Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 27, 1903, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Mining, I,uiiiljcriiif; mill I'nriiiiiig Intcrc.Hts of tl)irt Community, to Good Government, and Ilunling for a Grill) Stake.
NO. 6
TI10 linimn HroH. h 1 1 vv 1 1 1 1 1 1 ill HI.
mlra bin been purcluiHcil liy J. ICon
ihmI.v of HiikIiiiiw, anil will ho re
moved to another place.
Walker IIioh., ol Walker, On'.,
have recently houjthl Hi" hhw mill
mill IokkIiik out fit ol lIciirv.Mooiio.v,
iii'iir Anliiiil, mill lire rcpulrluu; mill
rellttlui; tin' mill preparatory to
ptiltliiK It Into oticriitloii on 11 liiwr
MI'lllll. Till' PlIClUC IHlMl 1, lllll
her Manufacturera' AhhooIiUIoii Iiiiv
decided (II fMtltllllHll it bureau nf In-
NH'ctloii mnl kihiIImk' In rniinccthiu
with iliu HHMiicliitlon, fffivtlvn 11I111111
March l." On rcromiticmlntlon
ol ('(iiiiiiiltHloiKT Herman, (,'hli-r
invMt I'liicliol mul tlin ki'oIokIciI
Hiirvoy, the Hcerctury ol tint Interior
recently ordered tint temporary wllli
ilmwni Iroiii fnrllii'r I'litry ol lamb
prnpiixeil to h ulili'il to tint rettervo
M.VMlclll III WllxlllllKt IIKKn-KOtlUK
In nil nearly IWki wiuiiro iiiIIom fo.
liuuhln Itlvor mnl Oivkoii Timber
iiiiiii. I'Ihi lliiKby l.uiulior Co. him licou
lituortoritl at Portland. Thl
I'oiiipmiy Ih ownt'il ami t'ontrollod hy
Menard. Alotuuder Ac OimplH'll ol tin
Pacific Tltiilier To. ol till city.
Tint lollowltiK In tliuliUNlncitrmm-lieli-d
ill tin' llMlll ollll'ttllt ItoKi'lilll'K.
Or.. during .Iminary. tlMKl: llonic
MttHtil t'UtrlKHtW. tlinlxT !i in t entile
Tim IoIIowIiik In tin' out ol the well
Known mw iiiIIIn ol thin Hcctloimf
.iu county lor If)'.':
CoiiihKh'U t'onnt Fork liilliilH-r
Co, '.'.atM.TSI; t'otlnKi tlrovo CoiinI
Fork l.uiiilK'rl'o.. l.Olil.iW; Whwler
tro. A Owen, lumber aMi.tmn.
hlllllKlw 7IHI.IHH)! nilRt'lIt Hoolll.Kl'l-leyl.tiinl-er
Co., U2.tHiO.0Wl: Kuicne
F Cbnpniun & Hon. tKM.nmi; Eimero
Hukoiio Miml.iT Co.. if.OUMHMl: l.o-j
rnne-Jolin AddUon. N.-d.v-lliiKl'y
l.iimlK'rCo..MI.'W- J
tin) pni'Hiilt were tint town iiiiimIimI, h
ilopiily HliiTirr ami two other men,
who iinfortuiintely luiil tint kochI
JllllKIIH'llt. tO CIlllMt llllt HCI'Vlco ola
limiiK'ar. On IiiIm car they Htnrled
after Hut fntlicr, anil were not long
In overtaldiiK him. When wlllilu
hallliiK iIImImiiic tint iiiui'hIiiiI coin
inamli'il .Mr. .Martin toidop mnl hii -
remh'i' hlniNelf Into tint ciwtoily otthi!
law. The ollli'cr wiim almiit to IiiIiik
IiIhkuii lutoplii.v when .Mr. .Martin
covered the four men. He explained
calmly Hint the clillil MiiiikciI to
I1I111: (hat Im I itn I ilonc nothlnsr
wroiiK. anil that any effort on I lie
part of (lie men to iiitchI hi Hlght
woulil lie ii'mImIimI. lie luiil IiIm little
Hlory In a uiiitiuer which carried tint
ronvlctlou that he meant exactly
what he hiiIiI. IllHteail of mixing
matter with I1I111, lliey Mini-led hack
for town, anil Martin contliiucil hap
pily on IiIh way.
.Mr Martin reached the Cowlllr.
river In wifely, ami came, iutohm two
wooilmrn, A. I). Chamherlaln anil HI-
mou Cutliwarc. lie relateil to them
the Incident nf the pruvloim bourn
anil offered to pay them hmidxnmcly
If the.v would take him to ANlorla.
.Mr. .Martin did not purpoMi to run)
the rink nf a trip on the river hoat, j
and ho the woodmen tool, hlnilna1
miiimII hunt down the Coliuuhla to
t hi illy.
Mr. .Mm tla will now hiHtllulo in
volve procci-dliiKH iiKaliiHt Mr.
Protection lror Stock Unlitcr.
111(1 11MIH1K DUAL.
lUstcrn Capitalist Inspecting i.arne
Tract of Timber Near tills Town.
Jaine T. Moylau. ol l'irlhuid. and
C. IMIn-on, ol SiiKtHitw, MIctilKun.
and J. A. of "liay-n
llarhor. WuHliliiKion, nrrlxed hen
today and have gone up M"h.v
ciwk to ltiBKi't nhlK liumhof tliu
lier. with n view to Itx puuhiihe.
Thcru ant ahout ia.otm nciv of line
tlmlittr Involved which nrvJiHintvil on
Monty. llniinliauKh mid TiH-tem
crcflkn, alt trlliularleM to the Itow
1 - i..t..t.i ta tin. iiritlllf iter
. nir...i.iv. i '
111 IHIH l"H " ' I
who ha tho reputation of Ih-Iiik one j
of the inot exiM-rt tlmliereHtlniatorH
011 tlin.raclllccoH't I " piiH uk
inenl on the iiuiillty mid (inautlty ol
-,il,l timber, and Mr. (Invn, tint
The uieetltiK of the national live.
Mock convention hIiowm that the
dock Krowero, no matter what their
political allllatlouH, are In favor of
the policy of protection. The Mfock
men will demand protection for their
Indimtry, ho long iih mmmfacturcH
and other liiiluHtrlex aiv prolirted,
which l hut fair and hi keeping with
Hie lileiiM ut llnw who Hiipport the
Tim aMtiK'liitloii urKcH the paHMaKU
of the autl-Hlioddy 1111 iiiiw iH-fore
coiiKieHH. TIiIh hrliiKH to uiliid hoiiui
Importmit IiicIh ami HureM In regard
tothereHiilt of the pulley nf proti-c-IIciiiuh
cniupared with the WTIhuii-tlni-mau
free-trado law thatwaHlu
Inrce during the hint dcniucratlc ad
mliilHtrattou. It Ih known that un
der the dcmncratlc ineaMiirc ImportH
nf wool fmiii aliroad IncreaHed to a
n-iiiarkahle extent, while the price of
tloiiicMtlc wool ilccreawtl In propor
tion iih thedenimidforlt wiiHHtiiallcr.
Hut (IiIh wiih not all. The iaiporta
tlmiH of Hlioddy i Old other adulter-
IiuiIh Into the Cultcd .StatcH IncrenHoil
For four yearn under;
the McKluley law the ImportH of
Hlioddy amounted to lew than 1,-
imhi.iioo pouuilH for threti yearn and
elKht montliH, emllni; with 1SUI
I 'l 1 OUR r reputation I
; , j ( for selling only M fl g
I I I SHOE the Heat Values
I ! S in Kootwcar is &
I ' I O I SALE well established
I B LOTS are the
I This Space belongs to CUT verviowcstin pj Q
: FRED QALEj sale c"ll"o,
i I X " d& m is well known B J , .
I lroi'icorolf K toall. U
I west mT7w onn ) a 1 s !
If Side I A 1 INN iVr LET OUT we have I .
: 111 IIUJUU rJllU i Vi r-H E AND just set out
! , . I bd S MARKED nnd mark, O
VVatcIi it tor bargains M TWXTT , , i- Qj S
In Harness and. Harness I DOWN eddo g
$ i m ?5. some verv desirable lots that z m
WUUUS. i j 1 we are olTerin for less than g tf) E
lk cost- 6
I m Eakin & ISi-j.stow. g
I TSTew Rhops -Garman, Hemenway Co.
I We have just received a tiew 1
line of the celebrated
viS' uj I intern w lWliy'JilBiw4 , D
Ladies' Shoes the very newest 1
tug pobtrv op tiiu ORANflii" 1 styles trom tlie very best mater- '
I ial. Come m A, B, D and E 1
Iwiutns, sizes ii to o. TlieStroot- I
man Shoe is the best and nicest 1
fitting shoe made. Try one pair
and you will alwavs wear them. 1
Which von wt' ndvertlHcd Ih the kind
of rot which Kllcrtt wrote touKiihout "H npix-aln to yon, when the fruit
In the followhiK letter: ( Iuiiikh rlK- and nweet on the trio
l'ortlatid, Ore. 'a,t' l'Vhruary, or early In March.
T. K. ItlchiinlHon, ltoHehurK. Ore. 'Then the IiIohhouih hn-ak out, and
Denr Sir: We have yom-H of tliejU'o tnt-H are yellow with golden
'Jllnl and are Kiinirlned that you ! kIo1h-h, and white with ornniw
would run off with the kind of or
KiuiH and planou that you hcciu to
have taken.
1'oley and Williams are not inanu
factiirerH at all. We are norry that
you did not post uh, Invaune I am
Hiin that wo could have naved you
i.w mtveral dollarx on every ori?au. on
the following thntt yearn and four
under the democratic free
... . . , Ml.,1.1 i it I II 1 1 1 IH.
millionaire iiimiH-rin.... trailelaw. the ImnortH ,.f Hhoddvand
1 1 i in.
adulterautH from alirond amounted
mako a nilHtnke In hmiillliiK tliln
kind of rot. You may Ik aide to nel
more of them, hut you will not make
thefrlcudH that .Von would with a
recent article. The I'oley and Will-
Ih the nroHiH-ctlvo purvhiiHor.
deal Ih couHummaie.. e ,,.... , ,(i siS(Wtl:Wp0llll,Ui A ,, lullur.
of thin vant area oi iiiniH-r .. i."' aMv n.pim.i American wool, and Ihiiih piano Ih exactly the liiHtriimeut
in tae near ""'" " " " that product fell to ahout 11 contmi tlmtC. . Illake, IloHton, wa boil
paclty of 75,000 t. W),mUt mt d aj . iwinJ1 t() i1r immt,H In)rlHomui.Ilt
The mill will likely U , " , . I Then the Dliiulcy ppMectlvo tariff i for wlllni? for lffi. You ounht to
Itow nvor, ho uh m i.v
to tho tlmlior tract, and alno la
touch with tho now rallrond now
liulldlnt' t,,llt Htiv"1 ,u '"I'
the (treat llohcmla .Minim; Dlntrkt
Thin tlmlter deal will kIvu another
ImiKitiiH to thlH already lively and
huHtllnKHcctlon, In the employment
of many men ud the illHlmrnenu'nt
of iv ,ari;o pay roll.
Many people here will remcmlter
.Mr. and Mm. Win. Martin who re
Hided hero Homo two yeant iiro. Mr.
Martin wan then ciikiW'1 l tho hii
loon lniHlneHH, owning an Intercut In
It. wiih known at that tlmo that
trouhlooxlHtcd hotweon the two,uud
It wiih alno rumored that tho only
reaHon tlmt they dlil not Heparan'
wiih on account of tho little hoy.
After leaving hero thov nettled at
AHtorla whore Mr. .Martin went Into
liUHlnoHH iwilh. Ahout two wookn
ago Mrn. Martin returned homo on
tho (inlet, alter Hovoral woekn ah
;houco. and dellherately kliluupped
thochlhl, a llttle hoy of HomenyearH.
Mr. Martin. It hcoiiih wiih ilelermtncd
not to ho outdone In thin way anil
Immediately looked up 4ho where
ahoutH of hU wlfo and child. Ho
llnallv located Mrn. Martin at KeUo,
Wimh.. where hIio wiih llvliur under
thoimiueof MrH.I.OKi'- rewt
of' tho Htory Ih hotter told In the
AHtorhvn ol the L'Oth hint, an followH;
"On Trnwliiy Mr. Martin uppeaivd
at ICoIho, and on v eilueHilay morn
inn ho found IiIh boy who wiih play
inw la the vard of IiIh now home.
law wan enacted, and hchold the I lie moru careful ahout the cIiihh of
tlllferenee. Ourlng the next four; Htuft you handle,
years the ImportH of Hlioddy anil inl-j Kilned dier. llllerH.l
ulterantH fell from over HI.IKW.OOO Now thin name t I'aclllc tliu-en Or
pouuilH to Ichh than 2,000,000 ponnilH. pm) wiih decided upon at my ntoro
ImportH of forelKU wool decreitKod In In ltOBoliurK, hy .Mr. Kller and inyxclf
like tiroiiortlou. and the nrlco and when wo agreed to dlHCoutluue tae
lirodiictlou of Atuorlcau wool In
creaHed liy leapH and IioiiuiIh.
Democratic free traderrt have ill
wayn nHHerted that protection wiik
luduclvo to tho uho of ndulterautH,
an InrrvaHliiK tho prices of raw ma
terlnlH, hut thene UtrureH Hhow that
exactly tho rovei-no coudltloiiH ob
tain. IloHton uewHpapci-H InteivHtcd
In the wool trade anMcrt that 'it
namo l'eerleHH, ho I'eorleHH and Utieen
aro the Mime orKim handled by Foley
and WIlllauiH. To call Htuff rot and
the next thing you mv. for tho name
hoiii-e to nvommend It to the public.
iIoch not look well for people who 1
claim to lie roHpoiiHlble denier.
Now you have their private opinion
anil their public opinion. Uho your
own iuilirmcnt. and call at the Hlch-
tlowern. It. mnylie tlmt a Hurry of
mum- Iwih whlteueil the inountalii
topn, and then you have an artlHtlc
hackKrounil for a tropical forcHt.
The air Ih full of mnitlilnc, nnd heavy
with friiKraiico iih night coiuch on,
and then. If tho moon he Hhluiilug,
yon umy hear at midnight through
ojien wlndowH, the nong of the
mocking bird In the Hcented grove,
and It never ncemcd ho tnelodioiiHlie-foiv.
An exH'rlence like till Ih pohhIIiIo'
any winter, and It Ih worth n Journey I
of a thoiiHnnd iuIIch, while 3-011 can 1
have It, by taking the scenic .SlniKtn '
Itolite through the grand ami
pletmvMiue Xlnklyou and SIuihIii ,
MouutaliiH, to Southern Cnlllornla.
Complete Information about the1
trip, and tlcscrlptlvo matter, telling
about California, may be had from
any Southern l'acltlc Agent or
(len. 1'iih. Agt. S. I. Co. Much In
LOregon, l'oi tlainl, Oregon."
jSTqav 3Tixi?iiisliiiig! .
Oarman, Hemenway Co.
We have just received the largest
and prettiest assortment of men's
shirts ever shown in . Cottage
Grove. New Collars-very hand
some. Come and see them. . Also
a new line of neck wear.
tooknovcral yearn for the woolen , anlHon MuhIc Hoiiho nnd hoc theillf
maiiufactuiv and the wool trade here fereut niiikoH before you buy. Then
to recover from the deluge of adult
erautH brought In under the WIIhou
Ifiw." Helena (Mont.) "Itei-ord."
yon can nee aim kiiow jiihi wiiiu j-uii
n iv tlohiz.
If the people want to get tho lusldo
track of thin dub racket, wo can
night you to a few of thono club
pin mix. Wo can alno Hlght you to
parties who demanded their money
back and could not got It. So when
I vou mv HiH'aKtug 01 tae ciun iimim
Tim father lumped over tho fence on t .. ... t .,.. ',,iinlv. Oi-eiron.
Hoolng the child, and, taking It In Ills j L-27 5 t 4-24
arniH, Htarted down tho railroad , ,
track. Mrn. Martin wuiichhwi ine
coup that her hiiHliand had executed
nndatoncoHho Hotupn cry for iih
HlHtance. Mr. Martin hooii found
hliiiHolf In tho uncomfortable position
of a fugitive, with a crowd of men,
women, boya and doga on his trail,
However, ho continued tho Hlght,
juul It Hooiaod for a tlmo that ho
would outstrip his purnuerH.
Among thono who had Joined In
Notico To Taxpayers.
The 1IHI2 aHHeHHinent rolls for l.ano
County, Oregon, will be opened for
tho collection of taxen on .MoniliCy, , .m jm, tm.t lUtlomore
Mmvh 2nd. 10M. Tlwre will bo f thl n-,mve ,,,t.
a ;i per cent rouiiut given on an uia -h , ,tlc,mI.,iHOn, Cottage Orovo
pauiiaiiiii pivvious ,.,.tw.icn i.n,1(niOHl,imrg,Ore.
UUO nail 01 any ia. nui.v no inm 111
uuvdate befoiv April dth nnd Uho
1 tmlil tlm ii'iiiiiIiiIml" nun half mnv bo
paid any date U-foiv October nth,
without penalty or Interest. In caw
a tax or tho tlrnt one half Ih not paid
before April Oth the law requires a
10 per cent "penalty and 12 per cent
IntorcHt to bo added to hucIi tax un
til paid. Letters of Inquiry concern
ing taxes will receive our prompt attention.
Fitrcn 1'ihk, Sheriff and tax col lee
Mrn. It. W. Kvnus, Clearwater, Knn.,
writes t "My hualmiid lay nick for
threo nionthni tho doctoi nutated lie hud
quick consumption. We procured u
liottlo ol llallard'o Horehouiidayrup and
It cured him. That was six years ago,
and since thou wo always kept a hottlo
In the house. Wo cannot do without Jt
For coughs and colds, It has no equal."
28o, 50o and f 1.00 bottle at Now Km
Drug Store. .
uiuTt-il 8tlo Un.l Oltlce,
Uomburg, Orrson.KDb. 7.1MU.
Nutli't It horby given lbl In rumllnra
wllh Ilia iruvliloiu( Ihi) not i'l Conjro ol
Juue 3, IST8, etillUwl "An Act (or I ho sl ol
Timber Umli In lh 8ili otOalllornU, Ore-r.-tn.
N'nvnila. mul Wnalilnirtoii liirrltori'." Hi
exteiuleJ lit all the publloliiml ititlea by act ot
Annual I. lSV-VNUIiiuilel I., MiHKly, ol Kucene
Oimnl)' ol lMii Biato ot Oregon, haa
thli day nlNl tnthla oRlcohU aworn alalemcut
No. I IJO lor Iho urcliaao ol the. NW a otieo
tlon No, '.Hi. towiuhln'JI B, raogo 7 wait, and will
oftc nrooltoahow that the landaouiht la more
1 it.uable for Ita limber or mono than lor agricul
tural r-urvnao. amllo establUli hla claim to said
laint betoro O. K. llaaaril, U ti Commlistoner at
Drain, l)oulaaCo.,Oro., 011 Thnraday the SOib
lay 01 April, 1WJ,
llmmniMti wliupaaeal
lhllU I'aron, Ouy H. I'otti, L. K. Hall, Jacob
Jaaixr, ol Kuaene, Lane Co., Ore,
Any ami auiwraona claiming adversely tlie
aboveHleicrlbcil laiula are reiueatea to tile
their clalma In thta office on or before aa Id SOIh
nay oiAi'ru.iWJ. . , .
' J. T. UitlDOU, ItegUter,
And harassed hy a bad cough? Hore
hound nyrup, und it will secure you
sound sleen and effect a nromut and
radical cure. 26o, 6O0 and $1.00 hottlo
at New hra Drug store.
United States luid Otllce,
Hosehurg, Oregon, Dec. 24. 1002.
Notice is hereliv iiiveu tlmt incomnll-
Alice with the provisions of the act of
Coiutressol Jiiue:l. 1878, entitled "An
net for the sale of timber lands in the
States ot California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory,' as extended to
all tho l'uhlio bind Status hy act of Au
giist4,1892, Hiram K. wmxl,of Eugene,
Co. of I.ano State of Oregon has this
day flleil in this office his sworn statement
Mo. lor tlio purcliase 01 tlie in
ow titxa ;nv 4 oioec .to, 111, iwp.
23 South, of ltango 2 West and
will oiler nroof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
iiiiil lnnd before Marie 1.. ware, U, S.
Commissioner tit Kugeno, Oregon,
on Thursday, the 12tlulay ot Mat., 1003,
Ho names as witnesses:
J. W. l'arrish, of JerTerson, Oregon,
N II .Martin, James v Ilouek, of Cot
tage Grove, Ore., ltnyN wilson, of Ku
gene, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly tho above-described lands are re
quested to fllo their claims in this office
on or before said 12th day of Mar., 1003.
J.T. HuinciKS, Register,
I,nd Ollice at Itoseburg, Oregon.
Nov. 10, 1002.
Nolle is hereby given that tho follow-Ing-immeil
settler has tiled notice of his
Intention to uiako tlnal proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will bo
niiuio before Marie L. Ware, U.8. Com
missioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on Janu
arv 3. 1003. vis : Edward L. II- Hand on
HI E. N, 10471 for the 8W WNE M, N
ii 8E X & JMa 3 A 4 See. 18 T. 10 8., R
7 W.
Ho Humes tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence 'upon
and cultivation of said land, vis:
Edgar W. Hoselton, of Mound Oro.,
Sylvostor Lewis, of Panther, Ore.,
Church A. Stevens, Walter J. Holland,
of Orow, Ore. ,
J. T, ltRioaiB, Register.
S During the Fast few months a great many odds and ends have
accumulated among our stock and these muat be closed out at 3
once to make room for our Spring Goods. You can find excep- 3
T ttonal Values in
If Yoio are looking for Bargains now is
E: the time to find them at
v m i Tt r -r. n r i tti rur niTTTiT N
We have opened up in
Cottage Grove
Dii'cctly opposite the Depot for permanent Location
With a full Stock of Tailor
Made Men's aud Roys'
Harden Bceda In
bulk nt Ealtlu A
of the best Woakmanship, Finest Patterns and in Great Variety.
V e Invite TToui Closest Inspection
and assure you that we will and can easily
give you better values and at lower prices
than any house in Oregon for reason we will
explain to you personally.
We also have a full and
complete line of Ladies' Tai
lor made clothing and sam
ples of Dress Goods.
Moderato Prices For Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing.
Williams & Ratscb.