Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 27, 1903, Image 8

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United States l.niil Office.
HoH..liurir.Oro..Sci)t. IS. 1002.
Notice Ih hereby Riven Unit hi com-
Itoirelmnr, Oregon, on Wednesday tlio
4th tiny of March. 1IXV1.
He minion us witnesses
It. T. llonls. of MnyRor, Ore.. V .
P. Slaughter, St Helens. Ore.. J. E.
Jllnck, lnlton, Ore.. A. L. Utitler. of
l.lkton, Otv. , , , ,
Anv mill nil IH'rsons clntniliiK nil
verse'lv the alio ve-desicrlbeil lnntls nn
requested to tile their clnlms in this
office on or lieforu mild 4tli iln.r ol
Jfarcli. 1903.
1 T. Bkidoks. KcRlster.
United States Land Office,
Boseburg. Oregon, Dee. 33, 1002.
.Jtiee is hereby given that In conipli-
.......... ,1... . , .,.
titX Sr ,m, .nd to UMW. hi. claim lo t ! ' loner Mario L. Ware. V
ncrlCTlt "rn limnmHCH. nna to wtnli- J?'J !? before Mur c 1 J f J ? i.;st;lie Oregoi, on Wednesday, tho Ktiisenc. Oregon, on,.) ll.o -fom
Hshh a claim to sni.l land More tbe' Commissioner -alt njene. V,M - V"' 3'. ot p,.. 'uw.. ' of Apr.. UKU.
. " 1 i.t iiii ..t . on iiiepunr me tut uuy ui viin, uw.
"""." TJ 'V,;'T r-An Annuel 4, 1S92, John Kestly. o
ongressof June 3, lih. entitliM An'., iS,,,,,,.. of Lane, btate of
net for
:tfor thesaleol timber mine
Siatpo nf ("Iifornin. Orecon. Xev
ana asn ig.oi j . rr.ior,, .
loauine ruuiie itiiu cmica
!,,., j 1RO" rtln An.ersnn. of Ter- ,
at 4 imi'j. 11 e Anderson. 01 ier-,
. . :.,." i " i i i. cii f
me. toiinty of Heir Lake. State o .
iffleo his sworn sn.ten.ent So.
this ofllec lna sworn staten.
41S1. for tliemirchaseoftlie SV K SEK
SEi Sy tot OA" of Sec So. 0. in Tp
21 South, of Range 1 West ; and will offer
proof to show that tho land ought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than tcr
agricultural purposes, and to wuUhsl. ,
Ins claim to said land before I
ware, U S Commiss oner at hugene, !
Oregon, on Tueeday,
the 10th day of
Jlar., WS.
He nami as witnesses.
U.S. Teeters. T H Terters. of
. I "I-., irn.iin.1li ..It.. H Pj I W II r.l fl .
M IMIi UID ,, O.l.t. II H J , x. .... . . . - - . .
of Oakland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ndvers
lv the above described lands are r
quested to file their claims In thli office
on or before said 10th day of Mar . 1008.
J. T. Bridges, Register.
United States Laud Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Jan. 30th, 1908.
Notice is herebv given that in coin nil
ance with the provisions of the act ol
congress 01 June 3, ii, enutieu .in
Act for the sale of Timlier Ijinds in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
net of August 4, 1892, Emma
Weyer, of Mound, County of Lane,
State of Ore., has this day filed in this
office her sworn statement No. 4379, for
the purchase of the Lots Sec 9 of hecXo.
2 in Township No. 20 S, Range No. 7
West, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before Marie L. Ware,
U. S. Couimissionernt Kugene, Oregon, .
on Wednesday the 15th day of -'pril, 1
She names as witnesses: I
Frank Holland. George Holland. Wal-
ter Holland, of Crow, Lane Co.. Ore.. !
Ed Hoselton, of Mound, Lane Co., Ore,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
repuested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 15th day of April,
J.T.IlniDOKs. Register.
Uniletl States Land Office,
Uoselnirg, Ore. Feu. 11, 1U03
Notice is hereby given that in compll-
ice with the nrovisioiiB of the act of
ance with the nrovi
Congress of June 3,1879, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Teiritory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4, 189.', Joseph R. Hills,
of Jasper, County of Lane, State of Ore
gon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No. 3209, for the pur
chase of the SE V SE 1-4 of section No.
14 in Township No. 20 8 ., Range No. 1
West and will offer proof to show that
the land is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to Bald land
before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Thurs
day, the day 30tb of April, 1903.
lie names as witnesses:
Georgo M. Illackburn of Springfield, I
Ore.. WH'ilam TatoofZion. Ore.. Ifenrvl
S. Tilton of June, Ore., J 8 Hills of I
Jasper, Lane Co., Ore.
Any and all nersonsclalmingadverse-
ly the above-described lands are re-
quested to file their claims in this offio 1
on or before said SOtli day of April, 1903. !
r m n1
J. T. IIliiotes, Register.
Land Office at Itoseburr , Ore,,
Vto. 6. 1S02.
otlce ! hereby given tint the following
named settler has died notkeofhli Intention
to make Anal prool In support of hl claim,
nd that (aid proof will be mad liefore Marie
L. Ware, U. 8. Commluloner, at Eugene, Ore.
on January 17, 1WU, Tlx: Calvin Casteel on II. E
Mo. 8810, for the 8 U HE y., NlJ.f HEW itiBEIi
NKH Bee. fl Tp. 20B.. It; 2 V. '
He names ifie following wllneates to pro e
nil continuous residence upon and culllii
lion ol tald land, via:
Terry Caateel, Eaglnaw, Ore., John Henry
Landers, Irving, Ore., Charlef Frlibee, Junt.
Hon City, Ore. 1 James Kennedy, of Saglnay
J, T. Ilawau.RegUter
United Btate Land Office, Roseburg. Ore. I
r.h.T 11M 1
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provlilona of tbe actof Conirreasof
3, 1878, entitled "An act for the tale of
timber land tn the titatea of California, Ore.
gun, huviub, ana nasmugion Territory," ai
extended to all tbe Public Land Btatci by act
of Auguit i, 1892, Jacob Jaiper. of Eugene.
County of Lano, Btate of Oregon, has
1111 111 1 a
dar riled In thli office hla mnrnii,!.
mem no. .l lor lue puronaie lor tbeBlVl
of Section No. 20, Township 21 B., of
Range 7 west and will oO'er proof to ihow that
the land (ought li more valuable for Ita timber
or atone than for agricultural purposei, and to
eitablUb hli claim to laid land before C. E
lia.ard, U. 8. Commissioner at Drain, Donglai
Coy Oregon, onThuraday theSOIhday of Apr.,
He nameaaa wltnesaea
Nathaniel I.. Moody. Guy B. I'otti, Phillip
Caron. L.K.IIalI, of Eugene, Lane Co..Ore .
Any ana all peraom claiming adversely the
above deacrlbed landi arn requeited to file
.iiu,i jii iua uuu-e on or veiore saia win
day of Apr., 1903.
J. T Hainan, RegUter
Unfit, nilulno-la milil tn l.n ,, i
uonp ntlclIlK IB 8u.Ui to 1)0 OHO Ol
awa .. a " a- "mm"mmmmm" , .,..iiw 1
United States Land utllce,
KoscborR, Ore, Jan. 23, ll03.
Notieois hereby given that Incom
pliance wltli tbe provisions of tho net of
I, . .. T ' Ill-O ....lllln.1 Atl
VA.iirco ui ouuv o, 1010, ii..H"
Act lor tlio sale ot limner .aunts in i e
os of California, Oregon, Xevaaa.
He unmet ns witnesses :
Any ami all peisonii vlniniliiK ml
verselv tbe above-described lands are
reunmteil to file tbelr claims In this
office on or before said 7th day of April,
J.T. IIkiooes, UfBistcr.
United States Land Office,
Uosebnrg, Ore , Jan. 15, 1B03.
Nntira is lierebv fiven that in compli
ance with the provisions 01 1110 nci 01
Congress o( June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber Uinds in the
1 tuii 1,1
states of California, Urcgon, nevana.
I and Washington Territory,,' ascxtonded
10 an me riu.MC i-iim. oiiues ui m. u.
n V .l.-.tav tilml 111 this otlii-o
cllIlsw of tho iot9 Si
S A !of Sec So. 0,
KangelW and will
T,,,.,iliii,'il;niitli of
lOttnstllp jUSOlllll.OI
- . . ., . , , .i..
oner prooi 10 snow inai ine mini muiiii.
s lnu'rt. valuable for its timber or stone
!','"! ( Tlta ?aTT?.
tablish his claim to said laud before
Marie L. Ware, U. S. Commissioner at
Kugene Oregon, on Tuesday the 31st
ilar of Mar., 1903.
lie names as itnesses :
William It. I'mker. of Zlon.UllluCo.
, , j, :kUl w,,
,,ev, William Whitney, of June, La
-' . '
Co. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse-
Iv the above-described lands are re
",'uested to tile their claims in this office
1 . , ... , .illt rtf
on or belore said 31st day of Mar., I9u3.
J.T. IIkiuobs. Register.
L'nlted Stlites Lund Olllce,
Ilowbunr. Ore.. Oct.. 23. 1902.
1 No tlce Is hereby irlven that In com-
I iilluiice with the provision of the '
.111 ill l.uilf.ivr.n ill ,i 11111: o, jvii, vii
.,,1... fi.r. 41,.. u.lli, ,,f 'Pliiili.,r
1 1.. 1.. .t... u........ ... .'!,,
I Oregon. Nevudn, and WnshliiKton
Teirltory, ns extendeil to nil tne
J I'll' Me Land States by net of August
1 4. Iu2 Ora Wilson, of Kugvne,
County of Lime
State of Oregon,
has this day filed In this otllce
her sworn statement No :l72Nfur the
imrchase of the SlVJj SK ', & Lots 1,
10 & 11 of Section No. 30. Township
23 South of Raiifie 1 West and will
offer proof to show that the land
KOUKht Isinore vulualileforlts timlier
or stone than for agricultural pur-
poses, uud to establish her claim to
said mini ncloro .Mnrie l. nre, 1 . ft.
Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon on
.Monday the 12th (lay of .liiiiuary,
She names as witnesses:
Tl SI JTiiutftti nf l-TiVrmii nii"nll
r 11- r.,ti. ..f i,.rr,..r., ii,e!,,
Co.. Oiv., J. I). Palmer, N. II. .Mar-
tin, of Cottajro Orove, Lane Co., Ore.
xny nnd nil persons claiming ad-
vcrscly the nbovtMlescrllieil lands nre
r.,r,,.-i,.,i in,. fi,..i,. ,.i,,i,u i i,tu
otllt.0 on ,)r u.Um VMl ,iav n
January 1903.
J. T. UmiKiKs. Reslster.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg. Oregon. Deo. 24.1902.
Notice is hereby given that in coin-
I pliance with the provisions of the act of
i-ongiesHoi june.1, ism, eniiiieti
, . .,.. .... . 11 .
.act for the sale of timber land in
States of California. Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory." h hi-
tended to all the Public Land States by
actof August 4, 1892, Mattis Momb, of
.lllrtli. i.'ountv of rniiH. stnlifnl ()r.
gon, has this day filed In this office his
swornstatcment No. 4191 for the pur-
chase of the SE V of NV Yt
01 oecuon no. -m, ip za, south
of Range No.3 West: and will offer proof
to show that' sought Is more val-
uablefor itstimber or stone than forag-
rlcultural pnrnoses.and to establish his
Inll.. In anM Inn.l Ul.a It..!.. T It-
b.u.... ,u latin ijciuiv .'iniivij iiitiu
U 8 Commissioner at Kugene, Ore.
gon, on Thursday, the lUth. day of
March, 1003 '
HnnainuiflB wili.n.unui
Martin Haagenson. of Kugene, tane
lyo., ure., unariey uison, 01 uottago
Grove, Lane Co., Ore., Martin Olson, of
lllue River, 1.4110 Co., Ore., Peder
Ophus.of lllue River, uinu Co., Ore.
Any and nil persons claimine adverse-
'y the aliove-described lands are re-
quested to file their claims in this office
on or oeiore saiu mil ilay of 3Iar., 1903.
JjT. Bkidues, Register.
noth-k mit win. lri-rmu
United Buiei find Offiie,
n,.ulLn. II.. 1. it ,,nm
nonce 11 nerenv snvpn th.i in nn...
1 with the provisions of the act of Congress
1 juue a, ibis, eniuiea "An Act tor
iiiBHioui iimiwr iinaain me btates or ran-
I forola, Oregon, Nevada, and Waihlnglon Ter.
1 rilnry," aa extended to all the Public Land
State by act of Auguit , 1(02, John II.
v..n,,luH,.w.ui ijiub, oiaieoi uregon,
baa this day filed In Ihla omce hla (worn atate-
?' J?A,toTthepaTehtteotlhtH4N'Ki
.'.: ?lD'Vrt.ul Dciioii .o. iz, Townin.p 2SH
of ltange 2 Vet and will offer proof to ihow
,! v p'.usm 1 . in o re Taiu.oie lorus
umoer 01 '(lone than for agricultural purposes
T. , . . 1 ltul,m,w io(aia lain, oelore
MarleL. Mare, U. B, Commissioner at Eugene.
Sf.lon' on Tuesday the 21th day of March,
lie names as wltnessei:
Jamci N. Handle, of Falrmount, Lane Co.
Ore., Autiri Hoot, 0 Springfield, UneCo.,Or.
JlmBeavey, JeaseBeavey.or Eugene, Lane Co.
lie names aawltneiKc
Anyand all peraom claiming adrenal tl.. '
above aeacrlbed landi are reiu-ted Hi lile
I their claim In thli office on or oefore ald2tth
J. T. IIkidois. Hegliier.
United Btali rjinH nrrta
ItOMllilirir. Oru Ckft II low'
with the
Junes. 1
timber landa
gon, Nevad,
extended to
olAugust t. ims, Albert O, Hove
Countv of Lane. Htatn tif f
this day tiled In this office hli (worn date
ment No. SGC9. for tha nlirhakM nf Ihn ins Ulv i.
oIBecllon No. 10 Township No. 23 B, Range No!
..T--'."" r.. ""'."..'.'" n, uange j0.
ne.i.ana win oirur nroot to ihow that the 1
ndioughtli morevafuable for Ita timber or 1
mr agricultural purposes, and to 1
eatabllib. hla eralm to aald land before
Marie L. Ware, U. 8. Commlidoner at Eu-
gene, Oregon, on Monday, the Mh day of Jan.,
1003. '
He names aiwllnei.-ei
Herman T Dow of Collage Urove, Oregon
U H Hover, ol Eugene. Oregon, Joseph Hclilee.'
of Collage Grove. Ore William Wltte.of Amoa 1
ore .
. A ... .. . . .
'"""' ir'iin claiming adversely the "ty"' ""K nu rusiio III
above deibrlbed landaare reuueited in siiiBrados 1 2 and a. U
PUI1LICATI0N. , siuiuc "...
1'nltcd Staled lamd Oltlco,
.iosebiiry, Oregon, Oct., v. lev.
Illl'UIHKl Vla.""t ,,
nom-rfuwi i.V.
niirvwi inv "i -..- - ---
He nninen ns witnmea :
lulu II. Itoml, of Kiine,
. i-..
nf Puirinnnnt. ljine On'.
Anv and all persons claiming adverse
lv Hie nliovo-ilescribeil lands niu 'e
iiuestnl 10 tile their claims in this olliie
1 ....... .( , . .
on or iieiore sain ;usi nay 01 ifo.-., hj.
J. T. IIkiihiks. Hiister.
.NOril'K YOU l'UlH.lCATlON.
United States Uiud Otllce,
Hosebiirc. Orecon. Dec. 12. 1902.
Vniii-i. is herebv irivim that ill eonil'li
aiioe with the provisions ot the
Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitle
ine nci 01
.,i.ui v,.
1 IK 01 iiu r . loio. vim,.... .-
,,, fnr ilm sulunt tinilx-r hinds ill the
Elates ot California, Oregon, eviula,
nll,i Washington Territory." as extended
tu all Hie riionc uinn fiuies uy ail n
August 4. IS92. Andrew Claven
r.,i,- r,,.i.v of lme. State
r nnv.m. Im.ihUilnv filnlin thisotllce
sworn statement' Xo. 4126, for the
purchase ol theS v XIV S' sW S'w '
,,sn..s. Tn l'l' South, ol 112 W. and
-.7-' . 1 1
will oiler prool lo snow inai ine
m1i,bM j, ,', ttuaM0 for Us ti
nrm l!",'i t,.r ruV,.!l,!r'!1. !',!r,1
and to establish his claim to said land
before Marie I.. Ware. I' . S. CotiimiS'
sinner at Kugene, Oregon, on Mun
ilav. the 2nd day of Mar.. 1903.
lie names as witnesses :
Martin llaageuson. of Kugene, 1-me
Co.. Oregon, Martin Olson, Toiler Op
hus, of lllue Klver, Lane Co., Ore., John
Dal. of Cottage Grme, Lane Co.. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse-
lv the abovo-describeil lands are re-
quested to lilo their claims in this otlico
i , . ...
on or before said 2nd day of Mar.. 1903.
J. T. llRiiKiKS. Register.
United States Land Offire,
Ro-cburg, Ore., Dee. IS, 1902,
Notice is hereby given that in con
plianiv with the provisions of the act
I one! ess ot June .i. 1M.N. entitleil A
act for the sale ol limber lands in tl
States of California, Ori-gon, Nevada,
and Wa-hiiigtoii Territory." as ex
tended to all the Public Ijind States by
act of August 4, lbtt'.Ktlith M. Phillips,
of Cottage Urove, C. only of Ijine,
State of Ore., lias this. lay lili.l in thisof
fiee her sworn statement Xo. -1 157 (or the
purchase of the XV See Xo. 21 in Tp.
IKS of Range No. 2 w. and will offer
proof to show that the laud sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes and to
establish her claim to said land before
Mane L. ware, U. S. Commissioner at
Kugene. Oregon, oil Saturday the Hth
day of .March, 1903.
she names uswitneses.
Frank II. Phillip. Joienh K. Young.
John. D. Palmer, Frank D. Wheeler, of
l;ottaL-e Urove. Lane Co.. Ore.
'y the above descrihl lands are re-
iuetMl to lile their claims in this otllce
jn or liefore said I4th day of March,
J. T. IliiiiKiKs. liKuisrrii.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 17, 1902.
Notiee-is hereby given that in couinli'
ance with the provisions of the act o'
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitleil "An
I.. .1 .1 I .! I I I . '
act for
the sale of timber lands in the
of California. Oieenn. Nevada
"ml Washington Territory," asextendeil
to all the Public Land States bv act of
August 4, 1892, Mannie D. Ilissell of
Kugene, County of Lane, State of
uregon. lias tins (lav lilccl in tli
office his sworn statement No. 4162, for
the purchase of the 8E SK 1-4 of Sec
No-32' Township 20, South, of Range 5
"i " ' ouer .prooi to snow mat
the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
"all 'anil belore .Marie J,, Ware, U
S. Pfimin I vulnno, ol l-'i., ....... "I
""fc..."... . ..iigvitr. ,ii:;uii,
on Saturday, the 7th day of Mar., 1003.
,,B nauies as witnesses:
L. L. Shell, M. S. Darker, W. K
Itflrlfer. nf Kliirnnu T .m. fn t.,.
Charles Wiltso. Springfield, Iji'neCo.)
Any and all persons claiming adverst
'y the above-described lands are rt
questeil tofile their claims in this oflic.
on or before said 7th day of Mar.. 1903
J. T .Uiiiikjus, Register.
Untied states Ijind Office,
Uninlmrv. Dm ,1. ,u
Notice li hereby given that In coropllanie
with the provlalnnaol the act ol Cnmrrnu nl
June S, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale ol
... U nf !imlHr rtlHl 111 unnn iui r...v. , .
pliance IjmberlanifalntheBialMol California, Oregon,
gressof ?yj,rt,, nd Washington Territory." aa ex
ct for tended loall the public Land btateirbyact of
icimcu man me cutiiio unn btatesby
"uku. iw, .nariea w. j,owe, ol Kugene.
County of ltne, Hlale of Oregon, hit this
day filed In thlioffice hU (worn statement No
(or the purchawof Ihe loti 11, 20,21&22of
;,'."" "-."iiip .Tiiiean, jiange mi 1 iv
,D,I y'1' offer Proof to (how that the land
fought la more valuable for In timber or (tone
nir 11a iimuer or (tone
nrpoaea, and to citati.
1 lanil luvlnri, Mrl I.
;.'".i i.r .Kiicuiiurai pnrpoaea.anil to citati.
nih hla claim to (aid land before Marie L
Commissioner at Eugene, Oro-
Ron, on Monday, thecih day of April, 190.1.
., wiiiimnoH-
N. II. Martin, J. w l'arrlnh, John p. Palmer,
K' Voung.of Cottage Orore, UneCo., Ore
A1 ofApi
Anyand alljraoiK claiming adversely the
iwve-neacrlued. lanm are re.iucmed to file
r ciaimiin ton office on or before laid ith
' """ ltr.
.fa"? 8le Land Offiie,
UnU,t.l,rir lira ... ..I?.1
Notice U hereby given tiiat In compliance
V"11 '1',J.rovlilona of the act of Congreaof
l :" ;" . ih iociitja ui v.auiorniii. lire.
111 offer
lor agrl
Mi,.inn.. ' o. uoin-
tihSii nf "roa, on Monday, the
Si,. A' "'",!WM'
Hhe nainui ai wltneshSo
si 11 vT..,i T ,. . , .
1 V 'J, '1"'n.' )y 1 "h. J"h.i I). Palmer,
il'.J )m5 "'CotUgaflrov, Oregon. '
.iSLwSiL'f riM"f ""hnlng adrenely the
boveHiescribed landa are requeued to file
.ueirciaijiiaiiiinii omen on orbeforeiald OIL
d,lv ' Aor"' 1W.
Wo have on
1,1,.. n .
J T liaiwin. RegUter.
Inini. a .ln,.l, ..r
I ll , , in , ' " .,, D1UIK Ul
kl ll.llrlivl tlnnrlr... ll .1 .
United Slnloa VV,'1,0!!L,yi'
Kosclmrs. Oreiron. rob v. vw.
.1 ...
v.,.i.... I. iv u ven t int in com-
I In iiii.u. c wil 111.
lii ge M. Miller, ol r.iigene, ine
Co., ..e., W. lt.Tucker.olAnlu(,l re..
Kdwai.l .1. Frailer, of Eugene. Lane I o ,
Oregon. Kd D. Ilessler. of Monmouth,
Ore. . , ,
Anv and all persons claiming adverse
ly tin' abovo-dcscrll.e.t lands are ie
n'nosleil to tile their claims In this olllce
mi nr 'JTith ilav of Apr.
J. T. HmiHilts. Reglslcr,
United Stales Land Olllce.
Roseburg, Oiegon, Oct. 10,1902.
v.,ii,.. la iirliv i-lveti lhat in com
pliance wltli the provisions ol the act of
Congress of June 3, 1S78. entitled "An
act lor the sale ol timber lands In the
States of California. Oregon, Newula,
and Washington Territory," asextendeil
to till tho Public Matt shy net of A u
gnt 4. IS92. Annie Wilson, ol Ku
gene, County of bine, State of Oregon,
tins this due tiled in this office his snMrn
statement No. :iil33, for the purchase of
theWS,SK M A K1 swl-4 of Seelion
No. 12
2 Tiiwiishin 23, South, of Hange
Westand will offer prmif to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timlier or slone than (or agricultural
nurioses, and to establish Ins claim be
fore . arie L Ware, U. s. Commissioner,
at Kugene, Lane Co. the , on Wednes
day the Till day of January, ItHB.
lie names us witnees:
James N. Handle, of Fainuimiit Oie
gon, Austin Root.of springlleld, Oregon,
James Hoffman, of Kugene, own.
Henry M. Wilson, of Kugene, Oregon-
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly tlie above-descrilRil lands are re
quested to lile their claim In this office
on or before said 7th day of Jan., 19011.
J. T. IIhiimiks, Register.
Unilrtl States Und Offin ,
Roseburg, Ore., Jan. 80. 1W.
Xotii-e is hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June .1,1878, entitleil "An
Act for the sale ul Timber I .a nils in the
Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada.
mill Wualilmitiilt Tnrri.urv " an .
tendeil to all the Public Land States by
act ol August 4. 1.''92, liideon L. M.Koti -
t- r... ..IT ......... ...
cue, Co. of Lane, Slate ol Ore-
is day filed in this oKice bis
ment Xo. 4SII. for the pitr -
hie. t'l Lutein-, 1 11. i.i 1,11111', r-iinr .11 vfitv
gon has this
sworn staten
chase of toe KKSW I-4A W SK l-lof
Sec 8 in rownshii 20 South, of R 2 W
and will nH'cr prool to show thai Ihe
land sought is more valuable fnr its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purpose-vim! to establish his claim to
wild land before Marie L. Ware, U. S.
Commissioner at Kugene, Ijine Co. Oie
gon, on Tuesday the 7th day of April,
He names us witucsiH):.
Archibald J. Sliuin.ikcr, J W Parrish,
of Jeirerson, Ore., X II Martin, Herman
T Dow, of Cottage Urove, 1-aueCo., Ore.
Any ami all perMius claiming ad
versely the above-decrilvil lands are ie
ipicsled to Hie their claims in this oifire
on or before said 7th day of Apr., 190H.
J. T. IIkiihiks Register.
I'nlml male Un.l offlie,
Rmebiirg, Ore .Kspt. 21, Hsu.
Notice la hereby given thai In compliance
with Ihe prorlalon of ilm actof Cnngreu of
June:l, lsfs entitled "An act for the sale ol
tlniberlandu In (hesiatesof California, Oregon.
N'eiaila. mil WaahliitfiA,, Tu..H,... . . - -
lendeit to all iho Pnbllc fjindHtalia i.y act of
nuHu iii-h,7 , i-riiuiiuinine, or run
land, I o. of Mnllnnmah, slate of Ore., has Ihla
day filed In this office hla aworu statement No
a), for the purchase of Ihe w U NK l RK M N
S 4 ' N.E ' f.?K2 ul M So- Tl' m a
lta wand will offer proof tnshow that the land
sought li more valuable for Ita timber or (lone
than for agricultural purposes, and to cilahllnh
hlicla.mli. said Inncl before the ltrgliter and
Receiver ol Una office at Riwcburr, Oreron,
on Monua) inesnu day of March, 1!M.
William K I'rml hnmm J,n, r t.....ii
Lydla C Tyrrell, ileorgo F, Md'Hniock, ol
Portland, Ore.
Any and all persona claiming adversely Ihe
above-described land are requeued to file (heir
. ."": ii("!iiiu iiin.r ociore ial,l 2nd day
of Mar., UW. '
J T. IIbiisim, Rrgl.tcr.
Tta First National Bank
Paid 10 Capital, $25,000.00
Money to loan on approved security,
Uxchangiis sold, available any ,)acn
n theUnited States
New backgrounds and acces
sories. Best Lenses and Cameras
15 years
8 years in
Portland. Nothing but first-class
work. All work LMiarnntP,.,!
T.nivrcr nrlnu. .... 1 1 i
. ,.i, liih anu examine
Opposite Masonic hall.
side, Cottage Grove.
oo 'io
For Fashionable Dressmahna.
. .vf fimlutr I it It 1 1! ill mi'
soTici: roil pinu.u awn
gust i, im... " ' " . a.:.....,! i in... ia "a1"' "' " n..i I., i n. oin.
tint Nl". 1-4 ol Sivtion No. .IVJ in i r tslu township No. :MH. Ilann" j"
. i. Ni 19 S Uange No. 2 W, ami will oiler pioot t" "how hai
o n h o show "that thelmul ' 'J ' ,,,,, ..rtble I...
., no'T. valuable tor lis timber or . lo, ,,., ,,, ,, agrleid ...a
tlmnlor agr.e, . . ..... i- . , .,,.
es ai.nsii uis .nn... '"- . . .iii,.,,
the llegl.ter and Receiver Xy th -at
Idweburg. Oiegon. on lueeda.l tm
7th day of Apr".
HiMiRtiHuaa wllnes: .,....
Ilerumti T. Dow. t eorgcW . Mctjureii.
tliove, lame Co.. Oiegon. .
Vnv and all persons claliulng adu'ise
lv t e aU.v.wde.crlb.,1 land" ' ' -to
Hl their rUltn. in '
J or iK.foresal.i 7th li)' '' "m
J, T. llHtmita. ItcgUlCf.
it..i.i Land Office,
if,,., nr.. Ore.. Ojt. 1 1, ItKtt.
i.. ..
Notice Is licteny given '.'." "".
ii.:?r : !ii I... ...
Mates 01 v ilium ..". - ; -
Z W e P K U, i bv act of
1 ,! , 4 IS92 Peter llurkhail
1 . f m .,f I'lili.miwil. StstP
II ' W, h .Is day 'tlle,! in thi.ipimW olito XK l-l
" .. ... v.. MilftH Inr , I..I, N MU. 23. (Hiiilli. i
Z ZS rt tin tXt U of ilannel We... and hIHW ,. .0
Section No 10. Township 20 South, of h..w lhat lb UihI uulil l mote
Range 9 Wil and will offer proof to ; valimble It. uiilrt ..r .lone "' "'
show' that the land sought I more , aKrii'nll.irl ttr-.. audi., nubllah
valiiable fur ll. lunlwr or st-ne than or ,rr claim to Mid land Marl.'
agricultural purpose, and . eUhlll. L. Ware. I'. I. l'..n.ii.'.i.lom.r at hu
his claim to said land before the Hilt-. mm. OregiMi. on Monday, Hie I2tli
ister and Receiver of till otfic at Hum-
burg. Orison. ..11 Tl.urs.lay tin 2Hli .lay
of Feb., IWB.
lie names a .tuee:
William l!oel.irg. ttre., Nlmle Walton Ore., Situ Carpenter,
of Snlpher Spring. Ore.. Peter A.
Durcb. of Riwbunt Ore.
Any and all person claiming a.ivere
Iv the aiKivt'-dewribeil land are re-
' , . 1 .1. 1 H.1u
nuesini to me ineir eiaiun u. nn" .nm-w
on or before said 2 day ol Feb., 1808.
J. T. IIbipum, ncglfter.
I'nileil state LAIHI littler,
Itooeburie. Oct., 10, IB03.
v ...... i. i,Jr..i,v that In eoimill-
Notice is hen i.y niven inai in cutnpii
ance with the prm isiun ol the act ol
I'liligress of June :l, IM7H, entitleil "An
P .. t , ... I I . I.. .1...
kort for the sale ol timlM-r land in the
1 States of California. Oregon, Nevada.
... i ll...... 'V 1 .. .. .. ' 1 .. ... ......1.1
Unit Washington Terrllo.v, a exlende.1
1 to all the Public Und Sjute by ael ol
1 August I, IHB, Henry .M. Wilson of Ku-
genet on nty ol tjine, Mate 01 iiregoii na
thidav Iliad-in tbl office hi Hnrn
statement Xo. SOS I, for Ihe purchase of
the S 1. XW i4 A W SW X
of Sec. No. 12, Township 28 South, ot
Range 2 West, ami will "IfVr proof to
gene County ol Lane, State ol Oregon ha
show that the land sought is moie
valuable for its liiiilwr nr .ii.e than foi
agricultural iiirMe. and 10 establish 1
tils claim lo sain lat.u iieioie .viariei..
Ware, u. r. I ai l-.u-
UUI,IUI. il.u 71 1. .Idt.
; 1 ..Si '
of Jan., 1903.
lleiiameaas H-itnwea:
JiimesN itmidle. ol l-'iilrliiount. tire..
, .r . ii-.i 1 ii T
Jame Hi.iriiiso, Annie Wilson, of Ku -
fcv... , .... , r....,n,.,..,
Any and all arsons claliningailverae
ly the alMive-.liwriUil Un.l are re
ipieslnl to lile their claim 111 this miles
on or tiefure said 7th dav ol Jan., I WW.
'J.T. Itvcltrter.
PO NTS EASTir-'-5w"."-i
1 - I I N I v 1 IV I .n.liuja.rl u,i,,, 17 ,
p I) I? f p v n i ) w 1 1 v i) v :
U It Hi A I Mill I lll,illlL
Sim r I I A in-
I'aiil, Ihitutli,
Af I ii ma mil, CI, Initio,
Through Palace mid Tourist Sleepers
Dining and ilullet Smoking
l.lhiarv Curs.
For Hates, Folders aiid Pull Informa.
tlon regarding Ticket Kmiles, cull on or
J. W. PIIAI.0N.T. P. A.
122 3d St., Portland Ore.
J Klrat Avenue, '
(i. W. P. A.
feuitl Vtaih
viaiT DR. JORnarj.c
'" ""'-IIiiiiSXJ
la ttt'AfSfl -ll-l faa
dl "al'.:;f1;'f;rat. 5
.. eVlV,; V'foulI-n.d7.r
'"I. oti nit
. I.. --"-vl iiuri lini a a ha -. .
aU?:r7l . " known iob.2 K.m" A
ie?'.- i.i.i;.,.:,J!;jL.-i"i ih,oi,.M.
iuri . .ni,. -".-."'"".."nil
11' will li.,, v'i.CLS'1.'.-- i
. bJB;;!iV,'.!l.,;!!'.ditrleUri,rl,ata.
WAIIIliiirii- ,V rl,,'-01'IIT n
a fi
r?a. Unarl7wa "uHZl I r""r. i
our "V V!!.J,"Wnt.PilUfal..C
MU'lll. I OH ITIlUfAriON.
I ' lilt ihI H IrtU-1 ' ".'I'iS
Ill MLoTd iH-tore , I, Deinnilek... Up
land die , onSrtluiday, the III". '
ol April imW. ,
She naiiiw us llnwj"': njl,ull,i
O r.dMid, Iwliwr Hone, of OsVlaild.
Din Dsn llruuiUuiih..ll'oll-imi.
(lie., tie... ItlitK."! KuKcne. 0e.
Anv and H H'lsoiis elalintug advBtM-
V tin- ,,UiierilwH.tlUl land ate l-
i-itwl to Hie their eiaiuis in " '
on or Mote
mid tun iv i .'l"f. "7""
J T. IIhiihim. Iti tlUter.
Nonci: i "it pi'iiLic.vrioN.
t'nltwt Slate Land OllU'e,
HiwlHirv. Cison. Oct. ti, HMM
Sotli-e l llereny given him in .
nlldiice w lib tin' proviMoll ol the aei .
i ('.,..... ..( .iihih a. inis. eniuiwi .in
"T7 - 1....1. ... il,u
... iw At.ulU Mar
':.rf CotVa. ..M.r. V II wt
1 tHO,,W.,i. h. U.l .ljrll -
1 her auillll laleillVIII ... itiiW. I' ins
I Jay ol Jan., IBW,
Hlii. i.amtNi as wttl.rMMn
Itslliulon, Ilia U'iI-.ii, ul Knavnv.
)rv.,N Marl. 11. -1 l'"t ge i.n.vr, lne
Co.. Ore., J W Pmrl.h, n7 Jrlferaun. Ma
rion Co., Ore,
Any and all trnii claiming- ativerw
l llir. aUive-.hM'.ilinl land art. ie
unrated lo rile I heir claim In till omee
Ion or More aaul IStlt day H Jan., I.
I I 1 t, ....... u llutta.
t 1 . Haiiwaa, )ettr.
ll'l' ATION rug r. . I'ATBNT.
MlKrl my m
Itlll.! Wllle lAIHt t
im. un .
rrMwiry T, 1
Noll. i. blt l,n Ikal In MiitttUMaf
! thsaiii.f cnriHrva aiiarrivssi May la.
urn., r J.
: .r.l ih. It. K hinal kbtssal
indaii.irur. BulurMrMUriwa
i " ' .ro.o"' rlalWlMg. Pari land. oiob.
1 hli M .,,,,, . .Mmni , tht v.
, ,,. un.n,).!.,! uoarii 1 lalss. slloaw la
liolMiiiiaiiini.riaaiwd) Mining l'l..rll. Uaa
all Ikatiala. I'.tMlillaa I M.M. m.I r,.Mlllf,tf
, ".'',";;
1 T,u, n
nii..nrawa Mh.lrujal. Wllllaia
kiiii .ulai .I-. ,tu.l I., 1
S'lTt... " iT.,.1 ...,.1
111 11, 19 1 iiiw.a.i,l ('iMaiin4-niM.l
bv la fiW
k au
MllflliV Ih.
I.IH.E r-Mtnal
Ka al i-,,r ata I.
r mln mm- r-n d In ,Hi,M
IMla 70
! UisjHTjti. irw'tMr nirtol
Mrs It ami
I 11.1 jail I.
it! 4m Ttt
I fl lnajlil
sain w im; 11, inmiki lOiUg mi fi 1,,
2, laii-i 11 sadatr Ut mln W7 It inrar Mat.
Ihrncen r;dia &3 aaln la ?aBfi I,. .r Mai 1
Ihstirtili lild7W2 II hi Mir Hi: I
lad' I . mm lean ft 1,, mi No. ilni,r a
urg t . 1,011 m fl lu nil bv I. la .Ur ill ttn
1 i.i.iiktix UJim H-ninning ai nrr dai,
"17V' "" ' " " man
71 dee J7 tnln e ta ft. Ik l M col Vl
niiis.iiu urns m ini tea
1 rain . sl v fi , ttwiic lo rtx m In. njVa
I i " 11 aim laTnlonr Nn s.
I .?.'' !' .""' ' '
"ar 11 . ir .o I lbs nUbffr- of piwIliMln
' vhhitis.,. n i,i,k- L,.IL . J
.. ,v ,. n n in war 11 m as ay,
br . 7. drt 1 rail. MI1 II. lka I. .... i.
aw-a II and II, I a r Unn Ur a 77 d.s .
mlnw l.r.iri. ikmn In ,!. a ft ft l,, n
Mo I, tl.i'liro u MilrlCaln W MS ft ... K.r
No, ilieno a todeg an m,,,,,, s i ibrn,
a 7 dm n mln IM fi lo nn Ku I la elacr ,.
, WII.LUM TKf.I. I4.0K ainmng .. w
N I whaniw I'Snai nai'd in ra a Mo z bvare
lMidrrilnB7ai.ft,iie4H, riirbui am II
IIU fn (h.uc. a s i.m w w h trt jJ5.V
illixneenT dm 11 mln wiiui rt lo rot Sol
ihvnni n s Mln e Wl. It to isir , iImm a 71
i '.ir. T1" " '" - I "s fUrenl
lglutilng r
Hll.lillOil I.OHK Ural ug .1 n,r Km
rar Wl mm- II
I -t M .
i iwn. Ilisnraa In .l.j fl in mr h i,
I .,'i.r. isHdea- tain Iran n 5i. ,
llis.ii-e u lOdea-e Als a fl i,. v.. i .1.
"I .li'K II lllln e 117 III,, nir N , .,lMm ul
W W1IIK. Ilenlnulii .1 s i
si" n sii',1 in m ,N zn iar. . 7
.'mluY'-.M7'''""' 'I"' yi I
i i m. "' ' l l.. '
lla, ' in i"".. w!" w "'1U "'
iiaiiee n an ns w mlnw las, Ii i ,, So
liiu i ' 1- lii Mara, ul
' : .. . . . 1' . 1 1 in ti.r no a;
lilnnln u "w flr. ..I
wlJeUHin".'.'..! u!'!'l't?m
deir it mln sow ti, ih i4 S A, ;S "!
S!!1"i!t.. " ' " liM nn ileufl mln
V70.ll ll; thence a a mln w Uli lo mr No 1
nienreasi iiew 7Mlt mm K ; ihanrr n
. Mniln w 77 fin, mr Kn i. ihrnean s
. lii eW fi in ,s,r No IhsnrasNldra 'jutnlne
....... .. i, ma ,iaren. twtflliulliir
I lie net ra of the Vaiilna t'i,i,a,,lldairl
Oiiaru Claim la nit asrrs (sisliitivr i.l .n.
Ills! with II, a Fawn. A 1' A , Hill Hide, Idaho,
and Maul uniurvered Imlm.aiMl will, nilin
sNolllandlhatHiillniiofnidiif ma No im
nn,.nj ii,ueaii tine tn sain rawil liKle),
ana forma a iMirllnn ,.f uu ll,.,.. in n ..... i .
?f ' ' i.,w.'a ("rnil.l int)', Tfi nainea ol
.ijoiiiiiiaaiiu iiinniciiuir elauna aa shown
lirlh.lalofaiirv.)f are A C A,, J..-er and
oTI!." ","i!,,r,T,"P', ''"J," " " nurlliwrit, th
Idea and Slide of in a No. lis on ihe iintih, the
j, , ,,' .,, " ii.' amn
nll.HIH hide, Callloriila. Untie, Idaho, ami
Haul uniurvcrrd lislea on Ihe south.
Any and alt miioiii rlahnlng advensly thn
tovo dwribed land or any isirllon lleranl
K,..,,rn,lif' ""' ,W '! nl adversarUliuI
n t .li ofllia within tha licit rodava flwln
,ia . If "' "l ! i1"',1"'. "'""'l'l llr 111 to
vi " ..aiie.1 ny i.ioviaiona in law.
J. 1. IIsiihim,
Hint pulillealloii on IDIh day of rbrury, MM,
Unilcd Stales Land Oirico,
Hoseburif, Oickoii, Dec, "I, UK)'.',
Anliceia lietuhv ul
ance wild the provisinns id the net of
I Loimress of Jum,,'!, H7S, enlltled "An
2. . ,r "i" "' Umber lands in (hu
"":, "!. "auioriiia, Uregon, Nevada
mid ashliiK onTurrllorv,"iisoxlciid.l
all the Publiu Land Stales by actof
Annual -I, IM.:', .,,y N. Wilson, of IOii.
jfeiio, County of Lm,,,, Hlalo of Orfiton
in. lll.n liuv 11 lull 111 til Hliinon l,U u. ........
sliilemeiil No. -tllVI, for Ihe miicTm,,.
10 T.""' Ftf-M HWI-rof's.
? r.l'flHoM 'jAy.Hii.fwIllollcrprtmlto
show that tho lud HonKhtls inorli
nb o for its timber or stone limn fo
v .. orai purposes, ami , establlsli ills
VUHi i1,'1"1'1 '"'''MuIarie I.. W iro
,lj H Uniiulsslonur at Kuiteno, Oie,. on
lliiumluy lliol'iiliility ,,f Slarcli. llldl.
He iiunitH us witnesses i
J ) I'arrl-h.ofJem'rson, OreN
f;,r '"llJ''!y W.Houuk olCotViiKo
(.iou.,OroIran. Kwooil.of K.ikoiiu,
Anv mill n porsons clalmlnir u.l verso
ly the iiljove-iliiacrHcd Intnl. arii ro.
J'lwlwl lo file their claims n this oin
r before said lL'lh day of Miir., lUM.
J T. UiimuKH, Hi'iilBter.
NOTU'H rnii l'l in 1. vt0N
Unlli'tl Hinlts i.nn.i ii
HiiNjIiiitw, On. lib rffiS
Nittli-i li licH'liy ttiw n una i
plliuirn Willi Hie pr... i.,.,',,, "Jf"
Al't III I IHIKII'HM III .llllii
IUIihI "All At'l for the nnir
Lands In tin Htaii'M .,i
'I Tliui..
' ' 'I'l'nrwi
,w ""'iIiirIm
I ill) n,
" K,
' tf n
II led 1
tlii'tioii, rsin null an. i
Territory," iih i.mi.ii.i.
Public I .ami HlaioH tn
, IMI'i. I'llllllp i ni
uelii'. I utility of I ,i
Oii'Kiin. has tills dm
OlIIlK III HWIiril Mini. in. hi . iv
lor tlitilirvliilM of tin
;'' !ri
i 'iiiim.
'" ii'i
'' tain.
rowiislilli .1 m.iiiii. .
Wwl mill will i. Iter pt
Hint the hind khiikIh u
nlile for IIm timlier or -i.
iiKrli'iillui'iil imrpisMw
i. 1.,
Hall lil I'liiuti in sin. i
i:. iniMiirti, i . n i .
""'gull ,,
t ipr 1W
ut lirnlii. iiiiiihiiih . .,
'I' nirwiity tii. .nun im
lie iihiii." lis IIiii'h.m ..
Nnlliittilel I., MiiiiiI. '.,,
.hu'iili.liijsr. L. I Hull
rftiit'ii., Otv.
1 in
Any Hint Mil h.hiiiii. . i, ,tl(t M
vernOy tin nu-,i lumi,
riMitlmllil til III.' their . luim. Ih ,(?
iilllit' on or Is.fon' sni.i .ii,,n, ..
April. Ut.
J. T. II M i li.ui.lrr
NOllt'li I'Olt l'l III I. M,,.v
llllllwl Stal.. I ,,,
Itowblltg, I In- I ,i
Nolle, i lifiteby Imi. ii. i
pllatice vtltll IIsm prm i.i ....
('ingle June a, in;n , ,
aei for tlie aale of IIiiiIh i . ,,
SlalM ol t'-allltrrnla, i.i, v ,
iin.l WalilngtMi li iiii . .
tviidnl In all the Put. In I ,, i
art ol AuMMt I IMWf. -l;ut.l.e,
I ( l-ane, Mali- .
tbl day tlll III tb.
' iirir.
ii ..,
"- arltl
""I As
' tl-
-'alci ti
I' Ul. W
. ..r
- li;p
. "I,,
-' M
' IU
' 111 1.
I s
. .. I,
tlateUMsHt Xo. IIIW. I"i ii .
of Ihe NK H of aa-t'tlun N
ship No ft si. Kanirr. N"
Hill ettr maul to bow n.
DUtthl It iiiwii. li, ,i ,.
Umbel of slime llian i.. .
piirior. awl In MiUiilii'i' i
aid land Mote I'. I-.. II...
Ctwiiulaatuuar at liiain, l
t).,uiiTliuitly. the .hm
II naitHM a,wliin -PWIIIp
Cartm. J...,. M l.
I Am Co., Ore,
Any ami all f,.o. . ! ,
verelr the . ni .
ts)rse4eil t Hie I heir rla .
orfte on of Mot mwi mhi,
I Wet.
J.T. Ilan-.s.
t K
' m
t'tllleil Malra I m i.rl.r
Ibawbnrif, Ornr".!!. In-. -r
XiHIre I lieseby KUrn .-tij
tillanr with tile prvii,.iis ,i i. . n,.'
'otreims of June 3. I7 n,iii.,.i An
act fiir the Ml. irfninUi Im, l tot
hlalm of Callfniiil.,.i.
awl W sl.iii!Uin IVrriii.i. ' an i
la all the Public Iwtnd suir. i . ii,J
W" I I, IMW. f'liarle A U . . .. , rr
( . ..l'll C. of I .all.- "-Intr ' "rt
ha tin day HUil III llna ..III. r '.
laleiiient Xo. IIM, ln 1 1,.- ..u i -cil
i be tt i SW V. W ,k ' s :..
tp in shhiiIi, nf lUiiift. 7 W ami a ITtf
fit,f in atiuw Ilm I Ihe lm,. s., , 'i l
(time .aluable lor tl innU. . -;
llisn tor .nr. .-. - ' v
r-aiat.liall hi rlailll lo sm.l Ian I i it
Mmir I,. Wale. I' S. i',,iini, . .f
at Oreafon, on t "t
Ulli .Iny ol Mat. li, IWiKt.
lit- nn.irra aa Mlliinwr
"irne llimler, of l.ilKeur. I .
I lir Jmnea l-tamlle, of ralrui'.tii i !
.. Orr-. Chatloal. Hbaiill ..I I ' "
lrfi. in., Orvajoli, I. I'. Me
M..O...I, IrftneCo., Ore.
Any and all rWtixiii rUunin,- i 1 -
1 1 ll. ulaive-iierrlbil Un.l- '
.pi. It-.l In Hla their elailn in ' I "
in isr Ih lorn Mid tub day ul M " ""
J. T. IIniim.k I-. ii -
I'lillwl Slate Ui"l oil..
ItisHibinvt Ore , Jan I'".'.
.Nuili-e la lieieby Klvi'll that in m
pllnliit1 nllll the plllVlslona ol !.' let
('.i.ur.-.s i.l JiiiioH, IH7H riiiini- An
. t l..i Ilm aule of tllllU-r hituls n Ih
Stale. .l I'rtllfiiruia, Oreuoli. Nrnoaarw
H saliii.ati.ii Teirllorr, a mu-iul. d Id
all the PiiIiIil Unil Klnlisi hi nn ) ,u
Uilal t, IM, ItelaM-cit Wilson, ol 1-iiKcnt.
i.... i Unit, Stulit n( Ore,, lia ih
llliil in tlilsoinco licranorn laicinent
.Ni I.l ' I for tho purchase ol tlicM 'i
MV l-l. hWI-lNKI-t, NK 1 ikWM
. l-l SI', l-l nf Hen N 0 oi Tp
No. il H.. Kaintti No. 1 Wel amlaiH
! uir"r I'""'"' j!'","""1 "7
i more vnliiable lor It llmUr ..r tn
than for piiriKwe ami lo
Msiaiuiaii ner claltn to mini iiiuo n.ic
Marni L. Warn V 8 Cnuuius-ioiier
at Kimenii, Ori'Koll, on Tli.silnv Id
7lhiluy of April, I IKKI,
Shu nainea n wltner-ses
N 11 .Martin, of Uotliiire tnovc. Un
Co., Ore,, J. W. I'nrrlsli. A. J Sim
milker. of Jeirerson, Marlon l On..
N. T. Wilson of KuKeiie, V.. Off-
Any uud nil persona claimlUK nilHTsr
ly tlio aUivo-ilcscribed lands are
quested to lllu their cluims In Ihisolnr
on or beforo said 7tli day of April IW
J.T. IIiiiihikh. Ki'Kister-
United Htuti'H Liiml ("lcc.
itowdiiirir, Ore., .Inn. Ill, wa.
Notlrn Ih lierelty kIvoii Unit In com
plhtiK'i) wltli tin. provlHloiiH ul I he ut'
of CoiifrreMH of Juno ll, IN7S IHW
"An net for tho HitliM.r Umber hm'1"
In thn Ktiitt'H of Cnllfonilii, Oregon,
Nuviulii, mill WiiHliliiKtoit Territory,
iiHoxleiiileil to all tliti l'llbllc I'"11"1
Htitti'M I.y net of AuiriiHt !.
L'lmrlwi 0, CokIII, of Mi'Mlllltvlllo. Co.
nf Yfiiulilll, Htiito of Oii'Kiin Iiiih H'1'
ilny llh'il InUilHofflfi) lilHMWoriiHlnlC"
i,,...ii M, . I. hi-: r..i. i. ...... ..f Inn
,-, mi, ',,,,, nil mi, Illlll lllini.
HXM ofHit'No. 'J, Tp, i!l ti, ol Hnf
.. ivi'Ht unn win oner iirou. "
xliiiw Unit, tlio Inml HotiKlit Ih inure
vnlimliloforllH timber orHlono tlm"
foriwldilttiml piiriiiiHeH, mill l"
IuIiIIhIi IiIh clitlin to Hiihl Inml iH'inre
tliu Iti'KlMtfr mill Iti'iulvtir ut. Il"
lilirtr. Oreu-on. nn Kiitin-iliiv Iho Willi
ilny of April,, iikki.
lie llillili'H iih wIIIK'hsch:
.liimi'H N. Kiuiillo, of Knliinoiini.
LlilinCo.. On... Iloiirv Coirlll. of M":
MIllllVlllo. Ore.. Alvln.l. I'tirklllH. '
('row, Lmio Co,, Oiu, tlcorKO w
iiiinttir, or UiiKoni', l-niiii CoOivBo
Any mnl all iioihoiih cliilinli'rf
viTHuly tliu almviilfHcrllii'il IuihIh
n'liiii'Hteil to lilo their cmlnm
officii on or before. hhIiI 26th IllJ
Apr., 11H):i,
J. T. IIiiiihikh, im'K'-
'roia.t altentloii paid lo MinlnK Ilume