Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 06, 1903, Image 7

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It la commonly Inlicrllcil,
IW mil cniliuly free from It,
l'nlo, wi'iil;, puny clilMrou itro
nnili'tcil wllli It In lilnn ciix'i out of
tun, mill ninny mlulU auffcr from It,
Common Inillrutlon mo liimclic In
tlio nock, itlisiwai-a, ntiluncoiia cnip
tliina, liillium'il nyulliU, core enre,
rlcUrtu, ciitiinli, wiMlliij,', mill gvnurul
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
lirnulrnto II, ponlllvi'ly mid nlisoliito
ly, Tlilt atiituiinit It IjiixmI on tlio
tlimiMimla of prnimtiont cuius) tlioao
liii'illdiirs Imvo wronlil.
"My itnuiilitrr list! srrnfiiln, with florrn
nrra on liar nrrk ami ttliout her ours, lluml'a
Hnraaimrllln was lilchlr rriommcmlol nml
tlio look It nml vrni curnl. Hho li now In
rood lir-allli." Mna. J. II, Junks, Talker
City, Iml.
Hood' Snrnnpnrllln promlaoa (3
euro anil koops tlio proinlio.
Clinrcli )o you llilnk do la n well
noKirtloiiivl tnnii7
Uuliilim No; IiIh lurgii nrn nwity
out of priiortloii to Ilia liralna. Yolik
it Htntfainnii.
Second Hand I'lanos and Organa Almost
(liven A),
To ml In vii tlin vnrltn'ilo rougvatlon
In ni'coiul hand pliuion nml ifi.itis it t
our atorc, wlilili rrMillnl from our
tnkliiK an Imiuuiini iiiiiiilinr III it,
i lmiiKn for now iini-a, wii oITit tlio
lollnwIiiK uxtrnririllniirr iirlioa on fx
tvlltint rucoml liiiml pluuna nml organs:
Kl'iilmll Uprlulit, wllli iimtiopiu.y
vonriir, 7J oclnHi, roiiililiird il.niin-r
anil liamiiiiT IIaiikii of liruni, a coiupiict
plain) ol prutty uutlliii'ii on hIiIcIi wu
Hill Klvn n discount of fllH 00.
Doikur, roiwniMHl rum, linen sitings,
opini pin Iwk, "S wtawa, linn iiitlou,
looks Jtiat aa good na iww, only flH7.DC.
HIiikit, qiiiirti'r ni will San DomlriKO
lualinitany ni"o, full iniiili' luik, ilonlilo
loM (all, rontlmiiiiia lilngti, 7 oc
tavra, rcod iiinllly Ivury koya, for
f IIIH.00.
A Clirlttlo for f IfiO.CO.
Kiiiciaoii, M"o.00.
KnaUi, '.'.HA.00.
I.mlnlir, flU&.UO; nml tlotcna of
'IVrnis, caidi. or $12.00 to 118.00
ilonn ami (il.OO, fH.OO to 10.0Un
inontli wllli intvri'ht. Kasy ciioukIi for
any ono to uffiinl nml lliti plaiioa nrn
way aliwid of nnytlilnK you ovi'r fount
for tlio price.
Kstoy, oak cusv, tiMtl but n low
inontli, latiist styln, (.'III; Ksli-y, InrK
rat alto, Iil(li toi, aollil walnut earn.
(11; Kliiitinll, rallii unlntit emu, mir
ror, liiualu renk, not iimm! oiioiikIi lo noil
rnrpot, coat (135, now (CO; ClilniD
Collnun, 0 ocliivo", largo fancy top,
tiN'il Tory littln. another II oclavu
alyln, roat (1A0, youra for (56; Kalcy
CliaH, (28; l'urknnl,. 0 ortnvia, aollil
walnut ram, fuiiry top, (A4; Ixirlii? A
lllakn, parlor aim, aollil walnut mm,
(32; lliirriind Kuiplrn top, rollil wnlnut
raao, HO; CornUli, col Id wnlnut, (III;
Ilnrrmnl, lilxli top, (3H, good aa new;
(lunuliio Kniliulf, vnry ntnt nml pretty,
monra proof, mat (110, only ( 13; A. II.
Oliaae, glided pallida, Imiutlfully
crril, (ill); Crown, mol lint Utile,
print f. St, will tell for IS-'; A. II.
Chasu, pnuiKila finished wllli r'mncli
walnut, I'lilmnRH for Vora piano,
can bo liail for only (55; llenlli
oven, IiIkIi top, ('.'0; Ann Atlwr, (I'll;
cvlubratcil A. It. Wliilney. ( II ; I'mk
anl, In (imry rnw, ( 13; ono of lliaurcnt
Kluiliall nmkva, (4D. Ternia, (11.00 to
(fl.00 down ami (5.00 to (7.00 a
inontli, acconlliiK to mnko ami hko.
Wrlto ua at onc if you want ono of
tliem liurgalna. Kllem l'lnno Houao,
WaaliliiKton atrcot, rorner l'nrk, I'ort
laml, Oregon. Utiior Iiuko lionces, Han
rrnnciaco, Kpoknuo anil Hncramonto.
Urged lllm On.
Mlaa Gotrox Tlio liln.i of your pro
poalnn to mol Wliy, 1 uorvr kuvu you
any enraiiniKomcntl
Mr. roorninn You luteal that you
onco liiformotl mo Hint you liail Imll a
million In your own rlnht. Cli lc-o
Sure Thing.
Klml Kallicr My, If you want
n Rood liuabnml, marry Mr. Goodlicnrt.
ll really nml truly lovea you.
Diimlitor Aro you auro ol Hint, pa?
Kind 1'athor Yoa, Indceil, I'vo Loon
borrowing money from lilm for aix
montln, and etlll lio keeps coinlnn.
A Atlatakc.
"Mra. riumm liolda lior own woll,
doean't alio?"
"Hut it isn't, Tbnt'a lior alator'a
clilld. 1'lilUdolplilu jlullotin.
All Bodily Aches
V3. In tlmA. Hnln h flriiuvlBt-
taw -ft if pii i n n m h t-i ? n
S 'I'lio l-nst of Sonic of tlio n
WS))J World's tlrcntest Cclehrltlcs.
"II la Hell." WnalllllKloll,
"I mini aleip liuw."- Ilyrou,
"la llila your llilt'llly."-Nfio.
"Tlii'ii I inn aufi'."-CroliiWell.
"Let Ilin IlKht eiiler,"- (locllie.
"(Inil'a will be iluiiu." Itlalioji ICcn,
"lird, Inku my aplrlt,"- IMwiinl VI.
"I,oiil, receive my aplrll."-Crniiliifr.
"Don't kIvh up l he alilp,"-I,awreiie
"It la the Inait of eiirlli."- J. (J, Ailnm.
"I nm nboiil lo ille." -Hamnel Johnaon,
"lliilepeliileliee forever,"-John Adnnia.
"(live Ilnyrollea a cliiilr."-C,lica(ern'elil.
"I ahull be happy." Arehblahop Hliarp,
"Don't let poor Nellie alarve."-Clmrlca II,
"I Ihnnk (toil I hnvn done my diAy." Nclaon,
"I feel na If I were myaelf dkiiIii." Wnllcr Hcott
"All emperor almiild die alnndlliir," Veipnalali, ,
"The bent of nil la, (Iml la wllli ih."-JoIiii Wealt-y.
"It ninllera little how Hie beail lleth,"-llalelKll.
"A dyliiK man ran do iiqIIiIiik eaay,"- I'miikllu,
"Mnny tliliiKH lire bironilnjr rlearer lo me."-Kclilllrr,
"I feel the dnlalea KniwIiiK over me." -John Iv'enla,
"Tnkliix n leap In the dark. ) inyalery."-Tbomna l'nlne.
"Don't let Mini ii I; win il aiiind lire over my prnve." llurua.
"Here, veteran. If you think It rluhl. Mrlke."-fMrero.
"I IbollKhl tbnl dying hail been more dlineull."-Uiilla XIV.
"Let me die to the noiinda of dellrlolia muale."- Mlralienu.
"It la amnll, very amnll." nlliidliiu to bcr neek.- Anno Iloleyn.
"I,et ine hear thomi nolea an Ioiik my aolnco and delljjht."--.lo7.nrt.
"We are na near henveii by aen na by lnnd."-Hlr Humphrey Gilbert
"I do not aleip. I wlali to meet dentil nwnke." Marin Therean.
"I renlgn my aoul lo God; my ibumhler to my rouutry." Jefferaon.
"I would not ehmiite my Joy for tho einplrn of the world." Philip Hldney.
"I'nrewell, I.lvln, nml ever remember our lonir union." Aiiguatua Caeanr.
"I have aent for you to ace how a Chrlatlnn can die." Addlaon to War
wick. "Into lliy hand", O Utri, I commend my aplrlt." Clirlatopticr Coluiubiia.
'I want iiotbtiiK, nml I'm looking for iioIIiIiil' but licuren." Philip
Mi Irini't Itrin.
"I Imve aceii all tlilnsa, nml nil thliijta nra of lit t to value." Alexander
"Ileinorae: llemorae! Write It) Wrlto 111 Ijircerl Ijircer." John Han
dulpb. "O, liberty, liberty, how many crlmca nre committed In thy name." Mine.
"Let ua rroaa over tlio river and rcat under tlio aliado of the trcea."
Klonewntt Jnckaau.
"Crllo. we owe cock to Kaculnplua; pny It oon, I pray you, and neglect
It noi." Korrntva. .
"I am dytiiK out of charity to tbo undertaker, who wlabra to urn a
lively Hood," -Hood.
"Throw up the window that I may onco moro aco the magnificent accne
of nnture." Iloaaenu.
"I prny you aee me anfo up. mid for my coming down, let me shift for
myaelf."- Sir Thomna .Moro on tho arnlTold.
"My aoul I eaten to God, my lody to tho earth, and my worldly poaaoa
atona to my relntlvea."-.MIchaet Auiielo.
"I have provided fur everythtiiir In my life except death, and now, nlaal
I nm lo die. Ilioiuli ItiiiroiiKhly iiiipnpnred." Caeanr llorgla.
"It will not lie Iwtitr before God lakea luo, for no mortal can lire after
the Rlorlea which God tiaa manlfeated to my aoul." Toplndy.
"Ird. enllKhleii mid aoflen tlie lienrta of my cxrcullonera. Adieu for
over, my dear children. I gn to Join your fattier." Marie Antoinette.
"Ho of Riiod comfort, brother, for we aliall tbla day light aucli a cnndle
In Knxlnnd, na. by God'a crace. ahull never be put out" Ijitlmer to Illdley.
"What la the mailer with my dear children! Have I nlnrmed youJ Oh,
do not cry. lto ajood children, mid wo will nil meet In heaven." Andrew
"My country! O. haw I love my country." William Pitt, the younger.
"Here la n hook (tlio Illble) worth more than nil othera ever printed; yet
it ta my misfortune never to Imve found time to rend It t truat in the
merry of God. It ta now too late." -Patrick Henry.
"Not one foot will I fleo ao long na breath bldea within my breast, for
He wlio alinped both ara ami land this day shall end my battle or my life.
I will die ICIng of Ihiglnnd."-Itlchard III.
"1'niliiT In heiiven, though llila body ta brenklng awny from me and I
am departing this life, yet I know I aliall forever be with Thee, for no ono
can pluck me out of Thy baud "-Martin I.utlirr.
"I ahnll die regretting. I have always deatrcd the happiness of Trance.
I did all In my power to cotitrlhuto lo It. I can fay with truth that the
llrat wife of Napoleon never canned a tenr to (low." Josephine.
"I.ockliarl. I may Imve but a moment to xpenk with you. My dear, be
n good mail, be virtuous, lie religions, lie a good man; nothing clan will give
you any comfort when you coiuo to lie here." Walter Scott.
"Thy creature, () Uird, have been my books, but Thy Holy Scripturea
much more. I have sought Thee In the courta, Delds and gnrdena, but I
found Thee, O God. In Thy aniirtunry, Thy temple." Ixird llflcou.
"I linve medltnted upon the atnle of the church, the spouse of Christ I
lmvo fought against spiritual wickedness In high places, and I have pre
vailed; 1 have tasted of the heavenly Joy, where presently I aliall be! Now,
for the laat time. I commit my soul, body and aplrlt into Hia hands. Now It
haa coiui'." John Knox.
Tlio Ileilnlllilir of n Vnmlertillt Helen
nod Ills Wire.
A reconciliation has taken placo be
tween r.lllott Well Shupnrcl, Jr.. or
New York, a grnudson of the lntu Will
iam II. vnnilerniit.
and tils wife, Ksther
W Irk I n Poller
Shepord. 1'orili
months they were
separated by rea
son of allegations
of Impropriety on
Ills part, because of
which Mrs. Shcp
aril brought ault for
a legal separation.
T h c Influenco of
neacemakliiK mem
UI1.1. E. r. Blll l'AIll)
bers of tho faintly prevailed, nml, pro-
lUinably, there will licreartcr uo bujooiu
The marriage of these young people
i-ns a society sensation. i:illott Shep
nl whoso father wna tho famous pub
lisher, was one of tho liveliest young
men Ynlo ever turned out Ilia bride
as the daughter of a grocer who kept
small atore In Greenport, I I. Stio
.... ii,. nreilleat clrl on tlio Island.
could swim, ride a horao and play ten-
. Mra. Klllott r. Hhepnrd, me mom
.if ilm defendant who was Instru
mental In reuniting tho young people,
ea at Wood ea. WHICH Is siuuuetl nt
HcarsboroUKli-on-tlic-HudBon, and Is
nun nf Ilin finest country estates In
America. Tho Pompcllnn gardens thcro
marvels of the gardener a art.
Ileitis to Moke a Itealtlijr Pair of
'ho enrly cry. which Is painfully try
in lamo vounir mothers, especially
n nervous ouo, becomes leas dlatresa-
If alio stops to think that tho lungs,
-or having lieen used, need exerelso
nnler in mulcn them Strom;. For tlio
ilriat throe, nioiittia tho lufnnt Is too
weak, oven with a fair amount of cry
ing, to develop tuo mugs moro man
oue-thlrd their normal cnpnclty. and
that these organs cannot bo considered
ported unlll they nro Inflated to their
utmost is enough to timko her tolerant
of a fair nllowauco of cryinu. A year
of simple breathing would not accom
plish na much toward developing tho
lungs as a moderate amount of cryliiK
ouch day for n month. It Is tho deep
Inhalation, such na nccompanlea n good
cry, which nlono enmmnko the lungs
strong. Healthful Infants cry normal
- - -f
. i
ly, and they should be allowed to do
so n portion of each day. When the
cry ta whining or continuous It la usu
ally caused by overindulgence of some
kind, or by mistakes, such as handling
tho baby, when he Is more comfortnble
left alone. Too much entertaining
causes nervousness nml cold extremi
ties, which make necessary too many
wraps or too hot a room; this rcaulta In
discomfort and weakness and lack of
fresh air. Bleeping In a bed with older
persons Is bnd for n baby; It draws
upon the vitality. Indigestion Is nover
nntural: it Is caused by overfeeding or
Improper feeding. Hnrper'a Tatar.
Chester I. Lone Recently lilectad Sen
ator from Kansas.
Kansas has recently elected n United
Stntea Senator to auccocd W. T. Har
ris. Tho choacn Individual Is Chester
I. Long, the Con
gressman, who U 44
years old and is the
youngest Senator
ever elected In the
State. lit Is a na
tive o f Pennsyl
vania, a former res.
Idem of Missouri,
and a gradual of
the law onlce of
George 11. Peck,
now of Chicago.
ciusTEii t. wh0 luduce(i ulm t0
enter politics. He Is now serving his
fourth term In Congress. He Is a per
sonal friend of President Roosevelt
Where She Drow the LI no.
Kluglake, tho Oriental traveler and
historian of tho Crimean war, never
married. This was strange, says his
biographer, becnuao he admired wom
en, and formed Quo Intellectual friend
ships with them.
He thought that there should bo
priestesses as well as priests In tho
churches, the' women as the Kgcrlas of
men ns tho men are tho pontiffs of
A friend of his tells us that when he
wns attacked by gout, Ktnglako wish
ed for tho a'olaco of a woman doctor,
nml wrote to ono, asking If gout were
beyond her scopo.
Sho answered; "Dear Sir Oout Is not
boyond my scope, but men are."
If a woman lives In tho same neigh
borhood with n family of young chil
dren, sho can become a missionary to
China, by taking chargo occasionally
while the mother sets out of JalL
mmim crkat attkstioi Aaoja
Mrs. Prances Stafford, of 24.3 E.
lUlh St., N.Y. City, adds her tes
timony to the hundreds of thou
sands on Airs. I'inkhnm's files.
Whcm Lydla K. Pinklmm's Itcmo
dios wore flint Introduced skeptics
all over tlio country frowned ujn
tholr curtitivo clnltrw. but as year
after year has rolled by and tho
little group of women who bad liccn
cured by tbo now discovery has
hIiico grown into a vont nnny of
hundreds of tlioimciiiil.i, doubta and
skejitlcLsnw havo been swept away
os by a mighty Hood, until to-day
tho Brent good that I.ydln I J.
I'lnlilnim'H Vi'Kctnlilo Compound
and her other medicines nre doing
among tho women of America Is
ottiacting tho attention of many of
oar leading scientists, physicians
and thinking jieoplo.
Merit nlono could win such fame;
wise, therefore, is tlio woman who
for a euro relies upon I.yilln K.
PI iihlinm'B VcBctalileCotn pound.
lie reels it.
"Dcea a draft plve you cold clillla
down your back?" nsked the philoso
pher. "It does," replied the wImj guy,
"when my bank account Is overdrawn."
Bobby's Comment.
Little ISoby waa Inspecting tbo new
baby for the Hist time, and his dictum
waa as follows:
"I e'poee It's nice enough, what
thoio la of it, but I m sorry It ain't a
The Popular Profession.
Tho reason whv giving advice is so
much moro popular than taking it, is
that it doesn't require one to be ao
many different kinds of people Well
ington Timos.
Fined for Dancing.
At I.uchow, Germany, 115 fathers
have been flood ono mark each for al
lowing their children, under 10 years
of age, to dance at the harvest festival
of a village nearby. Tho village pastor
objected to tho dancing and reported
the cae to the police. It was discov
ered, turnover, that ills children bad
dancod, too, and he tvaa flood with the
rest. Tlt-IiitB.
Stood Much Wear.
Mr. Jones My dear, do yoa know
that you have one of tho beat voices in
the world?
Mrs. Jones Indeed I Do you really
think so?
Mr. Jones I certainly do, otherwise
It would have been worn oat long ago.
New York Times.
Eon of tho House Won't yoa elng
something, Mies Muriel?
Mies Muriel Oh I, daren't, alter
anch good music aa we have been list
ening to.
Bon of the House I'd rather listen
to your singing than any amount of
good music. London Punch.
Had Touched the Limit.
Short I figured up the other day
that I owed my friends nearly $3,000.
I-ong What are you going to do
about it?
Shoit That's what puzsles me. I
can't think of anyone else who will
lend me money. Chicago News.
AS'eficlablc Prcparattonror As
similating tlieFoodandllcfiula
ling QtcStoinnchs nmlDovsMls of
Promotes Digc3llon.Chectruf
ncss amlRcstConlalns nellhcr
Opltim.Horpliine norlliiicraL
jiKipt otouarS.wva.rnwm
Apafccl Remedy rorConsllpfl
lloniSourStomach.Dlarrhoca Worms.Convulsions.Fcvicriah
ncss mid Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signnlure oT
Helpful lluaband,
Clroro Moke I ramo to tole yo
ma'am, dat Lucy llrown, what drm
'eabo yo' ycatcdaj, nin'tgwino liboin
no mo,' knao alio married rre today.
Mrs. IIailkeop Indeed! Woll?
fli.-ero Moke Woll, I fought inobbe
yj' might let lior do yo' waaliln'. I'n
n drtiuimin' up trade fcr her dls mo'i
Not "Just as Ocot"
Yonr donlur may toll you that tame
other brand of pen lieu and pears anil
other frnlts is aa good aa or the same ai
Monopole. Don't you bolleve such a
statement It Isn't ao and your dealei
wouldn't make It If tin wonld only corn
pare ail tho other so-called high claa.
brands with Monopole. Monojole
fruits nro packed (o order in special
canneries and aro packed in n special
way. They are, therefore, sweeter,
moro natural in flavor and more delici
ous than any other brand. Get Mono
pole from yonr grocer, Wadhnma A
Kerr Ilros , Monopolo gtoicrs ai.d dry
cofteoronstcra, Portland, Oregon.
Advantages of Saving,
A boy beginning at 10 and saving S
a month will havo I32M when ho la 21,
even if his savings bank pays oniv 3
per rout In'cre't. Not only that, but
lie will have acquired the habit of lav
ing, which will help him all his life.
Iltwart or Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mareurj,
An merenrr will surelr rfeitror tfae ani of
mell n4comrletelr derange the whole its
tern when entering: H tbrotish the mucouistu
lace. Hucti artlclea tbould never t used ex
cept on prescriptions from reputable phval.
elm,, attbe damage they will do la ten told to
tlieroo'lTOuran pomlM derive from thein
llalra Catarrh Cure, manufactured bf V. J
Chenejr it Co., Toledo. O., contalne no mercury
and la taken Internailjr, acting directly upon
tba blood and mueoua surfaces of the svatem.
in baring llall'a Catarrb Cure be sure joa gel
the genuine. It If taken Internal!, and made
In Toledo, Ohio, brr.J. Cbcner & Co. Testi
monials tree.
Hold br Iirurrl.n price 7Jc. per botUe.
Uall'a ramltr rills are the Urt.
Only When Ordered.
Ki lentlflc and Nervous Visitor (at
country hotel) I suppose there's no
ptomaine In this pie?
Waiter (quite equal to the occasion)
No sir. We never puts that In unless
specially ordeiod. I'nnch.
CITQ PerroanenAr CwrM 9 Bta ar nerteossea
I 1 1 U aTUr nr. I ur'i it.or lr Klla.'sGrett Htm
Imtmt. Send for PUItliSJ.OOtrUlboltltuxl treat,
'aa. Da.B.11 Kuit-LU. Ml irtbSUPtilWi.ltUa.Va
A Study of a Rich Man.
"I wonder how a rich man feels?"
"Well. I'll tell you. He feel dis
away: Now dat ho got it he can't keep
It; en ef ho do keep it someixxly elee
will sho' git It!"
Mothers will fino. Mrs. Mnalon 'a Booth
Ine Syrup tbe best remedy to nss lor their
Children during the teething, period.
Touch Leather.
A sign on an East Bide shop window
"Fried Shoes." The merchants
name is Fried, bnt be forgot to put a
comma after It. New York Times.
riso's Cure Is a Rood couch medicine.
It has enred coughs and colds for forty
years. At druggists, S3 cents.
A Little Close.
"Yon married a rich wife, didn't
you?" asked Jones of his friend.
"Yes." he sighed, "but the hasn't
declared any dividend yet."
IliTe been ualns CASCAIlKTSror
Insomnia, with which I hare been afflicted for
over twenty years, and I can tay that Caacareu
bate ct fen me more relief tban any other reme
dy I have erer tried. I shall certainly recom
mend them to my friends as belnr U they are
represented.' Taos. Oillibd, Elgin, 11L
116 tint. PftlaUble. Potent, Tit Good, no
Good. Nfr SlcktD. Weaken, or Grit. 10e.Sae.fi0o.
SIr1Uf Baa.Sf reafwv. ClUmt. iMlnil, g.w Tfk. 311
Ua Tft Dap Sotdand anarantead bv all dree-
Doting Dotage.
Miss De Spite I juttdotoon George.
I understand ho threw you over?
Miss De Sweet Yea; In dotage one
la liable to do almost anything.
BagaSJsaragwgMMaaaaM lllll
Olio Kind You Havo Always Bought, nntl tThldi lias been
in uso for over 30 years, lias liorno tlio Blfrnatttro ot
nntl bos
?--rfc-, aonal supervision slnco its Inlancy.
XCAM Allow no ono to ilccclvo yoa in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations ana"Jnst-as.rood"nro but
Experiments that trlflo with nnd endanger tho health of
Inuuits and Children Expcrlcnco against Experiment.
What is CASTOR1A
Castorlft is a harmless suhstltuto for Castor Oil, Paro
gorlc, Drops nnd Soothlnff Syrups. It is Pleasant. Itt
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Nnrcotlo
eubstanco. Its ago is its gtiarantco. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Foverlshncss. It cares DIarrhooa and Wind
Colic It relievos Toothlnff Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tbo
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sloop
Tho Children's Panacea Tho mother's Friend.
Boara tlio
The Kind You Haie Always Bought
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
His oiNTaun eoaMsr, ?f atuaaar sTasar. naw voaa orrt.
"My wlfeludadeep-ieated cough
forllireo years. I purchased two
bottlci of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
large size, and It cured ber com
pletely." J. II. Durge, Macon, Col.
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re
lieve little coughs, all
coughs, except deep ones!
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty I
years is Aycr3 Chcny
Three slietl Sc., enough tor an ordlnarr
eoldj Me... Josl Hghl for bronchitis, hoarse
ness, hard colds, tte.i f I. most eeooomlaal
tuuma chi mnn to aeep OB nana.
4. u. ATK CO., unroll, Jfass.
One nxample.
"In union there la strength," eald 1
tho Drat passenger. 1
"Yes, Indeed," eaid the other. "I
have been trying for a year to break a
marriage tie. I ve tried Dakota and
Oklahoma both, and we nre still unit
ed." New York Times.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
t Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
TeT saaal) a ad as obey
to take as avgaac.
ran DiniHut.
PI us.
imjt I oaasuivil wrfaavsttfMATvet. it 1
,3 cTrt, I PiittIj- Veirtalilo.XwSH
a Bbl.
ThaIiBrail w Yorkfr tliBUir,irr
jniiVA.miJFniEr.Dfo.ucMaii.n'ia. Dealer,. Hall. Me Free 6-ptt Hso
fl fffl 25k 1 1 N I I I If" I aBSr? Are sold subject to ap- I
fl X" tornce food profit B
E& TLB 8 33 H III Btronjesttn ALLthesa polnta thao anjr
hmrmm n Close Skimming. Easy Cleanlns;. n
ft Ujht Running;. DurabUlt)'.
QenilinO H Write for free catalogue. B
.Scarcely a Day.
Tasses but we are called upon to perform
some difficult dental operation that Is
the direct reiultof iifflectinfrthe teeth.
We cannot urre too strongly the benefit
and economy of consulting; a dentist at
the Tery first sign of tooth trouble. At
the start these troublei are corrected
quickly and at small cent. Our methods
are r sinless and our work Ruarantee.l
Both 'phones: Oregon houth 2JI;
Columbia S69. Orn evenlnjs till V.
Sundays from 9 to .2.
Dr. W A. Wise Dr. T. P. Wise
WISE BROS., Dentists. &8$Sg
uccti xnauo under lus pcr-
tro of
i$f half a century ''P
Si Tten growing famftoj In srerr JMf
paM ain-lel -Il,.;!,TwtT. gold tr
H soMpalitrreatoatlipplkanta fl
As rood ramlr to a
Queen Dee
Cough Drops
Are maile nf pure hoa.
er anil menthol, Thar
are pleasant and ef
fective aa a rem Mr
for cougha anit ooMs.
Trr a rackase. 8iM
l7 all rtruKKlsU and
rnnfectloners. Two
(aciaeea br mall on
recelfitof luc.,stamrs.
Pacific Coast
Dlsctilt Co.
Portland, Ore
W. L Ooualmm mmkmm nntS mall a
mora man'a Goody or Wmtt Hand-
aamrou rrvcoma) mnouatnmn onyoimu
mxnvTMciurar in tnm vrortu.
$25,000 EEWAUD
will b ptvJd to anrons who
, can dUproTo ua iuusm-'I.
i Becatuo V. h. Douglas
to the largest manufacturer
ho can bar cheaper uid
E rod ace his shoes at a
iwer cost than other con
cerns, which enables him
to sell shoos for 53.50 and
equal in eTery
war to those sold else
where for 51 and 53.00.
Th Dr)Ufi-l& taKTtt pTO-
ech us uanina; siaa lioiTim aian Tn-nfliu as Kasn
latalr pur ltvthr j nor fiazlbl and will wiu
lonnr than any other trtnntn In tha world.
Xna aalea hara mora than doubled thajaat Ccrar
raara. which proraa iu aupai-loiity. "Why not
kitv w.iaiiagociuiaoN inu taa mt jngnay,
arotiInere nsMftatm
Ulluiloem 1901Baleit ftAOCl.aiOO
ii ji i.i i imm vumiuisu wnn winvr rn a .
7A b4tt Import id ani American leathtrt, HtfFM
Patt Calf, Enimtt, Bit Calf Calf. Vict Kid, Corona
Colt, and National Kangaroo, fast Color gltts.
Panlfnn enalno hara W. r, DOTTOIaAfl
viUUvu nam and plica atampad on bottom.
Blot br matt. Uc. txlra. Iltmi. Catalog frtu
y.llJOUaLAH, 1S1OCU.70,V, MASS.
'iB tr-M oLrHnAI Una H
Won Medal, Tarls, 1900.
1 I
SfX f If U Wsteniper or Pink Bre with Picssiax ltHATa
AND CONDITIOHEI, a sure cure tor all ailments from which hearea
tfaara been attar PrastUa !!-. Powdtrs th. p..t elaht months aM la that
ttm. bar cured II aorsvsoC Hmtm 14 ot IHstcmper and Q ot Cnronla Ooosa.
Taa frvatlaa Bamadlas bar aaUMd a btmi rtpoutlon In talsaectloo.
CllNKST HEU.NCtt. Knuk, Ms T"t
l'orllaud, Ore(on. Coast Aseuta.
Foot of Morrison Street.
Can give you tho beat bargains In Boilers
and Engines, Windmills, rumpa and.Uene-ralMacclnerr-
Wood Sawinic Macalnea a
apeclaltr- Ee ua beforo burlng.
1 ..LOOK OUT..
t Don't tako nnv imitation or eub
stituto for A10,'OPOLE Canned
Fruits. Nothing else so good.
Portland, Oregon.
r-robablr you hare beard ot me. Now
let ma prove to yoa that ray Heeds ara
tha best. Wrlta tndaT fnr M.nn. Rvl
catalog for 1903-f rce on request. I am
I'ortland agent for Burpee, ol I'hlladel
phla. "liurpee's Beeda Orow." 1 will
aend to Karmera. free on request, Bur
pte'a Farm Annual for 1UU3, to othera on
recelptoflOc Write today. Do not delay.
47. S. Mann thB SEEOMAtl
IBB Front St., Portland, Oro,
costsr j
on cent?!
Cretat. Chaapatt Food 1
onCarthfor Cheep, Bwlna, I
111 U vorth Slot) to jo U r4 Ui I
Billion Dollar Grata
111 Htlt1r tttk t rtokj It tMl
r atir til lau f pMtart ft Mra, M
Im Broantl, rMMt, BpauU.
hM ff trri, fc Mil. O bat. pr
Mra. loth Cmttir Oa,u. 1M bus, pr
on -4 TMtiau, YUlu J0O i
Unit irtUcr fwr aver.
Forthli Notloaand 1t5o
MllUaautof Ml 10 rtvrn &a4
UoTwUlSSlzer Seed Coct
fVTiu, iviiir axu fin to fia fvawi.
ansa mill aram n asasjuu
f. k. n.
no. 10 ivos.
,X1KN wrltlnr to ad vrtliM plea