Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 13, 1903, Image 1

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S ill r iVKiiTiHiNii mkiiiimi a
' U & ft 5
JIB i f
Devoted to the Minln, I.umbcriuK mid I'tirmliiK Interests of this Community, to r.rxxl Government, and Hustling for a Orufo Stake
Mines and Mioina
t rc
inij Men.
' ovoftd to Dbhomltk NoToi
lUir of ioncrcd I n roKoj r lo M I m
Annual Meeting; North l'lrvlew.
I'rom I'. J. lUrd.
In n privutc Idler from
1; 1
The North I'alrvlew Mining Co., irrii ii. ,..-11 ,, ,,.i..i..,r ,',,'
whose property Inys on the ruinous who is IntcrcMed in three of the
I'nirvlcw Mounta 11, Hohcmla, with (,, p,0.erllc.s in llohcmin, the ofhee at KiiKene, Oregon, Riverside. Vesuvius and the Ore
held lis annual stockholders and ,. .ml iv.lnm.i,. n.i .dm 1. ..,
directors meeting .Saturday, 'flic
olliccts arc. Win. I'uhcr, jirc.ildciit
ami mlniiiK maiiacer; Alf Walker,
1st vice president; John llrutid, and
vice president; I. . T. Harris, cc
rcturyi A. O. Hovcy, treasurer.
Hoard of directors: John
Hruud, C. A. Harlow, Jns. I'otts,
Alf Walker and Allien Stocks. At
this meeting it was decided to raise
hi lloitoti, gives 11 few thoughts
that are sure to lie appreciated ly !
every fair minded miner. Mr.
Hard says:
"I appreciate what the Nugget
is doing for llohcmin District, and
trust that it will continue the good
work. Always tell the truth. Iti
is a mistake to think mining re-1
quires any less fair and square 1
the price of stuck ftom i'j cetitH to I .lenlittKs thitn any other husines.
.1 cents per mime, 11 mi iiiui-k on wiiat we want in Holieuiia is mm
50,000 shares only at this price. At I jK, Ilohcniiaif developed will
the ptcscut writing nearly half of tell true stories of great and
the 50.000 has been sold. 1 he j multiplied wealth. It is not ncccs
company has had at work several Mry for l0 exaggerate."
men all winter, and the property is A Hi,ckbutto M.
:,r"..r.:i Wm. IInrrh..Hupcr.,,.c,.dct of the
.': . ..: . " ' ..y " t uuirkHiiver mmeM.
ciin Ik; gotten into camp a force of
to men will be put to work, with
the view of rapid development
Tho Smelter.
The Nugget Is in tccclpt of the vImIiIiiu; Hold Hill. He cx-m-cIm to n
lmslncss card of the lloheinin rii litn-r In the kciimoii. Mr. Harris
Smelting nnd Refining Coin- hii.vm IiIm rompuny Iiiih iikoimI force
patty, of which Mel Warner, is of iihmi at work all the time at the
president, and J. S. Medley of thi mine mid they tire blocklm: out hirne
city is secretary. Mr. Warner has bodlin t rlnualiar. This proierty Ih
been working on the. proositiou the Iiiwmi cinnabar iiilui In the
for nearly a year now, conserva- xtnte .vet found. Mr. Harris Ih an
tively arranging every detail, anil "Id friend of tin- editor, the friendship
Hindi lluttii ipilckHllvcr mlnex, of
lllui'k llntli', Luuc county, wiih a
vlHltor to the I'iimm IiihI wirk. He
runic down to look over tint HiiurccH
of till I'liunl.v, lull nil account of
lirldKi'M helm; out and miiow In the
It 111m. ilccldcil to return homo alter
Ih'Iiik fiiriniMl at HoIho, lilaho, nearly
two yearn nipi while uttcudliiK the
International Mliilnn L'ougn-HH Ore-
his mauy friends will be please d to
team that he ts sanguine in the
Imtw that the smelter will be up
and in running order helot e next pm Mlnlni; Journal, Feb. 21
fall. Not only by Mr. Warner's "
warm personal friends will the A rcxrt has just reached this city
iicwh le hailed with pleasure, but ,,. tlc Oregon & Colorado people
by the mine owners of llohcmin arc uncovering some fine' rock.
who have been ami arr sun wo
Ini' fa it hfu v away nillng o-? .,u
The Pacific Coast Miner of San
.. iriinritm rw-Miiie itnieii nn "tire-
the dumps, anx ous y iiwntiiiiif ine - . r i" 1 i
'J. 1. mm lion Number in which appeared a
CreCllOU UI ll IHUCIICI I lie iiinif , r I w I
is purely a smelter propositioii and K' "n;e,l?r ""'"T ?
. . . .. f,i...u ...:i . , u. District, from the pen of T. II. Sup-
Willi 11 IIUIICIMI fl w
This Space belongs to
Troprietor of
Watch it for Bargains
In Harness and Harness
our article rcKiinllni; the saw mill
last week was Ineorreet. The mill
will Iks IiiiIU by a company of which
Mr Chaiiinan of CottiiKu drove Is the
lending man. Mnehlncry liiut Ikvii
ordered nnd eoiiHtructlon will IiokIii
it........ . I... . iitllttii fur
... llllllllMIIHlt-l. . im-irniiiv.
telllilK the world in big round I tin-mill to lie ruiuiliii: nv .May i.iiu.
i...,rM of her untold wealth. Ilerc's iMah Iimh appronrlatisl (IU.inni to John Slnipsou of thlM 'hu-c ; Iiiih the
cgratulotions, three cheers a I, , I ,.df.r; i,,,,,,,,,,,,. . 7 " , w
1 1... I.i.Kcne It.-KlHter l an l.orft.v n",- . uivi.UMH'ople hint week.
,,,Ih will Ih. made In lllue y m,'!? Mr and Mrs II U
lllc r lllMlrlcl tliU wiiNiiii. It hIho Huniliiy.
hIm cs that the Micky Hoy Co. will 0lrtI,)M forvIim has Ui-n In
ndil J", tninM to their inlllluK ilant I tapncltatcd from active duty by
Ihlx.iear. LickiieHH, which kIvch the boys u
. ,, . . .. chuiu-e to Iioms theiiiHclveri.
The lollowing is n conservative
...liimilL- of the LMild outnut of Ore- iverybody come islneHilay nlt;ht
c.inmitL 01 lite km output 01 urc (( iu H,I1K,IIK KC10ol, the meet-
gon for 1902: I lMK.ll lie held In the hcIiooI Iiouhc.
Southern Otegon $t .5H0.290 ! ., , . ..., . MI1,V
ReitrlnK at rcttnabl chrgtt.
All work guaranteed flriClaaa.
Watehei.Ctoekiand Jevelrrallxiweat Prleei
tiger for Mr. Warner and the. n
installation ol the smelter.
The Vesuvius.
The famous Vesuvius mine on
I'airvicw Mountain, now under the
management of l' j. Hard, i- said
to lie making exceedingly lue show
ings. While the inhumation ob
tainable at this writing is tneniter,
it is understood that the property
never was more I'tcunUing. When
it is uudersioo I that this piu,'i!i
iCiiU'i 11 Oregon
Central Oregon
production has done much to gain Siiutiniii, lllue River.
Hohemi.i her reputation, the presei.t Trout and other te
outlook ccitdiul must he flatter- sources
tlljj :ur (Iroup.
Saturday uluht. Looks
ilenlliK doesn't If.'
like Kur-
r en rtin
' 1 ,M 11 1(M!t
p0,a Vi iv 200 Our farmtTH have been unite busy
, , , '" ' ' ' 1 plowliiK and wvillm; during thegood
llorlluc at the oil well between, ., . It r,i.r .lanm for
Al Churchill who a year ago in Dallas and Monmouth linn been I HUcll XVtirk Jnt now.
association Willi UUKe IvtlOX, lo- Hnuen lor me imeiii. 1 ne "
caleil the Ilig I'our Group of claims about KHM) fwl dwp. At a depth of
oue mile above Hcuson, this week H) or iWMlfis-t a miiII Ik-iI wiih Mtruek.
purchased Mr. Knox's interest in The wilt Is of the iiurent kind, tetH
the property. Mr. Churchill is revealing; Wycr cent pure milt. It Is
now shipping in supplies nnd will now understood that the pivwent
commence development work im- well will U oiHTiited for the salt
mediately The propeity is in an mid 11 new well will be bored several
excellent locality, and is said to hundred feet nway to make further
liavcsome very fine showings. prospecting for oil.
Is the proud
new organ,
ItlehardHou of
.MIhh Minute llorcti
noHm'HHor of a bran
Miouttht from T
('ottngi' drove.
Rev Ilrynn dellvervil a very Inter
eHtliur Hcrmon at the school house
last Sunday. Wo earnestly hope the
ntteiidiuuv will lie larger at bis next
appoljituient. tho 21111 Sunday of next
month, and lilcase remeinlHT the
New backgrounds and acces-1
sories. Rest Lenses and Cameras.
15 years
8 years 111
Portland. Nothing but first-class
work. All work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
Opposite Masonic hall. Wesl
side, Cottage Grove.
'iin. iiw huttlcrthlti. Cliattanooira, I Tim hIiivii men of Lake comity niv this month
wiim launched In the Kllmibetb (Now taking steps to levy a tax of two I.ouls Doll, of Springfield, was In
Jersey) 'yards last Saturday. Tho cents tier head on sheep, the lund tervlewlng our directors yesterday
Chattauooua Is a sheet stei'l pro-1 thus secured lobe used for employ-! relative to M-cnrlng our school for
tected cruiser. Her length over all Is j injr coyote hunters. It Is estimated
.lOS feet, hIx Inches and fwt on tho ( that this tax will produce a fund of
low 'water line. Her extreme fd.tKKl In thiit county ami It Is bo
breadth Is 41 feet, draught 111 feet, 4 lloved that under proper direction
Inches with a displacement of 5200 ' more coyotes will be destroyed than
Ulliler llio hiiiih iiouuiy sysieiu iv
cently n-penled. -
' Untied Stales Laml Oflhe.
RoeburK, Ore., Sept. 21, 19a..
Notice la hereby glien that in eouipllance
ullK,l nritvl.lnn nfthn al i.f PnilirreilM of
tn-aver lmvtllllT the 4th Sunday ()I Junes. 1S7h. enUUetl "An art (or Hie tale of
prajir imiiiiif, . tmberlanil In UieSialetof California, Oreron,
United Stuten Lund Oirico,
RitKehiirtf. Ore., Mar. 4,1003.
Nutli'it Ih hereby itlven tlmt III coin
a,llnee ith the pruvUlon. o ho act o
CoiiirieHS of June 3. (" e'ltltlcxl An
act mr the ou timber lands In the
States id RidlfornlB. OreKon, Noviulu,
,,d W.iHhl.mton Terrltiirv." n ox-
temled In U me 1 '""' " "i ,
Ctof August 4, imi2,
Kiill lluldwlll,
if Panther. .' niiv id Lane. State
(Ic ' Htnleinent No. 4ftM ;.r the
, are sse of the H ' K 'i, See No. 12 in r .
)Hof Hiuige N". 7 w. imd will oiler
00 f to slum !'" ''"' '' ,H
' "'U fr Uj timber or stoi.u
,ii for uitih 'ltiirul piiriioseH iiml to
V . l.llKh tiH . Htm iDe'ilr- Ihih l..foro
.fur I, n'IU. U. i. CoiliirtleeU'lier lit
K."e .e.' Oiwin. on Saturday thellOth
day ol May. IWOH.
l, ..a iiu u It lll'CH.
(S.'..,k Cieimhiitt. Job" Hooker,
(Tliiullf Shaw, of ' V"'r' ,'. 'M()ie.. Jess Soavev. id KiiKeno. I,
" (lie., James N. Handle. ( Fn
Uiiltisl States Luml OITIce,
Rosohurg, Orecon, Mnr. 0, lOtt).
Noth-o is horuhy given that In coiiipli"
slice with the provisions of the act o'
Coiijresof JiuiuH, 1878, enlltlwl "An
act for the Bnlo of timber hinds in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Tenltnrv. iiHexlendisI
lo all the Public. Land Stalo hv net of
AliBiist 4, 1W2,
lloriuo (i. L'ox.
n( I''ihm'ii!' ('iiinilv of Lane. Stale of
Ori'lton. Iiiih thlii day tiled In this
nll'ico his sworn Htiileiueiit No. ISliil, for
1 lu iiitichano of the SR of Section
So. 14, Township 2:1, South, of Ranee 2
Weal, and will offer nnsif to show thai
thu land Minulit Im moio vahiahle for lis
timber or stonu than for attileiilliuid
iui'neH, ami to cHlahlish his elallii lo
said In mi before Mnriu L, Wine, U.
S. Coniioiniiloiier at Kugene, Oregon,
011 ThiirwIay.tho'JSlh day of May, I "03.
He iiiiinert wllnesaesi
John SiMivev, of Kiigene, Liino Co.,Oio,,
Austin Hoot, ot Wpruiiioui, i.iuieuo.,
lillOU VD.,
1 1 mount.
the spring term.
Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs .lean Miller
Tuesday morning. Mar. 10, a son of
the regulation weight. All parties
concerned doing well. Now. lean the
cigars If you please.
New picture of Cottnge (irove a
splendid negative fit the Shaimfelt
milWv. oimoHlte Masonic hall. Send
....... --- -
n picture 01 yoiiriowiiio.voiiruiriHin
In the east.
Vavatla. ami Washington Terrilorr." aaex
tended to all the I'ublle lamistalo bract ot
Aimml . 1H',J. Itenrr C. I'ruJhomme, ot Port
taml.Cu. of Multnomah, Slate of Ore., hat thla
dar tllod 111 this office hU aworn statement No.
S.VJ0, tor the mirehase of the w U.NE, 8E ! N
E, A NK W8Kiof see No 9tfiiTwpNo,2l8..
it B w ami n 111 uuer ttni'i ,uiiu.iuai iuo .nu
aounlit l more ralunble for Its timber or stone
than lor agricultural urnoes. aim 10 esiauiinu
hlicU.inloaald laml before the llenltler and
ltecelver of this otllre at Koftcburr. Oregon.
on Monday the .'ml day of March, lwU
lie names aa l
William K. I'rmlhoinme. James J. Tyrrell, 1
I.ydla 0. Tyrrell, Ueori,e F. MeCtlntock. ol
I'ortland, Ore. , ,
Any and all twrsons claiming adversely Ine
above-described land are requested to Ulelhelr
claims In this ofllce oil or before said 2nd day
ot Mar., 19UJ. ,
J T. Ilainois, Register.
. .111,1 ii.
Ore., (leomo .
Anv and all persons elalir.lim adve so-
y the above ilescrl bed 1.1111 u are ru-
piosieii 41 in--' ; ""," ;.( M,,.. iinested tollle tliulr c
on or hofore
Anv and all iiersons elalinlni! iidverm-
Iv tlie ahove-di'Hcrihed lands are n
11'iiested totllethuir claims III thlsolllo
011 or befoie said 2Slli dav of May, 100.1.
Notice To Taxpayers.
The HK12 uHseHsnieut rolls for Lnne
Connty, Oregon, will be opened for
the collection of tuxes on Monday,
Mnreh 2nd, 100:1. There will lie
n :l tier cent rebute given on all taxes
paid In full previous to .March Kith.
One half of any tux may be paid nt
any date la-fore April tltb and If so
paid the remaining one half may be
paid any date before October nth,
without penalty or Interest. In ease
a tax or tho first one liulf Is not puld
before- April Otli the law requires 11
10 tier cent penalty and 12 per cent
Interest to be ndded to such tax un
til pnld. letters of Inquiry concern
ing taxes will receive our prompt at
teiitlon. Fimii Fisk, Sheriff unit tax collee
tor of Lane County, Oregon.
2-2T fi t 4-24
Common Rough Lumber
Our reputation
for selling only
Is SHOE tI,c Bcst Values
in Footwear is
well established
LOTS are the
very lowest in
Grove, aS,
is well known
PRICES to all
T T7rp rvTTnn WIJ TT A tf T7
1 . f. ' 1 J- i
m AND just set out f&
cd down
some very desirable lots that jgj
we are offering for less than
m uuKiii & icn.stow. jg
1 V) I
L Mi
ISTew Shoes.
We have just received a new
line of the celebrated
Ladies' Shoes the very newest
st3'lcs from the very best mater
ial. Come in A, B, D and E
widths, sizes 3 to G. ThcStroot
man Shoe is the best and nicest ,
fitting' shqe.made. Try one pair
and you will"always wear them.
Garman, Hemenway Co.
Garman, Hemenway Co.
We have just received the'largest
and prettiest assortment of men's
shirts ever shown in Cottage
Grove. New Collars-ven- hand
some. Come and see them. Also
a new line of neck wear.
Our New Spring Stock of Millinery
has now arrived. A larger nnd more complete line was
never shown In'fore.
We wish to call your attention to the fact that tick
ets will tie given with every $1.00 purchase nnd on our
oiHMiliifT day a $5.00 Street Ht will tie given nway to
the jicrson holding the lucky number drawn.
Also about July 1st 11 $10.00 Dress hat will Iteglveu
In this same way.
Just a call will convince you time we lead In mil
hint Buyers
Never before have we shown such a
varied line of exceptionally stylish
values in our Shirt Department.
For 11 long time theto year old child
ot Mr. 1. L. Mol'lierson, fi! N. Tenth
St., Unrrisburg, IV. would sleep but
two or tliieo hours In the enrlr part of
the night, which nude II very luml for
her parents. Her inolliei eont'luded
that the child had stomach liotibje, mid
gave her half of one ot Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, which
quieted her stomach and she slept the
wnoie nigni uuouiiii. iu uvr ...
these Tablets have effected a permanent
cure and she Is now well and strong.
For sale by lleiison Drug Co.
It Is reported that 2,000,000 bricks
will tie manufactured at Salem this
New Styles & Colorings.
Dainty, Dressy, Durable.
Celebrated for their Standard Quality,
Correctness of St vie, Pcrfectness of
ltcttcr ISuy Now While tike Line
is Complete.
Union Pacific
Depart Time Sciieuclls Akbivk
ion from I'ortland rttQM
Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver,
Portland Ft. Worth. Omaha, 4:30 p.m.
0:20a.m. Kansas City, St.
vialliint- Louis, ChienKo and
iiiKton. East.
Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver,
Express Ft. Worth, Omaha, 10:30a. ni
8:16 p.m. Kansas City, St.
vialliint- Louis, Chicago and
ington. East.
.St, Paul Walla Walla, Lew -
Fast Mail iston , Spokane, 735 a. 111.
6 p. 111 Wallaco, Pullman,
via Minneapolis , St.
Spokane. Paul, Dtiluth, Mil
waukee, Chicago A
70 Hours
Tickets east via all rail, or boat and
rail via Portland.
8 p. 111. jeet to change, 4 p, 111.
For San Francisco
Sail every five daya.
Daily :
exSuiul'y Columhia Itivxu 4 p. 111.
8 p, 111. except
Saturday To Astoria and Way Sunday
10 p. in. Landings.
A. L. OltAIG, Oen. rasscnger Agent.
Portland, Oregon.
J, T. Iliiuinits. Rkiiistiiii.
J, T .lilUDOKS, iteKister,