so sturdy, substan tial and permanent, In comparison with the nervous, volatile, unstable life of this country. A Cerebral Haiulow. Sharpe A Dalttuioro man Is busy or ganizing all tho Joko writers Into a union; I wonder what kltul of an em blem they will use. Whenlton Why, a chestnut, of course. (And Immediately tho Ico-naclc was replaced about his fevered brow.) Philadelphia Record. Death Unto of Si, l'olersburg. St. Petersburg has tho highest death rate of any Europeuu capital, When a toper stops drinking It may bo either to bis credit or to his lace of credit.