INMT,M.I,-I I.IIIIIT I'l.ANT. Atul.v NcImiim ciuiic up from HprliiK- Jlclil Hnniliiy, wlil'li) hi' Iiiih IiihIuIIi-iI Hid llootli-ICi-lluy l.iiinlK'r (Ut'H Haw mill clwuio it plant, ImvltiK com lildtfil tliu work IhhI HHlunluy. It Im tlic (Iciiiiriil Klwirlc HyHtoin, llifi voIIh, ami Iihh u :km) Unlit capacity. INI'IIIMMKII I'lll'III.ATIIIN. (Hpccla'l to dm NiiKKC-l. I.v fo.iUmcM- HI'IIKIT!) Moiiiilulu Top, Ore, Mnrcli II, ltKl.lIIiincuc Miller hii,vk lie Iiiih mi extra IiiiiiiI In IiIm wood camp now lint IIM licoiil.v weigh llllll lie llilnkH lie will keep lilni li for ii li'tv yi'iii'H ,vitt llolilK "ell. t'll.V MIT. I 'lllll'l' till' llllHplci'M Of I III' I.MlllCM AM Mocluty of the ClirlMllan eliiircli, SI. mill MrH. (I. I,. l.oliilt-ll will heu popular iiuihIcuI recital at Mnrtlu'H liiill. Friday night, March M). Tlii-.v will Im uhmInIi-iI IivMIhh ''aiiulit .Me Callnni and II. It. Mooru, fliu rt-aili-r. Tin- nroirrain will coiimIiiI of hoIoh mid iluettM liy Mr. mfll Mrn. I.oliilell. liiHtriimriifHl iihimIc liy MIhh Mct'iil linn, anil rcailliiKM and n-cltntloiw liy Mr. Moons An excellent program In proinlHoil Conn' ami enjoy n kooiI IhiikIi with Mr. Moore. WhU-Ii for prouram next wi-ok. Itov. Hilling canii) tii from Kugeiin I iiCHilay. (Ir iiiIm I'iihm Im to liave a ciirnlnil iiinlcr tlie anHplecM of flm Woodman of tln World. MrH. Illcc HiiHtliigM Ih very III tlilx WlS'lt. TIhih far tlio wi-utlivr Iiiih been Ideal for March. How will the tn on t Ii end? MOIIAIIt AND WOOl, WANTHII WiMint III lliu iiiarliut for molialr and wool, lie mire and wo iih hvforu yon Hell and get prlci-n. (larmmi, Ilciiiuiiway Co. (,'IiiIh Marx, .Ir., of tint Kugeiio Dye Workn, and Hay Ilubb, with (Jrlllln llardwaro Co., Kugene, were In tlio city Monday. Mining, lumbering, farming and iHlock mixing am tliu IiiiIiicciiiciiIm .',,. i i ..i.,.. i.. pOllllllH, H " "inn HI n,. Iieilalrv l''"'1' "r "eiir Cnttiigi- drove. ' Moltiei' anil Him I he chicken IndliHlry Ih hiiiIIv over- nirnugli Oregon over t lie Moiltlieni looked In HiIh weflon. A chicken I'aelllc lino and If pOHHllilemakoHhort ranch properly tiianaired Ih um- of Mtopn at ItowilMirK, Kugi-iic, Alliany the lient paying propiiHllloiiH In Nalcm and I'ortlainl. lie excctH to Tlio flfty-Hitveiith oougrrnx which eiidvd It h lahorn March fi, enacted olio good deed that of allowing Mexican war veteraiiH ('J liiHtead of tH. I'rt'Hldvnt ItooHuvell will hooii mnko IiIh wcHtcrn trip, lie will paxM II ami HtniT. J'iril l'"redrlckMon had the iiiIm fortiinii to net hi" I'"'"1 1,1 Hl""" the inachlnery at the llooth-Kclley Haw mill utMugluitw Monday after noon, mid HiiHtilned uneven- Injury. Till! CO.NTKMT Hlll-I-Kll. The I ted and llllie tlnttoiiH of thu ChrlHtlaii church Hunday hcIiooI save aMiipperat MiihoiiIc hall hint Hutur llay evening, or rather the red Imt toiiH K'tve the lilue liuttoiiH the niip-H-r. The affair wan emlR-Mlnlied by a Hplendldly pn-pared prouram of HKifhcH, rerltntloiiH and HougN, among which wan a Htiimp Mpm-h by Itov. Illlllngtou which brought down the lioiine. The hall wnn crowded and a Hpleiidld evening wan pllHMCtl. MM'11 IJIUIITHIIH. Owing to a heavy Int-rviiHi- In IiiimI-iii-hm the I'aclllcTlmlHTt'o. liaHfoiiiul It nit-t-Hwiry to extend thu company 'h otllceriM accorilhmly the bnllillug oppiiHlte the compaiiy'M Htoreon the river bank Iiiih Ihi-ii divided Into olllco rooniH, and Ih now nearly ready for occupancy. Kngliii-er WcImIi will have IiIh drafting room In the new quartern, and the runlili-rV otllce, iih well an the prlvateolllcen nf MeHHrn. Alexander and CiiniplM'll preHOiit a neat and attractive up IH'armire. Won Cahk. It will Ih remenilH-nil that mime montlix ago Home partlen Im-uti-il u tlmlHTclalin on Dr. .IoIi'h priimiHliig mining claim In Southern Oregon. 'I'lii! caw) came to trial on the loth hint. before -Hi-glnter IIHiIkcm at the lloHolmrK land olllif, Attomej .1. S. Medley repreHOiited Dr. .IiiIi'h Inter chUi, and thu caw whm hotly eon tented, with tho reHiilt that the pirtlen found It IniiiOHHllile to hold the proH'rty, and hIkiiciI artlclcH of relliiiiulHhtueiit. The proH-riy x kuIiI to I hi very rich. Cahm (liioi Kiiv Hot. ii. ,1. K. Wheeler thin week Hold the C'iihIi (Iroccry to MennrH. Haul" .V JackHon, who will add to the kio cery IiiihIiichh a line of clothing and fiirnlHliliiK kooiIm, which one ot hiiiiiII meaiM can en- IIohhch to rt'iit ari badly im-dcil In IIiIh Hectlon. The Commercial Club meet Friday evening at the .IiiiIhoii Itock rooniH Homolmportant IiiihIiichh. Couieoiit. All exchmiKii puhllnhcH a death notice of a man by the name oi "OoIiik" under thu Htandlng licnd "Died". A llnuratlvo coincident, lie wan not only "tlolnit" but "koiic." Thu blKcorporatloimof thin county will hardly feel Inclined to "tniHt" I'rcHldcnt llooxevelt. Now York Ih to have a thlrty-ntory hotel, When the newly married have one day and piiHHlbly it nlKlit In I'ortlanil. CiihIi paid for cedar lioltH at the plauliiK mill, CottaKU drove. Illue print mapn of any towiwhlp III lloBclmrK. Oli'Koll Innil Dlntrk-t, hIiowIiii; all vacant IiuiiIh for TiOetH. each. If you want any lnforinatUi from the U. H. Iind Otllce. addnrwi. Title duarantv& Loan Co.. Itow burK, Ore. Mrn. Clare linker returned to It liiirK after n vUll with her people. Tuewlay. John llrund, who Iiiih Imi'U out ot the IiIIIh on a vlnlt to KuKeue and other polntH, n'tiirned Monday ami Iiiih koiio Into the IiIIIh again Mrn. V'cttH, of Yoiicolla Ih reiiorted very III. Ivd Mellaril vIhIIciI Yoiicolla S eilneHday. "I'ollet artlcleHof every dencrlptlou at HeiiHon DriiffCo. Ivat, pie at Martln'H hall tonllit. Hand boyn lenclt. California Iiiih kIvcii r.,(KH) to the I'wIh and Clark oxpimltlou. Mayor ll It. .lob wan In ItoHeburg TlleHilay III the IntercHt of IiIh iiiIiiIiik Mill I . IteiiieinlHT the "pie noclal" at Mar- IIiih hall Friday (toulKht) evening. It Ih for thu liciicilt of the hand Iio.vh. Mr. and Mrn. Ityron Atkhm, of In ifeiH'iidenci', vImIU-i! here thin week, having come up to attend the Alll-Hon-AtkliiH wedding. dill MeddoWH returned from Itoxo burg Wednenday morning, where he wan railed iih a wIIiichh In the .fob milling content cnHe. MA Illl llil). couple get up to the bridal rlimnlHT At the clow of the ilrnt week after they will have Junt caune to think I tin ojHMilug of the IJiue county tax they are In heaven. rolln $15,l2J7.W were eollicted. t Iiiih .loxeph Hhv, wlio Iiiih been en-. lug to tint taxpayern who tool. gaged In the grocery hiiHlncHH In thin city for Hoveral yearn, and who re cently mild out, left IIiIh week for polntH Hoilth, exHX'tlng to Ih on the move for a year or more, and Iiiih lit view a vlnlt to the Ht I.ouIm cxpk- Hltlou hetori' lie ihMh down again' During IiIh aliHcuce Mrn. Sleo will re- Hlde with her daughter -Mrn. O. K. Ilelinctt at lleuillugtOH, Wanh. CIIII.DItKN'ri COUUI1H ANDCOI.DS, Mrn. Jim Mcllriith. .t27 K. 1.1 Si llillrhlnmin. Kim.. Hriten: "I Iibvo Uivcn lliilltirit'pt llorcliuiiinl Hyruptomy chililrcii for coiikIih mid coliU for the puit luiir yciiri, uml Unit It thu Ixnl ni'dicitie I ever iihwI." UnllVe iniiiiv 'ough Myrnpv, it cnntiiliiH no opium, but will -iiullii" unit licnl any illcihu of tlio ilnoiil or liinun ipiirkcr thnn uny other fiiiiity. ifH-.WK-iind $1.00 nt New Kia Drue Stine. A 1'IIVHICIAN WHITKS. ' I ma lei"i rouH ol knoniiiK if the pro leliiii can obtain Uerbino In bulk for piei-eiibiiii; purposes? It bint bven of lireiit one ti. mo ill treating cukcs of ilpepia brought on by cxccaecn or uverHurk. I Iihvo never known !t to adriintage of the .'I (terceut illHcouut. Tliem-nate bill granting the North eni 1'aclllc right of way iutohh the Vancouver military reHervatlon panned the houne and Ih now reidy tor the pn-Mldcnt'H Hlgiiutnre. That the Northern Pacific IntendH tolnibd n line down thu north bank of the Columbia river lookn brighter every day. Cowlitz (Wand.) Journal. Mr. and Mrn. Iav W. Henry re turned from a nhort vlnlt to Kugeue TucHdio-. l.MlacreH of hill land, (V) Improved C acren corn land, lioiiw, new barn. milk hoiiHU, orchard - acren, 1' mlk-H north of Cottage drove. 1:I0. canii. dive poHHi-HHion .May i. l Muttkii. WIUX AtlAIN. Tlie iniiiiy frieiiihtuf Jotin Mount will 1 plniHcd to li'iirn thnt ho him entirely recovered from liin mtiiuk of rheuiiin tlaiii, (,'lmnilHTliiin'n Pnln Ilnlin cured him hftcr tliu iH-ot doctora in the town (Moihui, lml.) Iniil fiiiled to uivo relief. The prompt relief from pnln which this liniment iill'imlx ulone worth man v lull ill n-!lnrlng the organs ntrectwl, to j time its eont. For enle by llenton heir healthful activity." fiOo Ujttle at "r,,K Cotluue drove; l.yoim A Ap New Kru DrilK Store. plegnto. Drain. 1 4 1. .1. .1. .1 i. .. ,i. .u .1. .1. .1. .i. .1. -i. i. .1. .i .1. .1. .1, Wynne's Hardware and Plumbing. Wynne's Hardware Company Carry a complete line of Hardware, Tinware, St oven, KangCH. ImpleinentH and Mining SuppllcH, Including (Hunt Powder Co.'n Powder, Cupn, and Kline Agentn for the Nun Tyn)wrlter. Ileiinou IriigH. Drug Company for pine 1 Wynne 'Irlai'clwnre Conip'y. Attorney and Mm. II. It. illltiie returned to their home at Portland thin week. Attorney .1. Ii. Young returned from a profennloal vlnlt to How-burg, Tuenday. CoiiiuilnHlolier ICilwariln wim In 'he city Monday and Tuenday. lie wan looking after Home bad roailn and a wiudiout or two near thin city. Mel Warner, prvnldent of the llo hernia Smelting ami Itetlnery Co., came up from Kugono Tuenday. In tho prlxo tight iH'foro the Pan tlino Club, Portland, March I), lie tweou Jack O'Keefe, of Chicago, and Jimmy llrltt, of San Krauclnco, a tie cIhIiiii wnn given O'Keefe In the nlxth round on a foul, lUItt however had tho bent of the light and It Ih mild that If It had not been for hln un fortunate foul blow ho would have put O'Keefu out In thu next round. A fearful uxplonlon of an oil tank 4in a freight train on tho (Ira railroad north of Olemi, N. Y on tho evening of tho th lunt. Tho expIoHlon of one tank caiiHCd the oxploHlon of many othere. Twenty liven wero lout. ThoHlght Ih nald to have lKtn nu 1 Killing. If tho rootn ot a treo aru frozen and then thawed out of tho ground or In coutnet with tho air, the tree will bo killed. Half a dozen well developed Htoma of currant IiuhIich will produco iih much fruit iih double tho number of weak, crowded onen. MoHt fruit treeH boar fruit on Hhort HpurH of hint yonr'a growth. Keep thin fact hi mind while pruning. Hotter trim too little than too much. Mw. V. II. Ilehuo purchaned one of T. IC. Hlcluirdnon'n bent Neodham lilanoH hiHt week. TIiIh piano In n beauty and a credit to any one'n parlor. John Parmer wiih In from IiIh Moh by crook ranch Tuemlay. Attention Ih called to thu millinery nd of tho MIhbch Newlnnd. It telln you all about nprlug liatH. Mrn. A. L. UrlggH Ih coullned to hor homo with Hinallpox. At thin writing tho patient wiih gutting along nlcoly, titul no HorlutiH ronults uro olltertalned. Tlio Nugget ticknowledgCH receipt of a bountiful supply of wedding .cake, iih a rcnult of thoAlllHon-AtkluH wedding. If Ii'h h hllioiii attack, take ('IiiiiiiIht hdiiV .Slniiuich ami l.ivcr Tanlfln anil it ipiick rei'oiery in certain. For nale by llciiaoii Droit C- The Nugget ackuowledgen a very pleanant call from Mrn. Dave AIIImoii ami Mm. linker, both of Itoneburg. Attorney J. C. .lohiinon ivlurneil Saturday fqom a vlnlt to Portland in the Intcivnt of the Hln watha Mining Co. John Sherwood, nirietary of tho JuiiiIhoii Itock Mining Co., ivturueil I ii i in from Kugene Saturday. I'ellx Cnrrlu wiih In the city Satur day. He ware of air dried or half dry Mooring, celling and riiHtlc. Tho llooth-ICelly Lumber Co. are making Hpeclal prlcoH on kllu-drled lumlH-r. J. A. ThoiuaH In building two neat Tho HorHonhiHt Itentaurant In UHlng Cottage drove baked bread at the deriiian bakery. Try It and you will line no other. Your prencrlptlonn tilled (JCICK, at Dcnnon Drug Co'n Htore. It Ih announced that the CM. A. bund In making an effort to ralno fiiudn to nct-nrc a uniform. a It Ih commendable object and should be Htipported. I,, lillntrap, father of tho OUstrnp llron, proprletom of tho Kugeno Iteglnter, and who In looking after the circulation department of that pnor. wiih In tho city thin week. The Nugget acknowledgea a pleanant call. Sunihiy night a wheel broke on a carloaked with lumlicrneur Cabin cottiiKenln tho nouthernpart of thu,l!m,k- Strange to say, tho train city. , Attorney J. S. Medley vlnlted Koho burg thlH week. Dull Morgan of the Now Km Drug Htore, wan on tho Hick lint thlH week. Attorney J. C. Johnnon Iiiih pur chaned from A. Wood thu rcHldenco now occupied bylxt) W. Henry. Mm. J. C. Church, of Kugene, vlnltod 111 thin city laut Saturday and Tiunday tho guoHt of Mm. W. II. AbrauiH. Mm. K. P. Long returned from Honeburg Monday and thin week completed packing their liouBohold goods, pivpnratory to removing to Ashland, Mr. Long having been assigned to tho Ashland division on tho S. 1. .1. 11, Morgan and I). Hlloy, of Cot- tago Orovo, arrived In this place Tuesday with their proHiiectlng out fits snugly packed on two llttlo burroH. They worn enrouto to Myrtle, Creek and vicinity on a pros pecting tour. Droli! Nonparlel. Hon. J. II. Booth, receiver of tho V. S. land punned over tho long trestle north of Oakland In nafety. Tho broken wheel finally went to pieces as the train a-aclu-il tho yard limits. A new wheel wiih placed In position and tho crippled car proceeded on its way south upparautfy as good as now. Ladles try Mm. W. II. Osmon's plain sowing and dressmaking. 5 1 3 Mm. 0. J. Dlnghaiu will leave hero next Tuesday for Clnrkeston, Wiuili., wnero suu win spenu tho summer with her parontH. I-rank Itosenburg, of the Pacific Timber Company, after a tough tusslu with tho grip was able to bo at tho olMeo Inst Monday. Wo have on hiinu a largo stock of kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic In gnuies i a anu a, Lt us make yo special prices. UOOTH-KUI hX LUMHKH Co. COLDS ARU DANdBROUS. HOW often VOU hear it remui-L-.w! I'ts only a cold," and n few days Inter ll-niu nun louiiiail is oil Ills liaCK Wltll Kiioiimonla . This !s of such i-itmniMii nllli'n nt Itonelnirir. Iiiih occurrence that n cold. liowiu-ir atlalii. lii-oii confined In a Portland hospital " "'sregarueu.. unumlHsr undergoing treatment for one of hln j lucn'oy'iollari.TirelmioZ.'0!' eyoH. Hxt got a cinder In It on a iv cures and Is pleasant to tako. Sold by cent trip on tho railroad which Honson Drug Co; Lvons A Applegnto, cauHcd ulceration. 1 Drain . Colds, yield quickly to treatment If proiwr r.imedleH lire applied. Con sult your iliH.-tor ami liiHlnt upon HeiiHon Drug Company lining your prcncrlptloii. dardeu nevdn in bulk at Kakln & KrlntoWH. A mlHtnkc In the filling of a prc ncrlptloii i nlnriiyHw-rloiiH and many t tlrw-H fatal. Take your pnwriptlon ! tniteiiHOH Drug Co., when-encli pn ncrlptlou In carefully fllleil. SenrlcvH nt tin-II. K. church are an follown next. Sunday. .Sunday w-IkmiI 10 a. m.; coiign-gntlomtl womhlp II a. la.. Mihlect if nniiim "Our I'im- hchhIoiih"; claHMiruvtlug 11.' in.; Junior league, .t t. m.; Ivpwortli Iahkuc i p. m : evening Krrvievn ,;i p. in., wile , Ji-et ol ncnaoii, Jinniery n.v hk- ime .Manter. ' Pie-Sebl, did you everlii-arof It'.' Well Itn like thin: Tin- Indlen of Cot- tugedntveniv going to lonate nil kludn ol giMMl pie to the band, and that organization will give a nhort. select program at Martln'H hall on l lie-evening oi .Man-ii j.i. anu win in vlt all tlH-lr frlendn In to eat pie. You mi-'.' You buy a ticket at the door for l.Vtn and go hi and eat your till. Tlie canh n-ei-lptH ot the Pnlted States land otllce for the lineal year ending June :S0. Wi. wen- fli.ltil,- IKT7.1H, Hhowlng an Incn-ano over the priHtiilliig year of Jl.U.'i.-'KI. The mineral and coal entrlert were aUu materially lucreaned over the pre ceding year. Theodor- Jennings came in from lloliemla Monday. .1. I. Joiu-h drove a large bund Of cattle to bin ranch eant of Saginaw Monday. Minn Jannette Churchill, of Sautu itona, California. In visiting her grandpareiitH Mr. and Mrs. W m. Clnirclilll of thin city, tills week. JiiHM-r Patton wan In the city Monday. Uncle John Shelton vlnlted Cottage drove Friday and Satnrilay. Mm. D. A. Paine returned home to Kugene Sunday. It was announced Into Thursday afternoon that a new mining cor- loratlon wan effected tins weeK, ;nown as the dlenwood .Mining Co., In which several prominent men ot thlnc tv are InteroHted. Tlie incor poration linn purchaned the "dlen wood" and the Lostdroup" prop ortion In lloliemla. than. Ilriincau In homo from a sev eral week's visit at Portland. Mm. Hugh Itehne Ih visiting friends In Portland. 1. II. Hlnghain vlnlted Portland this week Plillltnn & Wheeler thin week sold to Jan. Llmebaugh their property In the renr of the Commercial hotel. Mr. Llmebaugh will erect a residence on the proH-rty Immediately. The same linn alno sold tho Will Davis proiH-rtv south or tlie catiiouccnurcn this week, to a Mr. llrown from Wis- couhIii. W. II. AbrauiH vlnlted KngeiioTuen day. K. K. Smith was In the city Thum- day. A. d. Knapp. cousin of K. B. Phil lips, arrived thin week from South Dakota. .Mr. Knnpp's family Is ex- iK-cted Saturday, and his carload of household goodH will arrive next week. Mr. Knapp is wen pieaseii wlthCottngo drove and expit-ts to make thin bin permanent home. Mm. Charlie Wright, of Walker Station wnH In the city Thursday. The lady bad lieen In 111 health for HOIIIO time nilll HUH wren liuurinrai n dellciito oiveratlon calculated to re- Htoroher to her usual good health. A. T. Allen, of Comstock, who some weeks ago had an eyo injured by a Hying splinter, was In tlio city this week for treatment. Mr . nnd Mm. J. E. Klrklanil, of Independence, spent a portion of tho week In this city, tho guest of Mm. Klrkhind's parents, Mr. anil Mm. A. B Atkins. Mlns Km nm Ilrynn Is quite 111 at the home of her parents at Saginaw, and will not bo able to receive her pupils Saturdny ns usual. PRATKUNAI. All) ASSOCIATION. District Deputy C. W. Thrasher, of tho Kraternal Aid Association, re ceived information Tliursuov morn lug that tho district convention of that order wouiu do nciu in tins city April 10. This Is pleasing news to tho members of tho association here. and comes rather unexpectedly. Tho local association lias iieeit organized onlv about a .venr. lint has already about CO members, and Mr. Thrasher states thnt tho membership Is grow ing rapidly. LOST A nurse wltll a $5 gold piece, In this city. Kinder please re turn to Orlllln & Veatch llardwaro Co. ALLISON-ATKIN.H On the evening of March 10, IIKK1, at the resilience of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mm. A. 11. Atkins, H. V. Allison anp Minn Fay 0. Alklnn. T if contracting partlen are two of Cottage drove'H In-nt known young people. Mr. Alllnon In a young bun! iichh man of Hterllug oualltli-H, lKlng owner of the AlllHon-llnHtliigH barber nliop on Main street, wlille tliclirlile Is known as one of Cottage drove's prominent, laillen, unving renlded liere some three years with her parentH. who moved here from Inde- IKindence. Mr. AIIIhoii owiih a Hiiug home on ftlver Htreet where the young couple will Im at home t o their many friends. The Nugget wIhIich to Im-counted In with the long lint of friends In wish ing them a long life of hupplncHH. ' " f r- . If ff - r. P . I v. ,m vm vj. m iru dtu nK in tra mi n&i mi rPM cm m cni crd cn m dsi au ran m 1 Wm. T. JfACKY-HANZKft-Atthehomeofthe bride's sister, Mm. A. Brower, 105 St., Portland, Ore., .March 11, 1003, Dr. K. A. Mncey, of this city, and Miss Kinina ISnnzer, of t I'ortlanil. I Dr. Mncey In one ofCottngedrove's I well known and popular dentlHts en- , Joylngn lucrative practice, while the l brfde In one of Portland's popular i young mines, rue nugget extcmis ' congratulations. nonx. WALKKIt To Mr. and Mm. Vtm. Walker, of rhln city, n 9 ponndboy. Motbernml child doing nicely. BO 8WKKT AND I'LKASINQ TA8TKI IN Mrs. C l'etoison, 026 Lnke-Rt., Topo kit, Kan., speaking of Ballard's Here hound Syrup, saya: ''It has novor failed to glvo entire satisfaction, and of all rough remedies, it is my favorite, mid I must confess to my many friends that it wllldo, anil has ilono, what Is claimed for it to speodlly cure a cough or a cold ; and It is so sweet and bo pleasing In Uito." 25c, 50o and 1 ,00 bottle at New Urn Drug Htore. prrtrsTtrrtrrtrrirtnnn SKILLMAN & BENSON Leading; Grocers of CotUza Grove. Everything new, fresh and clean. 'Where tho majority trades, evidently tho prices are right, dlvo us a trial, and wo shall endeavor to please you. Produce a specialty. Phono 43. CUKK8 PCIATIC Itf f KUMATIrf.M. Mrs. A. K. Slinn'on, 500 Craie St.. Knoxvifle. Tenn., writes, Jane 10th, 18W: "I have been trying the fjaths of Hot Hnrines. Ark., for pcintic rheuma- lism, but I get more relief from Ballard's Know Liniment than any medicine or anything I litre ever tried. KocfoHed llnd Hintollicc order for $1.00. Send me ii large bottle by Southern express," Sold by New Kra Drug Store. Mm. Juliette Jones, reorcsentfnc the Oregon Chlldrens Home Soclotv of Portland, was In the city Thurs day soliciting aid for the institution. Dr. ljovre oculo-optlclnn Kugene. If you wnn t a first-clnss place to stay while transacting business in Cottage Grove, he sure ami go to the p House It is a quiet place, conveniently located and the tables always furnished with the best the mar kct affords. Kayftcr, Proprietor. SB BERG BROS. A.SSA.YI3STG. New outfit and up-to-date meth ods assaying, or complete analysts of ores. Cloriuation, cyanide and working tests made. All work done in du plicate, and correct returns guar anteed. Mail orders promptly at tended to. A REMINISCENCE OF HIGH WATER. The water rone In fiendish glee Till Main St. looked like the stormy sea. It was caused by the lieautlful melting snow That caused that horrid coldyou know That can be cured by Morgun nnd 15 rebuilt. By vour Groceries at the place where the keep the Purest and best the market af fords, and at the low est prices, quality con sidered. That place is on the West Side at the store of & Met If you have been trad- ing elsewhere just call J in and see them, make 5 one purchase and you will never trade else- S where. J J. S. MEDLEY Attorney-at-Law o o : Office on Main street 1 CoTTAGB GKOVB, ORB. A. H. KING Attorney at Law, OOTTAOJS OJtOVE, ORE. QO 10 MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaking. main stkkkt Cottage Grovb. Orb. J. E. YOUNG Attorney -at-Laio Office on Main atreet, Weit Side Cottagb Grovb, Orb. L. T. HARRIS Attorney and Gonnselor-at-Laio Speoltl attention glteu to the law ot Mluei. First National Bank Building. EUOENK, ORE. ANYTHING YOU WANT. in the way of Hardware, Tools and imblements, you can find at our store. Ark you going minino? See our Stock of Tools and Sup plies before you make your pur chases. We Keep everything a Miner needs. "We Suit the Hard to Suit." llon't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that The Cash G-rocery Co. Carry the cleanest and most Complete line ot roceries in the city. We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege tables in season. The Cash Grocery Co. J, E. WHEELER, Prop. W. S. Chrisman. Eli Bangs. The Fashion Stables CORNER MAIS and 8ECOND STREET, COTTAGE DROVE Gbrisman & Bangs, Proprietors. Also own and opperate the Bohemia and Black Butte Stage Lines First-CUu Turnouts, Double or Single Reasonable Prices YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME "StthT" IMPERIAL HOTEL. Where the meals are well cocked and well served and the beds are good. ITS CLEAN THROUGHOUT. And you'll find everything home-like without home inconveniences. Come and stay as long as possible. FINE LARGE SAMPLE ROOMS rcialTrade. Try our Sunday Dinn Served in any Hotel in the City. Free to our CotnmercialTrade. Try our Sunday Dinner. The best ever N. D. HARDY, M'gr. COTTAGE GROVE, - - OREGON. Bohemia, Oregon. General Merchandise, Miners1 Tools and Ammunition . Give us a call and we will treat you right. KNOWLES & GETTYS. Griffin & Everything Yon Need. Some things you dont need, in the hardware and home furnishing line is to be foutid;here. Gas ranges, oil stoves; pots, fpans aria kettles; about every culinary device that was ever invented and stood the test of time and trial is on our oounters and shelves. Come and see for yourselves. Veatch Go