Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 27, 1903, Image 3

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    Ilm IItii iiiiitiiiiav.
f Tut I ituo Uruvii'N tl.i-diili, I'llcr
urtle, i'iinIIIiik liiii'M'MM milker. I-'ifO
4 In c. celeb in led tho" Mill iiiiiilviMNiiry
of Mm lilrth Numbly IiimI, by kIvIiik h
uriiuil turkey dinner nt thu ('online
(li'ovit hold, mill to unilortnku In
xny morn limn (lull Kri'd wiim I tin
IiiinI would Iki nil lilln wiimIi" o woi iIm
lor nil who lmvi iiimiIu IiIh iirtimliii
I nlii'o hIiiw ho I'limi) lo 1'iiltiini' drove
III .Inly, llxll, know IiIm Ki'iilnl. whole
mulled iIIhiohIIIiiii itml tluil ln In n
im-L Knunl minder In the art of on
IciIiiIiiIiik. Mr. (Iiili. iih nliovo
Hliilril, mum to CoIIiiki' drove In
.Inly, IIKil, anil oiicuod iiia Iiiii-iii'hh
All IdnilH.iff hi I lie mill.
Ilran 1 .(,- pgr hundred al t lie mill.
I'mnIi palil Mr i i'iliir ImiIIh al I lie
limning mill, 'ol tiiRc (liiivc.
Dr. Mmi'.v vImIIimI IiIm pitrculHiit I lie
comity wal IiimI H lay.
Hverv Indication iioiniH lo n
lively en if) 1 1 in Bohemia tlifn hchmoii.
.1. V, I'iutImIi, of .li'iri'i'Hoii, wiim
ii'kImIi'ii'iI al Ilm Hotel Nlirnvnoil
Wi'ilni'Milay. .
Mr. ami Mtm. I?. A, WIIImiiii re
turned ThurMiluy from a few wivUh
vIhII lo Kan I'Vanclwo.
Dr. I .owe, lln iii'iihi-uptlchiti of Kit
" II I V. II
g lllillilll ncilSQll,
anil h'palr Mliupun lllvt-r Mtreet on IK Ihiiou-iiI tin- Hhcrwood hotel
u: i i tin iir itii
Wc want lo com
pare Prices on Clean,
tlic Wi-Mt xlilii where lie Iiiim Imlll up
a IiiihIiiiwm dial, to nay tln leant, Im
wonderful, ciiiiMlilorliiK tbo miiiiiII ho
Klnnlim. Ili Iiiim boon i-i mi nl lei t to
Imllil to IiIm IiiimIiu'nm Iioiimo twin
within (li IiimKI mimtliM and Ih now
mii crowded for room tlinl no Im com
tcniphttliiK an entirely iumv two
Mtory Mtrnctiitv. However, Hitch
wonderful Mtrlili'H an Mr. dale Im
iniiltliiic In tin bunion IiiimIih'mm in
till city I'oliii'M not from luck or mihI-
ili'ii favor of fortune, Utility nriloiiM
loll ami careful Mtudy of IiIh IhimIuchm.
lie Iiiim been colinecteil with Hie IiiimI
tie la Hm every ileparlmi'iit uinl Iiiim
for Hut piiHt your Ik-cm In Bi-veral
illlferenl Hlale-. ami prom com Cot-
tMRt drove IiIm Im-mI location. The
followlUK article clipped froiii the
lliiini'MM World, lYhriinry (IHOH)
liiimlii-r, flnt-liiiiattl. ().. mIiowm how
well ami favorably Mr. dale Im
known 't'li' article from which HiIm
m taken wiim pulillMlicd with a photo
of I'rcd'M Mliop and Im very i pll-
ineiiliiry tohlm: "Mr. dale iMunvn
terprlMhiK harui'KM maker, lie wiim
Intra la IIIIiioIm forty-four yearn ao
ami learned IiIm trade In VorUvllle,
III. and for wveral" yearn wiim In Hie
retail haniewt IiumIiicmm In Kwimiim,
ami rovereil all the wt-Mtein territory
for Hie AleldiiMoii I Kan. I Saddlery
Co. Mr. dale Im a good HaleMinan
uinl Im ihoroiiKhly familiar with the
liarilHMM bindiuwt." I'iimI'm many
Irli-mU In .Southern l.ane county
wImIi IiIiii a many more pleawini
lilrihilay nniilverxur.vM iim he Iiiih al.
mtily enjoyed anil Miimw In hul-
Injunction Suit--
Mis. KHb Wall, of '' cm.
owttor of lite Uvenlng Star mine.
Bohemia, by Iiet attorney. A C.
Woodcock nml I.. T. Hutris ,h i
llled an injunction in Uic J)mitU
county court HKaima the Dieuou
securities Co. ll i alledRed Hmi
the Orckjou Secutities Co lius
iMiOluion llic I5vcniiiK Stai u.iue
in drifting on the Cliiiuiiou lc.lne.
135 feet. It I uiwersiuim nun
imincnse (u:iutitif.. of v.ilu.iltle otr,
AHMyinK nn IiIrIi n ffx t ""
lias Iteon uneovcrcil and uiilUd b
the eomiNiny. Hclinlilc mhims
Kivc inforinalion thai tin; ImIrcU
not only rich in cliainctei but in
iiuantity- I" i0'- lct the Uil,se
is until to lie fully io feet wide.
The Midi Ceo. Iloldman. plaintiff.
.1. C. .IoImimoii. attorney, vm. S. rluip.
man, defendant. .1. S. Medley, attor
ney, wiim heard iM'foiv.liiMl Ice VailKhn
and Jury IiimI TiieMilny. la HiIm muII
plaintiff brought aillon to recover
17, alleged to Imi due iim the ii'iital
for a team, wiikoii anil harncMM. The
defendant net up thai he wiim to
have the team and tint lit tor carliiK
lor and feiillnu the team. The ea
link up Home time and fui'iiUlieil
coliHlderalile auiiiKemenl for the
crowd, ami a verdict wiim kIcii In
ilcfcmlaat. The Jury wiim iim (iiIIuwh.
W. V. Hhanefelt. .1. T. All! U
UlllilKii, .1. . IteiiKon. S.auiler and
Duko Knox.
Htoveu HarrlM wiim uplciiHiiut caller
at the NtiKKfl ollleo hiHt Monday.
Mr. HarrlM, iiotwItliMtaudlnurthe fact
I hat ho Ih 7M yearn old, U Htlll hale
and lienrty, althoiiKh lie miIiuHh
that, keeping up a Kood Mlwirranch,
breaking uuw Kroimcl, and putting
In brldKCN, thu rcniilt of thu recent
Hood, Im tellhiK on Idm anil he Iiiih
alioilt concluded that ho iniiHt kIvo
up part of IiIh actlvu work, an rheu
iiiatlMin Iiiih taken a pretty Kood Rrlp
on Idm. The Nutwet wImIioh .Mr.
HarrlM many yearn of active life.
School entertalnmentn uiv produc
tive of much K'ood anil nhould be
Klven oflener than they are UMimlly.
They aiv not only cntcrtulnlm; to
thoHo who attend lint are productive
of Kivut koi id to the HtiidentM, In
that they, la takhuiand aetliiK their
partM, kuIii conlldence In thcniHclvcH
.and make much better Htudentn.
KnU'rlaliimeutM hIiouIiI bepatronlied
byiillwho are InteiVMted In nchool
work and the advancement of the
One of thu moHt Important In
iliiHtrleMlu thlHHectlon, ami of which
very little, ban been wild, Im the piling
ludiiHtry. Am an llliiHtratlon the Pa
cific Timber Company of thin city,
lant month Hhlpped 2.K),0l)0fiot. Thin
company alomt with their Keneral
lumber luiHlneHHln inakliiK anpeclnlty
of furnlMhliiK pllhiK and law timber,
and the company Ih continually
crowded with ordern.
V. 11. Abranm Iiiih Jimt limtalled a
uuliiue hiiw mill In IiIh phiuliiK mill
near the depot, U In complete In
every particular having an auto
matic reverHiiblo currliitftt, anil Ih
iihciI for hiiwIiik ttp cedar boltn,
which ho Ih purchiiHliiK, In dlmeuHlon
plecoH, for door and window framcH,
If you luive heailucho have Dr
I,owo tout your oye.s You may need
to remain till Nnlurdny noon.
J. D. 1 1 ii lily, proprietor of the Im-IM-rlnl
holel vImIIimI Porlhind and
U'iihIiIiikIoii polulM HiIm week.
deo. 1 1 1 1 1 I . formerly with It. V.
Newlanil, Iiiim b?eii appointed deputy
ilHHeMMor for HiIm neetlon of fjinn
.1. T. AIIImoii Im liiillillnt,' a MiiliHlnit
tlal nlilewalk from IiIm rcMldence lo
InteiMeei with the Hide walk on Itlvi-r
Mlreel. '
Merl IIiIh entertained a number
of IiIm little filemlM IiimI Monday. It
behiff IheoiriiMhui ofhlM eighth birth
day, One of the Krcjit ncmlt in Ilo
licmift U a smeller. In nil prolt
iibllitv nt leant our will lie put in
this vear. 1
.tohu Kr.ver,
One rice lo all.
A full line of Vej;
bles always in stoelt. 3
Produce Wanted.
aiiout siina idk f:ui;roN.
Dr. f-4iwe oculo-oplli'laii KiiKi'ite.
J'rof, ItrlvcKM Iiiim ami lined a kxmI
proKraui for (hi) nebiHil enlertnlii
iiient ami thu patron nhould all at
tend iim It will be iiic InlcrenttaK
Kt'lihiy and In noon, of Knturila;
I'eb. I lie LTt Ii and tt. Dr. I.owv
IhiKi'iiK'n well known wnlo-optlclau
will be lit I'ottiw drwir. Make it
note of tht an he will ii mull any
iiiiiioiinccKient eanlH.
'I'he Mclutol etitertaliiaimt will Im
very liitort-MtliiK you Mhoufcl atteuiL
I'niii'd HtHli'ii frfiiiil OITii
Itrm-lmrK, die . Kelt. 7, IIHW. I 'gS
Notli-u Ii licrcliy nlvcn thnt. In emu- 1 wj
pllnni'u it i Hi tlio iiriivinloni! of the net of 1 ,6fJ
('iitiKreM of .liinc :t, 1878. entitled 'An Vffl
net for the mile of tlmlier liind In theSy
HtitttM of Ciillfornifi, Oreuoa. Nevmhi, L6fl
nun ti-fiiiiK'.'ii n-rriiurv, iin rx-
OrcKonlaii News llurenu, Wnsli-
iiiKtou, Feb. 21. Senator Mitchell
today dictated the following:
"I am Krently Kr.-itificd over the
election of Hon. Charles W. I'ul-
I ton to the United Slates lenatc. f
am doubly gratified from t it c fact
that personally I inn tinder great
political obligationi to Mr. Fulton,
he having been in the past in nil
my contests except the first, he
was not then in the state my able piirtnn'eii, unit to tMih bi claim to
If you want a lirst-elass place to
stay while transacting business
in Cottage Grove, he sure and go
to the
tended to nil the Public loi'd H In ten by fis
lie i ni a i
tlila ilny (lie I In tlii' ollVe hm imorii
iK'lof AllKllft I IW)'.'. liny H. Pottn. of'jbfl
...a .in nil.".! ill .iiiruuii i; nil. nn.iril Sui
Illti.liil.liL N'i. .111(1 .,.,,..),..., IBJ
of the NK of Ktrtloti No. 20 Town
lil No.21 H. Itiie No. 7 Wptl nml A'
will (lifer tinmf to ihow Ilm the IhniI Hk
w)ii(ht i mori! vnlunlle for itn
limber or ntonu titan for nHTriciilturitl l"?
Kayser House
It is a quiet place, conveniently
located and the tables always
furnished with the best the mar.
ket affords.
mid efficient HIiptKirler, and in the , "''' '"'"I In-forc (J. K. Ilanrd, V H. lsi
. . ' .... . . ' r........l 1....... ... ri :.. I, . r... .OB
lobe one of the most thoroughly l''"' n..l.y. t. .,. I.,.. r Apr. g W , Mays. Proprietor. g
tquipptil men in Oregon for the lie i.iui.en n,,WitniW. : &.r..r,r,r.
Kvery lady Im partial delicate
,, . . ! iMTfiime ami dainty toilet artlclcM.
rormerl.v ciikiikciI In Wci... i..., ..i ..i... . ..... n.
the livery biiHfiienn In (IiIm city. wiimIm-mI Im lleiUMin DniL'Co.
wifk on a vlnll with, ....,.,, ,...... j u
day from u llyltiK trlpttfe- lcltoy
In town t Ii Ik
old frleiiilH.
Mrn. T. M. Parker who Iiiim Ini-n on
a M'veral wi-ek'n vlnlt with pareulH
and frlemlMiit her old lioinc, Albanv.
rrturniMl hiHt . Monday.
.IiimI Ice ViiukIiii nayM marrliiKeM are
not coming In very rapidly Junt now
not wIIIimIiiiiiIIiik the fact that hefn
open to olllchil 1'iiKiiKeiiietitM aluiiK
that line.
'I'he KfinlliiK for the new HWltch
trarkM fur the K. P. Co. at thin place
In icolmc nteadlly on. The new trarkn
will extend from the depot t" the
Miitilli end' of the yard and will Im
Home JloO yarilM long.
I'he N linnet own the band bnyn
an apotiiiry for omlttliiK thu Im-iiln ol
their entertainment IuhI invk. The
NiiKKet font' wan crowdeil with
work ami then you know, mlMlaken
will happen.
Prank O'Neill, illntrlrt piiKenKcr
lUfiMit fur the Northern Paellle Its-..
wiim a caller at the Niucuet nlllce ImnI '
Weiliiewlay. Mr O'Neill nK'iikM
uliiwlmtly of thepi-OMHH'tH of Oivkuii,
and niiyM that the tM'ople of 1 1 awt
ati JiihI iH'KhinhiK to llnil out the
jwirudelful iidvaataKeH offered them
mi the Paellle commI.
mine, I'oht-mla
1 1 1 tit; print uiapn of any owuhIi1
in KOBciiur, Oregon tiinirici.
nniiwing mu vacant lauibt lor .lOctM.
each. If roil want mi v Infortunium
from the U. S. Land (HIUc. aildn-w.
Title OiiHrnnte" Ac l.oiirt Co.. IIin--
litii'K. 'ri'.
.1. (I. Powell wan n vMtor to Cot
tage drove t IiIh week.
IMIiicnw of hill land, an linprt.ri-d
Sacrcn corn land, Ikvhw. new tmni,
milk limine, orchard 'i aci"n. l! uillen
north of Cottage drove. SUUki.
canh. H I vo ioMM.Mnlou May I. P.
Mm. II. II. Veil tch returned lioiuv
Monday from a wveral wtvk'n vlnlt
with her pnrcntHnt CorvalliM.
lleiiHoti lirugCo.. thei popular pre
nerlptloa drug nton'.
I II. Itiwuburg. of tlie Paellle
TIihImt Co., vlnltiil lliMWell SprlngM
IiimI Saturday.
Mr. and Mm. Uv Henry vlnlled her
pareutn, Mr. and .Mm. .1. It. Ilrown,
nt ICugene liiwt Sumliiy, returalug
home Monday morning. Mr. Ilrown
will remove from ICugeue to Wood,
burn thin wi-ek, where he will engnge
In IiiihIiichm.
Acknowledged by all I'lirmcivs
That the til'Jt.tOCSll I'l.OIV In JiimI the Plow
for l.ane county noil. Why? Ilccniine It rutin cany, nt
any depth nml ilm'H the work better than any other
1 plow on the market. Pvcrythmc In the Hardware l.lne.
i A I Wynne's Hardware.
ShortM ?1.'.H iKr hiimlred, at the
('. S. ( ouaut.of I.oraue, wiim in the
city t IiIh week.
The IIoix-hIiih' IteNtauraut oM'ii
day and night.
Mill i lmpn 1.0.". M'r hundred at the
A woman naiiieil Diirlan, living at
llouileng. dreamt the other night
that mIic wiim being murdered. She
ii woke In no great alright that nhe
nimlveil theeffwt
Connecticut raukn llrnt In the
manufacture of ammunition, briiNH
wari', clockn, cornetn, cutlery, noedlen,
phiM and hardware.
Piiruilriign pivncrlptloiiM lllled to
the letter aliMolutely pure ilrugn In
fact thi U'Ht of everything. Ilennon
(loverninent lunpectorn piimkciI up
on tiO,irS,M:i live anlmalH hint year at
a cHt of a little more than 1 rent
LatllcH try Mm. W. It. Ohiiioii'm
plain newlng and ilrcxMimiklng. ft t :t
Thu rewnrd of neveral million dol.
larn offered M'veral jeam ago for a
pvaetlcal telephone iiday Iiiih not yet
been clulmed.
Mr. nnd Mrn. .1. I). Parnhull left
Tliurnday euroute to the Sound
The I'nlted Staten producer or
maiiufacturen half an much an allot
Uurope combined.
The Held work of the foivHtry bu
reau engngen ltl'J nclentllle men In I'-'
Htaten, .
Colorado In lo have a ?I,(MMI,(K10
beet niigar plant.
Prance e.porleil autoniolillf
worth $."i,7IHl,lM)0 hint yeur.
.1. V. Thornton ban purcluiHcil the
K. H. (looduiau eonfeotlonery ntore
and will take charge Immeilhitely.
Mr, (loodman will leave the llrnt ot
the week lor an extended vInII.
When the cry of fire In Hounded
then you happen to think about In
Hiirauce. A hint to the wine In nulll
clout. The Oregon Fire Itellef Anho
elation Ih Mutual; Ih nufi;, and eontH
about oae-half the rate of Htock com
panleH. $1:I,000,0(K) liiHiirance In force.
AddreHH S. JC, (leorge, ICugene, ()ii
gon, Agent for Lano County. 8 t :l
'I'he San KraiicjHco lirleklayern
Htrlke, In which -100 eraftHinen were
Ideiitllled came to an end hint Satur
day. The, Htrlke Iiiih been In pro
grcHH for nearly two inontliH. The
end came upon the. agreement of the
Ilulldera' AtMoclntloton agi-eelng to
bIrii a wago scale of $0 per day for 8
houro service-.
Mealn ami short ordern at all
bourn day or night at the llomenhoe
Dr l.owe'n ghiMHCH lire good glannen.
The IlomcHhoe llentauraut In tiHlng
Cottage drove baked lirvad at the
(ieruiau bakery. Try It and you
will une no other.
What in probably the blggent loco
motive In the world ban Junt Urn
completed at Schenectady for haul
ing freight overt he Itocky Mountalnn.
It mciiHUtvH 70 feet, and on a level
track can haul a train of goodH
wagotin a mile ami a half long.
Are you nick? Ilennon Drug Co.
will llllyour prcHcrlptiou.
To nuelian extent doen religion pre
vail at tiouoata. In the South Sean,
that every man, woman and child on
that Inland who iIoch not go to
church at leant three t linen u wit-k In
liable to be artvnted ami lined, the
Hue going to the king.
The M'rutch of a pin niuy cause the
hw of n limb or even death when blood
piiiKiiiiiiig teiHiltH from thu Injury. All
dimmer ol tldmiuiy he avoided, however,
by proiiiptlv uiiplylliK Chmiibcrhiln'H
1'iiin llului. It in iinliia'ptic mid quick
henllii)! liiiiinent for ruin, brulcon nud
bin iim for mile by Lyons A Apiilepitv,
I i ii I ii . IU'Iikoii Ilriig Co., CoUubu
'I'he hlghent fall of water lined for
power In that of ails feet at Vouvrv,
On hint Saturday night the "ehop
pem"of llohemla Camp No. L'tlO held
a very euthiiHlantle kchhIoii. Com
mlttivtueu VauDeubugamlNeweoinb
reported their meeting In Kiigeuo on
the prevloiiH evening with the, l.auo
county "log rolling" committee, and
work Ih now well underway to make
.May lnt a "red letter day" for the
Woodmen of l.ane county, that being
the date net for the "log rolling" at
Kugene, .Oregon. After the uhiui'
routine of biiHtueHH wiim over refresh
mentn wore norvod and a social time
wan held In honor of Neighbor Steve
Overholner, who In tlio near future
vettiriiH to IiIh former homo at Pome
roy, WiibIi.
I have lined Chnmliorlulii's Cough
Itemedy for n number of yearn und have
no hesitancy in niiying that it In the
best remedy for coughs, colds nnd croup
I have over used In my family. I have
not woida to express my conlldence in
this remedy, Mrn. J. A. Moore, North
Star, Mich. For sale by Lyons &
AppletiiiUi, Drain, llenson Drug Co,,
Cottage lirove.
jiosiuoo. wniie tn me cnmpniKii
Just closed some npiHisitioii was
tnade from Portland, bated upon
the ntlfiutnptiou that became of .Mr.
I'tllton's resilience in Astoria he
.vould not k able to proierly rej
resciu the great commercial inter
ests of Portland, jiertonally I never
l(M)k any Mock in this as-Htmption.
upon the conirary, I know Mr. I
Kultou to be hifi enough nnd broad
enough to represent the whole
state mid every section of the state ,
just as fHithfully and as ably at he
will represent tht bx;al interest f
AMoriu. I belkrt'e the people of
Otcroii, irreipective of party or of
locality, have great reason to con
gratulate tlieni!elre over Mr. Put
ton's election. While the republi
can party will find in him, in this
larger field of action, a most ablel
and influential supnrter." I
RepieMMltntive Moody said: "The
.stunt irial contest terminated as
vas generally expected. The leg
ishituru has chosen an able lawyer.
a good debater and a conspicuous',
figure in the councils of the repub-j
lictiu party of our state for over io m
years. Originally from Ohio, thence j 2
to Iowa and afterwards to Oregon,
he lias lieen favorably environed
throughout his whole life. His ex
tctiKive experience in the legisla
ture of.our state, n here he 1ms been
a member of the senates number
of years, will be of value to him
here. Senator Fulton's popularity
is largely due to his effective work
on the stump during past campaigns."
Philliti Cnron. Jamil Jimoifr.
1 1 all, Nntliamel I,. .Mooilv. of Jitfrlie,
i ,aiin i;o., (ire.
Any and nil jx.'nioim ehibiiiiikr ml
verely the xlxive-dercrilMsl Inmm are
reoutfliil to Hie their rlnimii in this
olfire on or lfore mill .'Kith day of Apr..
J. T. IlKiiMiKft. Itcglnter
" B
S liy vottr (jroccries .nt g
the place where they S
kecj) the Purest and
S best the market al- 2
m fords, and at the low- S
est prices, qualit3' eon-
S sidercd. That place 2
is on tlie West Side at 2
" the store of
Asniiixi! voi; want.
in the way of Hardware, Tool and
implements, you can find at our
See our Stock of Tools and Sup
plies before you make your pur
chases. We Keep everything a
Miner needs.
Parley $1.1(1 per hundred at the
Dan Ilyrne let units) from Portland
.lolin Pcternou, of Itoheinla, wiim In
town thin week.
Tlie new Methodist piirnouagv In
fust Hearing completion.
I.. II. Cantlelil, one of Uinecouuty'n
pronKTOiiM farmem wan In the city
Tuenday. f
Mr- and Mm. Y. II. Dennis, of
Illackblltte, were visitors In Cottage
firove bint Sajurday.
A. C. Hoofer, of Portland, visited
Cottage drove early thin week nnd
made a visit to llohemla.
Martin llaagetison, the well known
UuiIkt locator of Kugene. wnn In
Cottage (trove hint Molality.
KM Perkins, the fnmoiiM ImmoroiiB
lectiuvr will give one of IiIh nlde
splitters In Kugene early In March.
Joseph Slee, wan acting inamhal a
few dayn thin week owing to Mar
nhal Pnderwood lndng on the nick
P. V.. tioodmiiu nold bin residence
to Dr. .1. K. HoHiuer for $L1)iH). Thin n
very pretty renldemv and nicely lo.
U'ston Ix'wln and Miss Certrude
Ilurdick wero Kugenu vlnltora hint
Sunday the guest of .Mr. and Mm.
lrvd I.amb.
Win. Casley. the characteristic
"Itlll McKlnley", well known here
and In llohemla. came In from Ku
gene ami ltluo Itlver Tuenday.
Heware of air dried or half dry
Mooring, celling and rustle. The
Uooth-Kelly I.uinlier Civ nre making
niM-clal prkvn on kllu-drled IiiuiImt.
Keep your eye on Cottage drove
thin season. The little city nt the
gateway of llohemla In going to
make some rapid ntrlden.
deo. House and Dan Deck have
been nworn In im mall carriers on the
llohemla mall route. Mr. Orpurd,
the regular carrier on thin end of the
route, Is III.
AV. I). dhiHH, formerly In tlio plan
ing mill business here, now associ
ated with the llrowiiMvlllo bank wnn
In the city last Sunday shaking
hands with bin many friends here.
V. II. AbrnniH, manager of the
Cottage drove electric light plant
ban ordered bin new dynamo mid ex
pectn It to arrive from Chicago with
the next month.
Improvement in Cottage drove
have gone forward during the winter
with surprising vigor. Quito n number
of new houses have been begun and
completed since the rainy season ln
gan ami many people contemplate
uuw buildings an noon us winter In
over. The carpentem are and havo
licon busy all winter.
MlIiliKH-JONKS On Sunday, Feb.
S2, llXKI, at the. residence of 'tlio
lirlileV parents, Mr. and Mm. Kd
Jones, eiiHt of thwclty, Mr. PerkltiH
Miller and Miss Themv Jones.
Mr. and Mm. Miller have taken up
their ivBldencc In thin city, Mr. Miller
lielng engagod In tlio restaurant
liitHlnenH. Tho young couple aro well
and favorably known here, and tho
Nugget extenda hearty congratulu
Gaulle & Mctcalf
If you have been trad
ing elsewhere just call
in and see them, make
one purchase and you
will never trade else-
2 where.
Unite.! States Uinl OtKce.
Kosobiirif, Oreon, Dec. 1", 1902.
Notice is hereby given tliat in com
pliaiAv with tiie provisions U tho net of
Congrew of June .1, 1878, entitled "An
ael for the sale of timber Innds in the
Slates of California, Ortyon, Nevada,
nml WnshiiiKton Territory," as extended
to all thu Public band States by act of
August 4, 1802, Charles A. Winternieier
of hnt!cnu Co. of Iane, State of Ore.,
has thin day filed in this otlice bis sworn
statement Xo. 4151, for the purchase of
the V NYV y., W Ki SV i of Sec No 10,
tpL'O South, of kiiiigu 7 W. and ill offer
proof to show that the land sought is
moro valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural puriioses, ami to I
establish bin claim to said lnnd Wfore
Marie I.. Ware. U. S. Commissioner I
at Kugene, Oregon, on Monday thel
Otb day of March. 1903. " '
He names as witnesses.
deorge Hunter, of Kugene, banc Co ,
Ore , James Handle, of Fnlrmount, Lane
Cu Ore., Charles K. Shaiill, of Panther,
Kane Co., Oregon, 1. 1). Michael, of
Mound, Iane Co., Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-detcribed lands are re
quested to (He their claims in this office
on or before said 9th day of Mar., 1903.
J. T. Bridges, Register.
"Wc Suit the Hard to Suit." 5
I'on't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that r
The Cash Gcrocery Co.
Carry the cleanest and most Complete line ol roceries
in the city.
We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege
tables in season.
The Cash Grocery Co.
J, E. WHEELER, Prop.
W. S. Chkisman.
Eli Bangs.
The Fashion Stables
Otttfe on Main urtet, Writ Side
Attorney and Counsdor-at-Law
gpttlltttnllon Klvtn to the Im of Mines.
First National Bank Building.
Repairing nt reasonable caarges.
All work guaranteed flrstctasi.
Watchei.Cloekiand Jewelry at Lowed Trteea
Main street. Cottag. !roT, -.
Retldcno.' t'bone No, J6I Ofllce I'hone IM.
Eya. Ear, Nose and Throat a Specially.
Otnce hours from 9 to 11 a m f row 2 to 5 p m.
Sumlay from 12 to 2 p m.
Ofllce In Allium Building, Main street,
A Correspondent Thus Describes His
"I can strongly recommend Herhlne
us u medicine of remarkable ellieacy for
IndiKestion, loss of appetite, sour taste
In tlie mouth, nnlnltatlon. liemlaelie.
drowsiness after meals with distressing
mental depressions ami low spirits.
Herbine must be a unique preparation
for cases such as mine, tor n few doses
entirely removed my. complaint. I
wonder ut people going on sutlering or
spending their money on worthless
tilings, when Herbine Is procurable, and
o cheap." 60o a bottle at New Era
Drug Store. j
(.brismui) & Bangs, proprietors.
'Also own and opperate the Bohemia
and Black Butte Stage Lines
First-Qass Turnouts, Double or Single
Reasonable Prices
Where the meals are well cooked and well served and the beds are good.
And you'll tlnd everything home-like without homo inconveniences.
Come and stay as long as possible.
Free to our Commercial Trade. Try our Sunday Dinner. The best ever
Served in any Hotel in the City,
Bohemia, Oreg-cn.
General rtlercliimdist,,
Miners' Tools and
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
Evcrytliiiif You Need.
Some things you dont need, in the
hardware and home furnishing line
is to be found here. Gas ranges,
oil stoves; pots, 'pans and kettles;
about every culinary device that
was ever invented and stood the
test of time and trial is on our
oounters and shelves. Come and
see for yourselves.
Griffin & Veatch G