Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 27, 1903, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happening of the Past Week,
Presented In Condensed Form. Most
Likely to Prove tntcrcMlng.
Iave Washing! April 1
In Uhloafo April 2
In Yellowstone Park.. April mo It
In Nebraska, Iowa, IHInoli. April is lo
In B. tools April so
In Kansas City Sr 1
In Ileum ... May 4
In Ran Franctseo Nay 12 to II
Atrhre at Aslilanrl, Or. . May 21
In Salon May HI
Arrfva Pnrllatiit rattjtfnoonl.Mav H
Iro Portland (moraine) .May
in jaeoma.
Arrive iaattte..
In Walla Walla.
In Ounkane.
In Salt 1ike
ArtlToln Washington
fa Isto cbcf nn on ttnm
Mar 22
.Mar 5
Jnne l
June 4
Tlio Hood situation In tlio Mississippi
valloy Is Improving.
Tlio Oregon Short Line lina told ita
llnea In Nevada to Olark.
President Castro, of Venoauela,. lias
resigned In order that trouble with for
eign powers may be more easily settled
Governor Mcllrldo, of Washington,
has vetoed tlio (50,000 appropriation
for the Lewis and Clark exposition.
I , Tho Pittsburg Oil and Glass cum
pany, with a capital of (0,000,000 has
filed articles of incorporation at Dover,
Tho engine and four oars of a nest
bound Twentieth Century Lake Shore
limited were derailed at Ashtabula, N.
V. No one was injured.
Tho Pacific and Dominion express
company has issued a circular offering
a reward of $2,000 for the recovery of
tie (25,000 gold bar that disappeared
from the union depot at Detroit Wed
nesday'nlght. Tho Steel and Iron corporation of
Mexico, japitl (1,600,000, has been
incorporated at Trenton, N. J. The
objects aro to manufacture iron and
steel, and to acquire the Campania In
dustrial.Mexicana of Mexico.
Robbers blew open the vault in the
deposit bank of Bard well, Ky., and se
cured in the neighborhood of (5,000.
The safe la a total wreck, and the
charge was so strong that some of the
currency, of which there was (3,500,
was burned. The robbers cwaped.
A flro which gutted n tenement block
in Front street, Hartford, Conn.,
threatened the lives of the upper floor
tenants and caused property damage of
(10,000. A man, woman and three
chilJren wore rescued by firemen with
ladders, and the other occupants of the
building escaped in their night cloth
II. G. Bax-Ironsides, the new British
minister to enezuela, has arrived at
Two steamers collided on Long Island
sound, killing six pers-ms and causing
tno Injury of a number ol others.
It Is feared that the amendments to
the Cuban treaty have so changed it
that the work will have to be done
The carelessness of Alex Kemperty
in smoking a pipo near a can of powder
at a quarry in Vi est Rutland, t
cauutod an explosion which cost him
his life and injured seven others.
The Nova Scotia, one of the largest
mines owned by the Gauley Mountain
coal company, near Huntington, W
Va , Is oa fire, and its complete de
fitructlon is threatened. The entire
mountain is smoking.
Rear Admiral Croninshield, who re
cently applied for immediate retire
ment from the nny, has lowered his
flag on board the ciulser Chicago, and
given up the command of the Kropean
.station, says a Home dispatch.
A vein of phenomenally rich ore, five
feet in width and of unknown depth,
and areaylng 200 ounces of gold and
2,000 ouncos of silver to tho ton, has
been discovered at Parral, Mexico.
Tho Hidalgo mine, where the body ol
ore waa discovered, belongs to a com
pany of Texana.
Forty million dollars' worth of lands
and tenements in Greater New York
on which taxes aro In arrears will bu
sold this fall under an order of the con
t roller.
That May tie the Only Way to Remedy
Cuban Treaty Muddle.
Washington. March 24. The do-
focta in tlio Cuban treaty wero discussed
nt tho stato department today by fccro-
tary Hay ami a number ol senators, in
eluding Chairman Cullom, of tho sen
nto comnilttco on foreign relations
Thero was no disposition to minimi
tho cxtont of the complications, and
in fact, fresh ones wero developed dm
nii the conference.
It was pointed out uy ono senator
that tho provision that "this treaty
shall not tako effect until the same
shall have been approved by congress,'
required such action not only on tlio
ivirt of onr own congress, bnt by tli
Cuban congress as and this it
would perhaps bo difficult to secure, for
tlio opposition is much stronger in tho
Cuban lower house than In tho senate
Some of tlio senators who called
bluntly stated that tho treaty would
surely Imj defokted if it again came be
foro the United Statea congress. Tho
officials of the statu department havi
not yet Riven tin hone of being ablo to
straighten out tlio tangle, but it ap
pears moro probable today than ever
that a now treaty will be required.
Relict Expedition does to Aid ol North
west Provinces.
Tokio, Japan, March 10, via Victoria
I). C, March 24. Some reaction has
manifested itsolf after the first shock
of tho nows that 150,000 people were
starving in the northwest provinces of
Japan. Kuropeans and Americans
have led the way In opening subscrlp-
Hon lists, and already some ob.OOO ye
((3,000) have been collected, whil
foreign investigators have been dis-
patched to tho scene of the reported
distiess to ascertain the amount of the
requirements and distribute supplies.
I-rom their reports, although the
deep snow and poor means of commun-
icatlon in the remote country have
made the dlatanco covered inconceiva
hie, it can be gathered that the distress
is very real. One report says that
horses were eaten and roots and rice
straw made up in edible form. The
last stage of destitution was reached
The Japanese people are now them
selves gathering data and sending relief
funds, while the government proposes
starting relief works when the snow
has melted.
It ii said that in tho event of no cases
of fever occurring at Tampa, Florida
will not quarantine against Cuba, owing
to the agreement reached between Sur
goon General Wymun und the Florida
board of health.
As a Rock Island train was entering
Guthrie, Okla., some person fired a
shot through a window, wounding
Mmo. La Mother, an opera ainger from
I'arls, in the arm and cutting her face
and arma with broken glass.
Tho senate will now take up the
Cuban treaty.
The paisago of.a package of diamonds
through the custom house at New York
has brought out the fact that tho re
turn of the Jewels to Antwerp waa pre
vented only by the stopping of the Red
Star line steamer Finland In tho lower
bay by means of a wireless telegram
and tho sending to her of a tug.
Tlio Colorado strike has extended to
the Cripple Creek mines.
Twolvo deaths havo occurred in the
last six mouths in New York City from
Surgeons at Mercy hospital, Pitts
burg, Pa., have amputated the completo
right nppor extremity of a child 2 years
old. Amputation included the col
Jar bono und shoulder blade. It is
thought that the child will recover.
Passengers on a Brooklyn Rapid Tran
sit company's Myrtle avenue car found
themselves locked in a burning car,
Tho motorman did not stop until the
end of the run was reached, wh6re a
firo engine waa waiting to extinguish
tho flames, and the occupants ol the
oar wero relieved from a perilous situation.
Government Will Use New Law to Compel
Witnesses to Talk.
Washington, March 24. The Inter
ior department is preparing to take ad
vantage of the law passed at the recen
session of congress, compelling the at
tendance of witnesses in hearings before
local land offices, and will make the
first tests in investigations that are be'
Ing conducted in Oregon Washington
and California, to determino the extent
to which fraudulent entries are being
made under tho timber and atono act.
The investigations heretofore have
been somewhat hampered because
inability to procure witnesses, but an
der the new law there will be no more
difficulty than it had in procuring wit
nesses in cases being tried in courts,
Tho department is depending to a con
siderable extent upon testimony which
can be brought out under the new law
to establish its case and to bring to
justice those parties who are willfully
violating the law.
Catholics In China Prepare for Impending
Trouble with Boxers.
Victoria, B. C, March 24. The
steamei Tartar, which arrived today
from Yokohama and the Orient, brought
news that some of the Roman Catholic
missionaries in North China are arming
their missions because of the fear of
farther Poxnr uprisings. Native pa
f or s at Nanking report that rebels aro
being masted at different points along
the Yangt9eklang, preparing to cause
an uprising, and n telegram from Kiu
kiang says the situation there is critical.
Regarding tho Kwangsi rebellion,
some of the native papers state that
the rebels are planning an attack on
Kwellln, the provincial capital.
Loving Cup tor Bowcn
Washington, March 24. As evidence
of the regard in which Minister Bow en
is held by the people of Venezuela, the
minister today received a handsome til
ver loving cup. On the obverse alda
the American and Venezuelan flags are
ntertwined, und beneath ia the follow
ing inscription: "Modest testimonial
of gratitude and sympathy to the Hon
Herbert W. Bowen, New York, iebru'
ary 14, 1903." Thia ia the date of the
Igning of the protocols with the allied
blocking powers. On the reverse aldo
are the namea of the committee
Increase of $3,000,000.
Wilkesbarre. Pa.. March 24. Rough
ly estimated, the 10 per cent increase
granted the miners by the strike com
mission win amount to nearly $3,000,
000. The miners have worked about
120 days since November 1. which la
the basis for the above estimate. The
coal companies say they probably will
havo tho accounts of the men ready by
April 1, and until that date the
amount cannot be definitely stated.
Became of the abnormal prices of coal.
U la dlllicult to cay what advance the
sliding acalo will make.
Commissioners Na'cd.
Washington, March 24. The British
embassy here has been formally ad
vised of the appointment of Lord Chief
Justice Alverstono, of England, and Sir
Louie Jetto, retired Judge of the su
prome court of Quebec, and Sir John
Douglas Armour, judge of the supreme
court ol Canada, ub members of the
Alaskan boundary commission, pro
vided for under tho Hay-IIorbort treaty.
Sir Michael Herbert has informed the
etate department of the appointments.
International Parcels Post.
London, March 21. Replying to a
question in the houso of commons to
day, Postmaster General Austin Cham
loi lain said the nostofllce had lone do.
sired to conclude a parcels post agree
ment with tno united Btntee, but had
lieen unable to obtain American assent.
lleccntly, howover, tho Unltod States
had proposed reopening negotiations,
and communications on the subject
wero now being exchanged.
Democratic Convention Oovernor Visit
Cclllo-Many New Poitmaalera-Prlce
of State Land to lie Increased Jade
Deposits Almost Unlimited - Calendar
ot House rinUhed.
Democrats will hold First district
convention at Albany April 11.
r .... f-l. - ... I t . ! .. .. .1 . . a . I c
ha u.tTald
portage railway site.
Cuban Reciprocity Treaty l Ratified bp
United States Senate.
Washington, Maich 20. Altor rati
fying the Cuban reciprocity treaty the
scnatu adjourned sine die yostordnyj at
15 minutes past 6 o'clock. Practically
tho antlro day waa spent Ix'hliul closed
doors In oxocutlvo session. Most of tho
timo was devoted to the consideration
of tho Cuban treaty. Sovenil speeches
were made In'opposltlon to tho treaty
and in favor of it, nud then, promptly
at tlio agreed hour, 3 o'clock, voting
commenced, iiollealls wore had on a
number cl amendments, ami tho treaty
Itself was made the subject of an uyo
and no vote. The motion to ratify was
The ecnato baa confirmed tho ap
pointment of Asa B. Thompson to be
receiver ol public money at ia uranuo,
Under tho new law all stato land
will bo doubled in Ptivo May 21. Thli
fact la causing groat demand for that
class id proportv.
Tho stato military board held spe
cial meeting In Salem last week and
decided to mako no changes for the
present in the organliatlon of tho Ore
gon national guard.
Tho following "postmasters havo been
confirmed by tho senato: bamuel I..
Tra n. Albany; John It. Casey, ,sn-
land; James I.. Pago, F.ugone; John G.
Eckman. McMlnnville: Thomas V
Randall, Oregon City.
It has now been ascertained for an
absolute certainty that the Jade discov
ered on Althouso nud Indian creeks, of
Southern Joeephino county, and Indian
creek, Siskiyou county, California, la
to be found in unlimited quantity.
State Printer Whitney will In a day
or two issue the completo calendar of
the house of representatives ol the lata
legislative session. It will be tho most
to the tieaty. In tho main hi speech
waa an appeal for tho protection ol tho
American sugar producing Industry.
He spoko especially for tho cmio sugar
interests ol Louisiana, but said that
while tho sugar Interest waa of para
"mount Importance iu his own stato, on
account of tho cuno produced there, tho
beet sugar Industry hnd grown to such
proportions that many other portions of
tho union alto were coming to havo a
tery pronounced interest In tho making
ol sugar. . Hn drew it graphic picture
of present conditions in Louisiana, and
sttd that 11 tho treaty should be ratified
tho result waa liable to lie very sdlsas
troua to many of his constituents.
Foster also made the point that there
was nothing to prevent tho introduction
valuable pamphlet of tho kind ever ' c"inoso ccolio lalK'r ''l'0 Cuba BIlJ
Great Area In Arkansas Hooded Whole
Villages Swamped- Other Lcveea aro
In Dnnxcroui Condition and 1'urllier
Disaster la Likely Relief Mcmurei
Memphis, March 23. Tho feeling of
hope that waa produced yeaterday mid
last night by tlio Mississippi river com
ing to a standstill at tills point waa ills,
polled today by tho occurrence of two
nddltloilnal breaks In tho Ht. Francis
leveo north nf thu iltat cruvaa.iti tit
closed a few minutes past 11 o'clock, j lMnM Arit nmi ,ho rivvo
5-cnator i-oster, of Lou slana, took tho, , , ,
ltwrl Hint Hi-it Itsiltii .uwtltn,i fsiiin
noor in order to mako a tot bpcocIi In i ,,v'
opposition to tho treaty. Ho spoke for Mississippi points us well as by n rlso
about two and a half hours. His ad-' of ono tenth of a foot here. Today tho
dress had been prepared caromlly, and
on ita conclusion Foster was very gen
erally complimented on tho manner of
his presentation ot the opposition view
what moro than a three-fourths vote.
whereas only n two-thirds vote was nc-
eesary to secure ratification.
Immediately alter tho doors
Coal Strlkt Commission Decides fur Mln
era -Report With President.
Washington, March 20. Moinbora
of tho Coal Strlko Arbitration commis
sion, appointed by President Roosovolt,
have filed with tho president unani
mous rocomiiieiulatloiiN and n final re
port. Although the coiniiilsntoii'a ro-
! port will not be made public until to
morrow, enough ia known of ita recoin
niciidittloiiB to pvrnilt n review nl tho
material features,
Not only la an Increase of 10 per cent
In wages granted tn the inlnern, but
new regulations In weighing coal, It In
said, will roil 11 r mako tho Increase
much larger, nn lliej will preclude men
from being compelled to mine moro
than a ton to gat pay only for n ton,
as at present.
Anulhor point decided by I bo com
mission la that tbo inlno operators: must
,i ,1... .i... .. i . i
St. Francis levees gno w.y at Random ' nuMk ",,m"
Shot and Shawnee village, Aik., tho B"y ,"l"ur-
first about -12 and the second about 35 Tho minoiH also gain another point
miles from Memphis, lloth crovas.on of their contention In Iwlng rccognliod
printed In this stato. aa it is a finished
liistory of every measure coming before
the house.
Assessor James F. Nelson, ol Clacka
mas county, has announced that the
valuation of property would bo doubled
all over the county. Ibis has been
urged for a long timo, as tho low valu
ation and tho consequent high levy has
a tondency to depreciate tho valno of
real estate and also discourages Immi
Steps are being taken by the employ
es of tbo Hlamotte pulp and paper
company and the Crown paper com
pany, of Oregon City, to demand short
er hour j and more pay. The initial
move will be made at the regular meet
ing of the Federal labor union April 6.
fills union is composed of about GOO
unclassified workingmen, about 400 of
whom aro employed in the paper mills.
Revision and correction of the senate
and house journals has been completed.
Granta Pasa is to receive (5,000
Irom Andrew Carnegie for tho estab
lishment of a free reading room and
'Governor Chamberlain has granted a
full pardon to A.. M. Humphrey,
Marion county warehouseman convicted
of larceny of wheat atoied in his ware-
M. B. Gwinn has leased from George
i'arr, of the hastern Oregon land
company, a tract of 00,000 acres in the
Blue mountilna, sitnatied in Baker and
Grant counties. The land ia to be used
aa a summer range for a band ot about
40,000 sheep.
William 11. Curtis baa been re-ap
pointed postmaster at Marshneld
A new (100,000 sawmill, with a ca
pacity of 100,000 feet of lumber a day
s to be erected in Snmpter this season.
Henry Newell, president of the St. Paul
ft Tacoma mill company, ia at the head
of the corporation that will erect the
new mill. The company has obtained
control of 13,000 acrea of land, in the
vicinity of Sumpter, on which it is est!
mated there ia 105,000,000 feet of
tanding timber.
Every prisoner in the atato peniten
tiary haa had hla hair cropped short
and cheeks and china shaved. Thia la
to be the rule in the future
The matter of tho special election for
the relocation of the county seat of
Columbia county is receiving attention.
and considerable discussion ia being
provoked. Many of tiie taxpayers who
aro afraid of incurring extra expense
lavor Having It remaining in tho pres
ent location. A mass meeting has been
called to convene at Clatskanie next
Saturday afternoon when the claims of
that place will be presented.
said that if such labor sbtuld bo intro
duced American labor could not com
pete with it.
Other speeches in opposition to tho
treaty wero mado by Berry and Car-
mack, and Simmons, of North Carolina,
spoke in suppcrt. Berry has- d his op
position on the amendment offerrd by
the committee on foreign affaira provid
ing against any further reduction by
treaty of tho duty on sugar while tho
treaty remains in forco. Curmack op
posed the treaty on general principles.
declaring it was contrary to our theory
ol government.
A Precious Chunk Worth $23,500 Disap
pears I ram Express Office.
Dotroit, March 21. No arrests have
yet been made in connection with tho
disappearance last night from tho depot
omce ol tho 1 aclnc and Dominion ex
press companies of a bur of gold In
transit from Salt Lake City to the East,
which Is valued at (23,600. It la iro
possiblo to learn the name of the con
signee or shipper. The missing Ingot
was oce of four weighing about 80
pounds each, that wero in transit from
tho est, presumably Salt Lake City
it is tald that tho Philadelphia mint
waa their destination.
Tho four bara arrived from the West
n Wabash train No. 4, at 8 o'clock
Ias-t night, and were checked out by the
messenger in charge. They were re
ceipted for by Foreman Miller, of the
local depot office. All express matter
for the East received on No. 4 is held
in the depot for an eastbound Wabash
train; which leaves at 10:50 o'clock.
Tho four Ingots wero taken into tho de
pot office and placed in the safe.
shortly before tho eastbound tram
was duo to leave the ingota wcrre re
moved from the strong box to a truck
to be wheeled out to the express car.
The train was an hour and a half lain,
howover, and it is understood by the
polite that tho gold was not put Into tho
safe again pending tho time for tho
train, to leave, but lay on the truck in
the office, which is on a level with the
street. Catain McDonnell says that he
has found at least nine persons who
were in the office at different times
while the gold lay on the truck expired
to view and that several of thorn han
dled It and commented on ita value.
When the train was finally ready, it
was found that there were only threo
Ingots on tho truck. A frantic search
of the office waa mado, but no trace of
the fourth bar waa found. The train
waa held for a timo, but finally the
three ingota were dispatched on their
way and Foreman Miller notified the
police of the disappearance. It was at
fiist thought that the bar might have
been left by mistake in the express cur
ol train No. 4, and tho car was foarched
at HufTalo, but no gold bar was found
are reported to bo aarioiis, tho one at
Shawueo being tho worst. Tho two
breaks will probably Increase slightly
tho water In tho territory of tho Arkan
sas which was Hooded by tho break at
Trice's landing and In addition they
aro flooding n vast scope of country
which has tliUH far been tree from any
largo amount of water. The situation
therefore In Arkansas la moro grave
than nt any time during tho tloul. Re
lief measures havo boon and must bo
for several days completely Inadequate,
the long lino of levees that suaril tho
river front of Mississippi and protect
tho vast and fertile delta region of that
state, and which havo thus far Mood
firm against tho great flood, are report,
ed to be In a critical condition at many
points, and news of disasters from that
country will not bo surprising. At
points tho water ia sweeping througl:
tho embankments, Hooding villages ami
plantations, and at other places tho
embankment la overtopped by the Hood
and enormous quantities of water aro
boing discharged into tho country.
The most encouraging feature cf to
night Is tho fact that tho river has re
mained stationary all day and that
falling stage Is reported from St. Loul
Cairo and other points on the Missis
sippi and Ita tributaries. Tho stago
thia morning waa 40.1 feet, a rise of .1
in 12 hours. The stage has not
changed during the day. It ia hoped
that the fall will begin tonight or to
morrow. Two new breaks on the Ar
kansas shore are thought to bo having
a considerable influence on the stage
and the water being discharged througl
them and the first crovasro could hoh
tho river in check here. For this reas
on the standing stage is not received
with tho satisfaction that it might oth
erwleo give.
Wheat Walla Walla, 7475c: bine
stem, H4cj valley, 78c.
Barley Feed, (23.50 per ton; brew
ing, (24.
flour Beet grade, (4. 10(34.00 1 grab
am, J3.4BM3.B6.
MUlatufla Bran, (10 per ton:
middlings, ( 24; shorts, (1W.B0Q20.
chop, (18.
Oats No. 1 white, $1.15 a 1.20:
gray, (l. 12(31. 15 per cental.
Hay Timothy. (11012:
(8Q0; cheat, (910 per ton.
Potatoes Best Bnrhanks, O0Q76c per
Back; ordinary, 4060c per cental,
growers- prices; Merced sweets, (2
'J.i'o per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 12013c;
young, iijsojizc; hens, 12c; turkeys,
live, 1610c; dressed, 1820cj ducks,
WCSf.ouper dozen; goese, (708. GU
Cheese Full cream, twins, 10K
17Kc; Young America, 17K18c;
lactory prices, ugic
Butter Fancy creamery, 3032c
per pound; extras. 30c: dairy. 200
iZftc; store, iel8c.
Eggs ll15c per dozen.
Hops Choice, 2326c per pound
Wool Valley. 12y.l5c: Eastern
Oregon, 814Kc; mohair, 209 28c.
Beef Gross, cows, 33&c nor
pound; steera, 44o; dressed, 7&c.
Veal 7K8Kc
Mutton Gross, 4c per
dressed, 7Kc.
Lambs Gross, 4c per
dressed, 7c,
lloga Uroaa, GXc per
Southern Pacific and Men Agree.
Ban Francisco, March 21. The c
ferencej between the Southern Pacific
officials and the representatives of tho
trainmen's associations came to an end
today and it ia believed that a settle-
ment has been reached. Tho only
statement mado waa that the claims of
the men bad been adjusted on a roaa-
onable biala. Thia is Interpreted to
mean that the aamo concessions havo
been granted the men aa extendod by
other llnea, namely, Increaiea in wagra
of 15 and 20 per cent.
Governor Dole Delinquent.
Honolulu, March 21. The ' house
committed on public expenditures ro
porta tho discovery of another embez
zlement In the board of public works,
the amount aggregating (2,300. The
report of tho committee charges Charles
Wilcox with having received at least a
portion of tho money. The report also
says the fact that thero wne a shortage
In tho funds of the piihllo worka was
known to Governor Dole, to Superin
tendent Cooper, and toex Attorney Gen
eral Dole, and charges the above-named
officials with criminal neglect.
MIsjourl Supreme Court Fines Each of
the Firms $5,000.
Jefferson City, Mo.. March 23. Tho
Armour, Cudahy, Swift, Hammond and
Schwartzrhild & Sulzberger packing
compabies, tho five defendants iu the
ouster Proceedings brought by the at
torney general of MIsMuri vgaliist the
alleged Ixof combine last summer, were
fined (5,000 rarh in the Missouri su
premi court today and ordered to pay
the costs of the case, which amount to
(5,000. Unless tho fines nnd costs aro
paid within 30 days the defendants
will be ousted from tlio stato, so tin
court orders. The decision of the su
prcmo court, which waa announced by
Judgo Marshall, waa unanimous. The
opinion says:
The testimony introduced by the
state was abundant to show that the
repon lent (packers) were members of
a combination or pool to fix and main
tain prices."
The opinion holds thai tho evidence
obtained at tho hearings shows conclu
eively that there waa a combination of
tno packers to maintain trust prices on
bcel In Missouri; that tho reproEonla
lives of the packers met on certain dates
to tlx the prices for tho week; tint re
hating was dono; that tho samo prices
prevailed at all the coolers at the samo
time; that no competitor could enter
tho field against tho packers because
tho combine would undersell tho new
comor out of business.
That opinion dooa not tako up tho
chargo made In the proceedings by the
stato of tho rale of dlieased meat
Much of tho ovidenco waa to tho effect
that tho companies did roll diseased
meat, but tho opinion of the court was
based on tho violation of tho anti-trust
law of the state.
Great Loss of Livestock.
Cheyonne, Wyo.. March 21. Tho
blizzard haa passed, bnt tho tempera
ture has dropped below zero, and as u
result livestock will suffer eoverol)-.
Ralph Friend, a prominent Utah stock
man, who arrived In Choyenne today,
saya that the winter ban been the
most severe elnco 1800. Ho estlmatea
that throughout Southern and Central I
Wyoming stockmen who fed lost from 4
to 0 per cent, and those who did not
feed lost from 15 to 30 per cent.
To Organize Ucncral Staff.
Washington, March 23, Tho war
department today issued a general order
convening a board to meet in thia city
March 30 to recommend tho detail of
42 officers from tho army at largo to
constitute the personnel of the general
staff tinder tlio act of February 14.
Only efficiency and letters nnd recom
mendations submitted through military
channola are to be considered by tho
board, which will consist ol Major Gen
ernla Young, Chaffoo and Bates, Briga
dier Generals Carter, Bliss and Ransom
and Major J, 11. Green.
Satisfied with the Work.
Washington, March 23. At today's
cabinet meeting tho president and
members of tho cabinet expressed satis
faction with tho results accomplished
by congress at the regular cession and
by the senate at tho extraordinary ses
sion. Both tho provident and members
of tho cabinet aro satisfied that tho
Cuban reciprocity treaty will bo ratified
by tho Cuban congress. President
Hoosovelt la particularly gratified, be
came tho American congrosH has dem
onstrated what ho regards aa the good
faith of the United States.
with checkers of their own for coal us
mined. By tho tvstom of dockngn
the miners aenert tho operators hereto
fore have overburdened the. workmen
with rebatca. which materially re
duced their actual Income.
So tho real issito raised by the miners
when they went on strike It granted by
the commission.- Loss work, more pay
and less Interference on the part of tlio
mining operator sums up this feature
ol the commission a report.
Tho rcHirt nlso contains n provision,
it ia said, lor tno settlement of all fu
ture troubles between minora nnd
nperatora by adjudication by a commit
tee of tlio two parties to the contro
versy. By this provision, it Is under
stood, the Miners' union Is directly re
cognized, and this again la regarded as
n victory lor President Mitchell and
organiiod labor. Tho commlxtonera
condemn tlio boycott.
Two (lreat Steamers Ilousht by Pacific
. Mall Steamship Company.
Philadelphia, March 20. Tho two
largest steamships ever laid down on
tho Delawnro river havo been bought
from tho International marlno company
by the Pacific Mall steuuishlpcompany.
They are tlio Minnolora and the Miune-
kahla, each between 12,000 and 13,000
tons burden and 20,500 tons displace
ment. They are sister ships of tlio
.Miunetonxa ami .Minnehaha, of the
Atlantic transport company.
They were ordeied from tho Now
York shipbuilding company about
year nnd a half ago, before tho Atlan
tic transport company's absorption by
the marine combine. liio prlco nt
which thoy ero sold to tho Pacific
Mail steamship company haa not been
made public, but it la understood to ho
an advanro over that paid for tho At
lantic transport vessels, which la bu
Moved to havo been (1.500.000. It la
expected that one of tho ships will bo
launched In Juno nnd tho other in Au
gust. Both will bo nady for service
before the end of tho er.
Tho now steamers will midouhtcdlv
i... ,- . ...
in umni-uii ran rrnneiicn nnu Hono
lulu: Manila and Japan. In all proba
bility their names will bo changed
when they aro launched.
Not n Single Clinnge In It All Amend
ments Were Voted Down- Now Ready
fur Rnllfkntlon by Colombian Con
greaa, Then President Will Appoint a
Commission and Begin Work,
Washington, March 18. Without
dotting an "I" or crossing n "I," and
without changing n slngls punctuation
mark, tho senate yesterday voted to
ratify tho treaty with tho republic of
Colombia for tho construction of an
Isthmian canal. Tho vole fur ratifica
tion was 73 In tho atllrinatlva to 5 In
tho negative.
Tho senate was In eiecutlvo session
when tho result waa nniinimod, iu
that only tho senators theiimoltoi and
a few conlldviital employes wero pres
ent. All the senators announced them
lehes aa gratified to havo tlio long
struggle terminated, but nona of thi'iu
uiaullested his appreciation by clnwra
or haudcluppltik. On the contrary, all
of them were moro (uncoined about get
ting away from tho chamber than any
thing else, an by tlio timo tho senate
could adjourn, which It did almost im
mediately niter the result waa an
nounced, most of tho senators had left
tholr stats and hoiiio of them had
donned their hats and overcoats.
The day was given up almost entirely
to goiieial debate on tho treaty, and, in
addition lo tho set sHchi's iiiuiId illidnr
the ngrcoiuont by Morgan and Cullom,
there wore many short addresses and n
rather long speech by Daniel of Vir
ginia. Tho only party vote ol the. day
was taken on tin) substitute for article
IV, which was ngreoj uopn by thn
DemiK-ratlo caucus, and had relerencii
to tho acquisition of terrilory Iu Cent
ral and South America by tlio United
Slates. There worn a nunibor of
speeches on this amendment, but it waa
voted down by an almost two-thlrda
majority, tho ballot looting up 51 ayes
ami 25 noes. When tho sonata ad
journed at 7 o'clock,, thero was a gen
eral Lollol that tho imslnesa uf thn ses
sion would ,lo eonipletixl In Unit1 tn
permit final adjournment today. Homo,
hoffovor, plated tho dato 2i hours
I'tari the Lflect of Cuban Treaty on Ilia
Foreign Trade.
Iimlnn, March 10. In the house of
commons tonight Uharlm .McArllior,
Liberal Unionist, moved a resolution
declaring that tho recent development
in tho financial and commercial ixikio-i
of foreign countries, leading to tho ox
elusion of British trado where It was
previously established, tailed for tbo
serious consideration of thn government
iu otdor to safeguard tho trade of tho
Ho referred p:rllcuIarnlylothii e fleet
of tho Cuban reciprocity treaty and
urged that n sHial tax I hi levied mi
IwuntJ-fed ship visiting British xirta
ml that closer commercial relations bo
established with tho colonies.
The resolution was Ixdng debati-d,
when It waa found that there waa no
quorum and the houso arose.
All Will Not lie Smooth for Canal Treaty
in mclr Congress.
Colon, March 20. Tho ratification
of the llay-llcrran Panama canal con
ventlon by the United Statea sonatu
haa caused much jubilation among the
Isthmians supporting the Panama
route. Thero aro. howover. many cleai
ndlcatlons from tho dopatmtnt of Bo
livar and other points In tho Colombian
republic that the ratification of thn
treaty will certainly meet with stromr
opposition in the Colombian congress,
A memorial ad verso to tho Ireatv,
addressed to congress, which will moot
toward the end of May, is now ImjIiiit
signed uy innuentlal men at Carta
Explosion Ruins Aline.
Cardiff, III., Manh 20. Tho flro
resulting from tho recent explosions in
tho Cardiff coal inino has burred tho
shaft timbers, and creeping to tbo sur-
laco has destroyed the onu ne nnd inn
chino room. Tho initio ia flooded and
will bo abandoned
probably be mado
malnlng bodies. The losa to tho Car.
dlff coal mining comnanv bv thn ht.
piosion and abandonment of tho mlno
will ho upwards of (75,000. Four hun
dred miners wore employed. Tho pay
rou oi tno mine wasi.iu.uuu permontl
Will Probably Cause an Increase In Coast
Insurance Rates,
San Francisco, March 10. George
II. Tyson, has prepared figures showlnc
that thn losses by fire on the I'aiille
const from December 1 to March 1 are
(1,000,000 above the usual basis of toss.
Tho normal losses have more than dou
bled since December 1.
Taking the. corroipondlng three
months In 1001.2 and comparing them
with 1002.3 for tho months mentioned,
Tyson finds the total Increase la from
(1,022,035 102,215,(1112, thodiffereiieo
against tho last-Indicated period being
(103,027. Thero havo been several
flros In which the losses amounted tn
an excess of (250,000 each, nnd one
flro mado up u total loss of (500,000.
It Is thought an Increase In rates may
bo necessary If the ratio of loss contin
ues to bo so lasting.
Would Rather Have IHght-tlour Day Than
Increase In Wages.
Altoona, Pa., March 10. Tho coal
operators of bituminous district No. 2
submitted their ultimatum to tho mln.
No attempt will tirs today. - It was briefly mi offer of an
to recover tho ro- Increase of 12K per cent for pick min
ing, an Increase of 14 per cent for ma
rlilnu mining and it nlno hour day at
(2.70 per day for drivers, other mlno la
borers to receive proportionate In
crease. Tho minors promptly rejected
tho offer.
In refusing n nine hour day on a ba
sin of (2.70 a day and Inalstlng upon
an eight hour day on n basla of (2.5(1
a day on n tonnago of 28,000,000 foua
annually, tho minora voted to relln-
Castro Pays Qcrmany,
Caracas, March 10. Tho Venezuelan
government accepts without reserve tho
P'otocols signed by Minister Bowon nnd
the representatives of tho powers at 'I"1"1' (1,100,000 Iu wagei annually to
Washington, rrooi ol this waa shown eniorco mo eight hour Hay.
Tho opposing sides will meet In lolnt
session tomorrow.
today In the payment to tho German
mlnlater of tho first Installment,
amounting t about (70,000, of the
(340,0J0 pledge! to Germany in satis
faction of that country's c alma nf
honor. Minister Von Felldram waa Kvana, haa just returned from Washing
conducted to tlio Veiiczeulaii foreign ton, where ho wont In the Intorcst of
unite uy umieu mama cnargo d'allalrs the Moffat railroad, to secure, If possl-
If I anil flm an m .... 1.1 ll.,.. . ... '
To Open Reservations In Utah.
Donvor, March 10. William
Russell, and tlio sum waa paid,
bio, the opening of tho Uncomnahrrn
nnd .Uintah Indian reservation In
Utah for settlement, so that tho' now
road ran socuro a right of wav. Hn
saya that at tho next Bcaslou of con
gress, tho bill opening those rnrorva
tiona, which ban boen passed by tho
Canada Finds Old Maps.
Montreal, March 23. Search In the
Chateau do Ramesay by the request of
Joseph Hope, under secretary of statu
and one of tho commissioners preparing
the Canadian caso or tno Alaska com
mission, has brought to light two
atlaeaa of 1823 and 1824. Ono of these
i , f .
KivuH u niaji oi iiimsia America and
British America, in which tho Lynn
canal la shown clearly within British
American territory, Tho maps will bo
'exhibited In tho Canadian cate.
Elevator Takes a Drop.
Loulsvlllo, Ky March 20. Tho ole.
vator at tho Jefferson county courthouse
noro ion live stories today and causod
the Injury of eight porsona. twoof whom
are thought to bo seriously hurt. Thoro renato, will undoubtedly pate tho houso.
Uinta 1.1 ,.m,unnm t.. ll... .... .. ,1.- ., III. a, . . I -1 , 1
nwu i i-uivuiiB in ,uo mi iii mu nmo i m-v . iimjwiiy oi mo tcpaiora wero
mo Bcciueiii occurred, ami the escape Known to lavor It.
of tho rest of the passengers from eorl
oua Injury waa miraculous. Tho entire
carload of pooplo hoarded tho olovator
at the top floor, and tho heavy load
caused tno car to drop suddenly.
Decision on Coal Strike.
Washington, March 10, Couimls-
Red Desert la Inundated.
Rock Springs. Wvo..Mnn-h in ti,,
Rod desert la Inundated for InllnM nn.l
of Rock Springs, and thn Rail w.,ii.
drilling station la complotoly under
water. Largo quantities of aupplloe
belonging to tho Ilelgo-American drill-
sinner Carrot! Ii. WsMil ,ml. l . .. " V"
, 7 ii "k cum in ny navo been ru ned or swont
hocoal strike commission, aald today away. (fho water haa backed up again
that the work of thn commission u-i m. iri ,,. . ","""' nn.1 4I,V. I .7 " L". 1 """" "llimilKmeill 10
'n7,i, i .Y" j. . .i . . P. 01 . 1001 ' P'occs.
president In a few days.
there Is clangor that this will