Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 27, 1903, Image 4

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    Bohemia Nugget
IIOWAIII) ft UltOWN, rubs.
Comprehensive Review ol the Import
ant Happenings of the Pant Week,
Presented In Condensed Form, Molt
Likely to Prove Interesting.
Germany la preparing for a largo ex
hibit at the St. Loula (nlr.
Eovoral persona Imvo boon frozen to
death in tho West and South.
Tho cornor ttono of the army college
haa boon laid In Washington.
Tho extreme cold weather continues
throughout tho Kait and South.
Anthony Hope, tho Kngllsh noveliat,
la coming toHho United States.
Goo. F. Bailey, a former partner of
lkirnum In the ahow business, la dead.
A fake lottery in which no prizes
wore drawn has been exposed in New
Southerners think tho settlement of
the race question abould be left to the
Rockefellor has given $1,300,000
towarda founding a medical institution
at New York.
Germans hare acquired much ttock
in the Panama canal company, but not
enough to secure control.
A corrected list of the dead in the
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, fire shows seven
dead and two still missing.
The epidemic of typhoid fever at
Cornell university continues unabated
Ten students have died from the disease,
All railroad employes in Holland
havo gone on a strike aa a protest
against tbe proposed law prohibiting
railroad strikes.
Brigadier General G. W. Baird has
been placed on the retired list.
The Panmaa canal company may not
accept tbe ofler of the United States
There is a disagreement between tbe
house and senate over tho Alaskan
Pope Leo celebrated the 25th anni
versary of his accession with imposing
Two men are under arrest for hold
ing up the Los Angeles street car.
They have been identified.
A fierce battle occurred between
Turka and revolutionists. While the
rebels lost heavily, they succeeded in
gaining tbe mountains.
Tho California legislature appro
priated (25,000 to defray the expenses
of the national G. A. It. encampment
to be held at Ban Francisco in August.
The United Mlneworkers of Illinois.
haa raised the salaries of all Its offi
cers. Tbe resolution favoring govern
ment ownership of mines and railroads
was lost.
The resolution passed by the sonate
providing that Rear Admiral Schley be
given the pay and allowance of a rear
admiral on the active list was tabled
by the house.
The only woman member of the Utah
legislature has Introduced a bill mak
ing It unlayful for a candidate to give
away or treat to cigars, drinks or other
refreshments or to furnish voters trans
portation to tho polls.
Tho house passed the naval bill with
appropriations for moro ships.
Provision has been mado for a cadet
at Weit Point from Porto Rico.
Tho powers of Europe have all unitod
iu demanding reforms In Turkey.
Brlgadlor Genoral Morris O. Footo
has been placed on tho retired list.
Ex-Lleutonant Governor Tillman has
boon refused ball in the Gonzales mur
der case.
Wyoming has made an appropriation
for tho 1005 fair. Colorado will soon
be heard from.
A bill appropriating f 40,000 for tiie
Lewis and Clark fair Is now before the
California legislature.
A h'lll haa been favorably reported in
the ceuato for n delegate fiom Alaska
to bo appointed by the president.
A. hotel at Cedar Rapids, Iowat
burned. A number of persons los,
their Uvea and several others were seri
ously Injurod by jumping from windows.
Canal Company'! Lawyer Saye Con-ea
pondence la In Progress.
Waahlnitton. Feb. 24. William Net
ton Cromwell, representative of the
Panama canal company, staled tonlgl
that no rcnlv haa boon mado aa yet t
tho proaldont'a aeccptanro of tho canal
company'a offer to toll ita property.
"The Panama canal company,"
Mid, "la (till considering tho propost
tlon made to It by tho ptesldent throngl
tho attornoy general aoteral daya ago
hut It Is not truo that It haa already
mmlA n definite renlv. Of con r so
havo liad numoroua conferoncoa with
tho attornoy general regarding tho mat
n.l ihn mutation la In correspond
onco between the officials hero and tho
Panama canal company. I cannot say
when wo shall make an anawer to
.Mr. Cromwell said also that no agreo
nient had been reached between tin
United Statea government and tho
canal comnany extending tho time.
limit of the'optlon.
Elected United States Senator from Ore
gon on Forty-Second Ballot.
Salem, Or., Feb. 21. Charles W,
Fulton was elected United States senai
or last night at 12:12 o'clock. Victory
came after scenes of intense excitement
and amid the wildest clamor from his
friends. It was on tbe 18th ballot of
the evening and the 4!d of tbe session
At 11 o'clock the opposition mado a
futile attempt to unite upon the name
of II. W. Scott, of Portland. Mr. Scott
received the unanimous support of the
Multnomah delegation lor two ballots.
On tbe third ballot, or tbe 18th of the
evening, when tbe minute band of the
dock was pointing to within three min
utes of midnight, Mr. Nottingham, of
Multnomah, arose aa bis name was
called and made tho first break from
the Portland members for Mr. Fulton.
lie was fallowed by Mr. Banks, and
then, aftei several other changes had
been made, by Representatives Fisher
and Jones. Mr. Jones' vote, however,
was not needed he was the 40th man.
To Senator Daly, of Benton county, the
fortune of completing the triumph of
the candidate from Astoria fell. lie
was the 45tb, and it took 45 tj elect,
W ben Mr. Nottingham abandoned his
Multnomah colleagues Mr. Fulton had
35 votes. It bad been arranged that
the Marion delegation would vote for
Mr. Scott on the next ballot, and if Mr,
Nottingham had seen fit to abide by the
wishes and plans of hla delegation, It
is probable that .Multnomah county
would have been successful in Its effort
to elect a man from Portland. With
his conversion to Mr. Fulton, the tide
in the direction of that gentleman set
in, and to him, therefore, largely rests
tbe resposibility and the honor of nam
ing the new United State; senator.
Agree on Philippine Currency.
Washington, Feb. 23. The house
committe on insular affairs by a strict
party vote authorized a favorable report
on the Philippino currency bill as It
passed the senate, but recommends that
it be amended by striking out tbe sen
ate provision for an International com
mission; also by inserting at tho end
of section 3 the following: "Provided,
that debts contracted prior to tbe 31at
day of December, 1003, may be paid In
tho legal tender currency of said islands
existing at the time of the making of
said contracts.
California Olves $40,000 for 1905 Fair.
Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 24. The
committee to which wag referred the
bill for an appropriation of $40,000 for
the Jxiwls and Clark exposition has
agreed to report the bill favorably. It
is understood that tho cost of further
reinforcing the exhibit to bo transferred
from St- Louis to Portland, and of
maintaining It suitably, will bo provld
ed for by the legislature to meet two
years hence, to the extent of at least
120,000. Considering the condition of
the state treasury, this la deemed lib
eral on the part ol California.
Will Become Receiving Ship.
New Yoik, Feb. 24. Tho Unitod
States transport Hancock arrived In
port today from San Francisco by way
of Valparaiso, Montevideo and Bahal,
The Hancock twas formerly tho Gulon
line steamer Arizona, and in her best
days a noted greyhound of the ocean.
She was recently turned over to the
navy derarttneift and comes hero to be
convreted into a receiving ship nt tho
Brooklyn navy yard.
Dills of Importance That are Uelng Intro
duced and Acted Upon In Both Mounts
Measure Signed by the Umernor
Progress ot the lUllotlng tor United
States Senator.
Final ballot Fulton 40. Oeor
Wood 17, Scott 21, scattering and ah
sent 3.
Tho ronato To appropriate 1100,000
for Indian war veteiaus, passed. To
make taxes tvavable In the full, pawed
To require that tho India nt general
election bo kept own until 7 r. M
Tho Houso For bureau of mines
passed. To provide great teal for th
state, passed. To provido for licensing
of plumbers, passed.
Tho vote Fulton 33, Geer 27, Wood
17, Williams t), scattering 5, absent
Tho Senate To repeal scalp bounty
law, pasjed. To clui'igo namo of Ho-
form school to Industrial school, passed
To create n bureau of labor, passed.
Tho House -To change boundaries of
Washington and Colnmb'a counties.
reconsidered and pasted. To tlx salary
of s'ate printer, rased. To extend
terms of assessors to four year, passed
Tho vote Fulton 32, Geer 27. Wood
10, Mattering 10, absent and paired 5
Tho benate To put Initiative am
referendum into effect, passed. For
creation of a bureau of mines, pissed
To appropriate $ 10,000 per year for
state filr, passod. For the construc
tion of a bri Ige across tho Willamette
at Portland, rus.ed.
The Houso A resolution was adapted
allowing the widows ot tho three pen!
tentiary guards killed by Tracy $ 1,000
each was adopted. To tlx boundary of
Washington comity, (allot. To loni
pensate Indian war eterana with $ 100,
000, passed.
Both houses adopted a resolution to
adjourn Friday night at midnight.
Tho vote Fulton 33, Geer 25, Wood
15, Williams, G, scattering 0, paired 6,
The senate To create ofllco. of stat
examiner of public iecords, passed. To
authorize Indian war veterans to bring
suit against tho state upon their claims,
passed. To repeal law exempting pub
licotucers Irom girnishmcnt proceed
ings, passed. The senate adopted
resolution to adjourn Friday, February
20, at 12 o'clock V. M.
The House To provide for flat sal
ary, passed. To change name of Ho
form school to Industrial school
passed. To fix boundary ot Wallowa
county, passed. For new bridge across
Willamette at Portland, passed.
Clackamas county school teachers
will hold an institute at Oregon City
rebruary -a.
Labor unions of Oregon City blame
Senator Brownell for the failure of the
eight hour bill to pass.
Tbe monument to tbe Second Oregon
dead has been placed in position at
Riverview cemetery, Portland.
Work on tbe Lewis and Clark fai
grounds haa commenced. .
Professor Jamos M. Maetindate, pres
ident of tbe Weston normal school, died
last Sunday after a protracted illness
Another rich strike has been made in
tho old Virtue mine, near Baker City,
a pocket being found which will yield
thousands of dollars.
The Marion county tax roil for 1002
has been placed in tho hands of the
sheriff for collection. The roll repre
sents a total oi if.uiH.UU.
Everything it was possible to carry
away was taken from the legislative
ualls at balem alter the closo of tbe
session by souvenir hunters.
It is understood that the Booth-Kelly
lumber company will put in a system
of water works at Springfield. Thoy
have already secured a franchise for
electric lights.
Governor Chamberlain hai announced
that a special electLn will be held between-May
1 and June 15 to electa
representative to fill the vacancy caused
by the death of 1 nomas 11. Tongue.
Wheat Walla Walla, 75977c; blue.
stem, 88c; valley, 7880c.
Barley Feed, $23.50 per ton; brew
ing, 124.
Flour Best grade, $4.3034.85; grab
am, 3.45(33.85.
Mlllituffs Bran, 118Q19 per ton:
miuuiings, IZ3 m shorts. 110(320,
chop, 18.
Oats No. 1 white. 11. IK m 1.90.
gray, percental
Hay Timothy, 111012: clover.
foiau, cneat, sucjin per ton
Potatoes Best Burbanks. 00(375c ner
sacxj ordinary, iuqjduc per cental,
growers' pricea; Merced aweets, $2
2.25 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed. 12Jc:
young, iitgi.-c; nena, izc; turkoya,
livo, loIt)c; dressed, 1820c; ducks,
$707.60 per dozen; geese, $7(38.60.
Cheese Full cream, twins. 10i4&
l7Jc: Yonng America, 17K18Mc:
factory prices, ,llc leas.
Butter Fancy creamery, 30W32Ke
per pounds extras, 30c: dalrv. 203
22c; store, 1618c.
Eggs 22r4 per dozen.
Hops Choice, 2227c per pound.
Wool Valley. 1215o: Eastern
Oregon, 814c; mohair, 200280.
Beef Gross, cowa, 83&c per
pound; steers, 44c; dressed, 7&c.
Veal 7M8Mc
Mntton Grose. 4c per
dressed, 7&c.
Lambs Gross, 4c per
dressed, 7&c.
lioga Gross, 6Mc ner
dressed, 7(3 7c.
Due to Seven Different Causes We are
Not Behind Other Nations.
Washington, Fob. 25. Tho presi
dent has been In correspondencii with
Secretary Moody respecting the matter
of delay In tho construction of naval
vessels, and tho secretary In turn haa
called upon tho chief constructor for n
stntomoiitot coi.d'tlons in various ship
building yarda where naval work la go
ing on. Tho secretary has submitted
a loiter In tho nature of a report to tho
president, Including with It the chief
constructor's report. In substance
thfso letters ahow that "while through
a number of causes tho building of
warship haa been delayed, and tho
dates of their completion havo been and
will bo considerably beyond tho dates
originally sot, tho naval construction
In tho United Statos is not materially
behind tho naval construction ot Eng
land and Germany in (ho mailer of
Secretary Moody argues that It
would be a mistake to offer n lionus for
tho completion ol vessels ahead of con
tract time, and adds that two months
ago ho directed that no lurthor exten
sion ot tlmo bo permitted, except by
hla own personal order.
Thu chief constructor's report shows
there aro seven causes for delay in
naval work, munolr, Inadequate to
plana; changes in armor or armament
or design; delays In delivery ot armor
and ordnance; delaya in government
inspection; delaya in structural steel
delava due to Inadenuato facilities. Mid
delaya due to inadequate snptlly of
skilled labor. All ot these subjects aro
treated in detail in tho report, and tl
point is made that alter nil the appar
cut greater speed iu English shipyard
la duo to tho fact that' tho vessels
delivered by tho contnetora In very I
complete condition to the government
which spend! several years iu many 1
stances in equipping tho chip for com
But Bowcn Politely Replies that She Must
Walt Till It la Due.
Washington, Feb. 25. Having fulled
in an effort to obtain from Mr. Itowc
tho Immediate payment in cash ol 5,500
pounds vt hlch it was provided In tli
provocol of Febinary 13 should bo pai
to Germany 30 days from date, lie
many today requested Mr. IIohcii
give n drnlt for tho anwuiit pnjnblu
Caracas on tho latter dato. This lattor
request was made on behalf of tho Ger
man embassy by llcrr Raltazzi, former
ly cha'ge d'affaires at drawls, but who
has since come to Washington, and haa
been assisting tbe embassy in tho pern
iug negotiations.
Mr. Bowcn was again forced to do-
clino this request, which ho did polite
ly, nl tho ramo time reminding Her
Baltazzi that he was bound by the
terms of the protocol, which provide'
that the 5,500 pounds should bo paid
at Caracas on tho 15th of .March to th
diplomatic representative of Germany,
Just what reason was given by tho tier
man representatives for making tho re
quest is not known. Such a draft
however, it is presumed, would ho ne
gotiable, and tho result would bo that
the Germans could immediately obtain
tho money it called for.
Tho nh)le matter Is presumed
bin on the question of the return of
the ships, national and private, which
were taken by tho German warships
iluriii; tho blockade, and regardln
which thero appears to bo a hitch
Tho Italian ambassador mado n call
upon .Mr. llonen today and explained
that bo hail been Informed by tils gov
ernmcnt that orders had been issued by
the adimralty on February 14 for the
sunender of tho ships taken by the
Italian vessels.
Mr. Btiwcn today prepared and hand
ed to the lepreeentativea of the block
adlng powers the drafts of the protocols
for the submission of tho question of
tho determination of preferential treat
ment to The Hague tribunal. The tin
allied powers will he invited to join i
this lisue alter the piotocoia wun wi
allies are signed.
tils Accounts Show Discrepancy of $533
-Will Make It Oood.
Boise. Idaho, Feb. 25. Chairma
Jenkins, of tho legislative investigating
committee, reports the discovery of a
discrepancy of over $533 in the ac
counts of ex-Secretary of State IUseott
representing n differenco between the
fees turned into the trosanry and tho
mount of filings as revealed by the
work of Iho committee's clerk.
Mr. Batsett has informed Chairman
Jenkins that he will deposit tlwainnunt
with the secretary of state. He says
ho has no Idea how tho discrepancy or
curred, adding that the greatest caro
was taken in tho work of recording In
struments, etc., and keeping check on
the fees.
Toledo Hotel Fire.
Toledo, O.. Feb. 25. The Hotel I)a
veaux was almost completely destroyod
by fire this evening. The flro was dis
covered by one of the guests on tho
third floor, and had gained qulto a llttlo
eadway. Kn tlarm was turned in nt
once, but by the time the department
had arrived the flames hail spread to
tho second and fourth floors. Tho
guests and help were notified and all
loft thu building in safety, many taking
their personal effects with them. Thn
loss will amount to $00,000, with $50,-
000 Insurance.
Russia Secretly Prepared.
London, Feb. 25. Tlio correspondent
ot tho Times at Moscow telegraphs a
confirmation of tho reports of extensive-
military operations in South itusHa.
He declares that special oaths binding
them to secro.-y have ixen administered
to all tho superior army olllcers. All
absent officers havo been recaloM to
their regiments, and arrangement! havo
been completed for 100,000 first class
and 100,000 second class reservos to re
join tho colors on emorgoncy call.
To Refund Island Duties.
Washington, Fob. 25. Tho senate
committee on Pacific islunds and Porto
Rico lias favorably reported tho house
bill to refund tlio amount of dutios paid
merchandise brought into tho United
Stales between April 1, 1809, and May
I, 1000, and also on merchandise
brought into tho Unitod States frmo
the Philippines botween April 1, 1808,
and March 1, 100?,
lllg Four Patienger and freight Trains
Collide and are Demolished - Seeral
Trainmen Were Injured Passenger
Train Loaded with School Teachers tin
Route to Cincinnati.
Cleveland, O., Feb. 35, Aa Iho re
sult of a headon collision Mween a
westbound passenger train and an east
bound frejght train a mlln or so cast ol
llerea, O., on tho Dig Four railroad last
night, four mall clerks were burned to
death and aoveral trainmen wero moro
or lesa seriously hurt.
All thu Injured nrw In a hospital In
Cleveland, It la reported tha no pita
songera wero hurt.
Tho passenger train waa qulto heavi
ly loauoii, nun many of ;ihu pis-enceri
wero scnooi superintendents and teach
ers on their way to Cincinnati to attorn
a meeting of school directors and teach
ers in that city.
inu unioriuuato mall elerka wero
caught like rata In n trap within thel
car, which Immediately caught lira,
and being lockol In, they were iinabl
to release, themselves. ,
llio sevno ol tho wreck is hut a fu
miles west of tho city ol Cleveland, and
riliel was started out Immediately
hearing of tlio wreck. Tho Injuries to
tho train news consisted mostly of cu
and bruises, and aro not considered
serious. All but two of tho cars of the
passenger train werendestroved by flro,
which probably started from tho over
turning of oil lamps in Iho express car
Ladronea ot Luzon Province Capture
Force of Constabulary.
Manila, Fob. 25. A (orcoof ludrones
under Gonetal Sun Miguel reappeared
In Rlsal province yesterday. They
avoided an engagement with tho main
fnrcu in tho south, but captured thiee
small detachments nf constabulary
Tho enemy surrounded tho towns ol
Lainta and Taylay, 11 miles east of
Manila, and captured 40 scouts and 10
men of the constabulary, whom they
ultorwanl set free.
Today Inspector McIUalno. nt th
head of thu constabulary, was suiprbed
and captured near .Moncalhan, 10 miles
northeast ol .Manila. The ladrone
promised to release (hem If the con
BtahnUry would surrender their nrms.
VMiilu they wore conferring on this
point, Mcllwalno inadu a dush for lib
erty, and he and all ol the constabulary
eflected their escaH.
w hen the nnwa ol the reappearance
of General San .Miguel's force reached
Manila, reinforcements of scouts and
constabulary were hurried into tho
Hizal province. General Allen and
Colonel Scott wont to Antipolo and as
sumed command of tho forces there
They mot with small detachments of
the enemy, and a few skirmishes took
place. They wore, however, tinabl
to locate '.ho main body of lad rones
ucnoral Allen aud Colonel Scott aro
continuing tho pursuit, and hopo to
overtake tho released prisoners.
It is supposed that nan Miguel
force consists of 300 men, armed and
unifoimpd. Tho scene of ladrono ac
tivity extends from Caloocan, four
miles north of Manila, eastward to tho
mountains and skirting the north.
McNeill's Island Prison Receives $75,000
Klamath Indian Dill Reported.
Washington, Feb. 25. The senate
today passed Senator Gibson's hlli pro
viding that any or all lands heretofore
included within reservations for rescr
voir purposes may, in tho discretion
of tho secretary of tho Interior, be
thrown open to entry and tottlomcnt
when audi tracts aro not needed for
reservoir purposes, and cannot again bo
selected In the future.
Favorable report waa made today on
Senator Foster's amendment to tho
sundry civil hill appropriating $75,000
lor extending and modernizing Iho
prison at McNeill's Island, near Ta
The general deficiency bill, rerorlel
today, currlea $15,000 additional for
tho foiifthouso and jnll at Juneau
Alaska; $17,480 tl pay tho Alaska
commercial company for cord wood
furnished the government In Alaska
nnd $5,000 for one year's salary for Iho
widow of Representative Tongue.
Representative Moody today favora
bly reported his bill providing for open
ing to settlement a largo part ol the
Klamath reservation. Ho will, if time
is granted, call up the bill passed by
tho senate last aosslon, making a direct
appropriation to tho Indians, nnd move
to substitute his bill which calls for
tho sala ol tho lands before tho Indiana
are paid.
New Riot Cartridges.
Washington, Feb 25. The wir do
partmcnt has sent notices to the gover
nors of each state that it is prepared to
tipply thorn upon demand and accord
ing to their legal allowances' with "riot
cartridges." This Is a now form of
ammunition prepared by tho ordnance
bureau to enable ouicera ot tho law and
soldiers to ropol rioters with tho least
possible loss of life to tho "innocent
bystander." Tho shell Is liko tho reg
lar shell used in tho army rifles, ex
cepting that Instead of the long bullet,
two halls aro used.
Fighting Plague Hard.
Mazatlaa, Mex., Fob, 25. There waa
only ono death from the plague today,'
and that at tho observation station.
There aro 35 patients at the lazaretto.
Two hundred persona are now Isolated.
Tho hull ring ia now bolng used aa a
prison, aa the jail la undergoing disin
fection. Governor Canedo la active In
preventive measures, and shows
great personal courago. Ho refuses to
leave tho city and go back to tho state
capital, until plaguo la etampod out.
Ohio Valley la a Sea.
KvaneviUo, Intl., Feb. 25. Floods
from tributary streams havo convortod
tho unio river into a sea. in somo
acea between hero and l'adcuah, Kv..
the river ia 15 miloa wldo. Thousands
acres of wheat aro under water. On
tho Indiana sido, oppolsto Owensboro,
Ky,, tho land la coveroj or a distance
seven tnlloa,
If Senate Does Not Ratify Them an llxtra
Session la Assured.
Washington, Feb, 31. Homo of (ho
opponents of (ha Cuban reciprocity
treaty thought that It could ho shelved
along with other legislative matters to
which there was opposition, and have
clnlu, to themselves that tho
president would never call tlio senate In
special session simply for Iho Culitn
lrly. Mr. itooievelt mado It very
plain today that tho senate could either
pass tha Cuban treaty or como III spo.
idal session to consider It. Ho did not
proposo to havo It lapse simply bccutiMi
certain senators havo mado object Ions
and kept It fiom being considered.
Under tlila threat It la probable that at
some time before (ho session ends thn
aeuato will ratify tho treaty In onlor to
avoid returning to Washington after
Match 4.
Many senators who aro going to vote
fur thu Colombian canal treaty admit
that It la loosely drawn and that It haa
soma features which am objectionable
to this government. Morgan, who' la
trying to kill It, la doing so In Iho In
terest ot thn Nirniaguu canal. II
thinks that If this treaty could Ik d
lea I ed thero would ho a chance for ft I
Tho friends of tho Panama canal
treaty claim that the action of tl
president In accepting tlio offer of tl
Panama canal company clusea thu bar
gain, and that the canal must bo con
structed at I'nuaiua. Only a small ml
nority of tho senato is opixislng tl
Panama canal now, and It Is doubtful
If It can bo defeated, as a largo majority
Is determined to put it through.
Crowded Trolley Car and Passenger Tral
Collide with Fatal Results.
Newark, N. J., Feb. 20. A fait ex
press on Iho Ijickawaim railrojd cut
through a trolley cir crowded will
school children at thu Ullllon nvenun
crossing today. Eight of tho children
were klllol and a score or more others
Injured. The motnrman, who stuck to
his post, will die, and tha engineer ol
tho express was so badly hint thai liter
Is llttlo hope, pi his recovery.
Both thu express and tho trolley
were on steep grades, going at right
angles. The express waa signalled and
the gates wero lowered whllo tho did
toy car was yet half way down tho hill
Tho motnrman shut off Iho power and
applied tho brakes, but almost immo
diately tha car begun to slip along the
Icy rails. It gained tremendous mo
inentum and at the bottom of tho hill
crnshed through tho gates, directly I
tho track ol tho oncoming train. Tho
locomotive plowed Its way through th
trolley, throwing tha children In every
Tlio accident happened within three
blocks of thu high school building and
In the car at the time were nearly 100
pupils. As many as 30 others had
managed to throw themsolvoa from tho
car before tho crush came. Tho trolloy
was one of tho specials which everyday
bring the children to school, it hm
more than Its ordinary load today
owing to cold weather. Ii contained
overy child that could squeeze Inside
and others stool on tho rear platform
Tho car had been mi crowded that many
who wore waiting for It before tho hill
waa reached could not get on, although
some climbed on tho fiont platform
with tha motorman.
Shells In La Fayette Slay Four Men and
Work Awful Havoc.
Now York, Feb. 21, Threw men were
killed outright, ono man so seriously
Injured that ho died later, two men fa'
tally and at least seven seriously hurt
In nu explosion In tho workroom of tho
naval storaga magazine nt Fort 1
Fayette, in New York bay. about
o'clock this afternoon.
Several were taken to their homes or
to Brooklyn hospitals. All the dead
and Injured wero workmen at tho fort
The explosion could bo heard for
miles around. Accounts as to how tho
fatal blast waa set off d Iff or. Ono re
port has It that tho men wero filling a
13-Inch shell, while another has It that
the men ware removing a powder charge
from a shell and undertook to unwind
a fiiso, connecting tho powder chamber
with the porcnsilon cap. This caused
sufficient friction to set oft tho cap nnd
thus explode the shall.
Pushing Work on Shamrock III
Glasgow, Feb. 21. Largo gangs of
workmen are rapidly pushing the com
nletlon of tho Shamrock III, Tho
challenger la designed to carry loss salt
than nny challengor slnco tho Valkyrie
III. All efforts havo boon turned to
the production of a yacht which will
drlvo easily in all weathor, especially
In turning to windward through a head
sea, and lack of which quality prove;
fatal to Shamrock II, All the hollow
steel spars are practically finished
The riggora are rearing tho running and
landing gear.
To Continue Until 1910.
Salem, Fob. 20. Senator Pierce's
bill to continue tho present approprla
tlona of state taxes until 1010 passod
tho house yesterday, The percentages
under tho now act aro to lo tho samo as
undor theoxistlng law until 1001, and
theroallor Ihey are to bo adjusted on
tho basis of average county expenditures
for periods ol five years, iho norcont
ages to bo paid by union and 1'anor
counties havo boon adjusted to corros
pond with tho change in territory oc
casloned by tho transfer of tha pan
handle from Union to Bakor county.
Three Killed In Fire.
Springfield, 0 Feb. 21, Three men
are dead as tho result of a flro which
destroyed $325,000 wortli of property
horo today and another la probably
fatally injurod. Whllo they wero try
ing to aave the stock In a jewelry store,
tho walla of Iho Fountain square theater
fell on tho store, which was a small
building, and tho men were buried be
neath tho ruina. Their bod los werol
recovered, disfigured and burned al
most boynnd recognition.
tluesta Forced to Leap from Windows to
Save Their Llvca Forty-two Mangled
and Scorched Burning of Register
Makea Lots ol Life Unccrtaln-llulld-Ing
was a Flrclrap.
Cedar Rapids, In., Feb. 23, Flro
early this mornllng destroyed thn
Ullllon hotel, cremated iilno of tha
guests and runted Injuries to 42 other
persons, who wore scorched or foicod to
jump tu tho Irozen street from thu arc
ond nnd third story windows. After
nn all-day search In thn debris, four
bodies havo Ihhiii recovered. It Is now
bollovod that live moro bodies remain
In the ruina ol thn hotel. Thu build
ing was crowded with delegates to thu
Statu Young Men's Christian Associa
tion convention nnd thu dlilcrlct con
vention of tho Knights ol Pythias,
Thu hotel register wu burned, making
It difficult to ascertain thn numlier of
missing Hraous. Forty men havo been
working in Iho ruins nil day, and will
contlnun to dig for thu remains of the
burned iwrsona all night. Thu prop
erly loss la.$(10,000.
Tho hotel, n thrco-story brick, It
said to havu Ishui a veritable flielrap.
Tho Humes started in n pile ol rubbish
In thu basement, presumably Ignited
by defective electilc light wires, Tha
night clerk was on tha third floor when
tho cry nf lire, mired by n Mi boy,
startled him. Ha took up thu cry and
in an instant tho hallways were choked
with frightened guests, A rush was
madu for thu hallways and stairways.
It was then that tlio crowd already col
IccUd In thn street hoard heartrending
arlcs of anguish aud dexiratlun, for
tho lire, feeding rapidly and ravinoutly
on the tlmler-llku material of tha lowur
lloor, had completely cut ell uscm.
There followed a tauiHdo for tha win
dows, tho only means nf exit lull. Tho
streets below were now tilled and tho
crowd was scarcely lesa frantic than thu
despairing ones In tho fast burning
Tha victims wero literally driven by
tlio llainrs to jump. Nearly every ouu
ot them lingered to thu last moment,
urged by the oilu below tu f,walt ns
long as possiblo In tho hop.! of assist
auco. Then a cry would tell that thu
lire had reached them or Ihasmoka had
mado it impossible to bieathe, and ono
after another Jumped, soma tu thn
street, and tome, more forlunatn, to
thu roofs ol buildings adjoining. In n
short space ot time tho street waa filled
with men and women, bruised, bat
tel I'd, broken-limbed and half-crazed.
All wero In their night garments.
Her Senate Will Ratify Immediately, that
Congress May Alio Act.
Washington, Feb. 24. llcrbort U.
Hqulora, minister to Cubs, arrived hern
tonight direct from Havana, and had
an audlencu with Secretary Hay. Mr.
Squlers said his mission hero Is to
"clean up" curtain matters connected
with thu Plait amendment. Awaiting
him at his hotel was a cablegram slat
ing that thu Cuban congress will taku
up thu consideration of tha reciprocity
treaty at onro and Mr. Squlcra ex
pressed the opinion that It would bo
ratified during thu present weak.
It waa learned tonight that this
treaty would havo been acted upon
sooner, but tho Cuban government was
awaiting action by the United Statea
senate. Now, however, that thu 'mat
ter haa been delnyexl, tha Cuban gov
ernment wilt use every meant In Ita
owur to cxHllto act Ion on tho treaty
In thu hope of tavnrahlu action by tho
united htates sonate.
Street Car Held Up.
losAngoloa, Fob, 23. Tho daring
deeds of hfghwayroon, who soem lo
havo Invaded Ijos Angeles In forco,
came to a climax tonight when two
unmasxed men held un and robljod n
carload of passenger s nf tho Iia Ange-
los-rasadona electric line. Thirty-two
passengers, ono half of whom wore wo-
mon, were forced at tho tnuzzlo of re
volvers lo surrender cash and juwolry
lo thu amount of butwocn $500 and
$700. The rohboia performed their
work leisurely but effectively. Tho car
was hold for 10 mlnuloa. The men
then loft It and diaaimoirod In thx
darknesa. Tho hold-up won carried out
In a way that marked thn two outlaws
aa old hands at the business.
Coal Oil In Ireland.
Dublin, Feb 23 Tin) dlsenvnrv nf
oil near Mount Joy Square, in this city,
has rained hopes that tho old bog laud
throughout Ireland may provu similarly
productive A eampla of Dublin oil,
which haa boon examined by experts.
was pronounced to Ihi of good, cloar
quality. It was discovered In tho
basement of an ordinary houso. built
on reclaimed bog land, and It waa said
mat a copioua now haa continued slnco
tho find was mado flvo woeks ago, Hx
perta attach much Importance to tho
Make examinations Simpler.
Ran Francisco. Feb. 23 Thn ri,lf
elerka of tho railway mall aervlcoof the
I'aclflo Coast, who havo licon In conven
tion in this city for thu Inst thruo daya,
hnve complotod their labors nnd n.,1.
Journod. It was decided to modify the
examinations required of clorka who
aaplro to enter thu sorvleu by eliminat
ing an supurlluous matter which haa nn
bearing upon tho duties required of a
railway mall dork. It Is iinilnmtnn.1
that Superintendent Thrall will lssiln
ordora for tho proposed simplification
i uiu examinations within a few days.
Sent to Manila Again.
San Francisco, Fob. 23 Tho trans.
port Kllpatrick will sail on Fehriisrv
28 for Saniar with the Fourteenth In
fantry regiment. Tlio mon- ore to tako
tho place of (ho First Infantry. Tho
Logan, to nail on tho last dav of this
month, also will carry tho first snuail.
Iron of tho Thirteenth Cavalry, 100
Marlnos and a largo numbor ol saloon
paesongors. Tho Shorldan, next lo ar
rive from tho Philippines, will lodiio
on March 3,