Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 27, 1903, Image 5

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After Eating
Hmiicfi lictworn monls, IiuIcIiIiik, vdiii
Itltiir, lliittilonco, Ala u( nervous
iiclic, lmlii In tlio ntoinncli, nro nil
symptom (if lyicplu, ami lliu lotior
it In ik'kIccIciI llio linnlcr It Is Id cun' It.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Ilmllcnlly mill irritmii(!iilly euro It
ttiviiKllii'ii and to no tliu tlomiicli mill
other illxosllvu oi'Knn fur llio twttmil
pfrforiiinnco of tliulr function.
Accept no Hiibatltiita for Jlnod'a,
I "1 Mil dyspepslA twenty-five :eri Alid
tank different nirillcliiea hut gut no lirlp
until I begun tnkln HimhI'i Hnriaxirllln.
Ilnvii taken four bottles of I Ills mullein
ml caii now rot almost anything, sleep
well, Imvo tin cramps In my slmimcli, no
tiurnliiR nml no dlntrriO Mas. U'ii.uam
(I, lUnitCTT, M Olnr-y Ht rriirlilenrv, II. I.
Hood'n Gartopnrllln promises to
euro and koupi tho promleo.
Ilnd Seen llctlrr Day.'
Klml I.mly I mippuiHi you Imvo won
, U'tlci iluys?
Triinip Yon'm. Ono iliiy lint week
I K"l Hint) illmiiir ami 10 Item rt. Do
trolt I'li'O I'loiM.
I'lio a ('urn fa a rrinnlv fiirfniiftlis, ooMs
ml roiisiimpiloii, TryU. 1'rlco M conti,
at OriixiiUo.
An OM Maid's Philosophy,
Wo inny 1m lmtlur nfter suffer Inir,
mnl no may liu worro, but our comll
lions must depend upon onriehm, nml
should iinvor Imi Inlil to tlio nnliiro of
nor mliiiiiltirn. Kroni "My Old Maid's
Corner," Tlio Century, Mutch, 1003.
'llio only iiirrmv twirtli mi) UiIiik In
this vi u r til la ixirrow for nthurs, nml
iKirmw for others nirnna helping others,
not liiiiriflnx our to uurwlvo.
From ".My MM Mnlit'ii (femur," Tlio
Century, March, ltio:i.
To liiii It liml seemed Hint llii'so nlio
occupied reiitum of uffwtloii should Imi
leas coiicoriiitd with whnt I'liino to tlii'in
on their iluo, 1 1 1 it ii ltli nlmt went out
from them as tlu'lr oliliKKiion; Hint,
like tliu mil limit, they should I ii ct-n-turn
of reiitrifiiitnl finr, rn-l iitttn,
through the. very fullness of their J'iy,
llliM nml itladnesa in o otlicr live-.
J-rom "My Mhl MnM'ul'oriinr," Tlio
Oiitury, Jiinuiiry, lUU'l.
afc.JlJ'tiiiii w t
lTilii . .. k vduh ppai r
Not Her llroom'a fault.
Mrn. CaM'y 0, but 1 loolit n folno
littlo cliluy vaia that Mlko bruni; mo
whin bo (oiuo homo Into from tlio Dim
myrrntla rally Hulliurdny nlclit. T'waa
lt lila own i-artdeinur-M, too.
Mrn. CaMldy Did ho drop It an'
break 117
Mra. Cey (In cnrrind It homo In
bis hat. Nliuro, ho might a' k no wed
that'll lio tho lurit placu I'd loak him.
Aluit forget One.
rinnnlgnii I'lmt's tho matter wld
HoKitn thura dayn?
IIooIIk'hii Ilo Invlntod an armor
that nollilnn run pierce, nud a slioll
Hist will plerio any armor, and he
dwnn't know which to ferit. New
York Times.
"You say that younu woman compli
mented my aliiKinK?" ho oxclalmod,
"In n wty," tho young woman re
plied. "8ho said slio would mllicr
lienr you try to nine than try to con
verso." Washington Star.
ehronic Sores
Eating Ulcers, XaA
And a source of worry, anxiety and endless trouble to those who are afflicted
With them, particularly ao when located upon the lower extremities whore
the circulation is weak and oluv-glsh. A gangrenous eating ulcer upon the
leg is a frightful sight, and as the poison burrows deeper and deeper into the
tissue beneath and the noro continues to spread, ono can almost see tho flesh
mcltluc away and feel the strcugth going out with tho sickening discharges.
Great running eores and deep ofTcusive ulcers often develop from asimpla
boll, swollen glnnd, bruise or pimple and are a threatening danger always,
because while all such sores uro not cancerous, n great many are, and this
should make von suspicious of all chroulc slow-hcal W ulcers and sores, par
ticularly if cancer runs in your family.
greatest annoyance becauso they are
so persistent and unsightly and de
tract from one's appearance.
MJtddlo aged and old people and
those whose blood Is contaminated
and tainted with the germs and poison
of malaria or some previous sickness,
or excessive use of mercury, are the
chief sufferers from chronic sores and
ulcers. While the blood remains in
this unhealthy, polluted condition
healing is simply impossible and tha
sore will continue to grow and spread
in spite of washes and salves or any
superficial or surface treatment, for
the soro is but the outward sign of
some constitutional disorder, n bad
condition of the blood and system,
which local rcmdlcs cannot cure.
S. S. 8. reaches these old chronic sores through the blood. It goes to the
very root of the trouble nud counteracts nhd removes from the blcod all the
impurities and poisons, aud gradually buildB up the entire system and
strengthens the sluggish circulation, mid when the blood has bceu purified
blood purifier and tonic combined aud a safe and permanent cure for chrouio
sores and ulcers. If you have n slow-healing sore of any kind, large or
small, write us about ft, and our physicians will advise you without charge.
Book on Blood and Skin, Diseases free.
I lilnjj the Illume.
Well, I'nclo linn: in, lint liroiiRhl
you imroT
I'tmi ln lilx porllceinou liy do rail
In', id' IioiiiiIi,
Yes, hut didn't liquor Imvo anything
in on Willi It?
YiwaIi. liy wim hofu drunk, yo
iiniiiili. (JhlniKO Nhh'd.
Could Afford It,
"Hoy, thorol" yelled tha liiillKimnt
I'ltlroii, (IihIkIiik iiilikly liacktraril.
"You droppod n lirlrk Just now Hint
en mo within nn are of hitting mo on
Ihn hond!"
"Knpa III" shouted tliu workman on
tho tuelltli lloor til tlio iinllnllliril sky
rn'miKir. "Hu'vn .iillnly inoro r
tli 1 1 up here." Chicago Tribune.
mini Sympathy.
"U'Iiiiii I wan vour aiiOi" mhl Mr
(lildhaKM, stonily, "1 cnrmxl my own
Ilia ton looked unonsy, Mil wan
"Well, havn you nothliiK to ray for
yourrnll In that conncctlonr"
"N nothing, sir, mcept that 1
sympathise with you, and congratulate
you on lliu fact that It's all over."
Wlie llroi., the Portland Deniliti, Say
"Help Thylf."
In many wayn tho ilontltt la your
lioit frloi.d.
Ilu liolpi you wliun your troth aro
tllrd. When your truth wear nut and
hri-uk down ho ttoix In and hrnroa llii'in
up, pitta new 1 1 fn Into Ihcin, and inakra
lliinii fllliinnt. lour mariw In llio,
your fiMillniiH, whuthor of contoiitinont
or worry, urcntly ileiunil uixin now
your nourlnhiui'iit nurooii with you, Is
It not n rertuliitv that your food will do
you littlo Kood if your tenth aro unable
to perform thvlr rluhtful work? To rny
mithliiK of tho ailvnntnKo of havInK a
KihxI looklnit wt of twill (tlmu hlrh
uotliinK In mora effo lively attractive)
It In inoro rouiforlnhlii, nml abnoluttdy
Indliiiionpablii to health, happlnom and
iiKceM, to liavo n not of tooth that uru
rnpnhlo of lieliiK iimhI.
Why dalay a mliiiitu?
Thern in no kiIu ennnoctnd with
huvliiu your teeth put in perfect ordor.
I riutru I no alit In KotlliiK. an entire
now pet of teeth, which cannot bo ton)
from natural oiiok. Wlno llrotburn, l
tho I'alllnit lluildiiiK 1'ortlanil, Ori'Kon,
n ro niiikliiK M-oros of peojilo happy
every day, by nendlnK them away with
an kink I a ret of teeth an nntuiovvcr put
Into a mnn'n or a woiniin'n licnd. Tliu
cost of thulr uoik Ii oitromvly inod
lherii in littlo cichi for anyone,
now-n-dayn, noiiloctliiK I heir teeth.
Teeth aro extracted nluolutely without
mln, and the oxeiio o( tnrlrK n now
u life, with n nound net of truth, in
ullulit. Chairty Ix-xlna at home, and
nil porrona liavlni: regard for their own
wolfaro nliould 0 Iminmllatoly and con
nlt niirli.omlnuiil modern duntlsta aa
Wiio Ilrothura.
The Low Hoot.
A sen in Hardened oat". In bo?
Tufnut Do wolst over. Did
notlto haw- baldlieadod he it?
Afciiin Yes.
Tufnut Well, dat'n from ildln' so
much In prison vans; It wore all tie
hair off tho top of Ida licnd. l'lilla
Oulplila I'rois.
Vail Can nt Allan's root Km rllEH.
M rllo Allen H. Oltnilixt, Ixtlloy, N. V.. for a
triMifiufipltnf Allen's Fuot Ksm. Ueureachll
lilaltia, sweslliiK. dsmp, swollen, aertlne leet.
It rnskrn new er ilirht noe ?, A rrlln
rure fur Cnrm smt llunluiu. All dnicgiiti toll
it. He. lKiu't serept any uUtllute.
Could't lie Otherwise.
MlsnSllm Who wroto "Man Tro-
Misn Antli)Uo Trobably some Inex
perienced young author. Now York
fYC rrm&nMitlr rwrM no SU ntnoomm
rt I O kfttr nri -Uf'i u,rir. KII'aOrt htm
tutenr. S.n.1 for I'll lilt S'J.OO lill U4U soJ trr
Wt. H.ll.ll.KUt.LU.HlArcb5uri.UJ.ll'tU.I'
Alight Regret It.
Mistress Poor, darling littlo Topey I
I'm afraid tho will never recover. Do
you know, Urlduct, I think the kindest
tiling would bo to Imvo her shot and
put out of her misery.
Ilrlilget 'Deed, ma'am, I wouldn't
do Hint. Slio might gut better, after
all, nn' then yo'd be torry yo'd had
her killed. Punch.
Face sores arc common and cause the
Valdosta, Oa., Btptombsr, 1000.
Dwlft Bptetflo Co., Atlanta, Oa.
Star Blrei-BomethlDg- Ilka a rising;
eamo on my tnstsp, vsry small at
first, not at all painful, but aa It
Brew laro-ar and bsiian to pain m I
consulted a dootor, but" In spits of
all bs eould do the aor sot worst
and began to discharge' thsn other
acres came until tha whols top of
uy foot wis one larva mass of sores
and I oould not walk. Then my bus
band, who bad'boen ourcd of Borof
ula bjr tha use of B. S. 8., aald bs
believed It would cura me. I beiran
taking- It and etirht bottles cured
rao my foot healed up nloely, I bo
lleva I would hare been a cripple
for Ufa but for B. 0, 8,
una. o. sc. kino.
and the system purged oi all morbid,
unhbalthy matter tho heallug process
begins, jaud the eating ulcer or chronic
sore is sbou entirely gone,
8, 8. 8, contains no mineral or poison
ous dnigs of anv description, but Is guar
anteed a nurefv vegetable remedy, a
mi iud
A pliynlehui of Colombia linn found n
dccorllou of colTre husks to bo effective
In miliaria nuil oilier dlscnsr wlicro
j ii In tin- had railed.
Kvrry niiluuil Is Mild lo Imvo tin own
kind of Hen, sometimes several different
kinds. Many Hioiisnnd specimens of
llii-so liens Imvo berii gntherrd in the
imliiilii museum of Charles Itothschltd,
kept by Dr. Jordan at Trlnu t'nrk, the
ghiut of thin nlrniiKo collrctlou being a
mole Ilea a fifth of nn Inch long.
Living orgnulsius hare resumed their
functions nfler enduring the cold of
ll'iuld air for six months. It Is suggest
rd that tho rrmnrknblo experiment
should be continued for yearn or a gen
i ration, for our theories would ho great
ly modlllrd hy an Indefinite, retaining of
vlliillly. and probability would he given
Iord Kelvin's npeculntlnn that life may
Im vu reached the earth from space.
The first Inrgu vapor motor applied
1 1) navigation Is to ho placed on the
llnhlng boat of M. Kmlie Allnxln, novr
being built at llotilogue. Tha vessel,
which Is ninety feet long and In design
ed lo enrry three hundred tons, will be
provldrd with a twodiundred-horss
power motor for oncrutlng nets. The
motors will use cither gasollno or nlco
hoi, of which the tanks will contain
eight thousand gnllons.
W. C. Marshall, of the Khellleld Helen
Hue Hcliool at Yale, has Invented
pressure rrcordrr which, when suhsll
tuled for Hie ordinary rowlock at tho
end of the nutrlggrrs of a racing shell,
measures and registers tho pressure
exerted at every stroke of the imr. Tha
varying force of tko strokrn during a
long rare can be ascertained, mid it Is
Intruded to apply the machine In the
selection and trululng df tho university
Hy tho Iliihon process, black pigment
In Hindu by pumping ncctylcne Into ntcel
cylinders to a pressure of iiIkmiI two at
mospheres, and then panning nn electric
park through the vessels, the gas be
.tig thus dlssorlnlcd Into Its carbon and
hydrogen. The hidrogen Is collected
for any convenient use; the cnrlxm Is
ready for the market. Acetylene black
Is free from the oily Impurities of or-
llunry lamphlnck, and the demand Is
already so great that the first factory
now running In Switzerland Is like
ly to bo followed by others In other
Tliu claim of Mount McKlnley, the
culminating peak of the Alaskuu rangx,
to be regarded m, the loftiest point In
North America, Is sustained by the re
port of nn exploring party, made by one
of Us members, A. II. Ilrooks, The
pnity mnde a Journey of 600 miles on
foot In Alaska during the sriisan Just
paused. (. I,. Itenhuni, the topograph
er of the expedition, believes that the
measurements of mountain heights
which were made hnre a probable error
not exceeding 1U0 feet. According to
thoso measurements, Mount McKln
ley's elevation definitely exceeds 20,000
feet; that of Mount l'oraker Is 17,000
An Italian physicist, Signer Salvlonl,
linn devised n tulcrobnlauce of such ex
treme delicacy that It clearly demon
strates the loss of weight of musk by
volntlllxntloii. Thus the invisible per
fume Heating off In the air Is Indirectly
weighed. The essential part of the ap
paratus Is n very thin thread of glass,
fixed at one end and extended horizon
tally. The microscopic objects to be
weighed aro pi need upon the glass
thread nrnr Its free end, and tho
amount of flexure produced Is observed
with a microscope magnifying 100
diameters. A mote weighing one-thousandth
of n milligram perceptibly bends
the thread.
I'he eyeglasses herewith illustrated
arc the Invention of a famous French
oculist. Naturally nil soils of thing
are claimed for them, hut those whq
ought to know declnro Hint they will
renlly correct astigmatism. They say,
too, that the reflections of objects In
the rear of the wenrer, which aro so
annoying, arc entirely done away with
by these uew eyeglasses. Whether or
not this bo true, It Is certain that
many manufacturers arc already com
ing around as close to tho shnpe as
they dare. It must he conceded Hint
these glasses attract attention to the
wenrer. and for that renson alone they
should ho Immensely popular with tha
Four Hundred.
ltoll Hutter.
Tho young housekeeper who told tho
Ashman Hint she wanted some eels,
and when ho asked her how much, re
plied, "About two yards and a hnlf,"
has a rival In a woman mentioned in
the Chicago News:
"I wish to get nome butter, please,"
she. said to tho denier.
"lloll buttor, ma'am?" he asked, po
litely. "No: we wish to eat It on toast. Wo
Ecldom have rolls,"
Iinmor Quantities.
Miss Gnbblo And she accused mo of
retailing gossip nbout tho neighbor
hood. Miss Shnrpo The Ideal
Miss (Inbblo rosltlvcly Insulting,
Isn't slio?
Miss Bhnrpo Yes, for you'ro really a
wholesaler. Philadelphia I'ross.
Convict Competition In Austria.
To rid themselves of tho competition
of the cheap products of prison labor
Austrian manufacturers want tliolr
government to transport convicts be
yond tho sea.
The dlltlculty a man finds in getting
noma one to ea his bond, n woman en
counters when she wants some ono to
tako" her club.
Code of Kliiu Ifaiuiiiiimhl In fitone
Just 1'oiinil nt Sinn.
"This Inscription Is doubtless the
most Important find that has over been
made In Itnbylonliiu llternlurc."
Much In tho opinion expressed by
l'rof. Hugo Wlucklcr, of the Universi
ty of Merlin, lu his translation, Just
published, of (ho I.nwa of Hammurabi,
Inken from a ntolo discovered a few
months ago by tho Krem-h expedition
that has been for years engaged In
archaeological researches In Husn, tho
ancient capital of Persia, under the di
rection of l'rof. Do Morgan. The In
scription was found on a dlorlte block,
'i.'iti meters In height, laki-n from tho
Tho stela contains, besides a picture
Illustrating how King Hammurabi re-
celred these lawn from the sun god. a
complete legal codu of 282 separata
lawn, of which, however, Nos. m to 00
have been chiseled out. The gap I, Uf
part remedied by fragments found In
llio greai iiurary oi yiHsuriinnipni.
Thura nro sixteen columns of Inscrip
tion found on tho front of the stone
beneath the picture of Hammurnhl.
nud twenty-eight on the rear.
A special Introduction and conclud
ing admonition to futtiru generations
to obscrro faithfully tho requirements
of thin rodo Indicate that the lawn con
tained In It were made by Hnmmurahl,
tho contemporary of Abraham, tho Am
rnplml of the Hcrlptures, and that this
Is tho oldest corpus Juris extant, ante
dating even tha days of Moses by hnlf
n thotisnml yearn or more, the dnto of
the Hammurabi being about 2300 II. O.
That a Ilahyluulnn Inscription of this
sort should be found In the Persian
capital Is readily explained by the fact
that It was brought to Husn as liooty
by tho niamlto kings, and It Is not tho
only specimen of the kind here found,
the transfer being made probably In
the seventeenth or sixteenth century.
Tho discovery only confirms what was
Indicated by the Tel el-Ainarun finds lu
I-gypt dating from tho fourteenth cen
tury, which nro also In cuneiform writ
ing, namely, that this yrns at that early
period tho common language of di
plomacy and International and busi
ness communication.
An nnnlysls of theso laws shows that
the codo was confined to secular rant
tern; nud. while In ninny Instances It
forces iiiKin the render. Iwth hy Its
agreements and Itn disagreements, a
comparison with tho legal system of
I'cutstcuch, It Is shnrply distinguished
from this by the absence of religious
or ceremonial commands and prohlbl-1
tlons. !
It Is exclusively n civil code. In
general It shows Its Semitic origin by
recognizing, even to a greater extent
than Is dono by the Pentateuch, tho
lex tallonls of an eyo for an eye and a I
tooth for a tooth; and many of the '
merciful characteristics of the Mosaic
legislation are conspicuous by their ab
sence. Hut within these limitations It
doubtless Is what Wlncklcr calls It,
"one of the most Important original
sources In the history of mankind In
The orlglnnl text, together with a
French translation. Is published by
the Asnyrtologlst of the expedition, I.
V. Schcll, In the fourth volume of tho
"Delegation en Perse," the official nar
rative of tho expedition. Thcro Is n
remnrknhlo monotny In tho forms of .
theso laws, ,ench beginning with the
word "If," and this peculiarity, an well
as its stringent measures, is suggestlvo
of the Draconian legislation. New
York Suu.
It lie. Led to Klied Hula In Hulldlilg
Tticlr lfuiuea.
In the new mining towns In the coal
fields of eastern Illinois stand many
long rows of littlo bouses, all lu each
town exactly alike, the same size, same
color, facing the same direction. Why
all the houses In each town are as much
alike as peas, the outsider Is always
punlcd to know. He makes many
guesses If he is a curious person, but he
never guesses correctly, and unless
some mine owner Is talkative enough
to tell of former experiences In building
miners' homes tho outsider will remain
Ignorant on tho subject.
Although to outsiders there appears
to be no reason, unless It be that of
cheapness, for having all the dwellings
exactly alike, there Is a reason, and a
good one, too. Tho envy existing
among miners living in the poorer
homes for tho larger and better built
cottager forced the mine owners to
adopt tho "every-house-allko" plan. If
a mine owner now wants to bnlld fifty
houses he has plans made for oue, and
every building Is built upon those plans.
If one has a cellar beneath It, nil
must have cellars. If one has a glass
front door, all must have glass-front
doors. And after the houses are built
and occupied no miner Is permitted to
add a porch or a walk, or to paint his
house a different color from that of all
the low cottages In the long rows.
Until tho founding of the newer
towns the builders paid little heed to
the kind of houses they erected for the
miners. Host of the habitations veri
mere huts of two or three rooms. The
houses were set on the hills aground the
mining shafts, or ranged In rows near
a creek, or a spring, where there was
plenty of wntcr. Somo of ttje houses
were a little better than others.
Thcro came about feuds botwecn tho
families of miners living In four-room
houses aud those who bad ,to llvo
In a two-room hut. The situation at
last grow ao serious that the mine own
ers were forced to build nil tho houses
around tho new mines after ono pat.
tern. It solved tho problem, and put
nn end to the quarrels between tho fam
ilies of the miners. Formerly the bet
ter houses were often burned, but since
the adoption of the new plan there has
been peace
Tlio Verdlot.
"What was the coroner's verdict?"
asked tho stranger of the limn who was
returning from a lynching party.
"Yes. Ho deliberately courted de
struction. Ho let himself got caught
chcatln' In a poker game." Washing
ton fltitr.
This has bceu tho kind of 11 day
when wo wished wo were a bird, nud
could liy through the ulr with a straw
lu out' beak.
Tiipnian, a prominent'
1 lady of Richmond, va., a great
j guffcrcr With Woman's (roubles,
tcIg l,ow EJC wa8 curc(
1 . ,loT. tomQ yea.n suffered with
J fWtott
i trcd many remedies, but nothing
gavo any positive relief.
I commenced tnklnir I,vdla K.
rinltliuin'H VetrctnbloCoiii pound
In June, 1001. When I had taken the
first half bottle, I felt a Tiu,t Improve
ment, and Imvo now taken ten bottles
with tho rcnult that I feel llko a nevr
woman. When I commenced taking
tho Vcgctnblo Compound I felt all
worn out and wan fast approaching
complcU nervous collapse, I weighed
only 09 pounds. Now I weigh 100J
runds and am Improving1 every day.
gladly tcntlfy to the benefits re
ceived." a TUPMAS. 123 West
30th St., Itlchmond, Va. tsooo forftlt If
original of abwo Mttr pnvtrig gonidlnontu tantKt
Se ptututtd.
AVIicn n medicine linn been stic
c:Hful In moro tliim a million
cnncH, Is It Justice to yourself to
any, without trying It, "I do not
lielfcvu It would help me?"
Surely you cannot wish to re
main went; anil wide.
Sirs. IMnklinm, wlione nddross
I r,ynn, Muss-will ntmvcr cheer
fully nml without cost nn letters
addressed to lior liy fclclc women.
Perhaps hIic lins Just tlio knowl
edge) that will help your ono
try her to-day it costs nothing;
I Iiava fctan nalnar CAMCAltCTS mmA av
ft mtl4 mnd tOKtir Us&ilv tber r nmuif to
ticrfal Mr dofbtr and I were tot b red witb
tick itomKca ftod our breftlb was ry bid After
uklng a few dmti of Cfttcarfta wa Lara Inprored
PlesiAot. ralatsbl Potent. Taite Oood. Do
Good. Neter sletin. Weaten. or Grltx. I0q.1m.Ux.
auriiar a."., tMHr. nio. .ir,L . t..i. in
Ufl.Tfl.nAf! Sold and rnaranud by alldrnt
MU'lU'UAb (hum cuucTobaocDUanik
Lancuage Deficient.
Cholly Eoftbrane Ya-as, I cavr n
make mecelf nndebstood in French,
Beryl lllueetockholme Iteallyl The
Rnzllsb language is awfully deficient,
I, n't it?
Mothers will Cna Sirs. rTlnstow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor tbelr
Shlldreu dunug tho teething period.
Felt Injured.
Tiro god natured little Irish boys
once occupied the same bed. In the
morning one? of them said to the other:
"Dennis, did you hear it thunder
last night?"
"No," said Dennis. "Did it really
"Vis, it thundered aa if hiven and
alrth vroro comin together."
"Well, phoy In the worrnld didn't
ye wake me? Yo know I can't slope,
whin it thundoral" said Dennis.
'Bran or Onto, Cm ot tolxdo,
Lccas Cocxtt. I
Fbini J. CiiiNfr makci oath lhat he is the
senior parterot the Arm ot F. 1. Chiksy A Co.,
doing buslnris la the Cltr ot To'edo. Conntr
end state aforesaid, and that said arm wlUpar I
the sum 01 ONE HUNDRED HOLLA Rd tor each 1
and ererr caae ot Catarrh that cannot be cured
ojr the uie ot Haix's catirsh Curs.
Sworn to before me and subacrlbed In rar
presence, this th day ot December, A. I). ISSd.
juai. Aetary Puatte.
llall's Catarrh Cure li taken Internally and acts
directly on wo Diooa ana mucom suriacei oi
thesTttem. Send for testimonials, tree.
F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold brdrugglits, 75c
Hall's Famlljr I'llU are the best.
Adapted to Flats.
"I see that you have taken up tho
vertical system of penmanship. Why
did you do that?"
"Oh, havon'l you heard? Why, we
are living in a flat now."
Tlio Kind Yon liavo Always
Sj TitutUAan aieisTisro'
-AlJt,V 3).l I 1 1 ii' i m 1 n s
turo oi units. 11. ! ictcncr, nml 11113 uccn iiintio iiuticr 11 is
Iiersonnl siipcrvlslon for over HO years. Allow 110 ono
o dccclvo you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
sTust-as-pood" nro but Experiments, nml cntlnnprcr tlui
licnltU of Children Kxiicricnco ngninst Kxiioriiuunt.
Cnstorla Is a harmless substltuto for Castor OH, Taro
Korlc, Drops nnd Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotia
Bitbstanco. Its ncro Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd nlluys Vovcrlshness. It cures Diarrhoea nnd Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It nsslinllates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Ilowcls, kIvIhit healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The KM You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Milk Cows.
Wbon yon milk n cow and fatten her
for the block at the namo tlmo. tou
will succeed In making the tonghett
beef. We do not know why this Is no.
but It'n a fnct, Just tho same, says tho
Mi oi isii American.
Mononile Canned Fruits and Vegota
hies are distinguished fromothor brands
by a beautiful bluo Ifitiel embcteod In
letters of gold. From an esthetic view
point tho Monopolo label Is a work of
art, being pronouncod by thoso who
hare seen it as the finest Intol ever
made for canned frnlta and vegetables,
Hut tho quality of Monopole Fruits
is fully In keeping with the boauty of
tha label are in fact the boat that
money can boy. Get them from your
groctr. Wadhams & Kerr Bros,, Port
land, Ore.
How He Won Her.
Hlio Somo persons claim that they
cannot look from a height without
wishing to cast themselves down. Did
you ever have that feeling, Mr. Yearn,
Ho Once.
"Indecd7 Where were you?"
"I was In an elevated car, and I saw
you In the street."
UKU WflUt Ml IU f AILS. .
Dot i'4-vgh Bjrap. Taute Good. CM I
in limn, ivhi rrr nnitims.
Salier't Rapt
food t
um j
1,000.000 Customers"
lr tnitaart Word t,t anv xmr nn Mrlk.
Ami l wm tr rmcLhiff rnt for mora. Wa
d'j by July nt, vtspji mora tod feme
liu (uipienoacnica ouer.
S 1O.00 for HOc.
1 we win mail tnxm fw; tor loam umpg ,
vui aims muu'iaiifiiuni iimi.i wauif ,
. wfrJi trV9 fsniirr cr tmrdmrr to- A
UfVllirTIlt V MltJIW.
nil this
itr With
too. to tlm.
ftetviftt onr.
McCAULEY & BURBANK, General Machinists
Mine, Mill and Marine work. General repairs. Printing- Machinery repaired and rebuilt
Poole Bldg., Foot of Morrison St.
aitMl it thoroughly thru time
Uo ud mite, nefor asinff,
j. n. Mtlone, o(Atfl,
on bog tuul U worth Dt
Bought 1ms borno tlio slsna-
Slgnnturo of
" I had a terrible cold and could
hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer's
uierry rectorai. and it gave mo im
mediate relief."
W. C. Layton, Sldell, 111.
How wilt your cough
be tonight? Worse, proo
ably. For It's first a cold,
then a cough,- then bron
chitis or pneumonia, and
at last consumption.
Coughs always tend
downward. Stop this
downward tendency by
taking Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. Tim sins I ISc, lfc.,'11. AR ftstititi.
Cloiunlt Tnr dofter,
ir ha lira tak. It.
It ha Itlla jon nnt
to tak It. than don't taka It. II. knowa.
lull It with him. Wiarwll1ln.
J. O. AIKKCO.. I.OW.II. Wajl.
J UMlilAal -
St. Helen's School for Girls.
Thirty-third yetr Commodious bulldlngi.
Modern equipment. Academic and college
preparatory council. Special courwi In
muilcandart Illustrated catalogue. AW
department now open.
A good candjr to a
Queen Reo
Cough Drops
Are made of pure hon
ey and menthol. Ther
are pleasant and ef
fect Ire as a remedy
for cotighs and coldi.
Try a package. Hold
by alt druggist and
confectioners. Two
packages by mall on
rerelptot luc.( stamps.
Pacific Coast
Biscuit Co.
lortland. Ore
Well Machinery
Oil or Water any
Write for catalogue.
Ctn'l Ajtl.
S13 Commer
cial Block
Ij3tt jf'vii
LICE on Poultry. ISgfcSlri&iSSU
kill the lice. Never falls. Sold by dealers, 50c and $1.00 per can.
Albert Blocier ot t bnhn, Minn., boujjhl can of ITumUo Uci Kilter and
tml clnd hl poultry houw
th poultry bouM wu ut with
nous cnvjrwiy irrsj irvrq
with ml Uc tuul mits.
uoujttb PniMiaut LicXiUr U juai tho thing for lice
timet lu eott.
l'ortlaud, Orrffon, Coast Acents
Foot ol Morrison Street,
Can irlTe you the best bargains In Boilers
and Engines, Windmills, 1'umpa and Gene
ral Machinery, Wood tawing M
specialty, tee us before buying;.
c Machines a
Chicken, Duck and Gecso feath
ers. Address
Um Um Ami I Mm n
10thmndDalmSlB.,Portl.nd,Or i
This wondtrful Chl
nest doctor Is called
grcst because he cures
peopl without opera
tloo tbi r given up
to die. He cures with
those wonderful Uhl
nese herbs, roots, buds.
v's.w'ri barits and vegetables
vV-i-i. ,llt r entirely un
.y known to medical scl
enffltn this country. Through the use of those
lisrmles remedies this fuutous doctor knows
ibe action or over 600 different remedies which
he successfully uses In different dlitases. lie
guarantees to curt catarrh, asihtna, lung,
throat, rheumfctWiu. uervousness, stomach,
ilver, klduers, etc. ; bos hundreds orieitlmoiv
la Is. Charges moderate. Call and see him.
l'atlents out of the cltr write for blanks and
circulars. Bona i cents tn stamps, COiNdUl
T ATI UN l-'UKK. Al)UltUti4
1J2H Third St., Portland, Orsfiia.
SrrMtiiUoa papsr.
V. X, D.
No. U-1B03,
HEN wrltlop to Urtlsr plena,
mention (Ula paper.