Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 06, 1903, Image 1

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i .vi if vci w r.
m i3 r. r. r.
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U U W &3
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering mid funning Interests of tlii.H Community, to Oood Oovernmeiit, and Hustling for a C,rul Slake.
NO. 7
J yDovoTod Co I&ii'etftitv Noroj nnd N.
Hbrng of toncrivf Inroojrro Mirxtntf Mon.
(loldcu Utile Mining Co. the company, is well known here
nml in lloliemin. lie has always
I'll,, rntimvimr fmi.i tit- Knlfiii had u kind word for the district
. .... ............. --. , ..f.....
liemill till" 1111111- Willi KlltlW HUH, lin VVL'II
lii Mrl'nninpk li orlr rill court i mini in uiiu nun 1111 "..-"
f 11111 1111 II V Willi IHIHIllrt III UHL (i " ... -
srrM n I., iii- ...i.iiiu, nivi. cllecllug tlie organization upon
Sii,.u riii.. utnt n,.l ..snrrlnllv i which they have been working for
'...1 ...1 .1- 11. ...!. r . .1.1. 1 Kft'frnl tttmitll Till Mlll't'Pl
On November lotli. last, the I J" 'K'K. ."' e men who nre
.. . , it 1 . t in iiifiitifiifl iiMtii (Ik rfirtHirntinti.
Milling Company was incorpo- """.ess is imumi 10 come.
Mimics, nunc ' ' . ' 5 ' j Ti,e United States Consolidated
Each, and shares were1.,. f. , lv... . ,..
CZ ' ;ffi?h : f.."y princi,,, of the ,,ub c
Ur I 1 .... . 111 scuouis "i tins city, is iniciesieii,
Nl'".r K?.. M", ca'u": ' Letter known as the "
.""'T" "7. ...... . .' 'Group," was Ixmdcd this week Jy
. Holler, andO. C. McCloud. of
t4 rtm.rf tvwA
T& thoroughly oil its feet and pelting
In better coiiilltiou evc.y ilay
carry out its objects
jl'ottlnnd. Mr. Hoffer. a mining
ty .?.?..??yL " ..leaking m. inspection of many
unnumniv ucviuuu u irtinr ' .1..... " .1.-.t..riv. If..
K 1 .....
...mis,, m e . . . a- . ., .,r,)ertics , ,)lc district
: a. I. .1 II.. I ..... 1 HlliV.ll t'iVttr.( llll III. V.UIIUIHWM
fthe company, in the ltohc.nin . ,,.,
listrict. in Une county;- - , "is now Vll-
liuiiiK aiiythiug e sc. 1 his was-i 1 . .,..,,. .,..
Ihc first thiiiK. ot a dollar wan .... .... ,,,,, i,
Ei . . e .,, .1.:..... nil. ,1111111 1 H3 ni . 111, wta mai u
o be spent for mi s. mac . nerv or ... . v-.irs. In.t ornc iiUK else until tins ohject was, - when' Ho
Dbtatnetl and the? whole of lyov. ' , '
I. , I. I il.L 1 CI I H Will C KI1UWII IIIU nuuu
was net apart to be devoted to tl.N . . .
Itmrtxise. II necessary. lint llie , ..... ? ...
Hales of stock and tlie work ui tue
is high in praise of the miners
wliiim lie met in tlie district utid
'stales that one commendable thing
..I...... tli. ......ri.rm n,ni.irli. riM'llir
that ,W will sec a to or an-lou lf V "t 1 hns mii tiiiiL-.
company generally is going ahead j
so satisfactorily that it is likel
This Space he longs to
Proprietor of
Watch it for Bargains
In Harness and Harness
r !
Our rctnttatinn
for selling only
the Ik-st Values
in Footwear is
well established
LOTS are the
very lowest in
is well known
PRICES to 11
AND just set out e
MARKED "ark- g)
ctl down Kl
some verv desirable lots that
tS we are offering for less than
m Eakin & ISrisloAV &
Ipliiut in oeratiou some months be-
fo,e Its do cr,,lji.,g out the ,C j.' ), ifer ,
ore in the claims of tlie compnuv. . r.. .,- 1
says you win nun iu w uuc wikbi
Tint mhn at Tint iiit.Mi. you Imikc inspection. The gentle-1
Tlie president ot tue imiiieit tnen could conlcr no urcatcr com-
; Utile is Win. Wcchter, formcih of' iiiiment on the boys of llohcm'n:
i Indiana, who has liecu in Sdim
I nlmtit three years. He is knou i. ; strike At Pic JuJson Kek.
as a square man, nud upon Ins
tcimtation a good deal of stock is
being sold in tlie cast. August Swansou, one of the con-
C. Marsh, ol Salem, is vicc-prest- tractors on me new woric at me
dent. Mr Manli is n well known jjudson Rock mine arrived in the
capitalist here. He hits been mil- 'city late last week, bringing with
formly sticcesslul in his unilertnk-, nun .some 01 the niiest specimens 01
ings, and lie is above everything , free milling ore from the recent
else careful and conservative in all workings in the Judson Kock, that
business dealings and management..! has ever l:cu found in the district.
The treasurer of the company is ! The ore is similar to that of the
Win. I.ausing, who came here from , Helena and is lull ol gold plainly
Iowu alioiit three years ago, who
purchased valuable property in Sa
lem, and who is known as a good
neighbor and an honest, upright
citizen. ' I
. . . ., . i .... r i
v. i, jouiisoii, tue secretary 01
the company, and one of its priuci
pal promoters, is a mining man of
experience. He went through the
Cripple Creek excitement, nml was
visable to the eye. It is said that
the ledge from which this ore was
taken is about six feet wide.
Vetoed llureau ( Mines Hill.
Ilovernor t'liiiinlx'i'lnhi, utter eon-
Hldi'rnlilt (lclllH't'iitl Imvliitf held
tin-hill to tin liiHt, wtiHil Semite
operuting there from 1891 to 1899. Idll. No. tfl". to iwili 11 ImriNiu ot
He predicts that the llohcmla dis
trict will be asecond Cripple Creek,
and he will bend ids efforts to make
this proposition a success, and thus
aid in bringing to pass the truth of
mlni'M. The tollowlnt; from the Oiv-
K011I1111 of the Onto of IVIi L'(l, Ih ex
planatory: TIiIm net Urn wax tukeii utter nil
iirKumeiit IiiiiIIks'II inailo aifiituxt the
his prediction. Mr. Johnson, 1 hill liy Charles A. .IoIiiih, ot linker
where he was known in the east, City, and n Moore of teli-i;rnmi and
stood high among business nud
professional men.
The other directors of the com
pany are as follows: D. Stciner,
lH'tltloiiH had Ihvii received prutcHt
hiK nunliiHt IiIh permitting the hill to
Ikvuiiu' a law. The objectionable
feature ot the bill wiim that It bIvi'h
the well known tinner and hardware the liiMpeetor of Mluex power to
man of this city. His reputation enter any mini", examine the clmrnc-
for fair dealing and honest business , tor nud extent ol tue mv. learn mo
judgment has been established here methods and ciwt of onrntlim and
for years. 'iiHeertaln many factH which the mine
Prof. Z. M. Parvin, president of j opera t urn iiMhcrt the rlht to kivp
the Northwest College of Music, Heeivt. Jtlier feature ut the bill are
thoroughly well known as an tip- Indicated b.v the fullowlnit iiienHagi'.
right and enterprising citizen. In which (lovernor I'lmiuliorlahi ex-
A. I? Homyer, of Alta Vista, , pivKxed hln iviimoiih fur velnliiK the
Iowa, who is well connected there,
and whose parents and brother re
side in Salem.
Kred Wechter, of iteme, Indiana,
a brother of the prcsideut of the
company, and who conducts a
barber business in his home town.
"The hill Is Intended to provide for
the eHtnbllHhiiieiit, government and
operation of a Ituivau of Mines of
the State of Oregon, and to appro
priate moue.vH for the maintenance
anil Hiipport thereof, to develop the
IJdwln Hiller, of I.inu Grove, mineral romnm-oH of and to promote
Iudi.iu.i, 11 merchant who is well the welfare of mil oral InduHtrU'M In
rated bv the commercial agencies,
and who has n reputation for re
sponsibility and fair dealing among
lus neighbors.
the Stute ot Oregon; to pri-wi-llie the
rulcH ami regulations tor the equip
ment, management and qoratlon of
milieu and mining and metnllurirleal
Thus it m iv be seen that the plantH. and to provide penaltleH and
Golden Kule is a company that is punlHhinent for the violation of the
well managed by upright, honest terms of the act; SLIUMI li approprl
men, who aie conducting its affairs nted for the purport, of the act.
in a conservative, business manner. NuineroiiH bills were Introduced In
They are making 110 representations the legislature, having for their
that they themselves do not believe .object the creation of a bureau of
lu. They are proceeding carefully, ' mine or else for the development of
with the rull belief thni they will the mining ImluHtry In the state and
be nble to mnke their property, n 1 all thereof seemed to have been re
dividend payer for themselves and ' ferred to the committee on mhiesand
for ull the stockholders, and all mining, with the retmlt that the act
those who may become stock- In question wiim reported In lieu of
hphlers. They know they have all tin others,
the ore necessar to make n mine, "I was at llrst dlpood toapprove
nud they are proceeding in regular the bill under consideration for the
order with the firm determination reason that Hm passage wa bo per-
:to get it out and turn it into money, HlHtently urged and fought for by
after nil the nrellmlnarv stens shall Hon. J. II. Hobblns, from the Hump-
Sim vc been taken " ter mining district and others In
C h Johnson, the secretary of whose Judgment I had and huv0
great eonlldenci' as to ihviIh In the
mining melon, but a lengthy pro
tet b.v wire from iiImiiihI all the
mlneowner of linker enmity and
telegraphic and written protet
from most of the liuslne men of
linker city, from the prvldont of
theClinmlierot Commerce nud Com
mercial Club ot rortlnnil, ami from
many of the oxort examiner and
engineer and many of them land
ne men of the mime place have led
me to serutlulio the bill more care
fully than I did at llrt.
"I cannot but feel that there hould
Ih etabllhed In thltate a nilnhiK
bureau for the purpoo of promothiK
the Industry and for tholiotter pro-
tis;tliin of thu men ennauisl therein,
but the bill under ciinliIeratlon,
whllHt In Home reKvt It would lie
promotive of nmch gnoil, I too
IriiMtlc In It term, too minute In
It detail, and whilst It fiiriilhed
the employe protection to Home ex
tent, ha not that for It main ob
ject. Then' Ik much force in the ar
gument ot thoM! who are mot
largely hitoroted In mining enter
prise In the state, that the Industry
would lie very erlouly crippled and
capital ooklng luvetnieiit lu neh
IndUHtrle prevented from coming
Into the Mtate If the bill should lie
eryMtallreil Into n law. It I claimed
that thoK who have vat amount
of capital Invested in mining through
out the state did not have an oppor
tunity tube heard lathe framing of
the iaw under consideration, and
hence could not urge the objection
ingaliiHl the piifHiige of the net which
they have urged More the executive.
j "Milling I In It Infancy In Oregon,
and. while some legislation may lie
I necessary, radical meaure at this
time ought to be avoided. A Hill
Hhoiild not be hastily framed, but It
Mh'ould lie drawn after consulting
the best Interests mid hearing dls
1 cnssloii upon the part of both the
I employer and employed, and bet ween
'thl time and the convening of the
I next legislature It I probable that
I those most Interested In the develop
ment of the mining Industries of the
state will bo able to get togetherand
preiwnt then a measure which will
meet the reiiulrementH for many
"llccause of the numerous protest
which have In-en made to me against
the law In question, and fearing that
the drastic features thereof might
have a tendency to retard the de
velopment of Industrie which It Is
Intended to promote. I return said
bill with my veto."
ahq imon Pacific
Dkcaiit Tuns (i iikhclks
run from Portland
Cliicngo- Suit Lake, Denver,
Portland Kt. Worth, Oiunlia,
ili'JOn.m.l Knnsiis City, St.
vialliint- Iconic, Cliioik'o slid
iiiKlon, ' Kimt.
Atlantic SnU Uike, Denver,
Kxireis 1 Kt. Worth, Oinulia. KnnxHs City, St.
vial I nut- Louis, Chicago and
iniilon. Kind.
StTI'MiiT Wiillu Walla, l
KastMaill ieton , Spokane,
6 p. m ! Wallace, Pullman,
via I Minneapolis , St.
Spokane. Paul, Dnhitli, Mil
waukee, Chicago A
I ,
ISTew Slioes
We have just received a new
line of the celebrated
Ladies' Shoes the very newest
styles front the very best mater
ial. Come in A, B, D and E
widths, sizes 8 to 0. TheStroot
man Shoe is the best and nicest
fitting shoe made. Try one pair
and you will always wear them.
Garman, Hemenway Co.
Garman, Hemenway Co.
ISTeAv FurriisliiriQ-I
We have just received the largest
and prettiest assortment of men's
shirts ever shown in Cottage
Grove. New Collars-very hand
some. Come and see them. Also
a new line of neck wear.
;!') a. in.
70 Hours
Tickets east via all rail
rail via Portland.
, or boat sad
1 vii nmmi enunni'l l
in.U ..U UIIEilt aiillDUlJljrj
All sailinu ilutea Biib
8 p. 111. ject to change. p. m.
KorSan Krunciwo
Sail every live daya.
exSuiul'y C01.UUUIA Kivkr 4 p. m.
8 p. 111. except
Saturday To Astoria ami Way Sunday
10 p. 111. Landings. ,
A. I,. CUAIG, Gen Pasnongor Agent.
Piirtland, Oreitou.
During the Fast few months a great many odds and ends have
r accumulated among our stock and these muat be closed out at . S
once to make room for our Spring Goods. You can findexcejv-
y ttonal Values in JK- 3
sz If Y010 are looking for Bai'gains now is 3
S the tune to find thevi at g:
Ik a Few Dollars Others ire ! !
! A linker CJty dispatch of Feb. Slrd.
i say: Another rich strike ha bwu
1 made lu the old Virtue mine, six
1 mile east of thl city. The facts
concerning the latest Htrllce. were
given out by Manager llueklieo
today. The ore wuh found In what
I termed n pocket, several ot which
have been found In times past In this
mine, some id wlilch yielded hun
droll of thousands ot dollar. One
piece ot ore found In this last pocket
I weighing l-' pounds was melted In a
furnace, by Manager llueklieo and
vlnldixl 14.000. and from four sucks
of ore he extracted $10 000 In gold.
1'nlted Stales Urnd Offlie,
HieburK. Or., Sept. 24,
v.,tl..ula I.Arnl,.' 0lrn that 111 (mnUA110l3
uiththe iiriivUlom otllie actnt Congrens of
June S, 1ST, entltleil "An act. for the aale of '
tliutierlandi In IheStateioU'alllornla. Oregon. ,
Nevaila, anit Wuhliifton Territory," aaex-J
tended to all the fuWIe lamistatca by act or
Ainruit , 1892, Henry (' I'rudhoinme, of fort
land, Co. of Mullnoruah.Slateof Ore., hai thla
ilaytlU'dlu thU omce hla iworn atatement No.
Ktst, for the nnrcliaM ol the w U S K j, SK U N
K i,Jt KKflvK i of see No.SU fnTvriiNo.SI S.
HSwaml IUoecriH)f toahow that the land
ouitlit li more valuable for Ita timber or atone
than for agricultural iiurpoiici. and to eitabllnh
hUcla.mtoaald laud before the Keglster and
Iterelter of thu ottlce at Itiweburr, Oregon,
on Monday the 2nd day of March, 1W3. ,
lie names aa wltncamja: .,'..
William K. frudhomme, Jawei i. Tyrrell,
I.ydla (!. Tyrrell, Ueorge K, McCllnlock, ol
Portland, Ore. ... , , .v I
Any and all iwron claiming adversely Jhe
lu,v., land am reaueatcd to tile their
claims III this ottlce on or before said 2nd day
of Mar., IW. , , .
J. T, Hainan, Register.
You can buy Underwear, Shoes, Boots at greatly
reduced prices. Have too many
Will give 50 per cent off on them this month.
Yours for Low Prices. One door west of Benson
Drug Store.
R. WELCH, Mgr.
Vocal Lessons.
Common Rough Lumber
. , , , , , t . 1 I have opened mv studio In the
A citizens meeting will lie held at front room of the l'erry Hherwootl
Martlu's hall, Thursday night, at residence, ono block south of city hall,
7:30 o'clock, March 5, ltKKt, tor the and am now ready to receive stu-
..i..rua, nf nnminiittiii' n eltlzeiiH dents In vocal music. Will give
purpose of nom natinb a citue s lyftte or ,eB(ion8 C(ll, ,,
ticket to bo voted upon April 0, 10W. J mw volce teatca (iml rftte8.
U, It. Jou, Mayor. Miss Emma Hkvan
Repairing at reasonable cnargss,
All work guaranteed trst-elaas,
Watehes, Clocks and Jewelry at Lowest Prlw