Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 06, 1903, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
HOWARD A 11UOWK, rubs.
Comprehensive Rolcw of the Import
ant Happenings of the Pant Week,
Presented In Condensed Form, Most
Likely to Prove Interesting.
Extra'sosiion of ecnato Kill bo called
March 5.
Tho Cuban congress has fixed fire
national holidays.
Senator Aldrlch pronilfos'tariff revis
ion at tho'noxt session of congress.
Gales off the French coast havo
caused serious damage to shipping.
Tho health of the popoisnot so good,
but alarming rumors are discredited.
Protests continue- to pour in against
tho seating of Rood Sniooli, of Utah.
An agreement has been reached be
tween the Santa Fo railroad and the
Fire at Halifax, K . S . deatroyjd
1300,000 worth of property. Three
firemen wero seriously injured.
Firo(at Hasting', Neb , destroyed J
s.'uu.uuu worm ol property and for a
time threatened the destruction of the
entire town.
John Baker, ox-minister to Venezuela
and a member of congress lor several
terms, Is seriously ill at his homo at
uollevillo, ill.
Tho Montana legislature has added
$7,000 to its fair appropriation. This
makes $42,000 to be used fcr St. Louis
and Portland expositions.
Tho foundation for J. Tierpont Mor
gan's new library building at the rear
of his homo at Madison n venue, and
East Thirty-sixth street is Hearing com
pletion. It will cost $300,000.
Tho Eenato refuses to consider the
Littlefield anti-trust bill.
Fire at Lowell, Mass., cost one life
and destroyed $3.0,000 worth of prop
erty. Two masked men hold up the post
master at Bisbee, Ariz., and secured
Tho president is determined on an
extra session of congress unless the
Cuban and Panama canal treaties are
Tho powder works near Cherokee,
Kan., blow up, killing four men and
injuring 15, two fatally.
A number of protests are being sent
to Washington against the Beating ol
Senator-elect Reed Suioot, of Utah.
id'S,,P'IvateJ baDk ,at. CeJar I fleers fear that some of tho levees
aifiuKB, .uicu., sou secured Deiween ir Knk-n hn th. r.,u ..,.. r i,
rising waters Is felt.
Two robbers blew open the safe of
luooaru's prl
prings. Mich..
$400 and $500.
jo colonel uouy was presented a
handsome tea and coffeo service by the I
wnoie stau ot tno wild West show, in
London in celebration of bis 67th
Cloudbursts In Kentucky and Tennessee.
Put Whole Towns Under Water.
Loulsvlllo, Ky., March 3. Tho an
nual spring freshet, which yearly dots
damage to railroads mid crops, and at I
times Inflicts loss ot life, has left this
season's impression on many parts ol
the South alter a tremendous tw days'
rain, with an accompaniment of high
winds. Accidents last night and this
morning directly attributable to tho I
elements havo resulted in tho death of I
nine persons and Injury of 29.
Three deaths, together with a long
list ot injured, wero brought about by
an accident on tho Southern railway
early this morning, when a train bound
past from Chattanooga ran into a wash
out near Leonora City, Tenn. Six per-1
sons wero drowned while trying to cross I
tho Ohio near Hickman, Ky., tho an) ft j
current carrying their boat into eomol
driftwood, and five persons woto hurt!
n a tornado which passed over Hickory I
Level, Gn , this morning. Tho damage I
to railroad property is largo, and the
inconvonlcnce to the public Is consid
I Clou burjts are reported in Kentucky
and Tennessee, aud it is feared thore I
lias been some loss ot Ufa In the affect
ed regions. In Middelsboro, Ky.,
every house in tho lower section ot tho I
place was flooded and every merchant I
suffered damage to stock. Near Ander-1
son, Tenn., a cloudburst carried away a
quarter ot a mile of track on the Nash
ville, Chattanooga &"St. Louis railroad.
High waters carried away three bridges I
and a trestle on the Tennessee Central, I
near Crab Orchard, Tenn., and dam
aged other bridegs,
A steamer was blown against the
boutnern railway draw bridge ovor tho
Big Bee river, in Alabama, sending
part of the structure to the bottom.
Landslides occurred in two tunnels
on the Southern railway, near Harri
man, Tenn.
Ail streams are bankful, the Ala-
uama rising 18 feet at Millsted, near
Montgomery, during the night. Flood
warnings were sent out by the Mont
gomery weather bureau. Tho Missis
sippi has reached the danger point at
several places, but the levees are hold
ing. The Ohio is rising.
Reports from Memphis tonight state
that tho Mississippi river is nearly a
foot above the danger line and is
slowly rising to the levee top. River
men say the situation there is assam-1
ing a serious aspect. Government en-1
Prisoner In an Oljmpla Jail Murders His
Keeper and Escapes to the Woods.
iriYiunia. nann.. .n.-irrn -'--in ai
ine (jiiicago cranil inrv returned 751, ln0rvn.i i.t i . ...
- . " . t . I wtuuu; eutuuiuor Willi I
JUUII.IU1C1IH BKUlUtJh 1MB VWI&IQTB Oil , f ., .... I
slot machines as a resell of a crusade ' Cr Ja" WWl
instigated by the Hyde Park protective """noon janer uavld Jlorrell was
association. beaten on the head with a lead pipe,
Policeman John Ritchey, of Denver, thot three tinse anl '" lying dead on
was dangerously wounded while at- tne floor oI tDe Ja"- Tba murderous
tempting (o arrest a lone hlgbayman. prisoner was an ignorant Swede named
A bill to exemnt h,t f,.,n,T. chri' Benson, In jail for grand lar-
from taxation for a period of five years cony 13606011 escaped, leaving the in-1
was killed in tbe Wisconsin assembly, ner and outer doors of tbe jail open
StartliriB dlnclmnrB. In R. rt. t an" tbe aoor 01 e steel tank, contain-
a syalem of traffic in young women, 'DB 8even otner prisoners, unlocked.
under police protection, are to be made Benson is still at large.
d ma grand jury as the result of a raid Jack Kahla, a trusty in the main cor-
"dor of the jail, gave the alarm at the
The Great Falls, Mont., land office nearby home of Sheriff Mills. Mills
has received word from Washington of was absent, but Mrs. Mills seized a
u imum t auoui j.uuu.uuu acres 01 revolver, ran to the fall and held at bav
I A t I ... . . '
land in lNortnern Montana to
under tho general land laws."
One man was killed, one fatally in
jured and four others more or less seri
ously hurt in a freight wreck on the
rennsylvanla road at Kitanning Point,
seven miles west of Altoona, Pa. ,
the tank prisoners until help arrived.
ine county commissioners have de
cided tc offer a reward of $300 for Ben
son's capture, and unless this is effect
ed before tomorrow, will ask Govrenor
aicunae to oiler a like amount.
Killed in Their Sleep.
byracuse, N. Y., March 3. The
Southwestern Limited on the New York
The New York Metropolitan museum
of art has received $50fl of a donation
.... Ill 1- 1 . wuikv U
nuiui urn ui lima arcrrecate iu.uuu.. i:intrni riim,.i 1
000, made by the late Jacob S Rogers, wrecked at tbe East Syracuse , yard, to
the millionaire locomotive builder, of night in collieion with freight cars
AaiuiBuu, ii . u. and three trninmen lost their lives.
Fire damaged the plant of the J. I. Jbt0? tbr. ,raInnen wero severely in
Case plow company, at Racine. Wis., jurea b0 ,mcn, were "sleep in a ca
to tlio extent of $100,000. aC,8' W'8-' boose in the freight yards. Freight
cars being shifted on tbe same track
Dr. J. E. Rankin, president of How- struck the caboose, which jumped the
iu cunvge, at, wasmngton, lias re-1 "'; " iiu aiong another track,
signed owing to advanced age and in- lodging against the main westbound
firmlties. Howard college is one of the track i'cro the Southwestern at full
ieaumg negro educational Institutions "peeu sirucic it,
ol tbe country.
a. Maritcra-Vor txMUtlon of ttaht it
i hrun-KiWuhing bounJrr of VMhlntim Countr.
ST. Smith of Mu.ttnmah- Vr tat nnl county boN of fcMilo,
3 Mulky-lrohlbmiit aU or lndcm lltrtur.
3T. Mir-HUth to ouanlialtoi. of Crtntatorr ftoolUn.
4T. OrolMii UuUllnrt mutual InauMnc compnl
61. lolion-J-Vr irnfr of tnu comlou to Ajlum.
M, Ku)K-nJrt1l Tramivrutlon of ohlKlrn to country ho'.
W Ku)kfiu1M tvr tnHlltkMlon of country otnxU.
m, Mrtrr-lrrductll achool fuml tor tKuU County.
TtV llunt-Si-cil election v KxiHWltUm Mtl If dninJJ.
i, hrun For ttcnlnT of wterlmtry rursfona.
tf. llolon r ctnlct Ubor on ublto ttJ.
X, 4trtf for Kln Drnton exrlmrut atttlou.
W, Smith of YKinhili-Kniintni domain for ulmriti'h conum.
Mi, J.tATo iM orron !lltoilcttl fekKlttir.
Wt, Kukntll Amradliw th clrkhlp w.
ott, Hinlih of UmatllU-Ucn to i'h)iclan from othrr tt.
VT. Ktclnvr Ucoulrtng; rOOkra to tX llcfW Xt.
W, Hfk-lrvmhltliig tUh hfla In Nn-antcum Ulvrr.
ilySMato to carry Ita on flr lnuran.
112, iultoiv-lrrtn)nff xmitlona from vneoutlon.
Iltt, Wohrunir- rountlm to u monry for aJvtrrtlalnff.
UV, HtrtMtr-To rHHvrtKm th atat In Inlalatho dlitrlcta.
1SI, M)rr-VW relocation of count wata,
12S, 8Yk-lYrmlttlnff thealrm on tfuiitUy.
I in, MulkfySubmtttlnir amm1mrm m elation of Rlata lrlnltr.
1.17, ick-Ti prhlbit aal of harJ clJrr without Uca.
143, ltrrc Vr rrllef of I'nlon Count) for taiea.
1M, Mdlinn To proacrlbo bv of t)tat of Oron. ,
1M, Stflwr For aclrctlon ot lmtmnity lanJa anJ aat trrfpcf.
1W, Hwwk-J-Vr IKTnalnjr of iJumtKra In cltle. . i - ,
1M. Carter Trallnr vipenaca ot .School HutwrlntenJent of Jarkaoa Cuaty,
iu, Kiukcmlall Ttannrerrlna; woiMa from ivuilaa to Imm County,
lmt, McOlnn-Ueiulatlnit employment or cblMren,
UV. Hand HritutatlnirT orsanliatlon of comirattona.
in, Hrownell CroAtlnit County Court In Clarkamaa.
ITS. WltllatnaonKor tncor.watlon of suvtetlea.
174, ItrownfllltaUlnr aalary of Jutf ot Clackamaa County.
ITU, McAlInn Kxemrtlon for cemeterle
IN!, l)ltnmlck-lutlea of IMairtct Attorncjt.
Khi M)era Umltlnt; county exiviitllturea to lery.
192, Itorco AriHrtlonmrnt of atata tatcai
UKt. Smith of Multnomah ltnutatlnit aai of eiploatvea to ChlUrea.
W4, l'lerce VHtenJlnir term of Aawwora to four yeara,
IM2, llanJ Uttne terms of 8uprem Court.
SA, Kulton Alarlea of LVputy Hherlffa In Ctatam County.
Charter Mlla for stajton, Ih-tneiltle, Aahlaml. North lVwJer. Oraallui, Hu
Rene, Corvallle. Adama, Mil auk U AUim New Aatorla. Canby, lUker City,
L'nlon. lluntlncton, Wraton, Indendence, Dufur, MarahneM, Mum, Jrtr,
Malarkey-Lnla ami Clark Kxtoaltton.
3, way uicenao tax tor corporations.
5, lac) Term or court In Third district.
, lUnke For Keneral dentals In pleadmca.
N rhelpa HeKulatlng rencea In Kaatem Orefon.
14, DrtonCri-ntinc Itureau of Labor tftatUtlca.
Itt, Kiddie ApiKtlntmcnt ot Insurance agvnta.
T2, lteeO lurcnapin auppllea In Multnomah County.
T. Heed Authorising IVrt of IVrtland tii laiua bonJa.
Teat for hAtchery at Dntarto.
3.1. Teat Kelocatlon of county aeat at Malhaur.
Stt, NottlnKham Protection of bird, noata etc.
3H. llermanr Southern Oregon Agricultural Society.
30, 1 tank a llegulating emploment ot female.
40, Cobb Fur fender on atreet-cara.
41, Malar key An Inheritance tax law.
42, lunk- 1-Urmptlon of wagea of Judgment debtor.
44. lUakIeyTo protect atockgrowers.
41, Kay Investment of surplus achool funds.
41), ltanka Kxecutlon of deeds In foreign count Hea.
fil, Hale Salaries In Joeephlne County.
M. NottInham Ooernlng commitments to Ileform Schoel.
6T. Nottlngram SuptHirt of patient In Insana Aayluam.
M, Fteher For tax for flreboat In IVrtland. .
By, OrtonFor Inttlath and referendum.
Ca Cobb Jirldjre acroM Willamette In ISjrtland.
C2, Jones of Uncotn Countlea to purchas puts of aurvaya.
Ol. llurlelgh Filing terms of Count) Court.
73, Shelley-To regulate w wehounemen.
74. llanitirough Hmplo)era' liability act.
73. KUdy Statute of tlmtutlona not to run against Mat.
77. Cornett For free ferry at Marrtiburg.
7S Whealdor. Water bonds for Dalle City.
H Fhelpa ltoad supervisors take ottlcv January 1,
M. Oa I low ay Library tax In cltlea,
to. Hil)ru-ili.-. tor Indian War Veterana.
W, Jonca of MuttnomshDutlea of Auditor In Multnomak.
4, Itielpa-Dutlea of iMatrlct Attorn)
liC Hahn Liens for boat puller and Hshermtn.
100, HaJa To reimburse W II. Hampton.
107. l'nelpav-Taxes to be paid In lha Fall,
tOH. QUI For support of llbrarlea.
ltt, I loth Uelocation or county seat of Columbia,
llo, Simmon To fix boundaries of school districts,
114, Hutchlnam-Amending barber law.
124, Kddy Salaries In Tillamook County.
125, Kdiiy Time of school district tax lety.
IStf, Bddy Time of apportioning school rundi.
127, KJdy Itecotery of escheated property.
17. Hermann Salaries In Cooa County.
158. Shelley A boItAh Ing deficiency Judgments.
140, Malar key Fees ror marriage llcensss.
141. lioth Salary of County Judge of Columbia Couolr,
143, Malar key Confirmation of sIe by executors.
I4tt, lUlle) To prevent blacklisting laborers.
147. Halley rrohibltlng deception of laborer.
148, lUlley lYotectlng laborers who Join unlona.
1U. Keed-rrohlbltlng stealing rldea on railroad trsJn.
101. Kay-1'la.ce of asaesatng bonk stock.
11X1. Ka) Salaries In Marlon County.
ill' 5'oU,lng,hm'1rentln f adulterated UnseW alt.
1W, (Jault-Flxlng fees of County Clerk
Ha) den Authorising flumea on county roads.
?2r 'tJIoy Inventing aaia or adulterated Illuminating all.
113. Murphy Relocation of county seat of Union
200. Ldlv-alary ot Aeor of Tillamook County.
204. Judd Manner or taxing coata and dlsbursmenta
2wl, Ehelley-Australlan ballot law In city elections.
taey-IUling salary or Superintendent of 1'ublle Inalruatlaa.
213, Simmona-To nrotect subcontractors and material Van.
o.1?' K)' -0Pl of Supreme Court opinions to litigants
? 5- ??l"n,7J 0,rlf between bailee and Celllo.
S!6, jtFoll'ti Heprallng scalp bounty law.
Teet-Compeniatlon of County Commlsalootrs.
1, Itobblna Sale of stock In corporation.
223. Murph-SaJarles of County Treasuiarm 1
225. Webster Flehway at Oregon City.
22rt, Orton-Polls to be kept o(n until 7 P. M.
227, Ga oay-Itegulatlng saUor boardlng-houis.
Galloay-6ale of property In Yamhill County.
SSi' I?ftV,rT appropriation tor State Fair.
233. Olnn-Salarlee of officer In Sherman County.
oiV tt!,tf,rTMkInK Sheriffs, et., gam wardens.
214, lioth Salarlee in Columbia County.
231, MaidenAppointment of County Koadmaster optional.-
rtV t i i ti l iTrnuiiiM oi eaie.
SJ; w0.11 J, Hncoin7.liKUllln nahlngon Alaea and Taquloa Bars.
... rn-Hxlng qualincations of executors. 1 '
ur,e"fr,te5?ra f brands by owners of rtockyardi
g'Wlulrlng J-l per capita school tax.
&a-FoT niatron at State Penitentiary.
0, won-State Irinter to purchase paser.
VtV xi-Vi1? ln dlvrco suite In Fifth District.
VA' Vf?n.1 ma-IncleT.clee and legislative exjaas.
VI' ?.h.V1?-nrilulrI,nr uratlesi for executors, etc.
SLv rft!?rtesr"I.SSJI.l,B,r lock mln'nr ' Multnomah Cousily
2so, Carnahan-Hevlslng the road laws of the state -mT.
. liodon-Curlnc defects In notice of tax sale.
SS !Mllt?pf,JP (IemPt from taxation.
??! g,t7"S?rt,nl,lnlt lorm School noird.
VS; 5LclW . nlllw-IMnUbiMnl tor ,.iull. l-ur'r.
. . to acqulr. water rlithri
3. Judd
215' H"nnn Ill.tlrr to cIom mion for troat
H' ""rfV'.Kf H"lenl Wrrjr In I-opti.nd.
Uat.y To mnd B,l.m chmrter.
at, r
T3i iffi; cinnUtlee-LiMi for .ttte liutltutlorui
SS MJv.'.'jr'...'0: "."I.. """"..'Tic.
Hi' H? $??-"!"l"ir ""tr comp.nli to mik. d?.ii! '
140 SI SIKtTm pi ,,r J-oron." 1" Multnomah Countr.
Ji.- A,Jjrk.t?r?1,ln '. "n Mullnomah Countr
tii.Zc 1 a""iy nortlcultunl comm i.lonn-i.
will-f" ' Rt'r ot Y.mhlll County
S-fJ! 5"? men-KPn"i of ,Lt, Initltutlotm
nM" !"1.' of ,tat. dprtmnfr
"""n-AuthorUin terry In I-ortl.nd
2- fi"',7Sy of Clerk of Y.mhlll Countr.
r-1 f Jl?. "'"-Biwclml appropriation.. '
Coqulll., p. I. citr. Sublimity. luiion OrVjS.' ?.rpVi'.'. 'U1 .Utlaiun
North Yamhill, Ontario. Hea. St. JoKi t,tiT fo?e.t Orivi"!!;"- m
M.nnvlUe. La F..t..' .V.wbJri. Aloan' IWlLV AMIno";'!,,;"
2' !. ?A' "iynrslock. mlnln In Marlon Countr.
II. .60, Itooth Protection of fore.t from !..
II. 1(10. (MeOtnti twini.. .iZ.
II. tm, Iland-Creat In. "nlblh M 1.1 KfSXlS" w"" ".
s n iSr ;Sr"TrSr;:ln. m"" Juaicia ui.tHct.
a iV ISS- JJiLf "d M"tr,-.Form of official ballot
ll' M- il- JfVt?? W1""' " lrl.a of public rnoT5,e7'
V. ', - ""! Of School BuMril.BoTrP fu . -
II. 113 Jin. i I i..7ria' " P.u""n"nnt In Uultnon,.!.
i!' I!' JS?' "'iAmVndlnrrh'ur. ,o'X7.i
ii !.' ?!! '"Jn-Inporporatlng City of Aatorla.
I!.' U aw' WaV.onrni'fi,n,ilrf-J'arr,nt ln MUmomah Countr
ii. u. juj, my, and meanSpeclal appropriation bill.
Tha leglelaturo of 1003 surpassed
me legislature of 1301 in the amount
1 1 . .
ui uunuiuea iransacteu. In tbe senate
.30 bills were introduced, as compared
with 240 introduced in the senate ol
the last session. This decrease of one
uiu is more than made nn hv l...
. I n n n I . . '
Tn D.nw.i(iina I. n 1 1
Tl. n i.ri ... . I .r.,. ,u uoiu.
"I-.i"":""'" 0081 wmpanr, Colorado Sprines. Colo.. M.rM, S
wages 10 per cent'on April mnnl'TIf6l?.nerf.0r,tl,e.St-Loul8 i" "e, lg,,,e8t, nDmber ,n
v exposition, is authority for the state- branc'i of the legislature of 1001 was
Burglars at Atchison, Kan., Wew Tut I"d wlu ''"e 'llffl- 349. It waJ a frequent comment
open the eafe of the East Atchison Vn nnn" r"g ,1, gn a,ter part oI the d.urin.? 1011,a8t 'lays of the recent serf
posiouice with dynamite, the explosion 6"" "unoin h uo used "u "'" legislature passed a larger
sotting fire in the building. in repwlucing tho state capltol in min- proportion of its bills than did Its pro.
"" mo oi. iMuia exposition, in "
Tl,. f I l 0-.. .. . . . -". V.I.V.I11UU,
'""" oaiiva re, ct. M.,iaa interview air. Itouseiscred ted with
Is Increasing. Tho penitentiary has siying that Thomas F. Wal.J . .n.i
tiAAn wfrliiiiif rtrtnl .1. I -i t t-, .... 1 "
Stoat Nl CortiHllttl Vol. Ir MON
Shlp ol Her T)p.
VmI.Imko. Wi. M.-ThronU
,mTl wmmlttw Mlovw, with Hoii.tur the lullttMllIp Omioll tl'
( the moit polled ly' UnJri (locrnor Tutt'i Ur.cnt Call lor
ll.iat to.Ur. ami iiwirdlnKly ovutlunn , k,Juc(Ioii ol Tarlll - tlowrnor Ht
I (!,. Iioum pronram lor
L.wnml anlliorlio. ll' lmllHK '
four iur shll" of the '
rather tli H' lieTlt'rWiltllilp lf-
vld.l for In Hid Ii""' I'"'- v,
I'aniln Will Com. II Atllon Ii Not
Prompt l llli'lnut IU SutfoftJ l.on
.Stile, ol CaUmlll...
Wanhlnitlmi. ivK 9H. Tim prw
program Is smaller lutllerlilps ami I tictit jintonlay will llm lollowlnu me
more ol them, Ilio lionw ",M nt In III" ronalo
Mm; nrovlded lor two largo ImttlMlilp". .i ,Trt jual rmiUe.1 a ealil from
When Hi" hill I'1"'1 ""' ",ml" (loveriiur Tall lilrli runa a. (ollim.
Lwi lo ctiiilereiirt", thete Is trong proh- 'XiMltjf for panwgo hoilim tarllt
alillltv ol lha miiate provision Mug re I ..m .. urifaiil. Tlitt iwiilllloiu ul
tallied, or at lenitlheatilhorliivlloiiol ui.,vn ,,tr ami ImibIiiinw mil
two or more ships of the Oiegon 'yi1- ,(falil norw than In Nmemlier, tlm
Beiiator Mala ny there is no more o( ,10 Mt ,,..,,,1, mul growing
perfect warshlii In exUteniv today than ., Met monUi. rsiino relal In
tho Oregon, ami tho country cannot do m ! tul,,x-tj prlrrs, duo In
bolter llian to add olhera ol the Mine ullo. f trfj law. The Internals
clan to tho navy as n as tltle. L, .'p,UM n a,igr ami tolmewi eteii
Ire. and failure ol hill will li a hln
In llm lani ol IIium liiteie.ts, Nuttil
Sps Throurh llualncu Ccntsrol Cln. ol toUivo laclorles will lian tuck
clnnatl with Oliaatroui Kcsulta. and many sugar liaelendsa will lw ml
Cinclimall, Kelt. 38. About I !0 up fur rate at a arrltlro II the lilll lrs
o'clock this morning Haines were dli- not w. Customs rerelplahavn lalle
corerol In tho odlar of Oeorgo Joflee's ofl this ntnilli oncfthlid, sliolng il
grocery In tho I'lke building on Fourth cieara ol the purchasing Hiwer of tl
street, lwtwn Vine and Walnut. An Islands, tleueral business stagnant
hour later there was an eiploslon, I All iKillllcal lutrtles, lucludlng lalxir
Isuppowd to romo Irnm llquots In slor- unions, most strenuous In pelltlon for
ago, and the llamra r)on atlrrward shot tariff hill. Kffect of Its failure tr
up through the rwif ol the six story discouraging.'
stono front building, aud from that "Vl.-o (lotunor I.uke K. Wrlghl in
time on for foreral hours tho tire nasldor.ra In the strongest manner all Uia
Karnml (loVerllOf Tall llS BM. Slid SUto HlS
Tl,. II.,.. .Ia.t,n.l I,. If . I.IV I,. I "-" -rr.v ........... .
..vH.iuvrmm.jM I lit n ilamatfn that may mltia In Hi
Ilin center of the business dlilrict. and
caused a loss ol over '.',000,000. The
hurning embers wero carried lor miles,
tho Kentucky suburbs being cote'ed
with them. Tho flro departments ol
I Covington, Newport and other Ken
tucky (owns camo lo the aKslstanre f
I the local Qrenien, but It was noon be-
the damage that may com to
Islands II there Is nut a luUtititla!
dm-lion In the tariff levied again.
riilllpplnea gKls coming Into Hi
United Males. I very etrmslly as
that this mailer recede the Jliiiiiimllatf
atieniion oi ciiugrets ami lliat I lie rellel
prayed (or be granted.
as congress knows, a series or ra
(amities has befallen the J'tiltliinlnc
. ... . . : I
ioro wieir commiie.1 eiiorts nan tne tire people. Just as they wrro emerging
1"""'-"- v-rews wrro ai wors ail irom near V i i vrais ol tlevaalal nu
the time on tho rools of the surround- warfare, with tho arroinpanylng do
Ing buildings, and a general colitlagra-.miction of properly ami tli. breaking
...,..,u..7.mlnl, oi me Ijomls ol social order ami Id
It was iwrhaps the itreateit scaia the ll,.l,li. nl I i.i .i ....
city ever hail, and it was thought at turred an epidemic ol rlndrmit whkl
one time that tho entire business see- destruywi W) r tent ol the railboue,
" ' ruy was utnineti, ami sucli tbe riilllppiue rattle, leaving the
rjeen oris winds. land. , tn .1.1 i n.- ....ii ...
farm ami villain nr., ti. .i
I'ATAL ULAZU IN NEW VOHK. disaster ran l en Irom the f,"
I tliat the snrvtvlnie r.tllin. i.
I m.k. c. ....... - .,.,, ,
-..w..u.r uuiuinx toiaiiy uc!ro)o crcaie.1 over tenfold In value. At Ihe
.uu u, , ,rcm.n Kiucti. same lime a peculiar orUnUI horsr. dls
new otk, Yeb. S8. 8eral firemen M" "eeanie epidemic, lurtl.rr crip-
I i., ... .,.ii . . I pnng iraiMioftatton. Tin. ,lr .......
. uu, UUn i.wnr, a ure in an i . ,v , . (
eluht stnrv ImlMin. .t tt i "T "" rallies to
ti.i...-..i...: ' uoiniourlliol it. original ,,0, has
eariy itxiay. tne leen damagnl by Iwtiits tliat
property loss is estimated at lioO.OOO. I"lee of flee has nearly dotihlr.1
Captain John Andrelse, of an engine , "t;ml,'r "lew circumstances thtyrt Is
company, while at work at the fire, fell u' 7 . "W,n '." ,l'e
through . o,r, striking on hi. K .iRAri
mad. lis .od shortly, alter being meet the immediate needs. Uit of In-
utaun io wioiiospiui. tiispensanie anil preeminent need is
A down firemen were at work on llm . '"""tilon " prodncllve Industry
sixth tloor, when . art of the, flr., i .i " '"0I. Inl" ! '
celllngfoll. mMUMan,.'-
was knocked unconscious by a niece of "' k the anion In the Isrlff
IiIIa L'l... rt.t nnl m.Ml. f.. . . . -vi,
I.-.v. . ncuiau ianiei roiey'g right
r, was hrokon. Fireman Joseph
rtinscn ami Ihomas Nix foil from a
inuuer anu uroto is r Ifu. an, . ni
... .... .iuiucu rireman
Kimmet'a foot.
Bparxs from the hnrnl
wore blown toward the Mnrtm. i..,.
I at llroadaar and Knnri,.nii. .i..'
and tho 200 guests of thst hotel w lo
uti'u aroueen
all went down to tha
iiijl innraiv imm ii.k . i i . .
j ..,.. , ,i,iKjini Ol a
wise government policy, it , , ,I)r.
Uru fil t1lrnn(la I.. . . .
peal to which this great people should
. ,. m w" ume.
resj,ibty toward lira l'hlllppl,,,,,
wliich we are in honor bniin,! tn n.linn
We havo tho sptclflc duty of taking
every measuro in our power to sco to
Ihelr nrosnerltv. Tl, fl... ... i ... .
ini noioi wiio m,., ., ' , aim inosi
by tho flro engine, '"" '' ,'' 'H'ectlon has
-trcet for safety. ITtl '7 I' -1 ly the joint action
' m""'r"'lclvll authorities In
Miners Attach I'.Hk.t,, ,
nd Vl,..:"
uiiiw., l ei. a, :."
Anifllea, 1ms Hlmn.i.,.., .,.
ganlsliiif thn iiilnrr. ..t
Wt Vlrgl.Ua wn,,,,,,;;;
aiitn that will lin,lt , .
sum llixill thn ,.. ,wt
l. I i . """MIL.
" '"St aai.
Iliellt Was Btarli.l .. i '
wisy g ft,
prole.l against t1B ,,rii V'H
WHiiacta to firm, Jiaihlli." uBl
II L, .
all over the l'ni
. . . -.
nil.., I. IHHHIIIini Tlf l.i.
Inaliialnl. Iimwmu... ... '
m i' loll.
" " " " llo on II..
t in.. ,n,j.,iiiwi lliIM
reltlmi to deliver it n
Tl. II. -I ...
""' ws maa ,v
."Mill-.!,, prnaiilelil ul IL..
ran reneration oi ui,ir ah.,,.
(.m-i.i.m,i i ma Anislism.i, a.clatl. ui. ami u.. i.... .
J tl. I ... .. .
uiiiiki mr such a purru ,
.iiaynr iiarrison ami nirl a t..
- -via
it-t namiiai inn awarding tl it,.
lirmiaci. ,u nrillS llralllii Inej.lii.
iiiineii nr iiiiii-tiniuii I,,., n
mllliw deelaretl tliat II
Weal Vlrulnla nr .
lal swarilit.1. Dim Ina,.,.,.. -in
- " "ill
tu tloltver It, and a nwui 1
vtiit-a11 win rpeiiii.
iming cnrlllletl eon h ol all iu
IHiw In tha hamls of the mhi
nillleo lanmrrow. Tlieea l,u.
forwarded to Jiilni .Mn,i,n .1.
iMttien t!,n... ii,..!.,..
-. .,'., iii.i.ii 11 11, a nfa.
il III the obnctlonablo cat
Dr. Datiia. 1. n..A securing pesco ami Hail .
,, ., ti ,- 1 , ..... aoiniiimrni.
New ork, Fob. 28.-K. J. Oatllng .tl " ' t tho present
Invents..,. O.tllng . d.,.l L ''.V. l?' ""!.. i .
today at tho homo of hi. so..Uw I ieo.1 Zl ,hln7 rthe'r shM, '',:!
Hugh I. Tentecost. Dr. r...iin .u.. 'lone. Tho clan-m.. Ji ... snail n
is.asf lilVll I 1 si s n tit VII IIHTtl Mt "tiirj tsiir v j i,i'iu , 1 1 m si " -
very suddenly In tho arms of hisdaugh. 1 ", em ",H1V" nuuioraled could ' AU"k" 1,0 "Pixi'"!"!, H H'" u!4
"J, jiirs. Jiugn u. Pentecost. At 1 .ir. .,Z L T "'""" " no liumsn wis- ""'i"ee 11111 iwctnuos a law.
o'clock Dr. Galling returned tZll'Z I,. ,Z W I "PlWr re
. , . -., . niuir
"ui a irin down tnmn
f til I h I lull M 1 .1.1
rregrsss nn iiuilatii.
of Ptllllfrraa ftiade raitl.l ,i.,...u ,
iMt.llinM , 1.... .i .
" -..'i.., aim illtivusil
given to talk.
tollLI..... 1.. .
n,,,M,,an,i in ,10 Minau.
th bills were (tasM-tl.
1 11 senate arrepir.) Ilmioui ssm
mama if, 11, m i-iiiiii...!..- l.
I', .Miltru. a
witlcli now goes tit the pirtidrnl.
Tho mnslderatlun ol the uikIi;
1.111 .. . 1 . . .. . ...
"in gain rire in uiscumioii 01 lhe
1 .11 1 .. M..I. I , . . t I .
iiHKign win riiii was near v Bnliia1
Tlin raltinval nl , l'n..l... faa
the lllabtl atlrvnviir L-nnaral'a nftla n,
ui morn siriciures on m, an
ervlco roinuilsilon.
Thn hours passetl the olnl.(tKS
tlon on Ilia (St. IjiiiIs fair dnllrstt.
ml the sirakr appomteil Intro bail a1
Ihe joint ctmimlltre. It also flu! f
fiassetl the Waahlngloii union iUIM
hill, the army aproprlallon ami lit
hill to lucre so en,loris of illukW
veterans by adopting thn njnfrrenrsrr
(xirts. DtdiAto on the rowlrr curii
bill was resumed.
New Alaska lislsfalc III!!.
Washington, Feb. S7. Henatoi 1W
ridge, fiom tho icnato ctimmltlM c,
lerrltorler, today ri'lKirlcl a subitlUH
for the Iioiiso bill providing fur ai!!
gain to congress from Alaska. Tli
11 but 1 1 11 tit provides for a coiumlitloett
lead of a delegate, but ho Is glvra iu
rights and;
terrlliiilal delruales. Instead ol llt
elected, as are tho delegates frcm otUt
territories, thn representative Ires
A petition has been preparod In AI.
nnnv in il.
. .W"PIon of
tonnlal exposition, whjch approp,!,.
"" ","uo "J ie Oregon legisla
turo. rfir..poil t t .
Ilelno- HI
Ka,s of age and accustomed to resting
after anmhva ra nrr.t i.
1. ,. " ; w.-vi,, hu 10IU Ills
! i A P,,',rin w called and
be administered strvchninn l,. ... . '
purpose. 1 " "u
To DoublcTrack Union Pacllc.
Mil... In...
eri.,,11., .11 ... " n IJ
? . :' -"t.iwi anil a pennanont baa.
la nl Inl,,,. , l"""om Iiaa. VJIUCIIII
. ? '".".""I. the opera lin,
th; iii," 1 i", :7"' " l" 1"n"' will, !'tlrely,
Will '"'''""'UI'K KO08KBVI.T.
Wblto Houe, V.,l,lng0n, i. 'ft'
lobruary 27," ' u,
Orcat Thsatcr llurncil.
Cincinnati, O., Feb. 27.-Th Till
mine, a sli-story building, '
' destroyed by flro tonlubt. Til
lora Is oallinatul at I'JfSO.OUO. Tlx
lower floors wero occupied by a nantur
of stores, tho theater Is on tho sccow
floor, whllo nfllccs fill tho top floori
Tho flro was discovered In tho !
mont at 1M0 0, m,, and spread ttfW
through tho building. Meiirlotta fro-
asman, In "fho Hword of the Klni.
ui mo zau bills Introduced in
in the senate. 121. nr lnt ni,.,i
half, got through that branch, and only
78 passed both houses. Counting out
the eight vetoes, only 30 jier cent of
tho total number of senate bills bocame
iws. ui tno 70 now on the statuto
books, 22 are cl arter bills, leaving 48
general laws.
Tho Demncrntln Mhml t iti. owners of Colorado, havo each nr,..i
land proposes an amendment to the ' loan 1,18 'ommieslonera $500,000.
constitution granting suffrage to all "
men and women over 21 years of age B,ft Seatt,e Enterprise,
except lunatics. Peattle, March 3. Tho Seattle iron
n.lnT tn ii.o i..o .1 , and etoel company. lust(ormil win.
America, tbe nrlce n I, T n., 8,000,000 capital and 1 1.00.000 bo
has advanced 50 cenls a ton ainnt ioi. "?U.B build hero an iron furnace Master Fish Warden Van D u nan en.
ruary 1, and tho product is sold months Z ,. , , ons T11 caPy, a 100 ton Pprts collecllons of fees to the amount
alieacJ. -.vw ,..,,, a,lu B r0iung mill, Tho "ou 'or January. That sum has
.1 A . . 1 , . . organisers propose to work high grade leon "'opoeited In the slate treasury
General GasDer Uchia. who nna li I mai7ntl. r.n ,i. " I noaoury.
Hum iuu urea, uenoslts I 11
on Toxada Island. B. n. ' opgrowers of Balem and vicinity
Immonso sulphur doposlts ln its crater, Vi'.e.y ,ncfea'9 t,1B plant by the ad- wuo BtI" ,iave tnel' hops of the crop of
is reported to havo sold that property "'A. P'ftW ml" and tube l02 are still firmly holding In expec
Chinese Utbcla Vl, in.l...
Denvnr Pol. to ti
I'elcin. March 2 Ailvir... .
a,o, inn hbnn lia.lfl. 1.. a . ' . vvin lotniflMI HBinUIl. in "I lift NUflfil nl f fin KinKa
l"tobedoubIot,acke.allil,.v.," S .!''??. .V'1 600 '"'l-erlal , was thu nttractlon at tho theater till
Omaha to Ogdon, sccordlml to .., ' mb'.i.h In tho Y.L IS. ,'n n , k, rnid .11 oMwr .cenery and cos-
tore, referred to the people under the '"' wl' "ver milncSotKr W'J!
" ' "It WIU UnilllAFa ...- I (II a I .a - ....
Nw inn to Uncourag. Shipping.
Washington, Feb. 27. - Sensloi
Klklns has Inlrodiicrxl n bill piovUlM
,1... ... . . . . . .
' owier surveyors the relmlllon l71.; m, , (,m" that ' iniHsition ol u duty ol iu p
mis sido of Og. and has spread over iTniL.i ,?' ' valorem, In addition to prestH
i' i ah h arn nnta ,-. i i. . . wiuur min itim
upfordouhlo-lracklngth. iZ . 01 "."nan T,IU viceroy of
Cjmerainle. 'IllteiM1!
luicrnniinm an aai.i.L i uii un mnirania i i . .
he people a-1, g o W Z
-de to secure the roouisltetm,! . " Pt& TrU'o, ffi
signatures (0.0001 and RIvor. i. lZ,"pnPH nml G'cen Yuen. The nfiwii ... n. " V1'1
" '(uon- i . , -. --- i-
tlon of the appropriation put to
Itl lavfnr n ... -m
when the special election I. i,i.. ... , en . 1,8 "c "t
congressman from h vu.t ur ln. ""wn
A considerable number of shen
tie and horses are being lost In ,uJ D"P Snow In Kansas.
counties surrounding Morrow, with thJ ToVlka Kn., Feb. 28.-A ...
tno inovoiiient
to nttoinl tlm
for $5,000,000 to nn Amorlcan syndl.
vaio ui which me otanuard uil inte
rests aro largoly represented.
Count Boni Castellano has loft Paris
for New York to bring back his wife
anu cunuren. in a statement to the
press, ho said ho would like much to
spoak In the United Slates of closer ties
and even a formal allianco between
Franco and tho I'nlted Slates.
tatlon of further advaucos beforo thn
end of tho season. The dullness of tho
Finds Stamp Thieves.
Chicago, Man h 3, State's Attorney i , "cekB dDc not discourage
Denoen announced today that ho had ' ' t)my loslst "'at In tlmo tho
come into possession of proofs showing """y must navo tne hops and will
mw iuuwu iuu lilllCBgO pOBlOtiiCO On ' .v uu tciuo,
ylfiymmZ'Zulr , Th, GrCater Salem commercial club
fMaiXu tt fPtal H.000 fund
preparing the nld tovSfo .nrf ifftat,?f ?' 100'000 ailv0f"'''3
tioo aBedera. grand Jury. &&JE ba triL,fd ,
Troon, at Dcdlcallnr..
exception of (Jma l a The lo ow storm p oval s In ti ,,6aVy l. T,m' Nob" Ma"'' 2.-OinWsof
!.-i-.nGi,,,:m:'wheanrr::: &zr ZZTt fr'LV?
nave died from depleted range aad " y on the south and wontward ' troof" ,0 fi. IiiU
Buurciiy oi nay anions? thn .ti. cl0 to New Man-In. ti vorB,nonioa
Complaint, also come
Crook, Sherman and n.
counties, wham Un .
as: more l"sn a,,aIla ot no tX' oSxrtadL ta
mmmk ms
vv VUiy nt inciUlBVO,
ui LI 111 IllUllrnllnn nf ai
? '.nler,or 21 inches tan 7 "um " 'y'K Forts Cook. im . " ! ,ro'
The Lucky Boy mlno In i. n,. 'WallIngton, Feb. 28. 1
WlllPais at nr. c...i.
W..I.I... on.
, . .. "',on' eD' 28 The fight con.
Must Old on Uqual Terms.
SOmen have , l. aT" ti,:8" " '? ""tormlnod to defeat I ....; V w"o bid on now vo.:
mi, .-j .... . .r . r"'va "o Tl, "". ,T'"n oi congress. Ho i. i.i!i " i.. . . 'o pendlnir n.l
0 lbem uy ffien In nn . '"7 10 e,,1"- 'I'O COm no tlon
at arl!8 &lawi!!!1'
eight feel in the ttaS , vUmZ I leaJ vto & -Uk TVV Z 'Z ? T "Uo"ito' ', 'or Arn Una It Is re-
' obtained. "w WUer9 wood and, frorn close nw i SS? . 4 I'er nt Preferential TlT f"?n ' . " l'tod that Orent IJrltaln has also pnr:
1 00,11 wl rata In the snnM.i 1," P.el'or Loueo adontml Ti ' ?'''W tho vraralilns Oonstltntlon and
duos, mi all K00ds Imported Into tl
uiiiied mates on vosmls not owned i
this country. The bill Is Intended t
encourage Amorlcan shipping, and Fen
ntor Klklns nays that, whllo ho ddl
not expect action during tho present
congress, he will reintroduce tho bill
early In tho lioxt soislon nml tires, IK
Indlal War Claims Again.
Washington. Full "7 u.w.i.lnr Per-
kill, lodllV lllTnriul fill ft SiWtttil irinll t tn the
leflclency bill roopenlng thoclnlnnof
tho NtutoH of Oregon and California fo'
tho oxponso incurred In onrolllng, ''
Blstlng, clotlllnif. annnlvlnu. nrllllllg.
flapping, paying and Irnnsiiurtlng
woojis employed to old In tho snpprM
Ion of tl, robolllon from 1801 to 1800.
Those claim,, by tlm amondmont,
roforrod to tho court of claims for adjudication,
Huys Pour Warahlps.
Komo, March 2. Tlio ArgentM
minister states that Grt at llrllaln l'f
Purchased Dm n.nU,. Divmlnvla and
Moreno, which ore now under construe
neiuior Loueo ndontod i.T. V" . """'W tho vrai
aro now Duuumg