Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 27, 1903, Image 3

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    I'immi Ok Im.nk Coi'Ntv.
A, l' Kllnmlicr, til Klmlm, vIhIIciI
In (.iiUiiku Urnvii (IiIn wi'ek.TiieNdny.
Mr. Hlliimker In ono of I.mir couiiI.v'h
I'IIIIUInImhIIo fjl riiiiMH. I'liiiilnir friini
t' 0 pIlll'I'IT Mtoell, IllN IIHII'lltHCOtlllllu I
fi'fuu' imtMi tit .1... 111.. i..'
rtlicukliiir of Onwm Iicmii,vh tlml II In
mm or llii' Ki'HiiilfMt, mIiiIcm, iivcrv
I ihiK liiki'ii Into voiihIiIitiiIIiiii, in
tlllUllllllll. J l M llirllclllHrl.V IH OIIll
or I, Mile enmity, mill hi lid-1 WM liwiil-
h.'.MH' '" "" 'Olllllj' HH.VH
Mr. I'.llnmkiT will .yon iinil I wo
tOWIIM, or till- COIIIIIIfU'lul follll Of
I'.iuci'im mill I'iiiiiikii Urovi'. Ilotli
nre iinnnti in he lnrKi' mill inwHr-
mm in h'n, huh nun win not on mi iii-Icrffivm-i
to Him oilier." rniyn llii)
KKiitli'inmi. Kiihoiiii In Imi'ki'il lip liy
iniiKiilllii'til (iiriuliiK'miil mill IhiiiIh,
o.V n Hilimi IiiiiiImtImk ImihIiichh, nil
ovornl over li.v tlitillliif Jtlvrr Mill
Intr Dlilrli'l. 'tl Imkto drove nur
roiinileil liy iln hi'Hi oi ilnir.v mill
Htock riirniH, Willi ocemiM ni tlmlier
"I lier very ImrilerN Willi niiwiiiIIIh
fnniilnjr iluy ami nllit, with Ilo-
lit Mining lllHlrli'1 i led in koIiI
Known mnl talked of (lie United
MliiteH over, In IioiiiiiI to htwirll.v of
Krent lniiorlmire to llieNlnte.
I' Ai.aim.
aiioiii ii o'i'Iim'K TtieNiiiiy nlulit ii
vicloiiH lire nliirni wiik turned In, mnl
uiiiciiiiciih or ( intuitu ilrovii tuiu
lileil mil of I ni I mnl niiiile hunty pro.
IwuiiIIoiim to ilo battle, with the
riiHrty-ilfNtroylnK mounter. Homo
ooily niiIiI .1. I'. i'ui-rlit'M neat iyh.
ileni'i ojiiohIIii I lie mill iliun wuh
Ih'I ik reilneeil to iimIicm ami no a run
that wonlil have ilone ereilll to
Mamie H or .lay-Mye-Mini win In-
InlkTil In liy the 1 1 red ami
wurkeil I'lllteiiH, who hail Ihvii ho
rmlely awiikeneil (nun Ihelr peiuclul
wIiiiiiIhth. It traiiHilrt'il. however,
that Mr. CnrrliiH'N Iioiihii wuh not a
iniiHN o ilmneN, mnl In lael no lire
fonlil lie illMCoverrd (or Nome time.
Alter in licit hi'iucIi anil coiiNtileralile
ileliiy Hume one illHeovereil a Hinnll
lilni out III the country Ninnewhere.
Home wiliI that It wiik the Nlali pile
a( the I'acllle Tlmlier Co'n. mill at
London, alioiil li' in I leu iIImIiiiiI on
the Count I'ork; othrrN iiMMwrted
that It wiin a IiI'IihIi pile on the llu
iloliih rmieh a mile out of town,
w'hleli allerwarilN proved to lie tint
niHe, while otherH were loud In the
opinion that It wiin a "pllie clivntn"
ImliilKed In liy Armon Nvyiiue mnl
WlnterN WalliK-e.
I'ai iiiii. Waiiiin.
l.itNt week the iialrul tviiKon of the
loll,? dllame tefephulie line, under
the NUH'rliitemleiiev of II. M. W'll
HaiiiN, wiin In theelly, lookliu; alter
the i'oniimiy'N proHrt,v. eiiroiile lo
the Niiutheru line of the Ntate. The
patrol wiikoii In on the go all the
time In'Iwii'U I'orllaml and the Cali
fornia Hue. It iciu1ivn nearl.i a ,ear
to make the round trip mid the!
waiiiii hardly win luirk to I'nrtl mil 1
iM'foie It mill I -1 1 1 1 1 1 I mi the road
aKalii. An lule reNtlui; feature I
ol the fainoUH ml nil wiikoii In one!
Ole (IIm'H, In telephone parlance I
known iin "the niolike.i " Mull'
lilaluly and coiirtcniiy njx-uklUK lie I
In the pole clluitier He lnNo hiiIiI
to Ih In Krcat fnior with the m-vitiiI
telephone kM iiIo.ik Ihe line, and
Mr. WllllmiiN In iilllineN IhroWH In a !
Htatn nl Krave anxiety, IiiinIiik IiIn i
leai-Nou the Inllniatloii that It Joul.v
a iUi'Nlloii ol a Nhort time until kohii- '
ol the atlracthe hellu" ulrl de-lllH-rately
and pii'inedllali'l. nuIh
Ole e:i'iir off the lelelilloue clieult mid 1
appropriate lilin for their "very I
(leo. I'H n'turiied till" week from
.n Hi'vernl wei-k'N vlxlt In JDenver. I
Colo., wiiere he Iii.h Ihvii lookhiK
after Nome mlnliiK IlllcrcHtH. .Mr.
lea N'a.vr he In irlud touel luiek Into
vOod'H country iikiiIu. Adiiiltlluu;
that there In iiiueli wealth mid. that
I'eiiver in 11 ium;er pim'e 1111111 111
.liw drove. Mr. Wh IdiikH that
Colorado em.l.ol hi any way coin-
iiare with tliU mvilou ol On-uoii. He f
loillid niiiiiy iH'ople theiv who an- ol
... .. ,., u .., ,i .....
l ie Name 0111111011 aim who urt- Kfi-, l.jit-,,r.v nt-fiitlv -Mtu1tllMlu-i at For
tliiu lodivKOii an fiiNt iin they can , ,.Hl drove. Iiiin nIiIpikmI ItKX) ciiHCN of
arrmiKe thelrairalrN. He HiuIn every ii,,. fnriiirv'- nr,i.ii,,'t
one tnlkliiK alioiil (irt'Kon, but ex
iinfKeN lili Hiirpiifi' that nollteratiiiv
Iiiin Ihtii will out iMKiirdliiK t IiIh
parllcuhti Nivtlon. He In ol the
opinion Hull CottnKC drove Iiiin
niiiile a Krent inlNlake In not takliiK
ailvmiliiKe of the opportunity and
placet IiIh hccIIoii iN'lore the H'ople
who are now looklnu for locatloiiN.
In I IiIh Mr. aii In umloulitedly rlKht.
W11.1. 1.Ki-r'riu:.
Kuv. (ten. II. FecNc, well known iin
mi IntercHllUK h-cturer, will dcllvut
' IiIh well known lecture on "Tho I'oh
Nlbte Man," at tho M. H. church, thin
city on the eveuluK of April 7, under
the aUNplccN ol the I.iiiIIch Aid So
clelv. SN'akliiK ol Mr. Feeno and IiIn
lecture the I'tuh MelhodlNt. Salt
l.nke, Iiiih the IoIIowIuk-
"The lecture ilcllveivd In the Flrnt
MethodlHt ICpli-copal church, by the
llev. (leo. II. I'Vcne, on "The PohmIIiIc
Miiii," wiin Kreatly enjoyed by all
who heard It For one hour and
live mluutcH Hid lecturer held the
cloHcHt attention ol IiIn audience.
Tim lecture from the hcKlniiliiK to
the end brlHtled with IntcreHtliiK nud
HUKKi'ntlvo tboilKhlH; Indwil, It wuh
one ot the iiuiHt tlioimlitful liH-ture
wo havo ever llHteneil lo. II wiin
pIciiHiiutly and roivelully delivered."
Iltnh .MelhodlNt. Salt Lake.
Cut I Iin Foot.
Junper Pit It en wiin In town on one
Icet. ho to hk'uH. Tiiewlnv. Mr. Put
ten made 11 inlHH-IIck with IiIh axe
about a week iiko. und nent the
blade 'Veil Into IiIn left toot, InlllctluK
a painful wound. He wiin In the
wooiIn In fotuiiuiiy with IiIh hiiii
when the accident occurred. Mr.
Patleu removed IiIh Hlioe ami IiIh hoii
took 11 Hllk thread out ot IiIh hut and
Hewed up wound. Tho tank wiih
not a vi'17 pleiiHant one, and made
the hoii 11 Utile miiiicuiiiIhIi In the
ivkIoii oltho Htomach, hilt tho hiii-kI-cal
oHjrtlou Iiiin proved a nucccnh.
(ul one mid Mr. Patten In rapidly iv
coverliK. PiiohiVi. .....
HroViut & iloiKim, ot tho New
Kni PniK Store, Imvo taken the I'acl
lle, 'mm agency lor tho PIiohco
MuiufactuiiiiK Co., of St. LouIn,
wli make a IuihIiiohh ol fiinilHliliiK
hviiiiin and pleaHliU? cordlnlN for
n'oiii louutulUM. PIiohco," In one ol
thdreoinpoitndH that In ci-eutluK nn
Iihiiciiho innrkot. on thlN count, it
ci4i bo Nerved lit tho Hodii louutnln
, In tho home, a munll or luntu
liiuutltv beliiK mixed nl 11 tliuo, iih
iieNt niiHh tho tamlly. It Is niiiile
from pure fruit Juice, In healthy und
alwnvH licnellclal. Whan tlilraty
I nil u lie at the Hoda fotiiitalu lor
Kf . .11.. fliii.'rlf,V.M
Thin olllco In In recolpt of a booklet
Uaued by tho Southern pacine coin
puny, contalnlnL' mitch vnluiiblo In
InrmiLtlim reirarillmr Oivkoii. touch-
I11K upon tho iVNomvcH, liultiHtrleH,
jouimorce, productH and the cllniuto
of tho Htute. It iiIno contiilim 11
Hpletulld map ot Oregon and alto
irothor It Is 11 huiwit of Information
of much value to thono denlrliiK
HCiiualntnnco with tho Btute.
vl- I -1- -i; -if.jtU U- limit. Is -i' Ji' -i- -i -ll-iU -it-- H-.-.i- i-
"Wynne .1-hardware (Jo.
furry a coinpleln line of llardwmv. riuwmv, HIovcn,
ItfiiiKi'H, faini Inipleuii'iilH mid MIiiIiik HniiplicH, Incliid
Ink (Hunt Powder Coh I'owder, Cim mill Kline,
fall ami wo the new "IIKKI" IllcycleN.
The Clinrtcr Oak Hardware Store."
Wynne Hardware Co., Proprietors
f r- f- -t-'-t. -ii-f. .rr-r ir-n v-v -T- --r- -tt-'-t. .T.--r.--TT
TIiIh In Ideal weather fur March.
(leo. 0. Walker
dn, .
WrtN III tOWII Mllll-
(! A. Harlow wiin la the city HiIh
(.'. II. Wlllccofl WIIN III tin. i llr M,,n.
It, W. Vealeh In ni'overliiK from an
ill hick oi Kni.
Andy NelNon wiin
piiNHt'iiKcr Monday.
W. II. mid Carl
Valley Hiimlay.
llui'K VIhIIciI l.iMt
(let out to the repulillcan prhuarleH
niiiiiruiiy iiiKUi.
I. J. .Melncer, of Vonealla, wiin In
tne city woiliieHilay.
..I tn, II. V. Ileliuu Iiiin returned
mini a vihii with IrleinlNiit Portlmid.
John Coolcy made tlieNuKKetolllcc
a pleaHuiit call Moiulnv allonioon.
.MrH. Mike Wnld. of IJiiKene, vUlted
her iiurcntH, Mr. and Mtn. Hold, IIiIn
Over IUU.O00 ol MultiiomiLh
coitnty'N taxcN have already Intu
pain in.
.1. (). WiiIIn, the CiiKcne optlLlan,
PIIHHcd tlirnllirll NOlUhtioiiiid Mimilnv
MrH. I. H. llliiKham vlHlted IIiIh
wivk wiin tier liiiHiiiinii mid frirndH
in iiiin city.
Martin lloltlie wiin In tlm .11 v
Monday. The Niikki'I aeknowleilKeH
n pieiiNiiui can.
Mr. and .MrH Swarlni; of U lorelin.
ami MInn .Stella llrown, vlnlleil In
CottnKc drove lant Htimlav.
I'red and Nell llrtrnn, of llohemla.
were rcKlHtcnil at the Hotel Slier-
wooil rui'Hilay.
I lie oreuciii .National (liuinl n to
1 pupped with the new army rllle.
the KiaK-JorKciixen.
Mrn. .lime KiiirrHou, ol thin city,
who Iiiih Imimi iiilte III lor hoiuc, time,
In now rapidly nroverliiK.
W. c. Conner, tilltor ol the l-euder,
vlnltiil ItoHelmrK IiIn former lioine,
the early part of the week.
Another week mid It will U' trout
HfiiHoii. .lohiiiiy. don't kcI your kuii
IiiiI kcI your rod ami nil.
Deputy County Surveyor Hunt, ol
CiiKciif, accompaiileil liy .MrH. Hunt,
wuh In CotliiKc droe TueHilay.
I-wIn MorKun, brother ol IWII
.MorKiui t the New i:m llniK Ston-,
vlnlted III CottiiKe drove thin week.
It l 'In-duly ofevery repulillcan to
uet out ami voice IiIh NvntlineutN at
the repulillcan prlmarlcN next Satur
day eeuliiK.
Itolil. Alexander, piVHldcut ol tie
I'acllle TIiiiIntC o.. of HiIn cltv, Iiiin
returned from an extended v1hi to
Smi l-'ranclMco.
Dr. .1. d. Towle. ol Ohlhmu. S. I).,
arrived In CottiiKC drove thin week,
with Ihe view ol tuukliiK thin IiIn
peruiaiieiit home.
Kvery lariner who Iiiin 11 NhruliU'ry
1. 1. ..11 . ,. . , , -
',' ,,,V.,",l,r '.'""W
. , ' . " ', I "Itlviitii! durliiK thin
m I ifi i 1 1 . 1 weather.
'lie I'acllle foiiNt CoiuIciikciI Milk
Jim dlhliN raiiKht a Hue otler In
theCoiiHt Fork within the city IIiiiIIh
ofthlNclty WedtieNilay mornliiK. u
rather iiucomiuon (K-currcnce.
Cochran & Lauder make a HHvlalty
on rockei-H and nprltiKN mattreNHcH.
We iiIno carry a complete Hue of fur
niture mid uudertakliiK kooiIh In
tatent NtyleN. Call and k'I prlceN.
The NiiKKvt ackuowledKcN a plt-iin-antcall
Iroin Mrn. F. A. Ituuklu ami
MrH Minnie F.ilwnrdN, of KiiKene,
who weiv vInKIiik In CotliiKc drove
lant TiieNilay.
('oltiiKti drove hIioiiIiI kivp In mind
that IiiiiiiIiyiIh of liiiinlKrmitN are
coiiiIiik to OrcKou every week, and
that it In IiIkIiI.v CHHcntlal that thin
nccIIoii of the Htale Hhotild nvelve
Nome of them.
.lumen MeFarland In civcIIiik an
addition lo IiIn IiiiIIiIIiik occupied liy
Wynne Hardwaiv Co. (IiIn week.
The new Ntruclure will lie occupk'd
by the hardware Co., ami the bicycle
repair Nhop will be liiHtalled therein.
Miller llrox. mv nuikluK hoiuu hiiIi
Htmitlal ImprovemeiilN In their feed
barn on lllver Nlrect. The old I111II1I
ItiK In Ih'Iiik rained and lengthened,
mid when the dew work In com
lileteil the IiuIIiIIuk will beflOxOS fwt.
LiiNt Satiirday W. T. Ivayner and
wile Hold their hotel In thin city to
Mrn. .loHcph Korluck, ol ICuuvne.
The rouKlderutlon wiih JIJOO.OO.
Tlie property coiiHlHtN ol 11 Hue new
hotel, erected hint lull, ami a neat
cot tune on the uiljolnlnir lot.
ThiiH. M. Medley Iiiin opened a real
eNtutemid iuIiiIuk olllce. HIn place
ol IiiihIiichh In with llei'K Ui'on., the
well known UHHiiyerH ol thin city,
with olllce rooiiiH on Main Ntreet.
Mr. Medley will be pleased lo lint
your properly mid iuIvIhu you 011
real entate mid mlnliiK umtlet-N.
When the cry ol lire In Hounded
then you happen to think about In
Htirance. A lillit to the wlwi In huIH
clout. TheOtvKon Fliv Heller Ahho
elation iH.Mutiml; In Hide, and cohIh
about uue-liiilf the rutu ol Htock com
pmilcH. ?:i,(HKI,l)(0 liiHuranco In force.
AddivHN S. K. (leoriri, UtiKene, Oiv-
Kon, Aici'iit for I.ano County. S t !l
Dr. Petrio and John Darker, who
have been riiHllcatliiK up llow river,
In company with Henry JohtiNniimid
(leo rue fox, have returned lioinot
They were out on Hovcral occiibIoiih
niter ccniirar, nut. wuu 110 ivhiiii.
However they luul n very pleiiHant
outtiiKi nnd return much Invigo
rated with the balmy utr ol the high
laiulH. lolui MohIiv had an accident with
hlH liorwo and bUKiry boiiio tlmoln tho
wo Hinit' hourB hiHt Sivtunlay nlKht.
It In not dellnltety Known wnetnur
John tried to buck an overland pan.
nei)Kf r off the track, or whether hln
hot-no not "enred t the train or
John'HcoiHiltlon, and ran awny. At
any rnto the Inimty piVHented 11 de
lnpldated nppeiiranco Stinday morn-
Or. l.owe oeulo.optlclmi Kuki'IK'.
HtyllHh HprliiK ImtH at MrH. N. K,
Head r en I
Kiiiik A Co
eatnte Imriruln ol Jerome
dardeii wciIn In bulk at I'akln k.
Mm. ( "la re linker calin; up from
llimciiiirK weiincHiiay.
C. T. Miller made the NilKKet olllce
n ilciM(iiit call 'J'ueNday.
ItetiHon DriiK f ompany for pure
MIiin-h at Icnh HiauroNt. S. V.,
Toilet nrllrteNOf every dcMcrlptlon
nt lleiiKoii DniKf".
Wm. flirlmiimi wiih In CottnKc
flnivp I IiIn wi-ek.
FrpHli bn-ad at the Home llakery,
nenr IIn- depot. Try II.
Vour (in-wrliilloiiN MIIihKH'ICK, at
fteiiNoii flniir Co'n Ntore.
(IihnI lunch and hot coffee nt the
IIimiii' llakery, near the depot.
(VinIi lift Ii I for cedar IioHn at the
plauluK mill, CottitKe drore.
IjiiIIi'n try Mrn. W. II. Ohiiioii'm
plain hcwIiik mid dn-NNimikliiK. f t .'I
Save money In millinery nt N. K.
KIhcu'h. Two HhlptnentN from fill-
ciiko HiIn week.
Doh't foruet that April Ith In oih'H-
IiiK'Iiiv at the MlHHeNNewlmid millin
ery Ntore.
lohn II. Pearxon, NiiiN'rliiteuilent
of Hie OrcKou Ac SoutheiiNtern,
vInIIhI Portland thin week.
Mm. i:i Ml i A. Cottle und daughter.
Kthel, were vlnltorH to KllKene Tiicn-
day. ix'turnliiK WedneNiliiy.
Mr. ami Mrn. .IohcpIi PerkbiH left
edni'Hilay for linker City where
they will ri'Nhle.
(leo. Iloiine left tide week lor llo
hemla and will iHt'oine a llxture at
ihe cluimplou mine.
The (Irllllii, Veatch Hardware Co.
have JiihI received 11 car load ol
HcrculcH powder.
hirite work teatn mil a .lerw.v
cow lor Niile. Imiulrv of
I'iiii.i.ii'm & viii:i:i.i:ii.
I'here will In1 KiiIm'oiuiI wrvlceN In
the MunouIc hull Sunday. MaivhlDth.
at 11 11 111. All mv cordially Invited
to at tend.
I'oMh, yield ipilckly to treatment II
proiHT r.uuciiicH an1 muuieil. ton-
Niilt your doctor ami IiihIhi upon
IIciihoii DniK Comtuuiy HHIiik your
Min. Chnrley Wrluht. who liu Ihvii
In thlNclty lor Nome ten jiiiNt.
IiiivIuk uuderKOiie a delicate oicr-
11 1 Inn . Iiiin returned home mid In
rapidly rcKiilnliiK her health.
Henry Stewart, oN'ratoraud punt
iiutNter at ConiHtiK'k, wiin la C01 tilKi'
drove ThurNdiiy. .Mr. Stewart Iiiin
Ihi'ii In KuHtcrn Ori'Kon .or Home
time hi the IntcrcHt ol IiIn health.
Loiik A: IIIiikIiuui are haulliiK the
hiiw diiNt from the mill and are Iiiiv
Iuk it put on the Ntreet in Iront of
the compmiy'N Htoreaud nIho 011 the
public lUKhwny runnliiKout ot town.
It In a IiIk Improvemelit.
(!. II. HciiKcn, innnaKluK director
ol the Orcuoii & SoutheiiNteru Ity.,
lelt thin wwk for New York. Mr.
Hciikcii will ivturu In about nix
wirkn accompanied by Mrn. Hciikcii,
and exiiectN to Hiiend the Kreater
purl ol the Hummer heiv.
ServlceN Sunday mornliiK nt 11 11
mat thc.Mc thodlHt ICiiIkcoiiiiI cliurch.
Subject: "The LoonIiik ol thoShiN-."
i;venliiK Hiiiiject: ".mokcn (in-nt l)e-
cInIoii." Second of thu HerlcN ol Her-
inoiiN for youiiK men. The NervlccN
IickIu promptly at 7:."u o'clock.
(leo. Harney Iiiin reopened the
Walker bakery, near the depot,
under the nanie of the Home llakery,
and In how prepared to furnlHh a
llrnt class article of bread. In co.u
lurtlou he will iiIno nc! a kooiI lunch
with hot coffee- for the niiiuII jirlce of
10 renin.
.lohn StoneburK, the Wmt Side
confectioner, wiin In Portland mid
OrcKou (Ity the llrnt ot tho week.
At the hitler place he purchnHcil 11
combination pool ami billiard table.
winch will ik' liiHtalleil 111 tlie billiard
parlor recently titled up In the rear
ol IiIh confectionary Htorc.
It In announced that W. F.Morphy
Iiiih neat In, Iroin hln oivneut nddrcHH
In New York, IiIn rcHlKUiitlou iih wc
ivtary ami manuKcr ol tho llohemla
teleihono line. Sotno ono Iiiih Ikvh
HiiNplcloiiN euoiiKh to link why ho
didn't call 11 meeting ot tho Htock
holdern, iiuiko 11 report and tender
hln rcHlKimtlon heforo bin temporary
(?) departmv.
F. W. II11I111, wife and daughter, ol
SheiiuliiKtoii, Wis., vlHlted In thin
city, thin week, the Kiient ol Mr. mid
MrH. (Ico. Lea. Mr. Hahu uxpivhhch
lilniHcIf well plcaned with thin nectlou
ol OrcKou, mid alter holuiHcompleted
hln coiiHt trip, which taken him
thiouiih California, It would not nur-
prlne Home of hln friend hero It he
returned and eventually Iiuiik up
It In announced, that tho (Ircat
Northern mine, lllue Itlver iltntrlct,
In which J, II, (Huhn, of Drownnvllle,
In .Inteivnted. will tuntall another
battery ot two triple dlHcluirK
ntiitupn an noon an tho roads are
open ho that tho machinery can bo
triuinnorted to tho mine, Tho dreat
Northern already ban a battery ot
two HtamiiH which wiin luntallcd lant
tall. Thin mlno iIh located on tho
Calaimola rldKO mid Ih ono ot tho
rlchcHt claliiiN In tuo dlntrlct. Ku
Kcne lteslHter.
Leadlne Grocers of Cottaga Grove.
Hvory thltiK new, ftvnh and clean. Where tho majority trailen.
ovldently tho prices aro rlKht. Olvous 11 trial, and wenliall
endeavor to pleane you. Produce a speclulty. ' none- 4J.
I'or Mnyor, II. R. Job.
Vor Recorder, J. IJ, Voting.
I'or Treasurer, Herbert Kakiu.
I'lmt wnril,
Second Ward,
Third Ward,
J. 1'. Ctirrin.
Oliver Vealcli.
Ceo. Wall.
MOOItL-To the wife of W. M.
Moon-, of Lorane, Sunday, .March
TJ. IWiri, n line Impound daughter.
MCLLKIAN To the wit.. 1 I. C.
.MuIIIkiiii, a i pound Klrl. MoIImt
mnl child dohiK nicely.
lit Kit.
rxriir luidim. Ijiiic county
Kon. Jiarcii -i, im ridllli
iKTH, hkiiI N j enrN.
Phillip Numbcra wiin oiiu ol I jim-
county'N old and n-MtNi'led ploueerH.
He ciiiui to On-KOii from Ohio In
INS!. He won tin- Hti'it-father ot
Hobt. and William 1-nckcv and .Mm.
Kil. Turulii. The n-iuabiN were In -
terred In tin? Taylor ltivi' yard.
VKATCH, I. M. At the home of IiIh, , m,.,,., rjl(, u,
nephew, ItoU-rt Vealeh. In thin cltv, "nH ' sl,"l"0 609 ,Cra3.
Friday March 13). I. M. Vea cl. I f', r",,n-' "'T' ,J, "n,e . "''j
iiKed-ll yenrn. 4 inontl.H 1, . 1 , if1?' tryine tl. butlm ol
,jJiVf4 I Hut 8rnne, Ark., for rriatlc rlipiima-
IIFirnernl wrvlc,-H were held at '''".'" l.ltet ioo relief rrorn Ilallard'H
the Prt-Nbyterinu Church thin cltv I ""m , U r'T" any mwhciiie or
ot which lif- wuh 11 inemlNT. Itev. L. I). I "ill'lnK h"-. e"r ".. Lncloncl
Iki'k olllclatl.iK. The reu i Iin xrvn-1 "V'1 '"""i0' Vi "''" I"' .I' 00, fcen'1 ,D"
ll.tenvd III tlKTsMld'H ce. 1 etrv. Sat-1 ' W h'n exprew."
unlay. March il. "L I Sold by New Kra Drnit Store.
Dm-iiiN-il wiiHoiMMif I.aneCoiiiitV N! l,wnll puirtoKether. We will
old iloncvr.ulthoiiKhhe hud rwlded create in tlie iiiIiiiIn of Hionc coininir
for many yearn at Lone Hock. LiiMt-
ern OrvKim, having Imimi brought
to IiIn early ploiuvj luuue only 11
Nhort time iiko, to die.
Mr. Veatch wiin born In White
County, 111., Nov. I, lsjii. HecroHwd
the plalim with IiIn two brothem,
llrrtie mid Ycm Veatch from Iowa !n
1S.VI, the Vealcli brotherN Iml-Iiik
tueinU'rH of the S. H. Knox and
William OKlenby ox'trniii. In 18711
he wim married near IIiIh city to the
dmiKhter of SIIum Drown. Alter inar
niKf Mr. Vealcli ami wlfen'inoved to
ICiiKtern OtVKOli where he HiiKUKcd In
the Ntock IiiihIiichh. He leaven four
children, Lucy Shelldn of The Dalle.
Itobort Veatch of llrllUli Columbia,
Sa lvia Stratum of lone, and Oncar
catch ot Lone Hock, wven brother
ami NlNtem, Heme. Sylventer, Ijifav
ettc. Hon. It. M. Veatch. Mrn. C. II.
Wallmv, MrN. Calvin Wallace of Cot
tiiK drove, and Mrn. .1. II. Whorton.
of l.akevlew. Ori'Kon.
AIIIioukIi he had In-cii eHtraiiK'd
from IiIn iiNNoclateN hi HiIn blNploiieer
home for many yearn, Ii" had many
frlenilN beNhleH IiIn relativen who wen
deeply pained to learn of hln death.
Ifor Mayor,
" Recorder.
" Treasurer
R. M. Veatch.
J. K. Young.
Herliert Hakin.
1 st Ward
2nd "
3Cd "
J. P. Currin.
Oliver Veatch
Geo. Wall.
A very liitereNthiK hcnhIoii wiin held
WodueHilny evenlmr. March SI. by
the inemlH'm of St. Vnlentlne'H Circle.
Mm. Helen M. Southwlck. wneral
orKiinlier. wan prenent and delivered
mi cuthtiNhmtlc iiddrenN for the
Kood of the order. Lhiht relreNh-
menln were served alter the Keneral
routine ot IiunIiicnn and the Initiation
of four new inemliorH. All departed
tor their homen thankful that they
were able to attend the Circle.
Tuenday eveuluK the Lady Maccn-
Imh'n of t IiIn city were vlHlted by a
Jolly deleKutlon of tho KiiKcne Ludy
.Maecabeen, who UNHlHted In the In
Ntallatlon of otllcorN mid lulnlthitory
work provided lor tno occasion.
After the routine of work was iieri
formed the lianiiuot board wan 1
spread mid all kliulH ot ood tlmen 1
were tlie order ol tlie Hour. Tlie
occnnlou wuh of particular note In
that State Commander Mm. Nellie
I.nuiHon. of Portland, wan a irucnt of
the CotttiKi' drove hive. Those pren.
ent Iroin KUKene were: MesdnmenF.
A. Haiikln. .Minute Hilwnnm, l.dltn
Hlnen. Mary Kinney. F.dlth Linton,
(leo. Croner, KoHtler, Hulery, .lohn
non, KulKlit, Frnncen Day. MIhnch
Cecilia Walker, Mary Ilurton, lUhel
Ivluney. wnen iiiih uciCKation nmt
arrived nome an: ety wan felt by tho
local police department, but iih the
afternoon wore away, and no boln-
teroun ilenioiiHtrutlon8 were niiiile, 1
the order for additional policemen
wiih withdrawn. Krorytiiiug tnen
went Hiuootlily until about U o'clock
when an alarm of lire was turned In.
It In not dellnitely known that tho
vIhUIuk hullen were renpoiiHlble for
the falne alarm, and therefore tho
NiiKKi't pn'ferN to Klve them tho
benetlt of the doubt.
Uncle Sum Hnndnaker ho.vh It wiih
fit) yearn iiko hmt Sunday, March iM,
Hlnco lie lelt iuiiioih tor uresoii, unv
ItiK an ox team tho whole dlntance,
arrlvliiK In OrcKou lu October. The
editor of the NiiKKi't In well nc
iiuuluted with "Uuclo Sam." Ilo Ina
Kcntlcnmu of tho rlKht nort and the
ono wlnh that ono could consclon
tlounlv wlnh him In that he mny llvo
to nay ho wan 100 yearn old.
Mrn. C l'etemon, (125 Lake St., Tope
kn, K1111., Hpeiikini! of llnlliird'a Ilore
hound Syrup, fa; "It bus never
failed to give entiio nutisfactlon, and ot
nil cough remedied, It Is my favorite,
and I iiiustcoiift'iia to :ny many friends
that It u ill do, n ml hns -tlono, what is
claimed tor It to epeedlly euro n
cough or a cold ; and It Is bo sweet und
so pleasing In tasto." 25c. 60c and
$1 00 bottle nt New Era Drug 8tore'.
The followbiK In the value ot Ore
Kon iiroduelN tor the vear IIMtt, nc
cordiiiK to the OreKonlan: LunilMT,
tU)jLM,M): llvo Ntock, M(.000: Kohl
.-i,lKKMlO(); poultry. I.WW.(MK); dnlr.V
Iiik, :i,K.WKli hopN, f.'l.iVl.WX); wool.
a.K),Ki: llNherlcH, tf,riK),000; fruit,
Hiiw often you lit-m it reninrkcd
I'U only 11 cold," und 11 Ikw iIhv lidrr
leiirn Unit tliu mini in on Ins back Willi
pueiiinonia . Tills !n of Mich common
occurrence that 11 cold, however hIIkIu.
nliould not Imi illarruarditl. Cimmlx'i
1 11 Ill's (oiikIi It"iiicly counlcract. miv
ti'iiilcncy toward pneiinionln . It hIwrVs
curn and In pleamint to Uk . Sold liv
l!cnoii DniK (,Vi; Lvonfi ft Aple)tal'.
Drain .
J lie priwnt iiikii price ol Iokh on
thoColiimbln river Iiiih n tendency to
retard the liltnlwr IiiihIiicnh. The
iiiIIIn have to compete with all iiointH
011 the count, mid thedlfferenci; In tho
I price of Ion In too Krent to nilmlt of
lHiicn-HHliil cotnK.'tltlon In many cuwh.
I The IokkIuk Hltuatlon on I'liKct
I .Sound, at this time, MhoWHthnt more
, Iokh are goliiK In than ever before,
I and the jiroNiN-ctN nre Hint more
I luinlx'r will bo nnwed niter March
; flntt thnn lant year. It will take
I well on to tho middle of May to tell
' with liny ileKivo of nccurncy what
, the conilltloiiN will In? for tho bill-
lawe of the yenr. Columbia Itlver
1 ami Oniron Tluilieniinn.
ironi alnr Hint t IiIh In the proiHT
place to locate, live anil after it Ioiik.
ionc time die.
Wean- In tlie market for mohair
nud wool. He Hiire and nee iih lN.'fore
you wll and K' t pricen. (iarinan.
Ilemeiiway Co.
I am desirous of knowing if the pro
fesfion tun obtain Ilerbine in bulk for
prrriling punwrenT It has been of
great use ti. me in treating cases of
lvsieisia brought 011 by excesses
overwork. I have never known it to
fail in lepioring the organs alfected, to
their healthlul activity." GOc bottle at
New Kru Drugstore.
S By vour Groceries at J
the place where they
keep the Purest and
S best the market af- S
fords, and at the low-
est prices, quality con-
2 sidered. That place
is on the West Side at a
the store of
1 Garoiifte & Mcfcalf
If you have been trad-
J ing elsewhere just call J
5 in and see them make
one purchase and you
2 will never trade else- 2
2 where. 2
Tlie many frieudsjof .lolin Illount will
be pleased to learn that he has entirely
recovered from his attack of rheuma
tism. Chamberlain's Pain Halm cured
hint i,fter the best doctors in tlie town
(Million, lnil.) had failed to give re'ief.
The prompt relief from pain which this
liniment all'ords is alone worth many
times its cost. For sale by Benson
Drug Co, Cottnge drove; I.vons A Ap
plegate. Drain
Shot Line
and Union Rachfic
TlMK ScilElll'I.tS
from I'ortland
Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver,
Portland. Ft. Worth. Omaha.
4:30 p.m.
Ot'.'Oa.m. Kansas City, St.
vin 1 1 11 lit -I Louis, Chicago and
iiigtou. hast.
S :ir p.m.
Ington. Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft. Worth, Omaha.
Kansas City, St.
Louis, Chicago and
10:30 11. m
St, 1'a id
Fust Mad
6 p. in
Walla Walla, Iasw
iston , Spokane,
Wallace, rullinan,
Minneapolis , St.
Haul, Duluth, Mil
waukee, Chicago A
7 '35 a. 111.
70 Hours
Tickets east via all rail, or boat and
rail via Portland.
All Balling dates sub
8 p. m.
ject to change.
For San Francieeo
Sail every Ave days.
i p. 111.
4 p. m.
8 . in.
Saturday To Astoria and
10 p. 111.
L, OHAIG, Gen. Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
It is a
i Spring is beve-So are we
S With Spr.13' Pumps and Spray Compound. 2
Hoen, ItakcH and CiiltlvatorH.
OlIvcr'H Steel and Chilled PIowh. 3
FIhIi llron. Wngons.
A full mid complete Line of Hnrdwaro, Stoves and Tlnwnrc.
E: Mining Supplies our Specialty. 5
Piper &
"We Suit the Hard to Suit."
Don't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that
Tlie Cash. Grocery Co.
Carry the cleanest and most Complete line oi roceries
in the city.
We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege
tables in season.
The Cash Grocery Co.
J, E. WHEELER, Prop.
Where the meals are well cocked and well served and the beds are good.
And you'll And everything hoi. -l
Comeandstnv ai
Free to our CommercialTrade. Try our Sunday Dinner. The best ever
Served in any Hotel in the City.
N. D. HARDY, M'gr.
Photograph Gallery
New back
grounds and
Fifteen years experience, eight years in Portland 3
s Nothing but first-class work. All Work guar- 3
E; anteed. Lowest prices. Call and examine work.
Opposite Masonic Hall. West Side, Cottage Grove. 3
W. S. Chrisman & Ely Bangs
mThe Fhion Stables
Bohemia and Llack Butte Stages.
First Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Proprietor of
...The Miners Supply Hduse.
Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.
General Merchandise, Miners' 2'ools and Ammunition
If you want n first-chiss plnce to
stay while transacting business
in Cottage Grove, be sure and go
to the
quiet place, conveniently
and the tables always
with the best the
mar Sal
kct affords.
ICayNer, Proprietor.
Vandenbura 1
: i i pott:
Best Lenses