NOTICK FOK I'UIH.ICATKlK. United Stle Unil Office, HoMburr, Oregon. I)w. 23. 1WK. Notice In hereby given tlmt In compli nhd Willi (lie provisions nf the net of -,..... ,.f .Inn 3. 1878. cntit ftl "All net lor theanlo of timber lamla In the Vlnn. has thii day (1.1. nfllru Ilia awOrn 4181, for thepurchnaoof the SW Ull'lr . ... it A"? .. C.. V oi ii..,u V.'i i).,.. i . ....I ..'ill .,rr..r Stale, Ol California, virecon, evaon, mm imoiuiiniun imiiurj, u 7. .mi., n.liuinh,! Kmio. I.v art nl Annual -I. 18112. Xaliuni T. Wila.m. ol nil theriiblle IjiIhI Slatca bv ,i wa.iiiiininn i.rruorv. Baoxienucti loaiimu i nunc; i.iiu -imcp m mn .,..r ithhui,, n i i ii!o file. AivI.t.oii. n( Tor- Knccnc. Colin tv of Uine. Mate of (lie. sua! 4, 18!)2, Murtlm V. Klin rebminc, County of lted Kake, Stuto of , has this day Med In tliiaotrice liiaaworii County of Une, State nrooftoehowtliattholandloiishtisinorelland Fought l more valuable for Its . .. . . .. .- ! ... I...- a- In, a f l.a. fur aa-rti-llltllral Taliiame lor us nmuer or aione man icr acrlcnltnrnl III claim to ware, US Oregon, on Mar.. 1P03. lie names as witnenscs. U.S. Teeterc, T II Tertcrs, ot ulld 1 n. H-n-nAplliuiiw fl. t-Mminla. r, nLU.J. i'nZ ' ui v.i..ra, Any Hml all persons ciainuni! auvertc lythe above describeit lands are r- i ... in.. .i.i. i- tl.i. nfllr - on orlicfore said 10th day ot Mar , IPftt. J.T.BKiDo.r.Resitter. APMlNI&TBATOns NOTICE. Nolle lihrbrflTn Ihstthe nndsralnied li. tn rnolnteil bT lb Countr lout! of lb , Matrol Ormi for tune Connljr, aamtnlitra lor of lh tt of John 8. MniflM, tacd. lbttOIJonnB. nintw, n-crmacu. r Wrtbr reonlrpd to nnaenl lb Mm torn t.rowrlr Tfilrif.1. abj law rulrd, al lh rfflc of J. E. Youri fn Cottaj Orov, Uni r., Oregon, wltbtniit tnonlbt from tb ilat Lrof. PatJthlilI7thdayotrbniarT, 1!W. Reroi.rH M. rum, Admlntitrator of lb ttatcof John 8. ManarlUl. ilcit. SHANAFEbT'S Photograph g 11 IjUllCrj JVOWOPEIV New backgrounds and acces sories. Best Lenses and Cameras. 15 years experience 8 years Portland. Nothing but first-class work. All work guaranteed. Lowest prices, call and examine work. Opposite Masonic ball side, Cottage Grove. West DaawiNBataTow. Prciidtnt, HibbiitKii. Caahlcr. Tk First National Bank Cottage Grovh, Ork. Paid up Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved security. Exchanges cold, available any place n theUnited States TICKETS TO 'AND FROM AM. POINTS EAST VIA GREAT NORTHERN: Railway. Short Line ' TO t St. Paul, Duluth, Mltmeapolt, Chicago, AND POINTS EAST. Through Palace and Tourist Slecjiers Dining and Rnffet Smoking Library Care. DAILY TRAINS: FAST TIME: For Kates, Folders and Full Informa tion regarding Ticket Routes, call on or address 3. W. I'HALON, T. I. A. H. DICKSON, C. T. A. 122 3d St., Portland Ore. A. 11, C. DENNISTON., G. W. P. A. 3 Kbit Avenue, rattle Wat b f VISIT DR. JORDAN'S a.rarl fHUSEUH OF ANATOMY f f US I MARKET tT., SAN FRANCttCO. CU. fast Ma aiath aal ImaOiJ . T? '.'.',"? ' "Xnlual lUaaaaa la lb Warli. i Ortatut attract ta tka CVJyL 4 rrsaaa d dlasaaa.i tb bldaat I Voxtu JSalaliUakaaMaan. BU. ilORDAH FdVATE 0I3IASE8 i i Tam mm aa4 ai4aie f I I I IT . V.. i i-raiHUtr. m i at UrlHallBK. ale. ny combliiatloo el J rtlQedlaa. of arMt eurallva naa.r.ih. rm...... T rtinedlaa.otKrtateuraUtra nonar.ih A aearraiiainl lilt tbat It will not A V onl atr.iiil fmnirtllala itllrf. but permaiianl f 1 1 b! Uw-'to' "Jo" claim to Mrfora X S.r"!:.''' w" kn"n la be a lair and 9 A f'tV e''riHaii and uriron, pramlnaal S la blatpa. , iiv -Ul.ra... of Wi7 i "TMUI.I" llmrourhlr aradlratad from 4 Iba ajataai uiiliti Ui.laaolMarrairi. Tru... fllta.l I. - - I- . . . . V- for ltiii(i.ra. A quick and radlZil J :;"!0',r,., '''' aud F Dr. Jordan'. lwcii Daiolne amhoda; A Kl'KIIT MAN aprlrlnctoaawlUraealTa our ayavil 1lHnlon fir Ularntiiplalut. Il'aulll Uwtrtmlf a tO&tTlVM CVXM alfry rata it widrrlnk. nn.iillail.iti H1KK and atrtetly irlTale. Traalmaul paraonally or by lattar. Writ a f.,r Raok. V-ft tr.n ivt aa Uoklaraua,) Call ar write M. jetBAN a CO., 1 01 1 BHMMr. bSaSaii,s D. Of Ore. lk'iisou DrtiKCo., the popular pre ncrlptlou dniK store. pttrposea ami to eatabllall purjiose", anil iu muniMi cur vimm i m v-inuusii ma f-iniiil III auiu mini wiuiv said land before Marie I, I id land liefon- .Mario l Whiv I! S Mario 1. Ware, I' S Commisaioner at CommisB oner at Kncene, I diiimlioner at Kiigeiic, IaneCo., Ore. KiiKene. Oregon, on Wednesday, the TucMay, the 10th dav of ' on Tnemlay the 7th day of April, ItHM. .'list day of Dee., 1W2. lla lldllinB UIU ItllMltl. ! I 111 I, a tll.,a U 1 1 ll.ta.U..a mm lnmkwHHaBKM 1 1 1 raara. ici NOTICK KOU I'UM.ICATION. , United Statea Land office, , Rorcuiire. Ore.. Jan. S3. UHXI. Notice la licicliy given that In com- nliancc with tlio provialona ot tlio act o( , Notice it liercby given that In compli Concrces of June 3. 1878. entitled "An nncetttth tlio provisions ol the net ot Act for tlio aulo of timber Ianda In the Statea o( California, Oregon , tti'tHiin, V- I. nun 11 ttsiiiiiijiuii avrrnurv. .extended I... .. ..I and will offer nroof to show that the tnmi-i r ........... .......... lie names as witnesses: IN II Martin, of Cottage tlrove, Ijiiic Co., Ore., J W l'arrisli, A J Shumaker, II II I!cevea. of Jefferson, Marion Co. Ore. Ore. . , ,, .., ,. ,,, , r verscly the bove-.U;ribl lands are! I reo nested to file their claims in this lomco on or before said 7th day of April, J. T. ItRirxiKs. Krgicter. NOTICK KOK rUIll.ICATION. Uniteil States Land Oince, Jlop.lmr(- llni . Jtt!l. IS 11HV1. N'otlce Is liercby given that in compli- ' .!, ,,, ,..;i.i ' Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "All Act for the sale of Timber IjiihIs in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,,' as extended to all the Public Land Slates br act of August 4. 1892, John Kestly. of Kugene, County ot Lane, State ot Oregon has this dav tiled in this office his sworn statement If o. 4300, for the pur chase ot the lots 2, 3, 8 1 Dot Sec No. C. Tow nship20Soutli,ofHangel Wand will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes aud to es- tablish his claim to said land before ,arie ,- Ware- v- s- Commissioner at Kugene Oregon, on Tuesday the 3lt Oav of .Mar., lie names as witnesses : William It. Parker, of Zion, Lane Co., Ore., Mert James Mcklin, Ueorge Whit nev, William Whitnev, of June, Ijine Co, Ore. Any and all iiersous claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 31st day ot Mar., l'ACt. J.T. IlKIIHiEs, Kegister. NOTICE FOK ITULK ATION. I'nlteil .Statin Laud Office, IU)K!liurj. Ore., Oct., SI. 1902. Notice In hereby given that In com-. pllmice with the provisions ot the Act of Loiiuiwh of J une. I, lsrs, en- tnietl "An Act tor the tmle of Timlier l.nn.l lit tl,. nf r'nllfririitii Oregon, Nevada, and WiirdiliiKton iririujr, ll exiciiueil U) till llie I'll' lie LnmlStuteH by act of AllRiiat H, IMC' urn WIIhoii, of Kucvne, County 01 Ijine. state ot ureRon, linn thlH day tiled Iu thin otllce her sworn stntement No STisfor the purchase of the Ntt'jj SK K & Lots 1, 10 & 11 ot Section No. 30. Township SI South of limine 1 West and will offer proof to show that the land Rouglit In more valunbloforits timlier fir MtmiM thim fur iKTrlmiltiiriil imr. ! poses, and to establish her claim to lav llleil in ( fUitrnicnt No, AStA, for the imrchaae of has this dav llled In thlaoftlce lii sworn has this dav tiled in this ofllce hta snorn .. IV Ul.. t- I. V-tl- 1. Vt'1.j VU 1.1 X VI.- .I.l.niidi,l V.. tttl? r....l.n ...irl.A.. .,1 lit n t.Ull.,1, 1 V.. J'll t., f I... ...m.l. t.u.i ..I ( li. I aiaieu.eiH 4o. mv :v " " -.-- - , .n.-...v... ........... .,..- .......... .....v,, t,.,,,,...... u.irv. ..... V 8KX, 1-4 Sw 1-4 of Section No. ."2, tlio N 8K4 AN4 SWij of Section No. N N v tolng Uila 1, 3, !l Mid 4 of See T Tnunalili. LM Snntli. of lUlife 2 West STouiiahin L;1 South, of Itniiee 2 West. No '.. In Tn 21 Smith of ltmii-t'5 V. hiiiI 1 saui lanil Deiore -Miirie l.. are, l . n. J JV5 I Commissioner nt KtiRene, OreKon on 'Monday the 12th day of January, mi. ! She names as witnesses: : It. S. Huston, of Kiicene, Oreirou. J. W. I'nrrlsh, of Jefferson, Marlon Co.. Ore., J. I. Palmer. N. II. Mar tin, of CottiiKe (irove, LnueCo., Ore. ror.u.'ii- ti,,. ,,i.m-a,i..riiii iiin.i Any ami all iiersous cJaliiiliu; ail- requested to tile their clnuns In this office on or before said 12th day o January 1903. .f. T. IlitiuoKs. Iteslster. NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION Unitetl SUtes Land Office, Koseburg, Oregon, Dec. 24,1902. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ot Junes, 1878, entitled act for the sale of timber land in An the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami vtusmnglon territory, aa ex tended to all the Public Land States by actof August 4, 1892, Mattis Momb, of Mirth, County of Lane, State of Ore. gon, has this day filed in this office his swornstatement No. 4191 tor the pur chase of the SJ NK V & NW JjKEJjA fit-' V V V nf V. T,.'S K..?,ll, of Kange No. 3 West; and will offer proof toshow that the land sought is more val- uaVlefor its timber or stone than forag ricultural ntiriioses.uiid to establish his claim to said land before Marie I. Ware U S Commissioner at Kugene, Ore. gon, on Itiuixlav, the 12tli dar 4 March, 1903 He names as witiieases. Martin Haagenson. of Eugene, Laoe Co., Ore., Charley Olson, of Cottage ftmi'P tlllll- rV. Clru ir.rlin f lu..i .f lllue River, utio Co., Ore., Peder Oplius.of Rlue Hiver. LaneCo.,Ore, Any ami all isersons claiming adverse- Iv the aliove-tlencribed lands are re- quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 12Ui dav of .Mar.. 1903 . J. T. liiiiixiEK. Ilegister. . .. - .'. NOTICE FOB PUI1UCATION. Lnltt 8tati Larst OnU, Itubnnr.OiJail. . 1HOI. KwtireU bcrtby jrlven tbat In rtmpllance 1 June 3, 1S7S, eiitlllt "An Act for the sale of Timber Laruta in Ihe Statea of Call. I fornfa. Oregon, NewU, and W'ashfng'ton Ter I rltiirjr," at extendetl to all the I'nblle Land I Statea by act of August 4, 1892, John II. Pea ley, of EuzeneXo. of Lane, Hlaleof Oreron, haa tbfs day filed In tbtaoffiee bla sworn atate. ment So. tSH, for tl pnrebaae of tbe H M NW'; ttWlSWJi of Siretlon No. 12, Townabip 238 I oflUune 2 Weal and will offer (iroof to ahow I that tbe laud totigbt la more valuable for Ita timber or atone than for agricultural puriiOKea and to efUbliah hla claim to said land before Marie I Ware, V 8. CoinmlMloner at Kuicene, I Oregon, on Tuesday tbe 24tb day ot March, . 1WO. He names aa wltneMtea: i jamea a. Handle, or ralrmouut. Lane vu.. James N'. Handle, of falrmouut. Lane Co. ore., Anaiiiltit, ofHiringfleld,MiieCo.,Ore., Ore. ' uc..,.., I Any and all iH-raonatUlmbiK ailreraely the Any "re aprt tied iaiida are requ-ted to riko IdlVof Maret, f liw. " """'-""- J. T. UaitMics, IteKlfter. NOTICE KOK t'UHLICATION. IioMburr.Or... .Oct. K, 1902. y given that In rampllaiiM I Notd-eis berebv with tbe tirorlaloiu of the actof Coiigresi cf June 3. 1878, entitled "An art for the sale of timber lands In the Statea of California, Ore- lareVdedro-a'.liir. liblielnd Bla't'ea'tyart ofAogutt 4, mi. Alberta, llovey.of Kugene S?iUI,Jr ,u.ntu.i'UL,, of Oregon, hai i this day tiled In this office hla sworn itate-' ment No. 3w, for the pu rebate of the EU BW H of Kectlon No. 10 TownihlpNo. 23 8, tUugeNo. 1 a weit.and will offer proof to ihow that the , Krank Holland.George Holland, Wal landiougbt more Tafuable for ita timber or iniin,i r Am r,lnH i' n. lonetnan tor agricultural purpoaea, ana u , :;, :: . T; ' , . " eatabll.h hit claim to mid land before Ed Hoeelton, of Mound, LanoCoOre. vv,re- V.- 8i Coinrolaaloner at Ku-, Any mid all persons claiming ad gene, Oregon, on Monday, ihe th .lay of Jan., 1 versely the aboveHlescriled lands are iienameaaiwltueaaet: lenameaaiwitueuet: Herman t. Dow.ol Cottage Urove, Orexou, , I. II. JfoTey, of Kugene.Oragon.Joaeph sclilee, fCetUge drove, Ore., William Wltte', of Amot, 're. Anj and all partoni claiming adiertely tbe above de-brleed lands are reonetled lo Ale thlrelala( In this office on or before tald Mb Cay cf Jan., 1W3. J. T. BaiwM. Rtgttltr. NOTICK l-Oll 1'UIH.ICATION. I'll In-1 State Und ORlre, ltiwebunr. Ommn. Oct.. l. 1W2. Conere-a of Juno 3, 1S78, entitled "An i ..... f.. t. ... I.....I I.. .1... in t ittr mo eitit' ill inn uvr limn 111 mo Mate, ofCMliforiiia.Orivon. Nevada and u...i.i....i.... t .,,. ....I...I ,, act of An ir.ofCrtawoll of Orepin. and will oiler nrtiof to ahow that the land I nought la more valuable for it timber or .lima I l,a t.t- u ..!.., . I 1 v., I ...p.u.k.u a it. I .,.. lie names as wltiutn'n lula It. Ilond.of Kiigene. Lane Co.. , Ore., James Hoffman, of Kngene, Lane Co., Ore., Kniiiia N. Salttmati, ot Cres- i well, Uiuie Co , Ore., James N. Handle, i well. Un ,,1 k'.l,Il,..,.l l....... --". .-...v v.... y... Any and all persona claiming adverse ly the aboveilescrilied lands ate m ...... i -.. t,.. quested to file their claims In tlila olt'ne on or before Mid 31t dav ot Dec.. ItfOS. J. T. Hrukik. Kegister. NOTICK r-OK ITBLII-ATIOS. Ullllnl 8lalrt Uiul OrSi-, Hewburf. Oraw,lK .!. Null li brbr itlT tbat In eoinollanc with th prmltlonaof tbe apt of Concrvw ol Jun, lTs,ntltlU "An Act forth al of Titular Urnln In th Ptatct of tUillfornla, Orv iron, Nctaila, an,t Washlnictoii Tvrrltorr," at ratnl,l to alt tbe rmblletanil mata bv act of Aukuii 4, Natbanl 1 L. MmhIt. of 'Ktitf 11 County of Ian. Stat of Ortiwn, hat IbUiUjrfllcil tnthlt offlcehla fworn tattnnt No. IIAllor the purrha of th SW 14 ofae tlon No. Si.tovnihlii;i 8. rans T !t, ami will offt enwllothowtbat th lamlaouiht Ii more a.uabl for lit ttmbrror ton than lor aurtrul tcral urpoa, an.1 to ,tabllh hla claim to aalit lamt before C. E. llaaaM. V S Commlailoncr at Drain. IonelaaCo.. On-.. 011 Thnr.liv th aoih day of Aurll. 1S03. of Artl p names II names aa wltnea rhlllltiCaron. IturS. lttt. I. k! Hall Jair. of Enif ne. Lane Co., Or. Any n.t all rTon! claiming a.lvcf-ly tb aUv-leTlbJ lanils are reuueme.1 to file their clalrci In thla offlcr 011 or ficfore said 90th lay of April, WW. J. T llali.UK. Keclater. NOTICK KOR PU11LICATION. United States Land Offlw, Hosebnrv, Ore . Feb. 7, 1903. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled 'An act for the sale of timber lands in the Slates of California, Oregon. Nevada, ana vtasmngion territory, as ex tended to all the Public Land States bv act ot August 4 1892. Ouy S. Potta, of htigcne, Co. of Lane. State of Ore., has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No. 4419. for the puichare 1 01 me 54 01 section o. 20 Town- "'P ' -1 a. nange 0. west ami will offer proof to show thai the land SOUffht la llinrn vulnnltl.i f.,r ita is more va uab e fur iu timber or stone than for agricultural nun iu rsmuuaii 111a Claim 10 aid laud liefore C. K. Ilatard, U S. v-omniissioner at. Drain, iiouglas to Ore., on Thursilav 1903. , the 30th day of Apr, He names as.witnes.-es: Phillip Curou, Jacob Jaser, L. J. Hall, Nathaniel L., ot Kugene, Lane Co., Ore. Any and all persons claiming ad versely Hie above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or liefore said 80th day of Apr., J. T. Hkiimiem, Kegister. NOTICE KOR PUI1I.ICATION. laaml Office at Koseburg, Oregon. Nov. 10, 1U02. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final nroof in sumiort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Marie L. Ware, U.S. Com mlssioner, at Kugene. Oreuon. on Janu ary 3, 1903. vu : Edward L. II Hand 011 X SK li A Lots 3 A 4 See. 18 T. 19 S., 7 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Kdicar W. IIoelton. of Mound Ore.. Sylvester Lewis, of Puntlier. Ore.. Church A. Stevens. Walter J. Holland, of Crow, Ore. J. T. ISnnxiF.s, Kegister. NOTICK FOK PUI1LIOATION. Unitetl SUtes Office, Koseburg. Ore. Feb. 11. 11103 Notice ia hereby given that in cotupli- noewith the provisions of the Congress of Juno 3, 1879, entitled act 01 An act for the sale of ti miser lands in the Stiles of California. Oregon, Nevada, at,(1, "ash ngton Teintory," a ex- nueu 10 an me ruiiiie i.atsi statea by act of August 4, 18!).', Joseph U. Hills, of Jasper. County of Lane, State of Ore gon, has this day file. I in tin's office his fcworn statement No. for tbe pur chase of the SE V SK 1-4 of section No. 14 in Township No. 1 S Range No. 1 est and will offer proof to show that the land is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, ami to establish his claim to said land before the 1 Register and Itecelver of this office at Roselmcg, Oregon, on Thurs- wv, uir iay .ivtiitfi Arit, JUU.1. lie names aa witnesses: Geome M. IlUcJclwrn of Snrinefleld. .In.. . 1 . .. .1... qmi. ..I I ,AAn Ore.. William Tate of Zion, Ore., llenry S. Tilton ol June, Ore., .IS Mills of Jasper. Lane Co Or. Any ana all itersonsclalmlngailverse ly tlie auove-tlesrribeil lamia are re quested to file Uteir claims in thla offica on or liefore said 30th day of April, 1903. I, t, Huikiks, Register. NOTICE FOU rUBLICATION. Ujiltol States Land Ofrice, Hoseblirg, Ore., Jan. 30th, 100.3. Notice is hereby given that In comnll unce with the prorisiouH of the act of tougreKH ui j line ., ino, eillltieil "All Act for the sale of Timlier Land, in the 8tate8 , ijaiirornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as ex- tended to all the l'ubli Ijind States by act of August 4. IHS2, Emma Uever. of Mound. County of I.ant' State of Ore,, has this day flletl in this office her sworn statement Nti. 4379, for the purcliase ol tlie lta H & ol Mec Wo, 2 in Township No. 20 8, Range No. 7 West, and will offer proof to ahow that tl , goul,ilt i. . vui.,1,1., fnr i ta timlier or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ilia claim to ;?''"" ore rt I-, Ware, U. 8. Cotiiliilssloncrnt Eugene, Oregon, on Wednesday the I5tli day of April, lovi Hhe names as witnesses : repuesteil lo nie tlieir Claims ill hub office on or Isifore said Ifithday of April, uuvt , J.T.Hhiikikb. Register. repuesteil to 11 le tlieir claims in tins The Horseshoe day find night. ItcstJiiirint oim'ii NOTICK Kilt l'l'llUCATlON. United Statea I-and Office, HoM'Inirc, OreROli. I'l'li 0. ItKX). Notice la herein- trlveti that in com pliance with the provlainnaof the act ol Conareca of Juno !t, 1878, entitled "An not for the rule of limber landa In the Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and WnahliiKton Territory, u cxte'idctl to nu mo i nunc ijinn Mine ov nei in .u gut 4,1$2, lieoree N. 'McU-ati, of i. wmi Creek, Co ol jne, Stale of lire., will offer moot to ahow that the hind wmuht la more valuable for Its tlinlier or atltll.l I ltd l, f.,a t, i. ... I n.,,1 - -kii r i". toeslahlish his claim to said land liefore Marie L. Ware, I' S Commissioner at Kugene, Oregon, on Saturday the 2Mb dav of Apr., HHXt. lie names as witnesses (ieorge M. Miller, ol Eugene, Ijtne o.,ure., w. n. nu'kor, 01 Allium, vre Kdward J, Frailer, ot Kucene. Lane Co Oregon, Kd 1). liessler. of Monmouth, Ure. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are le ipieMcd to tile their claims In this otllce on or iH'fore salil Vflth dav ol Apr., IW3, J. T. Hkiihiks. Kegister. NOTICK KOU PI'llLICATION. Unlttnl States Und Ottlce, Uo't lmrg, On-gon, Oct. 10, 1902. Notice Is hereby alvcn that in ihiiii- lillnnce with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "All act for the sale ot timber hunts In the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory, ' as extended to all the Public I .ami States bv act of A n gust 4. 1892. Annie Wilson, of K11 gene. County ot Ijuie, State of Oregon, has this dill tiled In tlila n!Tui Ma auorn statement No. 3033, for the purchase of iiie.-M'; i-4 a k,, swi-H 01 section No. 12 Towiishin 23. South, of ltaiiL'e West and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim bo lore A'arie L Ware. V. a. Commissioner. at Kugene, Lane Co. Ore , on Wednes day the 7th day of January, 1903. ne names as witnesses: James X. Handle, of Kairmount Ore gon, Austin Hoot, of Springfield, Oregon, James Hoffman, of Kugene, Oregon, llenry .M. llson, of Kugene, Uregon. Any and all personi eliilming adverse ly the ubove-deecribed land" are re quested to tile their claims in this office on or liefore said 7th day of Jan., llHtl. J. T. IIkiiIok". Kegister. NOTICK FOK PI'llLICATION. United states Ijind Offic, Koseburg. Ore., Jan. 20. 190.'!. Notice is hereby giien that in compli ance witli the provisions of the act ot Congressol June 3, IS78, entitled "An Act tor the sale of Timber Uunls in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public I .and States by act of August 4, 1.'92, (iideon I.. Mediu ms of Eugene, Co. of I jine. State ol Ore gon has this day tiled iu this office his eworn statement No. 4344, for the pur chase ot the K,SSV 1-4 AW ' SK l-4of Sec 8 in township 20 South, of K 2 W and will ollcand all persons cluiuiin land sought the uboveilescrilied lands timber or st to Hie their claims in thi purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Marie L. Ware, U. S. Commissioner at Kugene, I jine Co. Ore yon on Tuesday the 7th day of April, He names ns witnesses: Archibald J. Shumaker, J W Parrish, of Jefferson, Ore., N II Martin, Herman T Dow, of Cottage Urove, IjineCo., Ore. Any and all nerron claiming ad versely the above-descrilwd lands are re quested to file their claitiM in this office on or before said 7th day of Apr., 1903. J. I. lliilisiKH Kegister. NOTICE KOR l'UIILICATION. Cniteil States Ijind Otlice, Koseburg. Oregon, Dec. 24. 1902. N'utice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions ot the act of Congressol June 3, 1878, entitled "An act tor the saleot timlier lands In the States nt California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the I'ublio I .and Staiex by act ot Au gust4,lK92. Hiram E. wimkI, of Eugene, Co. of Ime State of Oregon lias this day llleil iu this office his suorn statement No. 4102, for the purchase of the N Sw i ft S S, Ntv H of Sec No. 10. Twp. '.'3 South, of Range 2 West anil will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timlier or stone than lor agricultural purmsies, and to establish his claim lo said land ls;fore Marie I., ware. 17. S. Commisi-Ioiier at Kugene, Oregon, on Thursday, the I2l!iday ot Mar., 1003. He names us witnesses: J. V. l'arrisli, of Jefferson, Oiegon, Nil Martin, James tv llouck, of Cot tage (trove. Ore., Ray N wilson, of Ku gene, Ore. Any and all rersons claiming adverse ly the aliove-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this ofllee on or Is-fore said 12th day of Mar., 1903. J.T. IS id ixi km. Kegister. NOTICK FIK l'UIILICATION. Culled States Iunl Office. ltowliur,Ore.,Kept.l8. 1902. Notice is Iwivby kIvcii that In com plIaniT with the provisions of the net ofCoiiKtvHM of June 3, "IH7H, entitled "An net for the sole of OiiiImt binds In (Is- States of Citllforiilu, Oivkoii. Nevuila. ami WasllIllltoIlTerrltor." iisexlemh'il to nil the I'libllc laiuid -fates by act i Aliittlst 4. 1S92. Hanoi W. Itlclianlsoii, of St, Helens Co. of CaJuinbla fStaUi ofOrc., has this day filed In this office Ills sworn Htateiuent No.SKiSfortlwiiurcliiist'of theSWof ne;o at, iviwiisiup i'i n oi uaiiw west nun u-jii olfer proof to snow that the land xouulit Is iiiiii-c valu able for Its tlmlsr or stone than for UKrlciiltiiral purjx'scs, and to estab lish his claim to xnM land iM-foro the Register and Ifcti-iver of this ofllco at itOMi'liiirK.Urcffon.ou WeilneMiluy tlie 4th day of . March, 1903. He iiiiincs as wlliaeMses R. T. llonls, of ItiiyKer. Oiv W. F. HlauKhtcr, Ht Helens, On:, J. E. lllack, Fulton, Ore., A. L. Ilntlcr, of Klkton, Ore. Any nml all ihtsouh claiming ad. versely thealiove-ileKcrllietl lands an requested to file their clalniH In thb office on or Is-foro suld 4lli ilny ol Marcli, 1903. I T. 11kiikii;h. Register. BARKER & PERMAN I'itOFItlKTOHS OF- THE EXCHANQE IIKA1.KUH IN FINE WINUS, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Main itreel. Collage llrat., 4rai. NOTICK I 0U I'l'lll.R'ATION. I'nllisl Slates bind Oll'lce, Itoaebutit, Ore., Jan. l'.'tli. 11HVI. Notice Is hereby iitvvit that In coin pllance lib the prnvlalona of the act of f-.........- ..r t n iit-u ....tiil.ul .iiikivfh Ul II1U" 11, IPlPi Wlllllll.l ... actfiirthe saloot tlmln-r lamia In the Stntea of California, Oreuon, Neviuln ami Washington Territory, a extended to nil the ruhlle Unit Statea bv act ol Au Iliisl 4.18U2, William Mct)ueen, of Cot uii!e tlioe,Coof I.unn, StatoofOie.. has this day tiled In thla office hi' sworn statement No. 4293, for Hie puicliiise ot the NK Mot Section No. 32 In Town- ship No. 19 S, Uange No. 2 W. ami will offer prool to show that the hind sought is more valuable lor Its timlier or stone than tor agriclutural pmposes, and to establish his claim to said land liefore the Heglslcraml Kecvivcrnl tlua olllce said hind lietoru 7. I, Dciiimli'k 11 1 ll.ik at Koseburg, Oregon, on Tiiesibiv the hind, Ore , on Satuiihiy, the lllh. day 7th day of April, 1903. , of April 1903. lie names aa witnesses: I She names ns witnesses: Herman T. Dow. Ueorge W. McOiieen. I O. KMkiihIs, Edgar Hone, ol Oakland, C. A. Coatcs, Joseph Schlee. ol Cottage lirovo. Istne Co., Oregon. Any and all pcrsonscliilmiugiidvcisc ly tlie nliovp-dfKcithcd lands me it' niiestiil In tlln thi'tr eliilins 111 tills office on or liefore sain 7th dav of Aur.. 1903. J.T. IIiiiihikn. Ilegister. NOTICK KOK PI'llLICATION-. United Stales Laud Ofllce, Hoselmrg Ore., Oil. II, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that in com pliance wilb the provisions nf the m l of Congress ot June 3,1878 cuilllcd "An act (or the sale of timlier hunts In the States of California, Oiegon, Netada and v." ns extended mull tin. I'nblli. loin.l Sim... bv ,i..t f 1., 1 1 mi- it. .. l i. ... iit Hlooi.icr.'Couilty'of I 'liipneua. Slate of Wis., has this tin v llleil 111 this olllce bis sworn slaleiueiil No. 3H3S, lor the purchase of I he S W t of Section No. 10, Township 20 smith, of Hangel) West aud wi',1 offer proof In show that the land sought (a inure valuable for its timber or s ue than or agricultural ptiritoscs, and ,0 establish his claim to said laiul benuo the Keg ister and Heeclverof lln olllce 11 1 Hoe burg, Oregon, on Tliui-dav Ihe :'illli dav of Feb., 1903. He names as witnesses: William Moore Hoi'lnirg. Ore., Nick Moore, Walton Ore., Sim Carpenter, ot Sulpher Springs, Ote., Ptter A. Durcli, of Hoseblirg Ore. Anv and till icron claiiiiiugu.lteise- Ir the aliovf -dcscrilnil lands ate re ! quested to tile their claims in this ofllce on or U'fore said 20 dav of I'eb., ItHVI. J. T. Iluiini.s, Kegister. 1 NOTICK Ft lit PUBLICATION'. 1 I'nilttl Mules I jin. I Olllce, Roseburg, Oregon, Oct., 10, KHW. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with tlie priivi'ions ot the actof Congress of June 3,1878, entitled "An act lor the sale ul timber lauds iu the States ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and WashingioiiTerritory'as extended to all the Public lauul Mutes bv uct of Augii't 4, IMI2, llenry M. Wilson ol Eu gene Countv of Ijint', State ul Oregon has this duv tiled ill lids otlice his sworn statement No. 3034, lor the purchase ol Ihe S i, NW t4 A. W SW of Sec. .Nu. 12, Timushii 23 South, ol Range 2 West, and will offer prool to show that the land sought is more va'oahle fur its timlier or stone than tor agricultural piirHes, and lo establish his claim to said hind before Marin L. Ware, l S. Ciunmlssloner at Eu gene, Oregon, on Wednesday the 7th day of Jan., 1H03. Ho names as nitnessea: James N Ituudlc, of Fairmouut. Ore., James Hoffman, Annie Wilson, of Ku gene, Ore., Austin Root, of Springfield, Oregon. Any anil all sarson9 claiming adverse ly the nbove-descrilicil lands are ro ijiifstcd to tile tlieir claims in this ofllce un or Is-foro suld 7th day til Jan.. 1903. J . T. llniixiKs. Register. NOTICE roil I'l''ATION. tanil Orllre at Itoaebtirg. Orr., Dec. , loj. Nollre la hereby glten tbat the following named aettler hai rlied notlreothls Inlentlon to make final proof In support of hla rlalm, and thai aatd proof will Is? made liefore Marie 1, Ware. r. s Coiiimlaafonrr. at Kugene, ore. on January 17, liau, via; Calvin Caalrel on II. f. No. mtn, for ihes UHK i. NK'. SK !. ASK'. NKI-4re.'.Tp. .HR.It.aW. Ilr ttantea tlie following wltliraaea to pru t hla rontlniioiiB rcaldeiirv upon and rultltt lion oi aiu latin, til Perry Caalrel, Mndrra, lrtlnr, lion I lly. Oie , Ore. saglnaw, Ore . John llenry ore., Charles Krlabrc, Junt. Jainea kaglnaw J.T. Ilair-3rs.lteglaier. NOTICK KOK I'UIII.ICArlON Culled Klale, Uil'l (inter, lloaebiirg. Ore., Nollre Is hereby glten that In ronipllance reb. 7, iiwi. with the iirovlaloii, of the actof Congrea, of I Junuil, !,, cnililcd "An act for the aaleufl tlml lands In the Sl. of California, Ore - gori, Netada. and Wa.hlniltoll Tcrrllory." aa eilended tit all the I'olille Und state, by act ol Angiiat 4, lnw, Jartili Jaaoer. of Kugene, County .01 .lnc, .NUM. oi . Oregon, ha. nf tainc. Klatta llrarim. haa naailti.nay lieu III tni, nnit-e IN a .aiiril a aie. la -lav mail I ,. I h I a ntn M li I a u. I a la. meill J, 4U1 lor lite Iilirrnaae lor ins i nn 4i of Heflloil all..,. v.. 'Ml T..wn.h i. -li u Ita ii iff 7 t Bfiu will nflf r nrtNii tbe Und Mi-ighil mora VAhutjte for 1U timlier or ftoiie i n tin tor aKnenuurai purpoit, ami 10 cMtabHli hi claim to fa Id land before C. K. IIard. t'. H. Coin ml ml oner at Drain, Ihnijclai iSH. .M.rv....-.r Ue nanKH wn wIiiwhmi; Nalbanlfl I,. Mo.kIv, Our H. Cottti, I'lillllii aron, L. K. IUll,..f ku .gene. Ijne Co.. Ore . clalrnlnK adverwly the abote ilentrllarNl Und tf reiueited to file their fUlniP In on or before aald inh aaroi Apr., lira. J.T. PImiKJii, KecUfer. MlTirK HK I'URIJCATIO United Htatei Und Onlce, Koocbarjr, Ore, Kept, tub, 1003, Nollt) la Ik re by Klven that In compliant wltbtlie proMoimof the art of Cong re of June 2, liCK rntltlfd "An act for the aale of timber Uu-1 In the Htatei of California. Oregon. NeraU aitd Waxblnxtoii Territory" et K nded Uiall (be I'libllc Und Htatea by act of A 11 (cunt 4, 1 Muriel W. Uwe, of Eugene, Coanty of Uue, Htate of Oregon, hai thla day llled In thla ofllce hla sworn itatement No :U1, for thepn,rcbaof the Uta 14, AWof Hue. Notiiti T.rnhlp No'IH, Itange No I W and will offer proof to nhow thai the land nought la more tluahle for Its timber or Mono than for agricultural puriMtw-a, and to cMati- llah hla aUlin fn mil, tan.t laiifnra Uarla. I. Ware I'. H. Omitnliuiloncr at Kiigene, Ortv kTenm N. II. Martin J, W. Vrrh. John It. I'almer, iron. Any and alli-awm claiming adveriely the alxie-4leHrrltM-l Unda are re-jiickted to file thelr.laina In tliU office on or We fore Mid ffth nay oiApni, JTIiaiwJM, itrgUter. NOTKJK Ffllt I'Ulll.ICATION lllille.1 Btatea Uiul OflUe, Itonehtire.Ore.. th.iMri. Nollre la herrhy Klten thAtln rompllanre with Ihe lirovl.lon. of that art of L'onaraaaof Junes, !,, eutltleil "An act for the aale of timber lanua in the mate, or California, ore iron. Nevada, anil wa.hlnirtoii Territory," a, ex tended toall the rubllc Land fftatea by act of I'ounty of latne, mala df Ore., hai title tlay Aiixuai t. inw. lattira a. avt. oi iiirene. men in iniaomro neraworn aiaiemeni Noam, iiirine iiurrnaaeni ineor.. oi oeciion noo, iu TowuahlpNoVIH, llanre No 1 w, and will offer liroof to ahow that Ihe land aoualtt la more taluahle for III tlmtierorilone than for egrl i iiltnral purpokea, and toeatabllih her rlalm In laid laud before Marie 1.. Ware, 11. 8. Com mlailoner at Kugene, Orajon, on Monday, the i;ilt day of April., 1WM. Hhe name, aawltiieaiea; N. II, Marlln.J. w. i'arolah, John I), I'almer, J. K. lounc of Cottage Ornve. Oregon. Any anil all rona rlalmlnx adreriely Ihe tbove-deacrlied land, are reue.ted to file Ihelrrlalim In Ihli ofllrr on orbaforaaald tih ilair ol Aurll, .Mm, J T llaila,llriliUr, I NoriCK rOlt I't'lll.lOATION. I' Slnlea l.uud Office, ltoaebtiru, Oto.,,tnn. lit, IWII. Notice Is hereby Klven Ihsl In eom pllancc Hlthlhe piovlaloiiof the act ot .-..- - . ' act for the aule ol timber landa In l ie I'onureaa nl .nine ;i, inn, i-miuni .n Slali-s ol California, tiicgon. reviiila nml WaslilmilonTeirltorv,"iisixli'iidti to all the Public bind Stales by act ol August I, 1892, Mi". Till 0 KiImiihI-. of Oakland, Count v ot Douglas, Stain of bo.. Ima I hi dav llled ill tills olllce her attorn statement No. 4310 tor the puiehaso ol the lots ft, II, 1ft A III ol N' No. ISI11 Township No. 23S, Hiinge Ni. I W.iind will offer prool to sliott that 1 tlio hind sought Is more valuable fur ll timlier or slime ihan lor ngrlciiltuia 1 purposes, mid to establish her claim ti t)ie.. Dim llriiml gh,iitCottngoHroc Ore., (ii .i. Itlk'iis.of Kugene. Die Any and nil prisons claiming adverse ly the iilMixe-descrlliod lands are 11- luucstcd In e Ihcli claims In Ibis nllii'i 1 011 nrbefoie mid I lib day of Apr., 190.1. J T. Mmiihiks. lti-ci l 'i NOTICK 1011 PIHII.ICATION. Unllcd Slntcs Ijiii.I Olllce, llnschiiig, Oregon, Oct. 22, IIHI2 Notleo Is heiebv ifivi'li tlmt ill emu pliiiuce ttitli the pinvisloiis ol the act ot CougiesMit June 3. 1878, eulitlcil "All acl forlho sale of iIiiiIht lauds ill the iu the Slates ol I'allforiiia. Ilreuoii. 1 neviuln. 1111,1 y a.iiiiigloii leniiory, as 'exlembsl mull tbe I'ubllc l.nud Slates by act of August I, 1892. Ardcllu Mar ,,'!; ir"'. 8J", iicrsnniii siuleiiicut No. .'IT'.'.I, for the 1 11 1 1 i-l 1 it - of tln NK . ul Sec lion No. 30. 'Iiimislihi 2M. South, of Itiing!' I West, mid will offer proof to siiini 111111 un' i.iiiii suiigui is untie valuable lot Us limber or alone thai (or iigilculluriil purposes, mid In i-liilillsli her cliiiiu In s.iul I11111I hcloic Mnrle I.. Ware. U. s. Coiiiinlssloiier at Ku gene, Oregon, ult Moinliiv, tbe I2lh lay ol Jan., I1M.I. she names as witnesses: It S Huston, Ora Wilson, ul Kugene, Oic.N Martin, '( I'ol'Hgo tlrove, Uinc Co.. Die., J W Pan irh, of Jefferson,. Ma rlon Co., Ore. Any mid nil iersoua claiming adverse ly the alsivc-ilcscrllied lands are re quested to tilt; their claims Iu Ibis olllce on or In' fore said 12th day ot Jan., 1903. I T. IIhiikiks. Kegister. VI'IM.II'ATIOV KOII I', s. I'ATKNT. Mineral Survey No it. I'lilied statet land omre. Itmeburg, Ore , I'rbrnarjr 7, nam. Nnlli-e It herebr gl.rn that In itiirananre ol the an of t'nnirrta aiirotr. May IU, lJl, '. J. Hard. II. K. rlaurnl.hl.airltl andaiioriury, whi latainrllre addreta lai'haiu. iwr in i oiiuneriY uuiiiiing. rorlland, oresnn naa main lr apiillratlini for a tenl fur the e roitxillttatFd Otiarla t'lalltt. illualr In afiutorvaltlleifl Mlnlna ln.lrlrl lama livlllt t Itohemlafi ami Ihtllali and Ihtllglaa I'ltiintlea. Orrgtill, alul niitilatlng of ln Veauvlui, llrrinan. Mshtlligale, W llllain with aarfai-e tlearrlliiil by lite orrl I .al Itlal hatwatllh l.t.tH.1 a... I I., at. ll.t.l irii. it nil una. i.iiaii.. ami .. m note on ale In lht oAire m tl, tli'ai.irr ol lloaeburg lati.l Otnfi-. lln-gun. Iivwll VKSl'Vlt'H l.i'bh lieiiiiniiK .i ...i v.. i. wltenre th- I' S. mln ,.tn vai'd u, m . ,ijii brat. 70 ,lr ., tbei.aee .tit U l aera II and II, I III r le w in'll.. 17 dr( 2A mln w loljfi, thenrei IQtl-gwMI No 1. Ihenre n sSdrir lulu w .W7 ft lumi NnS. ihenreu tidrg M mln w Tsuft to ror No I. tnrnreu luiiegeTDV. ll to ror .Mi. s. tbeiiree UilrrlS Mine Itrju ft in rtir Sn; ihenre a m Irg .i mln e i II loror .No I. the plare uf Vgln nlag. OKI1MAN' U1IIK Itealnnlne at nir Ni, I i whent-e the t' M in in eal'd In in a No leara ii 7ldgj; mln r ;nsfl, lt I, arc cor Vl aera 11 and lit 2a a r I e, w m t-eeri Is deg VI milt tttl .1 II; thrum a I'idrg w Ml ft to ror Sn 1 ): Ihenre n sudrg II mln w lett ft toeor No. . Ibenre n 10 drg e nil ft In ror No I; Ihenrv Nl I drgc 1197ft loror No I Ihe plare of lieslnnllig S'inllTINIIAt.K LOOK; lleabinlng al ror No I, wltenre Ihe U H ra tit eal'd In m a No ZA! brara 74dr 2 mil. emit It; Ihe I. are ror Ul 1 area II and II. I 2S a r 1 e w in bcara a 77 tlrg .'al S'l" .,QM 1,1 '"J" 1" ' w ' r .ii inriirv ii ni ,ira nun w ii in rir I No S; Ibenre n ill lira e Vfi It In for No I llirltre altdrg mine Itsi It inpor No I the plarxol i-aiuiiiiia WILf.taM TKf.t. I.OIIK llmliinllig at ror No I. whence I' H in in eal'd III in a Nn JJU l.rara a an ilrar 2 mln e 7M ft. Iheifarr mi liel II aud II I 3Sa r 1 e w m heara a SA drg 2.1 mill i 1M! It: llianre a lain w un n t ror No. 1. thenrenTa drg 111 mln w ll'jti ft lo rur .Nitl i Ibenre II H mill e A97.A It loror No I. thclire a 7S drg S7 mln e llWrt fl to ror No I tlir 1'laienl ; Is-glniitng Wll.ll 110(1 1.0 UK beginning at nir Not. whenre I' H in m rat'd 111 in a No S-JH l-rata aTrt l ilea U Inlur laws II. Ihe l.arr nir 11 acta II and II I 2S a r 1 ew III beata a r.7 ilrir .U nun r I isftj II: tlirnrea 111 drg w Nil ft to rur No 2: tbcnreaNlilrg rat mln w ItM.H It to mrNo a Ibenre li ludege nin s ft to ror Nn I; thriire u SI drg II mill c II7U ft to tor No I I be place ul l-egliinltig. CIIAIlt.rM MMIK: lleglnnlng at tor No I whem-e t' Hln in eal'd III m No uvj U'ara a th drg -'ill mln e 77.VWI, thel, arc ror hel arra 11 and II 1 21 s r le w in brara a TV drg 21 mill n til.4 ft. thrrrea a mln w irj.7fi l. r.N'oJ: Ihenre n so deg 2(1 nil a w IIM fi to ror No .1: I Nldeg II in I it e ISM fl to ror No I. titr place of iieainiiiiig. i. v I u.,,i. L'L-vr f.llll- II I....1 . .... ,, whence t' s n. ni eal'd Iu m , S , tri be,,, , , ,u. u m)n e Hm , Kr ror ,w , f, , a , r i ,v , )K.,rJ llBJ rtrK M ,, ftryttn. thence a S mln W Mil in cor No 'i ihenresal draw 7lfl toi-or No a- th.nn. i . . .... . M ,eg w lu w 7!i7 ft lo ror Not! Ihenrcll I ,!,, li lornr.Ni, :,. a Ml ,. Jilinli. .. : .. . .. . . The eel vrra of the iiivIiik ('..nuilliimMi CJimrti rlahn In W.1A aorci (mrluolvo of von flirt Hlth the Fawn, A. I. A., II 111 Hide, Idaho, mid 1 1 axel miiurve)ed l.Mlea.audulth Itlmof m Nu aLland tbat portion of Hlhle of in No 41.1 lyinrue-terlyfroinen-tllneofMldKaMiil.whO, mV" '' , u. m aim i.- i 'aCi r I w m (iujeiile-l aurvey).Th nnmeH of the adjoliilriktmid coiilllctliiic rlavlrua aithown by Ihe plat 11 kiirvey are A.I' A., Jnaier and Kawn nniturveyed) I'mIb 011 thu norlliwtnt, the Itlroand Hlldo of 111 No IMonlhe north, the Aiiaoondapinii'd,)oii the nortbfHKt.the Huui iiilt.lllll Hide, t-Hllfornla, llutte, Idaho, and Ii4uci uuaurvcyru nxiei uu lite pou.n. Any and alt teiioiii clalinhiK edvermly the aUtve dei(rlled land or any portion thereof or any portion thereof imiruj iiutioni in uiu tueir mi vvrv rial 1111 lu this ofllce within Ihe next OMaji foltowliiK tbe date of thU notice, and thoiild they fall to do mi, they will he barred by jnovlilom of law. J. T. JinibOKN, llfUlmtl' Klrnt publication on 13th day of February, MUX N0TK3K KOK riJIIMOATION. United KtutcH 1-utnl Oirico, HoHolmrtr. Oienon. fJec U-l. Ili0 Notice Ih hereby given that In coini. ati with ttiu provieioilH of tlio net of CunareM of J.H.O H, 1878, entitled "All act fur tilt) mile o timlier IiiiiiIh in Uiu HtMU'H ol Uiillloriilu, Ort'iruii, Neviuln and U'uHliliiKtonTorrll(irv."ii8i!xl(inilii, to nil tlio I'tilillu Land Htutt'H liy uct of Auicimt -I, 1H02, Itay N. wllnnti, of Ku KCiie, County ol I.ano, Ktulo of Oreuon nun una ititv moil III llllBOlllce Ilia BWOrll ututciiifiit No. iUKl, for lliu tiurcliuso of ttio W'f,HKJ&H U BW Li of Set) iu. aiiooiiiz v.ii(i wiiiollurnroofto iiliotv that tlin liind doiikIiI In moru vulii. ulilo forltH timber or ntoiiotlian foruitrl culturul inn iioaea, und to eatalrilali lila claim to mild lumi IxiforuMiirio i,. Wuro u n LiOiiiiriiHaioner at Kngeno, Ore., on Tliiirrxluy tno l'.'tli day of March, 11(03. Uu niiniesua wltneosea: J W I'arrifh, of JelTurtioii, Oru., N II Martin. James W llouck. of flntinirn Orove, Ore., Hlrom K wooil, of Kuirone, Oro. Any and all persons claiming ad verse. ly the auOTe-deacrll'cd landa Arn ro. H ue ted to file their claims In tide olTice on or liefore aulil 12lh day of Mur., IBM. j. i. jiuiimiiH, iieuuter, Read real estate harralna nf .lro,n. Knox A Co, NOTICK Toil I'CIIUCATION. t'lilli-il HIhIi'h I .nml Olllif, lltiHclmi'ir, i)ii., I't'li, 7. 1IKKI. NiilU'i Ih lii'ivli.v Klven Hint In I'lilil lllltlH'( Willi till' iirtlVlHllHIM tif (lie Art nf Ciiiikivmm of ,Iuiii!I, 1H7N, n lltli'it "An Ai't fur tlio hiiln of Tlmlii'r I.iiihIm In Hm Hlnti'H uf Ciillfornlii, DiVKnii, Nnviiiln nml WhmIiIiikIi' i Ti'ii'lloi'.v," iih fxit'iiili'tl to nil tin. I'nlillf l.mnl stnli'N I i.v ml nf AuuiiHt I, 1MU, l'lllllli (ihiiii. ul llii unic, Cnuiit.x uf I.iiiii', Sliiln uf OlVKiill, Iiiin UiIm ilny'llli'il In UiIh nllUt IiIh hwiiiii Htiili'iiiciil No, IIW fin- tlio)illirliiiNi uf thtiNK of we '.li TowiinIiIii '.'I SiiiUIi uf Itniiuu 7 Wi'hI mill will iiffci' iii'tiof In hIiiiw Hull tlie IiiiiiI miiiikIiI Im iiiiiiv vnlti nlilo for IIh IIiiiIh'I' nr Htii)ic limn for iiKl'U'iiltiil'iil iiii-iim'h. uiul In cnIiiIi IIhIi IiIh t'liiliu In kiiIiI lumi In-forv C, II. lliiMiutl, 1. S. ColiltiilMHlom'r, at Hinln, DnimliiH ii., (iii'uun on TIiiiixiIii.v lln'.'Ultli tlnv ul ,jir IINKI, Ilr niiini'M iih wIIiii'hm'n: Niillimili'l I.. Monily, ilny S. I'iiIIm, .lllfllll ,IIHM'I I.. K. Illlll, III ClIKI'lll', Liuif Co., Hit'. A 1 1 nml nil ih'I'hiiiin iliiliulim nil. vcim'I.v Hit' nlioviMlcKi'i'llit'il IiiiiiIh mi' li'iilii'Hlt'il In llli llii'li' i'IiiIiiih In thin tllllt'i' till III' In'fnlT km hi :uilli iluv of April, IINi:t. ,1. T. lliiiniiiiM. IIi'kIhIit. NOTICK I'OU HHII.ICATION. Ullllltl St il I lit IjiihI tlllnn, llllal'llllllf, till'., Hi'.'. VI. IIHII', Notion ia lii'it'liy itlvtii ilitii hi i'iiiii tilliini'ti ttilli llic niivlaltiii ul I he ucl nl I'nnifrt'aa uf .linn' 'I, l""1, I'lilnlt'il "Ml net fin llit -nie nl inn'"., loiiila In Uiu rllutt'a til Ciillfnriiiii, Oii'timi, Ni'Viidii, nml Wiiahliiuliin, ' Mi mini mull I lit I'libllc Ijiii.I Mull" In ni t nf Miun-I 4, IMIJ, Thi'il'.ii M. Jut kanli, ul Diluent', ('limit V nf Unit', Sliile nl On1, liua llila. ilny flliil In llila ullli't' her annrn alntt tni'iit N". IIIK), fi ir llni iniri'hnati nl lh I'i ' SK I I, Hi: I, NK l-l , It Uit ltilHco Nil, ll, Tint ll.hlli '.'I Hitlltli, nf ItnilKtl I Ural, uiul will tiller iriMil tn allow llnil tliti In ml rniiiiht Ih iiiortt vuliiulilc fur Ita IlinU'r or atonn tlmn for agri cultural iiiiriHHi'H, ami to t'MKliliaii lirr a-1 it I in to auiil land lu-forii Mario I.. Waif, U. S. ('oiniiilNiiunrr it Kiik'i'iii'. Ortcnn. ml Htitiinliiy tin' '.'I.t day of Mur., IIHM, Miu naint'a , wilucaaea: Dniiit'l II. Ilriiiiihaiiiih, nt Cottuifu 11...... i I'.. L'.l..ll CO.. ol KiiKt'iie, I jiiio i'd.. Oit'Kun, lliirarc I. .Millti-nn. ol .MurculH. I.auv Uu.. (lie. Ahruhnni i. . Kelly, (il Knunii', itinitCo, Oregon. Any ami nil K'moiuclaiiniiiit ntlvrrar i' Ihu ahuve-ilracrllHil laiula am to- tiiraled to lliu tht'ir elitinn In this iifflro on nr ifiori'auin i.t ny in .Mar., nnn J. 1. IllillMika limiairr. .NOTICK KOU I'ltlll.IOATION. Unltrtl Statin IjiihI Ofllt-ti, Ilorulinri; Ore., Jim. 111. ItKL'l. Notice in hereby c.k''" that In coin illnnee with Ihe irnvl.iiina nf the uct of 'iiiiu'ri'M nl June .'1. IhiM, enlllhil "All net (nr the unit) of tlinlier landv In the Mute- ol ( tililiiiniii, (iiecun. Nevnila, ami W inihiiittiiii Territory," aa eilrml. iil In nil the I'lllilii' IjiiiiI MuIi-p liy act of AiiKii.t I, IMC, Jean Seavey, of (liiwn nr I'ilv) Kmjeiii , County of l-iui. Mule ul Oiiaiiii. haa tlila day tlhtl in I ti i a nfllru hla attorn atuleiiient No. law. lur the pure-ham of the W i HK 1. A Kl, SW. of Sec No. IS.Towiialilp l Koiith, ol Itmntii '.' Wwl, and will oiler priaif to ahow that the land aoiiKht ia more vnlu.ilile for Ita tlinlier or atnnu Ihiiii for iiKriciillural piiiiMiaca, nml to fatiilillah hla claim to raid land lielnre Muriu I.. Ware, U. S. (Toininla. alii t'Mil Kiitit'iit', Ort'iton, on Tnuwlay the '.Mill tiny nf Match, 11HW. lie niimea ti, llne.-e, : Jitme, N Handle, of Knlrui'iiiiil, Ijine Co., Ore., An, tin limit, of Sp.inullelil Ijiiiu I'd, Ore., Jillnea Seavey, Jtihn Seuvey, ol Diik'ene, Ijiiiu (mi., (.h Any nml all peraoua claiming ml verai'ly Ihe ulnive-tliferlUil lamia ant riiiii',tiil to MIc their cliilm, in tlila otliei' on nr U'fore wild L' Ith ilay of Mar., IlifW. J . T. lliiliMiKa, Ileciatrr voi ici: rem piiiimcation. I'liiled Statea Und Office, Itii.eliillU Ore., Jan. fi, ItHUI. Ntiliei' ih lii'iehy (jlven that In oom iliuuei' with the irovlaliina ol lliu net of CuiiL'ie'i-nl June,'), 1K7K enlllltil "An I fni the aale ol timlier IiiiiiIh In the Muif, uf Ciililnriiiu, Oreiiiin, Nevada und W iiahiiiuliin Territory, ua extended to all the I'ulilie l.itnil Statea liv act of An lliiat I, IMI.', HelH'i'ca Wil,tui,of I 1 1 n i 1 1 e , Co. of I ,n lie. Stale of Ore., hua thla day lllfd in tlila olflce lieraworn alateiiient No. Illfit lor the iiirchn,e of tlieHi: S4' SW l-l. SW l-l NK l- l, NK I--I HW ANH I I SK 1-4 of Sec No. ! in Tp No. L'l S., Itn iijiu No. 1 Weat, and will oiler proof to ahow Unit lint land aouitli! ia ihiiii) vuhiiililu for ita timlier or atone limn for iiKrlcultiiriil puriiotea, anil to eatiihllah her elitlin to audi land Ixitore Murie K. Wuru IT S ('otimitaaioner ut KiiKi'iie, Ort'iiun, on Tiieadiiy, the 7th day ol April, lW.'l. She nuiiiea us wltneaaea: Nil .Murlln, ol Coltuiie (irove, lune Co., Ore., .1. W. I'urriali, A. .1. Slut uiiiker. of .luireraon, Murioii Co., Ore., N. T. Wllaoii, of I'.UKfne, l.unu Co,, Ore. Any uiul all peraoua claltiiliiu adveran ly the ulMive-ileaerlbed lamia urn re (Ideated to tile their clalma in tlila office on or liefore aiild 7tlnluy of April, 11H).'I, J. T. llmiKiKa, Keiilater. NOTICK KOII l'CIIUCATION. Unllcd Hlnti'H Kami Office, HoHelnirK, Ore., .Inn. Ill, 11X1:1. Notice Ih hereby nlven that III eolil plluiice with the provlHli iih of the net of CoiiKn'HH of June ,'l, 1N7S, entlllcil "An net for the wile of tlinlier IiiiiiIh In the Stiitex of California, OreKOii, Neviuln, nml WiiHhliifrtoiiTerrllor.v," iih extended to nil the I'ulilie l.unil Ktllti'M liy net of AllfrilHt 4, 1WKJ, CluirleH C. OokIII, of McMllinvlllo. Co. of Yamhill, State of Oirjron Iiuh thin (lay llleil In t IiIh uff It-it hlMHWorn Hlale luent No.4:ii'i. for the iiuivliiiHe of I Im H!,S ofSeeNo. L. To. L'l H. nf llimi... WeHt iiiiil will offer proof lo Hiiow mat fin' land HiniKlit Ih ihiiii' valualiln for IIh tlinlier or Htono lliiiu for iiKrlciiltnnil iiii'iohch, ami Ioch tutillHh IiIh clalni tn Hiiid land liefoni tlio lU'KlHter ami Itecelver at ItiiHe liiiiK, Oivkdiii on Hatiirilay the 2.1tli day of April., lo:i. He nitincH iih wltnoHHCH: .latiicH N. Itanillo, of Knliinoiiiit, .aiiot p., Ore., Henry CokIII, of Me. Mlnnvllle, Ore., Alvln .1, I'ci klnH, of Crow, Lane Co., Ore., (leoro W. Hunter, of Kugene, l.ane Co,, Orruon Any and all imthoiih elaliuliijr ml. verwly the aliove-ilcHerllieil IiiiiiIh are reiiiiealeil to llle their elalniH In thla ,.,,""'i!!."r M'" 'ild itnth ilny r I Apr., IIKW. J. T. lliiiiniKH, IteulHler. JEROME KNOX, Attorncy-at-lAiio Prompt attention paid In Mining llualneaa CoTTAOIt GROVIt, OKU.