ft Hood's Sarsaparilla Una won iiiccm fur boyoiul tlio effect ot nilroitlslnjf only. Tlio aoctct of Ho wonderful iiotmlrir. It In oinlnliiuil by Its miniiiiruticlmtil. Merit. Ilmoil upon n, iircacrltitlon wlilcli omod iiooplu conililoreil luciirnlilo, Hood's Sarsaparilla U niton tliu licat-kiiMtvii vctrclnlilit rum edit1!, by Mich n ruiiililiintluti, propor tion mill prorpM mi to Imvo cnrutlve power pecullni- to Knelt, Itt ctireii of acrofuln, rrrcnm, nnorl ali, nnil every kind of linnioi', tin well nil catarrh anil ihimniullmn provo Hood's Sarsaparilla tin) lion l lilood iinrlllrr i-mt produced, lit curi'K ot (lynpepulfi, Iom of nppn ma aim nun urcii umiiiiik uiiiKo it I no Kt'onlcot etnniiuli tonlu nnil atrctitli rcntoror thu world lia over known. Hood's Sarsaparilla II n tliorouulily (rood inodlcliia. HoijIii to UkO It TODAY, tiul llUUU'U. Knew All About It. "What (! you think of tlila acliumo ot tiilcKrAphlnii without wlm7" "rimt'n notliliiK. Mr wlfn Ima kick rd my hlna unilor tlio lulilu for twenty yean.' Mrliniiijn. Mntlinr will flnu Mra. (Vlnilow'a Booth ln Hjrmp the best reiiil)r to tin Inr tbeli tlilUlreu durum tno itliln iwricxl. (Mass Bricks. (llmii lirlclcij uro griiiliially coin Inn Into tlMi, and ll'li raid that iiIai will wxin lm iimhI fur innklnit aUtuei for puhllo plniTK, an It icaleta tlio corroding vlliict 01 tlio weather much butler than matblu or Kraulto. ITIie Art of Canning I'rult. Tim art of canning fruit In UrK quantltleii lion reached n .Uko llttla dreamed of lir our uraiidnaronta i!6 and fiO yearn bri. The beat examplu of thla advance la found In thn Monopolo brand of frultr and vrKetahlea. Thu frulta are detlcliiuii and aweut nud re uln all their natural lluvor. The vi'ki tahlaa taatn almoit oiactly aa lliniinh tliey weru direct from the Harden They am parked under n beautiful Mini label. I'lrat data dcalera hnnillu them. UadhauiaA Kerr llroa., Portland. Very fashionable. Ida Ve It n faahlonublo summer boarding Iiouhi7 May Ob, yn; every Kunday wh had clilckeua for dinner that had lieen r n ii over by iiillllnnalriV nutoinobllea. uhlra0 Dally Newa. Hiri or oi, cirr or roiuo, i I.IH'II I'liL.RTI. (" riHH J. ciixir makes oeih (hit ho la lha eenmr im oi h. nun ol r J. 1 iukit Jk to , dolus; buainrM In lit. Cllr nt Tulrdo, Couiiif and him alnu-saM, en.l thai a.l.l firm will ear Ib.sumol (INK Mt'silKKIl l01.t.AltM for each an.l vr)r eiif Caisrrh itiate annul becureO ItJ 10. Uk 01 HALL'S IST.aftlf UI'RK. riiANK j clIK.sr.r Kworn lo iroro tnr en.l sub.crlbf-tl In mr rrraence, lalidhilajr ul lltreraber, A, 1). Ited l A. W. OI.KABON, Ilall'a Catarrh Cure 1 tasen Inlf rnally an.1 eels airvcur on m. woo-i an.i mucous lunaces oi ma sriiem. wnu mr leitimnniais, rrr. P. J. 1'IIK.NKY ill CU.,1uloJo,a fWiM br IniifUis.Ttc. stall's Vamllr I'llla ua the best. A Deduction. "Your wile," mtlil tho embryo Blior lock llolmea, aa tho stranger enlcrwl bla piraence, "la an Intellectual woman." "Itlglit you nro," replied the alran Kor, "but bow did you know that7" "lly tho buttona mlealiiK from your coat, aiinwered thu great doloctlvo, Chicago Dally Nown. lie Hod Learned. "I beard a goid atory tho other day," liegan tho grocery man, "about a cer tain politician." "Hint will do," interrupted tho ills appointed olllceweker. "In tho 11 ret placo, thoro are no certain polltlclani, 3000000000000000000000000 ST. JACOBS POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Fcclachc All Bodily Aches AND Soooooooooooooooooooooooaa CONQUERS PAIN. MADE BY THU MAKERS OF' mm snn0 B OILED CLOTHING m&M$& H&VSTHSSAMl POINT N&iH&O fir CXCEUEKCE AND CIYC BElg COMPTefB SATISMCTIOW. PILES PERM1HENTLY CURED Dl KEYSTONE PILE CURE This wonderful roincdy hna novor fulled to euro tho most obatinnto ensofl, n( matter how novoru or how long Btiindliiis. Thouaanda of ciidoh cured. Bold by drupnlsta, or rout poHtpuId upon receipl of price, 60 ctB. Address PASTBUK PIIARAIACAL, CO. 228 V. Second St. I.o Ante Ion, Cal OHHEWO WOMEN CflOOKa III Criminal V,,lk. t lie rtx 1, Keep lnu Well Up nllli Man. "Women lire mnkhiK proKreaa nlonir mure llinn one line," remarked an old member of the police force. "A recent example ninny that they mo j til to itx i'IUi'IimiI in men in thu mutter of aafu Mowing," Woman In tho rolo of aafu blower la now lo tho police. Tho fact la Unit the operation of femnln offend era hna heretofore been con lined to of feiiaca of the ihiytluie or of tho curly part of Ihu night. Ilut hern cornea n alnry from Tenueaaeo of tho urrcat of aeveinl women who hclorifr to a gang of el pert eraeknmen, and who actually took part In n anfe lilmvlng In a amull town near Nnnhvllle, where they rohtied a hunk nud got 1 1,700. "Women Imvo often developed Into expert forgera, an, for Inatiiuce, In the recent ciiao of nil American woman abroad, who succeeded In conducting a forgery aeheino for n conalderahlo length of time, and until alio had fraudulently collected a vaat a urn of money. They mukii hlgh-claaa pick- pockela, nud, In fact, Infinitely more nuccenaful In Ihla Una of work thnu men. "Oun curloua fact In thla connection deaplle the freiuieiit nnnoiincemi'iila puhllcly miido of otTcnaca of thla kind eiimmlltcil hy women, men nro never on the lookout for tho female ptckpockot uulenn they Hud thcmaclvcn In n iUe tloiiulile reaort, or In had company. rnr thla very renaon women flnd It iiiucli eaaler to pick n mau'a pocket. They can get doner to men, too, with out becoming orTeualve, nud can lift thu diamond pin out of bin ncurf, nip bin watch and chain or nny other valunblo thing ho may bavu liefuru ho will ercr dream of northing wrong. 'In that kind of pilfering, too, pe culiar lo kleptomania, nhv In moro nuccennful hcciiuac In thin luntnucu of tho way alio drcnaca and womnn'a pe culiar di'iiiennor around tho countern ii dry gooda ntnrea. If a man, for In- ntanee, alioiild go Into a dry gondii ntore ii nd heglu to pick up little things and fumlile over them, apparently for the purpoao of limpcctloii, hu would nt once aiouan the nuaplclou of every clerk within vlauul range. On the other hand, a woman may do exactly tho name thing without exciting the laant auaplclnn. It la almply looked upon aa n null I or of comparntlvu caae for the kleptomaniac. "Ilut the wuiunu aufe blower In a new type, an far an my experience gum, and I nuppoae It almply uieana Unit the police of the country will noon bo confronted with many new problems In dealing with the fi-malc offender." New Urlcuns Picayune. The Tragedy nT IIcIiik I'uor. I. In the aummrr, when the hot wind awet'lia I lie plain. Ill the aummrr when the parched Delde gain for rain. When the ky above Ii braaay and the ami. I.Ike a reil from which molten inttal. run. Hanga o'erlirnd tliroiifh daya that never rein to end, They toiler In the duity etrceta and Ich. The chlldrrii 111 their huddled bovela peiilinl, I. In crying out through ebrlvclrd llpa and dry- In the aiiminrr, when tbe beat la tlillna;, Woo Aiiuinra a tbomand abapra tbey mutt endure. Till Death la kind enough to claim Ibem O, The tragedy of bring poor I II. In the winter, when tbe plalna are white with anow. In the u Inter, when the maddened bill' tarda blow. When the aky above Ii leaden and Ibe aim. I.Ike a weary alave, nhoao heavy talk a done. Hhrluka out of night, aa If to atcal a real. With fncre plucbed and blue they go their wave: Tho mother, with her bablra on her breaat, Ilealde the empty atove weepa through tho dava: In the winter, when the blaata are Icy, Woe Aeiumra a thouiand thapea they mutt fndure. Till Death la kind enough to claluTthem (), The tragedy of Mug poorl -Chicago Ilecord Herald. A Hulchcr of Tito. There la n butcher la one of tbe Now Orleans markets who has built up an Immense family trade entirely by reason of his tasto In doing up par cels of meat. Ills modus oporandl is very Ingenious. If ho Is handling a porterhouse ho places It betwacn two squares of pasteboard, uses n sheet of pearl ttrny manlla paper as a wrapper and. ties It up with baby blue string. Tho result Is n ucat rectauglo which has every appearance of having coma from boiiio fushlonablo drug store or confectioner's. Chops and such Ilka ho stows away In ncnt little cardboard tubes, nnil ha keeps a supply of ono pound candy boxes especially for chicken livers and chopped sausage. Tho system Is very effective. Those Who Iload Novels. "Hut" wo object, speaking to th author who hns written a historical novel, "this historical data Is nbsoluta-J ly wrong. Why, It's ridiculous to Imvo Ocorgo Washington ugnung tares duols, llghtlHg battles ho was never In, etc." I know I took soino uiieriies wun flt-orgo nud history," tho author says naively, "but what's tho difference? He'll never know ami it wou i uurx his fccllugs." Hut tho peoplo who read your uok," wo ngnln object. Surely you know thnt peoplo who rend historical novels know nothtug of history!" ho exclaims In Just scorn. Ilnlttmoro Herald. Vust Wine Cistern. At Astl, In California, a cistern 101 feut long by 31 foot wldo and 'H feat deep won formed In a hlllsldo for tlio storngo of wine. Tho Immense tank wus 1 ned with concroto a reoi inicu, and coaled Insldo with a glazo as Im permeable ns glass. The capacity ol tho tank Is 500,000 gnllous. Forty to tlio Hijunre Mile. The United Klngdoiil hns 200 people to tho Bijuttro mile, lieigium iu, iiussia only forty. . 1110 PIANO IIAKUAIN5. (Irent Accumulation of Second Hand and Slightly Used I'lnnoi and Organs llelng Dlaposcd of hy IMIcra Piano Homo for Almoit Nothing, Thin in an extraordinary opportunity. Tho varltoy of makes In I in men mi, Uprights and niuarun, tlio fluent pianos uiado, many but rllgbtly urcd, that have liooii turned in to us an part pay ment on now iuatruinonts. Kvery ouo thoroughly renovated and In porhn I condition. As ii result of our liiimiirmo holiday and club rales, tbe accumula tion bus become no groat uo mint din p ino of thuni to mako rwm for tho lurgo 'hlpmoiiln ol now pianos now coming In. It In cheaper to roll tho old Instru ments nt a tucrlllco tliim pay rental for additional warehoiiFO room. We nro therefore making prices that will prove a map to any una who wants a standard piano for their children to learn to play on. Kvery ono will bo found in perfect timo and beautiful In appear. ance, having been thoroughly pollshod and rustoroil. I'lnnos, Kmernon, upright, In vory handsome rare, rlightly tiled, hut practically new, I'JfiOUi r'lnhor upright, in perfect conlitlon, $1(0.00; I.udwig, In ex cellent tono, tlOS.OO; A. L'. Chnno, 210.00; Hlngor, In orfoct condlllon, 1105.00; btlcnways for (205.00, (U0.00 and (72.00, according to ago and con dition, hut nil In good order; llrakolt (75.00; Ilardman, (78.C0; McCam mon, 101.00; Marshall A Trover, Alio action, (00.00; Hallott&llavls, (6.00; Ivranlcli A Hach, (Oo.OO; Marshall A, "with the modern facilities for tho these affections aro tho eame and that Wendell, (08.00; Ualo, a Una llttla 1 transportation of peoplo and goods er-! they aro properly called calarrh. Instrument, (25.00; hrnort Onbliir, crrwbcro nnd 10 Ter, ,jri.ftt increase, I "As for Dr. Hnrtman's remedy, To (Of 00; IJmrrson, (05.00; Mlxtell, 1 , ,rnvcl .,.. nrc I10 mnn. Deo1,0 runa, I bavo found it to bo tlio best, if IBU.UU: liars hall fc Wmn I. 157.00 - V n ti i uo AV tr :,': nr nn ? ' ' i I'm" ' T ..uv ...u i.j.,iM,,.B (4.00 and (5 00 Organs. Chlcigo Cottage, as good as new, (31.00; ono handsome Mason & Ham lin, with large mirror and big litop, for (5U.00; ono of the celebrated A. II. Wbilneys, (41.00; fancy catvd Pack ard, (43.00; Crown, guaranteed for 10 years, (52 00; the great Western Cot tsge, ( 16.00; Smith-American, very flno, (28.00; another Kimball, need two tears, (4U.00; an Kstcy, good as now, (42.00. Tbe payments on Iheeo organs aro only (5.00 duwn and (3.00 a month. Tbefo are only partial lists. If you are Interested in securing ono of these bargains wrlto us tor completo list and any furtlior particulars you may desire. Tbe opportunity is a rare one, you are certain to get much more out of any ono of theto pianos than tho price would Indicate. The finest, ol course-, will go drat, so if you want lo get tho beet1 "foreign lift vans come filled with In this sale, you will need lo rco or household effects to American ports, write us at onra. Kilers Piano Houte, and through the representatives of tho great Western piano dealers, Wash 1 their owners here they get return shlp ington etrcot, corner Park, ' ortlsnd, I meats, as American rails In Kurope, Oregon. Other largo bouses Kan Fran- through their representatives there, cisco, Spokane and Sacramento. get shipments this way. "So you see that really In these days "The Ortat Northwial" In the Century, t , aixjut aa caay to move to Europe Mr. Hay Stannard IlaVer, one of the aa It would be to move Into tho next most popular of tho younger Aaicrirnn block, and there la lots of trana-Atlan-magazine writers, has Just returned to tic moving." Now Vork Sun. tnu J'.um irom a trip ol sevoral months through tho northwestern states, during which ho has been gathering material for a series of articles on "The Great Northwest," which will begin in tho Mnrch Century. The story ol tho growth of tho cities, how tho mighty wheat farms uro managed, tho mining industries, rattlo raising all will bo told in Sir. Hakcr's crisp and" pictur-'that eequu way, with striking Illustrations by Mr. Kdward h. lilumenschcin, who accompanied the writer on bis journey. Tho series will includo articles on "Tho Conquest of tho Forest," 'Tho Vitality of Mormonlsm," "Salmon Fisheries, ' "Iho Day of tho Run," (a vivid description of tho oening of an Indian resorration, "Yellowstono Park," etc. Tho first article, which will appear in tbe March Century, to bo issued February 28, tolls of tho striking things to bo seen in Portland, Spokane, Tacoma, Soattlo and there abouts. Mr. linker's series on "The Great Southwest," which appeared In The Century last year, was nowhere more highly appreciated than in tho region1 which it described, and It Is believed by tho conductors of Tho Century that tho present series will add greatly to 1 tho nnnnlaritv of tho mneazlna In lha ' Northwest. It will certainly set be fore Eastern readers, moro thoroughly and entertainingly than over before, tho.nntural and industrial wonders ol that picturesque region. CASTOR For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature And One ol Them Went Wrong. Adam was lucky In another way. Ho bad no friends to come around telling hlm how ho ought to bring up his boys. Chicago Record Herald, For fortr reat'a Flao'a Cure for Con sumption has cured coughs and colds. At druggists. Price 25 cents. Caustic Comment. Miss Eldcrloigh My friends tell me. tboeo photgraphs fall to do me Justice. Mr. FrankOf course they do. Hut then, Justico should always be tern pored with mercy, you know. Ex. TO Investors. Tbe Tactile Vacuum Ice Company, owning tlio patent rights to the states of gratification to uuow tnat the ualtl of Nevada, Ongon, Washington, Call-1 more will stand unique as the only fornla and Arizona, tor tho Vacuum man-of-war In the world thus far so procoss ol manufacturing hygienic pure equipped. The wisdom of reducing ico and refrigeration, offor to tho In- tho amount of Inflnmninblo material on vesting public for tlio next 00 days, I wnr ghlps was demonstrated nt tho 60,000 shares proferrad cumulative 0 imttie of Santiago, when n shell ex- per cent, por annum guaranteed divi- dend (freo of tnxos stock) at f 1.00 per share, wltlr a bonus of ono share of common stock. Tho Company has pur- cbasod lllock No. 12, elro 200x408, cor. I 10th and Harrison Streets. Work on nrnnnriv now rimo-maslnc ba nn in lui In r , , ' ,,' , i," , 7 , 7, , actual operation by Mny 1st of this yoar, with a 100 ton per day plnnt. I IMants will bo erected in cities nnil towns within our territory. This Ie can bo miulo for 60c. per ton and in one hour's timo. For further particulars address FRANK W. MAHBTON. President. Taciflo Vacuum Ice Company, claco. Oal j EA0Y TO MOVE TO EUnOPE. Ilouealinld I'.ITectn Can He Transported wllh Very .litis Trouble. "In theno days," nald n storago and van man, "It Is Just an easy to move from Now Vork lo Ixmdon as from New York lo Hobokun. One's furni ture mid household effects can bo irnnnported ncrons the Atlantic In vans as easily as ncrons tho North Itlvcr. "Of course, vnnn have long boon used lieru for comparatively long distance moving by rail and steamboat. It la n common thing In summer, for Instance, to see teams on tho decks of boats running to and from this city. They Just run the vans aboard on their own wheols, and run 'cm off nt tho oilier end of tho Hue, and back In the country, or wherever they want to tako them. "Tho vans used lu trans atlantic movlng nro lift vnns. They ore really ran bodies and can be lifted from their wheels and swung onto n car of trans portation hy rail or down a hatchway Into a steamer's hold. "At the end of Its rail or water transportation tho van can as easily bo lifted oft tho cur or out of the steam cr'n hold and swung upon tho trucks upon which It Is lo bo hauled to the houso whero tho goods are to bo put "Who aro the peoplo that thus cas ually pack up and movo across the At lantic? Well, they may he foreign merchants who hare been living in this country, but nro now going hack. Ther mnr nlun tin Americana who nro B0in i.ronj (0 iiy. ' . . .. ... .. ' 'iiruo, crossing me Aiiannc ror a moro or " tnlea stay. tak. their house- i.-l.l ---.I- wllli tlmm "Of course, there aro people moving In this way all tho time from Europe, ns thero are people moving thither from here, and when we movo any body over wo want, of course, a freight back; wo don't want to bring our vans back empty, and we moro some body this way. "In some Gorman cities thero aro published weekly newspapers, or rath er extended bultotlns, devoted to the Interests of the storage ran men. In those several publications you would find lists of the vans to be had In tho city where the list was published and other Information concerning them, In cluding the nrtmo of the owner of the Tan, whero It was from, Its cubic ca pacity, where It would he at disposal nnd tho name of Its agent or the rep ! resentntlvo of Its owner, at tho point whero this list was published. rnMMEnciAL correspondence Tonng; Man Inndrortentlj Mixed Ilnal- nea with Ule Social note. There la no worse literary style than that of tho ordinary business letter, which begins, "Yours recelred nnd contents noted. In reply would say we recelred orders for goods 30th ' ult.. and shipped same day following." when this style gets mixed up with th0 formal convcutlonnnity of "soclc- ty" correspondence, as related lu a ;,tory In the New York Times, the com bluatlon Is funny. A young woman In Ilaltlmore received this letter: "Mr. Blank requests ids compliments to Miss Dash, and requests tho pleas ure of her company at tbe theater Thursday evening next. "Awaiting an early reply, and hop ing It will bo fnvorablo to our propo sition, we are, yours very truly, "BLANK & CO." Tho writer was the Junior partner In a largo manufacturing company. 1,0 hai wrlt,cn mnn ct,cra ihat for the company and signed the namo f ,l10 ""ii. nnd tho stereotyped Phases of commerce ran off his pen from habit. Tho lady, howeror, understood what had happened, and was equal to tho occasion. Tho next day tho young man was astonished to receive this reply: "Messrs. Illank & Co.: Gentlemcn Your favor of recent dnto at bnnd and contents noted. In reply will say I ac cept tho proposition therein mnde and hold tho goods ordored subject to yr. further lustructlons. Very respect fully, MISS DASH." Of course It was easy to apologize to a woman with so much humor as that, nut me youuftT luuu uuu iu iisieu lur a long time to tho question, "How's business 1" U 8 8. Baltimore I'lroproof. Tho anuouncement thnt the cruiser Italtlmore Is to bo made as absolutely tlreproot as human Ingenuity can an ticipate must cause a feellug of pride lu tbe city for which the war ship Is named. All of tho furniture on board will be mada of thin steel, so welded that the seams will not show. Writing desks, chiffoniers, chairs nud beds will contribute to tho comfort of tbe otll cars on board, and yet will bo of ma terial not easily destroyed by lire. This Innovation, of course, will be costly, Involving about $30,000, but If It bo only nu experiment It will bo a sourco pioded In the wardroom of the Ilrook- yD -r0 the fact that the small amount of W00liW0rk there bad beeu fireproof, Cl, geerog t0 imVo been due tbe cruiser's ' eBCn.)0 from tinu,0 below. Whllo flre- vrooflns was the best treutmeut for1 . . . . , ,, , ' WOOU jormun suuuu iu u otircnsiuie, rcB(;nt naval development Is along the u-eorr that the only real snfcgtmid la tho abandonment of woodwork ulto- . gcther. Jlliulus lu Australia. Tho Hindus In Australia, bas'.ug their claim on the fact that they nro sub Jects of tho crown, nro clamoring for comuiouwculth ptrMnmcnt. A VENERABLE PASTOR CURED BY PE-RU-NA. Ic-ru-na Is n Cntnrrlml Tonic nspcclnlly Adnptcd to the De clining Powers of Old Age. Tlio Oldest Alan In America Attributes Ills Lone l.lfoand flood Health to I'c-ru-na. Mr. Isaac llrork, of Mcfnnan coun ty, Texan, ban attained tlio great ag ol 11 1 yearim. Hu in an ardent friend ol I'eruna and speaks of it in tho follow ing termn. Mr. Il-ock rays; "After a man ban lived in tlio world as long an I bavo ho oujrht to have found out a great many things by ex- frf!r(.c0. J think I bnvo done so. 'One of the things I havo found out to my entire entin faction In tlio prop er rrmody for ail menu d ie directly to the effectn of tl.o climate. For 114 I M'.LY UPON PE-HU-NA TOH ALL CATARRHAL IMSIMSnS." earn I havo withstood tho changiahle climate of the United Btalen. During my long life I hare known a great many rcmidies for coughs, colds, ca tarrh and diarrhoea. I bad always supposed Ihew) affections to b differ ent diseases. 1'or tlio lant ton or fifteen rears I havO been readimr Dr. Hurt- ' man's books, and have learned from I them ono thing in particular: That t ti not tho only reliable remedy for thews affections. It lias been my stand-by for many years and I attribute my Rood health and my extreme old ozc to this remedy. "It exactly meets all my require ments. I have come to rely upon it almost entirely for tho many little things for which I need medicine. I believe it to bo especially valuablo to old people, although I have no doubt it is just as good for tho young." Isaac Ilrock. A New .Man at 79 Major Frank O'Mahoney, West Side, Hannibal, Mo., writes: "I am professionally a newspaper correeponednt, now 70 years old. I havo watched tho growing power of the p..,.,n i.i r,nm da Inii.iai.r. (n i n I cruno plant from its incipiency in the little log cabin, through its gradations of success up to Its pretent establish ment in Columbus, Ohio, and I con clude that merit brings its full reward. "Up to a few years ago I felt no need to test its medicinal potency, but lately when my system needed it, jour I'eruna relieved mo of many catarrhal troubles. Borne two years ago I weighed 210 pounds, but fell away down to 1G8 pounds, and besides loss of flesh I was subject to ehomacb trou bles, indigestion, loss of appetite, in somnia, night sweats, and a foreboding of getting my entire syftem out of order. During some months I gave Pe runa a fair trial, and it rejuvenated mr whole system. I leel thankful, there tore, for although 70 years old I feel liko a young man." Major Frank i O'Mabonoy. 1 I Oaskct Making In Oermany. I Basket making employs half a mil lion perEons in Germany, where the wages range from eighteen shillings to 2 weekly for skilled workers. tTTQ Pennftntanr rurca So nu er nerrooisaa ll IO tncrortt Ut', c.nr. kliBt'iUrtu Nem &Ktonr. s-nj far Fit II K S-.00 in.! bxt tM trwu. I. 111.0.11 KuM.LldmiircbiUPUilU.lphl.l I A Natural Question. Wagg What aro you doing now? Verisopht Oh, I'm living by brain work. Wagg Whoso? Genuine arter's Little Liver Pills. t1uat Boar Signature of Pac-SlmJU Wrapper Btlow Terr small and as easy tttAfce as ngan FOR HEADACnSa FOR DIUIHtSSi FOR BIU0USES. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR C0HSTIPATI0I1. FOR SALLOW SXIH. FOR THECOMPLEXIOn cjausizimi MWSTMvmgMATwwi. a l iLui.'jjuuimi- CURE SICK HEADACHE. "My wife liadvlrnplea on lierfaee.but he has been taking CASCAItliTS and tbey have all disappeared. I had been troubled with constipation lor some time, but alter tak' log the flrsi Cascaret I have had no trouble with this atlment. We cannot apeak too high ly of Casoareu." KridWiuiuah. 67M Qermintowo Ave., l'hlladel; bla, Ta Pleasant, Palalabla, rotent. Tssle Oood Do ood.Neebien.Weasen.orGrioe.itt.sse.im CURE CONSTIPATION. ... """ ". . ""i"''. srt. iu HUaIUITHu junto CJ11K Tobacco lUUiL But tJoutfh tijrrup. Ttutoe in timo. voia or or j ABSOLUTE CARTER'S g PILLSs ijaaegay W- I W THADI MAflK UOI.TfttO lit MLI LLUk I nta.ua klJ oeOuod, ueo rr-i uk'slBts. Ml id In old ngo tho mucous membrane be comes thickened nnd partly lose their functions. Tills leads (o partial loss of hearing, smoll and taste, as well as digestive disturbance. I'eruna corrects all this by Itt specific operation on nil tho mucous membranes of the body. One bottle will convlnro anyone. Once used nnd I'eruna becomes a life long stand-by.witli old and young. Mr. Mamuel Pannders of Illythcdale, 'do., writes: "My diseaso-was catarrh of tho urethra and bladder. I got a bottlo of I'e-ru.na and began taking it, i i . . ti t anil in a lew uays i whs ruuuveu biiu , what I'eruna has done for me." In a later letter Mr. Saunders says: min i KmmfflMMi gard to your l e-ru-na medicine. Strong and Vigorous at the Age of 88. Iter. J. N. Tarker, Utica, N. V., writes: "In June, i9oi, I lost my sense of hearing entirely. My hearing had been somewhat impaired for several years, but not so much effected but that I could hold converse with my friends; but In June, i9oi, my sense of hearing left me so that I could hear no sound whatever. I was also troubled with severe rheumatic pains in my limbs. I commenced taking I'eruna and now my hear- 1 ,s K""" n pnur , cone- , cannot speak to0 hl8,,,y of can say it has Invigorated my whole system. I cannot but think, dear doctor, that you must feel very thankful to the all loving Father that you have been permitted to live, and by your skill be suffering humanity." Rev. J. N. Parker. Mrs. F. E. Little, Tolona, III., writes: I only too thankful to you for your kind "I can recommend Teruna as a good advice and for tho good health that I medivineforchron- ic catarrh of tbe stomach and bow- A TRAVERER AT SEVEN rV-ONB YEARS OF AQE. els. I have been lr..,l,'n.l i with it for over a year, and also a cough. Now my cough is all gone, and all distieseing sjmploms of catarrh of tbe stomach and bowels have disap peared. I will recommend it to all as a rare remedy. I am so well I am con templating a trip to Yellowstone Park this coming season. How is that for one 71 years old?" In a later letter she cays: "I am UNION MAD Doualam makem and melta nora men's uoaayaar vvmii nana Cewvd Proceam) mttoemthmn mnyotha mmnuiaciurcr in tno wmna , $25,000 REWARD will be p&lj to mnroae who can dlsprovo (Me atatmenu Ilecause V. L. Douglas lithe largest manufacturer lie can ouy cheaper aim f'roauco tut snoes ai a ower cost than other con cerns, which enables hlm to sell shoes (or $3.50 and $3.00 eoual In every war to thoaa sold else where for SI anil SJ.CO. , W. L. Douclas S3J50 anIS3shoesarewomby thousands of men who hare been paylngSt and 5,not believing they coul.t get a first-class shoe for $3.50 or $3.00. He has convinced them that the style, fit, and wear of his $3.50 and $3.00 shoes Is Just as good. Glvo them a trial and save moner. .V..tl-e Increaie ruS4lt: Ite.llOII.HHII.Sl lu llulnfl ross!r! fe.,o;B4I1140,00 A run or 83. SUO,4.10.70 In Four Vrars. W. L. DOUCLA3 S4.00 GILT CDCE LINE, I Worth SO-oo Compared with Other Makes. TA Mrt Import ar.i American leattiert. Htit$ Patint Calf. Citamtt. Box Calf, Calf. Vlcl Kid. Corona C)ltl and Nallonat Kangaroo, irionai Kangaroo, rati iwor cvwtmix. Tha aenulne haYe W. X TJOUOIJUI UdliuUll noma and ptica stamped on bo .SfcM ftv ,nt, IV. tltra. Illui. i'alalogrti w. iM uuiuUa, linocit'ro.v, it.' iss. Fattens QUICK! Cattle and Itoci for market. Shortens fattening period one-fourth. Sarca Feed. FATTEST CATTLE. ! fed rraMn Stock Food lut wlntr smj tnniM off th f&tieat cattle 1 tttr bad forthe nm length oiiime.--- iconsMer Prutslsn Stock Food well worth the cost I would not bo w Ith- out It.-G-W. ABNHV, Parker, 8. D. rnpn Ttkstbutd. rKLl! tothe dealer mmmmm boe nima appear below and tret copy of tbe KiRMXtT A STOCtHAK'a JlAKO UOOK 'Jl(l'LAM MtiaL.II CO,, TortlMud CoHSt A("iiti. 2SO KindG for 16c. ItlsfactthatBi)!er'aaceiIiar found In" moro garutiUJ ana on moifurmi man Tfikson tor thLs. We own and on era La over 60 0 acrea for tho nroduo. Hon of our choice acerfa. In order to toduceyoutoirytnentwoniato iMioiionuixuiipnNwuunieuoiier; For 1G Cents Postpaid ti ttrta !( t labWf, taasrii MualHte-MiarroUt; t S I'M 1 1 I'M ItltHM trlUaet. l9BUidl4 bt II tltrtiu)r tMiBUfal fltwr 4av in axi ztu unaf poaiureir lunuftmoK tinahelai tit (-Jmrisitnir tluwrrm atn1 Iota audlotiof ctiolco Tet.-etablea.tOfEi'taV.. it witii imr itTfAi raiaiotnie leuuiKaii about ilacuroiU Wlieat.llllllon Uol. late (Jritaau Teoalnte. Uroinus. Hnelts. e to., ail for only l-t lu Uiup and uuiea aeea at Bat ooe. a poaao JOHN A. SALZEii SEED C0. lb uro tie, nu. C4 mi ll ia33K2.-,yy;Au ..Scarcely a Day.. raises but we are called upon to perform tome dlttlcult dental operation that U the ill ret t remit of neglecting the teeth. We cannot urge too ttronglylhe benefit and economy ot contultlng adentUtat the very (Irittlgn of tooth trouble. At the ttart theie troublei are corrected quickly and at traall coat. Our method! are pafnlent and our work guaranteed Hutn 'phones i Oregon South Sttl; Columbia SG9. Opeu eyeulugt till V Diiudayt from 0 to u. I)r W A Wise WISE BROS., Dentists. I'OUTLANO. OJtKQON, i i could sleep and rest all night. I think that rc-ru-na Is a valuablo remedy. I had tried othor very highly recom mended medicines, but they did mo no good. My physician told mo that I ould not expect t'o be cured of my trou da, as I was getting to bo an old man 67 years.) I feel very thankful for "I am still of tho same mind with re- lujuuc, iyui. my rncumauc pains are i.erunai nnd now vhen 88 years old, such a blessing as vou have been to am enjoying wholly from the use of your Peruna. Have been out to tho Yellowstone National Park and manr other places of tho West, and shall always thank you for your generosity." Jirs. t. n. Little. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results Irom tbouso of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving n full statement of your cace, and he will bo pleased to givo you his valuablo advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. JOHN POOLE, PORTLAND, ORE. Foot ot Morrison Street. Can jrlre you the best bargains In Boilers na Enetnei, Windmills, runu and Gene ral Maciilnerr. Wood Hawing Machines a specially. Eee us before burins. II all goods were as pure as t ..MONOPOLE.. There would be no need of anf pi re food laws. Get them from your dee er. WADHAMS A KERR BROS., Por I .'. WADHAMS A KERR BROS., Por I .'. maai lamm Tho SEED MAN rrobablr tou hare heard of me. Now let me prove to you that raj Seeds are the best. Write today for Mann's Beed catalog for 190J f ree on requeit. I am l'orlland agent for Burpee, of Philadel phia. "Burpee's Seeds Grow." 1 will send to Farmers, free on request, Bur pee's Kara, Annual for I'JOS, to others on recelptof 10c. Wrlle today. Do not delay. C.S. Mann th seedman IBB Front St., Portland, Oro. DELICIOUS AND TEMPTING Ai rood candr to a ehlld. Queen Deo Cough Drops Are made ol pure hon ey and menthol. Ther are pleajftnt and ef fective as a remedjr for cougl-i and colds. Try a package. Sold by all druggists and confectioners. Two packages by mail on receiotol stamps. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. Portland, Ore RSr?V DiTf Wlaa I .t jfi&X fH Brf aM planted ty fanner sm MM fiitJ nd eardener wbo baa xtfe, mV toppxtexirlDientlng. It TtwA Ifi. Lr4 to pay a luu more ls& iOV forrarrr and reapaffrral rSLn SSu AarV aealmortit tbeharrMt. Au Wan Wit fifAf dealei. lttOS feed Anauat vEa 7m poatpald free to alt appllca&Uk vVt RGf D. M. FERRY A OO.t W ftM! Detroit, Mloh fr, X, V, No. H-10O3. 1 1T.'in:N writ In a- to RdTortltert pleat I 1 V mention tUU paper I